learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
sens et valeurs énonciatives
adjectif (-s) épithète (-s) apposé (-s) / antéposé (-s)
Thinner and frailer, the Comeback Kid puts heart into Kerry's campaign
Bill Clinton, the perennial Comeback Kid of American politics, returned from his sick bed to centre stage yesterday, proving that his ailing, quadruply-bypassed heart is still in the fight. But it was a much thinner, frailer man who took the stage alongside John Kerry in Philadelphia's Love Park than the vigorous leader who dominated the last American decade. He had come back from the brink of political death many times, but this has been an narrow escape of the real thing.
Headline and §1,
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé
séquences auxilaires / verbales :