learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
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‘Scars on every street’: the refugee camp where generations of Palestinians have lost their futures
traduction : ... leur futur
As Homes Are Lost, Fears That Votes Will Be, Too
September 25, 2008 The New York Times By IAN URBINA
More than a million people have lost their homes [ pluriel distributif en -s ]
through foreclosure in the last two years, and many of them are still registered to vote at the address of the home they lost. Now election officials and voting rights groups are struggling to prevent thousands of them from losing their vote [ pluriel non distributif ]
when they go to the polls in November.
Many of these voters will be disqualified at the polls because, in the tumult of their foreclosure, they neglected to tell their election board
of their new address. Some could be forced to vote with a provisional ballot or challenged by partisan poll watchers, a particular concern among Democrats who fear that poor voters will be singled out. That could add confusion and stretch out lines that are already expected to be long because of unprecedented turnout. Federal election officials say they are concerned that voters are not being properly informed of how to update their addresses. [ pluriel distributif en -es ]
“Our biggest concern is that many of these voters will stay home or that poll workers will give misinformation,” said Rosemary E. Rodriguez, the chairwoman of the federal Election Assistance Commission, which oversees voting. Todd Haupt, a home builder, lost his home in Josephville, Mo., to foreclosure last year, and said he had since become much more interested in politics. But asked whether he had remembered to update his voter registration information when he moved into his parents’ home in St. Charles, Mo., Mr. Haupt, 33, paused silently. “Is that required?” he said. “I had no idea.” As Homes Are Lost, Fears That Votes Will Be, Too,
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