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nom indénombrable

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4 pieces of advice

for caregivers, from caregivers


Updated April 6, 2023    NPR













9/11 landing gear found by surveyors

near Ground Zero


A piece of equipment from one of the planes

destroyed in 9/11 found near World Trade Centre,

according to NYPD


Friday 26 April 2013

23.27 BST


Associated Press in New York

9/11 landing gear found by surveyors near Ground Zero,






'One piece of evidence

could help catch killer',

says dad of murdered Clapham teen


Wednesday 17th February 2010
Wandsworth Guardian
By Paul Cahalan


Three years after his 15-year-old son was gunned down at his front door, a grieving father again appealed to the Clapham community to name his murderer, as he described the daily torment of knowing his son’s killer walks free.

Billy Cox, who died on Valentine's Day 2007, was held by his 13-year-old sister Elizabeth as he bled to death from a gunshot wound to the chest, in what police believe was a drug-related incident.

Despite detectives being “confident” they know the killer, and “several” people naming the same man, evidence - even with the promise of a £20,000 reward - has not been strong enough for a conviction.

'One piece of evidence could help catch killer',
says dad of murdered Clapham teen,






World's oldest bling:

two tiny 100,000-year-old shells


Friday June 23, 2006
The Guardian
Alok Jha

They may not compare

with today's diamond-encrusted bling,

but in their own way, they are of far greater value.

Two tiny shells have been confirmed

as the world's oldest known items of jewellery,

probably used on a necklace

about 100,000 years ago.

It's more than just a pretty trinket:

the shells have forced scientists

to rethink their ideas on when human culture

and language first developed.

World's oldest bling: two tiny 100,000-year-old shells,
G, 23.6.2006,






Officials investigating America's

first documented case of BSE said yesterday

that they had quarantined a second herd of cattle

as they sought to contain the health scare.

Second herd quarantined in America's BSE scare
as feed mills accused of defying rules,
world/americas/story.jsp?story=476262 - broken link










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes nominales


formes nominales > pronoms




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