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grammaire anglaise > pronoms > that / those


syntaxe, valeurs énonciatives


présupposition, validation,

institution, garantie,

déjà défini, dé-terminé,

classé / catégorisé,

connu, admis, atteint, certifié,

historique, historicisé,

incontestable, indiscutable

appréciatif, laudatif, homage,






dans les énoncés qui suivent,


ne peut être remplacé par








Remembering Some Of

Those We've Already Lost To The Pandemic



[ We've Already Lost To The Pandemic

détermine Those  ]



[ Remembering Some Of

Those We've Already Lost To The Pandemic

est une séquence -ing autonome ]


March 28, 2020    NPR






















Hundreds of mock tombstones on a lawn in North Miami, Fla.,

honor those who have died from the coronavirus.



Scott McIntyre for The New York Times


A ‘Terrifying’ Coronavirus Surge Will Land in Biden’s Lap

Total coronavirus cases in the U.S. surpassed 10 million on Sunday.

Experts say the virus is spreading out of control

and could grow worse before President-elect Biden takes office.


Nov. 8, 2020
































































































































énoncés > those + séquence déterminante en -ing


As Fires Worsen,

A Mental Health Crisis For Those Battling Them


February 26, 2021    NPR























‘Brace Yourself’: Doctors in Italy Share Coronavirus Advice

Video        NYT News        The New York Times        23 March 2020


Officials in the U.S. and elsewhere

fear they’ll face a coronavirus scenario

similar to Italy’s soon.


Three doctors and a nurse in Lombardy,

the region hit hardest by the virus,

described what they faced

and offered advice to those awaiting the storm.
































énoncés > those + séquence in + N déterminante

















The Guardian        p. 32        21.2.2007













énoncés > those + séquence that + modal / that + V déterminante



The Guardian        Education        p. 13        28 March 2006
















The Guardian        p. 12        16 November 2004
















The Guardian        16 June 2004
















The Economist

North America Edition

June 4th 2005

















The Guardian        Money        p. 6        11 March 2006
















The Guardian        10 June 2004





























énoncés > that + séquence déterminante : that + modal + BV





Today, your second vote could make all the difference.

Please don't waste it on a candidate that can't win.


The Guardian        10 June 2004
















The lie that [ pronomrelatif ] killed my son


Lila Lipscomb believed in Bush's case for war in Iraq.

But when her son died in action,

her faith in the American way was shattered.

Emma Brockes meets the Michigan mother

at the heart of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11

Headline and sub,
8 July 2004,















autres énoncés



The Guardian        p. 30        22 June 2007
















Rex Morgan       
Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan

Created in 1948 by Nicholas P. Dallis        1 January 2005


















The Guardian        7 October 2005

















The Guardian        20 September 2004










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes nominales > pronoms


pronoms > this / these > focalisation, fiction du jamais-dit


déterminants > this / that - these / those




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