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grammaire anglaise > pronoms


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Great Movies Ø We Saw

At The 2021 Sundance Film Festival


Ø = that


February 4, 2021    NPR












And you would go forward, west until west

became east, until nameless channels

became safe passage, until a private man,

a man who shunned fame,

a man who'd blow a fly off his hand

rather than kill it, became a hero.

The man Ø I love.

Ø = that

I have always known it was there in you,

Lady Franklin's Man by Sheenagh Pugh,
G, 5.2.2004,






The day Ø the music dies


Ø = when, that


Artists who demand freedom from record labels

go on to produce rubbish

Headline and sub, G, 4.2.2004,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - Niveau avancé


formes nominales > pronoms






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