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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


séquences nominales


syntaxe et sens


syntaxe >

permutation possible / impossible



N1 + of + N2


The power of one




N2 + 's + N1 impossible


???The one's power





The Guardian        Weekend        22 July 2006















Ngénitif : N1 + 's + N2


Britain's Chanel




N2 + of + N1 impossible


Chanel of Britain

















Ngénitif : N1 + 's + N2


a family's loss




N2 + of + N1 impossible


a loss of family


















permutation impossible > autres énoncés



The Guardian        Technology        p. 3        12 April 2007














The Guardian        Film & Music































Names of the Dead


April 9, 2007
The New York Times


The Department of Defense has identified

3,258 American service members

who have died since the start of the Iraq war.

It confirmed the deaths of the following Americans over the weekend:

CAJIMAT, Jay S., 20, Pfc., Army; Lahaina, Hawaii; First Infantry Division.

CAUTHORN, Forrest D., 22, Sgt., Army; Midlothian, Va.; 25th Infantry Division.

FUENTES, Daniel A., 19, Pfc., Army; Levittown, N.Y.; First Infantry Division.

SCHWEDLER, Joseph C., 27, Petty Officer Second Class, Navy; Crystal Falls, Mich.;

East Coast Navy Seal Team.

SHAFFER, Jason A., 28, Specialist, Army; Derry, Pa.; First Cavalry Division.

Names of the Dead, NYT, 9.4.2007, http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/09/us/09list.html

















The Guardian        p. 38        6.3.2007















The Guardian        p. 32        21.2.2007






























The Guardian        G2        p. 12        9.3.2007











































The Guardian        Society        p.1        21.2.2007
















The Guardian        p. 6        17.2.2007














the parallel universe of BAE > BAE's parallel universe

the rule of law > * law's rule
















voters' hunger > the hunger of voters


republican dream of eternal power > ?!!! eternal power's republican dream
















The Guardian        p. 32        19.3.2007

















The Guardian        p. 31        13.2.2007


















































































































































The Guardian        Media        p. 8        24.7.2006






























The Guardian        G2        p. 10        26 July 2006


































































































syntaxe > permutation possible

Visions of Africa -> Africa's visions

sémantisme > sens modifié > Visions of Africa  ≠  Africa's visions
































Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes nominales


formes nominales > pronoms




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