Les anglonautes

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grammaire anglaise > déterminants + N


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(certains, des, de, du)


Some health workers say

they're not refusing the vaccine,

they just need some time


February 5, 2021    NPR













She showed me her canary birds,

she made some coffee.

In the hot seat,
p. II.






There are always some designers

whose shows are more hotly anticipated than others.

Subversive, risqué but never scary, T, 16.9.2002, p. 13.






Just before we meet in a London hotel,

I spy John Hurt through the window talking

with some friends.

Son of a preacher man, GE2, p. 8, 18.9.2002.






Some British wildflowers are now so rare

that they restricted only to nature reserves.

Charting floral gainers and losers,
newspaper ?,
p. 5, 18.9.2002.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


déterminants + N


pronoms quantificateurs




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