Les anglonautes

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grammaire anglaise > déterminants + N




quantificateurscomparateurs + N


more less






N  ou  Groupe Adverbial  ou  Ø





N  ou  Groupe Adverbial  ou  Ø



More Ice And Less Snow

Gets A Chilly Reception In Anchorage, Alaska


December 28, 2019    NPR




















The Guardian        p.18        25 September 2004

















Bob Englehart


18 January 2005
































The Guardian        p. 24         11 October 2004
















The Guardian        p.26        27 September 2004
















We can now offer you

more performance, more service and more options

in more than 220 countries.

DHL ad, We move the world, 5.2003.    




Zimbabwean police officers detained

more than 140 white farmers

at the week-end

for defying a government deadline

to vacate their land and homes.

Millions hear wear weary Pope warn against ‘playing God’,
p. 9, 19.8.2002.















less + adverbe



In a move likely to alter treatment standards

in hospitals and doctors’ offices nationwide,

a group of nine medical specialty boards

plans to recommend on Wednesday

that doctors perform 45 common tests

and procedures less often,

and to urge patients to question these services

if they are offered.

Eight other specialty boards are preparing

to follow suit with additional lists of procedures

their members should perform far less often.

Doctor Panels Recommend Fewer Tests for Patients,
















less / less


I earn less / less than my colleagues



The Guardian        p. 10        7 February 2006



I earn less than my colleagues


On peut analyser cet énoncé

de deux manières :


1 - less

est un déterminant

qui porte sur un nom sous-entendu



2 - less

est une forme nominale.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


déterminants + N


pronoms quantificateurs




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