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The Iranian government yesterday

admitted for the first time that

half a dozen of the al-Qaida terrorists behind the September 11

attacks on New York and Washington  had passed through Iran.

Iran rejects US claim of al-Qaida link,






Half of all smokers will die

because of their habit

Headline, I, 23.6.2004,






Half the people who moan about press intrusion

create their own scandal by behaving like idiots’.

From Basildon to Broadway, ES, p. 30, 14-3-2002.






Popular activism:

demonstrators in the Place de la Bastille

during  protests against Jean-Marie Le Pen

in Paris yesterday.

Police estimated that half a million people took part.

Anti-fascist slogans unite the crowds in Paris, picture caption,
DT, p. 17, 2-5-2002.








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