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few + N


90% of whites have few [ peu ]

or no [ aucun ]

black friends




Despite law,

few women [ peu de ]

are candidates in France.

Headline, IHT, p. 2, 8/9-6-2002.






The Taliban leader’s former compound

in the north of Kandahar

has offered US investigators

few [ peu de ] clues.

Taliban leaders held ‘were in Pakistan’,
GW,  p. 4, 14/20.2.2002.






Still Few Women [ peu de ] in Management,

Report Says


September 27, 2010

The New York Times



Women made little progress in climbing

into management positions in this country

even in the boom years before the financial crisis,

according to a report to be released on Tuesday

by the Government Accountability Office.

As of 2007, the latest year

for which comprehensive data on managers was available,

women accounted for about 40 percent

of managers in the United States work force.

In 2000, women held 39 percent of management positions.

Outside of management,

women held 49 percent of the jobs in both years.

Across the work force,

the gap between what men and women earn has shrunk

over the last few [ dernières ] decades.

Full-time women workers closed the gap to 80.2 cents

for every dollar earned by men in 2009,

up from just 62.3 cents in 1979.

Much of this persistent wage gap,

however, can be explained

by what kinds of jobs the sexes are drawn to,

whether by choice or opportunity.

( ... )

Still Few Women in Management, Report Says,






90% of whites have few [ peu ]

or no [aucun ] black friends


More than nine out of 10 white Britons

have no or hardly any ethnic minority friends,

according to a poll that reveals

the continuing gulf between races and religions

more than 40 years

after the UK became a multicultural society.
















a few


In Rural India,

Less COVID-19 Testing, More Fear

— And A Few Ventilators For Millions


May 22, 2021    NPR











We wanted a few moments


 [ traduction explicative : quelques rares ]


to share our feelings with the community

about this tragedy,

but our work continues.

Town in mourning for lost girls,
GE, p. 1, 19-8-2002.






Never mind the presidential debates on TV

- the avalanche of advertising

aimed at just a few [ quelques rares ] key voters

will count for more on election day,

argues Philip James

Telling it straight and narrow,
G, 13.10.2004,






Ian Duncan Smith :

"There are a few people [ quelques rares ]

who have decided

that they wanted things changed or different

but that's not going to happen"

Photo caption,
Duncan Smith defies the Tory dissenters, p. 8, 4.11.2002.






We wanted a few [ quelques rares ] moments

to share our feelings with the community

about this tragedy, but our work continues.

Town in mourning for lost girls,
GE, p. 1, 19-8-2002.















the last few


Across the work force,

the gap between what men and women earn


has shrunk

[ present perfectbilan ]


over the last few

[ dernières ]
















fewer + Npluriel



As a new year starts,

schools prepare for fewer masks,

[ moins de + Npluriel ]

more learning and joy


August 18, 2022    NPR



















With Fewer [ moins de + Npluriel ] Stars

at Yankee Stadium,

Fewer Fans Are Watching















































With Fewer [ moins de + Npluriel ] Stars

at Yankee Stadium,

Fewer Fans Are Watching


July 1, 2013

The New York Times



At dusk on the first day of summer at Yankee Stadium,

there was a gentle breeze blowing to left field

as a rim of fading sunlight marched across the bleachers

in right.

It was, in every respect, a sweet Friday night for baseball,

with the Yankees taking on a formidable division rival,

the Tampa Bay Rays.

The only thing wrong with the picture

was the number of empty seats that remained visible

in the stands as the game progressed

— and the missing names from the Yankees’ lineup.

The attendance for the game was announced

as being slightly more than 41,000,

or about 9,000 short of capacity.

That was a solid number for a regular-season game

but not as robust as it might have been in other seasons

in the Bronx, where the Yankees usually reign

as the most distinguished name in American sports.

With Fewer Stars at Yankee Stadium, Fewer Fans Are Watching,






A Bad Call on Ozone


September 2, 2011

The New York Times


President Obama’s decision not to proceed

with stronger air-quality standards governing ozone

is a setback for public health and the environment

and a victory for industry and its Republican friends

in Congress.


The president sought to assuage Ms. Jackson

by reminding her that a host of other environmental rules

approved or in the works — including mandating cleaner cars

and fewer [ moins de ] power plant emissions of mercury

and other pollutants — would do much to clean the air. All true.

But there is still no excuse for compromising on public health

and allowing politics to trump science.

A Bad Call on Ozone, NYT, 2.9.2011,






States Prosecute

Fewer [ moins de + Npluriel ] Teenagers

in Adult Courts


March 5, 2011

The New York Times



A generation after record levels of youth crime

spurred a nationwide movement

to prosecute more teenagers as adults,

a consensus is emerging that many young delinquents

have been mishandled by the adult court system.

Last year, Connecticut stopped

treating all 16-year-old defendants as adults,

and next year will do the same for 17-year-olds.

Illinois recently transferred certain low-level offenders

younger than 18 into its juvenile system.

And in January,

lawmakers in Massachusetts introduced a bill

to raise the age of adulthood in matters of crime,

and their counterparts in Wisconsin and North Carolina

intend to do the same.

By year’s end, New York might be the only state

where adulthood, in criminal matters,

begins on the 16th birthday.

The changes followed studies that concluded

that older adolescents differed significantly from adults

in their capacity to make sound decisions,

and benefited more from systems focused on treatment

rather than on incarceration.

States Prosecute Fewer Teenagers in Adult Courts, NYT, 5.3.2011,






If significantly fewer [ moins de ] cases of the disease

show up in the malaria vaccine group,

the researchers will know the vaccine is working.

UK team develops malaria vaccine,
GE, p. 7, 19-8-2002.






Lady Gaga tops 10m Facebook fans


Singer has more Facebook fans than Barack Obama

but fewer [ fewer est ici pronom ] than Michael Jackson

Lady Gaga tops 10m Facebook fans,

















fewer... than...















as few as...


as few [ pas plus de ] as two shots

have been fired





as few as  [ pas plus de ]

two shots have been fired

BBC radio 4, Today, 21 August 2002.


Traduction explicative :

pas plus de deux coups de feu….















less + N


Pay less [ moins de ] tax.




Make your money work harder.

Pay less tax.

Halifax ad, ES, p. 19, 14 March 2002.








On Maui,

another fire is burning

but capturing less attention

than Lahaina


August 18, 2023    NPR

















































































































































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