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He has no pony... only a wooden hobby-horse!

Rex Morgan        Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        16.10.2004
















"Tad's a good rider. Isn't he a beauty?" breathed Chunky, as they watched the progress of boy and horse down the street.

"Who, Tad?" asked Walter, absorbed in the contemplation of his new possession.

"Tad! Pooh! No; the pony, of course. I don't see anything very fetching about Tad, do you? But I should be willing to be as freckled as he is if I could stick on a pony's back the way he does."

"Yes, he does know how to ride," agreed Walter. "And, by the way, father is going to get a horse for Professor Zepplin, my tutor; then we are going off on long rides every day, after my lessons are done. The doctor says it will be good for me. Fine to have a doctor like that, isn't it?"

"Great! Wish I could go along."

"Why don't you?" asked Walter, turning quickly to his companion. "That would be just the idea. What great times we three could have, riding off into the open country! And we could go on exploring expeditions, too, and make believe we were cowboys and--and all that sort of thing."

Chunky shook his head dubiously. "I haven't a pony. But I wish I had. I should like to go so much," replied the boy wistfully.







And so a new adventure begins (and ends) for the Averie Joy Monologues:

I can't keep away from this damn thing. It's like an addictive substance (not that I know any addictive substances) that whispers in my ear, "Come write on me, come write on me..." You know things are getting pretty bad when you can hear whispers in your ear. Speaking of whispers, I'm immensly jealous of Mary, who, even in a mass of grammatcial errors, can still sound witty. Her blog is so darn cute, with its, "I need to take a shower, I reek of sentiment," Why can't I think of that? Where is my dry wit and charm? Why can't I have a pony? Okay, so there aren't any ponies, but still, why can't I have one? I think that I, of all people deserve a pony.

    §1, 12.10.2002,






Hey, Mom, Can I Have a Pony?

by: Rebecca Sweat


Parents need to lay the proper groundwork

before buying a pony,

such as this shetland pony, for their kids.

How often do you suppose parents hear the following plea:

“Mom, can I please have a pony?

I promise to take care of him!”

http://petplace.netscape.com/articles/artShow.asp?artID=1335 , added 30.10.2004.






The Kitchen holds the same shape as the U. S. Pretty Parlor.

There were two versions of the kitchen released.

Bottom left, is often called the Pasteleria

(or more commonly a Spanish version)

included a yellow tabby kitten.

Each came with shelves, pots, pans, a stove, baking dishes,

cookie cutters, utensils and more.

It varies from the kitchen version by the tile floor and starry curtains.

It was not only released as the Pasteleria (Spanish),

but also in other places as well. It is the 2nd. edition Kitchen.

Bottom right, is the regular version (1st edition)

of the Kitchen with all accessories shown.

The other version of the kitchen is the Spanish Pasteleria.

It is an except replica of the first,

except for sticker coverings and floor color.

No ponies were included with either set.

added 30.10.2004.








No Ponies In The House!

by Jeanne Betancourt, Richard Jones (Illustrator).


    http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0439426278/ref=sib_rdr_fc/103-7204714-1715837?%5Fencoding=UTF8&p=S001#reader-page , added 30.10.2004.






Today, there are no wild Exmoor ponies.

Back in 1921, the owners of herds who were concerned

that they should ensure the purebred Exmoor continued

and was not lost through crossing gathered together

and formed the Exmoor Pony Society

to "promote and encourage

the breeding of pure-bred Exmoor ponies".

    The Exmoor Pony, Breed organizations,
    http://www.imh.org/imh/bw/exmoor.html, added 30.10.2004.






Mrs. Manson - Very good, Quinn. Now Dara,

let's see if you can make up a story as vivid as your sister's.

Daria - It's Daria.

Mrs. Manson - I'm sorry, Daria,

what do you see in the picture, Dara?

Daria - Um, a herd of beautiful wild ponies running free

across the plains.

Mrs. Manson - Ah, there aren't any ponies. It's two people.

Daria - Last time I took one of these tests

they told me they were clouds.

They said they could be whatever I wanted.

Mrs. Manson - That's a different test dear. In this test,

they're people.

And you tell me what they're discussing.

Daria - Oh. I see. All right then. It's a guy and a girl.

And they're discussing,

a herd of beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains.

    Season 1: #101 Esteemers,
    http://www.angelfire.com/wa/adf/101.html , added 30.10.2004.






Any pony that is registered with the American Shetland Pony Club,

the American Hackney Horse Society,

or any pony that is the result of the mating of a registered Shetland

with a registered Hackney pony is eligible to be recorded

in the stud book of the American Show Pony

as long as it is under 48".

This breed, like the Modern,

is an elegant and stylish show pony.

Though it can be slightly larger its rules and shows

are similiar to the Modern Shetland.

    The American Show Pony Registry,
    http://www.shetlandminiature.com/aspr.shtml, added 30.10.2004.

















There's no way out!


Fred Fredericks        Created by Lee Falk        6.12.2004


















That's no excuse...

Rex Morgan

Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        22.10.2004














Jeff Parker

Florida Today





L: U.S. president George W. Bush (2001-2009)















NEW YORK (Reuters) -

Sharpshooters, warplanes and thousands of police

helped usher in 2004 in an unprecedented operation

to thwart any terror attack on celebrations

from New York to Las Vegas.

    U.S. Ushers in 2004 with Tight Security, R, 1.1.2004,






Kids of any age will be legally allowed into pubs

whithout adults under controversial Government plans.

    Kids in pubs law, S, p. 2, 28.2.2003.






Around the world,

people dream of snakes

more than any other animal.

Despite the Venom, Vipers Can Be Nice,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 6, 15/16.12.2002.






Unattended Luggage

Please be vigilant and take care of your possessions

at all times.

Please report any unattended luggage

or other items to the British Transport Police.

    King's Cross station, London tube, 17.11.2002.






Any adult who pays for sex from a child under the age of 18

will face prosecution and a severe penalty

- up to life imprisonment -

under a tightening of the prostitution laws

to be announced today.

    Life sentence part of new child prostitution laws, GE, p. 1, 19.11.2002.






If you could give any public figure a Christmas present,

what would it be?

    What's your view? / debate@thetimes.co.uk, T, p. 41, 29.11.2002.






Israel is better equipped to handle any Iraqi counter-attack

than it was in the Gulf War (…)

Israeli missile defences beefed up, GE, p. 4, 16.9.2002.










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