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NoW frontpage

5 September 2004











U.S. continues to conduct air strikes in Libya


WASHINGTON | Wed Apr 13, 2011
6:53pm EDT
By Phil Stewart and Missy Ryan


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

U.S. fighter jets are still attacking Libyan leader Muammar

Gaddafi's air defenses even after NATO took over

full command of Libya operations earlier this month,

the Pentagon said on Wednesday.


[ . . . ]

Eleven U.S. aircraft have flown 97 sorties in Libya since April 4

and fired on air defense targets three times, the Pentagon said.

The aircraft involved are six F-16 fighter jets

and five EA-18 Growler electronic warfare planes.

All the aircraft had been placed under NATO command.


[ . . . ]

U.S. aircraft remain on alert and may participate

in those campaigns as well

if there is a specific request from NATO.

American officials have stressed that after its initial leadership

of the air campaign in Libya, the United States has moved

to a support role focused on aerial surveillance,

jamming of Libyan communications, and refueling.

Colonel Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman,

said the United States remained in a support role.

"Having a few aircraft providing this strike capability

on a (limited) basis doesn't change that," Lapan said.

The comments came as a group of Western powers

and Middle Eastern states meeting on Libya's future

called for the first time for Gaddafi to step aside.

Divisions have emerged over how to achieve

that political goal in Libya.


(Editing by John O'Callaghan and Peter Cooney)

    U.S. continues to conduct air strikes in Libya, R, 13.4.2011,






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