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grammaire anglaise > déterminants + N


a + N


an + N


one + N


sens et valeurs énonciatives




The Guardian        ad        p. 42        14 September 2006















 a + N


différents sens


statistiques > fréquence > chaque / par


A Spy Agency's Challenge:

How To Sort

A Million Photos

A Day


March 12, 2020    NPR



















 half a + Nquantité


















 a + N    ≠    just one + N




21/7 bombers made just one mistake,

police chief warns



In the starkest language that he has used since 52 people and four suicide bombers died in the 7/7 atrocities, Sir Ian spelt out the nature of the terrorist threat facing London.

"This is a campaign we are facing - not a one-off event," he said. "The second attack on July 21 should not be taken as some indication of weakening of the capability or the resolve of those responsible.

"This is not the B team. These are not amateurs. They made a mistake. They made one mistake. We are very, very lucky. The carnage that would have occurred had those bombs gone off would have at least been the equivalent to those on July 7."

Headline and §§, Times, p. 6, 29.7.2005.















a + N


an + N


autres énoncés










'Gimme a W, gimme an A, gimme an L ...

it's the best firm in the world'


Retail rocks at annual Wal-Mart rally

It was 6.30am and already the packed 20,000-seat Bud Walton Arena was rocking. The annual shareholders' meeting of Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, is unlike any other.

It is part rock concert, part massive pep rally for the thousands of workers invited from around the world and part revivalist meeting, reaffirming faith in the company and in God - a gospel singer provided some of the entertainment. This is Arkansas after all,
the birthplace of Wal-Mart and heartland of conservative America.

'Gimme a W, gimme an A, gimme an L ...
it's the best firm in the world',






An eleven-strong committee of MPs

- with only one knighthood,

a CBE and an Hon between them -

yesterday recommended

that a whole raft of British gongs should be consigned

to the dustbin of post-imperial history,

taking Damehoods and K's with them.

How the Empire gong could be dumped in the dustbin of history:
MPs propose turning OBE into a matter of excellence,










one + N


For one Texas doctor,

abortion bans are personal and professional


August 21, 2023    NPR





















Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


déterminants + N




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