learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
over + N
sémantisme / sens
ne pas confondre
+ N
(exemple : it's
over + N
> différents sens
over + Nthème
over introduit le thème d'un débat
over + N
> différents sens
over + Ndominé
over introduit
une personne dominée
over + N
> différents sens
pendant N, durant N,
au cours de
/ du N,
10 ans)

'12 Years A Slave'
Was A Film That 'No One Was Making'
October 24, 2013
1:33 PM
Solomon Northup (...)
had been a free black man in upstate New York.
A husband and father, he was a literate, working man,
who also made money as a fiddler.
But in 1841, after being lured to Washington, D.C.,
with the promise of several days' work fiddling
with the
circus, he was kidnapped into slavery.
Over the next 12 years before finally
winning his freedom,
he became the property of a series
of different plantation
— one who was especially cruel and brutal.
'12 Years A
Slave' Was A Film That 'No One Was Making',
October 24, 2013 1:33 PM,
Proposes $320 Billion
Medicare and Medicaid Cuts
Over 10 Years
19, 2011
The New York Times
President Obama’s budget director
said Monday
that the
president’s new deficit-reduction plan
would impose “a lot of pain,” and that
is clearly true
of White House proposals to cut $320 billion
projected spending on Medicare and Medicaid
in the coming decade.
Obama Proposes $320 Billion in Medicare and Medicaid Cuts
Over 10 Years,
over + N
> différents sens > cause
over + Ncause
Discharged over
sexual orientation,
still owes thousands of vets
July 2, 2023 NPR

The Guardian p. 1
3 March 2007
Centuries-Old Flea Market In France
Canceled This Year
Over Terrorism
August 5, 2016
3:09 PM ET
Centuries-Old Flea Market In France
Canceled This Year Over Terrorism Fears,
August 5, 2016,
Company Accused of Firing
Over Facebook Post
November 8, 2010
The New York Times
In what labor officials and lawyers view
as a ground-breaking case involving
and social media,
the National Labor Relations Board has accused a company
of illegally firing
an employee
after she criticized her supervisor on her Facebook page.
This is the first case in which the labor board
has stepped in to argue that workers’
criticisms of their bosses
or companies on a social networking
are generally a protected activity
and that employers would be violating the law
by punishing workers for such
( ... )
Company Accused of Firing Over Facebook Post,
Signals Revenge
Over Killing of Scientist
January 12,
The New York Times
expressed deepening fury at Israel and the United States on Thursday over the
drive-by bombing that killed a nuclear scientist in Tehran the day before, and
signaled that its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps might carry out revenge
News of the scientist’s killing dominated Iran’s state-run news media, which
were filled with vitriolic denunciations both of Israel, seen in Iran as the
main suspect in his death, and the United States, where top officials have gone
out of their way to issue strongly worded denials of responsibility.
Israeli officials, who regard Iran as their country’s main enemy, have not
categorically denied any Israeli role in the killing, which came against a
backdrop of growing pressure on Iran over its disputed nuclear program. Western
nations suspect that Iran is working toward building a nuclear weapon, despite
Iran’s repeated assertions that its program is peaceful.
Iran’s official government reaction to the scientist’s killing on Wednesday was
more restrained, saying that Iran would not be dissuaded from its right to
peaceful nuclear energy and demanding that the United Nations Security Council
investigate and condemn the attack. The Iranian ambassador to the United
Nations, Mohammad Khazaee, said in a letter to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
that the killing was part of a campaign of terrorist acts against Iran committed
by “certain foreign quarters,” an oblique reference to Israel and the United
A much stronger call for retribution came Thursday from one Iranian newspaper in
particular, Kayhan, a mouthpiece for the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, and for the Revolutionary Guards.
“We should retaliate against Israel for martyring of our young scientist,”
Kayhan’s general director, Hossein Shariatmadari, who was appointed by the
ayatollah, said in an editorial. Referring to the Israelis, he wrote, “These
corrupted people are easily identifiable and readily within our reach.”
The Kayhan editorial, as translated by Agence France-Presse and other Western
news services, also said, “The Islamic republic has gathered much experience in
32 years, thus assassinations of Israeli officials and military members are
Another hard-line newspaper, Resalat, said, “The only way to finish with the
enemy’s futile actions is retaliation for the assassination of Iran’s
Ayatollah Khamenei added his voice to the condemnations from Iran, posting a
condolence message on his Web site that accused the American and Israeli
intelligence services of orchestrating the “cowardly murder” of the scientist,
who is to be buried on Friday. “Punish the perpetrators of these crimes,” he
The scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, 32, was deputy director of the Natanz
uranium enrichment plant. He was killed on his way to work in rush-hour traffic
in Tehran on Wednesday morning. Iranian news accounts said that a motorcyclist
slapped a magnetized bomb on his car, killing Mr. Roshan and mortally wounding
his driver and bodyguard, identified as Reza Qashaqei.
Mr. Roshan was at least the fifth Iranian scientist with nuclear connections to
be killed since 2007.
Kayhan’s account of Mr. Roshan’s death quoted his mother, Sediqeh Salari, as
saying: “They assassinated my son to remind us how much they hate our guts, to
show their hostility. These are Iran’s sworn enemies.”
The scientists’ deaths are part of what current and former American officials
and specialists on Iran have called an accelerating covert campaign of
assassinations, bombings, defections and digital attacks, which they believe has
been carried out mainly by Israel in an effort to subvert Iran’s nuclear
Artin Afkhami
contributed reporting.
This article
has been revised
to reflect the following correction:
Correction: January 13, 2012
An article on Thursday about covert actions to set back Iran’s nuclear program
misstated, in some editions, the title of an Iranian nuclear scientist who was
killed in a car bombing on Wednesday in Tehran. The scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi
Roshan, was deputy director — not director — of commercial affairs at the Natanz
uranium enrichment site.
Iran Signals Revenge Over Killing of Scientist, NYT, 12.1.2012,
over + N
> différents sens
over + Nseuil
seuil / limite dépassé-e,
"plus de N"

The Guardian
p. 22 14 February 2007

The Guardian
p. 10 3 March 2007
New York Is Removing Over 400
From 2 Homeless Shelters
FEB. 21, 2014
The New York Times
In the face of New York’s mounting homeless crisis, Mayor Bill
de Blasio will announce on Friday that his administration is removing hundreds
of children from two city-owned homeless shelters that inspectors have
repeatedly cited for deplorable conditions over the last decade, officials said.
The city has begun transferring over 400 children and their families out of the
Auburn Family Residence in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, and from the Catherine Street
shelter in Lower Manhattan, while vowing to improve services for the swelling
population of 22,000 homeless children, Mr. de Blasio and other officials said
in interviews this week.
The administration is trying to find either subsidized permanent housing or
suitable temporary shelter for the families and will be converting the Auburn
and Catherine Street facilities into adult family shelters, the officials said.
State and city inspectors have cited Auburn for over 400 violations — many of
them repeated — for a range of hazards, including vermin, mold, lead exposure,
an inoperable fire safety system, insufficient child care and the presence of
sexual predators, among them, a caseworker.
“We just weren’t going to allow this to happen on our watch,” the mayor said.
The conditions at Auburn, which were detailed in a recent series in The New York
Times, prompted the City Council to schedule hearings next week on family
shelters. Records and interviews show that similar lapses have dogged Catherine
Street, which, like Auburn, is an aging residence with communal bathrooms that
children share with strangers. Families live in rooms without kitchens or
running water, preventing them from cooking their own meals or washing baby
Since 2006, the state agency responsible for overseeing homeless shelters has
routinely ordered the city to remove all infants and toddlers from Catherine
Street, citing at least 150 violations in that time.
That agency, the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, could have
sanctioned Auburn and Catherine Street by withholding state funding, but chose
not to because that “would have meant defunding services that help tens of
thousands of New Yorkers in need at a time when New York City had the highest
number of homeless residents in its history,” the office’s commissioner, Kristin
M. Proud, said in an email.
In the fall, a resident at Catherine Street took five children and two
caseworkers hostage, barricading them in a room on the second floor, according
to police records. In August 2012, a group of teenage boys took “over the
building,” threatening children in bathrooms and assaulting others on the
street, according to state records.
“This is no place for kids,” said Dawn Hazel, 38, a single mother studying to be
a nurse who has lived at Catherine Street with her five children for just over a
Ms. Hazel said her youngest son, now 6, was cornered in the men’s bathroom last
year by a group of residents who exposed themselves to him. A security guard was
present during the encounter but did not intervene, said Ms. Hazel, who filed a
complaint at the shelter.
While security has more than doubled at Auburn in recent weeks, with security
guards stationed outside every bathroom, Catherine Street’s transition will take
longer, officials said. The city’s Department of Homeless Services will first
move families out of Auburn. Forty-two families have already left, mostly to
other shelters, and another 64 will move by late June to allow for minimal
disruption of school, officials said.
As Auburn’s families depart, security guards from that shelter will be
transferred to Catherine Street, where 211 children currently reside, a
spokeswoman for the department said. Since January, a dozen families have been
placed in other shelters or in permanent housing, and the rest will be moved by
the fall, officials said.
The transition plan for both shelters will cost the city more than $13 million,
between allocations for enhanced security and upgrades to both facilities, which
will feature closed-circuit security cameras, renovated bathrooms and
refurbished rooms.
In a somewhat surreal twist, the city is exploring a plan to convert part of
Auburn’s ground floor — the site of a cafeteria notorious for its mice and
rancid food — into a “culinary arts” training program for adult residents. In
the meantime, the city has added six more microwaves to the cafeteria, where
people used to wait in lines to heat food that was sometimes served cold.
Both Auburn and Catherine Street were converted into family shelters in 1985
and, in the intervening decades, have remained a thorn in the side of homeless
“Until today, no mayor was willing to say no children should be treated this
way, and that’s a historic breakthrough,” said Steven Banks, the attorney in
chief at the Legal Aid Society, which has battled the city in court over shelter
Yet only a small fraction of the city’s homeless children live at Auburn and
Catherine Street. Its temporary housing system includes 151 family facilities of
varying quality, and it remains to be seen whether the administration will
address complaints about conditions at other shelters.
Advocates for the homeless have pressed Mr. de Blasio to reinstate several
policies that ended under Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. From 1990 until 2005, the
city placed more than 53,000 homeless families in permanent housing by giving
them priority referrals to federal subsidy programs, according to an analysis of
city data by Patrick Markee of the Coalition for the Homeless.
The Bloomberg administration canceled that policy and in its place created a
short-term rent subsidy program that ended in 2011 when the state withdrew its
portion of the funding. By the time Mr. Bloomberg left office at the end of last
year, the homeless population had peaked at more than 52,000 — the highest
number on record since the Great Depression.
That tally reflects only the shelter population, which fluctuates daily and does
not include families that live doubled up with friends or relatives. According
to data compiled by the State Education Department, more than 80,000 school-age
children in the city were identified as homeless during the last academic year.
“There are major American cities that have the same population as we have people
in shelter,” Mr. de Blasio said. “We have to look this in the face. This is
literally an unacceptable dynamic, and we have to reverse it.”
In interviews, Mr. de Blasio, his deputy mayor for health and human services,
Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, and the newly appointed homeless services commissioner,
Gilbert Taylor, laid out the broad outlines of a still-evolving plan to address
They will focus on prevention efforts, and said the administration was committed
to renewing a version of the former rent subsidy program, which will require
money from the state. A spokesman for Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said the proposal was
under discussion.
The de Blasio administration is also exploring a plan to enhance anti-eviction
legal services for families, and an “aftercare” support program intended to
prevent newly housed families from becoming homeless again.
The city is less likely to depend on federal housing programs as a solution
because of the dwindling supply, Mr. de Blasio said. “It will be a tool we use
as needed, but I think the central thrust has to be getting at the root causes,”
he said. “Greater supply of affordable housing. Pushing up wages and benefits.
More preventative efforts.”
The subject of the series in The Times, Dasani Coates, 12, spent three years at
Auburn, sharing one room with her parents and seven siblings before the family
was transferred to a shelter in Harlem, where they have remained since October.
The Department of Homeless Services is trying to place the family in one of the
city’s few supportive housing programs, which provide affordable apartments with
on-site services for vulnerable families.
“It takes all of this for something to happen?” Dasani’s mother, Chanel, said in
response to the announced changes at Auburn, and the city’s recent effort to
house her family. “Why was it so hard to do this three years ago?”
A version of this article appears in print on February 21, 2014, on page A1 of
the New York edition with the headline: 400 Children to Be Removed From 2
New York Is Removing Over 400 Children From
2 Homeless Shelters,
NYT, 21.2.2014,
over + N
> différents sens
over + Nlocalisation
répartition / distribution dans l'espace
Many more artists to be announced
over 4

The Guardian
Film & Music p. 17
over + N
> différents sens
over + Nopinion
au sujet de (opinion), pour
blame people on social media
over their hatred towards police
over + N
> différents sens > sens figuré
over + N
> autre sens

The Guardian p. 4
15 February 2007
Voir aussi > Anglonautes >
Grammaire anglaise
explicative - niveau avancé
prépositions + N
adverbes > temporalité > over
verbes à particule adverbiale > over