Les anglonautes

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on + N


sémantisme / sens


sens littéral / physique


sens figuré / imagé / métaphysique




onpréposition + N





onlittéral the buses




All aboard!


When David McKie and his family

moved to Leeds as wartime refugees,

it was the city's old green buses

that came to mean home to him.


Here, in an extract from his new book,

he explains why the humble bus

is such a cornerstone of British culture


The Guardian    G2    p. 1

Friday February 17, 2006
































on + N > sens littéral


localisation physique, géographique



Extreme kayaking

on North Carolina's Green Narrows

draws thousands of spectators


November 7, 2022    NPR















































on + N


sens figuré > localisation imagée





The last thing I want to do is

raise taxes on hard-working middle-class Americans...


Steve Kelley

political cartoon


August 21, 2022



left panel: U.S. president Joe Biden
















An Alzheimer's drug is on the way,

but getting it may still be tough.

Here's why


June 26, 2023    NPR



















Samuel Alito,

a workhorse on the Supreme Court,

shapes its conservative path


August 3, 2022    NPR




































on + N


sens figuré > cible > Ncible


The Fed continues its crackdown on inflation,

pushing up interest rates again


Updated December 14, 2022    NPR



















on + N


sens figuré > localisation méta-physique


What's on the minds of young voters in Milwaukee?

A lot


October 27, 2022    NPR




















on + N


sens > localisation > institution



















on + N


sens > dépendance



Americans on Medicare now get better access

to mental health care.

Here's how


January 2, 2024



















on + N


sens > moyen de transport




































on + N


sens > temporalité


3 personal safety tips

to help you protect yourself

on a night out


Updated October 31, 2022    NPR




































What happened on Sept. 11, 2001


September 13, 2021

8:32 PM GMT+2


















on + N


sens > causalité



































on + N


sens > adversité ( on // against)



















on + Naction


sens figuré > en grève



















on + N


sens > sujet, thème



Did the world make progress

on climate change?


Here's what was decided at global talks


Updated November 20, 2022    NPR






































































































on + Nsens figuré


















on + N


sens > état



















on + N


sens > media




































on + N


sens > tendance, statistique



Fixit culture is on the rise,

but repair legislation faces resistance


May 27, 2023    NPR




































on + N


sens > but


Russia retreats from Kherson.

Why is the U.S. nudging Ukraine

on peace talks?


Updated November 11, 2022    NPR




















Vtransitif indirect à préposition + N


focus on + N


On 'Time To Shine,'

Black Violin Focuses On The Light


February 17, 2021    NPR




















(transformation, via why-,

d'une séquence

en forme nominale)


séquence > proposition :

She Decided To Leave A Modeling Career




on + why + N


proposition nominalisée


Groupe nominal complexe en Wh-


Halima Aden

On Why She Decided To Leave A Modeling Career


February 16, 2021    NPR



















on + N


différents sens > autres énoncés


These are some of the people who'll be impacted

if the U.S. defaults on its debts


May 22, 2023    NPR





























































































































































































































































































































































































































The Guardian        p. 1        5 July 2007

















The Guardian        p. 7        17 January 2007
















The Guardian        p. 8       17 January 2007































The Guardian        p. 13        9 March 2006
















The Guardian        Work        p. 8        18 February 2006
















The Guardian        Postgraduate courses        p. 9        14 March 2006
















The Guardian        p. 5        14 March 2006
















The Guardian        Society 1        p. 27        8 March 2006
















The Guardian        Technology        p. 3        9 March 2006

















The Guardian        Review        p. 6        2 September 2006















Big and Bold on Immigration


NOV. 13, 2014

The New York Times

The Opinion Pages | Editorial



President Obama is apparently ready to go big, as he promised, to fix immigration on his own — to use his law-enforcement discretion to spare perhaps five million unauthorized immigrants from deportation. Aides speaking anonymously have told The Times that Mr. Obama is considering some options for executive action that would give parents of children who are citizens or legal residents, as well as people who were brought here illegally as children, temporary legal status and permission to work.

Details are lacking, and praise for presidential action will have to wait until it becomes clear whether the often-too-cautious Mr. Obama goes through with it, and how comprehensive his order is — whether it includes those who have been living here five years, for example, or 10 years and what other hurdles applicants may have to meet to qualify.

Our view on executive action is: the sooner the better, and the bigger the better, because so many have been waiting so long for the unjust immigration system to be repaired, while vast resources have been wasted on deporting needed workers and breaking up families instead of pursuing violent criminals and other security threats.

In one sense, the value of presidential action can easily be measured by the ferocity of the Republican opposition it has already provoked.

“Congress has opposed it. The American people have opposed it. And the president persists unilaterally,” said Senator Jeff Sessions, speaking apocalyptically. He called it “a threat to the constitutional order.”

Mr. Sessions and his Republican colleagues have it backward. For all the protestations of presidential tyranny, Congress has more power than Mr. Obama to make meaningful immigration changes. His adversaries won’t admit it, but they could have — and still could — banish talk of executive action by dusting off a bill, S.744, that has passed the Senate and contains all they have been demanding, starting with a surge of border enforcement.

The president cannot rewrite immigration law. But he does control the enforcement apparatus; no Republicans have complained about his using executive authority to deport more people more quickly than all his predecessors. Using his discretion to focus on deporting violent criminals, terrorists and other threats is not lawlessness. It is his job.

A version of this editorial appears in print
on November 14, 2014,
on page A26 of the New York edition with the headline:
Big and Bold on Immigration.

Big and Bold on Immigration,






Choices on Afghanistan


January 6, 2013

The New York Times


President Obama will soon make critical choices on Afghanistan, including how fast to withdraw 66,000 American troops and whether to keep a small residual force there once the NATO combat mission concludes at the end of 2014. His talks with the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, this week will be an important marker in that process.


Choices on Afghanistan,
NYT, 6.1.2013,






Alabama Wins

in Ruling on Its Immigration Law


September 28, 2011
The New York Times


A federal judge on Wednesday upheld most of the sections of Alabama’s far-reaching immigration law that had been challenged by the Obama administration, including portions that had been blocked in other states.


Alabama Wins in Ruling on Its Immigration Law,
NYT, 28.9.2011,






Pakistan Scorns

U.S. Scolding on Terrorism


September 23, 2011
The New York Times


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The public assault by the Obama administration on the Pakistani intelligence agency as a facilitator of terrorist attacks in Afghanistan has been met with scorn in Pakistan, a signal that the country has little intention of changing its ways, even perhaps at the price of the crumpled alliance.


Pakistan Scorns U.S. Scolding on Terrorism,






On 9/11,

Vows of Remembrance


September 11, 2011

The New York Times



They played the bagpipes again and recited the names of the dead like poetry. Bells tolled, and requiems by President Obama and other dignitaries filled the amphitheater of ground zero on Sunday as America looked back upon a contagion of terrorism and war and renewed its vows of remembrance.


On 9/11, Vows of Remembrance,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


prépositions + N



adverbes > temps > on



verbes à particule adverbiale,

verbes à préposition,

verbes à préfixe




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