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grammaire anglaise > prépositions


topréposition + N


syntaxe, sens et valeur énonciative


from N,  from N to N


différents sens



from N


origine, localisation, source, création,

extraction, cause, début, précédent,

référence, événement,



































































































































































































































































The Guardian        Film & Music        p. 16        23 June 2006
















The Guardian        p. 40        20 July 2006
















fromlocalisation N



















fromextraction N


Creating a sperm or egg from any cell?

Reproduction revolution on the horizon


May 27, 2023    NPR




















On 9/11

 the View From the Train


September 12, 2011

The New York Times



I’d been away for a few days, just me and my dog, but Sunday morning I rose early and drove the 100 miles to New York City. On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I felt a deep need to be with my family. As I began to cross the Triborough Bridge into Manhattan, I could hear the whoosh of police helicopters overhead. I looked up. There were five of them.

Though I had been avoiding most of the television programming around the anniversary, the sound of the helicopters caused the memories to come flooding back. Ten years ago, as an editor at Fortune, my routine was to take the Amtrak every Tuesday from Massachusetts, where I then lived, into Manhattan, and then go back to Massachusetts at the end of the week. At 8:46 a.m. that Tuesday, my train had already left Stamford, Conn., the last stop before Manhattan.

A few miles from Penn Station, with the Manhattan skyline in sight, the train groaned to a stop. From my seat, I could see huge billows of smoke in the distance. I couldn’t see one of the Twin Towers. I assumed that it was hidden by the smoke.

Passengers began making calls to find out what was going on. We had no television on the train, no Internet access, no radios. Soon we stopped making calls and simply watched, in horror, as the World Trade Center disappeared before our eyes.

I have always considered myself lucky to have made it into the city that day. Most people trying to get into New York were turned back, but at around 1:30 p.m. we rumbled into Penn Station where we were escorted off the train and out of the building by heavily armed National Guardsmen.

There were some elderly women whose final destination was Norfolk, Va. Standing outside Penn Station, seeing all the shell-shocked New Yorkers trudging uptown, they looked bewildered, utterly lost. I’ve always wondered what happened to them.

I joined the parade walking uptown. When I arrived at Fortune in Midtown, the editors had just begun a meeting to figure out how we, a business magazine, were going to cover the terrorist attack. I spent the next three days working furiously on that issue and have rarely felt so happy to be at work. In some small way, it allowed me to feel useful.

I didn’t know anyone who died that day. But I can’t think of another national tragedy in my lifetime that has affected me as powerfully; this must be how our parents felt when Kennedy was killed — a searing, awful memory that never completely goes away.

On Sunday, New York was a somber city — “solemn” an out-of-town friend said that night over dinner. People went about their business, but we could all hear the helicopters and see the armed police, just like in the days after 9/11. Everyone had their own memories of where they had been, what they had done. I called my three older children, who had been so worried about me that day. My fiancé and I took our baby and our dog to the park. It was filled with parents and children. I wasn’t the only one who wanted to spend the day with his family.

I remember something else about those initial days after the terrorist attack. I’d bump into friends, liberals like me — or so I thought — who were suddenly railing about Muslims, or how the police needed to start racial-profiling and locking up people who “looked suspicious.”

After 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan — justifiably — to take the fight to our enemies. But we also invaded Iraq, an unjustified war for which 9/11 provided the cover. We have killed Osama bin Laden and many other Al Qaeda leaders, but 9/11 has also given us waterboarding, Guantánamo, and the gradual erosion of some of our civil liberties, which we foolishly accept in the name of security.

It has given us a new vigilance and important security measures aimed at keeping us safe. But it also put some 400,000 people on no-fly lists, most of them falsely, with no way of getting off. It has given us the Patriot Act — the implication being that anyone who opposes it is unpatriotic. As important as it is to honor the memory of those who died — and to continue the battle against those who would do us harm — we should also acknowledge that we’ve lost something, as a country, because of 9/11.

On Monday, I took the Acela to Washington. The security was clearly beefed up, with police and police dogs patrolling the train. As we left Penn Station, the conductor came on the intercom. “Please have your ID ready,” he said. “We will be checking them.”

The person across from me said, “I’ve been on this train a million times, and they’ve never checked IDs.” The person sitting next to me said, “It’s fine by me.”

When the conductor took our tickets, he didn’t ask to see our IDs. I was glad he didn’t.

On 9/11, the View From the Train,
















fromcausal N



































from N : suite à N



















from Ncréateur / créatrice



A Love Poem To Poetry,

From Director Jim Jarmusch


December 27, 2016    NPR



















Nexemples from Nsituation


Scenes From The Aftermath Of The U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan


September 1, 2021    NPR



















from N to N


sens littéral (localisation, géographie)

et figuré :


départ / arrivée, début / fin


parcours, itinéraire, carrière






sens figuré / abstrait :


marquage d'un parcours

allant d'un extrême à un autre

(structure bipolaire)


exemples significatifs / marquants,


délimitant un champ thématique large






How Bangladesh went

from an economic miracle to needing IMF help


November 9, 2022    NPR


















From blockbuster to bust:

Behind the precipitous drop in IPOs


July 6, 2022    NPR



















Why cryptocurrencies have gone

from the next hot thing to a full-on meltdown


June 17, 2022    NPR




































































































































The Guardian        p. 7        17 November 2005

















December 5, 2005        Vol. 166 No. 23
















Drone Victim Went

From American Middle Class

to Waging a Media War for Al Qaeda


September 30, 2011

The New York Times




CHARLOTTE, N.C. — From his parents’ basement in a part of town where homes have lots of bedrooms and most children go to college, Samir Khan blogged his way into the highest circles of Al Qaeda, waging a media war he believed was as important as the battles with guns on the ground.

His parents — by all accounts a low-key, respected couple who had moved south from Queens in 2004 — were worried about the increasingly radical nature of their son’s philosophy and the increasing media reports that exposed it.

They turned more than once to members of their religious communities to impress upon their college-aged son the perils of such thinking and behavior.

It did not work. In 2009, he left his comfortable life in Charlotte for Yemen, started a slick magazine for jihadists called Inspire that featured political and how-to articles written in a comfortable American vernacular and continued to digitally dodge government and civilian efforts to stop his self-described “media jihad.”

His life ended in Yemen on Friday, when Mr. Khan, 25, was killed in a drone strike that also took the life of the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and two other men, according to both American and Yemeni officials.

At the Islamic Society of Greater Charlotte, few of the several hundred Muslims gathered for Friday Prayer wanted to talk about Mr. Khan.

“This is a very dangerous road when you go and kill someone like this,” said Ayeb Suleiman, 25, a medical resident. “He was just an editor. He was just writing.”

Others felt grief for a family who had lost a son, no matter the nature of the son’s activities.

Mr. Khan’s father, Zafar Khan, is an information technology executive and a respected, regular worshiper who bought his family a two-story brick house near a golf course. He often talked cricket with Yasin Raja, a fellow Pakistani-American.

“If Samir got caught up with something, that was on his own,” Mr. Raja said.

Steve Glocke, who lives across the street from the family, watched Mr. Khan grow from a cordial teenager who played basketball with his brother in the street into a quiet, but radical, young man. When Mr. Khan moved to Yemen, he said, “I would ask if he was O.K., and they would say they didn’t know.”

His parents were worried even before the family moved from Queens. Mustapha Elturk, the imam and president of the Islamic Organization of North America, met the family in the mid-1990s during an educational program at a mosque in Flushing, Queens. Mr. Khan was interested in Islam as a way to “stay away from the peer pressure of his teenage days,” he said.

But after the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Khan’s attraction to militant sites on the Internet and his radical views grew to the point where his father intervened.

“He tried his best to make his son meet all sorts of imams and scholars to dissuade him from those views,” said Mr. Elturk, who spoke with Mr. Khan’s father on Friday to offer condolences. “He would give you the impression that he would change.”

Early intervention by members of the local community is key to preventing the radicalization of Islamic youth, said Sue Myrick, the member of Congress who represents the part of Charlotte where Mr. Khan lived.

Mr. Khan’s last issue of Inspire came out this week. It was 20 pages, smaller than the rest, and dedicated largely to the Sept. 11 attacks. It has lost some of the cheekiness of early editions, which outlined what to expect on a jihad and had headlines like “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom.”

In this edition, he made clear the role he believed he played in the war. “While America was focused on battling mujahedeen in the mountains of Afghanistan and the streets of Iraq,” he wrote, “the jihadi media and its supporters were in fifth gear.”


Robbie Brown reported from Charlotte,

and Kim Severson from Atlanta.

Matt Flegenheimer contributed reporting from New York.

Drone Victim Went From American Middle Class
to Waging a Media War for Al Qaeda,
































sens figuré :


exemples significatifs / marquants, repères >

passer d'un extrême (positif) à l'autre (négatif)


In Barely A Year,

Gov. Cuomo Went

From A Pandemic Hero To A Political Pariah


August 11, 2021    NPR



















from N


autres énoncés




The Guardian        p. 40        25 November 2005
















The Guardian        Travel        p. 12        19 November 2005
















The Guardian        Review        p. 20        30 December 2006
















Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


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