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préposition / groupe prépositionnel (GP)


définition, explication



rappel des acronymes

utilisés dans les Anglonautes :




séquence nominale simple

ou peu complexe :

N / N-ing



séquence nominale complexe :

GN / GN-ing



forme verbale ou groupe verbal peu complexe :




groupe verbal complexe :











Une préposition,

c'est quoi ?



Syntaxe :


une préposition

(about, against, at, for, from, in, of, on,

aspréposition, topréposition...)




un groupe prépositionnel

(next topréposition, close topréposition, ahead of...)


est un mot

ou un groupe de mots invariable (-s)

qui met en relation :



N + N


A guide for taking the leap


Updated December 21, 2022    NPR



















A story of family


of battling

against the odds.




The Guardian        Review        p. 24        21 April 2007

















your company's identity from being stolen




The Guardian       p. 34        29 March 2007















verbe + N


Response to 1st coronavirus case in Washington state

draws on lessons from measles


January 28, 2020    NPR

















N  + Vpassif  + N


In Tributes,

John Lewis (is) Remembered

Aspréposition An American Hero


July 18, 2020    NPR

















V + adjectif numéral cardinal (1, 2, 3...)


Brigid Berlin,

socialite who joined warhol’s world,

dies at 80

















adjectif + N



Losing jobless benefits is not only stressful,

it might be harmfuladjective topreposition health







NBA says

9 more players test positiveadjective for coronavirus









Here's how to help keep your family

safeadjective from COVID-19

when you go home







4 ways to make your workplace

equitableadjective for trans people







Bannedadjective from nursing homes,

families see shocking decline

in their loved ones

















from... topréposition...


Cette structure peut relier 2 lettres

(from A to Z),


2 noms

(from Boston to Philadelphia)


ou 2 adjectifs :


essential vocab for COVID-19:

from asymptomaticadjectif

to zoonoticadjectif












Sémantisme / sens, fonction


Une préposition

permet notamment de :


- se repérer

dans le temps / l'espace :


in, at, from, on, under, across, through,

between, before, after, since,

undertemporel, fortemporel, ahead of...










- catégoriser, déterminer,

indiquer le thème, le contexte, le champ

de ce qui est dit :


with, about, on, topréposition, amidst,

from ... topréposition...



'Homage Topréposition Hate':


Pelosi Calls For Confederate Statues

Removed From U.S. Capitol


June 10, 2020    NPR











- comparer :


like / unlike


compared topréposition / compared with












- définir des relations / liens :



cause : forcausal, tocausal










agent d'une action : by










origine : fromorigine, toorigine










cible, problème : tocible










catégorisation / détermination : of










association : withassociatif










moyen : withmoyen













danger, menace : from



Here's How To Help Keep

Your Family Safe From COVID-19

When You Go Home











faire des statistiques,

relier élément et ensemble :












formuler une hypothèse,

une possibilité / éventualité :


closer to











marquer des contrastes / bipolarités :


for / against










sémantisme (sens)


comme d'autres mots

- noms, verbes, modaux, adverbes, adjectifs -,

une préposition peut changer de sens

en fonction du contexte :


for : pour, pendant, depuis


toward : vers, à l'encontre de


in: en, suite à










topreposition + N




toviseur -> Base verbale



Boston Tavern Pivots Topréposition 'Plan B'

Toviseur Try Toviseur Survive The Pandemic














syntaxe (ordre des mots)


à l'exception de certaines séquences


N + be discriminated against.



une préposition

vise toujours

une forme nominale (N) :


Pronom (Pron)


Nom (N)


Groupe Nominal (GN)


N ou GN en -ing (N-ing)




Swamp Dogg On


Nom (N)


Country Music

Groupe Nominal (GN)



Getting Another Rolls-Royce






















une proposition

(S + Vtransitif + O + Complément)

peut compter

plusieurs prépositions :



Response To
préposition 1st Coronavirus Case

Inpréposition Washington State

Draws Onpréposition Lessons Frompréposition Measles


January 28, 2020    NPR




































anglais -> français



Une préposition (ici with)

peut se traduire

par un verbeparticipe passé :


A Boy With Muscular Dystrophy

Was Headed For A Wheelchair.


Thenconjonction à valeur advrebialisante (effet coup de théâtre)

Gene Therapy Arrived


July 27, 2020    NPR




Un garçon atteintparticipe passé d'une dystrophie musculaire

était condamné au fauteuil roulant
















Une préposition

ou un groupe prépositionnel

(ci-dessous ahead of)

peut se traduire

par une proposition

(S Vtransitif S Vintransitif)



How Biden Might Be Thinking

About the Decision Ahead of Him


traduction explicative :


Comment Biden envisage probablement

la décision qui l'attend /

la décision qu'il doit prendre


















autre exemple de préposition

(ci-dessous with)

qui se traduit

par une proposition

(S Vtransitif indirect O) :


people with cancer


les personnes [ qui sont ] atteintes d'un cancer




ou par un participe passé :


les personnes atteintes d'un cancer










autres énoncés




New Push for Help

in Solving a Prosecutor’s 2001 Murder


September 28, 2011

The New York Times



SEATTLE — Ten years after a federal prosecutor here was shot to death while sitting at a computer in his basement, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and other federal law enforcement officials announced a new effort on Wednesday to seek public help in the investigation through a multimedia advertising campaign.

The prosecutor, Thomas C. Wales, 49, was killed late on the night of Oct. 11, 2001, by a gunman who investigators said stood in Mr. Wales’s backyard in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle and fired through a window.

Law enforcement officials say they have investigated several suspects, pursued more than 15,000 leads and meticulously traced and tested copies of a rare type of gun barrel used in the shooting. But they still have not solved the crime. A $1 million reward remains in place.

Investigators have not publicly identified a motive for the killing. If Mr. Wales, who was an assistant United States attorney, was killed in retaliation for his work, he would be the first federal prosecutor killed in the line of duty. He also was president of a group that campaigned against gun violence.

“Although this case remains unsolved and Tom’s killer remains unknown, our resolve to uncover the truth and to help Tom’s family, friends and colleagues and neighbors find the answers and find the closure that they deserve, that has never been stronger,” Mr. Holder said.

Officials also sought the public’s help around the time of the fifth anniversary of the killing in 2006. This time, the government is placing newspaper, radio, television and Internet advertisements as well as buying space on billboards. A special Web site was to go up late Wednesday.

“This is still not a cold case,” Greg Fowler, the special agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s office in Portland, Ore., said in an interview on Wednesday.

“The case team works every day on this,” said Mr. Fowler, who is now overseeing the inquiry. “It’s their full-time job.”

He said that “some investigative considerations, which I’m not prepared to discuss,” played a role in the new public push for information, “but for the most part it’s timed to the anniversary.”

“Hopefully, this will stir something in people’s minds or spark a memory,” he said.

For years, a principal suspect in the case was a commercial airline pilot who was among four people Mr. Wales indicted on conspiracy and fraud charges in 2000. The next year, the government dismissed that case after the defendants pleaded guilty to charges related to the sale of a military helicopter. The pilot sued for legal fees four months before Mr. Wales was killed. The lawsuit was later dismissed.

Mr. Fowler would not say whether the pilot remained under investigation. Larry Setchell, a lawyer for the pilot, would not comment.

New Push for Help in Solving a Prosecutor’s 2001 Murder,











Voir aussi > Anglonautes > learning >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


prépositions + N








Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Learning English >

Grammaire anglaise explicative en BD - niveau débutants / révisions


prépositions + N / N-ing




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