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The lord of the apes arrives at the dam site



Edgar Rice Burroughs


February 18, 2024




















We'll be departing immediately!


Judge Parker

Harold LeDoux and Woody Wilson

Created in 1952 by Nicholas P. Dallis

28 November 2004

http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/jparker/about.htm - broken link

















More young people are surviving cancer.

Then they face a life altered by it























































The Guardian    p. 1    13 February 2007















Six die in 100mph horror

as train smashes into car


· 150 people injured at unmanned crossing
· Coaches crushed as they jump the tracks
· Suicide bid investigated

Sunday November 7, 2004
The Observer

Juliette Jowitand Martin Bright


Six people were killed and 150 injured last night when a high-speed train hit a car on an isolated level crossing in Berkshire and was derailed.

The 5.35pm London to Plymouth service smashed into the vehicle on the unmanned crossing in the village of Ufton Nervet near Reading at 100 mph just over half an hour after it left Paddington station. There were around 300 people on board the train.


Emergency services were called at 6.13pm and were on the scene
a few minutes later. Local people also went to the site of the crash when they heard the noise. A local pub sheltered many of the casualties until they could be safely moved to hospital. Arc lights lit the scene and a police helicopter hovered overhead to offer support.

BBC Radio 5 Live reporter Jonny Saunders, who was travelling on the train said: '
Suddenly there was this extraordinary stopping sensation, I immediately thought someone had pulled the emergency cord, but it carried on and on, then came to a juddering halt. 'Suddenly all the lights went off, screaming, shouting, we were in the pitch black, then total chaos in the carriage for a few moments.

'I was incredibly lucky, because the carriage I was in didn't actually go over on its side - the one in front did and the one behind did. 'I tried to get the hammer to break the glass, and managed to eventually get out. We were lucky in our carriage, but there were some people who would be less lucky.'

Richard Micklewright, another passenger, told the ITV News Channel: 'There was a lot of shuddering. I braced myself between the aisles... then it [the train] turned on its side.

Initially, the lights had gone out and people were searching for the emergency light. There was a little bit of panic. Eventually, somebody broke a window. There were hammers for emergencies like this. We then all moved down and went through the rear of the carriage.

'It was difficult to move because the carriage was at a 45 degree angle.'

Micklewright said
initially he felt a juddering which became more severe as the train derailed: 'The carriage in front remained upright but I could see that the one after that was at right angles to the track. It looked like a lot of carriages were strewn all over the place.'  (...)

Source : O, 7.11.2004,
0,3858,5057236-103630,00.html - broken link

updated article:






Wimbledon latest:

Greg Rusedski has bombed out

in a five-set cliffhanger against eighth seed

Rainer Schuettler, of Germany.

Meanwhile, British number one Tim Henman

has booked his place in the third-round at Wimbledon

after a convincing win against Ivo Heuberger,

of Switzerland

DMa, frontpage sub, 26.6.2004,
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/dailymail/home.html?in_page_id=1766 - broken link






In a stunning, coordinated terrorist assault

on symbols of U.S. economic and military power,

two hijacked commercial airliners slammed

into the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center

on Tuesday, destroying both in calamitous explosions,

and a third hijacked plane plowed into the Pentagon

building, setting it afire.

Shortly afterward, a Boeing 757 crashed southeast

of Pittsburgh, and the authorities said it, too,

appeared to have been hijacked.

Both Skyscrapers Collapse; Huge Casualties Feared,
IHT, p. 1, 12.9.2001.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


mots de liaison,

adverbes de temps,

tournures rhétoriques >

argumentation, narration



be + -ing > portée de -ing




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