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Search for Japan tsunami victims continues

Thousands of troops conduct searches,

with less than half those killed in disaster

[ are ] thought to have been found


Justin McCurry in Tokyo


Sunday 10 April 2011

15.31 BST


The search is continuing for victims of the tsunami that struck Japan's north-east coast almost a month ago, while officials said they hoped to stop pumping radioactive water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the sea.

More than 20,000 Japanese troops and 110 from the US conducted land, sea and air searches for the thousands of victims whose bodies have yet to be recovered.

One month since the 11 March disaster, fewer than 13,000 of the estimated 28,000 who died have been found. The likelihood of finding more is fading because many have probably been swept out to sea. A similar search last week recovered only 70 bodies.

[ . . . ]

Search for Japan tsunami victims continues,
G, 10.4.2011,






The compact revolution marches on

though its character has changed

since the spectacular gains at its inception.

For the Independent, which last month registered

a year-on-year increase of more than 26%,

it is a matter of consolidation

and a slower expansion of its new base camp.

That may be less dramatic than before

but it is no less welcome for the Indy's editor,

Simon Kelner.

Mid-market shrugs off compact threat, G, 13.7.2004,






It is true supermarket champagnes are in many instances

silkier, sexier than the Grandes Marques of Champagne.

Bollinger, Krug, and so on cost far more,

yet some own-label products are simply superb.

Why City whizz-kids love the Grandes Marques, G, 26.5.2004,






Am I just a sucker for a lesbian sub-plot? Aren't we all? What could be sexier than a bunch of girls wearing their tits like epaulettes and tripping out of their biplanes in their little black flying suits, just longing for a kiss from Ms Blackman? "I'm a damn good pilot," she snaps at Bond, nosing her plane down the runway. Which is more than can be said for Bond himself. Ever done a Bond Dead Plane Count?

Girls, girls, girls
Who is the ultimate Bond woman? Pussy Galore? Xenia Onatopp? Honey Ryder?
None of them, says Jeanette Winterson - 007 is the biggest girl of all
G, 13.9.2002,






Tricia Jenkins, head of widening participation at the university, said: "It is not that young people in 55% of the wards of Liverpool, Halton and Knowsley are not as capable but what they have not got is the choice of getting into higher education. A lot of it is because there is no family expectation and no community expectation that it is normal to go to university."

She said in the areas where 80% of people went to university this was no indication that the people were more clever than those in the areas where only 20% attended colleges. "It is an equity issue. It is not going to be solved by universities saying we will let more young people come at 18. We have to start so much younger. A lot of work we do is with primary schools.Crucially, it has to be with the support of parents."

University a distant dream for poorest, G, 21.5.2004,















x times more than N













Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


formes comparatives






Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


syntaxe >

séquences auxilaires / verbales :


active ≠ passive,

affirmative ≠ négative,















Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


syntaxe > autres séquences :





séquences -ing,

séquences -en,






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