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sens > temps > fréquence


again, ever, never, forever, often, always























adverbes > sens > temps > fréquence > répétition >

































































adverbes > sens > temps > fréquence > ever



















adverbes > sens > temps > fréquence > autres énoncés




Internet Pirates Will Always Win


August 4, 2012

The New York Times



STOPPING online piracy is like playing the world’s largest game of Whac-A-Mole.

Hit one, countless others appear. Quickly. And the mallet is heavy and slow.

Take as an example YouTube, where the Recording Industry Association of America almost rules with an iron fist, but doesn’t, because of deceptions like the one involving a cat.

YouTube, which is owned by Google, offers a free tool to the movie studios and television networks called Content ID. When a studio legitimately uploads a clip from a copyrighted film to YouTube, the Google tool automatically finds and blocks copies of the product.

To get around this roadblock, some YouTube users started placing copyrighted videos inside a still photo of a cat that appears to be watching an old JVC television set. The Content ID algorithm has a difficult time seeing that the video is violating any copyright rules; it just sees a cat watching TV.

Sure, it’s annoying for those who want to watch the video, but it works. (Obviously, it’s more than annoying for the company whose product is being pirated.)

Then there are those — possibly tens of millions of users, actually — who engage in peer-to-peer file-sharing on the sites using the BitTorrent protocol.

Nick Bilton is a technology columnist
for The New York Times.

Internet Pirates Will Always Win,
NYT, 4.8.2012,






A life-size nude by Lucian Freud of one of the world's most admired and photographed women will go on sale next year.

Lucian Freud's Naked Portrait 2002 shows a pregnant Kate Moss draped over a bed, her head resting lightly on her left arm. With rounded belly and a discreet little fold of skin beneath her right breast, this is a magnificent, voluptuous, flesh-and-blood Moss, hardly the wispy, ethereal creature she often appears in photographs. Her face recedes into the background and her calves are prominently displayed;

this is Moss as few have ever seen her.

The painting will form one of the highlights of the Postwar and Contemporary Art sale at Christie's in London next February, where it is expected to fetch £2.5 to £3.5m. The most paid for a Freud was $5.8m (£3.2m) in New York in 1998 for Large Interior W11.

Pilar Ordovas, an associate director of Christie's,
said that the fame of the sitter affected the estimate only "up to a point".

"The most important thing is how strong the painting is," she said.

Moss is, with the exception of the Queen, the best-known person Freud has ever painted. He tends to steer clear of depicting those who model for a living. He once said, "They've grown another skin because they've been looked at so much."

Ms Ordovas said: "This is an important recent work by the artist, and it's very interesting also for who the sitter is - Freud hardly ever paints professional models; the only other exception is Jerry Hall. In the end, though, it's a wonderful painted portrait of a nude pregnant woman who happens to be Kate Moss."

Freud did not finish the painting in time for his huge Tate retrospective in 2002, so the work has barely been seen before. After completion, it was sold to a private collector by the artist's New York dealer. The British public will have a chance to see it for the first time at Christie's in London from February 1.

£3m estimate on Freud portrait of Kate Moss,






I want to live forever


Research shows that mice live longer

if they're half-starved.

There's no scientific proof

the regime works for humans - yet.

But around a thousand people, most of them men,

have drastically cut back on their calorie intake

in the hope of resisting disease and beating

the ageing process.

Peta Bee investigates

Headline and sub,
G, 11.9.2004,






'I will always hate you people'


Family's fury at mystery death

The first Mohammed Munim al-Izmerly's family

knew of his death was

when his battered corpse turned up at Baghdad's morgue.

Attached to the zipped-up black US body bag

was a laconic note.

Headline, sub and §1,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé






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