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sens > estimation


someadverbe  /  déterminant  /  pronom


















Some [ adverbe : environ ] 21 Iraqis Killed

as Vote Count Continues

Sat Feb 5, 2005
08:08 PM ET,
type=topNews&storyID=7547832 - broken link






Having an instinctive sympathy

for those condemned by conventional society,

I wanted to cross the line myself.

To pay for sex is to strip away

the veneer of artifice and civilisation

and connect with the true animal nature of man.

Some [ déterminant : certains ] men proudly proclaim

that they have never paid for it.

Are they saying that money is more sacred than sex?

The brothel creeper:
As the debate rages about the pros and cons of legalising prostitution,
Sebastian Horsley - a man who's slept with more than 1,000 prostitutes -
gives a controversial and candid account of his experience of paying for sex,
O, 19.9.2004,






Malik's comments were soon picked up by other bloggers

and Rittweger started getting a wave of emails and calls,

including some

[ pronom : certains > including some > dont certains ]

from venture capitalists,

a breed thought to be in hibernation

after the dotcom excesses.

All eyes on Blinkx:
Victor Keegan spoke to the woman taking on Google,
15 July 2004,
story/0,3605,1260983,00.html - broken link










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé






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