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syntaxe > places de l'adverbe


Nsujet + adverbe + V



I usually wake up just ahead of my alarm.

What's up with that?


December 26, 2022    NPR


















I always, always fight




















They always win!!



Jeff Parker


Florida Today




Related: Space shuttle launch delay.















Nsujet + adverbe + Vtransitif  + Nobjet


In fact, I usually say

what a great meal you've made!




In fact, I usually say what a great meal you've made!


For Better or For Worse

by Lynn Johnston


August 12, 2012

















I still have the best of my economic team...


Steve Breen

The San Diego Union-Tribune


24 September 2010


Fidel Castro (L), 

U.S. president Barack Obama (C)


















place de l'adverbe

dans un énoncé avec beverbe


Nsujet  + beverbe + adverbe + Nobjet


But there's always somebody

ready to spoil a good ghost story.








COULD this ghostly apparition finally prove

what many have known for centuries

- Hampton Court really is haunted?

The spooky image was caught on CCTV,

the first time a supernatural sighting

has been recorded at the palace.

Mind you, if it a ghost, it's a safety-conscious one.

Guards scouring the footage were stunned

when the figure appeared on screen closing a fire door.

They had already seen

the door mysteriously fly open on its own

in an exhibition area of the palace,

once home to King Henry VIII

and some of his six wives.


His third wife Jane Seymour,

who died in childbirth,

also supposedly haunts the grounds -

along with many other spooks.

But there's always somebody

ready to spoil a good ghost story.

Professor Richard Wiseman,

a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire,

said the image of the CCTV film was probably

a "member of the public helpfully closing the door".

Headlines and sub, M, 20.12.2003,
















autres structures

(exemples dans prochaine édition)


ADV = adverbe


GA = groupe adverbial





Nsujet  +  ADV / GA  + Groupe Verbaltransitif +  ATTRIBUT / OBJET





ADV / GA Nsujet  +  Groupe VerbaltransitifNobjet






Nsujet  auxiliaire  +  ADV / GA +  Base Verbale  +  Nobjet






Nsujet  +  auxiliaire  +  Base Verbale  +  ADV / GA +  Nobjet






Nsujet  +  haveauxiliaire  +  beenauxiliaire  +  ADV / GA +  verbeau participe passé

(present perfect passif)





ADV / GA haveauxiliaire  +  Nsujet  verbetransitif au participe passé  +  Nobjet

















Chris Britt


The State Journal-Register

Springfield, IL


16 March 2006


















The Guardian        p. 4        3 March 2006

















The Guardian        p. 10        28 November 2005

















... you'll really have something to fear!


Spiderman        Stan Lee        26 August 2004








... how you really hurt yourself!


Rex Morgan        Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan

Created in 1948 by Nicholas P. Dallis        25 November 2004


















Rex Morgan        Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan

Created in 1948 by Nicholas P. Dallis        3 April 2005

















Formation des adverbes :


nom + -ly = adjectif


adj + -ly = adverbe





Syntaxe > V / GV + Nobjet






A l'inverse du français,

Vtransitif est rarement séparé de son objet

par un (ou plusieurs) adverbe (-s),

surtout si cet objet est un GN simple.


Le verbe et son objet sont souvent inséparables :



Recession May Be Over,

but Joblessness Remains


September 20, 2010

The New York Times



“In declaring the recession over,

we’re not at all saying the unemployment rate,

or anything else, has returned to normal,”

said James H. Stock, an economics professor at Harvard

and a member of the business cycle committee.

We clearly still have a long ways to go.”

    Recession May Be Over, but Joblessness Remains, NYT, 20.9.2010,






Let's end this medical injustice

by giving poor countries cheap medicines:

With patents,

the rich world systematically kills the poor.

Headline, GE, p. 8, 18.2.2003.






Survey chief resigns

saying Iraq never had stockpiles

New WMD blow for Blair, G, 24.1.2004,








Rex Morgan        Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        5 October 2004











et portée sémantique de l'adverbe


Lorsqu'un adverbe sépare Vtransitif du Nobjet,

cet adverbe porte sur Nobjet :


Offensive in Samarra kills almost 100 insurgents

as army begins pre-election pacification push

    US forces battle for Iraqi rebel city, G, 2.10.2004,


almost -> 100 insurgents

Traduction explicative :

Cette offensive a tué presque -> 100 insurgés...





The eight-time major winner and twice U.S. Open champion

hit only five fairways and half of the 18 greens in regulation

and displayed little of the game that has made him

the number one-ranked player in the world for the last 253 weeks.

US. Open: Scrappy Woods Still Searching for His Game, R, 17.6.2004,






As temperatures rise,

spring is earlier

and snow will become only a memory

Britain can start dreaming of a green Christmas with swallows,
sub, O, 21.12.2003,










Syntaxe et portée sémantique de l'adverbe


Lorsque l'objet du verbe est un GN complexe

ou une proposition (S Vintransitif ou S Vtransitif O),

l'adverbe / le complément

peut se placer entre le verbe et son GNobjet :


Iraq's new government

was given international legitimacy last night

when the UN security council voted unanimously to support

the transfer of sovereignty from the US-led occupation.

Security council vote backs transfer of Iraq sovereignty,
G, 9.6.2004,


Portée de l'adverbe :

dans l'énoncé ci-dessus,


porte sur la relation prédicative :

the UN security council voted to support

the transfer of sovereignty from the US-led occupation.



Traductions explicatives :


c'est à l'unanimité

que le conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies a voté...


le conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies

a voté à l'unanimité...






The simmering boardroom row

at former mobile phone retailer PNC Telecom

boiled over at the weekend

after the company's management decided on Friday

to put the business into administration.

Row over mobile firm's winding up, GI, p. 16, 23.6.2003,


Portée de l'adverbe :

dans l'énoncé ci-dessus,

le groupe prépositionnel on Friday

porte sur decided.













L'adverbe peut se placer avant ou après be :



We really are allergic to euro

Headline, T, p. 2, 12.9.2002.






Police believe

fugitive suspected of killing PC

is still in Yorkshire

Headline, G, 31.12.2003,






"There is always a Judas," says MacLean.

"There is always somebody somewhere doesn't like you."

Hunters and the hunted, GI/G2, p. 5, 20.6.2003,






Clint Eastwood's revenge thriller is relentlessly sombre.

Frontpage, DT, 17.10.2003.











places de l'adverbe /

des adverbes / des Groupes Prépositionnels (GP)


autres énoncés




Consumers crept

closer to collectively being £1,000bn in the red in May,

according to a Bank of England report out today.

Britons near £1,000bn debt mark, G, §1, 29.6.2004,






Rejected asylum seekers who cannot go home will in future

have to undertake compulsory unpaid community work

in return for benefits as part of a last-minute package of measures

to tighten Britain's asylum laws announced last night.

The package will also see

thousands of successful refugees dispersed around Britain

being banned from moving to live in London or south-east England

if they win their case to stay.

Failed asylum seekers must work for no pay, G, 9.6.2004,






Oliver Letwin,

the second most important politician in the Conservative Party,

has been secretly taped saying that he would like

to cut public spending by so much

that it would be "irrational" to reveal his true intentions to voters

at a general election.

    Letwin lets it slip: 'I want huge public spending cuts', IoS, 23.5.2004,






'Piracy is certainly growing.

But to try to work out its growth rate

is very difficult.

We just don't have the resources available,'

Angell said.

Rising tide of counterfeit goods costs UK £10bn:
Criminal gangs move out of drug smuggling into less policed racket,
O, 18.1.2004,






Tony Blair was at the centre of an embarrassing row last night

after the most senior US official in Baghdad bluntly rejected

the Prime Minister's assertion that secret weapons laboratories

had been discovered in Iraq.

Bush's man rejects Blair weapon claim, O, 28.12.2003,









COULD this ghostly apparition finally prove

what many have known for centuries

- Hampton Court really is haunted?

The spooky image was caught on CCTV,

the first time a supernatural sighting

has been recorded at the palace.

Mind you, if it a ghost, it's a safety-conscious one.

Guards scouring the footage were stunned

when the figure appeared on screen closing a fire door.

They had already seen the door

mysteriously fly open on its own

in an exhibition area of the palace,

once home to King Henry VIII and some of his six wives.


His third wife Jane Seymour,

who died in childbirth,

also supposedly haunts the grounds -

along with many other spooks.

But there's always somebody

ready to spoil a good ghost story.

Professor Richard Wiseman,

a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire,

said the image of the CCTV film was probably

a "member of the public helpfully closing the door"

Headlines and sub, M, 20.12.2003,






For a while there, it looked like New York City was stumbling

over how it should pay homage to the fallen twin towers.

Two famous architects with famous egos were fighting over

competing visions for a new skyscraper on the site.

Would they ever agree on single plan?

Yesterday, we got the answer

as city and state bigwigs triumphantly took to the platform

at Federal Hall

- where George Washington was sworn in as President -

and drew open a neat white curtain

to reveal the first model of a building

which will one day become the tallest

and possibly the most celebrated in the world.

The squabbles are over and the form is agreed.

It also has a name: Freedom Tower.

From Ground Zero up: towering ambition of a design to reclaim Manhattan's skyline,
I, 20.12.2003,






Eminem never uses the word "nigger".

But the white rapper, normally so careful

to be ultra-respectful to black people,

currently stands accused of having written a song in his youth

which denigrates black women.

Keeping it in the family:
Eminem is under fire for denigrating black women.
That's the job of black rappers, G, 24.11.2003,






The average household now has five television sets,

according to the market analysts Mintel

Are we becoming a nation of square eyes?






"I completely deny these allegations."

Anti-spam writ 'names wrong man', GI, p. 6, 26.6.2003.






Eventually Ms. Sindane informally adopted the boy,

and brought him to her father's house.

A 'Lost Boy' Stirs Up South Africa Race Debate,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 4, 29/30.6.2003.






"Kids don't even read comic books anymore"

says Ang Lee with a smile.

On Screen, 'Hulk' Reflects Big Anxieties,
NYT/Le Monde, p.8, 29/30.6.2003.






Count D'Orsay loved to shop.

Mostly he bought clothes,

reckoning on six pairs of gloves

to get through a single day,

but he was quite happy

to branch out to home furnishings, too.

A flounce too far, G / Review, p. 15, 14.6.2003.






"We obviously need people who can concentrate hard",

he says.

Kerosene addict, GE, p. 16, 22.3.2003.






Do you still have targets?

BBC Radio 4, Today, 17.12.2002.






John Travolta stars as a sleazy sound effects expert

who unwittingly records evidence of a presidential candidate being murdered.

Blow out, review ,T2,  p. 26, 7.3.2002.

















Matt        DT        5.10.2003

















Adverbe / Groupe adverbial (GA)

en début d'énoncé


GA - haveauxiliaire - Nsujet - verbetransitif au participe passé - Nobjet






[ adverbe à sens négatif ]

has an article provoked

[ present perfect simple actif ]

quite so much indignation and anger

(as well as some support)

as the Clark County campaign published last week

by the Guardian newspaper's G2 supplement.

If you haven't heard about it yet,

the supplement encouraged readers to write to a voter

in the swing district of Clark County, Ohio,

in an effort to influence their vote.

'What WERE you thinking?',
G, 19.10.2004,
what_were_you_thinking.html#comments - broken link










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





adverbes > négation > not >

négation d'une relation prédicative




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