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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé






Adverbe à sens négatif

(rarely, not only, never again)

en tête d'énoncé,

suivi d'un auxiliaire / de be



Groupe adverbial / adverbenégatif

+ modal + Nsujet + Base Verbale + Nobjet


Not only could you save money...








Groupe adverbial / adverbenégatif

+ be + Nsujet + Base verbale + -ing


Not only is the trade deficit continuing at a near-record level

but unemployment - after falling for 10 years

since its 1993 peak of 3 million -

suddenly turned sharply upwards.








Groupe adverbial / adverbenégatif

+ doauxiliaire + Nsujet + Base Verbale


Rarely do the monsters of history have

to account for their crimes.







Not only are Hispanics catching coronavirus

at higher rates in Texas’ largest county,

they also suffer some of the worst outcomes.

in-texas-covid-19-takes-a-devastating-toll-on-hispanic-residents - July 30, 2020






Rarely do the monsters of history have to account

for their crimes.

Captured: Saddam must now answer for crimes against humanity,
T, Comment, p. 19, 15.12.2003.






Not only is the trade deficit continuing at a near-record level

but unemployment - after falling for 10 years

since its 1993 peak of 3 million -

suddenly turned sharply upwards.

The job-market puzzle: It is time to stop the slowdown,
GI, p. 13, 16.6.2003.






Not only could you save money

when you make a balance transfer

or use your credit card to shop,

you could comfortably plan and manage

your finances too

- as we've fixed our rate for five years!

The cooperative bank, ad,T, p. 6, 5.4.2003.






A century ago, in 1903,

gasoline-powered Oldsmobiles

shouldered past steam-powered Locomobiles

to become America's top-selling brand.

Never again would electric or steam cars rule the road.

Hybrid Autos Are Moving Beyond the Novelty Stage,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 7, 9/10.2.2003.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





syntaxe >

adverbe / groupe adverbial en tête d'énoncé




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