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adjectifs à suffixe




adjectifs composés-ing /

groupe adjectival-ing (GA-ing)





comforting, entertaining, enthralling, diverting,

disappearing, missing, lagging,

distressing, sickening, shocking, unsettling,

looming, interesting, riveting,

refreshing, confounding,

striking, outstanding, exhilarating,

towering, pioneering, groundbreaking,


convincing, overwhelming,

deepening, growing, rising, soaring,

worsening, devastating, crippling,


disarming, wrenching,

scathing, alarming, struggling, fighting,



















adjectifs composés-ing /

groupe adjectival-ing (GA-ing)














Code couleur :


les formes nominales / nominalisées

sont en bleu.


Dans les Anglonautes,

elles sont symbolisées par N.






Il faut bien distinguer


une séquence nominale-ing

complexe et autonome :


Remembering A Mother With A Fightingadjectif Spirit


de son sous-ensemble /

sa mini séquence nominale

(déterminant + adjectif-ing + N).




La séquence nominale complexe

Remembering A Mother With A Fightingadjectif Spirit




une mini séquece nominale

A Fightingadjectif Spirit

(déterminantindéfini + adjectif-ing + N),


précédée de withpréposition :


'Do What's Right And Have Fun':

Remembering A Mother

With A Fightingadjectif Spirit


January 1, 2021    NPR



















Attention aussi

à ne pas confondre un adjectif-ing

avec une séquence résultative-ing



A Fumblingadjectif Performance,

and a Panickingadjectif Party


President Biden’s shaky,

halting debate performance

has Democrats

talking about replacing him on the ticket.

June 27, 2024,


Dans l'énoncé ci-dessus,

talking about replacing him on the ticket

est une séquence non nominale.


Sa fonction n'est pas nominale :

elle n'est ni sujet, ni objet, ni autonome.


Il s'agit d'une séquence participe,

qui vise Democrats,

et qui a valeur résultative,



















autres énoncés



Soaringadjectif insurance rates send

more people shopping for deals


June 15, 2024    NPR



shopping for deals

est une séquence -ing

non autonome donc adjunctive,

déterminative et catégorisante :


en s'ajoutant à people,

elle détermine ce nom,

créant la catégorie des personnes

qui recherchent la meilleure affaire.


La valeur énonciative

de cette séquence -ing

est conséquentielle, résultative.


Traduction explicative :


conséquence, résultat :

si plus de consommateurs recherchent

le meilleur contrat d'assurance,


cause :

c'est parce que les taux des contrats

augmentent fortement.




















Heads up!

Stunningadjectif birds are all around us,

even in dense cities


May 30, 2023    NPR



















Trailblazingadjectif opera star Grace Bumbry

dies at age 86


May 9, 2023    NPR


















How disappearingadjectif ice in Antarctica

threatens the U.S.


April 17, 2023    NPR



















The cuttingadjectif edge solution

topreposition risingadjectif debt?


Paying in cash


December 7, 2022    NPR











































































































































































































This is my disarming smile...

[ adjectif épithète de smile ]



by Charles Schulz


January 18, 2014


















The scientific case for global warming is overwhelming

[ adjectif attribut

de The scientific case for global warming ]




by Garry Trudeau


September 25, 2011


















Spiderman    Stan Lee    14 November 2004

















The Guardian        p. 23        16 September 2006
















NoW        26 November 2005
















The Guardian        p. 17        5 November 2004

















4 December 2004


















The Guardian        p. 8        29 January 2005
















The Guardian        Going green        p. 7        27 June 2006















Fascinating, infuriating, enduring:

Bob Dylan deserves his Nobel prize


Many have questioned the accolade,
but there is no question
that he is a singular talent
– even if he’s not really a poet

Fascinating, infuriating, enduring:
Bob Dylan deserves his Nobel prize,
16 October 2016,






The Growing Shadow of Political Money


JAN. 24, 2015

the new York Times


SundayReview | Editorial


Like bettors checking Las Vegas odds on the Super Bowl, specialists in the nation’s booming campaign finance industry are tracking the action in the 2016 elections, not so much to assess the candidates as to see how much of a payout is likely this time around in the grand casino of American politics.

The record total of $6.3 billion spent on the presidential and congressional elections of 2012 is only the starting point. Estimates of next year’s likely total are running between $7.5 billion and $8 billion. This moneyed universe is certain to keep expanding as the political industry’s managers and their candidates master the unlimited fund-raising and spending devices they now have at hand.

The Growing Shadow of Political Money,
JAN 24, 2015,






The Worsening Ebola Crisis


OCT. 13, 2014

The New York Times

The Opinion Pages | Editorial



Recent days have brought two alarming developments in the struggle to contain Ebola. The campaign against the epidemic in West Africa, the only sure way to prevent the spread of the virus to the United States and other countries, fell even further behind. And the discovery that a nurse treating an Ebola patient in Dallas had herself become infected despite wearing protective gear raised questions about the readiness of American hospitals to deal with Ebola patients.

The Worsening Ebola Crisis,






Grounded Travelers

Turn to Buses in Droves


December 29, 2010
The New York Times


Reuben Burgos, who works for Def Jam records, had to get to New York City from Los Angeles to help out at the big New Year’s Eve party in Times Square.

Unfortunately, his Southwest Airlines flight from Los Angeles International Airport to La Guardia Airport on Monday was canceled. So he had to improvise.

“They told me I could get a flight to Syracuse today,” Mr. Burgos, 29, said inside the Port Authority Bus Terminal on Wednesday afternoon. “So I did, and I took the bus from there. It’s been a long trip.”

All day Wednesday, would-be airline passengers staggered out of the Greyhound and Trailways bus terminal gates, many of them with similar stories. They were forced to travel by land because the blizzard had grounded their flights, and they had to get to New York for work, airline connections and New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Lisa Gargamelli, 33, a bill collector who lives in Branford, Conn., flew to Milwaukee for Christmas to visit her boyfriend, who is a truck driver. When she learned on Monday that her flight had been canceled, she hitched a ride with her boyfriend in his 18-wheeler to Baltimore. Then she took a bus to Port Authority before continuing home on the Metro-North Railroad.

It was tiring and long,” Ms. Gargamelli said. “I will be happy to be home in my own bed tonight.”

Abiola Billey, 30, a law clerk from St. John’s in Antigua, went to Miami for Christmas and planned to fly to New York on Sunday to visit family before heading home on Thursday. When her JetBlue flight on Sunday was canceled, and she was told that she could not get another flight to New York until Friday, her next call was to Greyhound. She spent nearly 36 hours on a bus in order to have less than 12 hours in New York before her trip to Antigua.

“Christmas was nice,” Ms. Billey said, “but everything after that went downhill.”

Bus companies added extra shifts of workers to deal with the glut of passengers, many of whom found train seats as hard to find as plane seats, officials said. William Lassiter, a Greyhound driver for 31 years, said this week had been on par with Thanksgiving weekend, among the year’s busiest for bus travel.

Its been a little overwhelming,” Mr. Lassiter said.


Grounded Travelers Turn to Buses in Droves,










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