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possessifs / relatifs


his        her        its        their

my        our        your        whose




Nom (N)




Groupe Nominal (GN)


Our goal is not regime change.




Our goal is not regime change.


Rob Rogers

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette



31 March 2011


L to R: President Barack Obama,

Speaker of the House John Boehner


our : adjectif possessif

ours : pronom possessif

















The Guardian        Summer Food and Drink        p. 22        15 July 2006


















The Guardian        p. 9        2.10.2004


















Daily Mirror    19.10.2004




George W. Bush,

43rd president of the United States, as Uncle Sam.
















Mandrake        Fred Fredericks        Created by Lee Falk

28 September 2004

















Metallica's new album, '72 Seasons,'

has met critical acclaim.

What's their secret?


April 30, 2023    NPR
































































































his + N


Hepronom personnel masculin sujet and hisadjectif dit possessif wife

both got cataract surgery.

His bill was 20 times higher than herspronom personnel


[ hers = her bill ]


June 27, 2022    NPR



















autres énoncés




America and Its Fellow Executioners


JAN. 9, 2016

The New York Times



Aside from the barbarism and injustice of Saudi Arabia’s execution of 47 men on Jan. 2, the state-sponsored killings — some by beheading — bucked a strong trend against capital punishment in most of the world. According to the annual report of Amnesty International, executions were carried out in 22 countries in 2014, the year covered; there were 25 in 2004. The total number of people known to have been executed also fell. To its disgrace, the United States was still among the five countries that most often used capital punishment — alongside China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq — but the number of executions in America continued to decline.

America and Its Fellow Executioners,
JAN 9., 2016,






How to Get Business to Pay Its Share


May 3, 2012
The New York Times


JAMES MADISON never played with an iPhone, but he might have had something to say about the news last weekend about Apple. Over the last few years, the company has avoided paying billions of dollars in state and federal taxes by routing profits through subsidiaries based in tax havens from Reno, Nev., to the Caribbean.

How to Get Business to Pay Its Share,






US scientists have taught a monkey to feed itself using a robotic arm and the power of thought.

The experiment, revealed last night at a meeting of neuroscientists in San Diego, offers hope to people with spinal cord injuries.

A team from the University of Pittsburgh restrained the arms of a monkey and wired a neural prosthesis - a robot arm with a mobile shoulder, elbow and griping device - into its brain.

The arm intercepted signals from electrodes attached to probes in the nerve cells of the motor cortex, the brain region that controls movement.

An algorithm devised at Pittsburgh interpreted the activity in the monkey's brain as the animal tried to move
its own arm, and transmitted the signals to the robotic arm.

Monkey trained to use robotic arm, G, 27.10.2004,






Internet is a victim of its own success


It is the news that internet users do not want to hear:

the worldwide web is in danger of collapsing around us.

Headline and §1, G, 14.9.2004,






The sky seems a little lower this morning;

a cathedral without a spire, a mountain without wolves.

Yesterday Concorde, the Anglo-French sky goddess,

drooped her nose for the last time in commercial flight,

coming in to land among commonplace Boeings and Airbuses

at Heathrow airport.

Time machine's final trip leaves an empty sky, G, 25.10.2003,






Blunkett accuses BBC of creating its own news

'Klan stunt' filmed at police school, O, 19.10.2003.






The far right British National Party

is licking its wounds

after two disappointing local election results.

BNP suffers setbacks at council by-elections,
PA, 16.10.2003.






The sight of Amrozi bin Nurhasyim,

the "smlling bomber" of Bali,

raising his arms in triumph

as his death sentence

was announced was profoundly disturbing.

Throughout his trial,

Amrozi betrayed no glimmer of remorse

for the appalling crime he had helped execute.

The smile of death: Executing the Bali bomber is no remedy,
G, p. 23, 9.8.2003.






She said her son wrote to her that conditions

were so good in Camp delta in Cuba

that "there is no health resort in Russia

that can compare".

Russian mothers plead for sons to stay in Guantanamo, p. 19,
G, 9.8.2003.






'You're not going out dressed like that!'

Which of us has not heard this outraged bellow in our day?

However, two things made it quite bearable;

a) it came from our parents, bless 'em,

who really did want the best for us despite it all,

and b) it stopped when we were sweet sixteen.

Spare a thought, then,

for Kylie Minogue and Britney Spears,

who are presently hearing this censorious nonsense

from a complete stranger - one Jim O'Neill,

chairman of the Professional Association of Teachers -

despite the fact that they are, respectively,

in their mid-30s and early 20s.

It's their fault, apparently,

that 10-year-old girls are turning up for class

wearing "totally inappropriate" and "skimpy" clothes.

Do you think I'm sexy?:
Don't blame Kylie if kids are dressing skimpily for school,
says Julie Burchill (below). Better to blame the parents for pointless worrying,
says 16-year-old Leila d'Angelo (far right),
p. 6,










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