History > 2014 > USA > U.S. Supreme Court (II)

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2013.
She says the court’s majority
fails to understand what women
face in achieving equality.
Todd Heisler/The New York Times
Justices’ Rulings Advance
Gays; Women Less So
Health Care Reform Imperiled
NOV. 7, 2014
The New York Times
The Opinion Pages | Editorial
Will five Supreme Court justices eliminate essential health care
subsidies for more than four million lower-income Americans, based on a
contorted reading of four words?
It sounds inconceivable, but that would be the effect of a ruling in favor of
the latest legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act. On Friday, the justices
announced that they would hear that case, King v. Burwell, a dispute over the
meaning of a single phrase — “established by the State” — in the 900-page
health-care reform law.
The law, which has been under constant assault since its 2010 passage, has made
health-care coverage newly available for between 8 and 11 million people this
year alone.
This unprecedented achievement in social policy has improved, and surely saved,
many lives. But, to the law’s implacable opponents, it represents nothing more
than an oppressive big-government program that must be stomped out.
The opponents lost before the Supreme Court in 2012 in an effort to kill the law
on constitutional grounds. Now they are taking aim at the tax-credit subsidies
that are central to the success of health reform.
Because one subsection of the law says these subsidies are available on an
exchange “established by the State,” the plaintiffs claim there can be no
subsidies for anyone living in the 36 states where the federal government
established a health exchange after state officials did not.
It is a superficially simple argument, which most federal judges who have
considered the claim have rejected. That is because it runs counter to the
explicit purpose and structure of the Affordable Care Act. As everyone involved
in the law’s creation understood at the time, its success depends on making
coverage both required and available to as many people as possible. As a Senate
staff member told Vox.com recently, “We certainly wanted every individual in
every state, regardless of their federal or state exchange status, to receive
the same subsidies.”
In cases where there is a dispute over statutory wording, a well-established
legal principle requires courts to defer to a government agency’s reasonable
interpretation of the language at issue. In fact, the plaintiffs concede that
their strained reading of the law could render several other provisions
The Supreme Court itself has said repeatedly that when construing laws, “we must
not be guided by a single sentence or member of a sentence, but look to the
provisions of the whole law, and to its object and policy.”
The Affordable Care Act’s challengers have taken the opposite approach and spent
years scouring each sentence of the law for any and all possible lines of
attack. Their persistence is impressive, but it does not make them right.
A version of this editorial appears in print on November 8, 2014,
on page A20 of the New York edition with the headline: Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform Imperiled, NYT, 7.11.2014,
Supreme Court Allows Texas
to Use Voter ID Law
OCT. 18, 2014
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Saturday allowed Texas to use
its strict voter identification law in the November election. The court’s order,
issued just after 5 a.m., was unsigned and contained no reasoning.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg issued a six-page dissent saying the court’s action
“risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters.”
Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan joined the dissent.
The law, enacted in 2011, requires voters seeking to cast their ballots at the
polls to present photo identification like a Texas driver’s or gun license, a
military ID or a passport.
Those requirements, Justice Ginsburg wrote, “may prevent more than 600,000
registered Texas voters (about 4.5 percent of all registered voters) from voting
for lack of compliant identification.”
“A sharply disproportionate percentage of those voters are African American or
Hispanic,” she added, adding that “racial discrimination in elections in Texas
is no mere historical artifact.”
Texas officials quarreled with Justice Ginsburg’s math, which was drawn from
evidence presented to a trial court. In their brief urging the justices to allow
the election to proceed under the 2011 law, they said that trying to determine
the number of people the law would deter from voting was a fool’s errand and
called the estimate of 600,000 disenfranchised voters preposterous.
Justice Ginsburg also said that the law “replaced the previously existing voter
identification requirements with the strictest regime in the country.”
But Justice Ginsburg noted that Texas will not accept several forms of ID that
Wisconsin does, including “a photo ID from an in-state four year college and one
from a federally recognized Indian tribe.” Last week, the Supreme Court refused
to let Wisconsin use its voter ID law in the current election.
Texans who lack a required form of identification cannot easily obtain it,
Justice Ginsburg wrote. “More than 400,000 eligible voters face round-trip
travel times of three hours or more to the nearest” government office issuing
IDs, she wrote, and they must generally present a certified birth certificate to
get one.
Birth certificates ordinarily cost $22. The state offers cheaper ones, costing
$2 to $3, for election purposes, Justice Ginsburg wrote, but it has not
publicized that option on the relevant website or on forms for requesting birth
“Even at $2, the toll is at odds with this court’s precedent,” she wrote, citing
a 1966 decision striking down Virginia’s poll tax.
The Texas law was at first blocked under Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights
Act, which required some states and localities with a history of discrimination
to obtain federal permission before changing voting procedure. After the Supreme
Court in 2013 effectively struck down Section 5 in Shelby County v. Holder, an
Alabama case, Texas officials announced that they would start enforcing the ID
The law has been challenged by an array of individuals, civil rights groups and
the Obama administration.
After a two-week trial in September, Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos of the Federal
District Court in Corpus Christi struck down the law on Oct. 9 in a 147-page
opinion, saying it was adopted “with an unconstitutional discriminatory
purpose,” created “an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote” and amounted
to a poll tax.
Two days later, Judge Ramos entered an injunction blocking the law in the
current election. The question for the justices was what to do about that
injunction while appeals proceed.
Greg Abbott, the state attorney general and the Republican candidate for
governor, told the Supreme Court that Judge Ramos had acted too close to the
election and had “unsettled a status quo that had prevailed for 15 months and
governed numerous elections without a hitch.”
He accused his adversaries of litigation gamesmanship in not seeking a
preliminary injunction while the case was moving forward in the trial court. A
ruling on such an interim injunction, he said, would have allowed an orderly
On Oct. 14, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit, in New Orleans, stayed Judge Ramos’s injunction, saying that a
change in voting rules so close to an election would cause confusion among
voters and poll workers.
The law has been used in several statewide elections since the 2013 Shelby
County decision but never in a federal general election.
Texas has required some form of identification to vote at the polls since 2003.
In the decade after, before the new law imposed even stricter requirements, some
20 million votes were cast, Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. told the
justices, while “only two cases of in-person voter impersonation fraud were
prosecuted to conviction.”
A brief filed by the Texas State Conference of NAACP Branches and other groups
said confusion at the polls was unlikely under Judge Ramos’s injunction.
“Expanding the list of acceptable IDs will not disenfranchise any voter,” the
brief said, “since the forms of ID acceptable under the old voter ID system
includes all forms of photo ID specified by” the 2011 law.
Justice Ginsburg agreed, adding that Judge Ramos had found “the state’s efforts
to familiarize the public and poll workers regarding the new identification
requirements” to be “'woefully lacking’ and ‘grossly’ underfunded.'”
“In short,” Justice Ginsburg wrote, “any voter confusion or lack of public
confidence in Texas’s electoral processes is in this case largely attributable
to the state itself.”
The Supreme’s Court’s order represented the fourth time the court has interceded
in the upcoming election in the last three weeks. The moves were in one sense
hard to reconcile.
The court allowed Ohio to cut back on early voting and let North Carolina bar
same-day registration and counting votes cast in the wrong precinct. But the
court also stopped Wisconsin from requiring voters there to provide photo
The theme that did seem to run through the orders was a reluctance to disturb
the status quo immediately before an election.
Justice Ginsburg said the Supreme Court’s order Saturday morning was different
from the ones issued concerning elections in Ohio and North Carolina. “Neither
application involved, as this case does,” she wrote, “a permanent injunction
following a full trial and resting on an extensive record from which the
district-court found ballot-access discrimination by the state.”
Supreme Court Allows Texas to Use Voter ID
Law, NYT, 18.10.2014,
One Step Closer to Marriage Equality
OCT. 6, 2014
The New York Times
The Opinion Pages | Editorial
On Monday morning, the first day of the Supreme Court’s new term,
the most exhilarating news came not from anything the justices did, but from one
thing they didn’t do. Without explanation and against expectations, the court
declined to hear any of the seven petitions asking them to reject a
constitutional right to same-sex marriage. By choosing not to review those
cases, the justices made it possible for same-sex couples in a majority of
states to marry.
Since June, three federal appeals courts have struck down marriage bans in
Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Utah, but each ruling was stayed
until the Supreme Court had a chance to weigh in. Within hours of the court’s
announcement on Monday, marriages began taking place, giving long-overdue
legitimacy to thousands of same-sex couples. The right also extends to residents
in six other states in the appellate circuits covered by those appeals courts.
Thirty states and the District of Columbia — home to about 60 percent of
Americans — could soon allow same-sex marriage. That number is likely to grow
after a ruling from the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which last month
heard arguments over state bans in Idaho and Nevada and is expected to strike
them down.
What a difference a decade makes! In 2004 alone, a dozen states passed
constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage; eight went so far as to ban
all legal recognition of same-sex couples. The future looked bleak.
But, in June 2013, the Supreme Court struck down the heart of the federal
Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
The clear and unconstitutional purpose of the law, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote
for the majority in United States v. Windsor, was “to impose a disadvantage, a
separate status, and so a stigma” on same-sex couples.
Since the court’s holding in Windsor, more than 40 federal and state courts
around the country have relied on its sound reasoning almost unanimously to
strike down state bans on same-sex marriage.
Among other things, they have rejected the absurd, baseless arguments that
same-sex marriage harms children or undermines heterosexual marriage. In his
opinion for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Richard Posner wrote,
“The only rationale that the states put forth with any conviction — that
same-sex couples and their children don’t need marriage because same-sex couples
can’t produce children, intended or unintended — is so full of holes that it
cannot be taken seriously.”
It has been astonishing and moving to see the unprecedented speed with which the
public and the judiciary have come around on the issue. A majority of Americans
now support the right of same-sex couples to marry, compared with about a
quarter in 1996. Among those under 30, support is at nearly 80 percent.
But the forces against marriage equality are not going down without a fight. In
nearly half the country, gay and lesbian couples are still treated as
second-class citizens, denied the respect and dignity — as well as the tangible
financial benefits — that come with the ability to marry.
In a speech last month, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who last year became the
first justice to officiate at a same-sex wedding, said that the court is keeping
an eye on developments in the lower courts, but that there is “no need for us to
rush.” Why not?
Every day that the justices do not declare a constitutional right to same-sex
marriage, a child in San Antonio feels confusion and shame that her fathers
cannot get married; a woman in Atlanta is prohibited from making emergency
medical decisions for her life partner; a man in Biloxi, Miss., is denied
veteran’s survivor benefits after his husband dies. The consequences of being
treated as inferior under the law are real, immediate and devastating.
Same-sex marriage is among the most important civil-rights issues of our time,
and the country is ready to resolve it once and for all. The justices have all
the information they need to rule that there is a constitutional right to
same-sex marriage. What are they waiting for?
A version of this editorial appears in print on October 7, 2014,
on page A28 of the New York edition with the headline: One Step Closer to
Marriage Equality.
One Step Closer to Marriage Equality, NYT,
Supreme Court Delivers
Tacit Win to Gay Marriage
OCT. 6, 2014
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday let stand appeals court
rulings allowing same-sex marriage in five states, a major surprise that could
signal the inevitability of the right of same-sex marriage nationwide.
The development cleared the way for same-sex marriages in Indiana, Oklahoma,
Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. Gay and lesbian couples started getting married in
those states within hours.
The decision to let the appeals court rulings stand, which came without
explanation in a series of brief orders, will have an enormous practical effect
and may indicate a point of no return for the Supreme Court.
Most immediately, the Supreme Court’s move increased the number of states
allowing same-sex marriage to 24, along with the District of Columbia, up from
19. Within weeks legal ripples from the decision could expand same-sex marriage
to 30 states.
That means nearly two-thirds of same-sex couples in the United States will soon
live in states where they can marry, according to the Williams Institute at the
University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law.
Should the court then take up a same-sex marriage case next year or in another
term, the justices may be reluctant to overturn what has become law in the
majority of American states, said Walter E. Dellinger III, who was an acting
United States solicitor general in the Clinton administration.
“The more liberal justices have been reluctant to press this issue to an
up-or-down vote until more of the country experiences gay marriage,” Mr.
Dellinger said. “Once a substantial part of the country has experienced gay
marriage, then the court will be more willing to finish the job.”
There is precedent for such an approach: The court waited to strike down bans on
interracial marriage until 1967, when the number of states allowing such unions
had grown to 34, even though interracial marriage was still opposed by a
significant majority of Americans. But popular opinion has moved much faster
than the courts on same-sex marriage, with many Americans and large majorities
of young people supporting it.
Opponents of same-sex marriage expressed frustration with the development. John
C. Eastman, a law professor at Chapman University, said it was “beyond
preposterous” for federal courts rather than the democratic process to define
the meaning of marriage. Supporters of traditional marriage vowed to continue
their fight, noting that several federal appeals courts are yet to be heard
“The court’s decision not to take up this issue now means that the marriage
battle will continue,” said Byron Babione, a lawyer with Alliance Defending
Freedom. “The people should decide this issue, not the courts.”
Monday’s orders specifically let stand decisions from three federal appeals
courts striking down bans on same-sex marriage in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah,
Virginia and Wisconsin. Those three courts, which together have jurisdiction
over six additional states that ban same-sex marriage — Colorado, Kansas, North
Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia and Wyoming — will almost certainly
follow their own precedents to strike down those other bans as well. That would
bring the number of states with same-sex marriage to 30.
Other appeals courts are likely to rule soon on yet other marriage bans,
including the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San
Francisco, which has jurisdiction over nine states, five of which still have
same-sex marriage bans. If that court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, as
expected, it will be allowed in 35 states.
The justices had earlier acted to stop same-sex marriages in Utah and Virginia,
issuing stays to block appeals court rulings allowing them. Other appeals court
decisions had been stayed by the appeals courts themselves.
The nearly universal consensus from Supreme Court observers had been that the
stays issued by the justices indicated that they wanted the last word before
federal courts transformed the landscape for same-sex marriage. But in recent
remarks, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said there was no urgency for the court to
act until a split emerged in the federal appeals courts, which recently have all
ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.
Justice Ginsburg has often counseled moving slowly, a lesson she said she had
learned from the backlash that followed Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that
established a constitutional right to abortion. “It’s not that the judgment was
wrong,” she has said, “but it moved too far, too fast.”
Proponents of same-sex marriage were confident they would have prevailed in the
Supreme Court had it agreed to hear one of Monday’s cases. They took the unusual
step of urging the justices to step in though they had won in the lower courts.
Even as they welcomed Monday’s developments, some expressed frustration that the
court had not acted more forcefully.
“The court’s delay in affirming the freedom to marry nationwide prolongs the
patchwork of state-to-state discrimination and the harms and indignity that the
denial of marriage still inflicts on too many couples in too many places,” said
Evan Wolfson, the president of Freedom to Marry.
The justices last agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to a same-sex
marriage ban, California’s Proposition 8, in December 2012. But a majority of
the justices said in June 2013 that the case was not properly before the court.
That move indicated that the Supreme Court wanted to stay out of the fray until
more states allowed same-sex marriage.
If the court took pains to avoid a resolution of whether there was a
constitutional right to same-sex marriage in the California case, Hollingsworth
v. Perry, it set the groundwork for a definitive answer in a second decision
issued the same day. That ruling, United States v. Windsor, struck down the part
of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that barred federal benefits for same-sex
couples married in states that allowed such unions.
The decision was based on a muddle of rationales. In his dissent, Justice
Antonin Scalia challenged readers of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s majority
opinion to follow its “disappearing trail” of “legalistic argle-bargle.”
But lower courts seemed to have no trouble understanding what the Windsor
decision had to say about a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. In a
remarkable and essentially unbroken line of about 40 decisions, state and
federal courts have relied on Windsor to rule in favor of same-sex marriage.
In his own dissent in the Windsor case, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
cautioned that the decision was a limited one, buttressing his assertion with a
quotation from the majority opinion.
“The court does not have before it, and the logic of its opinion does not
decide, the distinct question whether the states, in the exercise of their
‘historic and essential authority to define the marital relation,’ may continue
to utilize the traditional definition of marriage,” he wrote.
“We may in the future have to resolve challenges to state marriage definitions
affecting same-sex couples,” he added. “That issue, however, is not before us in
this case.”
But lower-court judges seemed inclined to agree with Justice Scalia’s assessment
of where things were heading.
“By formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human
decency,” Justice Scalia wrote, “the majority arms well every challenger to a
state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition.”
A version of this article appears in print on October 7, 2014,
on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Supreme Court Delivers
Tacit Win to Gay Marriage.
Supreme Court Delivers Tacit Win to Gay
Marriage, NYT, 7.10.2014,
Denying Review,
Justices Clear Way
for Gay Marriage in 5 States
OCT. 6, 2014
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday denied review in all
five pending same-sex marriage cases, clearing the way for such marriages to
proceed in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.
The move was a major surprise and suggests that the justices are not going to
intercede in the wave of decisions in favor of same-sex marriage at least until
a federal appeals court upholds a state ban.
The move will almost immediately increase the number of states allowing same-sex
marriage from 19 to 24, along with the District of Columbia.
The justices had earlier acted to stop same-sex marriages in Utah and Virginia,
issuing stays to block appeals court rulings allowing them. Other appeals court
decisions had been stayed by the appeals court themselves.
The all but universal consensus from observers of the Supreme Court had been
that the stays issued by the justices indicated that the justices wanted the
last word before federal courts transformed the landscape for same-sex marriage.
But in recent remarks, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said there was no urgency for
the court to act until a split emerged in the federal appeals courts, all of
whose recent decisions have ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.
The justices last agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to a same-sex
marriage ban, California’s Proposition 8, in December 2012. But a majority of
the justices said it was not properly before the court. That move indicated that
the Supreme Court may have wanted to stay out of the fray until the number of
states allowing same-sex marriage was much higher.
There is precedent for such an approach. The court waited until 1967, for
instance, to strike down bans on interracial marriage, when the number of states
allowing such unions had grown to 34, though it was still opposed by a
significant majority of Americans.
Denying Review, Justices Clear Way for Gay
Marriage in 5 States,
NYT, 6.10.2014,
How the Supreme Court
Protects Bad Cops
AUG. 26, 2014
The New York Times
The Opinion Pages | Op-Ed Contributor
IRVINE, Calif. — LAST week, a grand jury was convened in St.
Louis County, Mo., to examine the evidence against the police officer who killed
Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, and to determine if he should be
indicted. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. even showed up to announce a
separate federal investigation, and to promise that justice would be done. But
if the conclusion is that the officer, Darren Wilson, acted improperly, the
ability to hold him or Ferguson, Mo., accountable will be severely restricted by
none other than the United States Supreme Court.
In recent years, the court has made it very difficult, and often impossible, to
hold police officers and the governments that employ them accountable for civil
rights violations. This undermines the ability to deter illegal police behavior
and leaves victims without compensation. When the police kill or injure innocent
people, the victims rarely have recourse.
The most recent court ruling that favored the police was Plumhoff v. Rickard,
decided on May 27, which found that even egregious police conduct is not
“excessive force” in violation of the Constitution. Police officers in West
Memphis, Ark., pulled over a white Honda Accord because the car had only one
operating headlight. Rather than comply with an officer’s request to get out of
the car, the driver made the unfortunate decision to speed away. The police
chased the car for more than five minutes, reaching speeds of over 100 miles per
hour. Eventually, officers fired 15 shots into the car, killing both the driver
and a passenger.
The Supreme Court reversed the decision of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit and ruled unanimously in favor of the police. Justice Samuel A. Alito
Jr. said that the driver’s conduct posed a “grave public safety risk” and that
the police were justified in shooting at the car to stop it. The court said it
“stands to reason that, if police officers are justified in firing at a suspect
in order to end a severe threat to public safety, the officers need not stop
shooting until the threat has ended.”
This is deeply disturbing. The Supreme Court now has said that whenever there is
a high-speed chase that could injure others — and that would seem to be true of
virtually all high-speed chases — the police can shoot at the vehicle and keep
shooting until the chase ends. Obvious alternatives could include shooting out
the car’s tires, or even taking the license plate number and tracking the driver
down later.
The court has also weakened accountability by ruling that a local government can
be held liable only if it is proved that the city’s or county’s own policy
violated the Constitution. In almost every other area of law, an employer can be
held liable if its employees, in the scope of their duties, injure others, even
negligently. This encourages employers to control the conduct of their employees
and ensures that those injured will be compensated.
A 2011 case, Connick v. Thompson, illustrates how difficult the Supreme Court
has made it to prove municipal liability. John Thompson was convicted of an
armed robbery and a murder and spent 18 years in prison, 14 of them on death
row, because of prosecutorial misconduct. Two days before Mr. Thompson’s trial
began in New Orleans, the assistant district attorney received the crime lab’s
report, which stated that the perpetrator of the armed robbery had a blood type
that did not match Mr. Thompson’s. The defense was not told this crucial
Through a series of coincidences, Mr. Thompson’s lawyer discovered the blood
evidence soon before the scheduled execution. New testing was done and again the
blood of the perpetrator didn’t match Mr. Thompson’s DNA or even his blood type.
His conviction was overturned, and he was eventually acquitted of all charges.
The district attorney’s office, which had a notorious history of not turning
over exculpatory evidence to defendants, conceded that it had violated its
constitutional obligation. Mr. Thompson sued the City of New Orleans, which
employed the prosecutors, and was awarded $14 million.
But the Supreme Court reversed that decision, in a 5-to-4 vote, and held that
the local government was not liable for the prosecutorial misconduct. Justice
Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, said that New Orleans could not be
held liable because it could not be proved that its own policies had violated
the Constitution. The fact that its prosecutor blatantly violated the
Constitution was not enough to make the city liable.
Because it is so difficult to sue government entities, most victims’ only
recourse is to sue the officers involved. But here, too, the Supreme Court has
created often insurmountable obstacles. The court has held that all government
officials sued for monetary damages can raise “immunity” as a defense. Police
officers and other law enforcement personnel who commit perjury have absolute
immunity and cannot be sued for money, even when it results in the imprisonment
of an innocent person. A prosecutor who commits misconduct, as in Mr. Thompson’s
case, also has absolute immunity to civil suits.
When there is not absolute immunity, police officers are still protected by
“qualified immunity” when sued for monetary damages. The Supreme Court, in an
opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia in 2011, ruled that a government officer can
be held liable only if “every reasonable official” would have known that his
conduct was unlawful. For example, the officer who shot Michael Brown can be
held liable only if every reasonable officer would have known that the shooting
constituted the use of excessive force and was not self-defense.
The Supreme Court has used this doctrine in recent years to deny damages to an
eighth-grade girl who was strip-searched by school officials on suspicion that
she had prescription-strength ibuprofen. It has also used it to deny damages to
a man who, under a material-witness warrant, was held in a maximum-security
prison for 16 days and on supervised release for 14 months, even though the
government had no intention of using him as a material witness or even probable
cause to arrest him. In each instance, the court stressed that the government
officer could not be held liable, even though the Constitution had clearly been
Taken together, these rulings have a powerful effect. They mean that the officer
who shot Michael Brown and the City of Ferguson will most likely never be held
accountable in court. How many more deaths and how many more riots will it take
before the Supreme Court changes course?
Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the School of Law at the University of
California, Irvine, is the author of the forthcoming book “The Case Against the
Supreme Court.”
A version of this op-ed appears in print on August 27, 2014,
on page A23 of the New York edition with the headline:
How the Supreme Court Protects Bad Cops.
How the Supreme Court Protects Bad Cops, NYT,
Justices’ Rulings Advance Gays;
Women Less
AUG. 4, 2014
The New York
When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reflects on the Supreme Court’s recent rulings,
she sees an inconsistency.
In its gay rights rulings, she told a law school audience last week, the court
uses the soaring language of “equal dignity” and has endorsed the fundamental
values of “liberty and equality.” Indeed, a court that just three decades ago
allowed criminal prosecutions for gay sex now speaks with sympathy for gay
families and seems on the cusp of embracing a constitutional right to same-sex
But in cases involving gender, she said, the court has never fully embraced “the
ability of women to decide for themselves what their destiny will be.” She said
the court’s five-justice conservative majority, all men, did not understand the
challenges women face in achieving authentic equality.
Justice Ginsburg is not the only one who has sensed that cases involving gay
people and women are on different trajectories.
Gay men and lesbians still have a long way to go before they achieve the formal
legal equality that women have long enjoyed. But they have made stunning
progress at the Supreme Court over the last decade, gaining legal protection for
sexual intimacy and unconventional families with stirring language unimaginable
a generation ago.
At the same time, legal scholars say, the court has delivered blows to women’s
groups in cases involving equal pay, medical leave, abortion and contraception,
culminating in a furious dissent last month from the court’s three female
Many forces are contributing to this divide, but the most powerful is the role
of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the court’s swing vote. Legal scholars say his
jurisprudence is marked by both libertarian and paternalistic impulses, ones
that have bolstered gay rights and dealt setbacks to women’s groups.
A Sacramento lawyer and lobbyist who still lived in the house he grew up in when
President Ronald Reagan nominated him to the Supreme Court in 1987, Justice
Kennedy is the product of a placid middle-class existence in which most women
stayed within traditional roles. Some of his judicial writing, Justice Ginsburg
once wrote in dissent, reflected “ancient notions about women’s place in the
But Justice Kennedy, 78, has long had gay friends, and his legal philosophy is
characterized by an expansive commitment to individual liberty. He wrote the
majority opinions in all three of the court’s gay rights landmarks, which struck
down a Colorado constitutional amendment that banned laws protecting gay men and
lesbians, a Texas law that made gay sex a crime, and the heart of the federal
Defense of Marriage Act.
Last year, he explained in vivid terms why the marriage law drew an
unconstitutional distinction by barring benefits for married same-sex couples.
“The differentiation demeans the couple, whose moral and sexual choices the
Constitution protects and whose relationship the state has sought to dignify,”
he wrote. “And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by
same-sex couples.”
Justice Kennedy writes in a different register in cases about women’s sexual
freedom and motherhood, said David S. Cohen, a law professor at Drexel
In those cases, Justice Kennedy tends to vote with the court’s four more
conservative members — Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Antonin
Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. — and to read statutes narrowly
in favor of employers and religious freedom. In an article in The South Carolina
Law Review surveying “Justice Kennedy’s gendered world,” Professor Cohen
concluded that “Justice Kennedy relies on traditional and paternalistic gender
stereotypes about nontraditional fathers, idealized mothers and second-guessing
women’s decisions.”
Perhaps the most memorable — and to women’s groups the most troubling — passage
of this sort came in Justice Kennedy’s 2007 majority opinion in a 5-to-4 vote
sustaining the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.
“Respect for human life finds an ultimate expression in the bond of love the
mother has for her child,” he wrote. “While we find no reliable data to measure
the phenomenon, it seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret
their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained.”
If Justice Kennedy best embodies the court’s conflicting impulses toward gays
and women, Justice Ginsburg is in many ways his opposite. She voted with him in
all of the major gay rights cases, but in women’s rights cases she has issued a
series of sharp dissents.
Justice Ginsburg, 81, was a prominent women’s rights litigator before she became
a judge, overcoming obstacles related to her gender along the way. After
attending Harvard Law School as one of nine women in a class of more than 500
and graduating from Columbia Law School, she was turned down by law firms and
was refused judicial clerkships because she was a woman. When she became a
professor at Rutgers School of Law, she was told she would be paid less than her
male colleagues because her husband, also a lawyer, had a good job. She later
became the first tenured female professor at Columbia Law School.
Speaking last week at a reception for students and alumni of Duke University
School of Law, she said the Supreme Court had made a grave error in June in its
Hobby Lobby decision, which allowed some employers to refuse to pay for
insurance coverage for contraception based on religious objections. “There was
no way to read that decision narrowly,” she said, adding that it opened the door
to job discrimination against women.
“What of the employer whose religious faith teaches that it’s sinful to employ a
single woman without her father’s consent or a married woman without her
husband’s consent?” she asked. The court, she said, “had ventured into a
She summarized her dissent in the Hobby Lobby case from the bench, a rare move
signaling vehement disagreement, one that happens perhaps four times a term.
When Justice Ginsburg issues an oral dissent, it is very often in a case
concerning women’s rights.
She dissented again from the bench in 2012 in Coleman v. Court of Appeals of
Maryland, a 5-to-4 decision limiting the availability of medical leaves. In his
controlling opinion, Justice Kennedy said he saw no “widespread evidence of sex
discrimination or sex stereotyping in the administration of sick leave,” while
Justice Ginsburg said from the bench that the decision made it harder for women
“to live balanced lives, at home and in gainful employment.”
The recent cases concerning women are not directly comparable to those involving
gay rights, which considered questions as fundamental as whether states can make
gay sex a crime. And gay rights groups say there is much work to be done before
gay men and lesbians achieve the legal protections women have long had.
In much of the country, for instance, employers and landlords are free to
discriminate based on sexual orientation. The Supreme Court has never recognized
heightened constitutional scrutiny for discrimination based on sexual
orientation, though it has long done so for ones based on gender.
For now, said Suzanne B. Goldberg, a law professor at Columbia, “the court’s
recent gay rights decisions seem to be catching up with women’s rights cases of
earlier decades.”
“At the same time,” she added, “we live in a society that now seems more
receptive to gay rights than women’s rights generally, so it is disheartening
but not surprising to see that reflected in decisions like Hobby Lobby, which
failed to see the link between contraception access and women’s equality.”
Justice Ginsburg has suggested that her male colleagues sometimes do not hear a
woman’s voice, including her own. In a 2009 interview with USA Today, she said
the other justices, who were then all men, sometimes ignored the arguments she
made at their private conferences.
“I will say something — and I don’t think I’m a confused speaker — and it isn’t
until somebody else says it that everyone will focus on the point,” Justice
Ginsburg said.
Between 2006 and 2009, after the resignation of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and
before the appointment of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Ginsburg was the lone
woman on the court, a situation she said she found isolating and disturbing.
Now, with the addition of Justice Elena Kagan in 2010, there are three women,
and they often vote together.
They did so last month in dissenting from an order allowing Wheaton College, a
Christian institution in Illinois, to forgo using a federal form to claim an
exemption from a contraception coverage requirement under the Affordable Care
Act. Justice Sotomayor wrote the dissent, which accused the majority of failing
to protect “women’s well-being.”
Nan Hunter, a law professor at Georgetown University, said the dissent was
noteworthy. “For many American women,” she said, “it was no surprise that it was
those three justices who felt strongly enough to cry foul.”
A version of
this article appears in print on August 5, 2014,
on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Justices’ Rulings Advance
Gays; Women Less So.
Justices’ Rulings Advance Gays; Women Less So, NYT, 4.8.2014,