History > 2013 > USA > International (II)

The wife of Mohammed Halak
slumps in a chair next to his body as she mourns the death of
her husband,
killed during fighting between Free Syrian Army fighters and
the Syrian Army in Idlib,
north Syria, March 11, 2012.
AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd/Associated Press
Boston Globe > Big Picture > Syria: A collection of images
March 29, 2013
Ill-Considered Advice on Syria
April 29, 2013
The New York Times
To hear Senator John McCain of Arizona and Senator Lindsey
Graham of South Carolina tell it, the way forward on Syria is clear. The United
States should be doing more — directly arming the rebels seeking overthrow
President Bashar al-Assad, establishing a no-fly zone. This is not a new line
for these two legislators and others in Congress who share their views. But it
has gathered force since the Obama administration disclosed last week that it
believes Mr. Assad’s forces have used sarin gas against Syrians.
For all their exhortations, what the senators and like-minded critics have not
offered is a coherent argument for how a more muscular approach might be
accomplished without dragging the United States into another extended and costly
war and how it might yield the kind of influence and good will for this country
that the interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan have not.
Mr. Graham and Mr. McCain to the contrary, the administration has not adopted a
hands-off approach to Syria. Early on, it collaborated with the Europeans on a
political solution, which failed. It is the largest donor of humanitarian aid to
Syrians ($400 million), and it just doubled its nonlethal aid to the opposition
to $250 million. With mixed success, Washington has also worked to organize
fractious rebel groups into a more cohesive and effective whole, while
delegitimizing Mr. Assad.
Unlike Mr. McCain and Mr. Graham, who have also faulted President Obama for
withdrawing troops from Iraq and tried to goad him into a more militaristic
position on Iran, the president has been trying to disentangle the United States
from overseas conflicts and, as a result, has been very cautious about military
involvement in Syria.
That may have to change now that Mr. Assad’s forces are accused of using
chemical weapons. Mr. Obama backed himself into a corner when he warned the
Syrian leader that using chemical weapons would constitute a “red line” and be a
“game changer,” suggesting strongly and perhaps unwisely that crossing that line
would trigger some kind of American action.
The failure to act now could be misread by Mr. Assad as well as leaders in Iran
and North Korea, whose nuclear programs are on America’s radar. But Mr. Obama
should only act if he has compelling documentation that the sarin gas was used
in an attack by Syrian forces and was not the result of an accident or
fertilizer. The Financial Times reported the evidence is based on two separate
samples taken from victims of the attacks.
With the civil war in Syria now in its third year and the death toll at more
than 70,000, the situation has deteriorated. Mr. Assad remains in power,
sectarian divisions have intensified and fleeing refugees are destabilizing
neighboring countries. Most worrisome, jihadis linked to Al Qaeda have become
the dominant fighting force and, as Ben Hubbard reported in The Times, there are
few rebel groups that both share the political vision of the United States and
have the military might to push it forward.
There have never been easy options for the United States in Syria; they have not
improved with time. And Russia and Iran, both enablers of Mr. Assad, deserve
particular condemnation. Without their support, Mr. Assad would not have lasted
this long. Still, the country is important to regional stability. Mr. Obama must
soon provide a clearer picture of how he plans to use American influence in
dealing with the jihadi threat and the endgame in Syria.
Ill-Considered Advice on Syria, NYT,
Obama Not Rushing to Act
on Signs Syria Used Chemical Arms
April 26, 2013
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Obama said Friday that he would respond
“prudently” and “deliberately” to evidence that Syria had used chemical weapons,
tamping down any expectations that he would take swift action after an American
intelligence assessment that the Syrian government had used the chemical agent
sarin on a small scale in the nation’s civil war.
Mr. Obama’s remarks, before a meeting here with King Abdullah II of Jordan, laid
bare the quandary he now faces. The day after the White House, in a letter to
Congressional leaders, said that the nation’s intelligence agencies had assessed
“with varying degrees of confidence” that the Syrian government had used sarin,
the president said he was seeking further proof of culpability for chemical
weapons attacks. It is a laborious process that analysts say may never produce a
definitive judgment. But Mr. Obama is also trying to preserve his credibility
after warning in the past that the use of chemical weapons would be a “game
changer” and prompt a forceful American response.
“Knowing that potentially chemical weapons have been used inside of Syria
doesn’t tell us when they were used, how they were used,” Mr. Obama told
reporters in the Oval Office. “We have to act prudently. We have to make these
assessments deliberately.”
“But I meant what I’d said,” the president added. “To use potential weapons of
mass destruction on civilian populations crosses another line with respect to
international norms and international law. And that is going to be a game
At the same time, the White House cited the Iraq war to justify its wariness of
taking action against another Arab country on the basis of incomplete or
potentially inaccurate assessments of its weapons of mass destruction. The press
secretary, Jay Carney, said the White House would “look at the past for guidance
when it comes to the need to be very serious about gathering all the facts,
establishing chain of custody, linking evidence of the use of chemical weapons
to specific incidents and actions taken by the regime.”
As Mr. Obama and his aides walked a fine line on how to confront the evidence
about chemical weapons, they engaged in an intensified round of diplomacy with
Arab leaders to bolster support for the Syrian opposition and to try to develop
a consensus on how to deal with the escalating strife.
In addition to King Abdullah, Mr. Obama met in recent days with leaders from
Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the Saudi foreign minister. Next
month, he will meet Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, which borders
Syria and is among the countries most exposed to the threat of a chemical
weapons attack.
“If their policy is premised on not going it alone, even in response to chemical
weapons,” said Brian Katulis, a Middle East expert at the Center for American
Progress, “you’re going to need a lot of people reading from the same song
The more pressing problem, Mr. Katulis said, was that the president’s strong
warnings to Syria “are running ahead of their policy.” In his remarks, King
Abdullah did not address the American suspicions about chemical weapons or Mr.
Obama’s warnings, but expressed confidence that the president, working with
Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other countries, could “find a mechanism to find a
A major focus of the meeting, a senior administration official said, was
coordinating more robust aid for the Syrian opposition. The United States
pledged last weekend to double its nonlethal assistance, and the official said
it was working with regional allies to direct it to reliable opposition groups.
On Friday, Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain echoed Mr. Obama’s cautious
assessment of the use of chemical weapons, saying that there was limited but
growing evidence that such weapons had been used, probably by government forces.
The British government, like the Obama administration, is concerned about
avoiding a repetition of the events that led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq when
the presence of unconventional weapons, cited as justification for military
action, had not been corroborated.
Mr. Cameron said that while definitive information was limited, “there’s growing
evidence that we have seen, too, of the use of chemical weapons, probably by the
“It is extremely serious; this is a war crime, and we should take it very
seriously,” he added.
Still, Mr. Cameron said, the British authorities were trying to avoid “rushing
into print” news about the use of chemical weapons. And he repeated that Britain
had no appetite to intervene militarily.
“I don’t want to see that, and I don’t think that is likely to happen,” he said.
“But I think we can step up the pressure on the regime, work with our partners,
work with the opposition in order to bring about the right outcome. But we need
to go on gathering this evidence and also to send a very clear warning to the
Syrian regime about these appalling actions.”
The United States has called on the United Nations to carry out a thorough
investigation of the suspected use of chemical weapons by the government. But
the government of President Bashar al-Assad has so far not allowed United
Nations inspectors into the country, and backed by its supporter Russia, it is
insisting on limits to the scope of the investigation.
“As long as Damascus refuses to let the U.N. investigate all allegations, and as
long as Russia provides the regime with political cover at the Security Council,
it may be impossible for Washington to meet that standard,” Michael Eisenstadt,
director of the military and security studies program at the Washington
Institute for Near East Policy, said in a report.
The risk of not responding now, even with less than definitive proof, Mr.
Eisenstadt said, is that it could embolden Mr. Assad to use chemical weapons on
a wider scale. American officials said the administration had privately warned
the Syrian government not to take that step.
On Thursday, the head of the United Nations agency for disarmament sent another
letter to Syria demanding “unconditional and unfettered access” for inspectors
investigating the use of chemical weapons, said Martin Nesirky, the spokesman
for the secretary general.
The top inspector for the team of some 15 members, the Swedish scientist Ake
Sellstrom, is due in New York on Monday to brief Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations
secretary general, on its work.
“Members of that team have been collating and analyzing the evidence and
information that is available to date from outside,” Mr. Nesirky said, adding
that there was a concern about the evidence degrading.
Reporting was contributed by Peter Baker from Washington,
Neil MacFarquhar from the United Nations, Alan Cowell from
and Hwaida Saad from Beirut, Lebanon.
Obama Not Rushing to Act on Signs Syria
Used Chemical Arms, NYT, 26.4.2013,
White House Says
It Believes Syria Has Used Chemical Arms
April 25, 2013
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The White House said Thursday that it believes
the Syrian government has used chemical weapons in its civil war, an assessment
that could test President Obama’s repeated warnings that such an attack could
precipitate American intervention in Syria.
The White House, in a letter to Congressional leaders, said the nation’s
intelligence agencies assessed “with varying degrees of confidence” that the
government of President Bashar al-Assad had used the chemical agent sarin on a
small scale.
But it said more conclusive evidence was needed before Mr. Obama would take
action, referring obliquely to both the Bush administration’s use of faulty
intelligence in the march to war in Iraq and the ramifications of any decision
to enter another conflict in the Middle East.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, who is chairwoman of the
Senate Intelligence Committee, said the agencies actually expressed more
certainty about the use of these weapons than the White House indicated in its
letter. She said Thursday that they voiced medium to high confidence in their
assessment, which officials said was based on the testing of soil samples and
blood drawn from people who had been wounded.
American officials said the attacks, which occurred last month in a village near
Aleppo and in the outskirts of Damascus, had not been definitively connected to
Mr. Assad. The White House said the “chain of custody” of the weapons was not
clear, raising questions about whether the attacks were deliberate or
“Given the stakes involved, and what we have learned from our own recent
experience, intelligence assessments alone are not sufficient,” the White House
said in the letter, which was signed by its legislative director, Miguel E.
Rodriguez. “Only credible and corroborated facts that provide us with some
degree of certainty will guide our decision-making.”
That meticulously legal language did not disguise a thorny political and foreign
policy problem for Mr. Obama: he has long resisted the calls to arm the Syrian
rebels and has expressed deep doubts about the wisdom of intervening in an Arab
nation so riven with sectarian strife, although he has also issued pointed
warnings to Syria.
In a statement last summer, Mr. Obama did not offer a technical definition of
his “red line” for taking action, but said it was when “we start seeing a whole
bunch of weapons moving around or being utilized.” In Jerusalem last month, he
said proof that Syria had used such weapons would be a “game changer” for
American involvement.
The Pentagon, administration officials said, has prepared the president a menu
of options that include commando raids that would secure chemical weapons
stockpiles and strikes on Syrian planes from American ships in the
Mediterranean. Last year, the United States secretly sent a 150-member task
force to Jordan to help deal with the possibility that Syria would lose control
of its stockpiles. Mr. Obama could also provide more robust aid to the rebels,
including weapons.
White House officials gave no indication of what Mr. Obama might do, except to
say that any American action would be taken in concert with its allies.
While lawmakers from both parties swiftly declared that the president’s red line
had been breached, they differed on what he should do about it.
“The political reality is that he put himself in that position that if the ‘red
line’ is crossed — he made it very clear — it would change his behavior,”
Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, said. The intelligence “is a
compelling argument for the president to take the measures that a lot of us have
been arguing for all along,” he said.
The timing of the White House disclosure also suggested the pressures it is
facing. It came the same day that the British government said that it had
“limited but persuasive” evidence of the use of chemical weapons, and two days
after an Israeli military intelligence official asserted that Syria had
repeatedly used chemical weapons.
In a letter to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, several weeks
ago calling for a United Nations investigation, Britain laid out evidence of the
attacks in Aleppo and near Damascus as well as an earlier one in Homs.
The letter, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, reported that
dozens of victims were treated at hospitals for shortness of breath, convulsions
and dilation of the pupils, common symptoms of exposure to chemical warfare
agents. Doctors reported eye irritation and fatigue after close exposure to the
Citing its links to contacts in the Syrian opposition, Britain said there were
reports of 15 deaths in the suburban Damascus attack and up to 10 in Aleppo,
where the government and rebels have each accused the other of using chemical
“Fortunately the deaths have not been high,” Senator Feinstein said, “but there
have been deaths.”
The United States has also pushed for a United Nations investigation, but it
made clear on Thursday that it has collected enough evidence on its own and with
Britain and other countries to make its assessment. An official said the United
States was also suspicious about the attack in Homs.
While several officials said the intelligence agencies expressed medium to high
confidence about its overall assessment, two intelligence officials noted that
there were components of the assessment about which the agencies were less
certain. They did not offer details.
Administration officials had begun the week casting doubt on the claims made by
the Israeli official, Brig. Gen. Itai Brun, about chemical weapons. “Suspicions
are one thing; evidence is another,” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said
Wednesday on a visit to Egypt.
But by then, a senior administration official said, the intelligence agencies
had already become more confident of their assessment, after several weeks of
examining the evidence. With Secretary of State John Kerry scheduled to brief
senators on Syria on Thursday, the White House decided on Wednesday evening to
get ahead of that meeting.
The administration’s disclosure came in a response to Mr. McCain, a senior
member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the committee’s chairman,
Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, who wrote to the White House asking whether Mr.
Assad or his supporters had used chemical weapons during the two-year-long war.
“Given the fact that we have been developing additional information within our
intelligence community,” a White House official said to reporters, “we felt it
was the right and prudent thing to do to respond in an unclassified form to this
Lawmakers generally welcomed the White House’s disclosure, though some suggested
that the administration was still inclined to play down the implications of the
“It is important that we read the intelligence as it is laid out, not as we
would like it to be,” said Representative Mike Rogers, Republican of Michigan
and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
Michael R. Gordon contributed reporting from Washington;
Thom Shanker from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates;
and David E. Sanger from Jerusalem.
White House Says It Believes Syria Has Used
Chemical Arms, NYT, 25.4.2013,
More Help for Syrian Rebels
April 22, 2013
The New York Times
There was more horror in Syria over the weekend, where scores
of bodies, most of them civilians, were discovered in a Damascus suburb. The
victims are believed to have died in a weeklong offensive by forces loyal to
President Bashar al-Assad, who seems to have no misgivings whatever about a
slaughter, including the use of airstrikes and missiles, that has claimed more
than 70,000 lives so far during two-and-a-half years of war.
Long after Western governments predicted he would be gone, Mr. Assad is hanging
on even as his country unravels, deepening sectarian divisions, expanding the
fighting across borders and forcing an estimated one million Syrians to flee to
neighboring countries. There are increasing fears about whether the country can
hold together, whether the fighting will destabilize its neighbors and whether,
when all is said and done, extremist groups with connections to Al Qaeda who
have been among the best anti-Assad fighters will emerge on top.
Eager to find ways to speed Mr. Assad’s fall, or at least change his
calculations, President Obama is edging, cautiously but appropriately, toward
greater support for the rebels. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday
that Washington would double aid to the opposition’s military wing by providing
an additional $123 million in “nonlethal” assistance like body armor and
night-vision goggles. Some $385 million in humanitarian aid had already been
The president has wisely resisted calls to supply American weapons and to
intervene directly. He should continue to do so. Nevertheless, in recent months,
the C.I.A. has helped Arab governments and Turkey airlift arms and equipment to
the rebels and provided training. The agency also vetted rebel groups to ensure
that only moderates receive those supplies.
Such caution makes sense, not least because the administration itself is not
unanimous on whether more aid is a good thing. Mr. Kerry sees opportunities in
the opposition, while Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, has warned of the risks of deeper involvement with opposition groups
whose loyalties to the West, and a moderate course, are suspect.
A weekend meeting in Istanbul of 11 countries committed to aiding the opposition
sought to address some of those problems. Mr. Kerry said donor nations agreed to
funnel all aid through the rebel military council to prevent it from falling
into the hands of extremist groups. The rebels also renewed their promises to
embrace minorities who have backed Mr. Assad, build a pluralistic government and
forgo postwar reprisals.
Meanwhile, the European Union on Monday eased sanctions to allow European
importers to buy oil from the Syrian opposition, which controls some territory
with oil deposits. This may have little practical effect given the country’s
battered infrastructure, but it could boost the opposition’s credibility and
finances. The European Union should think twice about letting its arms embargo
expire because that could open the door to Britain and France providing the
rebels with lethal aid.
Assisting the rebels is not the whole answer. Mr. Obama and Europe should keep
trying to persuade Russia to abandon its unconscionable support for Mr. Assad
and to work cooperatively to stabilize the region.
More Help for Syrian Rebels, NYT,
Attack on Christians in Egypt Comes After a Pledge
April 7, 2013
The New York Times
CAIRO — Police officers firing tear gas joined with a
rock-throwing crowd fighting a group of Christian mourners Sunday in a battle
that escalated into an attack on Egypt’s main Coptic Christian Cathedral that
lasted for hours.
It was the third day of an outburst of sectarian violence that is testing the
pledges of Egypt’s Islamist president to protect the country’s Christian
minority. By nightfall, at least one person had died from the day’s clashes,
bringing the weekend’s death toll to six.
Later Sunday, President Mohamed Morsi called the Coptic pope, Tawadros II, to
reassure him. “I consider any aggression against the cathedral an aggression
against me personally,” Mr. Morsi said, according to state media.
The president ordered an investigation of the violence and instructed security
forces “to protect the citizens inside the Cathedral,” state media reported, and
he pledged to protect both Muslims and Christians.
The violence began Friday when a sectarian dispute in the town of Khusus outside
Cairo escalated into a gunfight that killed four Christians and a Muslim — the
first major episode of deadly sectarian violence since Mr. Morsi’s election last
year. Hundreds of Christians and sympathetic Muslims gathered at the cathedral
Sunday for the four Christians’ funeral, chanting for the removal from power of
Mr. Morsi and his Islamist allies.
“With our blood and our soul we will sacrifice ourselves for the cross,” the
crowd intoned.
Clashes erupted immediately after the service between the emerging mourners and
a crowd outside the cathedral. It was unclear who started the violence. But
later dozens of riot police with armored vehicles and tear-gas canons appeared
to enter the fray on the side of crowds of young Muslim men who were throwing
rocks and fire bombs at the mourners.
In what seemed like a siege of the cathedral, tear-gas canisters fell inside the
walls of its compound, sending gas into the sanctuary and two nuns running for
shelter in a nearby loading dock.
Later, some of the young civilians who had been attacking the cathedral switched
to taunts, making lewd gestures involving the sign of the cross. The riot
policemen made no attempt to stop them, either from throwing rocks toward the
cathedral or insulting the Christians.
“The police are not trying to protect us or do anything to stop the violence,”
said Wael Eskandar, a Coptic Christian activist. “On the contrary, they are
actively aiding the people in civilian clothes” attacking the Christians, he
Dozens rushed to defend the cathedral, and many pulled back their sleeves at the
iron entrance gate to display the cross that many Copts tattoo on their wrists.
Groups of young men stood on the cathedral walls and rooftops nearby, throwing
fire bombs and the shards of bricks at the riot police. At least two of the
young men on the church grounds carried what appeared to be crude pistols.
Others prepared crates full of fire bombs.
The Interior Ministry, in a statement on its Web site, said the mourners had
started the violence and that the riot police intervened to stop it. “Some
mourners vandalized a number of cars, which led to clashes and fights with the
people of the area,” the statement said, adding, “Interference to separate the
clashing parties is ongoing.”
Coptic Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Egypt’s roughly 85 million
citizens, were already anxious about the dominance of elections by the Islamist
Muslim Brotherhood since the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, the former
secular autocrat.
Not that sectarian animosities were absent under Mr. Mubarak. Copts suffered
from discrimination as well as recurring episodes of sectarian violence, and the
Mubarak government worsened the problem by denying the existence of domestic
sectarianism and pinning blame on either local conflicts or foreign
Mr. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood have sometimes appeared to understand that
as Islamists they have more to prove to Egypt’s Copts. During elections,
Brotherhood candidates have emphasized their commitment to equal citizenship and
security for Copts, even sending young Brotherhood members to stand guard
outside churches at a Christmas service one year.
When a dispute over a shirt burned at the laundry exploded into a sectarian
battle that killed a Christian and damaged several properties last year, Mr.
Morsi departed from the Mubarak script, sending a legal adviser to meet with the
Christians, instructing the local governor to compensate the victims and asking
the prosecutor to investigate without prejudice.
But on Sunday, many Copts blamed Mr. Morsi for the violence. “Who is responsible
for the surroundings of the cathedral being unsecured for more than five hours
today?” demanded Bishop Bakhomious, a senior Coptic cleric who had been acting
pope until the designation of Tawadros II. “If the security services want to
know who is behind these events, they will.”
It is unclear how much practical control Mr. Morsi exercises over the police. He
has done little to reform the force left over from Mr. Mubarak despite
continuing complaints about its abuses. A rash of police strikes has showcased
widespread insubordination, and the riot police lack training in effective crowd
control. On Sunday, they sometimes appeared to fire tear gas at random into the
surrounding neighborhood.
But even before the police joined the fray, human rights advocates said Mr.
Morsi and his party had failed to confront the sectarianism driving the
violence. Until late Sunday, both Mr. Morsi and his party appeared to fall into
the Mubarak pattern, denouncing the violence but without acknowledging the
problem of sectarianism. Instead, the Islamists suggested a conspiracy by some
unknown party to sow dissent among Egyptians.
Only on Sunday night, after the clashes had subsided, did Mr. Morsi publicly
acknowledge the role of sectarian aggression or personally pledge to protect the
Copts. “He seems to have begun to realize the scale of this,” said Hossam
Bahgat, founder of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights.
Attack on Christians in Egypt Comes After a
Pledge, NYT, 7.4.2013,
Detecting Shift in Beijing,
U.S. Makes Its Case on North Korea
April 5, 2013
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, detecting what it sees
as a shift in decades of Chinese support for North Korea, is pressuring China’s
new president, Xi Jinping, to crack down on the regime in Pyongyang or face a
heightened American military presence in its region.
In a flurry of exchanges that included a recent phone call from President Obama
to Mr. Xi, administration officials said, they have briefed the Chinese in
detail about American plans to upgrade missile defenses and other steps to deter
the increasingly belligerent threats made by North Korea’s young leader, Kim
China, which has been deeply suspicious of the American desire to reassert
itself in Asia, has not protested publicly or privately as the United States has
deployed ships and warplanes to the Korean Peninsula. That silence, American
officials say, attests to both Beijing’s mounting frustration with the North and
the recognition that its reflexive support for Pyongyang could strain its ties
with Washington.
“The timing of this is important,” Tom Donilon, Mr. Obama’s national security
adviser, said in an interview. “It will be an important early exercise between
the United States and China, early in the term of Xi Jinping and early in the
second term of President Obama.”
While administration officials cautioned that Mr. Xi has been in office for only
a few weeks and that China has a history of frustrating the United States in its
dealings with North Korea, Mr. Donilon said he believed that China’s position
was “evolving.”
Judging whether China has genuinely changed course on North Korea is tricky:
Beijing has appeared to respond to American pressure before, only to backtrack
later. China, the North’s only strong ally, has long feared the United States
would capitalize on the fall of the North Korean leadership by expanding
American military influence on the Korean Peninsula.
Nor has China given clues about its intentions in its public statements, voicing
grave concern about the rising tensions while being careful not to elevate Mr.
Kim’s stature.
Chinese analysts say there are internal debates within the Communist Party and
the military about how to deal with Mr. Kim, and how strongly to enforce the
United Nations’ economic sanctions that China signed on to last month.
The White House said it was encouraged by how swiftly China had supported the
sanctions, which followed a North Korean nuclear test and a missile launch. But
some diplomats and analysts say China has dragged its feet in enforcing them.
In a meeting with two senior American officials who traveled to Beijing two
weeks ago to try to persuade China to enforce new banking restrictions on North
Korea, Chinese banking leaders showed little sign of compliance, said Marcus
Noland, an expert on North Korea at the Peterson Institute for International
Economics in Washington.
“But I wouldn’t expect them publicize it,” even if they did move ahead, Mr.
Noland added.
Many analysts say the sanctions cannot succeed without China’s cooperation,
since it has close trade ties with North Korea and has in the past chosen to
keep its government afloat by providing fuel and significant aid.
China continues to say economic sanctions will not work. A Chinese diplomat who
is involved in policy on North Korea said recently that he thought China would
enforce the new United Nations sanctions to a point but would not go as far as
the Obama administration wanted.
Even if China does cooperate, it is unclear how far North Korea might bend;
North Korea ignored China’s entreaties not to conduct the nuclear test in
February that set off the latest conflict with the United States and South
In the coming weeks, the White House will send a stream of senior officials to
China to press its case, starting with Secretary of State John Kerry, who will
travel to Beijing next Saturday, on an Asian tour that will also take him to
South Korea and Japan.
In the short run, officials said, the administration wants the Chinese to be
rigorous in customs inspections to interdict the flow of banned goods to North
Korea. More broadly, it wants China to persuade Mr. Kim to cease his
provocations and agree to negotiations on giving up his nuclear program.
On Friday, North Korea stoked tensions further by advising Russia, Britain and
other countries that they might want to evacuate their embassies in Pyongyang in
case of hostilities, according to Russian and British officials. Analysts
dismissed the warning as a ploy to frighten the United States and its allies,
perhaps to finally force concessions.
In Beijing, officials said Mr. Kerry also wants to reinvigorate the dialogue
with China on climate change. And the United States is pushing the Chinese
leadership to crack down on the proliferation of cyberattacks on American
government and commercial interests originating in China.
Making progress on those issues will be easier if Washington is in sync with
Beijing over North Korea. A week after Mr. Kerry’s visit, Gen. Martin E.
Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will spend four days in
China to try to improve communication between the American and Chinese
militaries. Any problem there is especially dangerous now, officials say, given
China’s expanded military ambitions and the intensified American activity in the
Mr. Donilon plans to visit Beijing in May. Part of the heavy rotation of
diplomacy, officials said, is to compensate for the fact that Mr. Obama is not
scheduled to meet Mr. Xi until September.
Based on their meetings with Mr. Xi so far, administration officials said they
believed he viewed Beijing’s relationship with Pyongyang more pragmatically than
his predecessor, Hu Jintao, whose reluctance to act against Pyongyang so
frustrated Mr. Obama that in 2010 he accused the Chinese of “willful blindness”
toward North Korea.
Last month, Mr. Xi spoke by phone with the new president of South Korea, Park
Geun-hye, telling Ms. Park how much China prized its ties with South Korea and
offering China’s assistance in the “reconciliation and cooperation” of the two
Koreas. Such sentiments, analysts said, would have been inconceivable from
President Hu.
By contrast, there has been little high-level contact between Mr. Kim and
Chinese officials, which American officials cited as evidence of growing
irritation on the part of the Chinese.
“What we have seen is a subtle change in Chinese thinking,” Kurt M. Campbell, a
former assistant secretary of state for East Asian affairs, said in a speech
Thursday at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. The
Chinese now believe North Korea’s actions are “antithetical” to their national
security interests, he said.
That thinking has also surfaced in recent articles by Chinese scholars that have
called into question China’s policy. Deng Yuwen, the influential deputy editor
of a Communist Party journal, wrote in The Financial Times that “Beijing should
give up on Pyongyang and press for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.”
And yet Mr. Deng has since been suspended from his job, which underscores how
little China’s attitude has changed.
Some voices are urging China not to be rattled by the crisis. A hawkish major
general in the People’s Liberation Army, Luo Yuan, who often writes in the
Chinese state-run news media, appeared unperturbed by the actions of Mr. Kim or
by the dispatch of American ships and planes in support of South Korea.
When the current American and South Korean joint military exercises end this
month, he wrote in a blog post on China’s social media site, Sina Weibo, North
Korea will calm down and return to the status quo of “no war, no unification,”
which remains in China’s favor.
Jeffrey A. Bader, a former Asia adviser to Mr. Obama, said he believes that any
change will be subtle. The Chinese, he said, “will continue to use similar
language, and their public demeanor will be similar, but quietly, they will be
much more aggressive, much more fed up and much more prepared to treat North
Korea differently than in the past.”
Jane Perlez contributed reporting from Beijing, and Neil MacFarquhar from the
United Nations.
Detecting Shift in Beijing, U.S. Makes Its
Case on North Korea, NYT, 5.4.2013,
Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands,
With C.I.A. Aid
March 24, 2013
The New York Times
With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have
sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent
months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising
against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews
with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders.
The airlift, which began on a small scale in early 2012 and continued
intermittently through last fall, expanded into a steady and much heavier flow
late last year, the data shows. It has grown to include more than 160 military
cargo flights by Jordanian, Saudi and Qatari military-style cargo planes landing
at Esenboga Airport near Ankara, and, to a lesser degree, at other Turkish and
Jordanian airports.
As it evolved, the airlift correlated with shifts in the war within Syria, as
rebels drove Syria’s army from territory by the middle of last year. And even as
the Obama administration has publicly refused to give more than “nonlethal” aid
to the rebels, the involvement of the C.I.A. in the arms shipments — albeit
mostly in a consultative role, American officials say — has shown that the
United States is more willing to help its Arab allies support the lethal side of
the civil war.
From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the
Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia,
and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the
weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the
condition of anonymity. The C.I.A. declined to comment on the shipments or its
role in them.
The shipments also highlight the competition for Syria’s future between Sunni
Muslim states and Iran, the Shiite theocracy that remains Mr. Assad’s main ally.
Secretary of State John Kerry pressed Iraq on Sunday to do more to halt Iranian
arms shipments through its airspace; he did so even as the most recent military
cargo flight from Qatar for the rebels landed at Esenboga early Sunday night.
Syrian opposition figures and some American lawmakers and officials have argued
that Russian and Iranian arms shipments to support Mr. Assad’s government have
made arming the rebels more necessary.
Most of the cargo flights have occurred since November, after the presidential
election in the United States and as the Turkish and Arab governments grew more
frustrated by the rebels’ slow progress against Mr. Assad’s well-equipped
military. The flights also became more frequent as the humanitarian crisis
inside Syria deepened in the winter and cascades of refugees crossed into
neighboring countries.
The Turkish government has had oversight over much of the program, down to
affixing transponders to trucks ferrying the military goods through Turkey so it
might monitor shipments as they move by land into Syria, officials said. The
scale of shipments was very large, according to officials familiar with the
pipeline and to an arms-trafficking investigator who assembled data on the cargo
planes involved.
“A conservative estimate of the payload of these flights would be 3,500 tons of
military equipment,” said Hugh Griffiths, of the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute, who monitors illicit arms transfers.
“The intensity and frequency of these flights,” he added, are “suggestive of a
well-planned and coordinated clandestine military logistics operation.”
Although rebel commanders and the data indicate that Qatar and Saudi Arabia had
been shipping military materials via Turkey to the opposition since early and
late 2102, respectively, a major hurdle was removed late last fall after the
Turkish government agreed to allow the pace of air shipments to accelerate,
officials said.
Simultaneously, arms and equipment were being purchased by Saudi Arabia in
Croatia and flown to Jordan on Jordanian cargo planes for rebels working in
southern Syria and for retransfer to Turkey for rebels groups operating from
there, several officials said.
These multiple logistics streams throughout the winter formed what one former
American official who was briefed on the program called “a cataract of
American officials, rebel commanders and a Turkish opposition politician have
described the Arab roles as an open secret, but have also said the program is
freighted with risk, including the possibility of drawing Turkey or Jordan
actively into the war and of provoking military action by Iran.
Still, rebel commanders have criticized the shipments as insufficient, saying
the quantities of weapons they receive are too small and the types too light to
fight Mr. Assad’s military effectively. They also accused those distributing the
weapons of being parsimonious or corrupt.
“The outside countries give us weapons and bullets little by little,” said Abdel
Rahman Ayachi, a commander in Soquor al-Sham, an Islamist fighting group in
northern Syria.
He made a gesture as if switching on and off a tap. “They open and they close
the way to the bullets like water,” he said.
Two other commanders, Hassan Aboud of Soquor al-Sham and Abu Ayman of Ahrar
al-Sham, another Islamist group, said that whoever was vetting which groups
receive the weapons was doing an inadequate job.
“There are fake Free Syrian Army brigades claiming to be revolutionaries, and
when they get the weapons they sell them in trade,” Mr. Aboud said.
The former American official noted that the size of the shipments and the degree
of distributions are voluminous.
“People hear the amounts flowing in, and it is huge,” he said. “But they burn
through a million rounds of ammo in two weeks.”
A Tentative Start
The airlift to Syrian rebels began slowly. On Jan. 3, 2012, months after the
crackdown by the Alawite-led government against antigovernment demonstrators had
morphed into a military campaign, a pair of Qatar Emiri Air Force C-130
transport aircraft touched down in Istanbul, according to air traffic data.
They were a vanguard.
Weeks later, the Syrian Army besieged Homs, Syria’s third largest city.
Artillery and tanks pounded neighborhoods. Ground forces moved in.
Across the country, the army and loyalist militias were trying to stamp out the
rebellion with force — further infuriating Syria’s Sunni Arab majority, which
was severely outgunned. The rebels called for international help, and more
By late midspring the first stream of cargo flights from an Arab state began,
according to air traffic data and information from plane spotters.
On a string of nights from April 26 through May 4, a Qatari Air Force C-17 — a
huge American-made cargo plane — made six landings in Turkey, at Esenboga
Airport. By Aug. 8 the Qataris had made 14 more cargo flights. All came from Al
Udeid Air Base in Qatar, a hub for American military logistics in the Middle
Qatar has denied providing any arms to the rebels. A Qatari official, who
requested anonymity, said Qatar has shipped in only what he called nonlethal
aid. He declined to answer further questions. It is not clear whether Qatar has
purchased and supplied the arms alone or is also providing air transportation
service for other donors. But American and other Western officials, and rebel
commanders, have said Qatar has been an active arms supplier — so much so that
the United States became concerned about some of the Islamist groups that Qatar
has armed.
The Qatari flights aligned with the tide-turning military campaign by rebel
forces in the northern province of Idlib, as their campaign of ambushes,
roadside bombs and attacks on isolated outposts began driving Mr. Assad’s
military and supporting militias from parts of the countryside.
As flights continued into the summer, the rebels also opened an offensive in
that city — a battle that soon bogged down.
The former American official said David H. Petraeus, the C.I.A. director until
November, had been instrumental in helping to get this aviation network moving
and had prodded various countries to work together on it. Mr. Petraeus did not
return multiple e-mails asking for comment.
The American government became involved, the former American official said, in
part because there was a sense that other states would arm the rebels anyhow.
The C.I.A. role in facilitating the shipments, he said, gave the United States a
degree of influence over the process, including trying to steer weapons away
from Islamist groups and persuading donors to withhold portable antiaircraft
missiles that might be used in future terrorist attacks on civilian aircraft.
American officials have confirmed that senior White House officials were
regularly briefed on the shipments. “These countries were going to do it one way
or another,” the former official said. “They weren’t asking for a ‘Mother, may
I?’ from us. But if we could help them in certain ways, they’d appreciate that.”
Through the fall, the Qatari Air Force cargo fleet became even more busy,
running flights almost every other day in October. But the rebels were clamoring
for even more weapons, continuing to assert that they lacked the firepower to
fight a military armed with tanks, artillery, multiple rocket launchers and
Many were also complaining, saying they were hearing from arms donors that the
Obama administration was limiting their supplies and blocking the distribution
of the antiaircraft and anti-armor weapons they most sought. These complaints
“Arming or not arming, lethal or nonlethal — it all depends on what America
says,” said Mohammed Abu Ahmed, who leads a band of anti-Assad fighters in Idlib
The Breakout
Soon, other players joined the airlift: In November, three Royal Jordanian Air
Force C-130s landed in Esenboga, in a hint at what would become a stepped-up
Jordanian and Saudi role.
Within three weeks, two other Jordanian cargo planes began making a round-trip
run between Amman, the capital of Jordan, and Zagreb, the capital of Croatia,
where, officials from several countries said, the aircraft were picking up a
large Saudi purchase of infantry arms from a Croatian-controlled stockpile.
The first flight returned to Amman on Dec. 15, according to intercepts of a
transponder from one of the aircraft recorded by a plane spotter in Cyprus and
air traffic control data from an aviation official in the region.
In all, records show that two Jordanian Ilyushins bearing the logo of the
Jordanian International Air Cargo firm but flying under Jordanian military call
signs made a combined 36 round-trip flights between Amman and Croatia from
December through February. The same two planes made five flights between Amman
and Turkey this January.
As the Jordanian flights were under way, the Qatari flights continued and the
Royal Saudi Air Force began a busy schedule, too — making at least 30 C-130
flights into Esenboga from mid-February to early March this year, according to
flight data provided by a regional air traffic control official.
Several of the Saudi flights were spotted coming and going at Ankara by
civilians, who alerted opposition politicians in Turkey.
“The use of Turkish airspace at such a critical time, with the conflict in Syria
across our borders, and by foreign planes from countries that are known to be
central to the conflict, defines Turkey as a party in the conflict,” said
Attilla Kart, a member of the Turkish Parliament from the C.H.P. opposition
party, who confirmed details about several Saudi shipments. “The government has
the responsibility to respond to these claims.”
Turkish and Saudi Arabian officials declined to discuss the flights or any arms
transfers. The Turkish government has not officially approved military aid to
Syrian rebels.
Croatia and Jordan both denied any role in moving arms to the Syrian rebels.
Jordanian aviation officials went so far as to insist that no cargo flights
The director of cargo for Jordanian International Air Cargo, Muhammad Jubour,
insisted on March 7 that his firm had no knowledge of any flights to or from
“This is all lies,” he said. “We never did any such thing.”
A regional air traffic official who has been researching the flights confirmed
the flight data, and offered an explanation. “Jordanian International Air
Cargo,” the official said, “is a front company for Jordan’s air force.”
After being informed of the air-traffic control and transponder data that showed
the plane’s routes, Mr. Jubour, from the cargo company, claimed that his firm
did not own any Ilyushin cargo planes.
Asked why his employer’s Web site still displayed images of two Ilyushin-76MFs
and text claiming they were part of the company fleet, Mr. Jubour had no
immediate reply. That night the company’s Web site was taken down.
Reporting was contributed by Robert F. Worth
from Washington and Istanbul;
Dan Bilefsky from Paris;
and Sebnem Arsu from Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey.
Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With
C.I.A. Aid, NYT, 24.3.2013,
After 3 Days of Violence,
City in Myanmar Counts the Dead
March 23, 2013
The New York Times
BANGKOK — Army units restored order on Saturday to a city in
central Myanmar devastated by three days of religious rioting and arson attacks.
The state news media revised the death toll upward in a broadcast on Saturday
evening, saying that 32 people had died in the violence between Buddhists and
Muslims, which destroyed large portions of Muslim neighborhoods in Meiktila.
The deaths, which follow spasms of religious violence in western Myanmar last
year, have shaken the country’s fragile shift toward greater democracy after
decades of military rule. The rioting has also raised the specter of radical
Buddhists’ undermining the multiethnic fabric of the country.
Myanmar news media showed images of lines of army trucks entering Meiktila on
Saturday, following an order on Friday by President Thein Sein to impose a state
of emergency on the city and surrounding areas.
News services reported Saturday that charred bodies remained uncollected on the
streets of Meiktila, a city not far from the northern commercial capital of
Mandalay. About 6,000 Muslim residents of Meiktila were displaced in the
violence, and many are gathered at a stadium on the outskirts of the city.
Numerous reports from the area said that most of the places damaged were Muslim
neighborhoods, but the breakdown of the dead has not been confirmed. State
television said the 21 bodies found on Saturday were too badly charred to be
U Win Naing, a reporter for a newspaper in Meiktila, said by telephone that the
actual death toll would probably be significantly higher.
“The searches by security forces are slow,” Mr. Win Naing said.
U Tin Maung Than, the secretary general of the Islamic Religious Affairs
Council, said Saturday in a telephone interview that he had received reports of
32 deaths in one Muslim school, including 28 teenage students, an assertion that
could not be independently confirmed.
Wai Moe contributed from Yangon, Myanmar.
After 3 Days of Violence, City in Myanmar
Counts the Dead, NYT, 23.3.2013,
Obama Shows Talent for Arm-Twisting,
and Raises Hopes on Peace Effort
March 23, 2013
The New York Times
AMMAN, Jordan — There is little doubt that President Obama can
deliver a memorable speech, as he did in Jerusalem last week about the need for
peace. The big surprise on his trip to Israel and Jordan, which ended here on
Saturday, is that he can also twist arms.
Mr. Obama’s success in persuading Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to
apologize to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, healing a rift
between the countries, is the kind of person-to-person deal-making that has
eluded him with Republicans in Congress.
But Mr. Obama kept prodding Mr. Netanyahu, senior advisers said, raising the
importance of a makeup phone call every day he was in Jerusalem. He also worked
on Mr. Erdogan, a prickly politician with whom Mr. Obama has cultivated a
relationship since entering office.
By the time they agreed to talk, Mr. Obama had fully embraced the role of Middle
East mediator, warming up Mr. Erdogan before handing the phone to Mr. Netanyahu,
who expressed regret for the deadly actions by Israeli commandos during a 2010
raid on a Turkish ship that was trying to breach a blockade of Gaza.
For Middle East analysts, the question is whether Mr. Obama will bring the same
doggedness and personal involvement to pursuing the peace between Israelis and
Palestinians that he so fervently extolled in his address to young Israelis on
Thursday. His first-term track record on Middle East diplomacy does not offer
much of a guide.
“Obama was so effective in lobbying for peace that he has managed to raise
expectations sky high that he’s actually going to do something about it,” said
Martin S. Indyk, a former American ambassador to Israel. “After all, if he
really believes peace is possible, then as president of the United States he
surely has to do something about it.”
Negotiating an accord to end one of the world’s most intractable conflicts is
very different from talking two antagonistic leaders into getting on the phone
with each other. Diplomacy in the Middle East has stymied even presidents who
were renowned for their tenacity and ability to bring together adversaries.
Mr. Obama still seems more inclined to subcontract the work to his new secretary
of state, John Kerry. Asked about a peace deal at a news conference with King
Abdullah II of Jordan, Mr. Obama said: “I can’t guarantee that that’s going to
happen. What I can guarantee is we’ll make the effort. What I can guarantee is
that Secretary Kerry is going to be spending a good deal of time in discussions
with the parties.”
On Saturday, Mr. Kerry wasted no time. While Mr. Obama treated himself to a tour
of the ancient city of Petra before flying to Washington, Mr. Kerry was back in
Amman, preparing for a meeting with the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud
Abbas, before heading to Israel to have dinner with Mr. Netanyahu.
Mr. Kerry also issued an unusual statement early Saturday in Amman, encouraging
Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Erdogan to go through with the terms of the agreement
facilitated by Mr. Obama.
Israeli and American officials have long been concerned that Mr. Erdogan would
exaggerate the terms of any agreement with Israel, and in his public statements
in Turkey on Saturday, he is clearly relishing Mr. Netanyahu’s concession.
The next step in the peace process, a senior administration official said, is to
devise measures that both sides could take to restore trust and allow them to
enter a negotiation. This could include the release of prisoners or an Israeli
agreement to slow down settlement building, even if it does not stop altogether.
In short, it is the tedious, grinding work of diplomacy — a task for which Mr.
Kerry, administration officials say, is eminently well suited. Having been
immersed in Middle East issues for more than 20 years as a member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Kerry, they said, is approaching his role with
zeal and a sense of mission.
If he succeeds in drawing the two sides close to a deal — something his
predecessor, Hillary Rodham Clinton, was not able to do — then Mr. Obama would
be likely to get involved.
When he took office, Mr. Obama wanted to claim the mantle of peacemaker himself.
But then his demand that Israel halt construction of Jewish settlements
backfired, and an attempt to hold face-to-face talks between Mr. Netanyahu and
Mr. Abbas fizzled.
By the time Mr. Obama announced plans to travel to Israel, the peace process had
fallen so far off the radar screen that the White House was easily able to lower
Instead Aaron David Miller, a longtime peace negotiator, called it Mr. Obama’s
“Israel trifecta.” The president, he said, “reset his relationship with
Netanyahu, recast his image in the U.S. as a pro-Israeli president and
reintroduced himself favorably to the Israeli public.”
The reaction to Mr. Obama was so positive that it raises the question of whether
he should have gone to Israel earlier. There were plenty of reasons he did not:
his first overture was to the Muslim world; he was actively brokering peace
talks in 2010; those talks withered in 2011; and by 2012, he was running for
But Mr. Obama, by taking his case outside Washington and over the head of Mr.
Netanyahu, might have been able to change the terms of the debate earlier.
“Can he use this newfound currency to get the Israelis to buy off on the world
according to Obama — avoiding war with the mullahs and making peace with the
Palestinians?” Mr. Miller asked.
Much will depend on Mr. Kerry’s success, and on whether Mr. Obama can summon the
same enthusiasm for getting Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Abbas on the phone as he did
with his last feuding couple.
Obama Shows Talent for Arm-Twisting, and
Raises Hopes on Peace Effort, NYT, 23.3.2013,
Analysis: Israeli Settlements at Core of Conflict
March 21, 2013
The New York Times
JERUSALEM (AP) — On his short helicopter ride from Jerusalem
to the West Bank, President Barack Obama is flying over sprawling Jewish
settlements — a reminder of Israel's ongoing construction on war-won land in
defiance of much of the world and a major hurdle to renewing Israeli-Palestinian
Palestinian officials say Mahmoud Abbas' main message to Obama, as the two meet
Thursday, is that the Palestinian president can't return to talks on drawing a
border between Israel and a future Palestine while Israel unilaterally shapes
that line through accelerated settlement expansion.
At the same time, Palestinians doubt Obama is willing to spend the domestic
political capital required to pressure Israel to halt construction — something
he briefly tried at the beginning of his first term, before backing down when
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resisted.
In a joint news conference with Netanyahu late Wednesday, Obama seemed to
confirm Palestinian fears that he won't confront Israel over the settlements.
The U.S. president didn't mention settlements at all when asked about the lack
of progress during his first term toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. Instead he suggested a low-key approach, saying he came to hear from
Abbas and Netanyahu and that "it is a hard slog to work through all these
But with settlements growing steadily, time for a partition deal may be running
out, Israeli settlement monitors and European diplomats have warned.
"We are reaching the tipping point," said settlement watcher and Jerusalem
expert Daniel Seidemann, an Israeli lawyer.
"A year from now, if the current trends continue, the two-state solution will
not be possible. The map will be so balkanized that it will not be possible to
create a credible border between Israel and Palestine," he said.
Palestinians also argue that after two decades of intermittent negotiations, the
contours of an agreement have widely been established and that it's time for
decisions, not endless rounds of diplomacy. They suspect Netanyahu is seeking
open-ended negotiations to give him the diplomatic cover for more
settlement-building, while being unwilling to make the needed concessions.
Netanyahu has said he is willing to negotiate the terms of a Palestinian state.
He reiterated Wednesday, with Obama by his side, that he is ready to return to
talks, but also said there should be no "preconditions" — his term for the
Palestinians' insistence on a settlement freeze.
The Palestinians want a state in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem —
territories Israel captured in the 1967 war — but are ready for minor
adjustments to accommodate some settlements closest to Israel. The parameters of
a deal outlined by then-President Bill Clinton in 2000 envisioned a partition of
Jerusalem along ethnic lines and an Israeli withdrawal from most of the West
Since 1967, Israel has built dozens of settlements in the West Bank and east
Jerusalem that are now home to 560,000 Israelis — an increase of 60,000 since
Obama became president four years ago, settler officials say.
In Gaza, Israel dismantled nearly two dozen settlements ahead of its pullout in
2005. The Islamic militant Hamas then seized the territory, and Gaza militants
have fired hundreds from rockets on Israeli towns, including two on Thursday.
Such attacks have given rise to a widespread belief among Israelis that
withdrawing from more territory will not bring peace.
Netanyahu, meanwhile, has adopted a tougher starting position for negotiations
than his predecessors. He refuses to accept the 1967 frontier as a baseline for
border talks and says he will not relinquish east Jerusalem, an area Israel
expanded into the West Bank and annexed immediately after the 1967 war.
Since that war, Israeli governments have built homes for Jews in east Jerusalem,
creating a ring of settlements that increasingly disconnects its Arab-populated
core from the rest of the West Bank. Some 200,000 Jews now live in east
Jerusalem, almost even with the Palestinian population in the city, which
overall has about 800,000 residents.
In recent months, the Netanyahu government has approved construction plans for
thousands more settlement apartments on Jerusalem's southern edge that would
further isolate Arab neighborhoods in the city from the West Bank, including the
nearby biblical city of Bethlehem.
European diplomats warned in an internal report last month that if the current
pace of settlement activity on Jerusalem's southern flank continues, "an
effective buffer between east Jerusalem and Bethlehem may be in place by the end
of 2013, thus making the realization of a viable two-state solution inordinately
more difficult, if not impossible."
The Israeli anti-settlement group Peace Now said in a report earlier this year
that the government has "opened the floodgates" of planning approvals and future
building in east Jerusalem.
An Israeli official said Israel is mainly building in areas it expects to keep
in any future peace deal. "In all the peace plans put on the table in the last
20 years, large settlement blocs remained in Israel under permanent status,"
said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he did not want to
upstage Netanyahu during Obama's visit. "If you build in an area that in any
case is going to be part of Israel, what is the problem for peace?"
The Palestinians say settlements are a major obstacle. Mainly, they cannot
envisage a final peace settlement while their state is cut off from Jerusalem
and does not include any of the city.
"We will tell President Obama, 'come solve this problem'," Abbas aide Nabil
Shaath said of Thursday's meeting.
"We will explain to him our position and we will tell him we hope he can see by
himself the situation on the ground ... This (Israeli) government does not want
the two-state solution and considers the negotiations to be over how much land
they will take from us," Shaath added.
It's not clear if the new Israeli government sworn in on Monday — although its
makeup is more centrist — will change course from the outgoing one which was
heavily stacked with settlers and their supporters.
The main coalition partner of Netanyahu's rightist Likud Party is the centrist
Yesh Atid, which has called for a resumption of negotiations but whose leader,
Yair Lapid, says Israel must keep all of Jerusalem.
The third largest party, the Jewish Home, opposes Palestinian statehood and
wants to annex 60 percent of the West Bank. The head of the Jewish Home party,
Naftali Bennett, told Israel TV's Channel 2 on Wednesday that he didn't think
"this very non-central issue of the Palestinian problem" will harm Israel's ties
with the U.S.
"I am against a Palestinian state, that is no secret," he added.
Henry Siegman, a leading critic of Israeli policy in the American Jewish
community, said he believes Obama is fully aware of the corrosive effect of
settlements. Time for a deal is slipping away and Obama cannot make do with four
more years of just managing the conflict, he said.
"They (U.S. officials) know that if they do nothing, they are sealing the doom
of the two-state solution if it has not already been sealed," said Siegman. "It
cannot survive another four years, given the rate of colonization that is taking
Laub is the AP chief correspondent in the Palestinian
She has covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1987.
Associated Press writers Daniel Estrin
and Josef Federman in Jerusalem contributed to this story.
Analysis: Israeli Settlements at Core of
Conflict, NYT, 21.3.2013,
For Some Palestinians,
Wariness on Eve of Obama Visit
March 19, 2013
The New York Times
RAMALLAH, West Bank — There are no American flags lining the
streets here, no banners bearing the official “Unbreakable Alliance” logo of
President Obama’s visit, as there are seven miles away in Jerusalem. Instead,
dozens of posters warn the president not to bring his smartphone when he arrives
in the West Bank because there is no 3G service, one of an untold number of
complaints Palestinians have about their life under Israeli occupation.
On most posters, Mr. Obama’s face has been painted over or torn off.
“It’s a waste of time,” Osama Husein, 38, who owns a new coffee shop downtown,
said of Mr. Obama’s planned journey here Thursday afternoon, in the middle of
his three-day stay in Jerusalem. “Four or five hours here for no reason. It’s
just for show, just to take some pictures with some young kids. I don’t see any
Though many here said they had been encouraged by Mr. Obama’s early speeches in
Cairo and Istanbul, and by his 2009 demand that Israel freeze construction in
the West Bank territories it seized in 1967, they have been disappointed with
his distancing himself since from the stalemated peace process. Cafe patrons and
activists alike describe Mr. Obama as a tool of Israel, a captive of what they
call the “Jewish lobby” in the United States.
The White House statements in recent days that he is coming to listen rather
than to offer a new plan for resolving the long-running Israeli-Palestinian
conflict seems only to have made matters worse.
“He can’t be just an average person coming to listen — he knows the situation,”
said Sam Bahour, an Ohio-born Palestinian businessman and consultant. “We’re
beyond talk right now. If he comes and says good things and does nothing, it
does damage.”
Obama administration officials have said the trip’s main goal is for the
president to connect with the Israeli public, chiefly through a speech scheduled
for Thursday afternoon to hundreds of university students in Jerusalem. But he
will spend several hours before that speech meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas
and Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad of the Palestinian Authority, and touring a
youth center financed by the United States. He plans to return to the West Bank
Friday morning to see the Church of the Nativity.
A Palestinian legislator, Ziad Abu-Amr, said Mr. Abbas would make clear to Mr.
Obama that he would return to the negotiating table under either of two
conditions. One is a mutual six-month freeze in which Israel halted building in
West Bank settlements and Palestinians refrained from using their new
observer-state status in the United Nations to pursue claims in the
International Criminal Court or other agencies. The other is a broad agreement
on borders, dividing the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea
along the pre-1967 lines, with some land swaps to accommodate the largest
Israeli settlements.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he considers the 1967 borders an
unacceptable precondition for negotiations.
The trip could result in risk or opportunity for Mr. Obama.
“If he manages to convince the Israelis to sit and negotiate, then the
Palestinians wouldn’t go to any other place — if he fails to deliver the
Israelis, Abu Mazen will be forced” to go to the international agencies, Mr.
Abu-Amr said, using the Palestinian president’s nickname. “If Obama goes back
without any significant visible step that will revive the peace process or give
hope to the parties, the visit may be counterproductive.”
Mustafa Barghouti, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s central
council, said on Tuesday morning in a briefing to international reporters that
he was disappointed that Mr. Obama would not be meeting with relatives of
Palestinian prisoners, or visiting Hebron, where he would see Palestinians shut
out of the Old City. He denounced the White House for “passivity” when “the
process of assassinating the two-state solution is going on in front of our
Mr. Barghouti and others said Palestinians would stage demonstrations during Mr.
Obama’s visit. On Tuesday afternoon, a group of perhaps 50 protesters — easily
outnumbered by journalists foreign and domestic — chanted anti-American slogans
and held pictures of Mr. Obama labeled “No Hope” as they tried to march from
Manara Square in Ramallah to Mr. Abbas’s office, known as the muqata. One held a
sign saying, “We Have a Dream, Too.”
Palestinian security forces standing arm in arm stopped the group from
approaching the muqata.
Not far away, at the Al Bireh Youth Foundation, which was expanded in 2010 with
$336,000 from the United States Agency for International Development, workers
spent Tuesday afternoon erecting a covered entry in preparation for Mr. Obama’s
visit. From the road outside, the Israeli settlement of Psagot is easily
Samiha Al-Abid, chairman of the organization’s board, said six or seven
teenagers who participate in a computer program would meet with Mr. Obama and
“talk to him about how they feel about their future.”
First, a troop of 12 girls will perform a Palestinian folkloric dance called
“I feel like he understands everyone’s point of view,” said one girl, Sandy
Hamayel, 18, who was outside the center on Tuesday waiting to rehearse. “Maybe
he can make a difference in the occupation thing.”
Asked what she would tell Mr. Obama if she got the chance, Saada Amra, 14, said,
“He should go visit villages in Palestine and see their living conditions.”
But her friend Dana Itayem, 15, who wore an “I ♥ Palestine” T-shirt, said, “I
would be too nervous to talk.”
Khaled Abu Aker contributed reporting.
For Some Palestinians, Wariness on Eve of
Obama Visit, NYT, 9.3.2013,
Jordan’s King Finds Fault With Everyone Concerned
March 18, 2013
The New York Times
CAIRO — King Abdullah II of Jordan leads one of the smallest,
poorest and most vulnerable Arab nations. But that does not stop him from
looking down on many of those around him, including the leaders of Egypt, Turkey
and Syria, as well as members of his own royal family, his secret police, his
traditional tribal political base, his Islamist opponents and even United States
President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt has “no depth,” King Abdullah said in an
interview with the American journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, to be published this
week in The Atlantic magazine. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is
an authoritarian who views democracy as a “bus ride,” as in, “Once I get to my
stop, I am getting off,” the king said.
And he said President Bashar al-Assad of Syria is so provincial that at a social
dinner he once asked the monarchs of Jordan and Morocco to explain jet lag. “He
never heard of jet lag,” King Abdullah said, according to an advance copy of the
The king’s conversations with Mr. Goldberg, an influential writer on the Middle
East and an acquaintance of more than a decade, offer a rare view of the
contradictory mind-set of Washington’s closest ally in the Arab world as he
struggles to master the upheaval of the Arab Spring revolts. Seldom has an Arab
autocrat spoken so candidly in public.
King Abdullah appears humbled and even fatigued by the many challenges he failed
to foresee when he inherited the throne 14 years ago, describing himself before
coronation as a “Forrest Gump” in the background of his father’s long reign. In
contrast to his father, King Hussein, King Abdullah promises to move Jordan
closer to a British-style constitutional monarchy, and thus to stay ahead of the
Arab Spring wave.
But he insists that only he can lead the transition to democracy, in part to
ensure that democracy will not deliver power to his Islamist opponents.
The era of Arab monarchies is passing, King Abdullah said. “Where are monarchies
in 50 years?” he asked. But even his own family, with 11 siblings and
half-siblings, does not yet understand the lessons of the Arab Spring for
dynasties like theirs, he said, adding that the public will no longer tolerate
egregious displays of excess or corruption.
“Members of my family don’t get it,” he said. “Look at some of my brothers. They
believe that they’re princes, but my cousins are more princes than my brothers,
and their in-laws are like — oh my God!” he continued.
“I’m always having to stop members of my family from putting lights on their
guard cars,” he said. “I arrest members of my family and take their cars away
from them and cut off their fuel rations and make them stop at traffic lights.”
Even his own sons should be punished if convicted of corruption, he insisted.
“Everybody else is expendable in the royal family,” he said. “That is the
reality of the Arab Spring that hit me.”
He blamed his own government’s secret police for blocking his efforts at
political reform. For example, he charged that the secret police had conspired
with conservatives in the political elite to block his attempts to open up more
representation in Parliament to Palestinians, who make up more than half of
Jordan’s population.
“Institutions I had trusted were just not on board,” he said, naming as an
example the mukhabarat, or secret police. He said he had not realized at first
how deeply “conservative elements” had become “embedded in certain institutions”
like the mukhabarat. “Two steps forward, one step back,” he added.
Stopping the Islamists from winning power was now “our major fight” across the
region, he said. He repeatedly mocked the Muslim Brotherhood, the pan-Arab
Islamist movement behind the largest opposition party in the Jordanian
Parliament and Mr. Morsi’s governing party in Egypt, calling it “a Masonic cult”
and “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” And he accused American diplomats of naïveté
about their intentions.
“When you go to the State Department and talk about this, they’re like, ‘This is
just the liberals talking, this is the monarch saying that the Muslim
Brotherhood is deep-rooted and sinister,’ ” King Abdullah said. His job, he
said, is to dissuade Westerners from the view that “the only way you can have
democracy is through the Muslim Brotherhood.”
The king was also frankly dismissive of the tribal leaders from the East Bank of
the Jordan River who have traditionally formed his family’s base of support.
“The old dinosaurs,” he called a group of East Bank tribal leaders, including a
former prime minister, before a meeting with them in the town of Karak. “It’s
all about, ‘I’ll vote for this guy because I am in his tribe,’ ” the king said
of their political program.
Alarmed at the violence in neighboring Syria, King Abdullah said he had offered
asylum and protection to the family of President Assad. “They said, ‘Thank you
very much, but why don’t you worry about your country more than you worry about
us?’ ”
“The monarchy is going to change,” the king vowed. His son will preside over “a
Western-style democracy with a constitutional monarchy,” the king said, and not
“the position of Bashar today.”
Jordan’s King Finds Fault With Everyone
Concerned, NYT, 18.3.2013,
Bolstering Missile Defense
to Deter
North Korea’s Threats
March 15,
The New York Times
— The Pentagon will spend $1 billion to deploy additional ballistic missile
interceptors along the Pacific Coast to counter the growing reach of North
Korea’s weapons, a decision accelerated by Pyongyang’s recent belligerence and
indications that Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, is resisting China’s
efforts to restrain him.
The new deployments, announced by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Friday, will
increase the number of ground-based interceptors in California and Alaska to 44
from 30 by 2017.
The missiles have a mixed record in testing, hitting dummy targets just 50
percent of the time, but officials said Friday’s announcement was intended not
merely to present a credible deterrence to the North’s limited intercontinental
ballistic missile arsenal. They said it is also meant to show South Korea and
Japan that the United States is willing to commit resources to deterring the
North and, at the same time, warn Beijing that it must restrain its ally or face
an expanding American military focus on Asia.
“There’s been a quickening pace of provocations,” said one senior administration
official, describing actions and words from North Korea and its new leader, Mr.
Kim. “But the real accelerant was the fact that the North Koreans seemed more
unmoored from their Chinese handlers than even we had feared.”
Although American and South Korean intelligence officials doubt the North is
close to being able to follow through on a nuclear strike, or that it would even
try, given its almost certain destruction, analysts say the country’s aggressive
behavior is an important and worrying sign of changing calculations in the
In interviews over recent days, Obama administration officials described
internal debates at the White House and the Pentagon about how strongly to react
to the recent provocations. It is a delicate balance, they said, of defending
against real potential threats while avoiding giving the North Koreans what one
official called “the satisfaction of seeming to make the rest of the world
In announcing the deployments at a Pentagon news conference, Mr. Hagel cited
North Korea’s third test of nuclear weapons technology last month, the
successful test of a long-range missile that sent a satellite into space, and
the discovery that a new generation of mobile missiles appeared closer to
“We will strengthen our homeland defense, maintain our commitments to our allies
and partners, and make clear to the world that the United States stands firm
against aggression,” Mr. Hagel said.
All 14 of the new interceptors will be placed in silos at Fort Greely, Alaska,
where 26 interceptors are already deployed. Four others are at Vandenberg Air
Force Base in California.
North Korea has always been an unpredictable, provocative dictatorship. But even
by its own standards, the isolated Communist regime’s recent decision to nullify
a wartime cease-fire and weeks of increasingly hyperbolic warnings, including of
a pre-emptive nuclear strike, appear to have crossed new and dangerous lines.
Adm. James A. Winnefeld Jr., the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
also spoke at the Pentagon on Friday and described how the United States was
deliberately building a two-tiered system of deterrence against North Korea.
The United States will “put the mechanics in place to deny any potential North
Korean objectives to launch a missile to the United States, but also to impose
costs upon them if they do,” Admiral Winnefeld said.
In an unusually pointed warning to the new North Korean leader, Admiral
Winnefeld added, “We believe that this young lad ought to be deterred by that —
and if he’s not, we’ll be ready.”
The arguments for bolstering the limited missile defense were symbolic of the
larger problem.
The antimissile systems are considered less than reliable, and some
administration officials were reluctant to pour additional resources into
deploying more of the existing technology.
But in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Gen. C. Robert Kehler,
the commander of the United States Strategic Command, made clear they serve a
larger purpose. “Deterring North Korea from acting irrationally is our No. 1
priority,” he said. He acknowledged that there were doubts that the 30 existing
antimissile systems would be sufficient, and added that an additional site in
the United States, on the East Coast, may be needed to deter Iran.
But the new deployment is also intended to send a signal to China, which tried
but failed to block the more recent nuclear test, to rein in the North. “We want
to make it clear that there’s a price to be paid for letting the North Koreans
stay on the current path,” a senior official said Friday.
The North’s new leader, some analysts say, is intensifying the threats because
he has failed to get the Obama administration and its South Korean allies to
return to an established pattern in which the North provoked and the allies
followed with much-needed economic aid in return for Pyongyang’s promises to
finally halt its nuclear weapons program.
But a growing number of experts believe North Korea also views its recent
advances in missile and nuclear technology as game changers that will allow it
to build the nuclear arsenal it desperately wants, both as a deterrent against
better-armed enemies and a cudgel to extract more concessions and possibly even
international recognition.
“Developing nuclear weapons gives North Korea a chance to turn the tables in one
stroke,” said Cheong Seong-chang, an expert on North Korea at the Sejong
Institute. “They can get around the weakness of their economy and their outdated
conventional weapons.”
The short-term risk, analysts say, is that the North’s chest-thumping will lead
to another round of limited conventional military skirmishes with the South that
could get out of control and, in the worst case, draw in the United States. With
a new leader in South Korea under political pressure to stand up to her
country’s longtime enemy, the risks are especially high.
The main newspaper of North Korea’s ruling party, Rodong Sinmun, recently gave
the North’s own explanation for its actions. “Let the American imperialists and
their followers know!” the paper said. “We are not a pushover like Iraq or
Some missile-defense experts express deep skepticism about the capability of the
ground-based interceptors deployed in California and Alaska.
“It remains unclear whether these ground-based interceptors can work
effectively, and they should be subjected to much more rigorous field testing
before taxpayer resources are spent on a system that is ineffective,” said Tom
Z. Collina, research director at the Arms Control Association, an advocacy group
James N. Miller, the Pentagon’s under secretary for policy, said the new
missiles would have to show success before they would be deployed. “We will
continue to stick with our ‘fly before we buy’ approach,” Mr. Miller said,
citing a successful test as recently as Jan. 26. George Lewis, an antimissile
missile expert at Cornell University, said 15 flight tests of the defensive
system have tried to hit targets, and only eight have succeeded.
The Defense Department’s interceptors in California and Alaska are to blunt a
long-range missile threat from North Korea. The United States also deploys
Patriot Advanced Capability batteries in South Korea for defense of targets
there, and the South fields an older model of the Patriot.
Japan is developing its own layered missile-defense system, which includes Aegis
warships and Patriot systems as well.
The United States deploys one advanced TPY-2 missile-defense tracking radar in
Japan to enhance early warning across the region and toward the West Coast, and
it has reached agreement to deploy a second.
And the Navy also recently bolstered its deployment of ballistic missile defense
warships in waters off the Korean Peninsula, although the vessels were sent as
part of an exercise even before the increase in caustic language from the North.
As part of the Foal Eagle military exercise with South Korea, the Navy has four
Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers in the region.
Thom Shanker and David E. Sanger reported from Washington, and Martin Fackler
from Seoul, South Korea. Choe Sang-hun contributed reporting from Seoul, and
William J. Broad from New York.
U.S. Bolstering Missile Defense to Deter North Korea’s Threats, NYT, 15.3.2013,
Leader of Vote Count in Kenya
Faces U.S. With Tough Choices
March 7, 2013
The New York Times
NAIROBI, Kenya — He has been charged with heinous crimes,
accused of using a vast fortune to bankroll death squads that slaughtered women
and children. His running mate also faces charges of crimes against humanity,
and as Kenya’s election drew closer, the Obama administration’s top official for
Africa issued a thinly veiled warning during a conference call about the vote,
saying that Kenyans are, of course, free to pick their own leaders but that
“choices have consequences.”
But when the ballot counting began this week, Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of Kenya’s
first president, surged ahead in the race for president and stayed out front as
the margin narrowed early on Friday. Soon, the Obama administration and its
allies could face a tough choice, made even more complicated by the appearance
of taking sides against a candidate who may very well win.
Does the United States put a premium on its commitment to justice and ending
impunity — as it has emphasized across the continent — and distance itself from
Mr. Kenyatta should he clinch this election?
Or would that put at risk all the other strategic American interests vested in
Kenya, a vital ally in a volatile region and a crucial hub for everything from
billion-dollar health programs and American corporations to spying on agents of
Al Qaeda?
Even the little things could be tricky. Are the American diplomats who interact
with the Kenyan government on a daily basis not supposed to shake Mr. Kenyatta’s
hand? What about sharing a dais with him? The British have already publicly
stated that they will avoid any contact unless it is essential.
“This is going to pose a very awkward situation,” said Jendayi Frazer, a former
assistant secretary of state for African affairs. “Kenyatta knows he needs the
United States, and the United States knows it needs Kenya.”
American officials have declined to discuss publicly what a Kenyatta victory
would mean, and several reiterated the rather anodyne video message from
President Obama in February, in which he said, “The choice of who will lead
Kenya is up to the Kenyan people.”
But Johnnie Carson, the top administration official for Africa, was not quite so
diplomatic when he repeatedly warned soon after that “choices have
consequences,” which critics say backfired by energizing supporters of Mr.
Kenyatta and his running mate, William Ruto, driving many to the polls to rally
behind them. “When you inject yourself into an election,” Ms. Frazer said, “you
never know how it will play.”
Mr. Carson responded, “One comment does not swing a contest.”
If he wins the presidency, Mr. Kenyatta, who was leading with 50 percent of the
vote on Friday, would become the second African head of state after Sudan’s Omar
Hassan al-Bashir to face grave charges at the International Criminal Court at
The Hague. But that does not mean he will meet the same diplomatic isolation as
Mr. Bashir, who is wanted on an arrest warrant and cannot travel to much of the
For starters, Mr. Bashir has refused to appear at the court, while Mr. Kenyatta
has traveled there to defend himself, so no warrant has been issued. Beyond
that, the United States and Sudan were hardly allies when Mr. Bashir was accused
of fomenting genocide in Darfur. The relationship was already sour, with Sudan
squeezed by sanctions for playing host to Osama bin Laden, among other things.
By contrast, the American-Kenyan partnership has been a particularly symbiotic
one, especially recently. American intelligence agents work closely with their
Kenyan counterparts, hunting down Qaeda cells in Kenya and Somalia. Kenya
receives nearly $1 billion in American aid each year and has agreed to accept
captured Somali pirates and hundreds of thousands of refugees, at the request of
donors like the United States.
Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, is home to the largest American Embassy in sub-Saharan
Africa and a sprawling United Nations campus that runs programs across the
world, making it especially difficult for the United States to take its
resources somewhere else.
“There is really very little leverage that the U.S. and other countries can
exercise,” said J. Peter Pham, director of the Michael S. Ansari Africa Center
in Washington.
One former American official with extensive experience in Africa was more blunt.
“We need Kenya more than Kenya needs us,” he said.
The United States has to be careful how it handles the Kenyatta issue, analysts
say, because Mr. Kenyatta could easily turn to China, which has made important
inroads here, building highways and even covertly financing some Kenyan military
Already, the Western concerns about Mr. Kenyatta’s candidacy seem to be
provoking a backlash.
On Wednesday, the Kenyatta campaign accused the British high commissioner here
of “shadowy, suspicious and rather animated involvement” in Kenya’s election, a
claim the British dismissed as “entirely false.”
Some diplomats have also spoken of what they call a “Mugabe factor,” warning
that Kenya’s leaders, if put under too much pressure, could become isolated and
testy like President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.
Court documents paint a disturbing picture of Mr. Kenyatta. According to
prosecutors, as hundreds of his fellow Kikuyus were being slaughtered by rival
ethnic groups in the explosion of violence after the last major election in
2007, Mr. Kenyatta organized meetings with a nefarious Nairobi street gang to
take revenge.
Mr. Kenyatta, the documents say, “contributed money towards the retaliatory
attack” and was “aware of the widespread and systematic nature of the attack.”
The outlawed gang, the Mungiki, killed scores of people, including small
children burned to death while huddling in their homes.
Mr. Kenyatta has denied the charges and says he will clear his name. Many
analysts say the case is rather weak. The trial was supposed to start next month
but has been postponed until July.
The case against Mr. Ruto, a charismatic politician with an intensely loyal
following, is believed to be stronger. Prosecutors say Mr. Ruto and his inner
circle “created a network of perpetrators” and paid them to kill.
There are few figures in the Kenyan political landscape as polarizing as Mr.
Kenyatta, 51, a deputy prime minister. Many members of other ethnic groups
accuse him and his family of stealing their ancestral land, which became the
basis for the Kenyatta family fortune.
But among many Kikuyus, Mr. Kenyatta is seen as a savior. He is a confident
speaker, educated at Amherst College and respected in Nairobi’s business
circles. During the last election crisis, several supporters said, he paid for
buses to ferry Kikuyus out of danger zones and bought sacks of food for families
who had been burned out of their homes.
“When we needed it, Uhuru was there,” said David Wanjohi Chege, a trader.
Many Western governments would clearly prefer the second-place candidate, Prime
Minister Raila Odinga, who was trailing with 45 percent of the vote Friday amid
complaints from his camp that some results had been “doctored.” The race may be
headed for a runoff.
Diplomats in Nairobi said they did not know what their governments would do if
Mr. Kenyatta ultimately won — though most expected little or no change in policy
unless he was convicted or stopped cooperating with the court. If that happens,
some diplomats spoke of targeted sanctions without wanting to be more specific.
“To be honest, there are so many different scenarios, nobody really knows what
we’re going to do,” one American official said.
The United States has opted not to participate in the International Criminal
Court, though the administration has expressed support for “the I.C.C.’s
prosecution of those cases that advance U.S. interests and values.” Many Kenyans
see this as hypocritical.
Mr. Kenyatta’s lawyers could probably drag out the trial for years. The only
conviction the court has secured, against a Congolese warlord, came six years
after he arrived at the court.
Some Kenyans have worried that Mr. Kenyatta, if he wins, may try to pull Kenya
out of the court to evade trial. But according to legal scholars, that would not
change Kenya’s obligations.
“The I.C.C. was definitely a factor in this election, but not necessarily the
factor you would expect,” said Maina Kiai, a prominent Kenyan human rights
defender. “It got people out. People were saying, ‘They’re our boys, they’re our
sons, we need to protect them.’ ”
Leader of Vote Count in Kenya Faces U.S.
With Tough Choices, NYT, 7.3.2013,
A Leader Cries, ‘I Am Chávez,’
as U.S. Seeks Clues on Policy
March 6, 2013
The New York Times
CARACAS, Venezuela — In the weeks leading up to his mentor’s
death, Vice President Nicolás Maduro’s imitations of President Hugo Chávez
became ever more apparent.
He has taken on many of Mr. Chávez’s vocal patterns and speech rhythms, and has
eagerly repeated the slogan “I am Chávez” to crowds of supporters. He has
mimicked the president’s favorite themes — belittling the political opposition
and warning of mysterious plots to destabilize the country, even implying that
the United States was behind Mr. Chávez’s cancer.
He has also adopted the president’s clothes, walking beside his coffin in an
enormous procession on Wednesday wearing a windbreaker with the national colors
of yellow, blue and red, as Mr. Chávez often did.
But now that Mr. Chávez is gone, the big question being raised here is whether
Mr. Maduro, his chosen successor, will continue to mirror the president and his
unconventional governing style — or veer off in his own direction.
“He can’t just stand there and say ‘I am the Mini-Me of Chávez and now you have
to follow me,’ ” said Maxwell A. Cameron of the University of British Columbia
in Vancouver.
The puzzlement over what sort of leader Mr. Maduro will prove to be extends to
Washington, where American policy makers have been feeling out Mr. Maduro for
months, years even, to determine whether he might provide an opening for closer
ties between the two nations.
American officials say Mr. Chávez, despite his very public denunciations of
Washington, worked behind the scenes to keep trade relations between the two
countries, especially in the oil sector, strong. They recalled how Mr. Chávez
once picked up the phone and dialed an American diplomat to talk policy, an odd
move for a leader who more than once barred American ambassadors from Caracas
and regularly denounced Washington and its leaders, sometimes using barnyard
epithets. “The United States needs to fix this,” Mr. Chávez said during the
call, which concerned the ouster of the Honduran president in 2009. “You are the
only ones who can.”
Beneath the bluster, American diplomats and analysts said, Mr. Chávez could be a
pragmatist, albeit a sometimes bombastic one, and they hope Mr. Maduro will
prove to be even more of one.
“I know Nicolás Maduro well,” said William D. Delahunt, a former Massachusetts
member of Congress. “I know he’s a pragmatist.”
The United States reached out to Mr. Maduro last November to gauge interest in
improving the relationship. He responded positively, and the two nations held
three informal meetings in Washington, the last one taking place after it was
clear that Mr. Chávez’s condition was severe, American officials said.
The Venezuelans wanted to once again exchange ambassadors, but Washington
insisted on smaller steps to build trust, and it seemed that a tentative plan
was in place, American officials said. But then the talks stalled this year and
have not resumed, leaving American officials wondering about Mr. Maduro’s true
intentions toward the United States.
“Maduro is just beginning to govern and create his own identity,” a State
Department official said. “I don’t believe we had ever concluded one way or
another whether he was a moderating influence. Our effort to reach out and
create a more productive relationship was not based on a belief that he would be
easier to deal with necessarily.”
Most diplomats and political analysts agree that the start of the post-Chávez
landscape looked bleak; Mr. Maduro accused the United States of plotting against
the country and expelled two American military attachés. But some observers saw
the moves as an overtly calculated — one analyst called it “inelegant” — attempt
by Mr. Maduro to unify a traumatized country bracing for Mr. Chávez’s death,
appeal to the president’s supporters and propel his own chances of winning an
election to succeed him.
“Maduro has to be careful about every step he takes, and every word he utters
about the United States,” said one senior American official who is closely
watching developments here. “How he is going to handle that pressure is the big
unknown. We’re about to find out.”
One past sign of Mr. Maduro’s willingness to listen to critics — which was not
one of Mr. Chávez’s strong points — was his attendance at meetings with members
of the Venezuelan opposition that were held in the United States after a 2002
coup that briefly removed Mr. Chávez. The sessions were organized by Mr.
Delahunt and took place in Hyannis Port, Mass., prompting participants to call
themselves “El Grupo de Boston.”
But more recently Mr. Maduro has shown himself as a hard-liner, lashing out at
his political enemies and lambasting Henrique Capriles Radonski, the state
governor he will probably face in the election, for his recent trip to New York.
Among oil executives and analysts, there was cautious optimism that Mr. Chávez’s
death could soften the hostility his government had toward foreign investment in
exploration and refining. “It makes sense that Maduro will be more pragmatic to
get the country going,” said Jorge R. Piñon, former president of Amoco Oil Latin
America. He said he had talked with several oil executives and come away
surprised by their optimism.
“Industry executives believe that there is a high probability that a Maduro
administration will be a bit more realistic on what is needed to increase the
country’s oil production,” Mr. Piñon added, “and change the investment model to
attract more foreign investment.”
On the streets, the vast majority of Chávez supporters say they will vote for
Mr. Maduro, often for the simple reason that Mr. Chávez told them to before he
succumbed to cancer. At the procession on Wednesday, some actually chanted as
the coffin passed, “Chávez, I swear it, I will vote for Maduro!”
But there are some Chávez loyalists who say they are unhappy with Mr. Maduro, at
times for reasons that illuminate the drawbacks inherent in his political
In the eastern city of Cumaná on Wednesday, some ardent Chávez supporters said
they found Mr. Maduro’s constant attacks on the political opposition too jarring
— a startling assertion, since Mr. Maduro uses virtually identical language to
the phrases popularized by Mr. Chávez, repeating the same insults and put-downs,
calling his opponents “good-for-nothings” and accusing them of selling out the
country to the United States.
But coming from Mr. Maduro, the same words seem to have a different impact.
“I don’t like Maduro because I feel that he does things that incite hatred,
which is not a revolutionary feeling,” said Luis Marcano, 67, an unemployed cook
in Cumaná.
Mr. Maduro, whose father was involved in left-wing politics, became a political
activist as a young man, joining a group called the Socialist League, traveling
to Cuba at one point for political training. Back in Caracas, he took a job as a
bus driver and then shifted to union activities.
Eventually, he became involved with Mr. Chávez, who staged a failed coup in
1992. Mr. Maduro fought to have Mr. Chávez released from prison and then worked
on his first presidential campaign in 1998. He became a legislator and then
president of the National Assembly.
He later served six years as Mr. Chávez’s foreign minister before he was named
vice president after the president’s re-election in October.
During that long career by Mr. Chávez’s side, Mr. Maduro earned a reputation as
an agile survivor of the inner circle, where absolute loyalty was a
prerequisite. He was seen by many as a yes-man who kept his position by hewing
closely to his boss and taking care not to outshine or contradict him.
“Nicolás Maduro is a soldier that has to obey orders, just like any other,” said
Rommel Salazar, 40, a teacher and musician in Cumaná. “I will vote for him
because I must obey Chávez’s instructions.”
But he added a warning, saying that if Mr. Maduro does not adhere to the line
set by Mr. Chávez, his followers will hold him accountable. “He will have nailed
himself to the cross,” Mr. Salazar said.
William Neuman reported from Caracas,
and Ginger Thompson from New York.
Reporting was contributed by Lizette Alvarez from Miami;
María Iguarán from Cumaná, Venezuela; Clifford Krauss from
and Simon Romero from Caracas.
A Leader Cries, ‘I Am Chávez,’ as U.S.
Seeks Clues on Policy, NYT, 6.3.2012,
Number of Syrian Refugees Hits 1 Million, U.N. Says
March 6, 2013
The New York Times
GENEVA — The relentless exodus of Syrians fleeing two years of
increasingly violent conflict pushed the number of refugees in neighboring
countries past the million mark on Wednesday, the United Nations Refugee agency
said, warning that resources for helping them are stretched dangerously thin.
The total number of Syrians fleeing for safety to surrounding countries is much
higher, U.N. officials say, but as the conflict approaches the start of its
third year the number who have registered as refugees or are seeking assistance
has shot up by around 420,000 this year
Around 10,000 Syrians are still escaping across the country’s borders every day,
refugee agency officials report, adding that more than half of the arrivals are
children, mostly under the age of 11.
“With a million people in flight, millions more displaced internally, and
thousands of people continuing to cross the border every day, Syria is spiraling
towards full-scale disaster,” the U.N. high commissioner for refugees, Antonio
Guterres, said in a statement. “The international humanitarian response capacity
is dangerously stretched. This tragedy has to be stopped.”
Around 330,000 Syrians have sought shelter in Lebanon and close to 320,000 in
Jordan, the refugee agency reported, with more than 185,000 in Turkey, 105,000
in Iraq, 43,500 in Egypt and around 8,000 spread across North Africa. Others
have fled to Europe, it said.
To illustrate the strain this influx has imposed on Syria’s neighbors, the
refugee agency said the population of Lebanon has swelled by 10 percent,
Jordan’s energy and water capacity as well as its health and education services
are stretched to the limit and Turkey had spent $600 million building 17 camps
to house arrivals and more are under construction.
An additional worry for relief agencies is that the funding received from donors
has failed to keep pace with the accelerating scale of refugee needs. The United
Nations said it has received only around 20 percent of the $1.5 billion it
requested in December to cover relief efforts for around four million people in
desperate need of aid inside Syria as well as the million who are now outside it
during the first half of 2013. The number of refugees has ve accelerated faster
than projected in that appeal. A fund raising conference in Kuwait at the end of
January brought pledges of assistance amounting to $1.5 billion but no details
have emerged of how much of those funds have been provided and U.N. officials
say little of it is being channelled through their relief agencies.
Number of Syrian Refugees Hits 1 Million,
U.N. Says, NYT, 6.3.2013,
Chávez Dies,
Leaving a Bitterly Divided Venezuela
March 5, 2013
The New York Times
CARACAS, Venezuela — President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela died
Tuesday afternoon after a struggle with cancer, the government announced,
leaving behind a bitterly divided nation in the grip of a political crisis that
grew more acute as he languished for weeks, silent and out of sight, in
hospitals in Havana and Caracas.
Close to tears and his voice cracking, Vice President Nicolás Maduro said he and
other officials had gone to the military hospital where Mr. Chávez was being
treated, sequestered from the public, when “we received the hardest and most
tragic information that we could transmit to our people.”
In short order, police officers and soldiers were highly visible as people ran
through the streets, calling loved ones on cellphones, rushing to get home.
Caracas, the capital, which had just received news that the government was
throwing out two American military attachés it accused of sowing disorder,
quickly became an enormous traffic jam. Stores and shopping malls abruptly
As darkness fell, somber crowds congregated in the main square of Caracas and at
the military hospital, with men and women crying openly in sadness and fear
about what would come next.
In one neighborhood, Chávez supporters set fire to tents and mattresses used by
university students who had chained themselves together in protest several days
earlier to demand more information about Mr. Chávez’s condition.
“Are you happy now?” the Chávez supporters shouted as they ran through the
streets with sticks. “Chávez is dead! You got what you wanted!”
Mr. Chávez’s departure from a country he dominated for 14 years casts into doubt
the future of his socialist revolution. It alters the political balance not only
in Venezuela, the fourth-largest supplier of foreign oil to the United States,
but also in Latin America, where Mr. Chávez led a group of nations intent on
reducing American influence in the region.
Mr. Chávez, 58, changed Venezuela in fundamental ways, empowering and energizing
millions of poor people who had felt marginalized and excluded. But his rule
also widened society’s divisions, and his death is sure to bring vast
uncertainty as the nation tries to find its way without its central figure.
“He’s the best president in history,” said Andrés Mejía, 65, a retiree in
Cumaná, an eastern city, crying as he gathered with friends in a plaza. “Look at
how emotional I am — I’m crying. I cannot accept the president’s death. But the
revolution will continue with Maduro.”
The Constitution says that, since Mr. Chávez was at the start of a term, the
nation should “proceed to a new election” within 30 days, and Foreign Minister
Elías Jaua said in a television interview that Mr. Maduro would take the helm in
the meantime. The election is likely to pit Mr. Maduro, whom Mr. Chávez
designated as his political successor, against Henrique Capriles Radonski, a
young state governor who lost to Mr. Chávez in the presidential election in
But in light of Mr. Chávez’s illness, there has been heated debate in recent
months over clashing interpretations of the Constitution, and it is impossible
to predict how the transition will proceed.
“We, your civilian and military companions, Commander Hugo Chávez, assume your
legacy, your challenges, your project, accompanied by and with the support of
the people,” Mr. Maduro told the nation.
Only hours earlier, the government seemed to go into a state of heightened alert
as Mr. Maduro convened a crisis meeting in Caracas of cabinet ministers,
governors loyal to the president and top military commanders.
Taking a page out of Mr. Chávez’s time-tested playbook, Mr. Maduro warned in a
lengthy televised speech that the United States was seeking to destabilize the
country, and the government expelled the two American military attachés,
accusing one of seeking to recruit Venezuelan military personnel to carry out
“destabilizing projects.” He called on Venezuelans to unite as he raised the
specter of foreign intervention.
During the speech, Mr. Maduro said the government suspected that the president’s
enemies had found a way to cause his cancer, a possibility that Mr. Chávez had
once raised. Mr. Maduro said scientists should investigate the source of his
Mr. Chávez long accused the United States of trying to undermine or even
assassinate him; indeed, the Bush administration gave tacit support for a coup
that briefly removed him from power in 2002. He often used Washington as a foil
to build support or distract attention from deeply rooted problems at home, like
high inflation and soaring crime.
American officials had hoped to improve relations with Venezuela under Mr.
Maduro, with informal talks taking place last year. But more recently, the
government has appeared to shift into campaign mode, taking sweeping aim at the
Venezuelan opposition and playing up the opposition’s real or alleged ties to
the United States.
“We completely reject the Venezuelan government’s claim that the United States
is involved in any type of conspiracy to destabilize the Venezuelan government,”
Patrick Ventrell, a State Department spokesman, said after the expulsion of the
American attachés. He added, “Notwithstanding the significant differences
between our governments, we continue to believe it important to seek a
functional and more productive relationship with Venezuela.”
Mr. Chávez’s cancer was diagnosed in June 2011, but throughout his treatment he
and his government kept many details about his illness secret. He had three
operations in Cuba between June 2011 and February 2012, as well as chemotherapy
and radiation treatment, but the cancer kept coming back.
Then on Dec. 8, just two months after winning re-election, Mr. Chávez stunned
the nation by announcing in a televised address that he needed yet more surgery.
That operation, his fourth, took place in Havana on Dec. 11.
In the aftermath, grim-faced aides described the procedure as complex and said
Mr. Chávez’s condition was delicate. They eventually notified the country of
complications, first bleeding and then a severe lung infection and difficulty
After previous operations, Mr. Chávez often appeared on television while
recuperating in Havana, posted messages on Twitter or was heard on telephone
calls made to television programs on a government station. But after his
December operation, he was not seen again in public, and his voice fell silent.
Mr. Chávez’s aides eventually announced that a tube had been inserted in his
trachea to help his breathing, and that he had difficulty speaking. It was the
ultimate paradox for a man who seemed never at a loss for words, often
improvising for hours at a time on television, haranguing, singing, lecturing,
reciting poetry and orating.
As the weeks dragged on, tensions rose in Venezuela. Officials in Mr. Chávez’s
government strove to project an image of business as usual and deflected
inevitable questions about a vacuum at the top. At the same time, the country
struggled with an out-of-balance economy, troubled by soaring prices and
escalating shortages of basic goods.
The opposition, weakened after defeats in the presidential election in October
and elections for governor in December, in which its candidates lost in 20 of 23
states, sought to keep pressure on the government.
Then officials suddenly announced on Feb. 18 that Mr. Chávez had returned to
Caracas. He arrived unseen on a predawn flight and was installed in a military
hospital, where, aides said, he was continuing treatments.
Over nearly a decade and a half, Mr. Chávez made most major decisions and
dominated all aspects of political life. He inspired a fierce, sometimes
religious devotion among his supporters and an equally fervent animus among his
opponents. As many of his followers say, “With Chávez everything, without Chávez
But that leaves his revolution in a precarious spot without its charismatic
“In regimes that are so person-based, the moment that the person on which
everything hangs is removed, the entire foundation becomes very weak because
there was nothing else supporting this other than this figure,” said Javier
Corrales, a professor of political science at Amherst College.
Mr. Chávez’s death could provide an opportunity for the political opposition,
which was never able to defeat him in a head-to-head contest. Mr. Capriles lost
to Mr. Chávez by 11 percentage points in October. But he has twice beaten top
Chávez lieutenants in running for governor of his state, Miranda, which includes
part of Caracas.
And Mr. Maduro is far from having Mr. Chávez’s visceral connection to the masses
of Venezuela’s poor. Even so, most analysts believe that Mr. Maduro will have an
advantage, and that he will receive a surge of support if the vote occurs soon.
But even if Mr. Maduro prevails, he may have a hard time holding together Mr.
Chávez’s movement while fending off resistance from what is likely to be a
revived opposition.
Mr. Chávez’s new six-year term began on Jan. 10, with the president
incommunicado in Havana. In his absence, the government held a huge rally in the
center of Caracas, where thousands of his followers raised their hands to pledge
an oath of “absolute loyalty” to their commander and his revolution. Officials
promised that Mr. Chávez would have his inauguration later, when he had
But the hoped-for recovery never came. Now, instead of an inauguration, Mr.
Chávez’s followers are left to plan a funeral.
The foreign minister, Mr. Jaua, announced that on Wednesday Mr. Chávez’s body
would be taken to the military academy in Caracas and lie in state there.
Mr. Jaua said that the government would hold a ceremony on Friday with visiting
heads of state and that officials would announce later where Mr. Chávez would be
laid to rest.
Reporting was contributed by María Eugenia Díaz, Girish Gupta
and Meridith Kohut from Caracas;
María Iguarán from Cumaná, Venezuela;
and David E. Sanger and Thom Shanker from Washington.
This article has been revised to reflect the following
Correction: March 5, 2013
In an earlier version of this article,
the given name of a State Department spokesman was incorrect.
He is Patrick Ventrell, not Robert Ventrell.
Chávez Dies, Leaving a Bitterly Divided
Venezuela, NYT, 5.3.2013,
Massacre of Syrian Soldiers in Iraq
Raises Risk of Widening Conflict
March 4, 2013
The New York Times
BAGHDAD — More than 40 Syrian soldiers who had sought
temporary safety in Iraq from rebel fighters along the border were killed on
Monday in an attack by unidentified gunmen as the Iraqi military was
transporting the soldiers back to Syria in a bus convoy, the Iraqi government
At least seven Iraqis were also reported killed in the attack, which appeared to
be the most serious spillover of violence into Iraq since the Syrian conflict
began two years ago.
Ali al-Musawi, a spokesman for Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, accused
“armed groups from the Iraqi and Syrian side” of coordinating the attack, which
he described as an ambush. He said Iraq would deploy more security forces on the
border. Middle East experts said such a move raised the risk that the Iraqis
could become more directly enmeshed in the Syrian conflict, underscoring how it
threatens to destabilize a wider swath of the region.
“We will not allow any terrorist to enter the Iraqi lands,” Mr. Musawi said in a
telephone interview. He said the ambush was partly the consequence of “sectarian
speeches that encourage people to hate each other.”
The attack threatens to inflame the sectarian tensions that already divide Iraq,
where a Sunni minority sympathizes with Syria’s overwhelmingly Sunni opposition.
Mr. Musawi did not specify which armed groups he considered responsible for the
attack, but it was clear that he meant Sunni militant extremists affiliated with
Al Qaeda in Iraq. These groups have become increasingly emboldened by popular
Sunni resentment against Mr. Maliki, a Shiite who is accused by critics of
trying to marginalize Iraq’s Sunni population since the American occupation of
Iraq ended in 2011.
The Al Nusra Front, a Sunni insurgent force in Syria that has become known for
its audacious attacks on government targets, has links with Al Qaeda in Iraq,
and American officials have blacklisted it as a terrorist organization. But many
Iraqi Sunnis sympathize with the Syrian insurgents, who are overwhelmingly Sunni
and whose clan relations span national boundaries.
“A number of us have been saying that Iraq is the one most affected by the
meltdown in Syria,” said Joshua M. Landis, director of the Center for Middle
East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and curator of the Syria Comment
blog, which has chronicled the Syrian conflict.
“In that region, the tribes go right across the Syrian border, and most of the
people are related by blood,” he said. “They’re in one common struggle.”
Mr. Maliki has not expressed outright support for President Bashar al-Assad of
Syria, whose minority Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shiite Islam. Mr. Assad’s
allies in the region are the government of Iran, which is majority Shiite, and
Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group that is a powerful political force in
But last week, Mr. Maliki warned that a victory for the Syrian insurgency could
create a Sunni extremist haven in Syria and incite sectarian mayhem in his own
country as well as in Lebanon and Jordan. All three countries, along with
Turkey, are hosts to hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, mostly Sunnis.
According to accounts from Mr. Musawi and other Iraqi officials quoted by
Western news agencies, the Syrian soldiers who were attacked originally crossed
into Nineveh Province, Iraq, over the weekend to escape attacks by insurgents at
the Yaarubiyeh border crossing. In returning them, Iraqi soldiers put the
Syrians on a bus headed for a different border post, in Anbar Province, partly
to avoid the same hostilities the Syrians had fled.
But the bus, part of an Iraqi military convoy, was attacked as it neared the
Waleed crossing by gunmen armed with mortars, automatic weapons and improvised
bombs, who appeared to have advance knowledge of the convoy route. Agence
France-Presse quoted an Iraqi army officer, Lt. Col. Mohammed Khalaf al-Dulaimi,
as saying that at least three vehicles were destroyed.
The Syrian state-run news agency SANA made no immediate mention of the ambush,
but it quoted Mr. Maliki as saying he supported a peaceful solution of the
Syrian conflict and that “vandalism and the use of arms will lead nowhere.”
News of the ambush came as Syrian rebel fighters claimed other gains against the
government on Monday, notably the seizure of the contested north-central city of
Raqqa after days of heavy clashes. Rebel videos uploaded on the Internet showed
activists smashing a statue of President Assad’s father, Hafez, in the central
square to punctuate their victory.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group with a network of
contacts in Syria, quoted a lawyer in Raqqa as saying that the rebels had
captured the provincial governor, Hasan Jalali, and the secretary general of the
Raqqa branch of Mr. Assad’s ruling Baath Party, Suleiman al-Suleiman. If
confirmed, they would be among the highest-ranking officials detained by
It was unclear late Monday whether the insurgents could retain control of Raqqa,
a strategic city on the Euphrates River. But if they could, it would be the
first provincial capital completely taken over by the armed resistance. For the
government, the loss of Raqqa would diminish the prospects that Mr. Assad’s
military, now fighting on a number of fronts, could retake large areas of
northern and eastern Syria from the rebels.
An activist reached by phone in Raqqa, Abu Muhammad, said, “The only place still
under control of the regime, in the entire province of Raqqa, is the military
security building.”
Earlier Monday, anti-Assad activists reported heavy fighting in Homs between
rebels and government forces backed by tanks and warplanes.
The clashes in Homs, a central Syrian city that had been quiet recently, seemed
to shift attention from the northern city of Aleppo, where fighting had swirled
for days around the Khan al-Asal police academy. Both sides in the civil war,
which has claimed an estimated 70,000 lives, acknowledged relatively high death
tolls there.
The pro-government Al-Watan newspaper accused opposition fighters on Monday of
massacring 115 police officers and wounding 50 at Khan al-Asal. On Sunday, the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 200 government soldiers and rebels had
been killed.
In an interview published in The Sunday Times of London, Mr. Assad assailed
Britain’s suggestion that it may provide more than just nonlethal aid to his
enemies. He also restated his opposition to peace talks with armed insurgents.
“How can we ask Britain to play a role while it is determined to militarize the
problem?” Mr. Assad said. “How can we expect them to make the violence less
while they want to send military supplies to the terrorists?”
William Hague, Britain’s foreign secretary, said Mr. Assad’s remarks “will go
down as one of the most delusional interviews that any national leader has given
in modern times.”
Duraid Adnan reported from Baghdad, and Rick Gladstone from New
Hania Mourtada contributed reporting from Beirut, Lebanon;
Alan Cowell from London;
and an employee of The New York Times from Damascus, Syria.
Massacre of Syrian Soldiers in Iraq Raises
Risk of Widening Conflict, NYT, 4.3.2013,
Egypt Needs to Act
March 4, 2013
The New York Times
President Obama’s decision to provide $250 million in aid to
Egypt is a vote of confidence in a country that is critical to stability in the
region but is also teetering on the edge of economic disaster. It is now up to
Egypt’s government — and its opponents — to create the political and economic
consensus that can leverage the American money to turn around their failing
Secretary of State John Kerry, who announced the aid in Cairo on Sunday, made
clear that the responsibility for finding common ground falls first on President
Mohamed Morsi. Mr. Morsi’s job is to persuade the political opposition to join
him in a suite of economic reforms that would raise taxes, trim energy subsidies
and pave the way for a much larger $4.8 billion loan package from the
International Monetary Fund. The I.M.F. loan, in turn, would open the door to
even more aid and investment from financial institutions and other countries.
Cooperation is also required of the opposition. Egypt desperately needs strong
democratic institutions and a more robust economy to right itself and move
toward a better future. Instead, the various combatants have settled into a
pattern of recurring political and economic crises, betraying the revolution
that overthrew the dictator Hosni Mubarak. The latest setback occurred last week
when the main opposition group, the National Salvation Front, warned that it
would boycott parliamentary elections scheduled for late April because Mr.
Morsi’s Islamist-led government had failed to guarantee that the vote would be
free and fair.
Their concerns are legitimate. Instead of working toward an inclusive
government, Mr. Morsi and his party have consolidated power, rushed through a
flawed, bitterly contested Constitution, failed to reform a corrupt police
force, and proposed a new law that will severely limit the right to peaceful
assembly and encourage further police abuse. Yet the opposition itself has not
offered a coherent alternative that could challenge the Muslim Brotherhood at
the ballot box. And boycotting the parliamentary elections seems self-defeating.
After the State Department urged all parties to participate in the elections,
some opposition leaders refused to meet Mr. Kerry because they “reject American
pressure.” That too seems self-defeating. Frankly, it is hard to know what the
opposition really wants from Washington. One moment it warns against
interference, the next it faults the Americans for not being tougher on Mr.
Mr. Kerry urged all Egyptians to “come together” to meet the country’s
challenges, meanwhile assuring them that the United States is “committed not to
any party, not to any one person, not to any specific political point of view,”
but to democracy, human rights, freedom of expression and tolerance. This struck
exactly the right note.
Egypt Needs to Act, NYT, 4.3.2013,
Blast Kills at Least 45 Pakistanis
in Shiite District of Karachi
March 3, 2013
The New York Times
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A powerful explosion ripped through a
crowd of Shiites as they left a mosque in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, on
Sunday, killing at least 45 people. It was the latest atrocity in an escalating
campaign of countrywide sectarian violence.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, which badly damaged two
apartment blocks and spread fire through homes and shops. At least 149 people
were wounded, city officials said.
But suspicion fell heaviest on Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a Sunni militant group at the
forefront of a wave of violence against Shiites that has killed about 200 people
so far this year, and which is rapidly emerging as a substantial threat to
Pakistan’s internal security.
“This is terrorism at its worst,” said Sardar Mehdi Musa, a leader of the Hazara
Shiite minority, which has borne the brunt of recent violence. “It’s a sign that
things are only going to get worse.”
Last last month, the authorities in Punjab Province detained the Lashkar leader,
Malik Ishaq, but as Sunday’s violence in Karachi suggests, it seems unlikely
that his detention will halt sectarian attacks.
In Karachi, rescue workers scrambled to find survivors amid scenes of striking
devastation after the bombing in Abbas Town, a majority Shiite neighborhood.
Early police reports suggested that the blast had been caused by a car bomb and
that a second, smaller explosion might have been caused by the ignition of
domestic gas canisters.
Fire spread through homes and shops; many women and children were among the
dead, hospital officials said. Fayaz Leghari, the police chief of Sindh
Province, said the police had intercepted explosive-laden vehicles in the
previous two weeks after receiving warnings of an impending attack. But they did
not have specific intelligence about Sunday’s attack, he said.
President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, who was
visiting Karachi at the time of the blasts, condemned the attack. Mr. Ashraf
said that those who attacked civilians were “serving the interests of antistate
and antisocial elements,” according to the state-run news agency, The Associated
Press of Pakistan.
It was the latest salvo in an alarming surge in sectarian violence across
Pakistan over the past year, from attacks on travelers in the remote northern
mountains to bombings in the tribal belt and Karachi, a sprawling and volatile
metropolis already reeling from political, ethnic and criminal killings.
The worst attacks have occurred in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan Province,
where two bombings by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi militants in January and February killed
almost 200 Shiites from the ethnic Hazara minority. Mr. Musa, the Hazara leader,
said that another member of his community was shot and killed Saturday on a
Karachi street.
“It was definitely a targeted killing,” he said. “Why else would they kill a
poor Hazara man?”
Shiite protests against the violence have been largely peaceful until now,
although experts on Pakistan’s militants fear that may change if the attacks
continue. On Sunday night, Shiites in Karachi fired their weapons into the air
to protest the killings.
During an all-parties political conference in Islamabad last week, Shiite
leaders walked out in protest when Maulana Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi, the leader
of a Sunni extremist political party, addressed the session.
Although the army has carried out sweeping military operations against the
Pakistani Taliban since 2009, it has avoided a full-frontal confrontation with
the country’s sectarian groups. In some parts of the country, the military and
conservative political parties have faced accusations of collusion with
sectarian groups.
The most attention has been focused on Mr. Ishaq’s group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik said last week that it was involved in 80 percent
of the militant attacks in Pakistan. That figure may be an exaggeration but,
with elections expected to be held by mid-May, few doubt that the sectarian
violence could be politically destabilizing.
Analysts say that instability in Karachi, a city that includes a sizable Shiite
minority among its population of least 18 million people, could delay the
elections. During Pakistan’s last sustained bout of sectarian violence, in the
1990s, the streets of Karachi became a proxy battleground between Sunni militant
groups supported by Saudi Arabia and Shiite groups that had assistance from
The coalition government, led by the Pakistan People’s Party, is expected to
step down by March 16, marking the first time a civilian government will have
served a full five-year term. But the deteriorating security situation has
raised questions about its use of resources.
Local news media reported that a contingent of the Karachi police officers had
been deployed to protocol and security duties at the engagement ceremony of
Sharmila Faruqui, a provincial minister from the governing party, and Hasham
Riaz Sheikh, an aide to President Zardari.
Blast Kills at Least 45 Pakistanis in
Shiite District of Karachi, NYT, 3.3.3013,
A New
Cold War, in Cyberspace,
U.S. Ties to China
24, 2013
The New York Times
— When the Obama administration circulated to the nation’s Internet providers
last week a lengthy confidential list of computer addresses linked to a hacking
group that has stolen terabytes of data from American corporations, it left out
one crucial fact: that nearly every one of the digital addresses could be traced
to the neighborhood in Shanghai that is headquarters to the Chinese military’s
That deliberate omission underscored the heightened sensitivities inside the
Obama administration over just how directly to confront China’s untested new
leadership over the hacking issue, as the administration escalates demands that
China halt the state-sponsored attacks that Beijing insists it is not mounting.
The issue illustrates how different the worsening cyber-cold war between the
world’s two largest economies is from the more familiar superpower conflicts of
past decades — in some ways less dangerous, in others more complex and
Administration officials say they are now more willing than before to call out
the Chinese directly — as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. did last week in
announcing a new strategy to combat theft of intellectual property. But
President Obama avoided mentioning China by name — or Russia or Iran, the other
two countries the president worries most about — when he declared in his State
of the Union address that “we know foreign countries and companies swipe our
corporate secrets.” He added: “Now our enemies are also seeking the ability to
sabotage our power grid, our financial institutions and our air traffic control
Defining “enemies” in this case is not always an easy task. China is not an
outright foe of the United States, the way the Soviet Union once was; rather,
China is both an economic competitor and a crucial supplier and customer. The
two countries traded $425 billion in goods last year, and China remains, despite
many diplomatic tensions, a critical financier of American debt. As Hillary
Rodham Clinton put it to Australia’s prime minister in 2009 on her way to visit
China for the first time as secretary of state, “How do you deal toughly with
your banker?”
In the case of the evidence that the People’s Liberation Army is probably the
force behind “Comment Crew,” the biggest of roughly 20 hacking groups that
American intelligence agencies follow, the answer is that the United States is
being highly circumspect. Administration officials were perfectly happy to have
Mandiant, a private security firm, issue the report tracing the cyberattacks to
the door of China’s cybercommand; American officials said privately that they
had no problems with Mandiant’s conclusions, but they did not want to say so on
the record.
That explains why China went unmentioned as the location of the suspect servers
in the warning to Internet providers. “We were told that directly embarrassing
the Chinese would backfire,” one intelligence official said. “It would only make
them more defensive, and more nationalistic.”
That view is beginning to change, though. On the ABC News program “This Week” on
Sunday, Representative Mike Rogers, Republican of Michigan and chairman of the
House Intelligence Committee, was asked whether he believed that the Chinese
military and civilian government were behind the economic espionage. “Beyond a
shadow of a doubt,” he replied.
In the next few months, American officials say, there will be many private
warnings delivered by Washington to Chinese leaders, including Xi Jinping, who
will soon assume China’s presidency. Both Tom Donilon, the national security
adviser, and Mrs. Clinton’s successor, John Kerry, have trips to China in the
offing. Those private conversations are expected to make a case that the sheer
size and sophistication of the attacks over the past few years threaten to erode
support for China among the country’s biggest allies in Washington, the American
business community.
“America’s biggest global firms have been ballast in the relationship” with
China, said Kurt M. Campbell, who recently resigned as assistant secretary of
state for East Asia to start a consulting firm, the Asia Group, to manage the
prickly commercial relationships. “And now they are the ones telling the Chinese
that these pernicious attacks are undermining what has been built up over
It is too early to tell whether that appeal to China’s self-interest is getting
through. Similar arguments have been tried before, yet when one of China’s most
senior military leaders visited the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon in May
2011, he said he didn’t know much about cyberweapons — and said the P.L.A. does
not use them. In that regard, he sounded a bit like the Obama administration,
which has never discussed America’s own cyberarsenal.
Yet the P.LA.’s attacks are largely at commercial targets. It has an interest in
trade secrets like aerospace designs and wind-energy product schematics: the
army is deeply invested in Chinese industry and is always seeking a competitive
advantage. And so far the attacks have been cost-free.
American officials say that must change. But the prescriptions for what to do
vary greatly — from calm negotiation to economic sanctions and talk of
counterattacks led by the American military’s Cyber Command, the unit that was
deeply involved in the American and Israeli cyberattacks on Iran’s nuclear
enrichment plants.
“The problem so far is that we have rhetoric and we have Cyber Command, and not
much in between,” said Chris Johnson, a 20-year veteran of the C.I.A. team that
analyzed the Chinese leadership. “That’s what makes this so difficult. It’s easy
for the Chinese to deny it’s happening, to say it’s someone else, and no one
wants the U.S. government launching counterattacks.”
That marks another major difference from the dynamic of the American-Soviet
nuclear rivalry. In cold war days, deterrence was straightforward: any attack
would result in a devastating counterattack, at a human cost so horrific that
neither side pulled the trigger, even during close calls like the Cuban missile
But cyberattacks are another matter. The vast majority have taken the form of
criminal theft, not destruction. It often takes weeks or months to pin down
where an attack originated, because attacks are generally routed through
computer servers elsewhere to obscure their source. A series of attacks on The
New York Times that originated in China, for example, was mounted through the
computer systems of unwitting American universities. That is why David Rothkopf,
the author of books about the National Security Council, wrote last week that
this was a “cool war,” not only because of the remote nature of the attacks but
because “it can be conducted indefinitely — permanently, even — without
triggering a shooting war. At least, that is the theory.”
Administration officials like Robert Hormats, the under secretary of state for
business and economic affairs, say the key to success in combating cyberattacks
is to emphasize to the Chinese authorities that the attacks will harm their
hopes for economic growth. “We have to make it clear,” Mr. Hormats said, “that
the Chinese are not going to get what they desire,” which he said was
“investment from the cream of our technology companies, unless they quickly get
this problem under control.”
But Mr. Rogers of the Intelligence Committee argues for a more confrontational
approach, including “indicting bad actors” and denying visas to anyone believed
to be involved in cyberattacks, as well as their families.
The coming debate is over whether the government should get into the business of
retaliation. Already, Washington is awash in conferences that talk about
“escalation dominance” and “extended deterrence,” all terminology drawn from the
cold war.
Some of the talk is overheated, fueled by a growing cybersecurity industry and
the development of offensive cyberweapons, even though the American government
has never acknowledged using them, even in the Stuxnet attacks on Iran. But
there is a serious, behind-the-scenes discussion about what kind of attack on
American infrastructure — something the Chinese hacking groups have not
seriously attempted — could provoke a president to order a counterattack.
This article
has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: February 24, 2013
An earlier version of this article gave an incorrect month
for a visit to
the Pentagon by a senior Chinese military leader.
The visit took
place in May 2011, not April 2011.
A New Cold War, in Cyberspace, Tests U.S. Ties to China, NYT, 24.2.2013,
U.S. Opens Drone Base in Niger,
Building Africa Presence
February 22, 2013
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Opening a new front in the drone wars against Al
Qaeda and its affiliates, President Obama announced on Friday that about 100
American troops had been sent to Niger in West Africa to help set up a new base
from which unarmed Predator aircraft would conduct surveillance in the region.
The new drone base, located for now in the capital, Niamey, is an indication of
the priority Africa has become in American antiterrorism efforts. The United
States military has a limited presence in Africa, with only one permanent base,
in Djibouti, more than 3,000 miles from Mali, where insurgents had taken over
half the country until repelled by a French-led force.
In a letter to Congress, Mr. Obama said about 40 United States military service
members arrived in Niger on Wednesday, bringing the total number of those
deployed in the country to about 100 people. A military official said the troops
were largely Air Force logistics specialists, intelligence analysts and security
Mr. Obama said the troops, who are armed for self-protection, would support the
French-led operation that last month drove the Qaeda and affiliated fighters out
of a desert refuge the size of Texas in neighboring Mali.
Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world, signed a status-of-forces
agreement last month with the United States that has cleared the way for greater
American military involvement in the country and has provided legal protection
to American troops there.
In an interview last month in Niamey, President Mahamadou Issoufou voiced
concern about the spillover of violence and refugees from Mali, as well as
growing threats from Boko Haram, an Islamist extremist group to the south, in
neighboring Nigeria.
French and African troops have retaken Mali’s northern cities, including
Timbuktu, Gao and Kidal, but about 2,000 militants have melted back into desert
and mountain hideaways and have begun a small campaign of harassment and terror,
dispatching suicide bombers, attacking guard posts, infiltrating liberated
cities or ordering attacks by militants hidden among civilians.
“Africa Command has positioned unarmed remotely piloted aircraft in Niger to
support a range of regional security missions and engagements with partner
nations,” Benjamin Benson, a command spokesman in Stuttgart, Germany, said in an
e-mail message on Friday.
Mr. Benson did not say how many aircraft or troops would ultimately be deployed,
but other American officials have said the base could eventually have as many as
300 United States military service members and contractors.
For now, American officials said, Predator drones will be unarmed and will fly
only on surveillance missions, although they have not ruled out conducting
missile strikes at some point if the threat worsens.
American officials would like to move the aircraft eventually to Agadez, a city
in northern Niger that is closer to parts of northern Mali where cells of Al
Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other militant groups are operating. Gen.
Carter F. Ham, the leader of the Pentagon’s Africa Command, visited the base
last month as part of discussions with Niger’s leaders on closer
counterterrorism cooperation.
The new drone base will join a constellation of small airstrips in recent years
on the continent, including one in Ethiopia, for surveillance missions flown by
drones or turboprop planes designed to look like civilian aircraft.
A handful of unarmed Predator drones will fill a desperate need for more
detailed information on regional threats, including the militants in Mali and
the unabated flow of fighters and weapons from Libya. General Ham and
intelligence analysts have complained that such information has been sorely
As the United States increased its presence in Niger, Russia sent a planeload of
food, blankets and other aid to Mali on Friday, a day after Foreign Minister
Sergey V. Lavrov warned of the spread of terrorism in North Africa, which the
Russian government has linked to Western intervention in Libya.
Mr. Lavrov met on Thursday with the United Nations special envoy for the region,
Romano Prodi, to discuss the situation in Mali, where Russia has supported the
French-led effort to oust Islamist militants. But Russia has also blamed the
West for the unrest and singled out the French in particular for arming the
rebels who ousted the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.
“Particular concern was expressed about the activity of terrorist organizations
in the north, a threat to regional peace and security,” the Russian Foreign
Ministry said in a statement after the meeting. “The parties agreed that the
uncontrolled proliferation of arms in the region in the wake of the conflict in
Libya sets the stage for an escalation of tension throughout the Sahel.” The
Sahel is a vast region stretching more than 3,000 miles across Africa, from the
Atlantic in the west through Sudan in the east.
In a television interview this month, Mr. Lavrov said, “France is fighting
against those in Mali whom it had once armed in Libya against Qaddafi.”
On Friday, suicide attackers detonated two car bombs near Tessalit, a town in
Mali’s far north, according to news reports, while Islamist fighters clashed
with Malian soldiers farther south in Gao, where fighting has flared in recent
The twin suicide bombings in Tessalit killed three fighters for the National
Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, known as the M.N.L.A., an ethnic Tuareg
armed group that has allied with the French forces, a spokesman for the group
said, according to Agence France-Presse. The attackers were killed as well. On
Thursday, a guard and an attacker were killed in a car bombing in Kidal, south
of Tessalit, that appeared to have targeted a civilian fuel depot, France’s
Defense Ministry said in a statement.
Responsibility for that attack was claimed by the Movement for Oneness and Jihad
in West Africa, an offshoot of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The group said
it would continue to press its fight and also intended to retake Gao, hundreds
of miles to the south.
In central Gao late Thursday morning, Malian and French forces killed about 15
militants from “infiltrated terrorist groups” that had seized the town hall and
court, according to the French Defense Ministry. The initial firefight involved
only Malian soldiers and militant fighters, the ministry’s statement said, but
several French armored vehicles and two helicopters were later involved.
Two militants were killed outside a checkpoint north of the city after
“sporadically” attacking the Nigerien soldiers standing guard, the Defense
Ministry said. As many as six Malian soldiers were reported wounded.
On Friday, sporadic gunfire and at least two rebel rocket attacks were reported
in Gao, according to a Malian officer cited by The Associated Press. Most of the
militants fled to the east of the city aboard seven vehicles, the officer said.
Russian officials have pointed repeatedly to the unrest in North Africa and the
political turmoil in Egypt as evidence that the Western-supported Arab Spring
has created a dangerous and chaotic situation and potential breeding grounds for
terrorists. Russia has also used the examples of Libya and Egypt to justify its
opposition to any Western effort to oust the government of President Bashar
al-Assad in Syria.
Eric Schmitt reported from Washington,
and Scott Sayare from Paris.
David M. Herszenhorn contributed reporting from Moscow.
U.S. Opens Drone Base in Niger, Building
Africa Presence, NYT, 22.2.2013,
Blasts Across Baghdad Kill at Least 21
February 17, 2013
The New York Times
A wave of attacks targeting Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad on
Sunday killed at least 21 people and wounded 125, a security source said.
Four car bombs exploded in Sadr City, targeting civilians in a market, at a bus
station and on a major road, killing seven civilians and wounding more than 30
others, according to officials and a security source.
Car bombs also struck in Husseiniya, Al Ameen and Kamaliya, leaving a total of
at least seven dead and 32 injured in those areas.
In the central Baghdad neighborhood of Karrada, close to the Babil Hotel, a
roadside bomb killed one person and wounded five others.
Blasts Across Baghdad Kill at Least 21,
NYT, 17.2.2013,
Explosion in Crowded Market
Kills Dozens in Pakistan
February 17, 2013
The New York Times
KARACHI, Pakistan — The death toll from a devastating
explosion that ripped through a crowded market in the southwestern city of
Quetta on Saturday rose to 84 people as Shiite leaders called for the immediate
arrest of the attackers, according to police and rescue officials.
The attack occurred in a neighborhood dominated by Hazaras, a Shiite ethnic
minority that has suffered numerous attacks at the hands of Sunni militant death
squads in recent years.
A previous attack on Jan. 10, when a Sunni group bombed a snooker hall in
Quetta, killed almost 100 Hazaras, prompting domestic and international outrage.
The police said that Saturday’s bomb was apparently set off by a
remote-controlled device, hidden inside a water supply truck. The explosion
caused a building to collapse, damaged two other neighboring buildings, and a
left a crater 12 feet deep and 6 feet wide.
Mir Zubair Mehmood, the Quetta police chief, said that the bomb contained 800 to
1,000 kilograms (as much as 2,220 pounds) of explosives. Local hospitals
declared an emergency as rescue efforts were hampered by angry crowds at the
bomb site, where distraught Hazaras prevented the police, reporters and rescuers
from reaching the scene.
Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf quickly condemned the attack, emphasizing the
government’s resolve to fight “such dastardly acts” and vowing to bring the
perpetrators to justice.
But the seeming ease with which the bombers struck, just one month after a
similar sectarian atrocity in the same city, underscored the inability of
Pakistan’s security forces to counter the threat from extremist groups as the
country moves toward general elections expected to take place by mid-May.
After the January attack, Mr. Ashraf flew to Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan
Province, to meet with Hazara families who protested in the streets for four
days, sleeping beside the coffins of the bombing victims to protest the
government’s inaction.
That protest captured the sympathies of Pakistanis across the country, and
helped galvanize political opinion against a growing problem of sectarian
attacks on minority Shiites in Quetta, Karachi and northwestern Pakistan.
Standing at the protest site, Mr. Ashraf announced that the government was
dissolving the provincial government and handing control to the provincial
governor — a move Hazaras had hoped would stop the sectarian bloodshed.
But Saturday’s attack shows that extremists can still operate with impunity in
Baluchistan, Pakistan’s largest but most sparsely populated province.
Baluchistan is plagued by several conflicts, including sectarian attacks on
Shiites, a nationalist insurgency and ethnically motivated killings. It is also
home to Afghan Taliban insurgents who use the province to carry out attacks
inside Afghanistan.
The largest sectarian group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, is widely believed to be based
in the town of Mastung, south of Quetta. Few of its members have been captured
or arrested.
Abbas Kumaili, a prominent Shiite leader, speaking at a news conference in
Karachi Sunday afternoon, strongly condemned the inability of the government to
curb the killing of Shiites.
“The situation is worsening as no action is being taken against banned militant
groups,” Mr. Kumaili said. “In fact, these banned militant groups have become
more organized and active.”
Mr. Kumaili said Shiite leaders resented the failure of mainstream political
parties to strongly condemn extremist Sunni groups.
Human rights groups accuse the powerful Pakistani military of tacit collusion
with the sectarian groups, who have reportedly helped the military quell the
nationalist insurgency.
The military vehemently denies those accusations and says its forces are
overstretched in the region. After the January bombing, responsibility for
security in Quetta was handed to the paramilitary Frontier Corps, which vowed to
dismantle the sectarian groups.
Explosion in Crowded Market Kills Dozens in
Pakistan, NYT, 17.2.2013,
Damascus on Edge
as War Seeps into Syrian Capital
February 10, 2013
The New York Times
By an employee of THE NEW YORK TIMES in DAMASCUS
DAMASCUS, Syria — Unkempt government soldiers, some appearing
drunk, have been deployed near a rebel-held railway station in the southern
reaches of this tense capital. Office workers on 29th of May Street, in the
heart of the city, tell of huddling at their desks, trapped inside for hours by
gun battles that sound alarmingly close.
Soldiers have swept through city neighborhoods, making arrests ahead of a
threatened rebel advance downtown, even as opposition fighters edge past the
city limits, carrying mortars and shelling security buildings. Fighter jets that
pounded the suburbs for months have begun to strike Jobar, an outlying
neighborhood of Damascus proper, creating the disturbing spectacle of a
government’s bombing its own capital.
On Sunday, the government sent tanks there to battle rebels for control of a key
ring road.
In this war of murky battlefield reports, it is hard to know whether the rebels’
recent forays past some of the capital’s circle of defenses — in an operation
that they have, perhaps immodestly, named the “Battle of Armageddon” — will lead
to more lasting gains than earlier offensives did. But travels along the city’s
battlefronts in recent days made clear that new lines, psychological as much as
geographical, had been crossed.
“I didn’t see my family for more than a year,” a government soldier from a
distant province said in a rare outpouring of candor. He was checking drivers’
identifications near the railway station at a checkpoint where hundreds of
soldiers arrived last week with tanks and other armored vehicles.
“I am tired and haven’t slept well for a week,” he said, confiding in a traveler
who happened to be from his hometown. “I have one wish — to see my family and
have a long, long sleep. Then I don’t care if I die.”
For months, this ancient city has been hunched in a defensive crouch as fighting
raged in suburbs that curve around the city’s south and east. On the western
edge of the city, the palace of the embattled president, Bashar al-Assad, sits
on a steep, well-defended ridge.
In between, Damascus, with its walled Old City, grand diagonal avenues and
crowded working-class districts, has remained the eye of the storm. People keep
going to work, even as electric service grows sporadic and groceries dwindle,
even as the road to the airport is often cut off by fighting outside the city,
and even as smoke from artillery and airstrikes in suburbs becomes a regular
feature on the horizon.
But after rebels took the railway station 10 days ago in a city district called
Qadam and attacked Abassiyeen Square on an approach to the city center on
Wednesday, a new level of alarm and disorder has suffused the city. Rebels have
pushed farther into the capital than at any point since July, when they briefly
held part of a southern neighborhood.
Near the Qadam railway station last week, many of the government soldiers, their
hair and beards untrimmed, wore disheveled or dirty uniforms and smelled as if
they had not had showers in a long time. Some soldiers and security officers
even appeared drunk, walking unsteadily with their weapons askew — a shocking
sight in Syria, where regimented security forces and smartly uniformed officers
have long been presented as a symbol of national pride.
The deployment appeared aimed at stopping the rebels from advancing past Qadam,
either across the city’s ring road and toward the downtown or to suburbs to the
east to close a gap in the opposition’s front line.
But even stationed here in Damascus, the heart of the government’s power, the
soldier at the checkpoint — who was steady on his feet — said he felt
“It is very scary to spend a night and you expect to be shot or slaughtered at
any moment,” he said. “We spend our nights counting the minutes until daytime.”
The government has hit back hard, striking Qadam with artillery and airstrikes.
It has also made pre-emptive arrests in Midan, the neighboring district, closer
to downtown, where rebels gained a temporary foothold in July and which they
said was their next target.
Soldiers summarily executed four people in Qadam on Friday, according to the
Local Coordinating Committees, an anti-Assad activist network, though it was
unclear if the victims were would-be military defectors or captured rebels.
On a recent journey along the front line, a traveler saw soldiers speaking
harshly to residents at checkpoints outside Yarmouk Camp, a long-contested area
east of Qadam that is home to both Syrians and Palestinian refugees, who have
lived there for decades. Rebels took over much of the camp in December, drawing
government airstrikes that drove out most residents. But about 20 percent of
those people appear to have returned, in part, they said, because the government
had attacked another refugee camp where they had taken shelter.
A Palestinian refugee who gave only a nickname, Abu Muhammad, was carrying a
sack of bread into the camp. He said that he had started out with three sacks
for his wife and three sons, but that officers — he said they were from Mr.
Assad’s Alawite sect — had shouted at him and confiscated two sacks, accusing
him of taking bread to the rebels.
The government is pressing Palestinians to take the camp back from the rebels,
Abu Muhammad said. He said that was an absurd demand from a government that
bombed its own people, but made no response to last month’s airstrike by Israel.
“Why doesn’t the regime send its ‘hero’ army to liberate the camp?” he said.
Another center of recent fighting is just northeast of the city. Rebels who have
taken over much of the suburb of Qaboun recently pushed across the ring road
there into the city neighborhood of Jobar. From there, said Abu Omar al-Jobrani,
a leader of fighters in the area, they moved mortars close enough to attack a
munitions factory and air force security headquarters near Abassiyeen Square, a
traffic circle that is near a major stadium and that provides access to
Reports of rebel strikes on Wednesday on such a central landmark, which appeared
to be backed up by videos showing black smoke pouring across the plaza, raised
new fears in the capital. The government closed the roads around the square,
causing traffic jams deep into downtown, and sent dozens of security men to
protect the Parliament building. Terrified residents of the central Old City
closed their shops.
Fighting continued over the weekend, as the government and rebels fought for
control of the ring road near Jobar. Shells and airstrikes kept raining on the
neighborhood, sending dust and smoke into the air, higher than the minarets on
its mosques.
Anne Barnard reported from Beirut, Lebanon.
Damascus on Edge as War Seeps into Syrian
Capital, NYT, 10.2.2013,
Don’t Let Iran Stall for Time
February 5, 2013
The New York Times
FEW of President Obama’s original foreign policy goals have
eluded him so much as engagement with Iran. Over the weekend, Vice President
Joseph R. Biden Jr. announced during a speech in Munich that the United States
was ready for direct talks with Iran. With the risk of war over Iran’s nuclear
program looming, the offer is prudent, but it is also beside the point. As Iran
continues to evade negotiations — literally in this case, since the Iranian
foreign minister was in the same building as Mr. Biden — the real question is
not whether America should talk to Iran, but how to get the Iranians to talk to
us in earnest.
Diplomatic engagement with Iran isn’t a new idea. Every American president from
Jimmy Carter on has reached out to Iran. But such approaches have never led to
improved relations. That was true of the secret visit by President Ronald
Reagan’s national security adviser, Robert C. McFarlane, to Tehran in 1986 in
what became the Iran-contra affair; it was also true of quiet talks over
Afghanistan and Iraq in the 2000s, when the former achieved only fleeting
tactical progress and the latter none at all.
The reasons for failure in all the approaches share a common thread: Iran shrank
from any broad bilateral thaw because it feared engagement with the United
States more than it feared confrontation.
“Resistance” to the West — and especially to the United States — was a founding
principle of Iran’s Islamic regime. And while Iran has gradually normalized
relations with many European and Asian allies of Washington, it has not done so
with the United States itself, just as it has not with America’s ally Israel. To
lose those two nations as enemies would be to undermine one of the regime’s
ideological raisons d’être.
As a result, serious engagement with the United States is likely to be only a
consequence of a strategic shift by the regime, rather than a cause of it. And
so far, no such shift has taken place. While there are signs of increasing
dissent within the Iranian government as sanctions begin to bite more deeply,
there are also indications that existing sanctions have done all they can in
this regard: Iran’s oil exports are ticking upward after a long decline, and
high inflation and unemployment have not produced mass unrest. This provides a
good reason for America to offer direct talks — to counter Iran’s narrative of
“resistance.” But there is little hope that Iran will accept this offer, or that
talks right now would be productive.
In fact, the regime may feel that time is on its side. American and Israeli red
lines for military action depend on the pace of Iran’s nuclear activities,
meaning that Iran can delay conflict simply by slowing those activities, as it
recently has done. Meanwhile, Iran’s leaders may be hoping that black-market
workarounds and a pickup in global oil demand will allow their country to expand
its exports.
So the United States must be more creative in the ways it uses engagement and
pressure to hasten a change in Iran’s strategic outlook. On the diplomatic
front, America has made clear that it is ready to meet bilaterally whenever Iran
is ready to do so; such talks should be a complement — not an alternative — to
the current multilateral talks, which also include Russia, Britain, France,
China and Germany. But the bilateral talks would have to deal not just with the
nuclear issue; they should also address the full spectrum of American concerns,
including Iran’s support for terrorist groups.
Since America’s partners in the international negotiations are eager to see
direct American-Iranian discussions, and to avoid the military confrontation
that could accompany diplomacy’s failure, the United States should also insist
that the others toughen their own approaches to Iran’s government, in hopes of
strengthening the hands of those within Iran who argue for a course change.
These other countries should better enforce existing economic sanctions, and
employ other available levers of pressure. They should warn Iran that they would
support American military action if necessary and that they are prepared to
treat Iran and its envoys as pariahs. In addition, they should support Iranian
dissidents and counter Iranian activities abroad, for example by following
America’s lead in designating Hezbollah as a terrorist group and addressing
Iranian arms smuggling to Gaza.
As the United States and its allies increase pressure on Iran, it is vital that
the Americans remain steadfast in their demands, rather than respond to Iranian
obstinacy with increasingly generous offers. If Tehran believes it can wait out
pressure or escape it via a narrow technical accord rather than a more
fundamental reorientation, it will surely do so.
As the possibility of conflict looms larger and talks drag on, the United States
and its allies should worry less about who is on their side of the negotiating
table, and more about ensuring that whoever is on the Iranian side actually
comes ready to bargain. Otherwise, any American-Iranian talks will not be a
diplomatic breakthrough; they will just be another way station on the route to
Michael Singh, the managing director of the Washington Institute
for Near East Policy, was the senior director for Middle East
at the National Security Council from 2005 to 2008.
Don’t Let Iran Stall for Time, NYT,
Militants’ Goal in Algeria Gas Plant Siege:
A Giant Fireball
February 2, 2013
The New York Times
TIGUENTOURINE, Algeria — The goal of the heavily armed
militants who seized the desert gas plant here is becoming increasingly clear:
to turn the forest of pipes and tubes into a giant bomb, and to blow up
everything and anyone around. What none of them knew was exactly how, in the
endless maze of metal, to do it.
The hundreds of workers at the plant when it was taken over last month found
themselves caught between the ruthless militants on the inside and an Algerian
Army ringing the perimeter that was bent on showing no weakness. As the
realization dawned on the captors that they, too, were essentially captives,
they grew agitated and more aggressive, witnesses say. Moreover, the plant’s
operations had shut down during their initial assault.
Bristling with weapons, they made their demands known to the remaining
employees: restart the plant, get the compressors working again and turn the
power back on.
“They pushed me very hard to restart the plant,” said Lotfi Benadouda, the
Algerian plant executive whom the militants singled out as the man in charge.
“Their objective was to move the hostages to the plant. They wanted to get to
the factory with the hostages, and explode it.”
A more complete view of the hostage drama in the Sahara that began the morning
of Jan. 16, and of the militants’ motives in carrying it out, has emerged as
some of the captives provided detailed accounts of the four-day standoff, which
left at least 37 foreign hostages and 29 kidnappers dead.
Their accounts contradicted some of the Algerian government’s public assertions
about the crisis and supported others. At times, the government said the
militants planned to destroy the gas complex and kill the hostages en masse, but
it provided no details or evidence to back up that assertion. At other times,
government officials, defending a military raid on the facility, said the
militants sought to flee and take captives into the desert, an assertion that
some of the captives contradicted.
Now it seems clear that the siege was about more than disabling the plant, and
that holding hostages for ransom was not part of the plan. Instead, the
militants sought to orchestrate a spectacular fireball that could have killed
everyone in the vicinity. While that plot could offer more justification for the
Algerian government’s take-no-prisoners response, questions remain about whether
the standoff could have been ended with fewer lives lost.
To visit the plant is to appreciate both its vulnerability and the opportunity
it afforded the militants, who traveled a mere 30 miles through the Sahara’s
sands, across the border from Libya, to attack it.
The plant’s production towers rise suddenly and starkly out of the nearly
featureless desert landscape at Tiguentourine after a 45-minute drive from the
nearest Algerian settlement, the town of In Amenas. The isolation appears total;
there is nothing around it but a sea of sand.
The fierceness of the fight to retake the complex by Algerian security services
over four days in mid-January is still evident. Bullet holes pockmark the low,
sand-color living quarters; deep gashes in one wall are a testament to the
artillery fired on both sides. Between the living quarters and the plant itself,
a 10-minute drive, a jumble of shredded, carbonized vehicle remnants stick out
from the sand.
Still unclear was whether some of the carnage was avoidable, as officials in
foreign capitals have suggested. The Algerians remain convinced their doctrine
of no negotiations and maximum force was the right course of action.
What appears increasingly certain is that the attackers benefited from inside
help. They used a map to guide them around the facility, and at least one of
them had once worked at the plant as a driver, officials said. But what the
militants lacked was the technical expertise to execute the dramatic ending that
some captives say was envisioned.
The Algerian authorities credit one of the facility’s security agents at an
outer guard post with sounding a crucial alarm before being shot in the head.
The guard, Lahmar Amine, has since been hailed as a national hero in the
Algerian news media, and Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal credited him with
allowing workers at the plant to shut down gas production.
Others said the militants might have inadvertently cut the power during their
assault, thus preventing the plant from operating.
“The plant was shut down because the terrorists blew up the generators,” said an
employee at the facility who asked not to be named to avoid repercussions with
his employer. The valves needed power to function, he said, and restarting the
facility was a much more involved process than taking it down. “It wasn’t going
to be started for a long time,” the employee said.
Outside experts said that even with rocket-propelled grenades and high-grade
explosives, a natural-gas plant would have been harder to destroy than the
militants may have realized. “Natural gas does not explode unless it is in a
confined area,” said E. Darron Granger, the senior vice president for
engineering and construction at Cheniere Energy, a liquefied natural gas
terminal company.
Mr. Benadouda, the plant’s director general and the militants’ main interlocutor
for the first two days of the crisis, was still visibly affected by what he had
been through. He recalled on Thursday seeing colleagues blown apart and
militants’ corpses severed in half, and he was speaking from a central courtyard
where, two weeks earlier, hostages had been assembled and menacingly sorted. “I
saw many bad things, terrible things,” he said, turning away.
The hostage drama began before dawn on Wednesday, Jan. 16, with the bright
muzzle flashes of automatic rifles in the dark Saharan night. A busload of
expatriate workers was leaving the facility in an armed convoy when the
attackers opened fire. The militants split into two groups, one taking over the
living quarters, and the other headed for the gas production facility, which
they mined with explosives, witnesses said. Once inside the living quarters,
“they were firing everywhere,” said an engineer, Djamel Bourkaib, who stood as
he spoke in the shadow of the giant In Amenas towers, still blackened by an
explosion during the siege. “If it moved, they shot at it.”
Quickly, the militants began to separate foreign workers — American, British,
Japanese and Norwegian — from the Algerians, who were told they would not be
harmed. “The terrorists tried to restart the plant in order to get maximum
pressure,” Mr. Bourkaib said. “They were looking for engineers to restart the
Hours into the siege, the gunmen recognized Mr. Benadouda as a man who could be
useful to them. That was when the pressure started on him to restart the plant.
“We gave them vehicles and food, but we didn’t restart the plant,” Mr. Benadouda
By the first evening, tension was building inside the living quarters. The power
was still off, everything was dark and the militants were starting to run out of
battery charge on their communications equipment. With military forces building
up outside, even the militants “thought they were going to be attacked,” Mr.
Benadouda said.
On Thursday, Jan. 17, some of the militants, who had communicated that they were
protesting the French military intervention in Mali, gathered hostages laden
with explosives in five vehicles. The army started firing inside the compound,
wounding the militants’ leader. The militants panicked, Mr. Benadouda said, and
hundreds of Algerian workers fled.
The militants assembled a convoy carrying foreign hostages. What happened next
is still unclear and the source of debate.
Some reports in the Algerian news media speak of army helicopters firing
missiles at the procession of vehicles, causing several to explode. Mr. Sellal,
at a Jan. 21 news conference, simply said, “There was a strong response from the
army, and three cars exploded.” Among the casualties, he said, was Taher
Bechneb, the militants’ leader, and some of the hostages.
But a senior official who requested anonymity maintained in an interview that
militants in three of the vehicles, realizing that they were immobilized, simply
blew themselves and the cars up. A recently retired senior officer who still has
ties with his former colleagues also said that no missiles were fired at the
The hostage crisis dragged on for two more days, but the events of Jan. 17 were
crucial. The core of the militant operation, including its leadership, had been
devastated. The remnants were now at the gas-producing section of the complex,
but they did not know how to destroy it.
On Saturday, Jan. 19, the militants parked a car packed with explosives under
two central gas-producing towers, then placed five handcuffed hostages — three
Norwegians and two Americans, executives at the plant — above the car, workers
said. All of the foreigners died in the resulting explosion, workers said.
In the military’s final assault, army snipers killed many of the militants, Mr.
Sellal said at the news conference as he defended the government’s approach
toward militants whose goal officials here are convinced was a fiery end.
“If you don’t terrorize the terrorists, they will terrorize you,” the senior
Algerian official said in the interview.
Adam Nossiter reported from Tiguentourine,
and Nicholas Kulish from Berlin.
Reporting was contributed by Clifford Krauss from Houston;
Henrik Pryser Libell
from Oslo; Martin Fackler
and Makiko Inoue from Tokyo;
Stanley Reed, Lark Turner
and John F. Burns from London;
and Ravi Somaiya from New York.
Militants’ Goal in Algeria Gas Plant Siege:
A Giant Fireball, NYT, 2.2.2013,