History > 2013 > USA > Health (II)
Dakota Abortion Restrictions
July 22,
The New York Times
A federal
judge on Monday blocked enforcement of North Dakota’s recently enacted ban on
most abortions, calling it “invalid and unconstitutional.”
The law under challenge, which was set to take effect Aug. 1, would have imposed
by far the country’s most stringent limit on abortions. With few exceptions, it
would bar the procedure once a fetal heartbeat is detected, often about six
weeks into pregnancy — a point when many women are not aware they are pregnant.
From the moment in March when it was adopted, most legal experts said that the
law would not survive because it posed a direct challenge to Supreme Court
guidelines, which state that a woman has a right to an abortion until the fetus
is viable outside the womb. Viability must be determined by a physician and
often occurs around 24 weeks into pregnancy.
Some anti-abortion leaders and politicians argued that the presence of a
heartbeat is in itself a form of viability. They expressed hope that the Supreme
Court would revisit the issue.
When he signed the bill, Gov. Jack Dalrymple, a Republican, called it “a
legitimate attempt by a state legislature to discover the boundaries of Roe v.
In a withering opinion issued on Monday, Judge Daniel L. Hovland of Federal
District Court in North Dakota said he had no choice but to block the law. He
described it as “in direct contradiction to a litany of United States Supreme
Court cases addressing restraints on abortion.”
“The State has extended an invitation to an expensive court battle over a law
restricting abortions that is a blatant violation of the constitutional
guarantees afforded to all women,” Judge Hovland wrote. His decision on Monday
imposed a temporary injunction, until the issue is decided at a trial.
The Center for Reproductive Rights, a group based in New York, brought the suit
to block the law on behalf of the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo, the state’s
only abortion clinic.
North Dakota’s law is the most far-reaching among scores of restrictive abortion
statutes, many of them under court challenge, that have been passed by state
governments in recent years.
An Arkansas law to bar abortions at 12 weeks of pregnancy, which, like North
Dakota’s, was tied to detection of a fetal heartbeat, was blocked in May by a
federal judge in Little Rock.
A dozen states, most recently Texas, have adopted laws barring abortions at 20
weeks after conception on the theory that the fetus can feel pain at that point.
This approach, too, is inconsistent with Supreme Court doctrine and in the three
states where it has been challenged in court so far — Arizona, Idaho and Georgia
— it has been blocked.
In a different line of attack, anti-abortion groups have promoted stricter rules
for abortion facilities, requiring clinics in certain states to meet costly
building standards and requiring that abortion doctors have admitting privileges
at nearby hospitals.
Medical groups call these measures unnecessary for patient safety. The Red River
clinic, which relies on a doctor who flies in weekly, says it will be forced to
close if the state’s admitting privileges law takes effect. The clinic’s court
challenge to the rule is pending.
Judge Blocks North Dakota Abortion Restrictions, NYT, 22.7.2013,
Texas Senate Vote
Puts Bill Restricting Abortion
Over Final Hurdle
July 13, 2013
The New York Times
Tex. — The Texas Senate gave final passage on Friday to one of the strictest
anti-abortion measures in the country, legislation championed by Gov. Rick
Perry, who rallied the Republican-controlled Legislature late last month after a
Democratic filibuster blocked the bill and intensified already passionate
resistance by abortion-rights supporters.
The bill, which Mr. Perry is expected to sign, bans abortions after 20 weeks of
pregnancy and holds abortion clinics to the same standards as hospital-style
surgical centers, among other requirements. Its supporters say that the
strengthened requirements for the structures and doctors will protect women’s
health; opponents argue that the restrictions are actually intended to put
financial pressure on the clinics that perform abortions and will force many of
them to shut their doors.
Debate over the bill has ignited fierce exchanges between lawmakers, and tense
confrontations between opponents of the bill, who have worn orange, and
supporters of the bill wearing blue. Signs and slogans have been everywhere,
bearing long, impassioned arguments or the simple scrawl on a young man’s orange
shirt, a Twitter-esque “@TXLEGE: U R dumb.”
The bill had come nearly this far before: a version had been brought to the
Senate in the previous session of the Legislature, in June, and was killed by
State Senator Wendy Davis, a Democrat from Fort Worth, with an 11-hour
filibuster that stalled the bill until after the deadline for ending the
session. The filibuster became an overnight sensation on Twitter and other forms
of social media, with more than 180,000 people viewing the filibuster live
Almost immediately, however, Governor Perry called for another special session
to reconsider the bill. When the bill passed the House of Representatives after
a contentious day and a half of proposed amendments and floor debate, Mr. Perry
said he looked forward to the next step of the process, as “the Senate continues
its important work in support of women’s health and protecting the lives of our
most vulnerable Texans.”
The fight has been heavy with symbols. The House bill’s author, Representative
Jodie Laubenberg, a Republican from Parker, dangled a pair of baby shoes before
her as she spoke on Tuesday; Representative Senfronia Thompson, who offered an
early amendment to the bill, was flanked by colleagues holding wire hangers,
representing the brutal abortion methods they said would return if legitimate
clinics were run out of business.
Ms. Laubenberg has said that the bill would close no facilities, adding, “It is
time these clinics put patients ahead of profits.”
Supporters of the bill in the Legislature have been angered by the language of
their opponents. During floor debate on Tuesday, Representative Jason Villalba,
a Republican of Dallas, said that “I shall stand with Texas women, but I shall
stand here no longer and be accused of conducting a ‘war on women.' ” He said
“we care for and we fight for human baby lives,” and he showed a sonogram of his
own child at 13 weeks. “I will fight, and I will fight, and I will fight to
protect my baby,” he said.
The bill is opposed by many doctors, including leaders of the American Congress
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Texas Medical Association; the
gynecologists’ group has run advertisements locally that question the scientific
underpinnings of the legislation and tell legislators to “Get out of our exam
The Senate took up the bill on Friday afternoon, but people had begun lining up
for seats in the third-floor Senate gallery early in the morning, a line that
stretched from that floor into the basement of the Capitol. Department of Public
Safety officers, their numbers swelled in anticipation of crowds and tumult,
searched every bag and confiscated anything that could be thrown — including,
for part of the day and until the practice became an object of derision online,
tampons. But Department of Public Safety officials stated that the searches had
turned up jars “suspected to contain” urine, feces and paint, along with glitter
and confetti.
Senators worked through the evening surrounded by tumult and ruckus. Shouts,
chants and singing could be heard outside of the chamber, and as the final
amendment was voted down protesters tried to chain themselves to the railing of
the Senate gallery and were taken out.
Though defeated in the Legislature, State Senator Royce West, a Democrat who
represents Dallas, said the next step was clear: the ink from Mr. Perry’s
signature on the bill is not likely to be dry for long before a lawsuit is
“I’m a lawyer,” Mr. West said. “The reality is, I’m used to being in court. We
believe the whole thing is unconstitutional.”
Mr. West would not comment on any specific legal strategy, but the many
amendments and discussion of them during deliberations over the bill were
clearly intended to build a record that could eventually be reviewed by the
The Democrats who opposed the bill never had the votes to defeat it — Mr. West,
during discussion of proposed amendments, said, “We know the bill is going to
pass.” But State Senator Kirk Watson, the chairman of the Senate Democratic
caucus, posted a Facebook photo on Wednesday of an orange T-shirt with a slogan
about why the fight has continued. It read: “A foregone conclusion has never
stopped a group of citizens committed to ideals of democracy and liberty from
taking a stand and fighting with everything they’ve got. This is Texas, baby.
Remember the Alamo.”
Texas Senate Vote Puts Bill Restricting Abortion Over Final Hurdle,
NYT, 13.7.2013,
The Contraception Battle
July 1, 2013
The New York Times
Last week
saw two major developments in the legal and political battle over the Obama
administration’s sound decision to require most employers to provide free
insurance coverage of contraceptives for women under the new health care law —
one of them positive and the other a blow to the mandate and to religious
The contraceptive coverage is an important advance in public health. Standing up
to resistance from religious organizations, the Obama administration issued a
final, simplified rule on Friday that allows houses of worship to exclude
contraceptive coverage from their health plans for employees and their
dependents. Other nonprofit religious and church-affiliated organizations like
hospitals, universities and charities that object to contraceptive coverage on
religious grounds will not have to contract, arrange or pay for the coverage.
Instead, insurance companies or third-party administrators will have to arrange
separate no-payment plans for contraceptive services.
Details of how this will work remain to be ironed out. But the administration
has gone further than fairness or the First Amendment require to reach a
compromise that respects the concerns of some religious entities without
sacrificing an employee’s right to make her own decisions regarding
contraceptives and not to conform to the religious beliefs of her employer.
Unfortunately, that vital principle of individual religious liberty was lost on
the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, in Denver. In a ruling
issued on Thursday, it bought the argument that requiring the health plan of a
private for-profit employer to cover birth control without a co-pay violated the
employer’s freedom.
The case was brought by the owners of Hobby Lobby, a craft store chain that
describes itself as “a faith-based company.” The First Amendment does not exempt
religious entities from complying with neutral laws of general applicability,
like the contraceptive mandate, much less private profit-making corporations.
Yet, in an en banc ruling, the appellate court blocked the government from
imposing fines on Hobby Lobby for not complying and allowed its challenge to the
mandate to proceed, finding merit in its religious freedom claim.
Hobby Lobby argued that the contraception mandate violates the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act, a 1993 federal statute that bars the federal government from
taking actions that “substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion”
unless that action advances a compelling government interest and is the “least
restrictive means” of achieving it. The mandate’s promotion of women’s health
and autonomy is plainly a compelling interest.
But the court should never have reached that question. Contrary to the majority
opinion, a corporation like Hobby Lobby is plainly not a “person” covered by the
Restoration Act. In any case, the contraceptive rule still leaves the company’s
owners free to rail about the different forms of birth control to which they
object and to try to convince employees not to use them. As the Justice
Department cogently argued, the burden imposed on any religion is trivial in
allowing employees to make their own independent decisions to obtain free
Marci Hamilton, a professor at Cardozo School of Law and an expert on the
Restoration Act, rightly called the 10th Circuit’s interpretation of the law “a
fantasy” that badly undermines rules forbidding corporations from discriminating
on the basis of religion.
The Contraception Battle, NYT, 1.7.2013,
Damaging Decision on Generic Drugs
June 28,
The New York Times
grievously harmed by generic drugs may find it virtually impossible to win
compensation for their injuries as a result of a Supreme Court decision issued
on Monday. By a narrow 5-to-4 margin, the court overturned lower court rulings
that had awarded a New Hampshire woman $21 million for pain and suffering and
other damages.
The decision leaves little recourse for people harmed by generic drugs, which
now account for more than 80 percent of all prescriptions. It is imperative that
the Food and Drug Administration write protective regulations holding generic
companies liable for any harm their products cause.
There is no doubt that the New Hampshire woman, Karen Bartlett, suffered
horrific injuries after taking a generic version of an anti-inflammatory drug,
sulindac, for shoulder pain. She developed a very rare but extremely severe
reaction in which two-thirds of her skin sloughed off. She was left permanently
disfigured, legally blind, and with permanent damage to her lungs and esophagus.
The high court has now cut off her last pathway to compensation. In 2011, it
ruled that generic-drug manufacturers could not be held liable for failing to
warn consumers about a drug’s dangers because they must generally use the same
safety label as the brand-name version they are copying. Now the court has also
held that consumers cannot sue generic manufacturers for failing to design a
safer drug because the generic must be chemically equivalent to the brand-name
The New Hampshire case involved a conflict between state laws and court
decisions requiring manufacturers to design products that are not “unreasonably
dangerous” (based on an analysis of whether the potential for harm exceeds the
usefulness of a product) and federal laws that restrict the ability of generic
companies to take corrective action on their own.
The majority opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito Jr., argued that the
generic company Mutual Pharmaceutical had no way to comply with New Hampshire
law because it had no power to unilaterally change the chemical composition or
the warning label, and thus could not be held liable.
The four dissenting moderate liberals argued persuasively that the company
could, in fact, comply with state law without changing the drug’s label or
ingredients. It could continue to sell the drug and pay compensation for any
harm it caused as a cost of doing business, or it could remove the drug from the
The decision leaves the regulation of generic drugs in a perilous state. A
report released Monday by Public Citizen, the consumer advocacy group, listed
434 generic drugs for which no brand-name product remains on the market to
initiate changes in the warning labels to flag newly discovered risks. Even so,
the generic companies have an obligation to notify the F.D.A. about any risks
they detect so that the agency can work with them to modify the warning labels.
For a more permanent solution, the F.D.A. told the high court it was considering
a rule that would allow generic manufacturers, like brand-name manufacturers, to
change their labeling in some circumstances. That could once again make them
liable — and rightly so — for harm and allow consumers to sue them if they
failed to warn of dangers.
A Damaging Decision on Generic Drugs, NYT, 28.6.2013,
Contraceptives Stay Covered in Health Law
June 28, 2013
The New York Times
— Despite strong resistance from religious organizations, the Obama
administration said Friday that it was moving ahead with a rule requiring most
employers to provide free insurance coverage of contraceptives for women, a
decision that has touched off a legal and political battle likely to rage for
another year.
The final rule, issued under the new health care law, adopts a simplified
version of an approach proposed by the government in February to balance the
interests of women with the concerns of the Roman Catholic Church and other
employers with religious objections to providing coverage for contraceptives.
After considering more than 400,000 comments, administration officials refused
to budge on the basic principle. The rule, they said, is very similar to their
proposal. An exemption is included for churches. But many Catholic hospitals,
schools, universities and other religious institutions will have to take steps
so that coverage is available to employees and their dependents.
The issue figured prominently in last year’s elections as President Obama and
other Democrats pressed their advantage with female voters. At the same time,
Catholic bishops waged a national campaign arguing that the federal policy
infringed on religious freedom and violated the church’s social and moral
teachings on birth control and abortion.
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, president of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops, said the group was reviewing the final rule.
Democrats describe the mandate for coverage of birth control as one of the chief
benefits of the 2010 health care law, a boon to women and their health.
“The health care law guarantees millions of women access to recommended
preventive services at no cost,” said Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health
and human services. “Today’s announcement reinforces our commitment to respect
the concerns of houses of worship and other nonprofit religious organizations
that object to contraceptive coverage, while helping to ensure that women get
the care they need, regardless of where they work.”
Republicans say the requirement shows how intrusive and onerous the law is.
The rule does not satisfy the concerns of certain religious organizations or
businesses whose owners have religious objections to contraceptive coverage.
The United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, in Denver, said
Thursday that the owners of Hobby Lobby, a craft store chain that describes
itself as “a faith-based company,” could pursue their case against the rule.
Eric C. Rassbach, a deputy general counsel of the Becket Fund for Religious
Liberty, which has represented plaintiffs in that case and others challenging
the law, said the final rule did nothing to meet the objections of his clients.
“The government tinkered with some mechanisms in the rule, but did not really
get at the religious conscience questions,” Mr. Rassbach said. “So there is a
fundamental conflict that will have to be resolved in court.”
Under the rule, women are to have access to contraceptives without any premium,
deductible, co-payment or other fees.
Some religious employers do not want their employees to have coverage of
contraceptives, even if someone else pays for it.
A number of federal judges deferred decisions until the White House issued a
final regulation. Publication of the rule clears the way for courts to act.
Under the new health care law, employers with more than 50 employees will
generally be required to offer health insurance to employees, or the employers
will be subject to financial penalties.
Among the “essential health benefits” that must be provided are preventive
services. In particular, the administration says, most health plans must cover
sterilization and the full range of contraceptive methods approved by the Food
and Drug Administration, including emergency contraceptive pills, like those
known as ella and Plan B One-Step.
Under the rule issued Friday, the government said certain “religious employers”
— primarily houses of worship — may exclude contraceptive coverage from their
health plans for employees and their dependents. In effect, they will be exempt
from the federal requirement to provide contraceptive coverage.
The rule also lays out what it describes as an accommodation for other nonprofit
religious and church-affiliated organizations, like hospitals, universities and
charities, that object to contraceptive coverage but do not qualify for the
Under the rule, these organizations will not have to contract, arrange or pay
for contraceptive coverage to which they object on religious grounds.
Instead, the administration said, such coverage will be “separately provided to
women enrolled in their health plans at no cost.”
Under this arrangement, a nonprofit religious employer must notify its insurer
that it objects to contraceptive coverage. The insurer must then notify people
in the health plan that it will arrange or pay for contraceptive services as
long as they remain in the health plan.
Many employers serve as their own insurers and hire outside companies to
administer benefits and pay claims. In such cases, the administration said, the
“third-party administrator” must inform people in an employer-sponsored health
plan that it is “providing or arranging separate no-cost payments for
contraceptive services.”
Administration officials said the cost of contraceptive services would, for
insurers, be offset by savings that result from the fact that women would be
healthier and will have fewer births.
To reimburse third-party administrators for the cost of contraceptive services,
the government said it would reduce the fees charged to certain health insurance
companies for the privilege of selling insurance in federal marketplaces, or
exchanges, being established in more than 30 states. Insurers will then be
required to share some of those savings with third-party administrators for the
self-insured health plans of religious employers that object to contraceptive
The reduction in user fees would reflect the cost of contraceptive services, as
well as “an allowance for administrative costs and margin,” or profit. The
government would require third-party administrators to provide detailed
information about the payments they made or arranged.
Federal officials had difficulty explaining how these arrangements would work in
practice. They said they were leaving the details to employers, insurers and
third-party administrators.
The Labor Department said it had the authority to require third-party
administrators to provide, or arrange for an insurance company or other entity
to provide, payment for contraceptive services.
The final rule is the administration’s fourth attempt in 20 months to articulate
a policy requiring contraceptive coverage.
Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, said: “Today’s ruling strikes a
fair balance between religious liberties and the reproductive rights of all
women. Access to contraception shouldn’t be dictated by a woman’s employer.”
But Patrick J. Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society, which promotes
Catholic education, said the final rule did not respect the religious freedom of
religious employers. “Now the lawsuits can proceed,” he said.
Contraceptives Stay Covered in Health Law, 28.6.2013,
Judge Orders All Restrictions Lifted
on Some ‘Morning-After’ Pills
June 5, 2013
The New York Times
A federal
appeals court in New York on Wednesday ordered that some types of emergency
contraceptives be made available for now to women of all ages without a
prescription, adding another layer of confusion to a complex and intensely
political fight over the drug’s availability.
In a brief ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
ordered that the federal government lift all age and sales restrictions for
two-pill versions of emergency contraceptives until the court finally rules on
an appeal by the federal government, which is trying to maintain limits on the
drug’s over-the-counter availability.
Two-pill versions of the drug, and all but one brand of the one-pill version,
are now available without a prescription only to women 17 and older. In April, a
federal district judge ruled that all versions of the so-called morning-after
contraceptive be made available over-the-counter to all ages. The Obama
administration appealed that ruling and asked that the judge’s order be
postponed until the appeals court renders a final judgment. All briefs in the
case are due Aug. 14.
The Food and Drug Administration last month ruled that Plan-B One-Step, but not
other one-pill brands, be made available without a prescription for girls and
women ages 15 and older. Purchasers are still required to show identification to
verify their age. The appeals court’s interim ruling Wednesday does not change
that brand’s availability.
Officials with the F.D.A., the Health and Human Services department and the
Justice Department said they were reviewing Wednesday’s decision.
Both the one-pill and two-pill emergency contraceptives involve the same
ingredient, the hormone levonorgestrel. But the distinction between the two
versions has been invoked primarily for legal or technical reasons.
The appeals court on Wednesday did not explain why it permitted two-pill
versions to be sold over-the-counter, but not any one-pill versions, which have
been overtaking the United States market. However, the original lawsuit, filed
nearly a decade ago, referred to two-pill versions because there were no
one-pill versions at the time. Legal experts said the appeals court might have
decided Wednesday that the government had less of a chance of succeeding in its
appeal regarding two-pill versions.
The issue of emergency contraception is fraught with political sensitivities for
the Obama administration. Conservative groups object to the drug itself, arguing
that it may encourage young people to have unprotected sex. Some anti-abortion
groups also contend that the drug is tantamount to an abortion pill, despite
strong scientific evidence that the pill only prevents fertilization and does
not act after an egg is fertilized.
Scientists have long argued against the need for any restrictions on the pill’s
sale, saying that studies show it is safer than many common over-the-counter
drugs, including acetaminophen. And women’s rights groups have advocated for the
drug as a safe option for women in an emergency.
Supporters of lifting all restrictions note that most people who use the drug
are not adolescents, but that having any age limits at all requires pharmacies
to make access to the pills more difficult for everyone, since government-issued
picture identification is needed, and some people do not have such
identification or may not have it readily available.
In December 2011, as President Obama was running for re-election, his secretary
of health and human services, Kathleen Sebelius, took the unprecedented step of
overruling an F.D.A. plan to lift all age restrictions. Ms. Sebelius said she
was concerned that there were not enough studies to prove that the drug was safe
for girls as young as 11. Mr. Obama supported her decision, saying that as a
father of young girls, the idea of making the drug available to them without a
prescription made him uncomfortable.
The administration sought to strike a balance in May, supporting a change that
made Plan B One-Step available to girl ages 15 and older without a prescription,
and directed drugstores to sell that pill openly, rather than locking it up
behind a counter.
The F.D.A. said it had restricted its decision to Plan B One-Step because the
manufacturer, Teva Pharmaceuticals, filed an amended application to lower the
age of availability to 15. The F.D.A. also said that more studies would be
required to show that girls under age 17 could understand how to take two pills
instead of just one.
The next day, the government appealed the broader federal court order, issued in
April by Judge Edward R. Korman of Federal District Court for the Eastern
District of New York, who accused the government of placing politics ahead of
science. The judge issued a similarly scathing response to the government’s
appeal, singling out what he called the “bad-faith, politically motivated
decision of Secretary Sebelius, who lacks any medical or scientific expertise.”
Katie Thomas
contributed reporting.
Judge Orders All Restrictions Lifted on Some ‘Morning-After’ Pills, NYT,
Joblessness Shortens
Lifespan of Least Educated White Women,
Research Says
May 30, 2013
The New York Times
have known for some time that life expectancy is declining for the country’s
least educated white women, but they have not been able to explain why. A new
study has found that the two factors most strongly associated with higher death
rates were smoking and not having a job.
The aim of the study, which is being published Thursday in The Journal of Health
and Social Behavior, was to explain the growing gap in mortality between white
women without a high school diploma and those with a high school diploma or
The study found that the odds of dying for the least educated women were 37
percent greater than for their more educated peers in any given year in the
period of 1997 to 2001. The odds had risen to 66 percent by the period of 2002
to 2006. The authors controlled for age.
The researchers used a health survey conducted by the National Center for Health
Statistics, drawing on data from about 47,000 women ages 45 to 84. The study
weighed more than a dozen factors to see which were causing the divergence in
mortality rates. Poverty, obesity, homeownership, marital status and alcohol
consumption were among the factors investigated.
But they mattered little. As it turned out, smoking was important, as had long
been established, but researchers were surprised that joblessness had a dramatic
effect, even after controlling for factors that employment would have generated,
like income and health insurance.
“What is it about employment that has this huge impact on mortality, beyond the
material resources it brings?” said Jennifer Karas Montez, the study’s lead
author, a researcher at the Harvard Center for Population and Development
The study was an attempt to explain the reasons behind the troubling trend of
declining life expectancy for the least educated Americans, particularly women.
A study last year found that white women without a high school diploma lost five
years of life expectancy between 1990 and 2008, a measure of decline last seen
among Russians in the economic chaos that came after the fall of the Soviet
Union. This year, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that
mortality for women had gone up in more than 40 percent of the counties in the
United States since the early 1990s.
But the study raised more questions than it answered, in particular about why
employment status affects physical health. Ms. Montez said there was some
evidence that having a job offered intangible benefits that could improve
health, including a sense of purpose and control in life, as well as providing
networks that help to reduce social isolation.
One concern was that people who were not working were jobless because they were
sick, but Ms. Montez said they did not find evidence for that.
Sarah Damaske, an assistant professor of labor studies and employment relations
and sociology at Pennsylvania State University, said women who were not in the
labor force, a minority now compared to the 1950s, were more likely to have been
disadvantaged from the outset, coming from family backgrounds and economic
circumstances that tended to produce poorer health outcomes.
Joblessness Shortens Lifespan of Least Educated White Women, Research Says,
NYT, 30.5.2013,
Heroes of Uncertainty
May 27, 2013
The New York Times
living in an empirical age. The most impressive intellectual feats have been
achieved by physicists and biologists, and these fields have established a
distinctive model of credibility.
To be an authoritative figure, you want to be coolly scientific. You want to
possess an arcane body of technical expertise. You want your mind to be a
neutral instrument capable of processing complex quantifiable data.
The people in the human sciences have tried to piggyback on this authority
model. For example, the American Psychiatric Association has just released the
fifth edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders.
It is the basic handbook of the field. It defines the known mental diseases. It
creates stable standards, so that insurance companies can recognize various
diagnoses and be comfortable with the medications prescribed to treat them.
The recent editions of this manual exude an impressive aura of scientific
authority. They treat mental diseases like diseases of the heart and liver. They
leave the impression that you should go to your psychiatrist because she has a
vast body of technical knowledge that will allow her to solve your problems.
With their austere neutrality, they leave a distinct impression: Psychiatrists
are methodically treating symptoms, not people.
The problem is that the behavorial sciences like psychiatry are not really
sciences; they are semi-sciences. The underlying reality they describe is just
not as regularized as the underlying reality of, say, a solar system.
As the handbook’s many critics have noted, psychiatrists use terms like “mental
disorder” and “normal behavior,” but there is no agreement on what these
concepts mean. When you look at the definitions psychiatrists habitually use to
define various ailments, you see that they contain vague words that wouldn’t
pass muster in any actual scientific analysis: “excessive,” “binge,” “anxious.”
Mental diseases are not really understood the way, say, liver diseases are
understood, as a pathology of the body and its tissues and cells. Researchers
understand the underlying structure of very few mental ailments. What
psychiatrists call a disease is usually just a label for a group of symptoms. As
the eminent psychiatrist Allen Frances writes in his book, “Saving Normal,” a
word like schizophrenia is a useful construct, not a disease: “It is a
description of a particular set of psychiatric problems, not an explanation of
their cause.”
Furthermore, psychiatric phenomena are notoriously protean in nature. Medicines
seem to work but then stop. Because the mind is an irregular cosmos, psychiatry
hasn’t been able to make the rapid progress that has become normal in physics
and biology. As Martin Seligman, a past president of the American Psychological
Association, put it in The Washington Post early this year, “I have found that
drugs and therapy offer disappointingly little additional help for the mentally
ill than they did 25 years ago — despite billions of dollars in funding.”
All of this is not to damn people in the mental health fields. On the contrary,
they are heroes who alleviate the most elusive of all suffering, even though
they are overmatched by the complexity and variability of the problems that
confront them. I just wish they would portray themselves as they really are.
Psychiatrists are not heroes of science. They are heroes of uncertainty, using
improvisation, knowledge and artistry to improve people’s lives.
The field of psychiatry is better in practice than it is in theory. The best
psychiatrists are not austerely technical, like the official handbook’s
approach; they combine technical expertise with personal knowledge. They are
daring adapters, perpetually adjusting in ways more imaginative than scientific
The best psychiatrists are not coming up with abstract rules that homogenize
treatments. They are combining an awareness of common patterns with an acute
attention to the specific circumstances of a unique human being. They certainly
are not inventing new diseases in order to medicalize the moderate ailments of
the worried well.
If the authors of the psychiatry manual want to invent a new disease, they
should put Physics Envy in their handbook. The desire to be more like the hard
sciences has distorted economics, education, political science, psychiatry and
other behavioral fields. It’s led practitioners to claim more knowledge than
they can possibly have. It’s devalued a certain sort of hybrid mentality that is
better suited to these realms, the mentality that has one foot in the world of
science and one in the liberal arts, that involves bringing multiple vantage
points to human behavior.
Hippocrates once observed, “It’s more important to know what sort of person has
a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” That’s certainly true
in the behavioral sciences and in policy making generally, though these days it
is often a neglected truth.
Heroes of Uncertainty, NYT, 27.5.2013,
Cancer Iconoclast,
Dies at
May 20,
The New York Times
Brenner, who led the group Breast Cancer Action and shaped it in her own
combative image, pillorying the medical establishment, industrial polluters and
even other cancer research advocates, died May 10 at her home in San Francisco.
She was 61.
Suzanne Lampert, her partner of 38 years, confirmed the death, of amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis. Ms. Brenner also had breast cancer, though it had been in
She championed causes for most of her adult life, protesting the Vietnam War as
a college student and working on women’s rights, civil rights and employment
discrimination as a lawyer. She became Breast Cancer Action’s first executive
director in 1995, two years after undergoing treatment for the disease and a
year before it recurred.
Ms. Brenner led the group until 2010, when illness forced her to retire. During
the 15 years of her leadership, the group increased its membership to 50,000
from 3,500 and intensified its focus on demanding research into the causes of
breast cancer, particularly links to environmental pollutants like chemicals in
food and the water supply, an area of research rife with unreliable data.
Ms. Brenner was among the first to question what she called the “pinkwashing” of
America: the proliferation of pink ribbons and products carrying labels stating
that part of the purchase price would go to breast cancer research. Her group
started a campaign, “Think Before You Pink,” urging consumers to look into how
much money was donated and where it went.
In one of many fiery posts on her blog, Healthy Barbs, she attacked another
breast cancer group, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, for teaming up with KFC to
produce pink buckets of chicken. Fried chicken, she said, promotes obesity,
which is a risk factor for breast cancer.
Dr. Otis W. Brawley, the chief medical and scientific officer of the American
Cancer Society, called Ms. Brenner “a dear friend,” but added, “I didn’t agree
with her, probably 40 or 50 percent of the time.”
One point of difference was over whether environmental factors play a major role
in cancer. Ms. Brenner thought they did; Dr. Brawley is skeptical.
Breast Cancer Action gained respect for its policy, developed by Ms. Brenner, of
not accepting donations from companies that make money from diagnosing or
treating cancer, or whose products or processes might cause cancer. That meant
no money from drug, oil, tobacco or chemical companies, or from cancer treatment
centers or health insurers. That policy freed the group to hold such companies
Breast Cancer Action is now among the plaintiffs in a case being considered by
the Supreme Court that challenges the right of Myriad Genetics Inc. to patent
genes to maintain a monopoly on a blood test used to look for mutations that
greatly increase the risk of cancer.
The policy also let Ms. Brenner speak her mind, which she often did. At a
medical conference, she stood up and scolded a researcher who had described
patients as failing a treatment. Patients do not fail treatments, she told him —
treatments fail patients.
Ms. Brenner was unapologetic about being so blunt. She told Ms. magazine in
2005, “We serve no purpose in being nice.”
Barbara Ann Brenner was born on Oct. 7, 1951, in Baltimore, the third of seven
children. Her father, Morton, worked in finance in the clothing industry, and
her mother, Bettie, was a librarian. Besides Ms. Lampert, her survivors include
five siblings, Joseph, Mark, Richard, Lawrence and Nanci Grail. A sister, Ruth
Newman, also died from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
(Ms. Brenner refused to subscribe to the popular term for the illness — Lou
Gehrig’s disease — saying the image of a hale and hearty athlete that the name
evokes is wrong for so devastating an affliction.)
Ms. Brenner graduated from Smith College and attended law school at Georgetown
but left after a year, having decided, she said, that the law had little to do
with justice. She enrolled in graduate school at the Woodrow Wilson School of
Public and International Affairs at Princeton, where she met Ms. Lampert.
After working for the American Civil Liberties Union in Los Angeles, Ms. Brenner
resumed her law studies, earning a degree from the University of California,
As tart as Ms. Brenner was with opponents, she was compassionate with women
seeking information about breast cancer. Angela Wall, Breast Cancer Action’s
communications director, said Ms. Brenner would often tell callers who had just
received a cancer diagnosis, “I’m sorry to say, welcome to the sisterhood.”
As her neurological disease worsened, Ms. Brenner lost the ability to speak, eat
or walk and wore a neck brace. But she continued to blog until a few days before
her death. Her final post ended with a blessing from the Jewish tradition,
wishing her readers peace.
Ms. Lampert said, “I always told her that I would make sure her obituary said
she died after a long battle with the breast cancer industry.”
Barbara Brenner, Breast Cancer Iconoclast, Dies at 61, NYT, 20.5.2013,
Health Toll of Immigration
May 18,
The New York Times
BROWNSVILLE, Tex. — Becoming an American can be bad for your health.
A growing body of mortality research on immigrants has shown that the longer
they live in this country, the worse their rates of heart disease, high blood
pressure and diabetes. And while their American-born children may have more
money, they tend to live shorter lives than the parents.
The pattern goes against any notion that moving to America improves every aspect
of life. It also demonstrates that at least in terms of health, worries about
assimilation for the country’s 11 million illegal immigrants are mistaken. In
fact, it is happening all too quickly.
“There’s something about life in the United States that is not conducive to good
health across generations,” said Robert A. Hummer, a social demographer at the
University of Texas at Austin.
For Hispanics, now the nation’s largest immigrant group, the foreign-born live
about three years longer than their American-born counterparts, several studies
have found.
Why does life in the United States — despite its sophisticated health care
system and high per capita wages — lead to worse health? New research is showing
that the immigrant advantage wears off with the adoption of American behaviors —
smoking, drinking, high-calorie diets and sedentary lifestyles.
Here in Brownsville, a worn border city studded with fast-food restaurants,
immigrants say that happens slowly, almost imperceptibly. In America, foods like
ham and bread that are not supposed to be sweet are. And children lose their
taste for traditional Mexican foods like cactus and beans.
For the recently arrived, the quantity and accessibility of food speaks to the
boundless promise of the United States. Esther Angeles remembers being amazed at
the size of hamburgers — as big as dinner plates — when she first came to the
United States from Mexico 15 years ago.
“I thought, this is really a country of opportunity,” she said. “Look at the
size of the food!”
Fast-food fare not only tasted good, but was also a sign of success, a family
treat that new earnings put in reach.
“The crispiness was delicious,” said Juan Muniz, 62, recalling his first visit
to Church’s Chicken with his family in the late 1970s. “I was proud and excited
to eat out. I’d tell them: ‘Let’s go eat. We can afford it now.’ ”
For others, supersize deals appealed.
“You work so hard, you want to use your money in a smart way,” said Aris
Ramirez, a community health worker in Brownsville, explaining the thinking. “So
when they hear ‘twice the fries for an extra 49 cents,’ people think, ‘That’s
economical.’ ”
For Ms. Angeles, the excitement of big food eventually wore off, and the frantic
pace of the modern American workplace took over. She found herself eating
hamburgers more because they were convenient and she was busy in her
78-hour-a-week job as a housekeeper. What is more, she lost control over her
daughter’s diet because, as a single mother, she was rarely with her at
Robert O. Valdez, a professor of family and community medicine and economics at
the University of New Mexico, said, “All the things we tell people to do from a
clinical perspective today — a lot of fiber and less meat — were exactly the
lifestyle habits that immigrants were normally keeping.”
As early as the 1970s, researchers found that immigrants lived several years
longer than American-born whites even though they tended to have less education
and lower income, factors usually associated with worse health. That gap has
grown since 1980. Less clear, however, was what happened to immigrants and their
American-born offspring after a lifetime in the United States.
Evidence is mounting that the second generation does worse. Elizabeth Arias, a
demographer at the National Center for Health Statistics, has made exploratory
estimates based on data from 2007 to 2009, which show that Hispanic immigrants
live 2.9 years longer than American-born Hispanics. The finding, which has not
yet been published, is similar to those in earlier studies.
Still, the data does not break down by generation. Ms. Arias cautioned that
subsequent generations — for example, grandchildren and great-grandchildren —
may indeed improve as they rise in socioeconomic status, which in the United
States is strongly correlated with better health.
Other research suggests that some of the difference has to do with variation
among American-born Hispanics, most of whom still do better than the rest of the
American population. Puerto Ricans born in the continental United States, for
example, have some of the shortest life spans and even do worse than whites born
in the United States, according to research by Professor Hummer, dragging down
the numbers for American-born Hispanics. But Mexican immigrant men live about
two years longer than Mexican-American men, according to the estimates by Ms.
Why is a harder question to answer, researchers say. Some point to smoking.
Andrew Fenelon, a researcher at Brown University, found in 2011 that half of the
three-year life expectancy advantage that Hispanic immigrants had over
American-born Hispanics was because they smoked less. The children of immigrants
adopt health behaviors typical of Americans in their socioeconomic group. For
second-generation Hispanics, the group tends to be lower income, with higher
rates of smoking and drinking.
Other researchers say culture contributes. Foreign-born Hispanics are less
likely than American-born Hispanics to be raising children alone, and more
likely to be part of large kinship networks that insulate them from harsh
American economic realities that can lead to poor health.
“I’d love to have my wife at home taking care of the kids and making sure they
eat right, but I can’t afford to,” said Camilo Garza, a 34-year-old plumber and
maintenance worker whose grandfather immigrated from Mexico. “It costs money to
live in the land of the free. It means both parents have to work.”
As a result, his family eats out almost every night, leaving his dining table
“It’s a decoration,” said Mr. Garza, who is overweight and a smoker. “It’s a
place where we set groceries before sticking them in the refrigerator.”
The lifestyle takes its toll. The county in which Brownsville is situated,
Cameron, has some of the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the country.
The numbers are made worse by a lack of physical activity, including walking.
Immigrants said they felt so conspicuous during early attempts to walk along the
shoulder of the roads that they feared people would suspect they were here
illegally. Ms. Angeles recalled that strolling to a dollar store provoked so
many stares that she felt like “a bean in rice.”
“In Mexico, we ate healthily and didn’t even know it,” said Ms. Angeles, who has
since developed diabetes. “Here, we know the food we eat is bad for us. We feel
guilty. But we eat it anyway.”
Still, immigrants have better health outcomes than the American-born. A 2006
analysis by Gopal K. Singh, a researcher at the Department of Health and Human
Services, and Robert A. Hiatt, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at
the University of California, San Francisco, found that immigrants had at least
a 20 percent lower overall cancer mortality rate than their American-born
Mortality rates from heart disease were about 16 percent lower, for kidney
disease 18 percent lower, and for liver cirrhosis 24 percent lower.
“When my daughter was born, my doctor told me that if I wanted to see her 15th
birthday I needed to lose the weight,” said Gerry Ortiz, 37, a first-generation
Mexican-American in Brownsville. He managed to lose 75 pounds, motivated in part
by his grandfather, a farmer in rural Mexico who at 93 still rides his bicycle
every day. He stares down at the family from a black-and-white photograph
hanging in Mr. Ortiz’s living room. Four of the family’s six siblings are obese
and have diabetes.
And health habits in Mexico are starting to look a lot like those in the United
States. Researchers are beginning to wonder how long better numbers for the
foreign-born will last. Up to 40 percent of the diet of rural Mexicans now comes
from packaged foods, according to Professor Valdez.
“We are seeing a huge shift away from traditional diets,” he said. “People are
no longer growing what they are eating. They are increasingly going to the
market, and that market is changing.”
Joseph B. McCormick, the regional dean of the University of Texas School of
Public Health in Brownsville, said, “The U.S. culture has crept across the
Perhaps more immediate is the declining state of Hispanic health in the United
States. Nearly twice as many Hispanic adults as non-Hispanic white adults have
diabetes that has been diagnosed, a rate that researchers now say may have a
genetic component, particularly in those whose ancestry is Amerindian from
Central and South America, Dr. McCormick said.
Hispanic adults are also 14 percent more likely to be obese, according to 2010
data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate is even
higher for Hispanic children, who are 51 percent more likely to be obese than
non-Hispanic white children.
“We have a time bomb that’s going to go off,” said Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, a
professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Texas Health
Science Center in San Antonio. “Obesity rates are increasing. Diabetes is
exploding. The cultural protection Hispanics had is being eroded.”
But at least for now, the older generation is still enjoying its advantage. In
the De Angeles snack bar, a favorite meeting place for elderly Brownsvillians,
one regular who is 101 still walks across the bridge to Mexico. Maria De La
Cruz, a 73-year-old who immigrated to the United States in her 40s, says her
secret is raw garlic, cooked cactus and exercise, all habits she acquired from
her father, a tailor who died at 98.
“He had very pretty legs, like mine,” she said, laughing. “You want to see
The Health Toll of Immigration, NYT, 18.5.2013,
Law in Arkansas
Blocked by U.S. Judge
May 17,
The New York Times
A federal
judge on Friday temporarily blocked enforcement of one of the country’s most
stringent abortion laws, an Arkansas ban on the procedure at the 12th week of
pregnancy, saying the law was likely to be declared unconstitutional.
Adopted in March, the law was the sharpest challenge yet to the standard set by
the Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade in 1973 and later decisions determined that a
woman has a right to an abortion up to the point that a fetus is viable outside
the womb, usually around 24 weeks.
Abortion rights groups quickly brought a legal challenge, resulting in Friday’s
preliminary injunction, which was issued by Judge Susan Webber Wright of Federal
District Court in Little Rock. The injunction will prevent the law from taking
effect on its scheduled date of Aug. 16 and will remain in place until the judge
hears final arguments and rules on its constitutionality.
Also in March, North Dakota passed an even more restrictive law, banning
abortions at the sixth week of pregnancy, which is before many women even know
they are pregnant. The Center for Reproductive Rights, a New York-based group
that challenged the Arkansas law, along with the American Civil Liberties Union,
said it planned to file a plea in North Dakota to block that law before it takes
effect on Aug. 1.
In both states, the sharp time limits were linked by legislators to the
detection of fetal heartbeats. They were the first victories for an impatient
faction of the anti-abortion movement that wants to strike major blows against
abortion rather than chipping away at Roe v. Wade with less sweeping rules that
are more likely to pass constitutional muster.
Their hope, dismissed as wishful thinking by many established leaders of the
anti-abortion movement like National Right to Life and the Roman Catholic
Church, is that the Supreme Court might be willing to adopt a radical new
framework for regulating abortion.
Arguing against the preliminary injunction on Friday, lawyers for Arkansas
claimed it was too early to pass judgment on the law because it had not taken
effect. They also said the law was true to the spirit of Supreme Court rulings
because it would permit a large majority of abortions, which already occur
before 12 weeks, to proceed and would encourage pregnant women and doctors to
seek earlier, “safer and more humane abortions.”
But the judge, as expected by many legal experts, agreed with the challengers’
statement that “the U.S. Supreme Court has held unequivocally that a state may
not ban abortion prior to viability.”
State Senator Jason Rapert, the author of the 12-week ban, said Friday that he
was “obviously disappointed” by the injunction. He said he hoped the court,
before making a final decision, would allow new arguments and evidence from a
coalition of conservative legal groups.
Even without the law, Arkansas now has one of the country’s strictest abortion
limits. In another law passed this spring that took effect immediately, it
became one of 10 states to ban abortions at 20 weeks. These measures also appear
to violate the Supreme Court’s viability threshold and have been blocked in a
few states, but no legal challenge has been filed in Arkansas.
Abortion Law in Arkansas Is Blocked by U.S. Judge, NYT, 17.5.2013,
Murky World of Hospital Prices
May 16,
The New York Times
Last week,
the federal government made public a vast trove of information on the list
prices charged by hospitals for a large array of procedures commonly performed
on hospitalized patients. It was a good start toward providing greater
transparency in hospital billing, which has long been shrouded in secrecy. But
it fell short of providing full information that patients need to make informed
decisions about which hospitals to use and which insurance to buy.
The data was compiled from hospital claims submitted to Medicare by more than
3,300 hospitals seeking fee-for-service reimbursements for the 100 most common
inpatient treatments in fiscal-year 2011. The prices at issue — sometimes called
“chargemaster” prices — are not what most people pay. They are far higher than
what Medicare pays, which is close to the real cost of providing the service,
and also higher than what private insurers pay because they negotiate for
The only patients likely to be charged the full listed prices are those with
little or no insurance and no purchaser to bargain on their behalf. Many insured
patients also face higher premiums or co-payments because their plans reimburse
the hospitals based on discounts from the listed prices. The listed prices
varied wildly from one part of the country to another and even within the same
city or region, seemingly without any good reason or any relationship to the
quality of care delivered.
For example, a Times analysis published Friday found that the Bayonne Medical
Center in New Jersey typically charged $99,689 for treating each case of chronic
lung disease, 17 times as much as Medicare paid in reimbursement. The price for
a joint replacement with artificial hips or knees ranged from a low of $5,300 in
a hospital in Ada, Okla., to a high of $223,000 at a hospital in Monterey Park,
Calif., a 40-fold difference that cannot be explained by regional differences in
wages, the sickness of the patients, or a hospital’s teaching responsibilities.
The charge for treating heart failure patients in hospitals in Jackson, Miss.,
ranged from $9,000 to $51,000.
The huge differences in list prices have been posted on a government Web site.
But for consumers to compare one hospital with another in a meaningful way, they
need to know a lot more — including the rates that have been negotiated between
hospitals and insurers, the listed prices for outpatient treatments, and the
quality of care provided, a difficult measurement that is in its infancy.
The Murky World of Hospital Prices, NYT, 16.5.2013,
Philadelphia Abortion Doctor
of Murder in Late-Term Procedures
May 13,
The New York Times
PHILADELPHIA — A doctor who was responsible for cutting the spines of babies
after botched abortions was convicted Monday of three counts of first-degree
murder in a case that became a sharp rallying cry for anti-abortion activists.
The doctor, Kermit Gosnell, 72, operated a clinic in West Philadelphia catering
to poor women that prosecutors called a “house of horrors.”
The case turned on whether the late-term pregnancies Dr. Gosnell terminated
resulted in live births. His lawyer, Jack McMahon, argued that because Dr.
Gosnell injected a drug in utero to stop the heart, the deliveries were
stillbirths, and movements that witnesses testified to observing — a jerked arm,
a cry, swimming motions — were mere spasms.
But after deliberating 10 days, the jury found Dr. Gosnell guilty in the deaths
of victims known as Baby A, Baby C and Baby D. He was found not guilty of
murdering Baby E.
Prosecutors have said they will seek the death penalty when the trial moves into
the sentencing phase next Tuesday.
While abortion rights groups argued that Dr. Gosnell operated far outside the
legalities and norms of women’s health care, abortion opponents seized on the
case to raise questions about the ethics of late-term abortions. Put simply,
they asked why a procedure done to a living baby outside the womb is murder, but
destroying a fetus of similar gestation before delivery can be legal.
“What we need to learn from the Gosnell case is that late-term abortion is
infanticide,” the Daily Beast columnist Kirsten Powers wrote last week, after
starting an online furor earlier with a column suggesting that the news media
had ignored the case for ideological reasons.
Abortion rights supporters said it was opponents who politicized the trial. What
abortion opponents really sought from the trial, they said, was an acceleration
of restrictions at the state level to effectively end legal abortion.
“Justice was served to Kermit Gosnell today and he will pay the price for the
atrocities he committed,” Ilyse Hogue, president of Naral Pro-Choice America,
said in a statement. “Anti-choice politicians, and their unrelenting efforts to
deny women access to safe and legal abortion care, will only drive more women to
back-alley butchers like Kermit Gosnell.”
In recent weeks, the case was cited in Congress to support restricting abortions
past 20 weeks of pregnancy, and it was invoked by an anti-abortion political
action committee in radio ads to attack the Democratic candidate for governor of
Virginia, Terry McAuliffe.
Although the trial has not brought new issues or tactics to America’s
long-running abortion wars, it provided an emotional jolt through five weeks of
graphic testimony and an earlier grand jury report.
“This is a visual argument that no one would ever want to have,” said Marjorie
Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, which works to elect women
opposed to abortion. “But if we’re going to have it, let’s go ahead and have it.
What are the limits? What are we as a society willing to forbear?”
She and others predicted greater support for laws banning abortions past 20
weeks, which have been adopted in several states in recent years, on the
disputed theory that fetuses of that age feel pain. Dr. Gosnell was found guilty
of 24 counts of performing an abortion beyond 24 weeks, the limit in
Opponents of the restrictions argue that later abortions are very rare: fewer
than 1.3 percent are past 20 weeks of gestation, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. Abortion rights activists say restrictions
before fetal viability, generally 24 weeks, violate the constitutional
protections of Roe v. Wade.
Nonetheless, “the imagery” of later abortion “is very powerful,” said Elizabeth
Nash, state issues manager for the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that
supports abortion access. “In 2010 Nebraska banned abortion at 20 weeks
post-fertilization,” she said. “That bill was seen as the type of bill that was
going to catch fire across the country. It did.”
Dr. Gosnell was also convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of a
41-year-old patient, Karnamaya Mongar, who died of an overdose of sedatives.
Among lesser charges, he was found guilty of 211 counts of not waiting 24 hours
after consulting with a patient before performing an abortion.
Activists on both sides debated whether the deplorable conditions at Dr.
Gosnell’s clinic — including broken equipment, bloodstained recovery chairs and
an untrained staff giving anesthesia and other drugs — could be found at other
Anti-abortion groups cited the case to press for more regulations of clinics.
“By pulling back the secrecy that cloaks this industry that preys on women’s
misery, we have a real agenda moving forward,” said Charmaine Yoest, the
president of Americans United for Life, which pushes for stricter clinic rules.
But abortion rights groups attacked the regulations as a backdoor route to shut
clinics by requiring costly but medically unneeded upgrades, like wider hallways
and bigger closets.
“What’s going on with these laws is really about the agenda of having abortion
eventually made illegal again,” said Nancy Northup, president of the Center for
Reproductive Rights in Washington, which has challenged the laws in court. “And
if that were to happen, unfortunately you’d have a lot more Gosnells out there.”
The scathing grand jury report in 2011 on Dr. Gosnell’s clinic, the Women’s
Medical Society, on Lancaster Avenue, detailed how despite complaints and
malpractice suits, no inspector had visited in 16 years. The clinic was raided
only after a tip that it operated as an illegal prescription mill. A month after
the report, Gov. Tom Corbett fired six employees of the Health and State
In the witness box, clinic employees said live births occurred regularly, and
they believed Dr. Gosnell’s explanation for snipping necks with surgical
scissors — to “ensure fetal demise” — was accepted practice in late-term
abortions. An abortion doctor who testified for the prosecution said such
practice was unheard of.
One witness, Steven Massof, testifying under a plea agreement to avoid
first-degree murder charges, instructed jurors to feel the backs of their own
necks and said, “It’s like a beheading.”
Another former employee, Adrienne Moton, sobbed as she described the death of
Baby A, aborted when his teenage mother was about 29 weeks pregnant. Ms. Moton
was so upset she took a cellphone photograph of him, which was shown in court.
She said Dr. Gosnell had joked that the baby was big enough to walk to a bus
Ms. Moton, who also testified under a plea agreement, said she cut the neck of
Baby D, who was delivered into a toilet while its mother, given a large dose of
a drug to dilate the cervix, waited for Dr. Gosnell to arrive.
Another clinic worker said she followed Dr. Gosnell’s instructions and cut the
neck of Baby C after it moved an arm. The doctor told her was an “involuntary
Dr. Gosnell was originally charged with seven counts of first-degree murder, but
Judge Jeffrey P. Minehart of Common Pleas Court earlier threw out three other
cases of infants said to have been born alive, known as Baby B, Baby F and Baby
Several weeks into the trial, which began March 18, anti-abortion activists and
some conservative commentators accused the national news media of skipping it, a
charge amplified across social media.
On April 15, President Obama’s spokesman was asked if he was following the
trial. “The president is aware” of the case, said Jay Carney, the White House
Even as reporters from national newspapers arrived in Courtroom 304 of the
Criminal Justice Center, a blog war continued between abortion-rights
supporters, who had written of Dr. Gosnell’s abuses from the time of his
indictment, and conservatives, who continued to fault broadcast television for a
On Monday, there were 29 reporters in the courtroom and a row of television
crews on the sidewalk.
Jon Hurdle
reported from Philadelphia,
and Trip
Gabriel from New York.
Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures,
NYT, 13.5.2013,
Abortion-Access Battle
May 12,
The New York Times
VERNON, Wash. — Politicians seeking to restrict access to abortion, a marked
trend this year from North Dakota to Arkansas, tend not to get much traction in
this part of the country.
Washington is heavily Democratic, leaning left especially on social issues. A
majority of voters even put into law a statutory right to abortion in 1970 — the
only state ever to do that. The governor, Jay Inslee, a Democrat, is pushing the
Legislature even now to pass a law at a special session on Monday requiring
health insurers to pay for elective abortions, another first for the state if it
makes it to Mr. Inslee’s desk.
But now a wave of proposed and completed mergers between secular and Roman
Catholic hospitals, which are barred by church doctrine from performing
procedures that could harm the unborn, is raising the prospect that unelected
health care administrators could go where politicians could not.
The merger wave is mirrored around the country, driven by the shifting economic
landscape in health care and the looming changes in federal regulation. Previous
Catholic takeovers in Kentucky, Illinois and Pennsylvania have made news and
drawn scrutiny.
The concentration of mergers here, through happenstance and history — Catholic
nuns arrived in Washington with the first waves of settlers in the 1850s — is
particularly pronounced. If all the proposed religious and secular combinations
go through, almost half of the hospital beds in the state — the highest
percentage in the nation, and up from less than a third at the beginning of last
year — would be controlled by the Catholic health systems, according to Merger
Watch, a nonprofit group in New York that tracks hospitals.
Another wrinkle is that many Washingtonians are not that keen on religion to
start with. A poll by Gallup conducted throughout 2012 put the state at 12th
from the bottom in percentage of people who described themselves as “very
religious.” It is also one of only two states — Oregon is the other — where
voters have approved a physician-assisted suicide law for terminally ill people.
Centuries of Catholic teaching hold suicide as a mortal sin.
“You happen to be the hot zone,” Sarah A. Dunne, the legal director of the
American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, said on a recent evening to a
group of 75 or so residents here in Mount Vernon who are opposing the mergers.
Skagit Valley Hospital in Mount Vernon, about an hour north of Seattle, has
joined with two other small local hospitals in seeking a merger partner and is
entertaining bids from two Catholic and two secular hospitals. A decision is
expected this summer.
The A.C.L.U. has been “exploring plans for possible litigation,” as Ms. Dunne
put it in an interview, over whether mergers involving religious and secular
hospitals that get taxpayer support could violate a provision of the State
Constitution barring public funds for religious purposes. Ten counties out of 39
in the state would have 100 percent of their hospital beds in Catholic health
system hands by year’s end if all the proposed mergers went through, according
to the A.C.L.U.
“Frankly, I wish we could do nothing,” said Vince Oliver, the chief executive at
the 43-bed Island Hospital in nearby Anacortes, which is one of the three
hospitals, including Skagit Valley, that are shopping for a partner. “But the
future for a small independent hospital is not a very rosy picture right now,”
he said.
Catholic hospital leaders said that changes in the medical and economic
landscape could threaten service to millions of Americans in rural and suburban
areas who might have no choices at all if their local hospital closed or shrank,
and that Catholic partners — driven by a mission to serve the underserved — are
uniquely fitted to help. The issue is not availability of abortion or consult to
the dying, they say, which will still be available in secular institutions not
that far away, but access to care at all.
“The Catholic health system is in many of the communities we’re in because other
health care providers have not wanted to serve those communities and have not
had a commitment to serve every human being,” said Peter Adler, a senior vice
president at PeaceHealth, a Catholic hospital system based in the Pacific
Northwest that is one of the bidders for the three hospitals in northwest
But critics said that Catholic hospitals do not, in fact, serve every human
being because they deny certain reproductive services or end-of-life care that
could help a dying patient end his or her suffering.
“It’s a collision course,” said Suzanne Holland, a science and values professor
in the department of religion at the University of Puget Sound, referring to the
potential of constriction in health care options from economic change, and at
the same time restricted choice on moral grounds at hospitals operated through a
lens of religious doctrine.
Professor Holland, a Catholic and a lesbian, said she already tried to avoid
going to a Catholic hospital near her because she was concerned that
administrators there would not recognize the rights of her civil union partner.
A spokesman for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which issues
rules for Catholic care providers called the “Ethical and Religious Directives,”
said that procedures deemed by the church to be immoral are bright lines that
cannot be crossed.
Anything relating to abortion is one such line, but anything making it easier
for a person to end his or her own life, as Washington’s Death with Dignity law
does, would also be prohibited, said the Rev. Thomas Weinandy, the executive
director of the Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Doctrine.
Washington’s assisted suicide law, passed by the voters in 2008, gives all
hospitals and individual caregivers the option to participate. And that creates
a very mixed, complicated picture on the merger front, with physicians and
pharmacists, even in secular hospitals that back the program, able to decide for
themselves whether to be involved.
The question at formerly secular hospitals under new Catholic control is
therefore not whether helping terminal patients die would be allowed on the
premises — clearly not, church authorities said — but what kind of private,
confidential advice a physician would have the authority to give about
end-of-life options under the state law, including where legal services to ease
death might be obtained.
“If you go to a Catholic medical institution, you’re going to get medical advice
that is in keeping with the moral norms of that institution,” Father Weinandy
said. “We think Catholic medical advice is the best medical advice to give.”
The Religious Directives document puts it even more assertively: “The
professional-patient relationship is never separated, then, from the Catholic
identity of the health care institution.”
But Mr. Adler, the spokesman for PeaceHealth, said that in his organization, at
least, the confidentiality of a physician’s advice is protected.
“The conversation between patients and their physicians at PeaceHealth we
consider sacred,” he said.
Hospital Mergers Reset Abortion-Access Battle, NYT, 12.5.2013,
Billing Varies Wildly,
Data Shows
May 8, 2013
The New York Times
A hospital
in Livingston, N.J., charged $70,712 on average to implant a pacemaker, while a
hospital in nearby Rahway, N.J., charged $101,945.
In Saint Augustine, Fla., one hospital typically billed nearly $40,000 to remove
a gallbladder using minimally invasive surgery, while one in Orange Park, Fla.,
charged $91,000.
In one hospital in Dallas, the average bill for treating simple pneumonia was
$14,610, while another there charged over $38,000.
Data being released for the first time by the government on Wednesday shows that
hospitals charge Medicare wildly differing amounts — sometimes 10 to 20 times
what Medicare typically reimburses — for the same procedure, raising questions
about how hospitals determine prices and why they differ so widely.
The data for 3,300 hospitals, released by the federal Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, shows wide variations not only regionally but among hospitals
in the same area or city.
Government officials said that some of the variation might reflect the fact that
some patients were sicker or required longer hospitalization.
Nonetheless, the data is likely to intensify a long debate over the methods that
hospitals use to determine their charges.
Medicare does not actually pay the amount a hospital charges but instead uses a
system of standardized payments to reimburse hospitals for treating specific
conditions. Private insurers do not pay the full charge either, but negotiate
payments with hospitals for specific treatments. Since many patients are covered
by Medicare or have private insurance, they are not directly affected by what
hospitals charge.
Experts say it is likely that the people who can afford it least — those with
little or no insurance — are getting hit with extremely high hospitals bills
that may bear little connection to the cost of treatment.
“If you’re uninsured, they’re going to ask you to pay,” said Gerard Anderson,
the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Hospital Finance and Management.
The debate over medical costs is growing louder, spurred partly by President
Obama’s overhaul of the health insurance system.
Hospitals, in particular, have come under scrutiny for charges that are widely
viewed as difficult to comprehend, even for experts. “Our goal is to make this
information more transparent,” Jonathan Blum, the director of the agency’s
Center for Medicare, said in an interview.
The data covers bills submitted from virtually every hospital in the country in
2011 for the 100 most common treatments and procedures performed in hospitals,
like hip replacements, heart operations and gallbladder removal.
The hospitals were not given the data before its release by Medicare officials.
Some hospitals contacted Tuesday said that the higher bills they sent to
Medicare reflected the fact that they were either teaching hospitals or they had
treated sicker patients.
For example, billing records showed that Keck Hospital of the University of
Southern California charged, on average, $123,885, for a major artificial joint
replacement, six times the average amount that Medicare reimbursed for the
procedure and a rate significantly higher than the average for other Los Angeles
area hospitals.
“Academic medical centers have a higher cost structure, and higher acuity
patients who suffer from many health complications,” the hospital said.
The hospital added that it wrote off any difference between what it charged and
what Medicare paid, rather than seeking to collect it from patients. Centinela
Hospital Medical Center, also in Los Angeles and owned by Prime Healthcare
Services, charged $220,881 for the same procedure.
A spokesman said the hospital served a sicker and older patient base.
The data showing the range of hospital bills does not explain why one hospital
charges significantly more for a procedure than another one. And Medicare does
pay slightly higher treatment rates to certain hospitals — like teaching
facilities or hospitals in areas with high labor costs.
Mr. Blum, the Medicare official, said he would have anticipated variations of
two- to threefold at the most in the difference between what hospitals charge.
However, hospitals submitted bills to Medicare that were, on average, about
three to five times what the agency typically pays to treat a condition, an
analysis of the data by The New York Times indicates. And variations between
what hospitals charge may be even greater.
Mr. Blum said he could not explain the reasons for that large difference.
An official at the American Hospital Association, a trade group, said there was
a cat-and-mouse game between hospitals and insurers that affects what hospitals
As insurers demand bigger discounts from a hospital, a facility may raise its
charges to protect its bottom line, that official, Caroline Steinberg, said.
“The hospital raises its rate to cover the discount,” said Ms. Steinberg, who is
the group’s vice president for trends analysis.
Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesman for America’s Health Insurance Plans, the
nation’s largest association of health insurers, said some member companies were
reporting sharp price increases of 20 to 30 percent for some services. Some
insurers are seeking similar price increases from policy holders.
“There’s very little transparency out there about what doctors and hospitals are
charging for services,” Mr. Zirkelbach said. “Much of the public policy focus
has been on health insurance premiums and has largely ignored what hospitals and
doctors are charging.”
Ms. Steinberg said that the Affordable Care Act required that hospital charges
be limited for patients who qualify.
“That’s driving all of the rates for uninsured patients towards the same amount
that Medicare pays,” she said.
That big variation in what hospitals charge Medicare exists even in procedures
that are standardized and do not involve patient complications, the Times
analysis of the data shows.
For a cardiac procedure in which a small tube, or stent, is implanted to open up
a clogged blood vessel, the average hospital charge is over four times the
average Medicare payment.
In addition, bills submitted by profit-making hospitals to Medicare are
typically higher than those submitted by nonprofit centers, the analysis found.
Government hospitals typically billed Medicare less than either nonprofit or
profit-making hospitals, the data shows.
Medicare payments represent about 91 cents of every dollar that a hospital
spends on treatment, Ms. Steinberg said.
Mr. Anderson, the hospital finance expert, said that private insurers negotiated
rates with hospitals that were typically about 30 percent above what Medicare
pays. He understands that hospitals will often charge above the Medicare rate,
but he said the huge premiums at some hospitals make no sense.
“If you’re charging 10 percent more or 20 percent more than what it costs to
deliver the service, that’s an acceptable profit margin,” Mr. Anderson said.
“Charging 400 percent more than what it costs has no rational basis in it at
Hospital Billing Varies Wildly, U.S. Data Shows, NYT, 8.5.2013,
Psychiatry’s Guide
Is Out
of Touch With Science,
May 6, 2013
The New York Times
Just weeks
before the long-awaited publication of a new edition of the so-called bible of
mental disorders, the federal government’s most prominent psychiatric expert has
said the book suffers from a scientific “lack of validity.”
The expert, Dr. Thomas R. Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental
Health, said in an interview Monday that his goal was to reshape the direction
of psychiatric research to focus on biology, genetics and neuroscience so that
scientists can define disorders by their causes, rather than their symptoms.
While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or D.S.M., is
the best tool now available for clinicians treating patients and should not be
tossed out, he said, it does not reflect the complexity of many disorders, and
its way of categorizing mental illnesses should not guide research.
“As long as the research community takes the D.S.M. to be a bible, we’ll never
make progress,” Dr. Insel said, adding, “People think that everything has to
match D.S.M. criteria, but you know what? Biology never read that book.”
The revision, known as the D.S.M.-5 and the first since 1994, has stirred
unprecedented questioning from the public, patient groups and, most
fundamentally, senior figures in psychiatry who have challenged not only
decisions about specific diagnoses but the scientific basis of the entire
enterprise. Basic research into the biology of mental disorders and treatment
has stalled, they say, confounded by the labyrinth of the brain.
Decades of spending on neuroscience have taught scientists mostly what they do
not know, undermining some of their most elemental assumptions. Genetic glitches
that appear to increase the risk of schizophrenia in one person may predispose
others to autism-like symptoms, or bipolar disorder. The mechanisms of the
field’s most commonly used drugs — antidepressants like Prozac, and
antipsychosis medications like Zyprexa — have revealed nothing about the causes
of those disorders. And major drugmakers have scaled back psychiatric drug
development, having virtually no new biological “targets” to shoot for.
Dr. Insel is one of a growing number of scientists who think that the field
needs an entirely new paradigm for understanding mental disorders, though
neither he nor anyone else knows exactly what it will look like.
Even the chairman of the task force making revisions to the D.S.M., Dr. David J.
Kupfer, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, said the new
manual was faced with doing the best it could with the scientific evidence
“The problem that we’ve had in dealing with the data that we’ve had over the
five to 10 years since we began the revision process of D.S.M.-5 is a failure of
our neuroscience and biology to give us the level of diagnostic criteria, a
level of sensitivity and specificity that we would be able to introduce into the
diagnostic manual,” Dr. Kupfer said.
The creators of the D.S.M. in the 1960s and ’70s “were real heroes at the time,”
said Dr. Steven E. Hyman, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at the Broad
Institute and a former director at the National Institute of Mental Health.
“They chose a model in which all psychiatric illnesses were represented as
categories discontinuous with ‘normal.’ But this is totally wrong in a way they
couldn’t have imagined. So in fact what they produced was an absolute scientific
nightmare. Many people who get one diagnosis get five diagnoses, but they don’t
have five diseases — they have one underlying condition.”
Dr. Hyman, Dr. Insel and other experts said they hoped that the science of
psychiatry would follow the direction of cancer research, which is moving from
classifying tumors by where they occur in the body to characterizing them by
their genetic and molecular signatures.
About two years ago, to spur a move in that direction, Dr. Insel started a
federal project called Research Domain Criteria, or RDoC, which he highlighted
in a blog post last week. Dr. Insel said in the blog that the National Institute
of Mental Health would be “reorienting its research away from D.S.M. categories”
because “patients with mental disorders deserve better.” His commentary has
created ripples throughout the mental health community.
Dr. Insel said in the interview that his motivation was not to disparage the
D.S.M. as a clinical tool, but to encourage researchers and especially outside
reviewers who screen proposals for financing from his agency to disregard its
categories and investigate the biological underpinnings of disorders instead. He
said he had heard from scientists whose proposals to study processes common to
depression, schizophrenia and psychosis were rejected by grant reviewers because
they cut across D.S.M. disease categories.
“They didn’t get it,” Dr. Insel said of the reviewers. “What we’re trying to do
with RDoC is say actually this is a fresh way to think about it.” He added that
he hoped researchers would also participate in projects funded through the Obama
administration’s new brain initiative.
Dr. Michael First, a psychiatry professor at Columbia who edited the last
edition of the manual, said, “RDoC is clearly the way of the future,” although
it would take years to get results that could apply to patients. In the
meantime, he said, “RDoC can’t do what the D.S.M. does. The D.S.M. is what
clinicians use. Patients will always come into offices with symptoms.”
For at least a decade, Dr. First and others said, patients will continue to be
diagnosed with D.S.M. categories as a guide, and insurance companies will
reimburse with such diagnoses in mind.
Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, the chairman of the psychiatry department at Columbia and
president-elect of the American Psychiatric Association, which publishes the
D.S.M., said that the new edition’s refinements were “based on research in the
last 20 years that will improve the utility of this guide for practitioners, and
improve, however incrementally, the care patients receive.”
He added: “The last thing we want to do is be defensive or apologetic about the
state of our field. But at the same time, we’re not satisfied with it either.
There’s nothing we’d like better than to have more scientific progress.”
Psychiatry’s Guide Is Out of Touch With Science, Experts Say, NYT, 6.5.2013,
Frei III,
Who Put
Cancer Cures in Reach,
Dies at
May 4, 2013
The New York Times
Dr. Emil
Frei III, an oncologist whose trailblazing use of combination chemotherapy — in
which anticancer drugs are administered simultaneously rather than singly —
helped make certain cancers curable for the first time, died on Tuesday at his
home in Oak Park, Ill. He was 89.
His daughter Judy Frei confirmed the death.
Combination chemotherapy is now a standard treatment for a wide range of
cancers, including breast, bone and testicular cancers, and has been credited
with saving millions of lives worldwide.
A clinician, researcher and administrator, Dr. Frei (pronounced “fry”) held
senior leadership positions at three prominent cancer centers: the National
Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health; the M. D. Anderson
Cancer Center in Houston; and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.
At his death, Dr. Frei was the emeritus director and emeritus physician-in-chief
of Dana-Farber. He was also the Richard and Susan Smith distinguished professor
of medicine emeritus at Harvard Medical School.
When Dr. Frei began his research at midcentury, chemotherapy with even a single
drug, much less multiple ones, was considered a treatment of last resort.
“It was known that these drugs were cell-killers: some of them were derived from
mustard gas,” Dr. Harold E. Varmus, the current director of the National Cancer
Institute and a winner of the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, said
Friday. “They were developed initially as toxic agents, not different from drugs
that were used in warfare.”
In the mid-1950s, Dr. Frei, along with Dr. Emil J. Freireich, a colleague at the
National Cancer Institute, and others, began investigating a multipronged
assault on childhood leukemia that entailed using these drugs in combination,
with each attacking a different aspect of cancer-cell physiology.
As the two men and their colleagues found, administering a cocktail of
anticancer drugs let each drug be given in smaller quantities. This mitigated
the drugs’ toxic effects on the patient without diminishing their combined
attack on the cancer.
“If you give 60 percent of each dose, it’s the same as giving 100 percent of one
or the other,” said Dr. Freireich, who is now at M. D. Anderson. “But the effect
on the tumor is additive.”
When Dr. Frei and Dr. Freireich began their work, childhood leukemia was
invariably fatal. By 1965, after a decade of clinical trials and refinements,
the methods they devised, which involved combining as many as four drugs, had
increased the survival rate to about 40 percent five years after treatment.
Today, childhood leukemia has a long-term survival rate of more than 80 percent.
“There are recurrences, but the incidence is low,” Dr. Freireich said. “These
are lifetime cures. Compared to the general population, their survival rate is
the same as for people who hadn’t had leukemia.”
The two men then applied their approach to Hodgkin’s disease, also rendering it
curable in many cases.
Emil Frei III, familiarly known as Tom, was born in St. Louis on Feb. 21, 1924.
In 1898, his paternal grandfather founded Emil Frei & Associates, a
stained-glass company in the city that is still well known, and Emil III was
expected to pursue the family calling. But he became interested in medicine in
his youth after reading “Rats, Lice and History,” Hans Zinsser’s 1935
“biography” of typhus.
Serving in the Navy in World War II, he was sent for premedical studies at
Colgate University and medical studies at Yale, from which he earned an M.D. in
1948. He later served with the Navy Medical Corps in the Korean War.
Dr. Frei joined the staff of the National Cancer Institute in the mid-1950s. He
was later chief of the leukemia section and chief of medicine there.
In 1965, he moved to M. D. Anderson, where he was the associate scientific
director of clinical research and the chairman of the division of experimental
therapeutics. He joined the institute now known as Dana-Farber as physician in
chief in 1972 and became its director the next year.
At all three institutions, Dr. Frei also trained a generation of researchers and
Dr. Frei’s first wife, the former Elizabeth Smith, whom he married in 1948, died
in 1986; his second wife, the former Adoria Smetana Brock, whom he married in
1987, died in 2009. Besides his daughter Judy, his survivors include three other
daughters, Mary, Alice and Nancy Frei; a son, Emil IV; a brother, Bob; and 10
In his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of
Cancer,” published in 2010, the doctor and author Siddhartha Mukherjee wrote of
Dr. Frei making rounds on a pediatric oncology ward.
“He was charming, soft-spoken and careful,” Dr. Mukherjee wrote. “To watch him
manage critically ill children and their testy, nervous parents was to watch a
champion swimmer glide through water — so adept in the art that he made artistry
One of those children was Edward M. Kennedy Jr., a son of the Massachusetts
senator. In 1973, at 12, young Ted Kennedy lost a leg to osteosarcoma, an
aggressive form of bone cancer.
A patient of Dr. Frei’s at Dana-Farber, he underwent intensive chemotherapy for
nearly two years afterward. He has remained free of cancer ever since.
“I honestly believe that Dr. Frei saved my life,” Mr. Kennedy, now 51 and a
lawyer and disability rights advocate in New Haven, said in an interview on
Thursday. “My father obviously had incredible resources in terms of being able
to identify the most capable people. And of all the people in the world, he
asked Dr. Frei to take care of me.”
Emil Frei III, Who Put Cancer Cures in Reach, Dies at 89, NYT, 4.5.2013,
Rates Rise Sharply in U.S.
May 2, 2013
The New York Times
rates among middle-aged Americans have risen sharply in the past decade,
prompting concern that a generation of baby boomers who have faced years of
economic worry and easy access to prescription painkillers may be particularly
vulnerable to self-inflicted harm.
More people now die of suicide than in car accidents, according to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, which published the findings in Friday’s
issue of its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. In 2010 there were 33,687
deaths from motor vehicle crashes and 38,364 suicides.
Suicide has typically been viewed as a problem of teenagers and the elderly, and
the surge in suicide rates among middle-aged Americans is surprising.
From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among Americans ages 35 to 64 rose by nearly
30 percent, to 17.6 deaths per 100,000 people, up from 13.7. Although suicide
rates are growing among both middle-aged men and women, far more men take their
own lives. The suicide rate for middle-aged men was 27.3 deaths per 100,000,
while for women it was 8.1 deaths per 100,000.
The most pronounced increases were seen among men in their 50s, a group in which
suicide rates jumped by nearly 50 percent, to about 30 per 100,000. For women,
the largest increase was seen in those ages 60 to 64, among whom rates increased
by nearly 60 percent, to 7.0 per 100,000.
Suicide rates can be difficult to interpret because of variations in the way
local officials report causes of death. But C.D.C. and academic researchers said
they were confident that the data documented an actual increase in deaths by
suicide and not a statistical anomaly. While reporting of suicides is not always
consistent around the country, the current numbers are, if anything, too low.
“It’s vastly underreported,” said Julie Phillips, an associate professor of
sociology at Rutgers University who has published research on rising suicide
rates. “We know we’re not counting all suicides.”
The reasons for suicide are often complex, and officials and researchers
acknowledge that no one can explain with certainty what is behind the rise. But
C.D.C. officials cited a number of possible explanations, including that as
adolescents people in this generation also posted higher rates of suicide
compared with other cohorts.
“It is the baby boomer group where we see the highest rates of suicide,” said
the C.D.C.’s deputy director, Ileana Arias. “There may be something about that
group, and how they think about life issues and their life choices that may make
a difference.”
The rise in suicides may also stem from the economic downturn over the past
decade. Historically, suicide rates rise during times of financial stress and
economic setbacks. “The increase does coincide with a decrease in financial
standing for a lot of families over the same time period,” Dr. Arias said.
Another factor may be the widespread availability of opioid drugs like OxyContin
and oxycodone, which can be particularly deadly in large doses.
Although most suicides are still committed using firearms, officials said there
was a marked increase in poisoning deaths, which include intentional overdoses
of prescription drugs, and hangings. Poisoning deaths were up 24 percent over
all during the 10-year period and hangings were up 81 percent.
Dr. Arias noted that the higher suicide rates might be due to a series of life
and financial circumstances that are unique to the baby boomer generation. Men
and women in that age group are often coping with the stress of caring for aging
parents while still providing financial and emotional support to adult children.
“Their lives are configured a little differently than it has been in the past
for that age group,” Dr. Arias said. “It may not be that they are more sensitive
or that they have a predisposition to suicide, but that they may be dealing with
Preliminary research at Rutgers suggests that the risk for suicide is unlikely
to abate for future generations. Changes in marriage, social isolation and
family roles mean many of the pressures faced by baby boomers will continue in
the next generation, Dr. Phillips said.
“The boomers had great expectations for what their life might look like, but I
think perhaps it hasn’t panned out that way,” she said. “All these conditions
the boomers are facing, future cohorts are going to be facing many of these
conditions as well.”
Nancy Berliner, a Boston historian, lost her 58-year-old husband to suicide
nearly two years ago. She said that while the reasons for his suicide were
complex, she would like to see more attention paid to prevention and support for
family members who lose someone to suicide.
“One suicide can inspire other people, unfortunately, to view suicide as an
option,” Ms. Berliner said. “It’s important that society becomes more
comfortable with discussing it. Then the people left behind will not have this
Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S., NYT, 2.5.2013,
Share Gene Patterns, Studies Affirm
May 1, 2013
The New York Times
have discovered that the most dangerous cancer of the uterine lining closely
resembles the worst ovarian and breast cancers, providing the most telling
evidence yet that cancer will increasingly be seen as a disease defined
primarily by its genetic fingerprint rather than just by the organ where it
The study of endometrial cancer — the cancer of the uterine lining — and another
of acute myeloid leukemia, published simultaneously on Wednesday by Nature and
The New England Journal of Medicine, are part of a sprawling, ambitious project
by the National Institutes of Health to scrutinize DNA aberrations in common
Over the past year, as part of this project, researchers have reported striking
genetic changes in breast, colon and lung cancers that link them to other
cancers. One kind of breast cancer was closely related to ovarian cancer. Colon
cancers often had a genetic change found in breast cancer. And about half of
squamous cell lung cancers might be attacked by drugs being developed for other
The endometrial cancer and leukemia efforts alone involved more than 100
researchers who studied close to 400 endometrial tumors and 200 leukemias.
Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer in American women and
strikes nearly 50,000 of them a year, killing about 8,000. Acute myeloid
leukemia, the most prevalent acute adult leukemia, is diagnosed in about 14,000
Americans a year and kills about 10,000.
“This is exploring the landscape of cancer genomics,” said Dr. David P.
Steensma, a leukemia researcher at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute who was not
involved with the studies. “Many developments in medicine are about treatments
or tests that are only useful for a certain period of time until something
better comes by. But this is something that will be useful 200 years from now.
This is a landmark that will stand the test of time.”
Dr. Douglas Levine of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the principal
investigator on the endometrial cancer study, said the group scoured the country
for samples of this cancer.
The cancer has long been evaluated by pathologists who examine thin slices of
endometrial tumors under a microscope and put them in one of two broad
categories. But the method is not ideal. In general, one category predicts a
good prognosis and tumors that could be treated with surgery and radiation,
while the other holds a poorer prognosis and requires chemotherapy after
surgery. But pathologists often disagree about how to classify the tumors and
can find it difficult to distinguish between the two types, Dr. Levine said.
The new genetic analysis of hundreds of tumors found patterns of genetic
aberrations that more precisely classify the tumors, dividing them into four
distinct groups. About 10 percent of tumors that had seemed easily treated with
the old type of exam now appear to be more deadly according to the genetic
analysis and would require chemotherapy.
Another finding was that many endometrial cancers had a mutation in a gene that
had been seen before only in colon cancers. The mutation disables a system for
repairing DNA damage, resulting in 100 times more mutations than typically occur
in cancer cells.
“That was a complete surprise,” Dr. Levine said.
It turned out to be good news. Endometrial cancers with the mutation had better
outcomes, perhaps because the accumulating DNA damage is devastating to cancer
Another surprise was that the worst endometrial tumors were so similar to the
most lethal ovarian and breast cancers, raising the tantalizing possibility that
the three deadly cancers might respond to the same drugs.
Jeff Boyd, executive director of the Cancer Genome Institute at Fox Chase Cancer
Center, who was not involved with the new research, said the similarity among
breast, ovarian and endometrial tumors was the best example yet of the idea that
cancers are more usefully classified by their gene mutations than by where they
originate. Though many scientists believe this view is correct, Dr. Boyd said,
“It is very rewarding — I can’t overstate it” to see it validated with real
While the genetics of endometrial cancer had gone largely unstudied until now,
acute myeloid leukemia has been investigated for decades, in part because
leukemia cells are so accessible. They are in the blood and bone marrow.
Using microscopes and special staining methods, researchers had already
discovered, for example, that chromosomes in these leukemia cells are often
broken or hooked together in strange ways. They also knew that some chromosomal
alterations were associated with a good prognosis, and others with a bad one.
Patients with a good prognosis can usually be treated with chemotherapy alone
while those with a worse prognosis need the expensive, difficult and risky
treatment of last resort: a bone marrow transplant. It comes with a 10 percent
death rate.
The problem was that the traditional methods for categorizing the leukemia were
imprecise, said Dr. Timothy Ley of Washington University in St. Louis, who led
the study with Richard Wilson, also of Washington University. Nearly half the
acute myeloid leukemias had normal chromosomes. There was no good way to decide
which treatment these patients needed. Some did well with chemotherapy; some did
“It was a huge conundrum,” Dr. Ley said. “For patients who cannot be cured with
chemotherapy, we have a potentially curative therapy. But picking the right
patients for a transplant was very difficult.”
The new study of 200 acute myeloid leukemias identified at least 260 genes that
were mutated in at least 2 of the 200 leukemia samples, finding virtually all of
the common genetic malfunctions that occur in it. Now researchers have a new
foundation for assessing which cancers will be lethal unless the patient gets a
risky bone marrow transplant and which can be treated with chemotherapy alone.
“We have the basic playbook,” Dr. Ley said. “We finally know what the major
pathways are and what all the major mutations look like.” And knowing which
genes are mutated also allows researchers to investigate drugs that target those
The next step will be for investigators to determine which mutations lead to
good or bad outcomes.
“Within two or three years, risk assessment may be dramatically better,” Dr. Ley
said. “It certainly sets the stage for the next era of therapy.”
Cancers Share Gene Patterns, Studies Affirm, NYT, 1.5.2013,