History > 2013 > USA > Nature / Weather / Environment (II)

LaTisha Garcia carries her 8-year-old daughter, Jazmin
near Plaza Towers Elementary School
after a massive tornado carved its way through Moore, Okla.,
May 20.
leaving little of the school and neighborhood.
Sue Ogrock/Associated Press
Boston Globe > Big Picture > 2013 Year in Pictures: Part 2
December 19, 2013
Gangplank to a Warm Future
July 28,
The New York Times
N.Y. — MANY concerned about climate change, including President Obama, have
embraced hydraulic fracturing for natural gas. In his recent climate speech, the
president went so far as to lump gas with renewables as “clean energy.”
As a longtime oil and gas engineer who helped develop shale fracking techniques
for the Energy Department, I can assure you that this gas is not “clean.”
Because of leaks of methane, the main component of natural gas, the gas
extracted from shale deposits is not a “bridge” to a renewable energy future —
it’s a gangplank to more warming and away from clean energy investments.
Methane is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, though it
doesn’t last nearly as long in the atmosphere. Still, over a 20-year period, one
pound of it traps as much heat as at least 72 pounds of carbon dioxide. Its
potency declines, but even after a century, it is at least 25 times as powerful
as carbon dioxide. When burned, natural gas emits half the carbon dioxide of
coal, but methane leakage eviscerates this advantage because of its
heat-trapping power.
And methane is leaking, though there is significant uncertainty over the rate.
But recent measurements by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
at gas and oil fields in California, Colorado and Utah found leakage rates of
2.3 percent to 17 percent of annual production, in the range my colleagues at
Cornell and I predicted some years ago. This is the gas that is released into
the atmosphere unburned as part of the hydraulic fracturing process, and also
from pipelines, compressors and processing units. Those findings raise questions
about what is happening elsewhere. The Environmental Protection Agency has
issued new rules to reduce these emissions, but the rules don’t take effect
until 2015, and apply only to new wells.
A 2011 study from the National Center for Atmospheric Research concluded that
unless leaks can be kept below 2 percent, gas lacks any climate advantage over
coal. And a study released this May by Climate Central, a group of scientists
and journalists studying climate change, concluded that the 50 percent climate
advantage of natural gas over coal is unlikely to be achieved over the next
three to four decades. Unfortunately, we don’t have that long to address climate
change — the next two decades are crucial.
To its credit, the president’s plan recognizes that “curbing emissions of
methane is critical.” However, the release of unburned gas in the production
process is not the only problem. Gas and oil wells that lose their structural
integrity also leak methane and other contaminants outside their casings and
into the atmosphere and water wells. Multiple industry studies show that about 5
percent of all oil and gas wells leak immediately because of integrity issues,
with increasing rates of leakage over time. With hundreds of thousands of new
wells expected, this problem is neither negligible nor preventable with current
Why do so many wells leak this way? Pressures under the earth, temperature
changes, ground movement from the drilling of nearby wells and shrinkage crack
and damage the thin layer of brittle cement that is supposed to seal the wells.
And getting the cement perfect as the drilling goes horizontally into shale is
extremely challenging. Once the cement is damaged, repairing it thousands of
feet underground is expensive and often unsuccessful. The gas and oil industries
have been trying to solve this problem for decades.
The scientific community has been waiting for better data from the E.P.A. to
assess the extent of the water contamination problem. That is why it is so
discouraging that, in the face of industry complaints, the E.P.A. reportedly has
closed or backed away from several investigations into the problem. Perhaps a
full E.P.A. study of hydraulic fracturing and drinking water, due in 2014, will
be more forthcoming. In addition, drafts of an Energy Department study suggest
that there are huge problems finding enough water for fracturing future wells.
The president should not include this technology in his energy policy until
these studies are complete.
We have renewable wind, water, solar and energy-efficiency technology options
now. We can scale these quickly and affordably, creating economic growth, jobs
and a truly clean energy future to address climate change. Political will is the
missing ingredient. Meaningful carbon reduction is impossible so long as the
fossil fuel industry is allowed so much influence over our energy policies and
regulatory agencies. Policy makers need to listen to the voices of independent
scientists while there is still time.
Anthony R.
Ingraffea is a professor
of civil and
environmental engineering
at Cornell
University and the president of Physicians,
Scientists and
Engineers for Healthy Energy,
a nonprofit
Gangplank to a Warm Future, NYT, 28.7.2013,
Halliburton Pleads Guilty
Destroying Evidence After Gulf Spill
July 25,
The New York Times
Halliburton has agreed to plead guilty to destruction of critical evidence after
the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, the Justice Department announced on
The oil services company said it would pay the maximum allowable fine of
$200,000 and will be subject to three years of probation. It will also continue
its cooperation in the government’s criminal investigation. Separately,
Halliburton made a voluntary contribution of $55 million to the National Fish
and Wildlife Foundation.
The Justice Department filed one criminal charge against the company. In a
statement, Halliburton said that the violation was a misdemeanor associated with
the deletion of records created after the accident. Additionally, the company
said, “The Department of Justice has agreed that it will not pursue further
criminal prosecution of the company.”
Halliburton has suffered enormous damage to its reputation — as have BP and
Transocean, the operator of the Deepwater Horizon rig — in the explosion that
killed 11 workers and soiled hundreds of miles of beaches. All three companies
have pleaded guilty to a criminal charge related to the spill.
The Justice Department said Halliburton had recommended to BP, the British oil
company, before the drilling that the well include 21 metal centralizing collars
to stabilize the cementing. BP chose to use six instead. During an internal
probe after the accident, Halliburton ordered workers to destroy computer
simulations that showed little difference between using six and 21 collars, the
government said, after which the company continued to say that BP was neglectful
to not follow its advice.
The development was not entirely unexpected after the first phase of the civil
trial in New Orleans. Lawyers representing businesses and others that suffered
from the spill had long accused the company of conducting undocumented cement
tests and hiding the results. BP had accused Halliburton of destroying evidence
of its cement testing.
But during the trial this year Thomas Roth, a senior company executive who was
in charge of cementing operations when the spill occurred, acknowledged that
because of the well design and other factors, “the cement placement was going to
be a job that would have a low probability of success.”
Timothy Quirk, a Halliburton laboratory manager, testified that he conducted
stability tests on cement samples from a similar blend that had been used in the
well after the accident. Following instructions from a colleague, he said he did
not prepare a laboratory work sheet. “It was unusual,” he said. He also
acknowledged that he had thrown out his notes.
Later tests showed that the cement was not stable.
The failure of the cement foam seal set off a complex and ultimately deadly
cascade of oil and gas up the well casing that exploded into flames to engulf
the Deepwater Horizon rig. The blowout preventer, which is supposed to contain a
well bore breach, also failed.
The presidential commission that investigated the accident reported that
Halliburton officials knew before the explosion that the cement mixture they
planned to use to seal the bottom of the well was unstable but still went ahead
with the cementing.
The commission also found that at least one of three laboratory tests was given
to BP, the operator of the drilling site, but it neglected to respond.
“There is no indication that Halliburton highlighted to BP the significance of
the foam stability data or that BP personnel raised any questions about it,” the
report said.
Legal scholars said the guilty plea would probably work against Halliburton in
the civil trial in New Orleans to determine the share of damages owed to the
Gulf states and businesses affected by the spill.
“This could impact how the civil litigation is resolved, potentially imposing
more liability on Halliburton than we originally thought,” said Carl Tobias, a
law professor at the University of Richmond.
It may also work in favor of BP, which has argued that while it made serious
mistakes it shares responsibility for the accident with Halliburton and
Last November, BP agreed to pay $4.5 billion in penalties and pleaded guilty to
14 criminal charges related to the explosion.
The Justice Department also has filed criminal charges against four BP employees
in connection with the accident. Transocean agreed to plead guilty this year.
The company was sentenced to pay $400 million and other penalties.
In recent years, the giant energy services company has had remarkable success as
a leader in the oil and gas shale drilling revolution that is making the United
States less dependent on foreign energy supplies.
But in the not-to-distant past, Halliburton found itself under scrutiny over
accusations that it performed shoddy, overpriced work for the United States
military in Iraq, bribed Nigerian officials to win energy contracts and did
business with Iran at time when it faced sanctions.
“It’s another bad day for Halliburton and a very good day for BP,” said Fadel
Gheit, a senior oil analyst at Oppenheimer.
Halliburton Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence After Gulf Spill, NYT,
Our Coming Food Crisis
July 21,
The New York Times
Ariz. — THIS summer the tiny town of Furnace Creek, Calif., may once again grace
the nation’s front pages. Situated in Death Valley, it last made news in 1913,
when it set the record for the world’s hottest recorded temperature, at 134
degrees. With the heat wave currently blanketing the Western states, and given
that the mercury there has already reached 130 degrees, the news media is awash
in speculation that Furnace Creek could soon break its own mark.
Such speculation, though, misses the real concern posed by the heat wave, which
covers an area larger than New England. The problem isn’t spiking temperatures,
but a new reality in which long stretches of triple-digit days are common —
threatening not only the lives of the millions of people who live there, but
also a cornerstone of the American food supply.
People living outside the region seldom recognize its immense contribution to
American agriculture: roughly 40 percent of the net farm income for the country
normally comes from the 17 Western states; cattle and sheep production make up a
significant part of that, as do salad greens, dry beans, onions, melons, hops,
barley, wheat and citrus fruits. The current heat wave will undeniably diminish
both the quality and quantity of these foods.
The most vulnerable crops are those that were already in flower and fruit when
temperatures surged, from apricots and barley to wheat and zucchini. Idaho
farmers have documented how their potato yields have been knocked back because
their heat-stressed plants are not developing their normal number of tubers.
Across much of the region, temperatures on the surface of food and forage crops
hit 105 degrees, at least 10 degrees higher than the threshold for most
temperate-zone crops.
What’s more, when food and forage crops, as well as livestock, have had to
endure temperatures 10 to 20 degrees higher than the long-term averages, they
require far more water than usual. The Western drought, which has persisted for
the last few years, has already diminished both surface water and groundwater
supplies and increased energy costs, because of all the water that has to be
pumped in from elsewhere.
If these costs are passed on to consumers, we can again expect food prices,
especially for beef and lamb, to rise, just as they did in 2012, the hottest
year in American history. So extensive was last year’s drought that more than
1,500 counties — about half of all the counties in the country — were declared
national drought disaster areas, and 90 percent of those were hit by heat waves
as well.
The answer so far has been to help affected farmers with payouts from crop
insurance plans. But while we can all sympathize with affected farmers, such
assistance is merely a temporary response to a long-term problem.
Fortunately, there are dozens of time-tested strategies that our best farmers
and ranchers have begun to use. The problem is that several agribusiness
advocacy organizations have done their best to block any federal effort to
promote them, including leaving them out of the current farm bill, or of climate
change legislation at all.
One strategy would be to promote the use of locally produced compost to increase
the moisture-holding capacity of fields, orchards and vineyards. In addition to
locking carbon in the soil, composting buffers crop roots from heat and drought
while increasing forage and food-crop yields. By simply increasing organic
matter in their fields from 1 percent to 5 percent, farmers can increase water
storage in the root zones from 33 pounds per cubic meter to 195 pounds.
And we have a great source of compostable waste: cities. Since much of the green
waste in this country is now simply generating methane emissions from landfills,
cities should be mandated to transition to green-waste sorting and composting,
which could then be distributed to nearby farms.
Second, we need to reduce the bureaucratic hurdles to using small- and
medium-scale rainwater harvesting and gray water (that is, waste water excluding
toilet water) on private lands, rather than funneling all runoff to huge, costly
and vulnerable reservoirs behind downstream dams. Both urban and rural food
production can be greatly enhanced through proven techniques of harvesting rain
and biologically filtering gray water for irrigation. However, many state and
local laws restrict what farmers can do with such water.
Moreover, the farm bill should include funds from the Strikeforce Initiative of
the Department of Agriculture to help farmers transition to forms of perennial
agriculture — initially focusing on edible tree crops and perennial grass
pastures — rather than providing more subsidies to biofuel production from
annual crops. Perennial crops not only keep 7.5 to 9.4 times more carbon in the
soil than annual crops, but their production also reduces the amount of fossil
fuels needed to till the soil every year.
We also need to address the looming seed crisis. Because of recent episodes of
drought, fire and floods, we are facing the largest shortfall in the
availability of native grass, forage legume, tree and shrub seeds in American
history. Yet current budget-cutting proposals threaten to significantly reduce
the number of federal plant material centers, which promote conservation best
If our rangelands, forests and farms are to recover from the devastating heat,
drought and wildfires of the last three years, they need to be seeded with
appropriate native forage and ground-cover species to heal from the wounds of
climatic catastrophes. To that end, the farm bill should direct more money to
the underfinanced seed collection and distribution programs.
Finally, the National Plant Germplasm System, the Department of Agriculture’s
national reserve of crop seeds, should be charged with evaluating hundreds of
thousands of seed collections for drought and heat tolerance, as well as other
climatic adaptations — and given the financing to do so. Thousands of heirloom
vegetables and heritage grains already in federal and state collections could be
rapidly screened and then used by farmers for a fraction of what it costs a
biotech firm to develop, patent and market a single “climate-friendly” crop.
Investing in climate-change adaptation will be far more cost-effective than
doling out $11.6 billion in crop insurance payments, as the government did last
year, for farmers hit with diminished yields or all-out crop failures.
Unfortunately, some agribusiness organizations fear that if they admit that
accelerating climate change is already affecting farmers, it will shackle them
with more regulations. But those organizations are hardly serving their member
farmers and ranchers if they keep them at risk of further suffering from heat
extremes and extended drought.
And no one can reasonably argue that the current system offers farmers any
long-term protection. Last year some farmers made more from insurance payments
than from selling their products, meaning we are dangerously close to
subsidizing farmers for not adapting to changing climate conditions.
It’s now up to our political and business leaders to get their heads out of the
hot sand and do something tangible to implement climate change policy and
practices before farmers, ranchers and consumers are further affected. Climate
adaptation is the game every food producer and eater must now play. A little
investment coming too late will not help us adapt in time to this new reality.
Gary Paul
Nabhan is a research scientist
at the
Southwest Center at the University of Arizona
and the author
of “Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land:
Lessons From
Desert Farmers in Adapting
to Climate
Our Coming Food Crisis, NYT, 21.7.2013,
Lost in Arizona Wildfire,
19 in an
Elite Crew
That Rushed In Close
July 1,
The New York Times
Ariz. — The men were mostly born and bred in this city on the mountains,
surrounded by thick forest of pińon pine and chaparral brush, parched by years
of drought. They were young men, mostly, 14 of them in their 20s — outdoorsmen,
fathers, heroes to the local high school athletes they themselves once were.
“Just kids,” said Joe Peters, the assistant principal at Prescott High School.
Years ago, Mr. Peters taught math to some of them and coached others on the
school’s football and wrestling teams. “But they were highly trained, the elite
of the elite,” he said. “How could we lose that many all at once?”
Nineteen of the 20 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots perished on Sunday,
fighting a fierce wilderness fire outside the old gold mining village of
Yarnell, 35 miles southwest of here. It was the greatest loss of firefighters in
a single disaster since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The fire grew to cover
more than 8,000 acres on Monday.
The Granite Mountain Hotshots had fought wildfires already this season, in New
Mexico and on the outskirts of Prescott, a blaze called Doce that forced the
evacuation of several subdivisions but caused no deaths.
They were trained and often expected to be on the ground for up to 21 days
without a break, charging into fire with 40 pounds of gear on their backs. Using
chainsaws and pickaxes, they were given the job of getting close to big fires,
to dig deep trenches and clear the ground of dried branches and leaves, to try
to keep the fire from spreading.
Their food might be brought to them by helicopter. Where they go, experts said,
no one else can usually get to.
“It is just too dangerous,” said Prescott’s fire chief, Dan Fraijo.
But even as the fire continued to rage and the wider community of firefighters
remained stunned and in mourning at the loss of life, longtime experts on
Western fires said the Yarnell Hill blazes — and the 15 other large fires that
remained uncontained from New Mexico to California to Idaho on Monday — were
part of the new normal in an increasingly hot and increasingly dry West.
There are 110 hotshot teams in the country: wilderness firefighters,
essentially, known for their exhaustive training, punishing standards for
physical fitness and ability to work under difficult conditions far from roads.
Prescott has the only municipally financed hotshot team, which is part of its
fire department. That is largely out of necessity. Wildfires are common here
this time of the year, when the temperature soars, the wind gusts fiercely,
lightning strikes often and rain seems never to arrive.
The Granite Mountain Hotshots “were hardworking, well-trained, experienced
people,” Chief Fraijo said. They knew to pick escape routes and safety zones as
they moved through the blazing forest, a lesson learned in the rigorous and
repetitive training hotshot members undertake.
When the dead firefighters were found, several, at least, were outside their
emergency shelters, which are designed to offer protection from intense heat for
a short time and meant to be used only as a last resort. The authorities here
were still trying to figure out why.
“We don’t know the specifics at this time as to why the events added up the way
they did,” said Mary Rasmussen, spokeswoman for the Southwest Area Management
Incident Team.
Austin Langham, 26, a Prescott firefighter, said he had worked alongside the
hotshot team. The men teased one another about whose fire teams were faster or
hardier, using the friendly rivalry to push themselves. He remembers, when he
was growing up, how the high school boys would look up to the crew members who
came by on career day, mesmerized.
“It makes you want to do what they do,” Mr. Langham said.
The men trained constantly, mapping out escape routes in challenging terrain and
using miniature figures and piles of sand to model out how different fires could
spread. Chief Fraijo said they had a designated safety zone where they were
supposed to retreat to if the fire worsened around them.
For some reason, “they never made it there,” he said.
On their first distress call, the men said they were deploying the emergency
shelters. It was then, Chief Fraijo said, that “we started praying.”
The sole survivor, whom the authorities had not identified on Monday, might have
been jockeying equipment and away from the rest of the men when flames overcame
them, fire officials said.
Speaking to reporters, Marlin Kuykendall, the mayor of Prescott, said the 19
hotshot team members who died “still had years of their lives left and work to
be done.”
One of them was Kevin Woyjeck, 21, the son of a Los Angeles County fire captain
who worked seasonally as a hotshot crew member here and in California. Another
was Andrew Ashcraft, who lived here with his wife, Juliann, and their four
children, one of them a baby.
Jesse Steed, 36, was the captain of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, which he
joined in 2002, after serving in the Marine Corps and working as a Prescott
firefighter. He, too, died in the fire, said his older brother, Cassidy, 38, a
police officer in Washington State.
“Jesse always put his life on the line for people he knew he would never meet,”
said Cassidy Steed. He was also a family man — he left a wife and two children
behind — and “an adventurer” who liked to ride his mountain bike through the
some of the same terrain where he would die.
The hotshot team’s supervisor, Eric Marsh, 43, was also killed. Last year, he
told the Cronkite News Service, “There’s really no way to prepare anybody for
running in when everyone is running out.”
Throughout the day Monday, several hundred local residents stopped in at Fire
Station 7 in Prescott, where a memorial to the fallen firefighters had quickly
sprouted. Dozens of bouquets of flowers, photographs and cards with messages
like “Our heroes” were laid by the fence outside the parking lot, where some
said the victims’ cars were still parked.
Like many others there, Wendy Tollefsen said she often saw the members of the
Hot Shot squad around Prescott, where they were well known. They were proud to
be members of the elite squad, she said, and often wore, off duty, their Hotshot
“They were very proud,” she said. “When I’d see them on my bike, they’d wave.”
She began tearing up. “And they’re just all gone.”
Bob Hoyt, a pastor at Heights Church, said officials gathered the firefighters’
parents and spouses in the auditorium of a local middle school Sunday night to
tell them their sons and husbands were gone. He accompanied Kristi Whitted
there. Her husband, Clayton, a squad leader for the hotshot team, was among the
Mr. Whitted had proposed to his wife during a hot-air balloon ride, said Mr.
Hoyt, who officiated their wedding. He said Mr. Whitted lived to serve — “he did
anything for anybody who needed it” — and loved fighting fires. He had once
taken a yearlong break to minister to junior high students at the church, but
could not stay away.
Fighting fires, Mr. Hoyt said, was what Mr. Whitted “was called to do.”
“It’s just what they all did,” he went on. “You fight fires. It’s very
prestigious to be part of that.”
Ian Lovett
contributed reporting from Prescott,
Jack Healy
from Denver,
and Connor
Radnovich from New York.
Lost in Arizona Wildfire, 19 in an Elite Crew That Rushed In Close,
NYT, 1.7.2013,
Firefighters Are Killed
Arizona Wildfire
June 30,
The New York Times
Nineteen firefighters were killed battling a fast-moving wildfire menacing a
small town in central Arizona, the United States Wildland Fire Aviation Service
said on Sunday.
The firefighters died fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, near the small town of
Yarnell about 80 miles northwest of Phoenix, the service said in a Facebook
“It has been confirmed that 19 Wildland firefighters have lost their lives on
the Yarnell Hill fire Arizona,” the post said. “I ask for prayers for the
families and friends of these brave men and women.”
The fire has burned about 1,000 acres of chapparal and grass since Friday amid
tinder-dry heat wave conditions, leading to scores of evacuations near Yarnell.
19 Firefighters Are Killed Battling Arizona Wildfire, NYT, 30.6.2013,
Native Alaska, Under Threat
June 27,
The New York Times
Utah — I TRAVEL the world on the professional ski and snowboard circuit, but I
grew up in a place most will never know firsthand. I was raised in Aleknagik,
Alaska — an indigenous Yupik Eskimo village 400 air miles from the nearest
chairlift and accessible only by boat and plane. It’s one of the most remote
places in North America.
This area is gaining attention as the proposed location of the Pebble Mine,
which could end up as the largest open-pit mine in North America and threaten
thousands of acres of pristine watershed and the spawning grounds of the largest
wild sockeye salmon run on the planet.
In recent years, an average of 37 million sockeye have returned every year to
Bristol Bay, home to nearly half the sockeye in the world, supporting both
commercial and subsistence fishing. Salmon are the economic backbone for Bristol
Bay’s isolated bush communities. About 12,000 people work full or part time
harvesting and processing the bay’s sustainable salmon.
My indigenous heritage is Yupik/Inupiat Eskimo. I was raised in an environment
centered on salmon. Fishing is what every family does. It is who we are. I spent
my summers on the back deck of family fishing boats working multiple fisheries.
The boats and fish camps are maintained by generations of families harvesting
salmon not only for income, but also for food.
I remember long days of processing hundreds of pounds of salmon, setting nets,
cleaning and filleting, filling tubs of salt brine, putting fresh water in clean
white buckets and hanging neat rows to dry and smoke. Enjoying the bounty over
the winter, my family would affectionately praise me for my hard work and
contribution to our food. When I was 8, I went into business for myself, lugging
a little cooler around the boatyard, selling sodas to the fishermen, welders,
port engineers and fabricators.
As a child, I had no idea what magic this life was — it was just the way we did
things. It’s the way many Alaska Natives live — through self-reliance and hard
work to harvest the many gifts of the land and sea.
This subsistence way of life that is thousands of years old is threatened by the
plans of a British and Canadian mining partnership to dig a huge mine in the
heart of our productive, healthy watershed.
People in Bristol Bay understand how vital our renewable resources are and that
risking our lands, waters and fish for a short-term mega-mine like Pebble is a
terrible idea. Eighty-one percent of Native shareholders in the Bristol Bay
Native Corporation — composed of more than 9,000 Native Alaskans with ancestral
ties to the Bristol Bay region — opposed the mine in a 2011 survey. And that’s
despite the promises of jobs and continuing efforts by the Pebble Partnership,
the proponent of the mine, to buy support through grants and giveaways to
communities and hundreds of millions spent to develop the mine. This issue is
deeply felt in the bay, and around Alaska, where, according to a 2011 survey
commissioned by the Natural Resources Defense Council, 68 percent said no to
Pebble — in a state known for its love of resource extraction.
We know from a recent assessment by the Environmental Protection Agency (the
deadline for public comments on the report is Sunday) that Bristol Bay is no
place for a gigantic mine. The agency found that, depending on how much of
Pebble’s copper, gold and molybdenum are unearthed, as much as 90 miles of
streams and up to 4,800 acres of wetlands could be destroyed. And that is the
very-best-case scenario — without any disaster involving a breach of the
700-foot-tall earthen tailings dams that are supposed to hold billions of tons
of toxic mine waste forever in a wet, sensitive and seismically active area.
It’s truly alarming when Pebble’s chief executive officer, John Shively,
blithely says that, sure, the mine will damage some salmon habitat, but the
company will just build “comparable” habitat nearby. Or when he says that salmon
fishing is not the economic “answer for people who live out in southwest
Alaska.” His comments show a lack of understanding of salmon life cycles,
habitat and ecosystems — not to mention the people of Bristol Bay. And it should
worry us all that Mr. Shively is already saying that the government or someone
else may have to handle the messy aftermath of mining if “we’re not available to
work on closure.”
The E.P.A. can block the mine under the Clean Water Act — something our
government has done rarely and judiciously. If ever there were a case for using
this power, Bristol Bay is the place, with a fishery of global scale and value,
and Native communities dependent upon salmon.
Callan J.
was a member
of the United States snowboarding team
in the 2010
Winter Olympics
and is
training for the 2014 Winter Olympics.
Native Alaska, Under Threat, NYT, 27.6.2013,
Clean Air Act, Reinterpreted,
Focus on Flexibility
State-Level Efforts
June 25,
The New York Times
With no
chance of Congressional support, President Obama is staking part of his legacy
on a big risk: that he can substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
stretching the intent of a law decades old and not written with climate change
in mind.
His plan, unveiled Tuesday at Georgetown University in Washington, will set off
legal and political battles that will last years.
But experts say that if all goes well for the president, the plan could
potentially meet his stated goal of an overall emissions reduction of 17 percent
by 2020, compared with the level in 2005.
“If the question is, ‘Will this solve our emissions problem?’ the answer is no,”
said Michael A. Levi, an energy analyst at the Council on Foreign Relations in
New York. “If the question is, ‘Could this move us along the path we want to be
on?’ the answer is yes, it could.”
In his speech, Mr. Obama said he would use executive powers to limit the carbon
dioxide that power plants could emit. He also called for government spending to
promote the development of energy alternatives, and committed to helping cities
and states protect themselves from rising seas and other effects of climate
But formally, the main thing he did on Tuesday was order the Environmental
Protection Agency to devise an emissions control plan, with the first draft due
in a year. Experts say he will be lucky to get a final plan in place by the time
he leaves office in early 2017.
Mr. Obama is trying to ensure continuation of a trend already under way:
emissions in the United States have been falling for several years. But at the
global scale, they are rising fast, and as the president acknowledged, it will
take much stronger international action to turn that around and head off the
worst effects of climate change.
“For the world at large, the United States is just one piece of the puzzle,” Mr.
Levi said.
Already, glaciers are melting, heat waves and heavy rains are increasing, the
food system is under stress and the sea is rising. The best that can be hoped
for, scientists say, is to limit the damage, or slow it enough to provide
society more time to adjust.
The president recognized that in his plan, calling for more steps to help the
country prepare, from strengthening sea walls to hardening the electrical grid.
The heart of Mr. Obama’s plan, however, is lowering the country’s emissions
using administrative remedies, an effort to sidestep a recalcitrant Congress.
The success of that goal will depend on how far the administration is able to
stretch the boundaries of the Clean Air Act, signed into law by President
Richard M. Nixon in 1970.
The Supreme Court has already ruled that it can be used to regulate greenhouse
gases, which include carbon dioxide emissions, but figuring out how to do that
within the technical requirements of the law will be a major challenge.
The administration’s thinking appears to have been influenced by a proposal from
an environmental group, the Natural Resources Defense Council.
The group urged a creative approach, calling on the federal government to set a
target level of greenhouse gases for each state, taking account of historical
patterns. A state generating a lot of power from coal, then exporting it to
other states, would not be unduly penalized, for instance.
As the environmental group envisions it, states would meet their goals by
tweaking the overall electrical system, not just by cracking down on individual
power plants. States might urge companies to produce more renewable power, for
instance, but they could also retrofit homes and businesses to reduce energy
waste, or encourage the use of clean-burning natural gas instead of coal.
States would presumably be allowed to use market signals, like a price on
greenhouse emissions, to achieve their goals, as California and nine
Northeastern states are already doing.
It is unclear how much all this might cost at the retail level. The Natural
Resources Defense Council argues that even if prices go up, electric bills for
many consumers could actually decline as their homes were retrofitted to use
less energy.
The fossil-fuel industry and its allies in Congress are certain to argue that
the president’s plan will be ruinously expensive and require the shutdown of
numerous coal-burning power plants. Republican leaders immediately condemned the
plan as a job-killer and framed it as an attack on coal.
The political attraction of a state-led approach is that it would move a lot of
the nitty-gritty decision making out of Washington. But, for that very reason,
it would entail legal risk. The Clean Air Act, written in the heyday of
environmentalism, basically envisions commandments from Washington ordering
utilities to clean up the air, not flexible approaches.
While carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere reached a historic level of 400
parts per million last month, emissions from the United States have been
falling, partly because of the weak economy but also because of the newfound
abundance of natural gas from hydraulic fracturing. Gas has displaced a lot of
coal in power generation; such switching cuts greenhouse emissions nearly in
half for a given amount of electricity produced.
Other factors, like tougher building codes, are contributing to the decline. And
transport emissions are falling in part because of one of Mr. Obama’s policies:
tough fuel-efficiency measures for new cars.
But modest reductions already achieved in the United States and other Western
countries are being swamped by rising emissions from the East. So the real
question is whether technologies can be developed, and then deployed worldwide,
that allow for continued economic growth and rising energy use with minimal
greenhouse emissions.
In his speech, Mr. Obama sought to reclaim global leadership on climate change
for the United States. His plan includes ideas and money for making global
Daniel P. Schrag, head of Harvard’s Center for the Environment, said the
president’s plan would succeed only if it created market conditions unleashing
the creative power of American capitalism, calling forth greater innovation in
the energy industry.
Mr. Obama nodded to that point in his speech, noting that “countries like China
and Germany are going all in” on the clean energy race. “I believe Americans
build things better than anybody else,” he said. “I want America to win that
race, but we can’t win it if we’re not in it.”
John M. Broder
contributed reporting.
Clean Air Act, Reinterpreted, Would Focus on Flexibility and State-Level
NYT, 25.6.2013,
Chasing the Storm,
Hoping Not to Catch It
June 2,
The New York Times
When Tim
Samaras began chasing tornadoes more than two decades ago, he was one of a
small, mostly anonymous group of scientists and thrill seekers armed with paper
maps, weather radios and a sense of wonder.
Today, interest in storm chasing has surged, and a preponderance of amateurs
with video cameras and a thirst for YouTube fame now jockey with seasoned
professionals to see who can get the closest and most dramatic images of
churning storms, causing some veterans to worry about a growing safety threat.
The risks became apparent on Sunday when relatives confirmed that Mr. Samaras,
55, along with his 24-year-old son, Paul, and his colleague, Carl Young, 45,
were killed while chasing the storms that ravaged parts of Oklahoma on Friday.
They were among at least 13 people killed in the storm, which spawned several
tornadoes and caused flash flooding in the region around Oklahoma City. A
tornado also picked up a truck carrying several storm chasers, including a
meteorologist for the Weather Channel, and tossed it into a field, causing
injuries but no deaths.
The deaths come as storm chasers have reached a kind of pop-culture zenith,
similar to that achieved by celebrity chefs and interior decorators on numerous
reality shows. Mr. Samaras was well known for his appearances on the reality
show “Storm Chasers,” on the Discovery Channel, which ended in 2011.
Many other networks use vivid footage of storms. The Weather Channel has
programmed regular series like “Full Force Nature” with storm chasers providing
video of severe weather.
Advancements in video and Web technology mean storm chasers are now able to
provide a live play-by-play of a tornado’s destruction. But with Friday’s
deaths, the first in many years, veteran chasers said, some experts question
whether the push to get closer and closer to storms has dimmed perceptions of
the dangers they pose.
“When a veteran storm chaser as cautious and experienced as Tim Samaras dies, I
hope it is a lesson to all the storm chasers of just how potentially dangerous
storm chasing is,” said Greg Forbes, a meteorologist with the Weather Channel.
“There is some chance you could die.”
The circumstances surrounding the deaths were still unknown Sunday. Dr. Forbes
said the tornado Mr. Samaras was tracking made a sudden left turn, perhaps
catching him and his team unaware and leaving them nowhere to run. Others
speculated that engine trouble or perhaps a traffic jam could have left them
stuck in the tornado’s path.
Mr. Samaras’s brother Jim posted a statement on his brother’s Facebook page
expressing sadness but giving no details. “They all unfortunately passed away,
but doing what they loved,” the statement said.
Colleagues who worked with Mr. Samaras described him as extremely cautious and
more apt than most to abandon a storm in the face of obvious danger. He was a
scientist first and foremost, colleagues said, whose interests traveled far
beyond the hunt.
He founded an organization called Twistex to study the births, lives and deaths
of tornadoes. With probes of his own design that he would place directly in the
tornado’s path, he measured wind speeds and barometric pressure at the base of
the storm, where such data are hardest to get. Another probe was equipped with
video cameras capable of providing detailed imagery from inside the tornado
He contributed research to organizations like the American Meteorological
Society and National Geographic.
“He was out there for the science and he was going to get that,” said Tony
Laubach, a meteorologist and friend of Mr. Samaras. “He wanted to answer the
questions people thought were impossible.”
Others said Mr. Samaras had expressed concern about the increase in amateur
chasers on roads, and had occasionally called off a chase if he thought traffic
would be too heavy.
Over the last decade, the number of chasers converging on the Great Plains for
the start of tornado season has exploded, particularly in Oklahoma, where the
first devilish wisps of a new tornado can cause traffic jams as chasers race
into position.
Ginger Zee, a meteorologist and veteran storm chaser with ABC News, said the
number of storm chasers had “boomed” in the last decade. “Any time you’re in
Oklahoma and you have an outbreak, you have chaser convergence,” she said “And
it’s gotten bigger and bigger and bigger.”
Some referred to the emergence of a “Twister” generation of chasers inspired by
the 1996 movie starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton as swashbuckling storm
chasers in a pickup truck.
Tornado tourism is also on the rise, with several tour companies offering to
bring paying guests into the churning heart of dangerous storms. At least one,
called Extreme Chase Tours, allows guests as young as 12.
Experts said so many eyes trained on the storm could have benefits. Most
warnings are issued based on Doppler radar readings without visual confirmation
and frequently cause false alarms, leading to complacency among residents, Dr.
Forbes said.
“The more human verified it is, the more people are likely to take shelter,” he
Mr. Samaras was on the lookout on Friday. He sent out a Twitter message at 4:50
p.m. shortly before the storm hit along with a photo of ominous, thickening
white clouds.
“Storms now initiating south of Watonga along triple point,” he wrote.
“Dangerous day ahead for OK — stay weather savvy!”
Bill Carter
contributed reporting.
Chasing the Storm, but Hoping Not to Catch It, NYT, 2.6.2013,
For Bloomberg and Bike-Sharing Program,
the Big
Moment Arrives
May 26,
The New York Times
festooned New York City with hundreds of miles of bike lanes and dispatched
chairs and picnic tables to Broadway, where cars once roamed.
He helped finance plans to send the No. 7 train to the Far West Side, and
carried the banner of congestion pricing, even if in vain.
But for all of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s efforts to reimagine transportation
in New York, critics and supporters seem to agree on the one that is most likely
to define his 12 years at the city’s controls.
And it starts on Monday.
With the introduction of a European-style bike-share system, billed by city
officials as the first new wide-scale public transportation option in more than
half a century, Mr. Bloomberg’s longstanding bet on cycling has reached its
climactic moment.
The lofty ridership predictions presented by Mr. Bloomberg and his
transportation commissioner, Janette Sadik-Khan, will no longer be theoretical.
Opponents’ admonitions of overstuffed streets and perilous pedaling will prove
either prescient or exaggerated.
“It is the free market, if you think about it,” Mr. Bloomberg said on Friday
during his weekly radio show. “If people want to use them, they’ll use them. If
people don’t, they don’t.”
The program, which is to begin with 6,000 bikes stationed across parts of
Manhattan and Brooklyn, will face immediate scrutiny from residents, riders and
elected officials whose love or hate for the endeavor seemed to intensify over
the past year of delays.
The holdup, wrought first by faulty software and then by flooding to equipment
stored at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during Hurricane Sandy, has given the rollout a
sharper political edge. The system, which was supposed to begin last summer,
will now be introduced through the peak months of an election year. And the crop
of candidates — many of whom have been lukewarm toward Mr. Bloomberg’s cycling
policies in the past — will be watching closely.
“If this is a fiasco — and to me, a fiasco is mostly that the bikes just don’t
get used — then, yeah, it’s going to tarnish the legacy,” said Charles Komanoff,
a transportation economist and longtime cycling advocate in the city. “More
important, it’s going to make it easier for the next mayor to backtrack.”
But if the program is an instant success, he added, “it’ll mean that almost
anybody imaginable who is mayor is going to have to stick with whatever this
mayor has already done.”
For all the administration’s legwork — which included hundreds of meetings with
community groups, elected officials, property owners and other stakeholders, and
an online feature that received more than 10,000 suggestions for bike station
locations — precise demand for bike share is near impossible to gauge.
Though bike commuting has grown on Mr. Bloomberg’s watch, the most recent city
figures showed that commuter cycling remained flat in 2012 during the typical
riding season of April through October. In the same period, cycling had
increased by 26 percent in 2009, 13 percent in 2010 and 8 percent in 2011,
according to counts conducted at commuter points like the Brooklyn Bridge, the
Manhattan Bridge and the Queensboro Bridge.
Some officials remain skeptical about the depth of citywide interest in cycling.
“The projections for bike share, I can’t say I buy,” said Councilman James
Vacca, the chairman of the Council’s Transportation Committee. “But we have to
accept them as a given at this point because we have nothing else to go by.”
Ms. Sadik-Khan dismissed the most recent in-season cycling figure as statistical
noise amid years of consistent growth numbers. She also pointed to an increase
in off-season cycling in recent months: From December through February, the
Transportation Department said, commuter cycling increased by 23 percent over
the previous year. And the bike share program has already sold more than 14,000
annual memberships, Ms. Sadik-Khan said.
Whatever the appetite for bike share, Ms. Sadik-Khan has long argued that
cycling infrastructure must be built in advance of demand as a way to encourage
riding. In this way, the bike share program could be seen as an inevitable
outgrowth, a plan that required years of investments before becoming feasible.
“We didn’t just drop this bike share system in overnight,” she said. “We spent
five years installing more than 350 miles of bike lanes.”
Asked about some residents’ view that the bike share system amounted to the
final chapter in the city’s tussle over bike use — the playoffs after a regular
season that has lasted years — Ms. Sadik-Khan wondered if any more rounds could
possibly remain.
“If this is the playoffs, what’s the finals?” she said. “As far as I’m
concerned, we’re there.”
While city officials have said that bike sharing is beloved in virtually every
location at which it has been tried, some beginnings have been bumpy. The Vélib’
system in Paris, one of the largest programs in the world, saw a spate of rider
deaths in its early years and suffered widespread theft and vandalism of
John C. Liu, the city comptroller and a Democratic candidate for mayor, has
called for a helmet requirement for the program, and accused the city of
underestimating its financial exposure in bike crashes. The city said that
helmet requirements were found to depress ridership in other cities.
“I hope nobody gets hurt,” Mr. Liu said in an interview recently. “But this is
thousands of bicycles on the streets of Manhattan, used by people who haven’t
ridden bikes on the streets of Manhattan.”
Elsewhere, bike share programs have had a long history of attaching themselves
to the reputations of their municipal cheerleaders. London’s rides are called
“Boris bikes,” after Mayor Boris Johnson, despite the fact that Mr. Johnson was
not the mastermind of the plan, but merely the man in office when the bikes were
“I hope people call them ‘Mike’s bikes’ or ‘Bloomberg’s bikes,’ ” said Howard
Wolfson, a deputy mayor for Mr. Bloomberg. “It would be a powerful affirmation
of the legacy for him.”
But as the program makes its debut, there remains one high-profile holdout,
intrigued by the idea of bike share but unsure if it is for him: Mr. Bloomberg.
He said during his radio appearance on Friday that his last meaningful contact
with a bike was in 2002, when he bought one before a possible transit strike
that never materialized. So would he ride on Monday?
“I will ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh,’ ” he said. “Whether I’ll get on one, I don’t know.”
For Bloomberg and Bike-Sharing Program, the Big Moment Arrives,
NYT, 26.5.2013,
Our Last
Hope, or a False Promise?
May 26,
The New York Times
Australia — THE concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere
recently surpassed 400 parts per million for the first time in three million
years. If you are not frightened by this fact, then you are ignoring or denying
Relentlessly rising greenhouse-gas emissions, and the fear that the earth might
enter a climate emergency from which there would be no return, have prompted
many climate scientists to conclude that we urgently need a Plan B:
Geoengineering — the deliberate, large-scale intervention in the climate system
to counter global warming or offset some of its effects — may enable humanity to
mobilize its technological power to seize control of the planet’s climate
system, and regulate it in perpetuity.
But is it wise to try to play God with the climate? For all its allure, a
geoengineered Plan B may lead us into an impossible morass.
While some proposals, like launching a cloud of mirrors into space to deflect
some of the sun’s heat, sound like science fiction, the more serious schemes
require no insurmountable technical feats. Two or three leading ones rely on
technology that is readily available and could be quickly deployed.
Some approaches, like turning biomass into biochar, a charcoal whose carbon
resists breakdown, and painting roofs white to increase their reflectivity and
reduce air-conditioning demand, are relatively benign, but would have minimal
effect on a global scale. Another prominent scheme, extracting carbon dioxide
directly from the air, is harmless in itself, as long as we can find somewhere
safe to bury enormous volumes of it for centuries.
But to capture from the air the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by, say, a
1,000-megawatt coal power plant, it would require air-sucking machinery about 30
feet in height and 18 miles in length, according to a study by the American
Physical Society, as well as huge collection facilities and a network of
equipment to transport and store the waste underground.
The idea of building a vast industrial infrastructure to offset the effects of
another vast industrial infrastructure (instead of shifting to renewable energy)
only highlights our unwillingness to confront the deeper causes of global
warming — the power of the fossil-fuel lobby and the reluctance of wealthy
consumers to make even small sacrifices.
Even so, greater anxieties arise from those geoengineering technologies designed
to intervene in the functioning of the earth system as a whole. They include
ocean iron fertilization and sulfate aerosol spraying, each of which now has a
scientific-commercial constituency.
How confident can we be, even after research and testing, that the chosen
technology will work as planned? After all, ocean fertilization — spreading iron
slurry across the seas to persuade them to soak up more carbon dioxide — means
changing the chemical composition and biological functioning of the oceans. In
the process it will interfere with marine ecosystems and affect cloud formation
in ways we barely understand.
Enveloping the earth with a layer of sulfate particles would cool the planet by
regulating the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface. One group
of scientists is urging its deployment over the melting Arctic now.
Plant life, already trying to adapt to a changing climate, would have to deal
with reduced sunlight, the basis of photosynthesis. A solar filter made of
sulfate particles may be effective at cooling the globe, but its impact on
weather systems, including the Indian monsoon on which a billion people depend
for their sustenance, is unclear.
Some of these uncertainties can be reduced by research. Yet if there is one
lesson we have learned from ecology, it is that the more closely we look at an
ecosystem the more complex it becomes. Now we are contemplating technologies
that would attempt to manipulate the grandest and most complex ecosystem of them
all — the planet itself. Sulfate aerosol spraying would change not just the
temperature but the ozone layer, global rainfall patterns and the biosphere,
Spraying sulfate particles, the method most likely to be implemented, is
classified as a form of “solar radiation management,” an Orwellian term that
some of its advocates have sought to reframe as “climate remediation.”
Yet if the “remedy” were fully deployed to reduce the earth’s temperature, then
at least 10 years of global climate observations would be needed to separate out
the effects of the solar filter from other causes of climatic variability,
according to some scientists.
If after five years of filtered sunlight a disaster occurred — a drought in
India and Pakistan, for example, a possible effect in one of the modeling
studies — we would not know whether it was caused by global warming, the solar
filter or natural variability. And if India suffered from the effects of global
dimming while the United States enjoyed more clement weather, it would matter a
great deal which country had its hand on the global thermostat.
So who would be turning the dial on the earth’s climate? Research is
concentrated in the United States, Britain and Germany, though China recently
added geoengineering to its research priorities.
Some geoengineering schemes are sufficiently cheap and uncomplicated to be
deployed by any midsize nation, or even a billionaire with a messiah complex.
We can imagine a situation 30 years hence in which the Chinese Communist Party’s
grip on power is threatened by chaotic protests ignited by a devastating drought
and famine. If the alternative to losing power were attempting a rapid cooling
of the planet through a sulfate aerosol shield, how would it play out? A United
States president might publicly condemn the Chinese but privately commit to not
shooting down their planes, or to engage in “counter-geoengineering.”
Little wonder that military strategists are taking a close interest in
geoengineering. Anxious about Western geopolitical hubris, developing nations
have begun to argue for a moratorium on experiments until there is agreement on
some kind of global governance system.
Engineering the climate is intuitively appealing to a powerful strand of Western
technological thought that sees no ethical or other obstacle to total domination
of nature. And that is why some conservative think tanks that have for years
denied or downplayed the science of climate change suddenly support
geoengineering, the solution to a problem they once said did not exist.
All of which points to perhaps the greatest risk of research into geoengineering
— it will erode the incentive to curb emissions. Think about it: no need to take
on powerful fossil-fuel companies, no need to tax gasoline or electricity, no
need to change our lifestyles.
In the end, how we think about geoengineering depends on how we understand
climate disruption. If our failure to cut emissions is a result of the power of
corporate interests, the fetish for economic growth and the comfortable
conservatism of a consumer society, then resorting to climate engineering allows
us to avoid facing up to social dysfunction, at least for as long as it works.
So the battle lines are being drawn over the future of the planet. While the
Pentagon “weaponeer” and geoengineering enthusiast Lowell Wood, an
astrophysicist, has proclaimed, “We’ve engineered every other environment we
live in — why not the planet?” a more humble climate scientist, Ronald G. Prinn
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has asked, “How can you engineer a
system you don’t understand?”
Hamilton, a professor of public ethics
at Charles
Sturt University, is the author, most recently,
The Dawn of
the Age of Climate Engineering.”
Geoengineering: Our Last Hope, or a False Promise?, NYT, 27.5.2013,
In Moore,
a Day
for Salvaging, Mourning
Considering the Future
May 22,
The New York Times
Okla. — Two days after a huge tornado barreled through this working-class town,
authorities reopened the worst-hit neighborhoods for the first time on
Wednesday, giving residents a few hours to search for wedding rings, retrieve
abandoned pets and pry apart a briar patch of rubble to see what had survived
and what had not.
At 3 p.m. the police and military members who had been barricading the streets
stepped aside to allow scores of people back into their wrecked neighborhoods.
Some went in on foot, pulling their children in red wagons. Some drove pickups
loaded with equipment. People carried tarps and tubs, crowbars and chain saws
and anything else that could help them sift through the heaps of what had once
been their houses.
Most had been home during the twister or its immediate aftermath, and knew what
to expect. Others had been on vacation or out of town when the tornado struck on
Monday afternoon, and had been allowed back for only enough time to grab a
bottle of pills or snap a cellphone photo.
On Wednesday, they got the full picture. Brick walls lay in heaps. A sports car
rested belly-up in someone’s living room. Beds and couches lay shredded like
wisps of cotton. Some homes seemed to have been wiped clean off their
foundations. Plaza Towers Elementary School, where seven students died, looked
as if it had been hit by a bomb.
“All you can say is it’s a complete disaster,” said Doug Stills, 73, a longtime
Moore resident whose son’s home was flattened.
With search efforts winding down and officials saying that they did not expect
to find any more bodies in the rubble, Wednesday’s homecoming marked a first
step in the long and expensive process of rebuilding Moore after yet another
deadly tornado. Officials said the storm had caused as much as $2 billion in
damage, pummeling 12,000 homes and affecting 33,000 people.
“People are really hurting,” Janet Napolitano, the secretary of Homeland
Security, said at a news conference here with local officials. “There’s a lot of
recovery to do.” President Obama plans to tour the damaged areas on Sunday.
Mountains of debris litter the town. Although the water has come back,
electricity is still out across much of Moore, and severed power lines snake
through streets and sidewalks. Most businesses are still closed, and people who
work in Moore said they were worried about how they would draw a paycheck in the
months ahead.
While most of those left homeless have been staying with family and friends, or
in shelters, the most determined have pitched tents amid the devastation to make
sure nothing else is taken away from them.
On Wednesday, under a coppery sky, the town began to clean up. Hundreds of
residents and volunteers from across the state gathered to rake the debris from
cemeteries and public parks. They swept out the driveways of neighbors and total
strangers, handed out free water and hot meals and began pondering whether to
rebuild or move on.
As she surveyed the rubble of her home of three decades, Nadine Jones said she
could never repair what had been lost. At age 83, she said, she would try to
salvage what she could — a gold-framed baby photograph of herself, a stuffed
panda bear — and move into an apartment.
“It is a lot of tears,” she said.
Amid the cleanup, families across the area were planning funerals and grieving
for the 24 people killed in the storm.
On Wednesday, the Oklahoma medical examiner’s office identified most of the
victims and said that 10 of them were children, one more than had been
previously reported. The cause of death in almost every case was either blunt
force trauma or asphyxia.
To residents, the number of children on the list was heartbreaking. There was
Christopher Legg, 9, who loved football so much that he played on two teams —
the Rough Riders and the Red Eagles. He had suffered from melanoma and
Osgood-Schlatter disease, which caused a painful limp. But his family said
Christopher, a third grader, faced the diseases with strength and optimism.
“He was a very outgoing kid, always willing to help out,” Brian Trumbly, a
cousin, said in an interview. “He loved his parents very much.”
The family’s home was also destroyed in the storm.
Christopher was one of the seven children killed inside Plaza Towers Elementary.
There was also Janae Hornsby, 9, who was described by her family’s pastor as a
“beautiful little girl” who made people feel happy just to know her. There was
9-year-old Emily Conatzer, whose mother, Kristi, posted a Facebook message
saying she had hoped she would wake up Wednesday to see Emily jumping around and
giggling. And there was Kyle Davis, 8, who played soccer and went to
monster-truck shows.
The other children killed in the storm were identified as Case Futrell, 4 months
old; Sydnee Vargyas, 7 months old; Karrina Vargyas, 4; Antonia Candelaria, 9;
Sydney Angle, 9 and Nicolas McCabe, 9.
On Wednesday afternoon, Athena Delgado paused as she walked past the crumbled
school. Her son Xavier had been trapped inside on Monday, and six of his
classmates had died. Xavier, his hands sheathed in floppy gloves to dig through
the rubble of his family’s home, ran down the street, laughing. He paused for a
moment to look at the school.
“He says he’s fine,” Ms. Delgado said, looking at her son, “but it’ll hit him.”
Jack Healy
reported from Moore,
and Emma G.
Fitzsimmons from New York.
In Moore, a Day for Salvaging, Mourning and Considering the Future, NYT,
Obama Pledges Storm Aid;
Some in
Congress Talk
Finding Cuts to Offset It
May 21,
The New York Times
— President Obama vowed Tuesday to marshal the resources of the federal
government to help the victims of Oklahoma’s killer tornado as lawmakers on
Capitol Hill began debating the fiscal consequences of the storm in an era of
Promising to provide Oklahoma “everything that it needs right away,” Mr. Obama
dispatched W. Craig Fugate, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
to coordinate recovery efforts. Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland
security, is to follow Mr. Fugate to Oklahoma on Wednesday.
But although political leaders of both parties expressed sympathy for the
victims, it took only hours for Washington to face off over the possible cost of
repairing the devastation and how it would be paid. For the moment, it was a
strictly hypothetical debate, since the government already has $11.6 billion
available in a disaster relief fund. But it underscored the fact that even
national tragedy does not always bring the capital together.
An Oklahoma senator, Tom Coburn, a Republican who is one of the most relentless
budget hawks in Congress, kicked off the touchy dispute by saying that any
additional disaster relief appropriated by Congress would have to be paid for by
cutting other areas of the federal budget.
Some Republicans rushed to his defense, with Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
saying Mr. Coburn’s actions demonstrated “real leadership.”
But others said they were appalled. “I think we need to all act like Americans,
that we’re all in it together, neighbor helping neighbor,” said Senator Barbara
A. Mikulski, the Maryland Democrat who is chairwoman of the Appropriations
Committee. “This is not the time for budgeteering battles. This is the time to
respond with compassion and competence.”
Mr. Obama scrapped his morning schedule to call Oklahoma leaders and meet with
his advisers, then made a brief televised address. “For all those who’ve been
affected, we recognize that you face a long road ahead,” he said. “In some
cases, there will be enormous grief that has to be absorbed. But you will not
travel that path alone. Your country will travel it with you fueled by our faith
in the Almighty and our faith in one another. So our prayers are with the people
of Oklahoma today, and we will back up those prayers with deeds for as long as
it takes.”
Mr. Obama noted the sense of loss that will pervade the area for months to come.
“There are empty spaces where there used to be living rooms and bedrooms and
classrooms,” he said, “and in time we’re going to need to refill those spaces
with love and laughter and community.”
More than 300 workers from FEMA were on the ground in Oklahoma by Tuesday
evening, according to the White House. The workers included management
assistance teams, three urban-search-and-rescue teams, and support teams to
provide telecommunications, logistics and operational assistance. The FEMA teams
were to assess the damage and assist victims in registering for aid.
For Mr. Obama, the storm once again thrust him into the role of national
emergency responder and comforter, a function he has performed repeatedly in
recent months after the hurricane in the Northeast, the school shooting in
Connecticut, the terrorist bombing in Boston and the fertilizer plant explosion
in Texas.
The disaster served to distract attention at least for a day from controversies
that the White House would prefer not to talk about, particularly the handling
of last year’s attack on a diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, the targeting of
conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service and the seizure of phone
records of journalists reporting on national security.
The president’s statement coincided with the opening of separate hearings on
Capitol Hill looking at Benghazi and the I.R.S. targeting. From the White House
vantage point, the tornado was a reminder of what really matters compared with
what it sees as overheated partisan point-scoring. Some critics on Twitter and
the Internet quickly saw cynicism on the part of a president hoping in their
view to avoid accountability.
The flare-up over the cost of storm recovery illustrated the political edginess
in Congress these days. Even many Republicans were not willing to go as far as
Mr. Coburn, who is retiring in 2016 and has made a name for himself by often
playing the role of Senate contrarian.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, declined to wade
into the debate. “I think the first thing to do is finish the damage assessment,
and then we’ll figure out what the way forward is,” he said Tuesday.
Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, said the first concern should be
responding with haste, not finding savings. “A tragedy has taken place,” he
said. “We need to take care of it.”
Ultimately, the question may be moot if Oklahoma does not need more aid than the
emergency relief fund can provide.
A White House official said Tuesday that it did not for the moment see a need
for additional appropriations by Congress, which would spare Republicans the
spectacle of another divisive fight over disaster aid.
Early last winter, Republicans repeatedly tried to kill a bill to provide relief
for states ravaged by Hurricane Sandy. They claimed it had been unnecessarily
loaded with excess spending. Ultimately the bill passed, but only after Speaker
John A. Boehner agreed to allow the legislation onto the House floor even though
a majority of his Republican conference had vowed to vote against it and did.
As with any action in Congress these days, questions of further aid for the
Oklahoma victims will quite likely boil down to cost. Because Congress has
eliminated its traditional avenues for excess spending, disaster bills are one
of the few remaining places where members can add pet projects.
Budget watchdog groups like Taxpayers for Common Sense are already promising to
keep watch. “This legislation often gets stuffed with a lot of extraneous things
that should be taken care of in the regular appropriations process or shouldn’t
be there at all,” said Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for the group.
“These disaster bills have become Christmas trees.”
Obama Pledges Storm Aid;
Some in Congress Talk of Finding Cuts to Offset It, NYT,
the Tornado, a War Zone
May 21,
The new York Times
CITY — THIS morning, the day after a monster tornado ripped through Moore,
Okla., there was a moment between sleep and clear waking, when it was possible
to forget what had happened and what lay ahead. But then we remembered. People
we love are still missing. Our children are trapped.
It was a communal event, even for those of us out of the way. The tornado,
dropping out of the sky like a huge, black vacuum, was distinct enough that we
could watch its progress on our TVs.
We knew it was coming. The day before came a warning: stale, still air, rain
banging the pavement, sirens blaring. Smaller tornadoes removing swaths of two
towns and a trailer park to the east.
In the end, the tornado tore a canyon 20 miles long and 4 miles wide through the
city of Moore, on Oklahoma City’s south side, around 3 p.m., just as school was
letting out. In the roaring black suck, thousands of houses were ripped off
their foundations (although tons of foundation went flying too) and crashed down
where they’d been — or miles to the northeast, in the next county even. Their
owners’ pictures and papers, their kids’ artwork off the refrigerators, coming
down in Arkansas or Kansas, or who knows where.
Mile after mile, so much is gone. Shopping malls, convenience stories, bowling
alleys, hospitals and clinics, movie theaters, three schools and thousands of
homes, now a war zone. In a few cases, first responders heard faint cries from
under rubble, but shortly those whimperings stopped.
By Tuesday afternoon the death toll sat at only 24 — although one is too many,
here where we know how to get out of the way of a tornado. Nine were children.
And the medical examiner expects that number to rise as great piles of sticks
and board and concrete are sifted through. Two metro-area hospitals report 120
patients treated last night, 50 of them children.
Most injuries were spinal or stomach puncture wounds: no surprise when you see
sheets of plywood shot halfway through concrete walls. Every twist of metal,
every board with a nail, turned to a knife, millions in all, flying at 150 miles
an hour.
Everyone, here and far outside the state, is focused on the students. Those at
one junior high school, with just enough warning, were evacuated to a nearby
church basement. Extraordinary stories came from Briarwood Elementary. One man
told of helping to dig out a crying teacher. Under her were six little girls.
Another girl reported that she’d “hung onto the wall because I didn’t want to
fly away.” Still another huddled under her desk. She said: “Rain and the tornado
came in through the window. The desks were all piled on top of us, and the
teacher was stuck. Someone had to help her.”But others, herded together in other
parts of the building, were able to crawl out safely. That’s how tornadoes work.
Because of downed electric lines, mud, tons of debris and gas leaks, it was
after dark before parents picked up the last four students, worried kids.
Meanwhile those 5- and 6-year-olds, from two families, had told TV viewers, “I
think my mom and dad are alive.”
But it’s Plaza Towers, the second elementary school, that’s got us by the
throats. Last night rescuers begged everyone to be quiet — helicopters, trucks,
ambulances — so they could hear even the faintest cry. They’d pulled 30 third
graders and some others out, early on. Nine more were found, seven drowned in a
pool of water in the basement.
But dozens more were still inside. Perhaps, we thought, they were waiting until
after dark to bring the dead out. This morning we found that was not so. So much
concrete and brick and beams lay on top that, illuminated by klieg lights, even
big machinery had not yet been able to dig them out.
This morning, the National Guard rolled in, not just to keep people away but to
aid in recovery. Less than 24 hours later, the operation at Plaza Towers was no
longer considered a search and rescue, but already a recovery, because after the
first survivors were removed, not one of the victims recovered had drawn a
Then there are the many, still uncounted, who are physically safe but have lost
everything. A reporter said she’d seen people carrying babies, and elderly folks
holding children by the hands, walking north. “Like refugees,” she said. “Just
walking north.”
The nearby University of Oklahoma, in Norman, has opened its campus and dorms to
take in some of those displaced. Ringing the disaster area are first-aid
stations and churches serving food, water and coffee — even tire companies
offering to change and repair tires for responders’ vehicles. Donation centers
opened at dawn on Oklahoma City’s college and high school campuses, people
driving through as though in a fast-food lane, dropping off shovels and gloves,
boots, masks, diapers and checks.
It will take more than a year just to clean up. Several inches of Moore’s earth
are stripped away, a little closer to sea level. And as is always true after a
tornado, not one bird sings.
Carolyn Wall
is the author, most recently,
of the novel
“Playing With Matches.”
After the Tornado, a War Zone, NYT, 21.5.2012,
The View
From an Oklahoma Basement
May 21,
The New York Times
Okla. — IT seems I am one of the few lucky people in the Oklahoma City area to
have a basement. Before the tornadoes rolled through on Sunday and Monday, I
spread an old rug on the basement floor, ringed it with pillows and blankets,
and deposited my 5-year-old daughter in the middle wearing a helmet, shoes and
socks, long pants and long sleeves and a pair of SpongeBob shades. We brought
down batteries, a radio, flashlights, a kerosene lamp and matches, bottled
water, bags of almonds, dried mango, potato chips, my laptop, my phone, my
Kindle. And a dozen plastic dinosaurs. My daughter is really into dinosaurs. My
husband spent the two days dashing up and down the stairs, unwilling to turn off
the live coverage on the big screen.
You have a certain responsibility when you have a basement around here, and I
had put out the word on Facebook and via text messages that anybody who needed a
place to take cover could come over. I phrased it like an invitation to a party
and promised good tunes. A few friends headed over, but we got the all-clear
before they arrived.
We were O.K., as it turned out. The tornadoes, which took two dozen lives and
counting, passed by us without dropping down. If they had — well, they didn’t.
We moved into this house three years ago, when my daughter was 2. By the time I
had weathered two tornado seasons with a baby, I was ready to buy the ugliest
house in the world if only it had a basement. But until my daughter was born, I
had sort of enjoyed tornado season. A lot of us do — it’s exciting, there’s an
esprit de corps that takes hold. Once, when I was a stupid teenager, I stood on
the roof of my house trying to get a look at one that was sucking up a nearby
There’s also a sort of gallows humor of which I have been guilty. On Sunday,
after the first tornado went over our house and before it dropped down and took
lives in nearby Shawnee, I was giddy with relief; I thought it was over. It’s a
running joke that tornado weather reveals little towns on the live coverage that
none of us knew existed. Just when I think I have surely heard every
idiosyncratic town name in the state, there’s another one. This time it was a
town east of the city called Fallis. I couldn’t resist making a dirty joke about
its homophone on Facebook, then, ashamed, deleted the post after news of
fatalities came in.
Many tornadoes touch down in our state every spring, but most of them are small,
and most of the time there are no deaths, just a lot of damaged property. But
that seems to be changing; they seem to be getting deadlier. My father lives in
Joplin, Mo., and owns a business on the busy road that incurred most of the
damage from the vicious tornado in 2011. He took a picture of a pencil driven
into a concrete curb. It seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime disaster, but here it
is again, just two years later.
During this week’s storm, while the funnel tore into the town of Moore, I heard
Mike Morgan, the chief meteorologist for our local NBC affiliate, say things I
had never heard him say before. Usually, when a tornado touches down, he tells
people who don’t have access to below-ground shelter to get to a safe room, an
interior room or a bathtub. This time he made it clear that you would not
survive above ground. That you should drive away if there was no way to get
below ground. A safe room wouldn’t help. An interior room wouldn’t help. A
bathtub — forget about it. And he was right.
The children at Plaza Towers Elementary School huddled in hallways against
cinder-block walls that weren’t there anymore when rescuers showed up. Seven
children, trapped under the rubble, drowned. A high school friend of mine had a
son and a nephew in that school. They are both O.K., but she couldn’t get to
them until 10 Monday night, and she was beside herself.
Everyone here is suffering from a slow-moving shock. Nobody sits; we stand in
front of the television and flinch when another dose of bad news or surreal
footage comes in. I have found myself unable to contemplate the deaths of those
children, the wild grief of their parents. I keep asking myself: Why don’t we
have basements? Good question. We are told that the hard red clay soil makes
them too difficult to build, that they are too expensive. Why don’t the public
buildings in Oklahoma have safe places? Why don’t the schools?
These days, the state is run by officials whose rhetoric of self-congratulatory
self-reliance says, hey, you’re on your own. That’s essentially what we told
those seven little children who drowned in their own school. And it’s true. They
were on their own. A few miles to the north, my daughter sat in our basement and
played with her dinosaurs. When we finally went upstairs, she sighed heavily as
she took off her helmet, and said, “I hate it down there.”
the author of
the novel “Along the Watchtower,”
creative writing at the University of Central Oklahoma.
The View From an Oklahoma Basement, NYT, 21.5.2013,
Drama as
Alarm Sirens Wailed;
Reveals Lower Death Toll
May 21,
The New York Times
Okla. — At the end of the day on Monday, on the last week of the school year,
students at Plaza Towers Elementary in this blue-collar suburb were zipping
their backpacks. A fifth-grade class had just finished watching a movie about a
boy who survives a crash-landing in the Canadian wilderness.
Then the sirens started to wail.
Claire Gossett’s teacher hurried the class into the hallway, then into a
bathroom as a tornado that was more than a mile wide drew closer. Claire, 11,
crammed into a stall with six other girls. They held onto each other. The sirens
wailed two, three, four times.
Echo Mackey, crouched in a hallway with her son, Logan, recalled, “I heard
someone say, ‘It’s about to hit us,’ and then the power went out.”
The mountain of rubble that was once Plaza Towers Elementary School has become
the emotional and physical focal point of one of the most destructive tornadoes
to strike Oklahoma. Although the casualty toll fluctuated wildly early on,
officials said on Tuesday that at least 24 people had died, including 9
children, 7 of them at Plaza Towers.
Throughout the 500-student school, teachers and parents had shielded students
and crammed into closets and anywhere else they could squeeze as the tornado
bore down. Then school windows were smashed and the ceiling ripped away,
showering the students with glass, wood and pieces of insulation. “I couldn’t
hear anything but people screaming and crying,” Claire said. “It felt like the
school was just flying.”
The tornado swirled out of a fast-developing storm that began cutting a
destructive path through Moore and other sections of the southern Oklahoma City
suburbs on Monday about 2:45 p.m. It plowed through 17 miles of ground over 50
minutes, damaging or destroying hundreds of homes, businesses, schools and
hospitals in Moore and in Oklahoma City itself. Winds reached speeds of up to
210 miles per hour, and many structures were wiped clean to their foundations.
Severe weather has become an almost routine part of life in Oklahoma City and
its suburbs, a section of Middle America where the lore of twisters and
thunderstorms has long been embraced and at times even celebrated. The National
Basketball Association team is called the Thunder, and there is an annual
National Weather Festival, where families gather for weather balloon launchings
and storm-chaser car shows. But the 1.3-mile-wide tornado that struck Plaza
Towers on Monday stunned Oklahomans, in both its size and the number of victims,
dozens of whom were students who were killed or injured.
At a news conference on Tuesday in the lobby of Moore City Hall, which was
running on generators because of a widespread power failure, Gov. Mary Fallin
said she took an aerial tour of the tornado’s path and inspected the damage by
car and on foot. She said she was left speechless. “There’s just sticks and
bricks, basically,” she said, adding, “It was very surreal coming upon the
school because there was no school. There was just debris.”
Officials said it was still too early to say precisely how many people had been
killed, but the toll appeared to be significantly less than initially feared.
State officials lowered the death toll to at least 24, down from their estimate
late Monday night of nearly 100 fatalities. One reason for the uncertainty was
that officials believed that some bodies might have been taken to local funeral
homes instead of the state medical examiner’s office, which was doing the
official count. But it appeared that the 48 people who were believed to be
missing on Monday night — and were feared dead — had been found. More than 200
were injured, including 70 children.
The confusion only added to the unease. As officials spoke at City Hall, heavy
rain and booms of thunder could be heard, severe weather that had periodically
delayed rescuers and those assessing the damage throughout the day.
President Obama, who declared a federal disaster in five Oklahoma counties, said
Tuesday at the White House that the tornado had been “one of the most
destructive in history,” and that he had informed aides that “Oklahoma needs to
get everything it needs right away.” He said Federal Emergency Management Agency
officials had been dispatched to aid in the recovery.
“For all those who’ve been affected, we recognize that you face a long road
ahead,” Mr. Obama said. “In some cases, there will be enormous grief that has to
be absorbed. But you will not travel that path alone.”
After surveying the wreckage in Moore, officials at the National Weather Service
upgraded its assessment of the twister’s power to Category 5 on the Enhanced
Fujita scale, which measures tornado strength on a scale of zero to 5, with 5
being the most destructive. It touched down at 2:45 p.m. about four and a half
miles west of Newcastle, to the west of Moore, and ended at 3:35 p.m., almost
five miles east of the city, weather officials said.
Moore, with a population of 55,000, is a suburban city 11 miles south of
downtown Oklahoma City. It is the home of the country music star Toby Keith, as
the giant letters declare on a white silo off Interstate 35. Parents and
residents questioned whether Plaza Towers Elementary — a 47-year-old public
school whose students range from pre-kindergartners to sixth graders — was the
safest place for the children to seek shelter.
Albert Ashwood, director of the State Department of Emergency Management, said
the two schools that were hard hit — Plaza Towers in Moore and Briarwood
Elementary in Oklahoma City — did not have safe rooms because the appropriate
state financing had not been sought. The presence of safe rooms, he said, did
“not necessarily” mean that more students would have survived, but it is a
“mitigating” factor. “This was a very unique tornado,” he said.
Despite being in a region prone to tornadoes — and being heavily damaged by one
in 1999 — the City of Moore, according to its Web site, has no ordinance
requiring storm safe rooms in public or private buildings, and the city itself
lacks a community shelter. Plaza Towers had no underground shelter. A state
lawmaker whose district includes Moore, Representative Mark McBride, said the
deaths should force an examination of whether schools in Oklahoma should be
required to have storm shelters.
Susan Pierce, the superintendent of the Moore school district, told reporters at
the news conference that safety was the district’s top priority. School
administrators and staff members put a crisis plan into action on Monday and
monitored the weather throughout the day, she said. “With very little notice we
implemented our tornado shelter procedures at every school site,” she said.
Ms. Pierce said the state requires schools to perform tornado drills, and the
district has exceeded that requirement. “We’re in the process of learning as
much as we can about what has happened, and we are reviewing our emergency
procedures today,” she said.
Ms. Mackey, the parent who crouched in the hall as the tornado struck, said she
had gone to Plaza Towers as the sky turned dark, saying she had wanted to be
with her son when the storm hit. She concluded that the school was not equipped
to shelter dozens of children from the raw power of an Oklahoma twister.
“There’s no question in my mind that that school was not safe enough,” she said.
Late Monday afternoon, as the skies darkened, numerous parents rushed to the
school. Some decided to seek shelter with their children. Others had enough time
to flee, which may have prevented more casualties.
Jennifer Doan, a Plaza Towers teacher who is eight weeks pregnant, waited
anxiously in a hallway with 11 of her third-grade students who had not yet been
picked up by their parents. An announcement blared over the intercom that the
tornado was upon them, and Ms. Doan, 30, quickly wrapped several of her students
in her arms. The walls suddenly caved in, she told her boyfriend, Nyle Rogers.
Ms. Doan was conscious, buried under piles of rubble, but she was not sure her
students were safe. She thought she could make out their movement beneath the
debris. “She kept telling them to hang on,” Mr. Rogers said.
In the distance she could hear their voices: “I can’t hold the rock anymore,”
one said. Eventually the voices stopped.
Mr. Rogers had gone speeding toward the school when he had gotten word of the
tornado. “As I got closer, I saw debris and backpacks,” he said. “And when I
turned the corner, I just saw a wasteland. I didn’t know how anyone could have
But Ms. Doan did. She was lifted out of the rubble, put in the back of a pickup
truck and shuttled to a nearby church and then to the hospital, where she was in
stable condition on Tuesday with a fractured sternum and spine. A piece of rebar
speared her left hand.
On Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Rogers said he was informed by the principal that
seven of the students in the hallway had died. He had not yet told Ms. Doan.
“She’s just worried about her kids,” he said. “That’s all she’s thinking about
right now.”
But the principal told him something else. Two of the students she had wrapped
in her arms had survived.
Reporting was
contributed by John Eligon from Moore,
Dan Frosch
from Denver,
Schwirtz from New York,
and Ben
Fenwick from Norman, Okla.
Drama as Alarm Sirens Wailed; Time Reveals Lower Death Toll From Tornado,
NYT, 21.5.2013,
Vast Oklahoma Tornado Kills at Least 51
May 20,
The New York Times
Okla. — A giant tornado, a mile wide or more, killed at least 51 people, 20 of
them children, as it tore across parts of Oklahoma City and its suburbs Monday
afternoon, flattening homes, flinging cars through the air and crushing at least
two schools.
The injured flooded into hospitals, and the authorities said many people
remained trapped, even as rescue workers struggled to make their way through
debris-clogged streets to the devastated suburb of Moore, where much of the
damage occurred.
Amy Elliott, the spokeswoman for the Oklahoma City medical examiner, said at
least 51 people had died, including the children, and officials said that toll
was likely to climb. Hospitals reported at least 145 people injured, 70 of them
Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore was reduced to a pile of twisted metal
and toppled walls. Rescue workers were able to pull several children from the
rubble, but on Monday evening crews were still struggling to cut through fallen
beams and clear debris amid reports that dozens of students were trapped. At
Briarwood Elementary School in Oklahoma City, on the border with Moore, cars
were thrown through the facade and the roof was torn off.
“Numerous neighborhoods were completely leveled,” Sgt. Gary Knight of the
Oklahoma City Police Department said by telephone. “Neighborhoods just wiped
Debris and damage to roadways, along with heavy traffic, hindered emergency
responders as they raced to the affected areas, Sergeant Knight said.
A spokeswoman for the mayor’s office in Moore said emergency workers were
working to assess the damage.
“Please send us your prayers,” she said.
Brooke Cayot, a spokeswoman for Integris Southwest Medical Center in Oklahoma
City, said 58 patients had come in by about 9 p.m. An additional 85 were being
treated at Oklahoma University Medical Center in Oklahoma City.
“They’ve been coming in minute by minute,” Ms. Cayot said.
The tornado touched down at 2:56 p.m., 16 minutes after the first warning went
out, and traveled for 20 miles, said Keli Pirtle, a spokeswoman for the National
Weather Service in Norman, Okla. It was on the ground for 40 minutes, she said.
It struck the town of Newcastle and traveled about 10 miles to Moore, a populous
suburb of Oklahoma City.
Ms. Pirtle said preliminary data suggested that it was a Category 4 tornado on
the Enhanced Fujita scale, which measures tornado strength on a scale of 0 to 5.
A definitive assessment will not be available until Tuesday, she said.
Moore was the scene of another huge tornado, in May 1999, in which winds reached
record speeds of 302 m.p.h.
Television on Monday showed destruction spread over a vast area, with blocks
upon blocks of homes and businesses destroyed. Residents, some partly clothed
and apparently caught by surprise, were shown picking through rubble. Several
structures were on fire, and cars had been tossed around, flipped over and
stacked on top of each other.
Kelcy Trowbridge, her husband and their three young children piled into their
neighbor’s cellar just outside of Moore and huddled together for about five
minutes, wrapped under a blanket as the tornado screamed above them, debris
smashing against the cellar door.
They emerged to find their home flattened and the family car resting upside down
a few houses away. Ms. Trowbridge’s husband rushed toward what was left of their
home and began sifting through the debris, then stopped and told her to call the
He had found the body of a little girl, about 2 or 3 years old, she said.
“He knew she was already gone,” Ms. Trowbridge said. “When the police got there,
he just bawled.”
She said: “My neighborhood is gone. It’s flattened. Demolished. The street is
gone. The next block over, it’s in pieces.”
Sarah Johnson was forced to rush from her home in Moore to a hospital as the
storm raged when her 4-year-old daughter, Shellbie, suffered an asthma attack.
With hail raining down, she put a hard hat on her daughter as she raced into the
emergency room and hunkered down.
“We knew it was coming — all the nurses were down on the ground, so we got down
on the ground,” Ms. Johnson said, from the Journey Church in nearby Norman,
where she had sought shelter.
At the hospital, she said, she shoved her daughter next to a wall and threw a
mattress on top of her. After the storm passed, she said, debris and medical
equipment were scattered around. She said she and her daughter were safe, but
she had yet to find her husband.
The storm system continued to churn through the region on Monday afternoon, and
forecasters warned that new tornadoes could form.
An earlier storm system spawned several tornadoes across Oklahoma on Sunday.
Several deaths were reported.
Russell Schneider, the director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, said the risk of tornadoes
throughout the region remained high going into Tuesday.
Some parts of Moore emerged seemingly untouched by the tornado. Bea Carruth, who
lives about 20 blocks from where the storm struck, said her home and others in
her neighborhood appeared to be fine.
Ms. Carruth had ridden out the tornado as she usually does, at her son’s house
nearby, the hail pounding away on the cellar where they had taken shelter.
Tornadoes have long been a part of life in Moore, she said.
In 1999, the last time a storm this size struck, Ms. Carruth again was lucky and
the home she lived in then was spared. She ended up buying an empty plot of land
where a house destroyed by that tornado once stood. Her house now sits on that
“This is just awful,” she said. “It all just breaks my heart.”
Nick Oxford
reported from Moore,
and Michael
Schwirtz from New York.
Leslie Metzger
and Kathleen Johnson
reporting from Norman, Okla.,
and Dan Frosch
from Denver.
Vast Oklahoma Tornado Kills at Least 51, NYT, 20.5.2013,
Tornadoes Level Homes in Okla.,
One Person
May 19,
The New York Times
Okla. — Tornadoes ravaged portions of central Oklahoma on Sunday, reducing
portions of a mobile home park to rubble and killing a 79-year-old man whose
body was found out in the open.
"You can see where there's absolutely nothing, then there are places where you
have mobile home frames on top of each other, debris piled up," Pottawatomie
County Sheriff Mike Booth said after surviving damage in the Steelman Estates
Mobile Home Park. "It looks like there's been heavy equipment in there on a
demolition tour.
"It's pretty bad. It's pretty much wiped out," he said.
The Shawnee tornado was one of several that touched down in the nation's
midsection Sunday. Twisters, hail and high winds also struck Iowa and Kansas as
part of a massive, northeastward-moving storm system that stretched from Texas
to Minnesota.
Across the state, 21 people were injured, not including those who suffered bumps
and bruises and chose not to visit a hospital, said Keli Cain, a spokeswoman for
the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management. Booth said six at Steelman
Estates were hurt.
Following the twisters, local emergency officials went from home site to home
site in an effort to account for everyone. Cain said that, many times in such
situations, people who are not found immediately are discovered later to have
left the area ahead of the storm. Booth said everyone from the trailer park had
been found.
Forecasters had been warning of a general storm outbreak since Wednesday, and
for Sunday's storms some residents had more than a half-hour's notice that a
twister was on the way. Tornado watches and warnings were in effect through late
Sunday in much of the nation's midsection.
The trailer park west of Shawnee was among the hardest-hit areas, and among the
hardest to reach, as tractor-trailers that forced the closure of a section of
Interstate 40 north of the site and power lines draped across roads to the
James Hoke lives with his wife and two children in Steelman Estates. He said the
family went into their storm cellar as the storm approached. When they came out,
their mobile home had vanished.
"It took a dead hit," Hoke said.
A storm spotter told the National Weather Service that the tornado left the
earth "scoured" at the mobile home park — using a term used by storm chasers to
describe grass being ripped out by high winds.
"It seemed like it went on forever. It was a big rumbling for a long time," said
Shawn Savory, standing outside his damaged remodeling business in Shawnee. "It
was close enough that you could feel like you could reach out and touch it."
Gov. Mary Fallin declared an emergency for 16 Oklahoma counties that suffered
from severe storms and flooding during the weekend. The declaration lets local
governments acquire goods quickly to respond to their residents' needs and puts
the state in line for federal help if it becomes necessary.
Heavy rains and straight-line winds hit much of western Oklahoma on Saturday.
Tornadoes were also reported Sunday at Edmond, Arcadia and near Wellston to the
north and northeast of Oklahoma City. The supercell that generated the twisters
weakened as it approached Tulsa, 90 miles to the northeast.
"I knew it was coming," said Randy Grau, who huddled with his wife and two young
sons in their Edmond home's safe room when the tornado hit. He said he peered
out his window as the weather worsened and believed he saw a flock of birds
heading down the street.
"Then I realized it was swirling debris. That's when we shut the door of the
safe room," said Grau, adding that they remained in the room for 10 minutes.
In Wichita, Kan., a tornado touched down near Mid-Content Airport on the city's
southwest side shortly before 4 p.m., knocking out power to thousands of homes
and businesses but bypassing the most populated areas of Kansas' biggest city.
The Wichita tornado was an EF1 on the enhanced Fujita scale, with winds of 110
mph, according to the National Weather Service.
Sedgwick County Emergency Management Director Randy Duncan said there were no
reports of fatalities or injuries in Kansas.
There were also two reports of tornadoes touching down in Iowa on Sunday night,
including one near Huxley, about 20 miles north of Des Moines, and one in Grundy
County, which is northeast of Des Moines, according to the Des Moines Register.
There were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries.
In Oklahoma, aerial television news footage showed homes with significant damage
northeast of Oklahoma City. Some outbuildings appeared to have been leveled, and
some homes' roofs or walls had been knocked down.
"When I first drove into the neighborhood, I didn't see any major damage until I
pulled into the front of my house," said Csaba Mathe, of Edmond, who found a
part of his neighbor's fence in his swimming pool. "My reaction was: I hope
insurance pays for the cleaning."
"I typically have two trash cans, and now I have five in my driveway."
The Storm Prediction Center had been warning about severe weather in the region
since Wednesday, and on Friday, it zeroed in on Sunday as the day the storm
system would likely pass through.
"They've been calling for this all day," Edmond resident Anita Wright said after
riding out the twister in an underground shelter. She and her husband, Ed,
emerged from their hiding place to find uprooted trees, downed limbs and damaged
gutters in their home.
In Katie Leathers' backyard, the family's trampoline was tossed through a
section of fence and a giant tree uprooted.
"I saw all the trees waving, and that's when I grabbed everyone and got into two
closets," Leathers said. "All these trees just snapped."
Associated Press writers Ken Miller in Shawnee,
Hollingsworth in Kansas City, Mo.,
and Kelly P.
Kissel in Little Rock, Ark.,
contributed to
this report.
Tornadoes Level Homes in Okla., Killing One Person, NYT, 19.5.2013,
Is It Time to Bag the Plastic?
May 18,
The New York Times
IN my New
York City apartment, the kitchen drawers, the coat closet, even the wine rack
are overflowing with a type of waste that is rapidly disappearing elsewhere —
the used plastic shopping bag.
Many countries and a handful of American cities have more or less done away with
this supposed convenience item, by discouraging its use through plastic-bag
taxes at checkout counters or outright bans. Walk down the streets of Dublin or
Seattle or San Francisco and there is barely a bag in sight. Life continues.
“It didn’t take people very long to accommodate at all,” said Dick Lilly,
manager for waste prevention in Seattle, where a plastic-bag ban took effect
last summer. “Basically overnight those grocery and drugstore bags were gone.”
But in much of America we seem more addicted than ever. On a recent shopping
trip to Target in Chicago for some dorm supplies while visiting my son, I
emerged with what seemed to be more bags than socks or rolls of toilet paper
(only a slight exaggeration). At my local supermarket, plastic bags are applied
layer upon layer around purchases, like Russian nesting dolls.
“Plastic shopping bags are an enormous problem for New York City,” said Ron
Gonen, the deputy commissioner of sanitation for recycling and waste reduction,
noting that the city pays $10 million annually to send 100,000 tons of plastic
bags that are tossed in the general trash to landfills in South Carolina, Ohio
and Pennsylvania. That, he points out, “is amazing to think of, because a
plastic bag doesn’t weigh much at all.”
All across the country, plastic bags are the bane of recycling programs. When
carelessly placed into recycling bins for general plastic — which they often are
— the bags jam and damage expensive sorting machines, which cost huge amounts to
“We have to get people to start carrying reusable bags,” Mr. Gonen said. “We’re
going to do what we can to start moving the needle.”
“The question,” he continued, “is do we use a carrot or a stick to change
So far New York has used carrots, to little effect. (More about that later.)
Unfortunately, most experts believe it will take a stiff stick to break a habit
as ingrained as this one is in the United States. (In many European countries,
like France and Italy, the plastic bag thing never fully caught on.)
In my case, I know I should bring a cloth bag along for shopping trips. And I do
— when I remember. But experience shows that even environmentally conscious
people need prodding and incentives to change their behavior permanently.
Where they exist, bans and charges or taxes (when set high enough) have been
extremely successful and often raise revenue for other environmental projects.
Unfortunately, these tactics are deeply unpopular in most of the nation.
After Austin, Tex., passed a bag ban earlier this year and with Dallas
considering one, State Representative Drew Springer, a Republican, introduced
the Shopping Bag Freedom Act in the Legislature. That act essentially bans bag
bans, protecting the right of merchants to provide bags of any material to
Businesses often fight hard against plastic-bag laws. When in 2007, Seattle
first tried to impose a fee of 20 cents for each plastic bag, the American
Chemical Council financed a popular referendum that voted down the “bag tax,”
before it even took effect, Mr. Lilly said.
It took several more years for the city to regroup and impose its current ban.
Plastic shopping bags are forbidden in stores, and though paper bags may be
used, each one costs the shopper 5 cents. (There are exemptions, however:
restaurants managed to secure one for takeout food, for example.)
A number of states are considering some form of statewide bans or taxes. And
last month, Representative James P. Moran, Democrat of Virginia, introduced a
bill to create a national 5-cent tax on all disposable plastic or paper bags
provided by stores to customers. Some of the revenue would be used to create a
Disposable Carryout Bag Trust Fund and to maintain national parks.
Actually, the idea of a bag tax may not seem so foreign to federal lawmakers:
for the past three years, Washington has had its own 5-cent tax. Although bag
use there dropped sharply, many experts feel that the charge should be even
higher. In Ireland, for example, the bag tax is about 30 cents per bag.
By any measure, New Yorkers are laggards on the issue. In 2008, Mayor Michael R.
Bloomberg tried unsuccessfully to pass a bag tax of 6 cents. More recently, New
York State has preferred to attack the problem with soft diplomacy. Since 2009,
large stores throughout the state providing plastic bags have been required to
take them back for recycling. But there is not much enforcement, Mr. Gonen said,
and the program “hasn’t put a dent” in the numbers.
While the chain pharmacies and supermarkets in my neighborhood initially put out
recycling bins for the bags, they have largely disappeared. Some stores will
begrudgingly take back plastic at the sales counter — though I’ve seen the bags
subsequently tossed in the trash. (Though plastic bags can be recycled, they
must be separated from other forms of plastic.) The Bloomberg administration is
also considering partnering with supermarkets to create incentive programs with
shopping points awarded to those who bring reusable bags.
Frank Convery, an economist at University College, Dublin, who has studied the
effects of Ireland’s 10-year-old bag tax — the first in the world — is
skeptical: “As regards the plastic bag issue, whatever is done has to be
mandatory,” he said. “The New York model is designed to fail.”
Mr. Gonen said cities got a lot of complaints about plastic bags. So why
wouldn’t that inspire more of them to take action? It is another paradox of
environmental politics — just as when New Yorkers show strong support for a
bike-sharing plan but protest when bike-sharing racks appear on their sidewalk.
In a city where dog owners are forced to pick up their pets’ waste and are
precluded from smoking in parks, why is it so hard to get people to employ
reusable bags for shopping
Rosenthal is a reporter
on the
environment and health for The New York Times.
Is It Time to Bag the Plastic?, NYT, 18.5.2013,
Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone,
May 10,
The New York Times
The level
of the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, has
passed a long-feared milestone, scientists reported Friday, reaching a
concentration not seen on the earth for millions of years.
Scientific instruments showed that the gas had reached an average daily level
above 400 parts per million — just an odometer moment in one sense, but also a
sobering reminder that decades of efforts to bring human-produced emissions
under control are faltering.
The best available evidence suggests the amount of the gas in the air has not
been this high for at least three million years, before humans evolved, and
scientists believe the rise portends large changes in the climate and the level
of the sea.
“It symbolizes that so far we have failed miserably in tackling this problem,”
said Pieter P. Tans, who runs the monitoring program at the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration that reported the new reading.
Ralph Keeling, who runs another monitoring program at the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography in San Diego, said a continuing rise could be catastrophic. “It
means we are quickly losing the possibility of keeping the climate below what
people thought were possibly tolerable thresholds,” he said.
Virtually every automobile ride, every plane trip and, in most places, every
flip of a light switch adds carbon dioxide to the air, and relatively little
money is being spent to find and deploy alternative technologies.
China is now the largest emitter, but Americans have been consuming fossil fuels
extensively for far longer, and experts say the United States is more
responsible than any other nation for the high level.
The new measurement came from analyzers atop Mauna Loa, the volcano on the big
island of Hawaii that has long been ground zero for monitoring the worldwide
trend on carbon dioxide, or CO2. Devices there sample clean, crisp air that has
blown thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean, producing a record of rising
carbon dioxide levels that has been closely tracked for half a century.
Carbon dioxide above 400 parts per million was first seen in the Arctic last
year, and had also spiked above that level in hourly readings at Mauna Loa.
But the average reading for an entire day surpassed that level at Mauna Loa for
the first time in the 24 hours that ended at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on
Thursday. The two monitoring programs use slightly different protocols; NOAA
reported an average for the period of 400.03 parts per million, while Scripps
reported 400.08.
Carbon dioxide rises and falls on a seasonal cycle, and the level will dip below
400 this summer as leaf growth in the Northern Hemisphere pulls about 10 billion
tons of carbon out of the air. But experts say that will be a brief reprieve —
the moment is approaching when no measurement of the ambient air anywhere on
earth, in any season, will produce a reading below 400.
“It feels like the inevitable march toward disaster,” said Maureen E. Raymo, a
scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, a unit of Columbia
From studying air bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice, scientists know that going
back 800,000 years, the carbon dioxide level oscillated in a tight band, from
about 180 parts per million in the depths of ice ages to about 280 during the
warm periods between. The evidence shows that global temperatures and CO2 levels
are tightly linked.
For the entire period of human civilization, roughly 8,000 years, the carbon
dioxide level was relatively stable near that upper bound. But the burning of
fossil fuels has caused a 41 percent increase in the heat-trapping gas since the
Industrial Revolution, a mere geological instant, and scientists say the climate
is beginning to react, though they expect far larger changes in the future.
Indirect measurements suggest that the last time the carbon dioxide level was
this high was at least three million years ago, during an epoch called the
Pliocene. Geological research shows that the climate then was far warmer than
today, the world’s ice caps were smaller, and the sea level might have been as
much as 60 or 80 feet higher.
Experts fear that humanity may be precipitating a return to such conditions —
except this time, billions of people are in harm’s way.
“It takes a long time to melt ice, but we’re doing it,” Dr. Keeling said. “It’s
Dr. Keeling’s father, Charles David Keeling, began carbon dioxide measurements
on Mauna Loa and at other locations in the late 1950s. The elder Dr. Keeling
found a level in the air then of about 315 parts per million — meaning that if a
person had filled a million quart jars with air, about 315 quart jars of carbon
dioxide would have been mixed in.
His analysis revealed a relentless, long-term increase superimposed on the
seasonal cycle, a trend that was dubbed the Keeling Curve.
Countries have adopted an official target to limit the damage from global
warming, with 450 parts per million seen as the maximum level compatible with
that goal. “Unless things slow down, we’ll probably get there in well under 25
years,” Ralph Keeling said.
Yet many countries, including China and the United States, have refused to adopt
binding national targets. Scientists say that unless far greater efforts are
made soon, the goal of limiting the warming will become impossible without
severe economic disruption.
“If you start turning the Titanic long before you hit the iceberg, you can go
clear without even spilling a drink of a passenger on deck,” said Richard B.
Alley, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University. “If you wait until
you’re really close, spilling a lot of drinks is the best you can hope for.”
Climate-change contrarians, who have little scientific credibility but are
politically influential in Washington, point out that carbon dioxide represents
only a tiny fraction of the air — as of Thursday’s reading, exactly 0.04
percent. “The CO2 levels in the atmosphere are rather undramatic,” a Republican
congressman from California, Dana Rohrabacher, said in a Congressional hearing
several years ago.
But climate scientists reject that argument, saying it is like claiming that a
tiny bit of arsenic or cobra venom cannot have much effect. Research shows that
even at such low levels, carbon dioxide is potent at trapping heat near the
surface of the earth.
“If you’re looking to stave off climate perturbations that I don’t believe our
culture is ready to adapt to, then significant reductions in CO2 emissions have
to occur right away,” said Mark Pagani, a Yale geochemist who studies climates
of the past. “I feel like the time to do something was yesterday.”
This article
has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: May 10, 2013
An earlier version of this article misstated
the amount of
carbon dioxide in the air
as of
Thursday’s reading from monitors.
It is .04
percent, not .0004 percent.
Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone, Raising Fears, NYT, 10.5.2013,
Why Federal Efforts
Ensure Clean Tap Water
Fail to
Reach Faucets Nationwide
May 10,
The New York Times
Calif. — Laura Garcia was halfway through the breakfast dishes when the spigot
went dry. The small white tank beneath the sink that purified her undrinkable
water had run out. Still, as annoying as that was, it was an improvement over
the days before Ms. Garcia got her water filter, when she had to do her dishes
using water from five-gallon containers she bought at a local store.
Ms. Garcia’s well water, like that of her neighbors, is laced with excessive
nitrates, a pollutant associated with agriculture, septic systems and some
soils. Five years ago, this small community of 49 homes near the southern end of
the Central Valley took its place on California’s priority list of places in
need of clean tap water.
Today the community is still stuck on that list, with no federal help in sight.
Monson’s situation has parallels in places around the country, large and small,
seeking federal funds under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Environmental
Protection Agency distributes these funds to state agencies that are supposed to
identify problems and underwrite solutions. By the E.P.A.’s calculations, no
state has been as inept in distributing the money as California.
The state’s most recent priority list contained 4,925 applications. Some have
been on the list for a dozen years. Some have been abandoned by the original
applicants. Some are getting the federal funds quickly; others are in limbo. Of
$1.5 billion in federal money sent to California and cycled through a revolving
fund, $455 million lay fallow earlier this year while the priority list grew.
Monson, an unincorporated town in Tulare County, has a particular bureaucratic
challenge. The community has no legal status, so it cannot apply on its own. Yet
other entities, like Tulare County, which has offered to add pipelines to send
clean water down the road to Monson from the town of Sultana’s water system,
have only recently been empowered to apply on Monson’s behalf.
Local philanthropy, in the form of a Tulare County Rotary initiative, has tried
to help, donating filters like the one under Ms. Garcia’s sink. These are
welcome, Ms. Garcia said, speaking through an interpreter. But, she added,
“That’s not a permanent solution.”
Since this cluster of 118 people does not qualify as a town, a water district or
anything else that the California Department of Public Health recognizes as a
valid applicant, another group must act on its behalf.
Monson is hardly alone. According to Jared Blumenfeld, the regional
administrator of the E.P.A., nearly a quarter of all the small water systems in
California are in the Central Valley. One-quarter of these dispense water that
fails to meet all of the E.P.A’s health requirements.
To fix the problems, however, requires access to engineering and financial
management resources beyond the reach of the needy communities, Mr. Blumenfeld
said. “We require the state to be sure the people they fund have managerial,
financial and administrative capacity to deal” with their water issues.
Though there is hope that Tulare County will be able to get the grant for
Monson, he said, “some people, smart people, are trying to solve these problems
and feeling frustrated.”
Mr. Blumenfeld himself was frustrated enough to issue a public rebuke to
California last month. In a letter to Ron Chapman, the director of the state’s
Public Health Department, he wrote, “Many of California’s critical
drinking-water infrastructure needs remain unmet.”
He added: “California needs $39 billion in capital improvements through 2026 for
water systems to continue to provide safe drinking water to the public. Given
this tremendous need, it is crucial that California fully utilize” the revolving
fund that is the repository for the federal aid, as well as hundreds of millions
of dollars in loan repayments from local water systems. The state was given 60
days to report how it was going to fix the internal accounting problems and get
money out.
Does Monson’s long wait reflect a larger pattern of undistributed funds in small
communities? In a written response, the spokeswoman for the California
Department of Public Health, Anita Gore, replied, “Small water systems often
lack the technical expertise and funding to prepare funding applications, hire
consultants to get their projects ‘shovel-ready’ and to make them happen.”
She added that the state “has found that these systems require greater
assistance than larger water systems, and is working to simplify its procedures
and provide more technical assistance.”
More than 800 of the applicants on the state priority list represent communities
of fewer than 100 people.
Maria Herrera, who works for the Community Water Center, a local nonprofit, said
“the process for Monson to secure funding to solve its drinking water challenges
has had many false starts and roadblocks.” She added that the difficulty in
satisfying the state “has delayed Monson’s ability to get clean drinking water
and forced residents to live without safe drinking water.”
At the moment, Tulare County is planning on Monson’s behalf, and has suggested
alternatives, including that pipeline from Sultana.
Britt Fussel, the public works director in Tulare County, said he also hoped to
use grant money not just to study different options but also to have one ready
to go. “It’s easy to find money for shovel-ready projects; it’s hard to find
money for planning,” he said.
This approach, too, was rejected. “I’m in the process of modifying the scope of
work,” Mr. Fussel said.
The public health spokeswoman, Ms. Gore, said the state was working closely with
the county to expedite things. She wrote: “Tulare County submitted an
application on behalf of the unincorporated community of Monson in early 2012.
We anticipate the planning project will be completed in mid-2014. Typically,
construction projects run about three years to completion, but that depends on
what options are identified in the planning study.”
Why Federal Efforts to Ensure Clean Tap Water Fail to Reach Faucets Nationwide,
NYT, 10.5.2013,