History > 2013 > USA > Justice Department, Federal Justice (I)
U.S. Judge Upholds
Most New York Gun Limits
December 31, 2013
The New York Times
A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that New York’s strict new
gun laws, including an expanded ban on assault weapons, were constitutional, but
struck down a provision forbidding gun owners to load more than seven rounds
into a magazine.
The ruling offered a victory to gun control advocates at the end of a year in
which efforts to pass new legislation on the federal level suffered a
high-profile defeat in Congress, although some new restrictions were approved in
state capitals.
The judge, William M. Skretny of Federal District Court in Buffalo, said
expanded bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines were legally sound
because they served to “further the state’s important interest in public
The new laws in New York, enacted in January 2013, are among the most
restrictive in the country. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat, pushed for the
state to be the first to take action after the mass school shooting in Newtown,
Conn.; gun rights groups accused him of ramming through new gun restrictions
they called ill-conceived, poorly understood and unconstitutional.
In a 54-page ruling, Judge Skretny struck down a well-known but troubled portion
of the law, which prohibited gun owners from loading more than seven rounds into
a magazine. He called the limit “an arbitrary restriction” that violated the
Second Amendment.
But, saying that “whether regulating firearms is wise or warranted is not a
judicial question; it is a political one,” he found that Mr. Cuomo and lawmakers
had acted within their bounds when they drafted the gun laws, and specifically
cited the Bushmaster rifle and 30-round magazine used in the Newtown shooting.
“Of course, this is only one incident,” Judge Skretny wrote. “But it is
nonetheless illustrative. Studies and data support New York’s view that assault
weapons are often used to devastating effect in mass shootings.”
He said that the gun law “applies only to a subset of firearms with
characteristics New York State has determined to be particularly dangerous and
unnecessary for self-defense; it does not totally disarm New York’s citizens;
and it does not meaningfully jeopardize their right to self-defense.”
Even after the Newtown shooting, states passed more legislation in the last year
loosening gun laws than tightening them. But gun control advocates, who
celebrated the New York measure as a leading success story, said the ruling
confirmed their position that the government had the right to pass strict
controls on firearms.
“A lot of states can take courage and take heart from this ruling, and maybe
even Congress will take notice,” said Leah Gunn Barrett, the executive director
of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. “The Second Amendment does not preclude
reasonable regulation. It doesn’t mean you can have guns that are extremely
dangerous, like assault weapons.”
But the states that have passed new gun restrictions have seen a backlash. In
Colorado, where there have been two highly publicized mass shootings — in Aurora
and in Columbine — lawmakers voted to expand background checks and limit the
capacity of ammunition magazines. The laws prompted recalls of two state
senators in September; a third resigned in November rather than face a recall,
and some sheriffs have declined to enforce the laws.
And in New York, the laws have damaged Mr. Cuomo’s standing upstate as he
prepares to seek re-election in November; in a year-end progress report released
on Friday, he only briefly mentioned the gun laws. A spokeswoman for the
governor declined to comment on the judge’s ruling.
Thomas H. King, the president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol
Association, which was among the lawsuit’s plaintiffs, said opponents of the law
would appeal Judge Skretny’s ruling.
“Right from Day 1, I’ve been telling people that this is the first step,” he
said. “This is going to the Supreme Court.”
Gun rights groups have responded with outrage to the new laws, holding
demonstrations at the Capitol in Albany, denouncing politicians like Mr. Cuomo
and questioning the laws’ legality. Some gun owners have said they will refuse
to comply with a requirement that people who already own assault weapons
register them with the state.
The seven-round limit on magazines, which Mr. Cuomo had highlighted when he
signed the law, had run into problems before Tuesday’s ruling.
In March, in response to complaints that seven-round magazines were not
available for sale, Mr. Cuomo and leaders of the State Legislature reached an
agreement to modify that portion of the law so that 10-round magazines could
still be bought.
But they kept the seven-round limit in effect, meaning that gun owners would
still be forbidden to load more than seven rounds into a 10-round magazine,
except at gun ranges, where they could load the full magazine.
In court papers, the plaintiffs argued that the seven-round limit threatened the
ability of New Yorkers to defend themselves, while the state attorney general’s
office said there was no evidence to support “fantastical scenarios involving
multiple home invaders” that would necessitate a firearm loaded with more than
seven rounds.
Judge Skretny sided with the gun owners, writing that the restriction could wind
up “pitting the criminal with a fully-loaded magazine against the law-abiding
citizen limited to seven rounds.”
U.S. Judge Upholds Most New York Gun
Limits, NYT, 31.12.2013,
Week, Mass Surveillance Wins
27, 2013
The New York Times
Has the
National Security Agency’s mass collection of Americans’ phone records actually
helped to prevent terrorist attacks?
No, according to the 300-page report issued this month by a panel of legal and
intelligence experts appointed by President Obama.
Yet in a ruling issued on Friday, Judge William Pauley III of the Federal
District Court in Manhattan came to the opposite conclusion. “The effectiveness
of bulk telephony metadata collection cannot be seriously disputed,” Judge
Pauley wrote in a deeply troubling decision dismissing a lawsuit by the American
Civil Liberties Union that challenged the constitutionality of the N.S.A.’s bulk
data collection program.
The ruling, which repeatedly defers to the government’s benign characterization
of its own surveillance programs, demonstrates once more the importance of
fixing the law at its source, rather than waiting for further interpretations by
higher courts.
Judge Pauley’s opinion largely disregards the concerns central to the
presidential panel’s report and the ruling on Dec. 16 by a federal district
judge in Washington, Richard Leon, who found that the agency’s program was
“significantly likely” to be unconstitutional.
The government’s claim that the program is constitutional rests on a 1979
Supreme Court case, Smith v. Maryland, which held that a robbery suspect had no
expectation of privacy — and no Fourth Amendment protection — in the telephone
numbers he dialed. Judge Leon found the Smith decision to be inapplicable to a
daily, indiscriminate sweep of hundreds of millions of phone records. Judge
Pauley, however, said its logic still applied.
Judge Pauley’s opinion is perplexing in its near-total acceptance of the claim
by the government that it almost always acts in accordance with the law and
quickly self-corrects when it does not. For example, Judge Pauley said the
N.S.A.’s director, Gen. Keith Alexander, was being “crystal clear” when he
responded to charges that the agency was mining data from phone calls by saying:
“We’re not authorized to do it. We aren’t doing it.”
That shows an alarming lack of skepticism, particularly in light of the
testimony of James Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence, who
falsely told the Senate Intelligence Committee in March that the N.S.A. was not
collecting any type of data at all on hundreds of millions of Americans.
It is also incorrect to say, as Judge Pauley does, that there is “no evidence”
that the government has used the phone data for anything other than terrorism
investigations. An inspector general’s report in September revealed at least a
dozen instances in which government employees used the databases for personal
The presidential panel made many good recommendations to reform both the
surveillance law and the intelligence court that rules on government
surveillance requests. Congress and Mr. Obama should adopt as many of these as
possible. Court rulings will not suffice to rein in an agency that continues to
take advantage of the law’s vague and malleable standards.
This Week, Mass Surveillance Wins, NYT, 27.12.2013,
Upholds N.S.A.’s
Collection of Data on Calls
27, 2013
The New York Times
— A federal judge on Friday ruled that a National Security Agency program that
collects enormous troves of phone records is legal, making the latest
contribution to an extraordinary debate among courts and a presidential review
group about how to balance security and privacy in the era of big data.
In just 11 days, the two judges and the presidential panel reached the opposite
of consensus on every significant question before them, including the
intelligence value of the program, the privacy interests at stake and how the
Constitution figures in the analysis.
The latest decision, from Judge William H. Pauley III in New York, could not
have been more different from one issued on Dec. 16 by Judge Richard J. Leon in
Washington, who ruled that the program was “almost Orwellian” and probably
The decision on Friday “is the exact opposite of Judge Leon’s in every way,
substantively and rhetorically,” said Orin S. Kerr, a law professor at George
Washington University. “It’s matter and antimatter.”
The case in New York was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, which
said it would appeal.
“We are extremely disappointed with this decision, which misinterprets the
relevant statutes, understates the privacy implications of the government’s
surveillance and misapplies a narrow and outdated precedent to read away core
constitutional protections,” said Jameel Jaffer, a lawyer with the group.
A spokesman for the Justice Department said, “We are pleased the court found the
N.S.A.’s bulk telephony metadata collection program to be lawful.”
The next stops for the parallel cases are the appeals courts in New York and
Washington. Should the split endure, the Supreme Court is likely to step in.
In the meantime, the decisions, along with recommendations issued on Dec. 18 by
the presidential review group, illustrate the absence of agreement about the
effectiveness and legality of the program, which, Judge Pauley said, “vacuums up
information about virtually every telephone call to, from or within the United
States.” That information is “metadata” — the phone numbers involved, when calls
were made and how long they lasted.
The two judges had starkly differing understandings on how valuable that program
Judge Pauley, whose courtroom is just blocks from where the World Trade Center
towers stood, endorsed arguments made in recent months by senior government
officials — including the former F.B.I. director Robert S. Mueller III — that
the program might have caught the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers had it been in place
before the attacks.
Judge Pauley began his opinion with an anecdote. In the months before Sept. 11,
he said, the N.S.A. intercepted seven calls made to a Qaeda safe house in Yemen
from the United States. They were from Khalid al-Mihdhar, who was living in San
Diego and would become one of the hijackers.
But the security agency “could not capture al-Mihdhar’s telephone number,” the
judge wrote, and “N.S.A. analysts concluded mistakenly that al-Mihdhar was
overseas and not in the United States.”
“Telephony metadata would have furnished the missing information and might have
permitted the N.S.A. to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the fact
that al-Mihdhar was calling the Yemeni safe house from inside the United
States,” Judge Pauley wrote.
Judge Leon, in Washington, took the opposite view, saying the government had
failed to make the case that the program is needed to protect the nation. “The
government does not cite a single instance in which analysis of the N.S.A.’s
bulk metadata collection actually stopped an imminent attack, or otherwise aided
the government in achieving any objective that was time-sensitive in nature,” he
The presidential review group took a middle ground, though it seemed to lean
toward Judge Leon’s position. It said the security agency “believes that on at
least a few occasions” the program “has contributed to its efforts to prevent
possible terrorist attacks, either in the United States or somewhere else in the
world.” But it added that its own review suggested that the program “was not
essential to preventing attacks,” and that less intrusive measures would work.
The group recommended that bulk storage of telephone records by the government
be halted in favor of “a system in which such metadata is held instead either by
private providers or by a private third party.” Access to the data, it said,
should require a court order.
The two judges did not limit their disagreements to how well the program worked.
They also drew different conclusions about its constitutionality.
“While robust discussions are underway across the nation, in Congress and at the
White House, the question for this court is whether the government’s bulk
telephony metadata program is lawful,” Judge Pauley wrote on Friday. “This court
finds it is.”
The main dispute between the judges was over how to interpret a 1979 Supreme
Court decision, Smith v. Maryland, in which the court said a robbery suspect had
no reasonable expectation that his right to privacy extended to the numbers
dialed from his phone. “Smith’s bedrock holding is that an individual has no
legitimate expectation of privacy in information provided to third parties,”
Judge Pauley wrote.
But Judge Leon said that advances in technology and suggestions in concurring
opinions in later Supreme Court decisions had undermined the Smith ruling. The
government’s ability to construct a mosaic of information from countless
records, he said, called for a new analysis of how to apply the Fourth
Amendment’s prohibition of unreasonable government searches.
Judge Pauley disagreed. “The collection of breathtaking amounts of information
unprotected by the Fourth Amendment does not transform that sweep into a Fourth
Amendment search,” he wrote.
He acknowledged that “five justices appeared to be grappling with how the Fourth
Amendment applies to technological advances” in a pair of 2012 concurrences in
United States v. Jones. In that decision, the court unanimously rejected the use
of a GPS device to track the movements of a drug suspect over a month. The
majority said that attaching the device violated the defendant’s property
In one of the concurrences, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that “it may be
necessary to reconsider the premise that an individual has no reasonable
expectation of privacy in information voluntarily disclosed to third parties.”
The presidential review group said statements like that raised questions about
whether the 1979 decision was “still good law.” But it said its job was “not to
interpret the Fourth Amendment, but to make recommendations about sound public
Judge Pauley also said it was not for him to say where the law was heading, but
for a different reason. “The Supreme Court,” he said, “has instructed lower
courts not to predict whether it would overrule a precedent even if its
reasoning has been supplanted by later cases.”
As for changes in technology, he wrote, customers’ “relationship with their
telecommunications providers has not changed” since 1979 “and is just as
Judge Upholds N.S.A.’s Bulk Collection of Data on Calls, NYT, 27.12.2013,
Judge Questions Legality
N.S.A. Phone Records
16, 2013
The New York Times
— A federal district judge ruled on Monday that the National Security Agency
program that is systematically keeping records of all Americans’ phone calls
most likely violates the Constitution, describing its technology as “almost
Orwellian” and suggesting that James Madison would be “aghast” to learn that the
government was encroaching on liberty in such a way.
The judge, Richard J. Leon of Federal District Court for the District of
Columbia, ordered the government to stop collecting data on the personal calls
of the two plaintiffs in the case and to destroy the records of their calling
history. But Judge Leon, appointed to the bench in 2002 by President George W.
Bush, stayed his injunction “in light of the significant national security
interests at stake in this case and the novelty of the constitutional issues,”
allowing the government time to appeal it, which he said could take at least six
“I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary’ invasion than this
systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually
every single citizen for purposes of querying and analyzing it without prior
judicial approval,” Judge Leon wrote in a 68-page ruling. “Surely, such a
program infringes on ‘that degree of privacy’ that the founders enshrined in the
Fourth Amendment,” which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.
Andrew Ames, a Justice Department spokesman, said government lawyers were
studying the decision, but he added: “We believe the program is constitutional
as previous judges have found.”
The case is the first in which a federal judge who is not on the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, which authorized the once-secret program, has
examined the bulk data collection on behalf of someone who is not a criminal
defendant. The Justice Department has said that 15 separate judges on the
surveillance court have held on 35 occasions that the calling data program is
It also marks the first successful legal challenge brought against the program
since it was revealed in June after leaks by the former N.S.A. contractor Edward
J. Snowden.
In a statement from Moscow, where he has obtained temporary asylum, Mr. Snowden
praised the ruling.
“I acted on my belief that the N.S.A.’s mass surveillance programs would not
withstand a constitutional challenge, and that the American public deserved a
chance to see these issues determined by open courts,” Mr. Snowden said in his
statement. It was distributed by Glenn Greenwald, a journalist who received
leaked documents from Mr. Snowden and wrote the first article about the bulk
data collection. “Today, a secret program authorized by a secret court was, when
exposed to the light of day, found to violate Americans’ rights,” the statement
said. “It is the first of many.”
The case was brought by several plaintiffs led by Larry Klayman, a conservative
legal activist. Mr. Klayman, who represented himself and the other plaintiffs,
said in an interview on Monday that he was seeking to turn the case into a class
action on behalf of all Americans. “I’m extremely gratified that Judge Leon had
the courage to make this ruling,” he said. “He is an American hero.”
Mr. Klayman argued that he had legal standing to challenge the program in part
because, he contended, the government had sent inexplicable text messages to his
clients on his behalf; at a hearing, he told the judge, “I think they are
messing with me.”
The judge portrayed that claim as “unusual” but looked past it, saying Mr.
Klayman and his co-plaintiff instead had standing because it was highly likely,
based on the government’s own description of the program as a “comprehensive
metadata database,” that the N.S.A. collected data about their phone calls along
with everyone else’s.
Similar legal challenges to the N.S.A. program, including by the American Civil
Liberties Union and the advocacy group Electronic Frontier Foundation, are at
earlier stages in the courts. Last month, the Supreme Court declined to hear an
unusual challenge to the program by the Electronic Privacy Information Center,
which had sought to bypass lower courts.
The ruling on Monday comes as several government panels are developing
recommendations on whether to keep, restructure or scrap the bulk data
collection program, and as Congress debates competing bills over the program’s
Though long and detailed, Judge Leon’s ruling is not a final judgment on the
program, but rather a preliminary injunction to stop the collection of data
about the plaintiffs while they pursued their case.
He also wrote that he had “serious doubts about the efficacy” of the program,
saying that the government had failed to cite “a single instance in which
analysis of the N.S.A.’s bulk metadata collection actually stopped an imminent
attack, or otherwise aided the government in achieving any objective that was
Judge Leon rejected the Obama administration’s argument that a 1979 case, Smith
v. Maryland, had established there are no Fourth Amendment protections for call
metadata — information like the numbers dialed and the date, time and duration
of calls, but not their content. The 1979 case, which involved collecting
information about a criminal defendant’s calls, helped establish the principle
that people do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy for information they
have exposed to a third party, like the phone company, which knows about their
The surveillance court, which issues secret rulings after hearing arguments from
only the Justice Department and without opposing lawyers, has maintained that
the 1979 decision is a controlling precedent that shields the N.S.A. call data
program from Fourth Amendment review. But Judge Leon, citing the scope of the
program and the evolving role of phones and technology, distinguished the bulk
collection from the 34-year-old case.
Last month, a federal judge declined to grant a new trial to several San Diego
men convicted of sending money to a terrorist group in Somalia. Government
officials have since acknowledged that investigators became interested in them
because of the call records program. Citing Smith v. Maryland, the judge said
the defendants had “no legitimate expectation of privacy” over their call data.
David Rivkin, a White House lawyer in the administration of the elder President
George Bush, criticized Judge Leon’s reasoning.
“Smith v. Maryland is the law of the land,” Mr. Rivkin said. “It is not for a
District Court judge to question the continuing validity of a Supreme Court
precedent that is exactly on point.”
Judge Leon also pointed to a landmark privacy case decided by the Supreme Court
in 2012 that held it was unconstitutional for the police to use a GPS tracking
device to monitor a suspect’s public movements without a warrant.
Although the court decided the case on narrow grounds, five of the nine justices
separately questioned whether the 1979 precedent was still valid in an era of
modern technology, which enables long-term, automated collection of information.
Judge Questions Legality of N.S.A. Phone Records, NYT, 16.12.2013,
3 Found Guilty in CityTime Corruption Trial
22, 2013
The New York Times
Three men
who a prosecutor said had gotten “unbelievably rich” at the expense of New York
City through a scandal-marred payroll modernization project were convicted on
Friday in a federal corruption trial in Manhattan.
The lead defendant, Mark Mazer, a former consultant to the city’s Office of
Payroll Administration, had been accused of taking about $30 million in
kickbacks for steering work to favored contractors on the project, called
Originally budgeted at $63 million, the cost of the project exploded to about
$700 million by 2011, with almost all of the more than $600 million that the
city paid to the prime contractor, Science Applications International
Corporation, or S.A.I.C., “tainted, directly or indirectly, by fraud,” an
indictment charged.
“Each one of these three men made a fortune from their crimes,” Andrew D.
Goldstein, a federal prosecutor, told the jury in his closing argument this
week. “They treated the city like it was their own giant A.T.M. machine.”
“We’ve had zero tolerance for corruption,” Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said after
the verdicts were announced, “and it’s why we have run the cleanest
administration in New York City’s history.”
Mr. Bloomberg praised the city’s commissioner of investigation, Rose Gill Hearn,
whose office uncovered the fraud and investigated the case with the office of
Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan.
Lawyers for each of the three defendants had argued during the trial, which
lasted just over a month, that their clients had not committed crimes and that
the city had approved the project and its increasing costs over the years. They
said they would appeal the convictions.
Mr. Bharara said late Friday: “These three defendants and their partners in
crime thought they had made off with nearly $100 million in taxpayer money, far
more than they could have made by burglarizing banks, with a fraction of the
effort. What they now stand to reap is lengthy prison terms.”
Mr. Mazer, 50, was convicted of bribery and conspiracies to commit wire fraud,
bribery and money laundering.
A second defendant, Gerard Denault, 52, S.A.I.C.’s project manager for CityTime,
had been accused of taking $9 million in kickbacks; he was convicted of
conspiracies to commit wire fraud, honest services fraud and money laundering
and was acquitted of one count of bribery conspiracy.
A third man, Dmitry Aronshtein, 53, whose name has also been spelled Dimitry,
was convicted of conspiracies to commit bribery and money laundering. Despite
their close age, he is an uncle of Mr. Mazer.
Judge George B. Daniels of Federal District Court ordered the three men, who had
been free on bond, held in home detention with electronic monitoring pending
sentencing on March 12. Each man faces a prison sentence of up to 20 years on at
least one of the counts for which he was convicted, prosecutors said.
Prosecutors asked that they be jailed immediately after the verdict, which was
announced by the jury at the end of the first full day of deliberations.
The fraud scheme, prosecutors contended, relied on an elaborate web of sham
companies and shell bank accounts, the wiring of money overseas and the storing
of more than a million dollars in cash in safe deposit boxes on Long Island.
It also involved bribery “the old-fashioned way,” Mr. Goldstein, the prosecutor,
told the jury, in envelopes containing thousands of dollars in cash “handed off
in quiet street corners, in massage parlor stairwells and in parked cars just
outside New York City official offices.”
In 2012, the contractor, S.A.I.C., agreed to forfeit over $500 million as part
of a settlement with the government. Mr. Bloomberg acknowledged at the time that
“there will always be one or two bad apples.”
“Should we have known? Could we have known?” he asked. “We keep strengthening
all our surveillance, and, hopefully, we’ll catch anything that happens again.”
In arguing that there had been no fraud, Mr. Mazer’s lawyer, Gerald L. Shargel,
said: “There was an incredible amount of checks and balances. There was an
incredible amount of supervision and independent examination.”
Mr. Denault’s lawyer, Barry A. Bohrer, said, “The City of New York had its eyes
wide open.” The city, he added, “signed off on this because it was what it
wanted and it was what it needed.”
Jeffrey C. Hoffman, who represented Mr. Aronshtein, accused prosecutors of “a
constant, unfair, untruthful manipulation of facts.” His client, the only
defendant to testify at the trial, denied that Mr. Mazer had ever asked him for
money in return for work on the CityTime project.
In all, eight people have been convicted in the CityTime investigation, which
Mr. Bharara has called “one of the largest and most brazen frauds ever
committed” against the city.
Two defendants, including Carl Bell, who worked for S.A.I.C., pleaded guilty in
2011 and testified under cooperation agreements with the government. Three other
defendants, who had been accused of working with Mr. Mazer to conceal kickbacks,
entered guilty pleas in June.
One of those defendants, Mr. Mazer’s mother, Larisa Medzon, pleaded guilty to
one count of structuring transactions to evade currency reporting requirements.
A second, Mr. Mazer’s wife, Svetlana Mazer, pleaded guilty to one count of
obstruction of justice. The third, Anna Makovetskaya, a cousin of Mr. Mazer’s
wife, pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to make false statements.
3 Found Guilty in CityTime Corruption Trial, NYT, 22.11.2013,
Tables Turned,
Their Chance at Bulger
13, 2013
The New York Times
David Wheeler stood in the well of a federal courtroom here Wednesday, gesturing
toward James (Whitey) Bulger, the elderly man who was once the overlord of the
Boston underworld and who had ordered his father’s murder.
“Shame on you, Mr. Bulger,” Mr. Wheeler declared. “For all your notoriety, you
are a punk and you don’t even matter anymore. You’ve turned from a
government-sponsored assassin to a pile of jailhouse rags.”
And so it went, for 90 minutes at Mr. Bulger’s sentencing hearing, which
followed his conviction in August for 11 murders and multiple racketeering
charges. One after the other, grieving widows and fatherless children, now in
middle age, stepped forward, many to curse the man who had robbed them of their
loved ones, others to describe the holes that were suddenly left in their lives.
“We were a happy, loving young family with hopes and dreams, and he was the soul
of our family,” said Patricia Donahue, whose husband, Michael, was an innocent
bystander when he was gunned down. “Then on May 11, 1982, a complete stranger
named Whitey Bulger crossed our paths, and everything we knew was gone in the
blink of an eye.”
Others poured out the venom that had been eating at them for decades.
“You thought you were an Irish icon, but you are a domestic terrorist fueled by
greed,” said Sean McGonagle, whose father, Paul, was another Bulger victim. “No
one cares what legacy you leave or what code you live by,” he said as he called
the gangster a mentally deficient, sad, lonely old man. Some called him a
coward; others, a rat.
Mr. Bulger, 84, wearing an orange jumpsuit, rarely looked up as he scribbled on
a yellow pad. The only word he uttered was “no” after Judge Denise Casper of
Federal District Court asked him if he wanted to say anything before his
sentencing on Thursday.
It was a striking scene, not only for the range of emotion on display but also
for the sharp reversal of Mr. Bulger’s fortunes.
He once held this city captive in what prosecutors have described as a murderous
reign of terror from the 1960s into the 1990s. Now, with the tables turned, many
who had lived in fear of Mr. Bulger were condemning him.
But while they were no longer afraid, they were hardly triumphant. Their lives
had been irrevocably altered, their murdered loved ones had missed important
milestones in their lives, and they bared their anger and sorrow.
“I think of the things he missed out on in my life,” said Bill O’Brien Jr.,
whose father was killed four days before Mr. O’Brien was born. At baseball
games, he said, “I saw all those other fathers with their sons, and me just
standing there, wishing I had someone cheering me on, wishing I had someone
adjusting my baseball cap.”
Many acknowledged that the absent loved ones were not perfect. But, they said,
that did not justify their killings. “My father was no Boy Scout,” Mr. McGonagle
said, “but he was a better man than you could ever be.”
Mrs. Donahue chose to share cherished memories, like the Christmas Eves her
husband spent assembling bicycles for their three boys — only to see in the
morning that he had put the wrong handlebars on the wrong bikes. He fancied
himself a good cook, she said, but often “you didn’t know what you were eating.”
Theresa Bond, whose father, Arthur Barrett, was shot in the head by Mr. Bulger,
was nonetheless charitable toward him.
“Could you please look at me?” she asked quietly as she began. He barely raised
his head. “I don’t hate you,” she said. She asked whether he had remorse for
taking her father’s life but did not seem to expect an answer, nor did he give
one. “I think you do,” she concluded. “I forgive you.”
No one used the word “closure,” but some, like Meredith Rakes, whose father,
Stephen, was extorted by Mr. Bulger, thought her years of agony would now cease.
“The healing can begin,” she said. “The nightmare is over, the pain stops here.”
Some relatives talked about the stigma of being associated with a gangland
slaying and acknowledged depression and suicide attempts in their families. They
often had trouble, they said, with simple questions, like when someone would ask
how their father had died.
Kathleen Connors Nichols said she struggled with whether to answer that her
father had been almost “cut in half” by a hail of bullets, or to tell “the PG
version.” She said he had been “flawed,” but that being murdered denied him the
chance ever to say he was sorry.
Steve Davis, whose sister Debra was strangled, became overwhelmed with emotion
when he spoke.
“This man has built up so much hate in my heart, I’d like to strangle him
myself,” he said. He then erupted in fury that Mr. Bulger’s eyes were on his
writing pad, calling the gangster a vulgar term and demanding, “Look at me!” Mr.
Bulger put on his black-framed glasses and glanced his way.
“She did not deserve to die this way,” Mr. Davis said. “I hope Whitey dies the
same way my sister did, gasping for breath as he takes his last breath.”
Mr. Wheeler unleashed a stinging rebuke of the F.B.I. His father had learned
that a retired agent who was providing him security was stealing money from him
and sending it to the Bulger gang, prompting the gang to send a henchman to kill
the father. In court, David Wheeler, saying the “so called” Justice Department
covered up the murder, declared the F.B.I. “as responsible as the defendant
sitting here” for his father’s death.
There seems little doubt that Mr. Bulger, old and frail, will die in prison.
Prosecutors have called for the maximum punishment of two consecutive life
sentences, saying he has “no redeeming qualities.”
“The defendant has been getting arrested since the time that Harry Truman was
president,” Brian Kelly, a prosecutor, told the court. “The carnage he has
caused is grotesque.”
Tables Turned, Victims’ Relatives Get Their Chance at Bulger, NYT, 13.11.2013,
Partial Victory for BP
Dispute Over Settlement
October 2,
The New York Times
federal appeals court gave BP a partial victory on Wednesday by ordering a lower
court judge to reconsider his interpretation of a settlement with claimants who
filed billions of dollars of claims against the oil company after the 2010
Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster.
In a divided opinion, the majority found that the formula that measured a
potential loss needed to be clarified. The third judge argued in a dissent that
BP was trying to change the rules it had already agreed to.
BP has repeatedly complained about the claims process, arguing that the
program’s administrator, Patrick Juneau, was approving fabricated payments for
business economic losses based on an unsound interpretation of an agreement the
company reached with victims last year.
BP has also repeatedly asked Judge Carl J. Barbier of United States District
Court to suspend payments of private claims because of misinterpretations of the
agreement and additional accusations of fraud. But Judge Barbier has refused,
ruling that Mr. Juneau interpreted the settlement properly.
The United States Court of Appeals in New Orleans, while upholding the lower
court’s dismissal of a BP lawsuit against Mr. Juneau, ordered Judge Barbier to
give “further consideration” to the complaints.
“The district court had no authority to approve the settlement of a class that
included members that had not sustained losses at all, or had sustained losses
unrelated to the oil spill as BP alleges,” the court ruled. It concluded that in
the event that the administrator was interpreting the settlement to include
people who did not suffer spill damages, “the settlement is unlawful.”
The Appeals Court ordered Judge Barbier to develop a “narrowly tailored
injunction” that will allow for “deliberate reconsideration of these significant
BP has also complained that private contractors working for the claims office
have been wasting money and that the office has lacked antifraud controls. In a
recent court filing, BP requested that payments be suspended until the former
F.B.I. director Louis Freeh, who was appointed by Judge Barbier to investigate
wrongdoing in the claims process, helps the claims office improve and execute
antifraud procedures.
Mr. Juneau did not immediately respond to the decision, which was released late
in the day.
“BP is extremely pleased with today’s ruling,” said Geoff Morrell, a BP
spokesman. “Today’s ruling affirms what BP has been saying since the beginning:
claimants should not be paid for fictitious or wholly nonexistent losses.”
Partial Victory for BP in Dispute Over Settlement, NYT, 2.10.2013,
Why Judges Are Scowling at Banks
September 28, 2013
The New York Times
LAST week, for the first time since the financial crisis, the
government faced off in court against a major bank over lending practices during
the mortgage mania. Lawyers for the Justice Department contend that Countrywide
Financial, a unit of Bank of America, misrepresented the quality of mortgages it
sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the taxpayer-owned mortgage finance giants,
starting in 2007. Fannie and Freddie incurred gross losses of $850 million on
the defective loans and net losses of $131 million, the government said.
Bank of America disagrees. Its lawyers say that Countrywide did not defraud
Fannie or Freddie.
This case is undoubtedly big, but it is only one of many mortgage-related
matters inching through the judicial system. And what is notable about some of
the lower-profile matters is the tone and tack that federal judges are taking in
their rulings. District court judges are not generally known as flamethrowers,
but some seem to be losing patience with the banks.
For decades leading up to the foreclosure debacle, plaintiffs’ lawyers say,
judges generally took the side of lenders when borrowers came to court
complaining of problematic lending or predatory loan servicing. Many judges
still do. But some are getting tough, perhaps having seen too many examples of
dubious bank behavior.
“Maybe the judges are tired of the diet of baloney sandwiches the banks have
been feeding them,” said April Charney, a foreclosure defense lawyer who for
years represented troubled borrowers at Jacksonville Area Legal Aid in Florida.
She is now in private practice.
Two recent rulings — one in New York involving Bank of America and one in
Massachusetts involving Wells Fargo — serve as examples. In the Wells Fargo
case, a ruling on Sept. 17 by Judge William G. Young of Federal District Court
was especially stinging. In it, he required Wells Fargo to provide him with a
corporate resolution signed by its president and a majority of its board stating
that they stand behind the conduct of the bank’s lawyers in the case.
The case involved a borrower named Joseph Henning who fell behind on his
mortgage, which he received from Wachovia, an entity later absorbed by Wells
Fargo. In a suit filed against Wells Fargo in May 2009, Mr. Henning contended
that the loan was predatory.
Judge Young agreed with the bank’s argument that federal laws pre-empted the
state-law remedies Mr. Henning was seeking. But he did so reluctantly, calling
it a win based “on a technicality.”
Then he chastised the bank. “The disconnect between Wells Fargo’s publicly
advertised face and its actual litigation conduct here could not be more
extreme,” the judge wrote. “A quick visit to Wells Fargo’s Web site confirms
that it vigorously promotes itself as consumer-friendly,” he continued, “a far
cry from the hard-nosed win-at-any-cost stance it has adopted here.”
If Wells Fargo does not supply the corporate resolution within 30 days of the
ruling, the case will go to a jury trial, the judge said.
Mary Eshet, a spokeswoman for Wells Fargo, called the judge’s remarks in the
ruling “inflammatory and unsubstantiated,” and added: “We believe Judge Young
should follow the law which he recognizes and finalize his own judgment in this
case.” The bank is asking an appellate court to require the judge to enter his
dismissal order without the corporate resolution.
Valeriano Diviacchi, the lawyer for the borrower, said he had never seen a
ruling requiring a corporate resolution as Judge Young’s did. Mr. Diviacchi said
that he didn’t know why the judge made the ruling but that the judge appeared to
want the case to be heard by a jury of Mr. Henning’s peers, people who may have
had their own experiences with questionable bank practices.
“Judge Young is one of the few judges who will refer matters to juries — even
when a cause of action does not entitle a party to a jury right — because he
believes in it as a foundation of the justice system and a democratic society,”
Mr. Diviacchi said.
The second case arose after Edwin Ramos and Michelle Ava Stouber-Ramos filed for
bankruptcy and had the first and second mortgage on their Tampa, Fla.,
condominium discharged by the court. That kind of discharge protects a borrower
from any attempts to collect the debts as a personal liability.
Bank of America received notice of the discharge in September 2010. But in
spring 2012, the bank began sending letters to the Ramoses, saying their $26,991
second mortgage was “seriously delinquent” and demanding that they pay the
amount owed immediately. Otherwise, the bank said, it would proceed with
“collection action.”
According to Michael H. Schwartz, a lawyer in White Plains who represented the
borrowers, Mr. Ramos started getting three phone calls a day from the bank,
demanding repayment. When Mr. Ramos advised the bank’s representatives that the
debt had been expunged in a bankruptcy proceeding, he was told “too bad,”
according to a court filing.
The phone calls and letters continued even after Mr. Schwartz went back to court
to ask that Bank of America be sanctioned for illegal attempts to collect the
debt. During this time, Bank of America sold the servicing rights on the first
mortgage to another company, which soon began sending its own demand letters to
the Ramoses.
This month, the matter came before Robert D. Drain, a federal bankruptcy judge
in New York. Judge Drain found Bank of America in contempt of the debt discharge
order protecting the Ramoses and required the bank to pay Mr. Schwartz’s legal
bills in the case. The judge also ordered the bank to pay $10,000 a month in
sanctions to the Ramoses until it stopped making the repayment demands.
Judge Drain acknowledged that it wasn’t a lot of money to Bank of America. But,
he said, he hoped that its lawyers would get the message. “This is not just a
stupid mistake” by the bank, the judge said. “This is a policy.”
A Bank of America spokeswoman said the bank was working to resolve the court’s
issues and “researching and investigating what transpired.”
But Mr. Schwartz said the Ramos case was just one of several in which he
represented homeowners who were pursued by Bank of America over discharged
debts. In another of his cases, court filings show that a homeowner received 105
phone calls and four threatening letters from the bank. “I believe the bank has
made a conscious decision that it is less expensive to pay sanctions than to
change its internal processes,” he said. “This problem is nationwide.”
Judges who take a more aggressive stance against the banks in such cases are
doing what they can to hold these institutions accountable. It may not seem like
a lot, but it is progress.
Why Judges Are Scowling at Banks, NYT,
Ex-Soldier Became Contract Killer,
Authorities Say
27, 2013
The New York Times
nickname was Rambo. He was a sergeant in the Army, and he trained soldiers to be
snipers. But after leaving the military in 2004, the authorities say, he put his
skills to work in a less honorable way: earning a living as a contract killer.
This past spring, the onetime sergeant, Joseph Hunter, 48, and two other former
soldiers agreed to murder an agent of the United States Drug Enforcement
Administration and one of that agency’s confidential informers, both in Liberia,
for a total of $800,000, federal prosecutors said on Friday in Manhattan.
The plot had been proposed by men who held themselves out as Colombian drug
traffickers, an indictment says.
“My guys will handle it,” Mr. Hunter wrote in an e-mail on May 30, responding to
a question as to whether his team would be willing to carry out the killings,
the indictment charges.
In fact, the authorities said, the purported drug traffickers were confidential
sources for the D.E.A. and part of an undercover sting operation that ultimately
led to the arrests of Mr. Hunter and two others: another former American Army
sergeant, Timothy Vamvakias, 42, and a former German corporal, Dennis Gogel, 27.
All three were charged with conspiracy to murder the agent and the informer, as
well as conspiring to import cocaine into the United States.
Two other men, Michael Filter, 29, and Slawomir Soborski, 40, who served in the
German and Polish militaries, respectively, have also been arrested and charged
in the drug trafficking conspiracy, prosecutors said. They are awaiting
extradition from Estonia, the authorities said.
“The charges tell a tale of an international band of mercenary marksmen who
enlisted their elite military training to serve as hired guns for evil ends,”
Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York,
said at a news conference on Friday.
Mr. Bharara described the charges with Derek Maltz, who heads the D.E.A.’s
special operations division.
Mr. Hunter referred to contract assassinations euphemistically as “bonus work”
or “bonus jobs,” the indictment says, adding that he told the confidential
informers that he had done such work before. Mr. Bharara said Mr. Hunter had
successfully arranged for the murders “of numerous people,” though he did not
name them.
The indictment says that Mr. Hunter began collecting résumés for prospective
members of his so-called security team, which had planned to use pistols and
submachine guns, with silencers, to carry out the murders. Mr. Gogel told one of
the drug agency informers that the murders could be made to resemble an ordinary
street crime, “like a bad robbery or anything, you know,” the indictment says.
Mr. Hunter told co-conspirators that they would be working for a Colombian
cartel and that they could expect to “see tons of cocaine and millions of
dollars,” the indictment says. They would also have the opportunity to
participate in assassinations, he told them, according to the indictment. “Most
of the bonus work is up close ... because in the cities ... you don’t get
long-range shots,” the indictment quotes him as saying.
Part of an escape plan involved the use of sophisticated latex face masks that
would make the wearer appear to be of another race, the indictment said.
Mr. Vamvakias, describing the proposed murders of the D.E.A. agent and the
informer, was quoted in the indictment as saying, “You know, we gotta do this,
hit it hard, hit it fast, make sure it’s done,” and then leave.
“That’s the biggest headache,” he added. “The job’s not the headache; it’s
getting in and out.”
Mr. Hunter was taken into custody in Thailand, Mr. Bharara said, and was to be
arraigned in Manhattan on Saturday. Mr. Vamvakias and Mr. Gogel were each sent
to the United States from Liberia and arraigned on Thursday, when they were
ordered detained and entered not guilty pleas, the authorities said.
Mr. Vamvakias’s lawyer, Bobbi C. Sternheim, said, “We are prepared to vigorously
defend” against the charges. Mr. Gogel’s lawyer, Edward D. Wilford, declined to
The case, with its use of confidential informers posing as drug traffickers, had
echoes of other D.E.A. international sting operations, like the one in 2008 that
ensnared the Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout, who was brought to the United
States and tried and convicted in 2011.
Mr. Bharara and Mr. Maltz made it clear that the drug agency had had its eye on
Mr. Hunter for some time. After learning about him through a different
investigation, Mr. Bharara said, the agency decided “to do something to
incapacitate him.”
Mr. Maltz said the operation had lasted close to a year. He said the goal was to
“be able to take these threats out before something bad happens.”
Ex-Soldier Became Contract Killer, Authorities Say, NYT, 27.9.2013,
Smarter Sentencing
August 13,
The New York Times
You know a
transformational moment has arrived when the attorney general of the United
States makes a highly anticipated speech on a politically combustible topic and
there is virtually no opposition to be heard.
That describes the general reaction to Eric Holder Jr.’s announcement on Monday
that he was ordering “a fundamentally new approach” in the federal prosecution
of many lower-level drug offenders. What once would have elicited cries of “soft
on crime” now drew mostly nods of agreement. As Mr. Holder said, it’s “well past
time” to take concrete steps to end the nation’s four-decade incarceration binge
— the result of harsh sentencing laws enacted in response to increased violent
crime in the late 1960s and 1970s.
The statistics have been repeated so often as to be numbing: 1.57 million
Americans in state and federal prisons, an increase of more than 500 percent
since the late 1970s, at a cost of $80 billion annually. In 2010, more than 7 in
100 black men ages 30 to 34 years old were behind bars. The federal system alone
holds 219,000 inmates, 40 percent above its capacity, thanks to strict
sentencing guidelines and mandatory minimum sentences. Of these inmates, nearly
half are in prison for drug-related crimes.
In Mr. Holder’s words, “too many Americans go to too many prisons for far too
long, and for no truly good law enforcement reason.” Many criminal-justice
experts have long felt the same way. What made Mr. Holder’s speech timely and
important was that it reflected a fundamental shift in thinking about crime and
punishment at the highest levels of government.
The harsher-is-better mind-set is giving way to a recognition that widespread
incarceration is, as Mr. Holder put it, “both ineffective and unsustainable.”
Even if the historic decrease in violent crime is partly attributable to putting
more people in prison, the nation is long past the point of diminishing returns.
As for specific policies, Mr. Holder ordered prosecutors to pull back when
pressing charges in low-level, nonviolent drug cases. Where a defendant does not
have a significant criminal history or gang ties, he said, prosecutors should
avoid triggering mandatory minimum sentences, which are pegged to drug
quantities, by leaving those quantities out of the charges.
Mr. Holder also loosened the restrictions on releasing elderly, ill prisoners
who pose no safety threat; called for the enhancement of alternatives to prison,
such as drug treatment programs; and directed prosecutors to redouble efforts to
reduce recidivism, which remains a vexing problem nationwide.
Mr. Holder oversees a Justice Department that is playing catch-up to the states,
which house a vast majority of America’s prisoners. Many states have reduced
their prison populations and saved money without increasing the risk to public
safety. Texas has cut sentences for drug and property offenses, while its
prisons have expanded their treatment of drug addiction and mental health. The
state’s prison population, which had grown exponentially, has been stable or
declining since 2007; and violent crime has decreased at the same time.
It will be years before the full impact of Mr. Holder’s changes becomes clear.
Much will depend on details, including how broadly prosecutors define a
defendant’s criminal history, and what it means to have “ties” to a gang. In the
interest of fairness, Mr. Holder should also apply the policy to the tens of
thousands of federal inmates already serving out mandatory minimum sentences for
drug-related crimes.
It would help if Congress ratified the new policy. Presidents come and go, and
it is entirely possible that without long-term legislative reform some future
administration could regress. Thankfully, there’s evidence that Congress, too,
is finally getting the message. In 2010, it passed the Fair Sentencing Act,
reducing huge and unwarranted disparities in sentencing for cocaine possession,
which, in turn, shortened thousands of unjustly long sentences and has already
saved about a half-billion dollars.
And two bipartisan bills would reduce mandatory minimums and give judges more
discretion in sentencing offenders. Both represent a growing consensus that
includes the political right. From the antitax crusader Grover Norquist to the
American Legislative Exchange Council, which has previously supported tough
sentencing laws, conservatives are among the clearest voices in favor of
broad-based prison reform.
Public opinion is also firmly on the side of reform. A 2012 Pew Charitable
Trusts poll found that nearly half of voters believed that too many people were
in prison, and more than 80 percent supported reducing prison time for low-risk,
nonviolent offenders. One of the last missing pieces in the reform effort has
been the support of federal law enforcement. In unmistakably strong terms, Mr.
Holder has now supplied it.
Smarter Sentencing, NYT, 13.8.2013,
Judge Rejects New York’s
Stop-and-Frisk Policy
August 12,
The New York Times
A federal
judge ruled on Monday that the stop-and-frisk tactics of the New York Police
Department violated the constitutional rights of minorities in the city,
repudiating a major element in the Bloomberg administration’s crime-fighting
The use of police stops has been widely cited by city officials as a linchpin of
New York’s success story in seeing murders and major crimes fall to historic
lows. The police say the practice has saved the lives of thousands of young
black and Hispanic men by removing thousands of guns from the streets.
But the judge, Shira A. Scheindlin, found that the Police Department resorted to
a “policy of indirect racial profiling” as it increased the number of stops in
minority communities. That has led to officers’ routinely stopping “blacks and
Hispanics who would not have been stopped if they were white.”
The judge called for a federal monitor to oversee broad reforms, including the
use of body-worn cameras for some patrol officers, though she was “not ordering
an end to the practice of stop-and-frisk.”
In her 195-page decision, Judge Scheindlin concluded that the stops, which
soared in number over the last decade as crime continued to decline,
demonstrated a widespread disregard for the Fourth Amendment, which protects
against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government, as well as the
14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg angrily accused the judge of deliberately denying the
city “a fair trial” and said the city would file an appeal.
Striking a defiant tone, Mr. Bloomberg said, “You’re not going to see any change
in tactics overnight.” He said he hoped the appeal process would allow the
current stop-and-frisk practices to continue through the end of his
administration because “I wouldn’t want to be responsible for a lot of people
The judge found that for much of the last decade, patrol officers had stopped
innocent people without any objective reason to suspect them of wrongdoing. But
her criticism went beyond the conduct of police officers.
“I also conclude that the city’s highest officials have turned a blind eye to
the evidence that officers are conducting stops in a racially discriminatory
manner,” she wrote, citing statements that Mr. Bloomberg and the police
commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, have made in defending the policy.
Judge Scheindlin ordered a number of remedies, including a pilot program in
which officers in at least five precincts across the city will wear cameras on
their bodies to record street encounters. She also ordered a “joint remedial
process” — in essence, a series of community meetings — to solicit public
comments on how to reform the department’s tactics.
The judge named Peter L. Zimroth, a partner in Arnold & Porter L.L.P., and a
former corporation counsel and prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s
office, to monitor the Police Department’s compliance with the United States
Constitution. The installation of a monitor will leave the department under a
degree of judicial control that is certain to shape the policing strategies
under the next mayor.
Judge Scheindlin’s decision grapples with the legacy of Terry v. Ohio, a 1968
ruling by the Supreme Court, which held that stopping and frisking was
constitutionally permissible under certain conditions. But she said that changes
to the way the New York Police Department employed the practice were needed to
ensure that the street stops were carried out in a manner that “protects the
rights and liberties of all New Yorkers, while still providing much needed
police protection.”
The judge found that the New York police were too quick to deem suspicious
behavior that was perfectly innocent, in effect watering down the legal standard
required for a stop.
“Blacks are likely targeted for stops based on a lesser degree of objectively
founded suspicion than whites,” she wrote.
She noted that officers routinely stopped people partly on the basis of “furtive
movements,” a category that officers have testified might encompass any of the
following: being fidgety, changing directions, walking in a certain way,
grabbing at a pocket or looking over one’s shoulder.
“If officers believe that the behavior described above constitutes furtive
movement that justifies a stop, then it is no surprise that stops so rarely
produce evidence of criminal activity,” Judge Scheindlin wrote.
She found that in their zeal to identify concealed weapons, officers sometimes
stopped people on the grounds that the officer observed a bulge in the person’s
pocket; often it turned out that the bulge was caused not by a gun but by a
“The outline of a commonly carried object such as a wallet or cellphone does not
justify a stop or frisk, nor does feeling such an object during a frisk justify
a search,” she ruled.
She emphasized what she called the “human toll of unconstitutional stops,”
noting that some of the plaintiffs testified that their encounters with the
police left them feeling that they did not belong in certain areas of the city.
She characterized each stop as “a demeaning and humiliating experience.”
“No one should live in fear of being stopped whenever he leaves his home to go
about the activities of daily life,” she wrote.
One of the plaintiffs in the case, Lalit Clarkson, 31, a union organizer, said
after the ruling that “the stop-and-frisk policy criminalizes a whole race and
community of people, just for going to work, going to get some food, going on a
train to go downtown.”
The decision, he said, represents the legal system’s validation of what the
black community has known for a long time: that the stop-and-frisk tactics rely
on racial profiling.
“What we know, in our community, to be the truth, has never before gone through
a massive legal process” and been “shown, point by point, step by step” to be
true, he said.
The judge’s ruling, in Floyd v. City of New York, a 2008 class-action lawsuit
that represents the broadest legal challenge to the department’s practices,
follows a two-month nonjury trial in Federal District Court in Manhattan earlier
this year. Her decision cites testimony of about a dozen black or biracial men
and one woman who described being stopped, as well as the conclusions of
statistical experts who studied police paperwork describing some 4.43 million
stops between 2004 and the middle of 2012.
But the stops were not the end of the problem, Judge Scheindlin found. After
officers stopped people, they often conducted frisks for weapons, or searched
the subjects’ pockets for contraband, like drugs, without any legal grounds for
doing so. Also, she found that during police stops, blacks and Hispanics “were
more likely to be subjected to the use of force than whites, despite the fact
that whites are more likely to be found with weapons or contraband.”
About 83 percent of the stops between 2004 and 2012 involved blacks and
Hispanics, even though those two demographics make up just slightly more than 50
percent of the city’s residents. Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Kelly have explained that
disparity by saying it mirrored the disproportionate percentage of crimes
committed by young minority men. But Judge Scheindlin dismissed the Police
Department’s rationale.
“This might be a valid comparison if the people stopped were criminals,” she
wrote, explaining that there was significant evidence that the people being
stopped were not criminals. “To the contrary, nearly 90 percent of the people
stopped are released without the officer finding any basis for a summons or
Rather, Judge Scheindlin found, the stops overwhelmingly involved minority men
because police commanders had come to see them as “the right people” to stop.
“It is impermissible to subject all members of a racially defined group to
heightened police enforcement because some members of that group are criminals,”
she wrote.
Mr. Bloomberg pledged that lawyers for the city, in appealing to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, would argue that the judge was
biased against the police. As evidence, he cited the fact that the judge, who
has overseen numerous stop-and-frisk cases over the last decade, had encouraged
the plaintiffs to steer the Floyd case into her courtroom by marking it as
related to an earlier case she had overseen.
The mayor said the judge did “not understand how policing works” and had
misinterpreted what the Constitution allowed.
Judge Rejects New York’s Stop-and-Frisk Policy, NYT, 12.8.2013,
Justice Dept.
Seeks to
Curtail Stiff Drug Sentences
August 12,
The New York Times
— In a major shift in criminal justice policy, the Obama administration will
move on Monday to ease overcrowding in federal prisons by ordering prosecutors
to omit listing quantities of illegal substances in indictments for low-level
drug cases, sidestepping federal laws that impose strict mandatory minimum
sentences for drug-related offenses.
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., in a speech at the American Bar
Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco on Monday, is expected to announce
the new policy as one of several steps intended to curb soaring taxpayer
spending on prisons and help correct what he regards as unfairness in the
justice system, according to his prepared remarks.
Saying that “too many Americans go to too many prisons for far too long and for
no good law enforcement reason,” Mr. Holder is planning to justify his policy
push in both moral and economic terms.
“Although incarceration has a role to play in our justice system, widespread
incarceration at the federal, state and local levels is both ineffective and
unsustainable,” Mr. Holder’s speech says. “It imposes a significant economic
burden — totaling $80 billion in 2010 alone — and it comes with human and moral
costs that are impossible to calculate.”
Mr. Holder will also introduce a related set of Justice Department policies that
would leave more crimes to state courts to handle, increase the use of
drug-treatment programs as alternatives to incarceration, and expand a program
of “compassionate release” for “elderly inmates who did not commit violent
crimes and have served significant portions of their sentences.”
The policy changes appear to be part of Mr. Holder’s effort, before he
eventually steps down, to bolster his image and legacy. Turmoil over the
Congressional investigation into the botched Operation Fast and Furious gun
trafficking case ensnared him in the Obama administration’s first term, and more
recently, controversy has flared over the department’s aggressive tactics in
leak investigations.
In recent weeks, he has also tightened rules on obtaining reporters’ data in
leak cases and started an effort to strengthen protections for minority voters
after the Supreme Court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The
move continued an assertive approach to voting rights and other civil rights
enforcement throughout his tenure.
Mr. Holder’s speech on Monday deplores the moral impact of the United States’
high incarceration rate: although it has only 5 percent of the world’s
population, it has 25 percent of its prisoners, he notes. But he also attempts
to pre-empt political controversy by painting his effort as following the lead
of prison reform efforts in primarily conservative-led Southern states.
Under a policy memorandum being sent to all United States attorney offices on
Monday, according to an administration official, prosecutors will be told that
they may not write the specific quantity of drugs when drafting indictments for
drug defendants who meet the following four criteria: their conduct did not
involve violence, the use of a weapon or sales to minors; they are not leaders
of a criminal organization; they have no significant ties to large-scale gangs
or cartels; and they have no significant criminal history.
For example, in the case of a defendant accused of conspiring to sell five
kilograms of cocaine — an amount that would set off a 10-year mandatory minimum
sentence — the prosecutor would write that “the defendant conspired to
distribute cocaine” without saying how much. The quantity would still factor in
when prosecutors and judges consult sentencing guidelines, but depending on the
circumstances, the result could be a sentence of less than the 10 years called
for by the mandatory minimum law, the official said.
It is not clear whether current cases that have not yet been adjudicated would
be recharged because of the new policy.
Amid a rise in crime rates a generation ago, state and federal lawmakers began
passing a series of “tough on crime” laws, including mandatory minimum sentences
for drug possession. But as crime rates have plummeted to 40-year lows and
reduced the political potency of the fear of crime, fiscal pressures from the
exploding cost of building and maintaining prisons have prompted states to find
alternatives to incarceration.
Driven in part by a need to save money, several conservative-leaning states like
Texas and Arkansas have experimented with finding ways to incarcerate fewer
low-level drug offenders. The answers have included reducing prison terms for
them or diverting them into treatment programs, releasing elderly or
well-behaved inmates early, and expanding job training and re-entry programs.
The policy is seen as successful across the ideological divide. For example, in
Texas, which was an early innovator, taxpayers have saved hundreds of millions
of dollars on what had been projected as a need to build prison space. With
crime rates remaining at generational lows, the space is no longer necessary.
Several years ago, a group called Right on Crime formed to push what it calls
the “conservative case for reform.” Its Republican affiliates include Jeb Bush,
a former Florida governor; Edwin R. Meese III, an attorney general during the
Reagan administration; and Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker.
“While the federal prison system has continued to slowly expand, significant
state-level reductions have led to three consecutive years of decline in
America’s overall prison population — including, in 2012, the largest drop ever
experienced in a single year,” Mr. Holder’s speech says. “Clearly, these
strategies can work. They’ve attracted overwhelming, bipartisan support in ‘red
states’ as well as ‘blue states.’ And it’s past time for others to take notice.”
Still, in states that have undertaken prison and parole overhauls, the changes
were approved by state lawmakers. Mr. Holder’s reform is different: instead of
going through Congress for legislation to modify mandatory minimum sentencing
laws, he is invoking his power of prosecutorial discretion to sidestep them.
Earlier in Mr. Obama’s presidency, the administration went through Congress to
achieve policy goals like reducing the sentencing disparity between crack and
powder forms of cocaine. But it has increasingly pursued a strategy of invoking
unilateral executive powers without Congress, which the White House sees as
bogged down by Republican obstructionism.
Previous examples, like Mr. Obama’s decision last year to issue an executive
order allowing immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children to
remain without fear of deportation and to work, have drawn fire from Republicans
as “power grabs” that usurp the role of Congress.
Mr. Holder’s speech marches through a litany of statistics about incarceration
in the United States. The American population has grown by about a third since
1980, he said, but its prison rate has increased nearly 800 percent. At the
federal level, more than 219,000 inmates are currently behind bars — nearly half
for drug-related crimes — and the prisons are operating at nearly 40 percent
above their official capacity.
Justice Dept. Seeks to Curtail Stiff Drug Sentences, NYT, 12.8.2013,
Grand Jury Decides Not to Charge
Who Fatally Shot
Youth in Bronx
August 8,
The New York Times
months after a police officer barged into a private residence and fatally shot
an unarmed teenager in the bathroom of the home, the criminal case against the
officer has collapsed with a grand jury’s decision to not bring charges in the
The decision, which was announced on Thursday morning, was met with shock from
the Bronx district attorney, Robert T. Johnson, and it prompted calls for a
federal civil rights investigation and an independent prosecutor. By late
afternoon, the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan said it would review
the evidence to “determine whether there were any violations of the federal
criminal civil rights laws.”
Nonetheless, the grand jury decision stirred anger and talk of racism among
supporters and relatives of the shooting victim, Ramarley Graham, 18. Mr. Graham
was black; the officer, Richard Haste, is white.
Narcotics officers had become suspicious of Mr. Graham as he walked through the
Wakefield section of the Bronx with two friends. Officer Haste, 31, pursued the
teenager, forcing his way into the apartment where Mr. Graham lived with his
grandmother. The officer confronted him in the bathroom and shot him, after he
mistakenly interpreted a gesture as Mr. Graham reaching for a gun, according to
the officer’s account to the grand jury.
The resulting tensions in the community had been largely calmed after Officer
Haste was initially indicted last year on manslaughter charges. But a judge
dismissed the indictment in May, saying prosecutors had improperly precluded the
grand jury from considering Officer Haste’s claim that he believed that Mr.
Graham was armed, based on what he had heard fellow officers say over a police
The judge’s ruling allowed prosecutors to seek a new indictment. On Tuesday,
Officer Haste told grand jurors that he had repeatedly directed Mr. Graham to
“show me your hands,” according to the officer’s lawyer, Stuart London.
Mr. London acknowledged on Thursday that “it was surprising” for a grand jury in
the Bronx to vote against prosecuting an officer after such a shooting. “The
grand jury should be commended for the courage they had in the face of such a
tragedy to keep an open mind and allow my client to tell his side of the story,”
he said.
Although the officer will not face state charges for the shooting, he still
faces the federal inquiry and a disciplinary review in the Police Department;
Mr. Graham’s family is also suing the police.
At a news conference outside the district attorney’s office on Thursday, Mr.
Graham’s father, Frank Graham, said, “Everything just seems dark.”
Speaking before two dozen protesters and several politicians, the father said:
“We have to ask ourselves this question: ‘Had Ramarley been white, would this
have happened? Would they have run in a white person’s home?’ ”
The turn of events is all the more surprising because Bronx juries tend to be
far more skeptical of police actions than juries elsewhere. About 16 officers
are currently under indictment there on charges related to a widespread
ticket-fixing scandal that has also cast a pall over State Supreme Court in the
borough, as defense lawyers cite the scandal to suggest that the police cannot
be trusted to testify truthfully.
District Attorney Johnson said in a statement: “We are surprised and shocked by
the grand jury’s finding of no criminal liability in the death of Ramarley
Graham. We are saddened for the family of the deceased young man and still
believe that the court’s dismissal of the original indictment was overly
For a time it had appeared that Officer Haste would be the first New York City
officer to stand trial in criminal court for a fatal shooting in the line of
duty since three officers were tried — and acquitted — in 2008 for the shooting
of Sean Bell, who died in a hail of 50 police bullets outside a Queens club.
The shooting of Mr. Graham provoked widespread outrage amid allegations of
racial profiling and criticism of the aggressive tactics that led the police to
pursue him and force their way into his apartment after finding the door locked.
Anger over the shooting is memorialized even in Google’s mapping function: the
street view of Mr. Graham’s home on East 229th Street shows a white fence
thickly decorated with votive candles and posters criticizing the Police
Department (one compares it to the Ku Klux Klan).
Immediately after the shooting, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg expressed “real
concerns.” The police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, ordered a review of the
street narcotics enforcement units, which are responsible for arresting
low-level street dealers and their customers. Untrained in undercover work, they
are limited to making arrests after they witness a drug sale, often observed
from afar through binoculars. In the wake of Mr. Graham’s death, the focus of
the squads shifted from narcotics work to youth gangs.
On Feb. 2, 2012, something about how Mr. Graham moved his hands near his waist,
as he walked down the street, led the narcotics officers to suspect he might be
armed, and as the surveillance progressed, two officers said over the radio that
they had seen the butt of a gun.
Officer Haste said he was relying on what his fellow officers had observed as he
rushed to the scene and broke into Mr. Graham’s residence.
He told the grand jury on Tuesday over five hours of testimony, according to his
lawyer, how he had confronted Mr. Graham, who had darted into the bathroom. Mr.
Graham ignored repeated warnings to show his hands, and Officer Haste came to
think the teenager was reaching for a gun, the lawyer said.
“He believed he would be shot and killed,” Mr. London said of his client. It was
then that Officer Haste fired a single, fatal shot.
“I think the grand jury found there were many opportunities for Ramarley Graham
to end the situation with no violence and no shooting and he did not avail
himself of those opportunities,” Mr. London said.
A bag of marijuana was later found in the toilet, and investigators think Mr.
Graham’s final act was a bid to flush the drugs away. No gun was found.
Randy Leonard
contributed reporting.
Grand Jury Decides Not to Charge Officer
Who Fatally Shot Unarmed Youth in Bronx, NYT, 8.8.2013,
Warrantless Cellphone Tracking Is Upheld
July 30,
The New York Times
In a
significant victory for law enforcement, a federal appeals court on Tuesday said
that government authorities could extract historical location data directly from
telecommunications carriers without a search warrant.
The closely watched case, in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit, is the first ruling that squarely addresses the constitutionality of
warrantless searches of historical location data stored by cellphone service
providers. Ruling 2 to 1, the court said a warrantless search was “not per se
unconstitutional” because location data was “clearly a business record” and
therefore not protected by the Fourth Amendment.
The ruling is likely to intensify legislative efforts, already bubbling in
Congress and in the states, to consider measures to require warrants based on
probable cause to obtain cellphone location data.
The appeals court ruling sharply contrasts with a New Jersey State Supreme Court
opinion in mid-July that said the police required a warrant to track a suspect’s
whereabouts in real time. That decision relied on the New Jersey Constitution,
whereas the ruling Tuesday in the Fifth Circuit was made on the basis of the
federal Constitution.
The Supreme Court has yet to weigh in on whether cellphone location data is
protected by the Constitution. The case, which was initially brought in Texas,
is not expected to go to the Supreme Court because it is “ex parte,” or filed by
only one party — in this case, the government.
But the case could renew calls for the highest court to look at the issue, if
another federal court rules differently on the same question. And two other
federal cases involving this issue are pending.
“The opinion is clear that the government can access cell site records without
Fourth Amendment oversight,” said Orin Kerr, a constitutional law scholar at
George Washington University Law School who filed an amicus brief in the case.
For now, the ruling sets an important precedent: It allows law enforcement
officials in the Fifth Circuit to chronicle the whereabouts of an American with
a court order that falls short of a search warrant based on probable cause.
“This decision is a big deal,” said Catherine Crump, a lawyer with the American
Civil Liberties Union. “It’s a big deal and a big blow to Americans’ privacy
The group reviewed records from more than 200 local police departments last
year, concluding that the demand for cellphone location data had led some
cellphone companies to develop “surveillance fees” to enable police to track
In reaching its decision on Tuesday, the federal appeals court went on to agree
with the government’s contention that consumers knowingly give up their location
information to the telecommunications carrier every time they make a call or
send a text message on their cellphones.
“That means it is not protected by Fourth Amendment when the government goes to
a third-party service provider and issues something that is not a warrant to
demand production of those records,” said Mark Eckenwiler, a former Justice
Department lawyer who worked on the case and is now with the Washington law firm
Perkins Coie. “On this kind of historical cell site information, this is the
first one to address the core constitutional question.”
Historical location data is crucial to law enforcement officials. Mr. Eckenwiler
offered the example of drug investigations: A cellphone carrier can establish
where a suspect met his supplier and how often he returned to a particular
location. Likewise, location data can be vital in establishing people’s habits
and preferences, including whether they worship at a church or mosque or whether
they are present at a political protest, which is why, civil liberties advocates
say, it should be accorded the highest privileges of privacy protection.
The decision could also bear implications for other government efforts to
collect vast amounts of so-called metadata, under the argument that it
constitutes “business records,” as in the National Security Agency’s collection
of Verizon phone records for millions of Americans.
“It provides support for the government’s view that that procedure is
constitutional, obtaining Verizon call records, because it holds that records
are business records,” said Mr. Kerr, of George Washington University. “It
doesn’t make it a slam dunk but it makes a good case for the government to argue
that position.”
An important element in Tuesday’s ruling is the court’s presumption of what
consumers should know about the way cellphone technology works. “A cell service
subscriber, like a telephone user, understands that his cellphone must send a
signal to a nearby cell tower in order to wirelessly connect his call,” the
court ruled, going on to note that “contractual terms of service and providers’
privacy policies expressly state that a provider uses a subscriber’s location
information to route his cellphone calls.”
In any event, the court added, the use of cellphones “is entirely voluntary.”
The ruling also gave a nod to the way in which fast-moving technological
advances have challenged age-old laws on privacy. Consumers today may want
privacy over location records, the court acknowledged: “But the recourse for
these desires is in the market or the political process: in demanding that
service providers do away with such records (or anonymize them) or in lobbying
elected representatives to enact statutory protections.”
Cellphone privacy measures have been proposed in the Senate and House that would
require law enforcement agents to obtain search warrants before prying open
location records. Montana recently became the first state to require a warrant
for location data. Maine soon followed. California passed a similar measure last
year but Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, vetoed it, saying it did not strike what
he called the right balance between the demands of civil libertarians and the
Warrantless Cellphone Tracking Is Upheld, NYT, 30.7.2013,
Halliburton Pleads Guilty
Destroying Evidence After Gulf Spill
July 25,
The New York Times
Halliburton has agreed to plead guilty to destruction of critical evidence after
the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, the Justice Department announced on
The oil services company said it would pay the maximum allowable fine of
$200,000 and will be subject to three years of probation. It will also continue
its cooperation in the government’s criminal investigation. Separately,
Halliburton made a voluntary contribution of $55 million to the National Fish
and Wildlife Foundation.
The Justice Department filed one criminal charge against the company. In a
statement, Halliburton said that the violation was a misdemeanor associated with
the deletion of records created after the accident. Additionally, the company
said, “The Department of Justice has agreed that it will not pursue further
criminal prosecution of the company.”
Halliburton has suffered enormous damage to its reputation — as have BP and
Transocean, the operator of the Deepwater Horizon rig — in the explosion that
killed 11 workers and soiled hundreds of miles of beaches. All three companies
have pleaded guilty to a criminal charge related to the spill.
The Justice Department said Halliburton had recommended to BP, the British oil
company, before the drilling that the well include 21 metal centralizing collars
to stabilize the cementing. BP chose to use six instead. During an internal
probe after the accident, Halliburton ordered workers to destroy computer
simulations that showed little difference between using six and 21 collars, the
government said, after which the company continued to say that BP was neglectful
to not follow its advice.
The development was not entirely unexpected after the first phase of the civil
trial in New Orleans. Lawyers representing businesses and others that suffered
from the spill had long accused the company of conducting undocumented cement
tests and hiding the results. BP had accused Halliburton of destroying evidence
of its cement testing.
But during the trial this year Thomas Roth, a senior company executive who was
in charge of cementing operations when the spill occurred, acknowledged that
because of the well design and other factors, “the cement placement was going to
be a job that would have a low probability of success.”
Timothy Quirk, a Halliburton laboratory manager, testified that he conducted
stability tests on cement samples from a similar blend that had been used in the
well after the accident. Following instructions from a colleague, he said he did
not prepare a laboratory work sheet. “It was unusual,” he said. He also
acknowledged that he had thrown out his notes.
Later tests showed that the cement was not stable.
The failure of the cement foam seal set off a complex and ultimately deadly
cascade of oil and gas up the well casing that exploded into flames to engulf
the Deepwater Horizon rig. The blowout preventer, which is supposed to contain a
well bore breach, also failed.
The presidential commission that investigated the accident reported that
Halliburton officials knew before the explosion that the cement mixture they
planned to use to seal the bottom of the well was unstable but still went ahead
with the cementing.
The commission also found that at least one of three laboratory tests was given
to BP, the operator of the drilling site, but it neglected to respond.
“There is no indication that Halliburton highlighted to BP the significance of
the foam stability data or that BP personnel raised any questions about it,” the
report said.
Legal scholars said the guilty plea would probably work against Halliburton in
the civil trial in New Orleans to determine the share of damages owed to the
Gulf states and businesses affected by the spill.
“This could impact how the civil litigation is resolved, potentially imposing
more liability on Halliburton than we originally thought,” said Carl Tobias, a
law professor at the University of Richmond.
It may also work in favor of BP, which has argued that while it made serious
mistakes it shares responsibility for the accident with Halliburton and
Last November, BP agreed to pay $4.5 billion in penalties and pleaded guilty to
14 criminal charges related to the explosion.
The Justice Department also has filed criminal charges against four BP employees
in connection with the accident. Transocean agreed to plead guilty this year.
The company was sentenced to pay $400 million and other penalties.
In recent years, the giant energy services company has had remarkable success as
a leader in the oil and gas shale drilling revolution that is making the United
States less dependent on foreign energy supplies.
But in the not-to-distant past, Halliburton found itself under scrutiny over
accusations that it performed shoddy, overpriced work for the United States
military in Iraq, bribed Nigerian officials to win energy contracts and did
business with Iran at time when it faced sanctions.
“It’s another bad day for Halliburton and a very good day for BP,” said Fadel
Gheit, a senior oil analyst at Oppenheimer.
Halliburton Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence After Gulf Spill, NYT,
Judge Blocks
Dakota Abortion Restrictions
July 22,
The New York Times
A federal
judge on Monday blocked enforcement of North Dakota’s recently enacted ban on
most abortions, calling it “invalid and unconstitutional.”
The law under challenge, which was set to take effect Aug. 1, would have imposed
by far the country’s most stringent limit on abortions. With few exceptions, it
would bar the procedure once a fetal heartbeat is detected, often about six
weeks into pregnancy — a point when many women are not aware they are pregnant.
From the moment in March when it was adopted, most legal experts said that the
law would not survive because it posed a direct challenge to Supreme Court
guidelines, which state that a woman has a right to an abortion until the fetus
is viable outside the womb. Viability must be determined by a physician and
often occurs around 24 weeks into pregnancy.
Some anti-abortion leaders and politicians argued that the presence of a
heartbeat is in itself a form of viability. They expressed hope that the Supreme
Court would revisit the issue.
When he signed the bill, Gov. Jack Dalrymple, a Republican, called it “a
legitimate attempt by a state legislature to discover the boundaries of Roe v.
In a withering opinion issued on Monday, Judge Daniel L. Hovland of Federal
District Court in North Dakota said he had no choice but to block the law. He
described it as “in direct contradiction to a litany of United States Supreme
Court cases addressing restraints on abortion.”
“The State has extended an invitation to an expensive court battle over a law
restricting abortions that is a blatant violation of the constitutional
guarantees afforded to all women,” Judge Hovland wrote. His decision on Monday
imposed a temporary injunction, until the issue is decided at a trial.
The Center for Reproductive Rights, a group based in New York, brought the suit
to block the law on behalf of the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo, the state’s
only abortion clinic.
North Dakota’s law is the most far-reaching among scores of restrictive abortion
statutes, many of them under court challenge, that have been passed by state
governments in recent years.
An Arkansas law to bar abortions at 12 weeks of pregnancy, which, like North
Dakota’s, was tied to detection of a fetal heartbeat, was blocked in May by a
federal judge in Little Rock.
A dozen states, most recently Texas, have adopted laws barring abortions at 20
weeks after conception on the theory that the fetus can feel pain at that point.
This approach, too, is inconsistent with Supreme Court doctrine and in the three
states where it has been challenged in court so far — Arizona, Idaho and Georgia
— it has been blocked.
In a different line of attack, anti-abortion groups have promoted stricter rules
for abortion facilities, requiring clinics in certain states to meet costly
building standards and requiring that abortion doctors have admitting privileges
at nearby hospitals.
Medical groups call these measures unnecessary for patient safety. The Red River
clinic, which relies on a doctor who flies in weekly, says it will be forced to
close if the state’s admitting privileges law takes effect. The clinic’s court
challenge to the rule is pending.
Judge Blocks North Dakota Abortion Restrictions, NYT, 22.7.2013,
Guantánamo Rulings Change Little
July 22,
The New York Times
Over the
last two weeks, three federal judges have issued rulings on the legitimacy of
the recent rough treatment being doled out to the detainees at Guantánamo Bay,
Cuba. Under normal circumstances, two of the rulings would add up to a
resounding victory for the detainees. But at Guantánamo Bay, where prisoners the
government itself acknowledges are not security threats can see no end to their
decade-plus imprisonment, nothing is “normal.”
The rulings began on July 8, when Judge Gladys Kessler opined that the
force-feeding of detainees who have been on a hunger strike was “painful,
humiliating and degrading” — which is to say, precisely, what the detainees and
their lawyers have been claiming for months. She scoffed at the government’s
contention that the detainees were receiving “timely, compassionate, quality
health care.”
Three days later, Royce C. Lamberth, the chief judge for the Federal District
Court in the District of Columbia, ruled that prison guards had to stop touching
the genitals of the detainees as part of new, tougher search protocols. Since
early this year, meetings and even phone calls between detainees and their
lawyers have had to take place outside the prisoner’s own “camp.” This meant
they had to be searched in this offensive manner both on the trip out to see
their lawyers and on the trip back. Because many detainees had religious
objections to the genital searches, they were refusing to speak to their
(The third ruling, on July 16, by Judge Rosemary Collyer of Federal District
Court, disagreed with Kessler. Collyer wrote that force-feeding was humane and
that the detainees “had no right to commit suicide.”)
Did anything change as a result of the opinions by Kessler and Lamberth? No.
Despite her clear dismay at the treatment of the detainees, Kessler concluded
that she lacked the ability to do anything about it because, she said, the
judiciary doesn’t have the authority to intervene over the conditions under
which the detainees are being jailed.
Lamberth, on the other hand, ruled that he did have the right to intervene.
That’s because of a 2008 Supreme Court ruling that detainees have the right to
challenge the legality of their detention — for which they obviously need access
to lawyers. (Not that it does them much good: the District of Columbia Court of
Appeals has made it impossible for a detainee to win a habeas corpus ruling.)
When a lawyer a few days later tried to get the Defense Department to comply
with Judge Lamberth’s ruling — he had scheduled a phone call with a client and
didn’t want the prisoner’s genitals to be searched — he was told by the
government that the Department of Defense would simply not comply with the
order. Soon thereafter, the government asked for an “administrative stay” of
Lamberth’s order. That meant that it wanted the appeals court to delay the
judge’s order until it could get around to asking for an actual stay. As usual,
the appeals court did what the government wanted.
And so it goes at Guantánamo Bay. The lawyers representing the detainees make
motion after motion, appeal after appeal. It gets them nowhere. With the
exception of that one Supreme Court ruling — which had been systematically
undercut by the court of appeals — the court system has opted out of dealing
with the problem that the Guantánamo prison represents to the country. If the
detainees are ever going to get relief, it will have to come from elsewhere.
As I have mentioned previously, some 86 of the 166 detainees at Guantánamo Bay
have already been “cleared” by a committee made up of national security
officials, meaning they could leave the prison tomorrow without any threat to
national security. Recently, the government sent letters to a number of lawyers
informing them that their clients would soon be called before a review board
that would determine whether they could be added to that list. Although the
detainees themselves have largely given up hope of ever getting out — hence the
hunger strike — one of their lawyers, David Remes, says, “I keep telling them
that it is a lot better to be in Group A than Group B.”
The truth is, there is one person who could get them out tomorrow — if he chose.
That same person could stop the military from force-feeding the detainees. I am
referring, of course, to President Obama. Yet despite decrying the Guantánamo
prison, the president has refused to do anything but stand by and watch the
military inflict needless pain and suffering, much of it on men who simply
shouldn’t be there. Indeed, in many of the legal briefs filed on behalf of
Guantánamo prisoners, the defendant is Barack Obama.
“Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution provides that ‘[t]he President shall
be the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States,” wrote
Judge Kessler in her pained but eloquent opinion. One longs for the day when he
finally acts the part.
Guantánamo Rulings Change Little, NYT, 22.7.2013,
Obama Plans 3 Nominations for Key Court
May 27, 2013
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Obama will soon accelerate his efforts
to put a lasting imprint on the country’s judiciary by simultaneously nominating
three judges to an important federal court, a move that is certain to unleash
fierce Republican opposition and could rekindle a broader partisan struggle over
Senate rules.
In trying to fill the three vacancies on the 11-member United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit at once, Mr. Obama will be adopting
a more aggressive nomination strategy. He will effectively be daring Republicans
to find specific ground to filibuster all the nominees.
White House officials declined to say who Mr. Obama’s choices will be ahead of
an announcement that could come this week, but leading contenders for the spots
appear to include Cornelia T. L. Pillard, a law professor at the Georgetown
University Law Center; David C. Frederick, who often represents consumers and
investors at the Supreme Court; and Patricia Ann Millett, a veteran appeals
lawyer in Washington. All three are experienced lawyers who would be unlikely to
generate controversy individually.
Several legal advocates who have been in communication with the West Wing said
officials had repeatedly discussed those names in recent months.
Often called the second most important court in the country, the Washington
court has overturned major parts of the president’s agenda in the last four
years, on regulations covering Wall Street, the environment, tobacco, labor
unions and workers’ rights.
With the confirmation last week of Sri Srinivasan, Mr. Obama’s first successful
nominee to the court, it now has four Democratic appointees and four Republican
appointees. But of the six additional “senior” judges, who previously served
full time on the court and still regularly hear cases, five were appointed by a
Republican president, giving the court a strongly conservative flavor.
“The court is critically important — the majority has made decisions that have
frustrated the president’s agenda,” said Nan Aron, a liberal activist who has
called for Mr. Obama to be more aggressive in nominating judges. “Our view is
that balance must be restored on that court, and the empty seats must be
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, said last week that the
court’s rulings were “wreaking havoc” on the country.
Republicans in Congress are already preparing to do battle. Having approved
Judge Srinivasan this month, Republican senators are pushing a proposal to
eliminate the three empty slots from the court by shifting them to circuits in
other parts of the country.
If that strategy, which Democrats have compared to President Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s failed attempt to change the size of the Supreme Court, does not
work, Republicans could filibuster Mr. Obama’s nominees to prevent them from
joining the court. Republicans currently hold 45 of the Senate’s 100 seats, and
41 are needed for a filibuster.
“The whole purpose here is to stack the court,” Senator Mitch McConnell of
Kentucky, the Republican leader, said of Democratic efforts to fill the court’s
Mr. Obama’s decision to make the nominations all at once is part of a broader
strategy by Democrats to shine a spotlight on what they say is Republican
obstruction in the Senate.
Democrats cite the case of Caitlin J. Halligan, a former New York State
solicitor general, whom Mr. Obama twice nominated to fill one of the vacancies
on the Washington circuit court. Republicans filibustered her nomination both
Republicans deny that they are obstructing the president’s nominees and say Mr.
Obama’s picks are being confirmed more quickly than were President George W.
Bush’s nominees when Democrats controlled the Senate. Republicans recall the
case of Miguel Estrada, a lawyer nominated to the Washington circuit court in
2001. Democrats blocked his nomination with a filibuster.
Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, said the Democratic accusations
are “nonsense.”
“This is part of the majority’s attempt to create the appearance of obstruction
where none exists,” Mr. Grassley said last week in a speech on the floor of the
Senate. “It is a transparent attempt to manufacture a crisis.”
Democrats say Republicans in the Senate have violated long-standing traditions
by routinely requiring 60 votes to approve even the most uncontroversial
legislation or nomination.
Democrats are preparing to escalate the dispute this summer by scheduling
numerous confirmation votes in a short period of time. If, as Democrats expect,
Republicans block those nominations, Mr. Obama and his allies hope the public
will notice.
With enough public pressure, some Democrats hope that they could change the
Senate rules to prohibit filibusters on judicial nominations and in some other
“A single blocked nomination may not generate much publicity, but by blocking so
many nominees at once, the Republicans are overplaying their hand,” Senator
Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, told reporters on Thursday. “The other
side must be careful. If they think they can win a debate over whether the
Senate should change its rules, they might very well be mistaken.”
In the meantime, the Washington circuit court continues to churn out decisions,
some of which are undermining the president’s hard-fought legislative and
executive agenda.
In one case in 2011, a three-judge panel of the court — randomly chosen from
among the full-time and senior judges, as is typical — struck down an important
Wall Street regulation. The regulation, part of the banking legislation that was
championed by Mr. Obama after the economic collapse in 2008 and passed by
Congress, would have made it easier for shareholders to propose their own
nominees to corporate boards of directors.
A similar panel last year struck down efforts by the Environmental Protection
Agency to regulate air pollution across state lines. A third panel ruled in
January that Mr. Obama could not make recess appointments to the National Labor
Relations Board in the face of Republican efforts to block his picks.
Democrats say the confirmation of Mr. Obama’s likely nominees would make it more
conceivable that the president’s agenda would get a fair hearing.
Ms. Pillard has worked at the American Civil Liberties Union and the NAACP Legal
Defense and Education Fund. She has argued nine cases before the Supreme Court,
including Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs in 2003, in which, to
the surprise of many, she persuaded a court that had been protective of states’
rights to allow suits against states under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Mr. Frederick served as a law clerk to Justice Byron R. White and worked in the
Justice Department, spending five years in the solicitor general’s office. He
has argued more than 40 cases before the Supreme Court.
Ms. Millett served in the solicitor general’s office for a decade and has argued
32 cases before the Supreme Court on behalf of the federal government. She now
leads the appellate practice for one of Washington’s largest law firms.
Lawyers close to the administration said they did not know whether other
candidates were also being considered.
Adam Liptak contributed reporting.
Obama Plans 3 Nominations for Key Court,
NYT, 27.5.2013,
on The Associated Press
May 14,
The New York Times
The Obama
administration, which has a chilling zeal for investigating leaks and
prosecuting leakers, has failed to offer a credible justification for secretly
combing through the phone records of reporters and editors at The Associated
Press in what looks like a fishing expedition for sources and an effort to
frighten off whistle-blowers.
On Friday, Justice Department officials revealed that they had been going
through The A.P.’s records for months. The dragnet covered work, home and
cellphone records used by almost 100 people at one of the oldest and most
reputable news organizations. James Cole, a deputy attorney general, offered no
further explanation on Tuesday, saying only that it was part of a “criminal
investigation involving highly classified material” from early 2012.
Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. said he could not comment on the details of the
phone records seizure, which he said was an open investigation — although he was
happy to comment on the open investigation into the tax audits of conservative
groups, which he said might have been criminal and were “certainly outrageous
and unacceptable.”
Both Mr. Holder and Mr. Cole declared their commitment — and that of President
Obama — to press freedoms. Mr. Cole said the administration does not “take
lightly” such secretive trolling through media records.
We are not convinced. For more than 30 years, the news media and the government
have used a well-honed system to balance the government’s need to pursue
criminals or national security breaches with the media’s constitutional right to
inform the public. This action against The A.P., as the Reporters Committee for
Freedom of the Press outlined in a letter to Mr. Holder, “calls into question
the very integrity” of the administration’s policy toward the press.
The records covered 20 phone lines, including main office phones in New York
City, Washington, Hartford, and the Congressional press gallery. The guidelines
for such subpoenas, first enacted in 1972, require that requests for media
information be narrow. The reporters’ committee said this action is so broad
that it allowed prosecutors to “plunder two months of news-gathering materials
to seek information that might interest them.”
Mr. Holder said the leak under scrutiny, believed to be about the foiling of a
terrorist plot in Yemen a year ago, “put the American people at risk,” although
he did not say how, and the records sweep went far beyond any one news article.
Gary Pruitt, the president of The A.P., said two months’ worth of records could
provide a “road map” to its whole news-gathering operation.
Under the guidelines, the administration should have sought information from
other sources. Mr. Cole said it did. But the administration made the troubling
and discrediting decision not to inform The A.P. in advance. The guidelines
require investigators to provide notice unless it would “pose a substantial
threat to the integrity of the investigation.” That is intended to prevent
destruction of evidence, an impossibility in this case.
The Obama administration has indicted six current and former officials under the
Espionage Act, which had previously been used only three times since it was
enacted in 1917. One, a former C.I.A. officer, pleaded guilty under another law
for revealing the name of an agent who participated in the torture of a
terrorist suspect. Meanwhile, President Obama decided not to investigate, much
less prosecute, anyone who actually did the torturing.
The Justice Department is pursuing at least two major press investigations,
including one believed to be focused on David Sanger’s reporting in a book and
in The Times on an American-Israeli effort to sabotage Iranian nuclear works.
These tactics will not scare us off, or The A.P., but they could reveal sources
on other stories and frighten confidential contacts vital to coverage of
Spying on The Associated Press, NYT, 14.5.2013,
Phone Records of Journalists
by U.S.
May 13,
The New York Times
— Federal investigators secretly seized two months of phone records for
reporters and editors of The Associated Press in what the news organization said
Monday was a “serious interference with A.P.’s constitutional rights to gather
and report the news.”
The A.P. said that the Justice Department informed it on Friday that law
enforcement officials had obtained the records for more than 20 telephone lines
of its offices and journalists, including their home phones and cellphones. It
said the records were seized without notice sometime this year.
The organization was not told the reason for the seizure. But the timing and the
specific journalistic targets strongly suggested they are related to a
continuing government investigation into the leaking of information a year ago
about the Central Intelligence Agency’s disruption of a Yemen-based terrorist
plot to bomb an airliner.
The disclosures began with an Associated Press article on May 7, 2012, breaking
the news of the foiled plot; the organization had held off publishing it for
several days at the White House’s request because the intelligence operations
were still unfolding.
In an angry letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday, Gary
Pruitt, the president and chief executive of The A.P., called the seizure, a
“massive and unprecedented intrusion” into its news gathering activities.
“There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the
telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters,” he wrote.
“These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources
across all of the news gathering activities undertaken by The A.P. during a
two-month period, provide a road map to A.P.’s news gathering operations, and
disclose information about A.P.’s activities and operations that the government
has no conceivable right to know.”
The development represents the latest collision of news organizations and
federal investigators over government efforts to prevent the disclosure of
national security information, and it comes against a backdrop of an aggressive
policy by the Obama administration to rein in leaks. Under President Obama, six
current and former government officials have been indicted in leak-related cases
so far, twice the number brought under all previous administrations combined.
Justice Department regulations call for subpoenas for journalists’ phone records
to be undertaken as a last resort and narrowly focused, subject to the attorney
general’s personal signoff. Under normal circumstances, the regulations call for
notice and negotiations, giving the news organization a chance to challenge the
subpoena in court.
The Justice Department referred questions about the subpoena to a spokesman for
Ronald C. Machen Jr., the United States attorney for the District of Columbia,
who was assigned by Mr. Holder last June to lead one of two major leak
investigations. Those inquiries came amid a Congressional uproar over several
disclosures of national security information in the media.
“We must notify the media organization in advance unless doing so would pose a
substantial threat to the integrity of the investigation,” Mr. Machen’s
spokesman, William Miller, said.
“Because we value the freedom of the press,” Mr. Miller added, “we are always
careful and deliberative in seeking to strike the right balance between the
public interest in the free flow of information and the public interest in the
fair and effective administration of our criminal laws.”
But First Amendment experts and free press advocates portrayed the move as
shocking in its breadth.
The Newspaper Association of America issued a statement saying: "Today we
learned of the Justice Department’s unprecedented wholesale seizure of
confidential telephone records from the Associated Press. These actions shock
the American conscience and violate the critical freedom of the press protected
by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”
A spokeswoman for Dow Jones, which owns The Wall Street Journal, said the
company was concerned about the “broader implications” of the action.
Jay Carney, a White House spokesman, said the White House was not involved in
the subpoena. “Other than press reports, we have no knowledge of any attempt by
the Justice Department to seek phone records of the A.P.,” he said, adding “we
are not involved in decisions made in connection with criminal investigations.”
The Justice Department did not respond to a question about whether a similar
step was taken in the other major government leak investigation Mr. Holder
announced last June. It is believed to be focused on a New York Times reporter,
David E. Sanger, and his disclosures in articles and in a book about a joint
American-Israeli effort to sabotage Iranian nuclear centrifuges with the
so-called Stuxnet virus.
David McCraw, a lawyer for The New York Times, said, “We’ve had no contact from
the government of any sort.”
Mr. Holder announced the two special leak investigations in June amid calls in
Congress for a crackdown on leaks after a spate of disclosures about the bomb
plot, cyberwarfare against Iran, Mr. Obama’s procedures for putting terrorism
suspects on a “kill list,” and the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The
revelations had been published by The New York Times, The A.P. and in several
Republicans accused the administration of deliberately leaking classified
information, jeopardizing national security in an effort to make Mr. Obama look
tough in an election year — a charge the White House rejected. But some
Democrats, too, said the leaking of sensitive information had gotten out of
Mr. Holder’s move at the time was sharply criticized by Republicans as not going
far enough. They wanted him to appoint an outside special counsel, and a Senate
resolution calling for a special counsel was co-sponsored by 29 Republican
On Monday, however, after The A.P. disclosed the seizure of the records, some
Republican leaders criticized the administration as going too far. Michael
Steel, a spokesman for House Speaker John A. Boehner, said: “The First Amendment
is first for a reason. If the Obama Administration is going after reporters’
phone records, they better have a damned good explanation.”And Doug Heye, a
spokesman for Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the majority leader,
linked the revelation to a brewing controversy over the targeting of Tea Party
groups for greater scrutiny by the Internal Revenue Service, saying “these new
revelations suggest a pattern of intimidation by the Obama administration.”
The A.P. said Monday that it first learned of the seizure of the records last
Friday afternoon when its general counsel, Laura Malone, received a letter from
Mr. Machen, the United States attorney. The letter to Mr. Holder said the
seizure included “all such records for, among other phone lines, an A.P. general
phone number in New York City as well as A.P. bureaus in New York City,
Washington, D.C., Hartford, Connecticut, and at the House of Representatives.”
The Associated Press is a nonprofit global news cooperative owned by its
American newspaper and broadcast members.
Charlie Savage
reported from Washington,
and Leslie
Kaufman from New York.
Haughney contributed reporting from New York.
Phone Records of Journalists Seized by U.S., NYT, 13.5.2013,
Secrecy of Memo on Drone Killing
Is Upheld
January 2,
The New York Times
— A federal judge in Manhattan refused on Wednesday to require the Justice
Department to disclose a memorandum providing the legal justification for the
targeted killing of a United States citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who died in a
drone strike in Yemen in 2011.
The ruling, by Judge Colleen McMahon, was marked by skepticism about the
antiterrorist program that targeted him, and frustration with her own role in
keeping the legal rationale for it secret.
“I can find no way around the thicket of laws and precedents that effectively
allow the executive branch of our government to proclaim as perfectly lawful
certain actions that seem on their face incompatible with our Constitution and
laws while keeping the reasons for their conclusion a secret,” she wrote.
“The Alice-in-Wonderland nature of this pronouncement is not lost on me,” Judge
McMahon wrote, adding that she was operating in a legal environment that
amounted to “a veritable Catch-22.”
A lawsuit for the memorandum and related materials was filed under the Freedom
of Information Act by The New York Times and two of its reporters, Charlie
Savage and Scott Shane. Wednesday’s decision also rejected a broader request
under the act from the American Civil Liberties Union.
David E. McCraw, a lawyer for The Times, said the paper would appeal.
“We began this litigation because we believed our readers deserved to know more
about the U.S. government’s legal position on the use of targeted killings
against persons having ties to terrorism, including U.S. citizens,” Mr. McCraw
said. “Judge McMahon’s decision speaks eloquently and at length to the serious
legal questions raised by the targeted-killing program and to why in a democracy
the government should be addressing those questions openly and fully.”
Jameel Jaffer, a lawyer with the A.C.L.U., said his group also planned to
appeal. “This ruling,” he said, “denies the public access to crucial information
about the government’s extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens and also
effectively greenlights its practice of making selective and self-serving
A Justice Department spokesman said only that lawyers there were reviewing the
Judge McMahon’s opinion included an overview of what she called “an extensive
public relations campaign” by various government officials about the American
role in the killing of Mr. Awlaki and the circumstances under which the
government considers targeted killings, including of its citizens, to be lawful.
The Times and the A.C.L.U. argued that the government had waived the right to
withhold its legal rationale by discussing the program extensively in public.
(Samir Khan, a naturalized American citizen who lived at times on Long Island
and in North Carolina, was also killed in the strike, on Sept. 30, 2011. Another
strike two weeks later killed a group of people including Mr. Awlaki’s
16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, who was born in Colorado.)
President Obama and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta both acknowledged that the
United States played a role in the elder Mr. Awlaki’s death, Judge McMahon
wrote. But she focused in particular on a March speech by Attorney General Eric
H. Holder Jr. at Northwestern University.
When United States citizens are targeted for killing, Mr. Holder said, the
Constitution’s due process protections apply. But due process does not require
“judicial process,” he added.
On the one hand, Judge McMahon wrote, “the speech constitutes a sort of road map
of the decision-making process that the government goes through before deciding
to ‘exterminate’ someone ‘with extreme prejudice.’ ” On the other hand, the
speech was “a far cry from a legal research memorandum.”
The government’s public comments were as a whole “cryptic and imprecise,” Judge
McMahon said, and were thus insufficient to overcome exemptions in the freedom
of information law for classified materials and internal government
“It lies beyond the power of this court to conclude that a document has been
improperly classified,” she wrote, rejecting the argument that legal analysis
may not be classified.
Judge McMahon said she had not reviewed the withheld documents, including the
one at the heart of the case, which was prepared by the Justice Department’s
Office of Legal Counsel. She said the memorandum must contain more detailed
legal analysis than the broad statements in Mr. Holder’s speech “unless
standards at O.L.C. have slipped dramatically.”
The Times published an account of the Office of Legal Counsel memorandum in
October 2011, citing people who had read it.
Even as she ruled against the plaintiffs, the judge wrote that the public should
be allowed to judge whether the administration’s analysis holds water.
“More fulsome disclosure of the legal reasoning on which the administration
relies to justify the targeted killing of individuals, including United States
citizens, far from any recognizable ‘hot’ field of battle, would allow for
intelligent discussion and assessment of a tactic that (like torture before it)
remains hotly debated,” she wrote.
Secrecy of Memo on Drone Killing Is Upheld, NYT, 2.1.2013,