History > 2012 > USA > International (IV)

Tom Toles
by Tom Toles
June 10, 2012
Syrian War Drags On,
Jihadists Take Bigger Role
July 29,
The New York Times
Lebanon — As the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad’s government grinds
on with no resolution in sight, Syrians involved in the armed struggle say it is
becoming more radicalized: homegrown Muslim jihadists, as well as small groups
of fighters from Al Qaeda, are taking a more prominent role and demanding a say
in running the resistance.
The past few months have witnessed the emergence of larger, more organized and
better armed Syrian militant organizations pushing an agenda based on jihad, the
concept that they have a divine mandate to fight. Even less-zealous resistance
groups are adopting a pronounced Islamic aura because it attracts more
Idlib Province, the northern Syrian region where resistance fighters control the
most territory, is the prime example. In one case there, after jihadists
fighting under the black banner of the Prophet Muhammad staged significant
attacks against Syrian government targets, the commander of one local rebel
military council recently invited them to join. “They are everywhere in Idlib,”
said a lean and sunburned commander with the Free Syrian Army council in
Saraqib, a strategic town on the main highway southwest from Aleppo. “They are
becoming stronger, so we didn’t want any hostility or tension in our area.”
Tension came anyway. The groups demanded to raise the prophet’s banner — solid
black with “There is no god but God” written in flowing white Arabic calligraphy
— during the weekly Friday demonstration. Saraqib prides itself in its newly
democratic ways, electing a new town council roughly every two months, and
residents put it to a vote — the answer was no. The jihadi fighters raised the
flag anyway, until a formal compromise allowed for a 20-minute display.
In one sense, the changes on the ground have actually brought closer to reality
the Syrian government’s early, and easily dismissible, claim that the opposition
was being driven by foreign-financed jihadists.
A central reason cited by the Obama administration for limiting support to the
resistance to things like communications equipment is that it did not want arms
flowing to Islamic radicals. But the flip side is that Salafist groups, or
Muslim puritans, now receive most foreign financing.
“A lot of the jihadi discourse has to do with funding,” noted Peter Harling, the
Syria analyst with the International Crisis Group, adding that it was troubling
all the same. “You have secular people and very moderate Islamists who join
Salafi groups because they have the weapons and the money. There tends to be
more Salafi guys in the way the groups portray themselves than in the groups on
the ground.”
But jihad has become a distinctive rallying cry. The commander of the newly
unified brigades of the Free Syrian Army fighting in Aleppo was shown in a
YouTube video on Sunday exhorting men joining the rebellion there by telling
them: “Those whose intentions are not for God, they had better stay home,
whereas if your intention is for God, then you go for jihad and you gain an
afterlife and heaven.”
What began as a largely peaceful, secular protest movement in March 2011 first
took on a more religious tone late last summer as it shifted into an armed
conflict waged by more conservative, more rural Sunni Muslims whose faith
already formed an integral focus of their daily lives.
But greater attention has been focused on a Qaeda involvement in the uprising
since mid-July, when fighters professing allegiance to the terrorist
organization appeared during the opposition takeover of the Bab al-Hawa border
crossing with Turkey. In one video, five fighters declared their intention to
create an Islamic state. (Mainline Qaeda ideology calls for a Pan-Islamic
Still, there is, as yet, no significant presence of foreign combatants of any
stripe in Syria, fighters and others said. The Saraqib commander estimated there
were maybe 50 Qaeda adherents in all of Idlib, a sprawling northwestern province
that borders Turkey. The foreigners included Libyans, Algerians and one
Spaniard, he said, adding that he much preferred them over homegrown jihadists.
They were both less aggressive and less cagey than the locals, said the
commander, interviewed in Turkey and via Skype and declining to be further
An activist helping to organize the Syrian military councils said there were
roughly 50,000 fighters in total, and far fewer than 1,000 were foreigners, who
often have trouble gaining local support. “If there were 10,000, you would know,
and less than 1,000 is nothing,” said the activist, Rami, declining for safety
reasons to use more than one name.
Not all foreign fighters are jihadists, either. One Libyan-Irish fighter, Mahdi
al-Harati, who helped lead the battle for Tripoli, Libya, organized a group of
volunteers for Syria, noted Thomas Pierret, a lecturer in contemporary Syrian
Islam at the University of Edinburgh. “He is not a jihadi; he sees himself as a
Libyan revolutionary there to help the Syrian revolution,” Mr. Pierret said.
Fighters, activists and analysts say that jihadi groups are emerging now for
several reasons. They generally stand apart from the Free Syrian Army, the loose
national coalition of local militias made up of army defectors and civilian
volunteers. Significantly, most of the money flowing to the Syrian opposition is
coming from religious donors in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and elsewhere in the Persian
Gulf region whose generosity hinges on Salafi teaching.
Further, as the sectarian flavor of the uprising deepened, pitting the majority
Sunni Muslims against the ruling minority, the Alawites, it attracted fighters
lured by a larger Muslim cause. Alawites, the president’s sect, dominate Syria,
but many orthodox Muslims view them as a heretical offshoot of Shiite Islam.
Understanding the military players in the Syrian opposition has become
remarkably more difficult in recent months through the proliferation of
brigades, battalions and fronts, many bearing religious names. Plus they change
all the time, and some have all but disappeared.
But there is a marked trend in videos not displaying the revolutionary banner —
Syria’s independence flag with a green, white and black stripe and three red
stars. “The issue of the flag really is key,” Mr. Pierret said, “They are on
their way to a more Salafi, jihadi agenda and a rejection of the national
One recent such video, highlighting the storming of a police station hear
Aleppo, featured a pistol, the Koran and a song about fighting. “The Koran in
our hands, we defy our enemy, we sacrifice with our blood for religion” were
some of the lyrics.
The commander in Saraqib said that when he invited jihadists into his military
council, they rejected several proposed names for the expanded group that
included references to Syria. “They consider the entire world the Muslim
homeland, so they refused any national, Syrian name,” he said.
The attitude prompts grumbling from fighters used to the gentler Islam long
prevalent in Syria. Adel, a media activist from Idlib interviewed in Antakya,
Turkey, in June, complained that “the Islamic current has broken into the heart
of this revolution.” When a Muslim Brotherhood member joined his group in Idlib,
he said, inside of a week the man demanded that the slogans that they shouted
all included, “There is no god but God.”
“Now there are more religious chants than secular ones,” Adel groused.
Behind the surface tussling over symbols lies a fight for power and influence.
Those attacking the government in the name of religion want more say, while
those who preceded them want to limit their role. As in Iraq, the longer the
fight, the more extremists will likely emerge.
For now, both fighters and analysts said not all the jihadist symbols could be
taken at face value. The scarcity of weapons and ammunition in the unbalanced
fight with the government inspires much more tension than ideology.
Some Syrians who seek a more secular revolution blame the lack of Western
support for driving the rebellion into the arms of the extremists, either by not
supplying arms or by not forcing a solution. “The radicalism is the result of a
loss of hope,” said Imad Hosary, a former member of the nonviolent, local
coordination committees inside Syria who fled to Paris. “The jihadists are those
that say heaven awaits us because that is all they have left; the international
community is responsible for not finding a solution.”
The most prominent emerging homegrown groups include Ahrar al-Sham and Sukur
al-Sham, which field various chapters in Idlib and elsewhere. Jibhat al-Nusra,
an organization that has claimed several suicide bombings, is considered weak on
the ground, the experts said.
Ahrar al-Sham in particular enjoys the support of Sheik Adnan al-Arour, a Sunni
Muslim media star in exile, who blasts Shiites and Alawites on his television
show and on what appears to be his authentic Twitter account. “We buy weapons
from the donations and savings of the Wahhabi children,” said one recent Twitter
posting, referring to the Islamic sect prominent in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, “and
not from the Americans like the Shiites of Iraq did.”
He has also lashed out against Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah in
Lebanon, the militant Shiite organization that backs President Assad. “I ask
Hassan Nasrallah how many wounded Syrians has he healed? Because I know how many
he and his party killed.”
Members of the main homegrown groups denied harboring extremist tendencies, like
declaring other groups or individuals apostates. Abu al-Khatab, in his late 20s,
said he was a former fighter for Al Qaeda in Iraq before he joined Ahrar
al-Sham. “I agree with Al Qaeda on certain things and disagree on others,” he
said. “Suicide bombings should only be against the security forces, not
civilians, for example.”
Abu Zein, a spokesman for Sukur al-Sham, said the organization included Syrians
plus other Arabs, French and Belgians. “The Qaeda ideology existed previously,
but it was suppressed by the regime,” he said in a Skype interview.
“But after the uprising they found very fertile ground, plus the funders to
support their existence,” he added. “The ideology was present, but the personnel
were absent. Now we have both.”
Rami, the activist, thinks the jihadi tendencies mark both the length of the
fight and the fact that society in many areas has become male-dominated and
unstable, with the elderly, women and children having fled. Syrian Islam, he
said, tends not to sympathize with extremism. A broad fatwa issued via Ahrar
al-Sham against all Alawites was so widely condemned by other fighters that it
was later diluted to focus on government figures.
Rami described one local leader in Binnish, a town near Saraqib, questioning the
religion of Ahrar al-Sham members who he thought were kidnapping too many local
“He told them, ‘Damn your religion — who is this God of yours you are bringing?
I have been a Muslim for 40 years, and this is a God we don’t know,’ ” Rami
Dalal Mawad
contributed reporting.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: July 30, 2012
An earlier version of this article misstated
the name of a Syria analyst
with the
International Red Cross.
He is Peter Harling, not Harding.
As Syrian War Drags On, Jihadists Take Bigger Role, NYT, 29.7.2012,
Israel’s Settlers Are Here to Stay
July 25,
The New York Times
Shomron, West Bank
WHATEVER word you use to describe Israel’s 1967 acquisition of Judea and Samaria
— commonly referred to as the West Bank in these pages — will not change the
historical facts. Arabs called for Israel’s annihilation in 1967, and Israel
legitimately seized the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria in
self-defense. Israel’s moral claim to these territories, and the right of
Israelis to call them home today, is therefore unassailable. Giving up this land
in the name of a hallowed two-state solution would mean rewarding those who’ve
historically sought to destroy Israel, a manifestly immoral outcome.
Of course, just because a policy is morally justified doesn’t mean it’s wise.
However, our four-decade-long settlement endeavor is both. The insertion of an
independent Palestinian state between Israel and Jordan would be a recipe for
The influx of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees from Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan and elsewhere would convert the new state into a hotbed of extremism. And
any peace agreement would collapse the moment Hamas inevitably took power by
ballot or by gun. Israel would then be forced to recapture the area, only to
find a much larger Arab population living there.
Moreover, the Palestinians have repeatedly refused to implement a negotiated
two-state solution. The American government and its European allies should
abandon this failed formula once and for all and accept that the Jewish
residents of Judea and Samaria are not going anywhere.
On the contrary, we aim to expand the existing Jewish settlements in Judea and
Samaria, and create new ones. This is not — as it is often portrayed — a
theological adventure but is rather a combination of inalienable rights and
Even now, and despite the severe constraints imposed by international pressure,
more than 350,000 Israelis live in Judea and Samaria. With an annual growth rate
of 5 percent, we can expect to reach 400,000 by 2014 — and that excludes the
almost 200,000 Israelis living in Jerusalem’s newer neighborhoods. Taking
Jerusalem into account, about 1 in every 10 Israeli Jews resides beyond the 1967
border. Approximately 160,000 Jews live in communities outside the settlement
blocs that proponents of the two-state solution believe could be easily
incorporated into Israel. But uprooting them would be exponentially more
difficult than the evacuation of the Gaza Strip’s 8,000 settlers in 2005.
The attempts by members of the Israeli left to induce Israelis to abandon their
homes in Judea and Samaria by offering them monetary compensation are pathetic.
This checkbook policy has failed in the past, as it will in the future. In the
areas targeted for evacuation most of us are ideologically motivated and do not
live here for economic reasons. Property prices in the area are steep and
settlers who want to relocate could sell their property on the free market. But
they do not.
Our presence in all of Judea and Samaria — not just in the so-called settlement
blocs — is an irreversible fact. Trying to stop settlement expansion is futile,
and neglecting this fact in diplomatic talks will not change the reality on the
ground; it only makes the negotiations more likely to fail.
Given the irreversibility of the huge Israeli civilian presence in Judea and
Samaria and continuing Palestinian rejectionism, Western governments must
reassess their approach to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They
should acknowledge that no final-status solution is imminent. And consequently,
instead of lamenting that the status quo is not sustainable, the international
community should work together with the parties to improve it where possible and
make it more viable.
Today, security — the ultimate precondition for everything — prevails. Neither
Jews nor Palestinians are threatened by en masse eviction; the economies are
thriving; a new Palestinian city, Rawabi, is being built north of Ramallah;
Jewish communities are growing; checkpoints are being removed; and tourists of
all nationalities are again visiting Bethlehem and Shiloh.
While the status quo is not anyone’s ideal, it is immeasurably better than any
other feasible alternative. And there is room for improvement. Checkpoints are a
necessity only if terror exists; otherwise, there should be full freedom of
movement. And the fact that the great-grandchildren of the original Palestinian
refugees still live in squalid camps after 64 years is a disgrace that should be
corrected by improving their living conditions.
Yossi Beilin, a left-wing former Israeli minister, wrote a telling article a few
months ago. A veteran American diplomat touring the area had told Mr. Beilin
he’d left frightened because he found everyone — Israel, the Palestinian
Authority, Jordan and Saudi Arabia — content with the current situation. Mr.
Beilin finds this widespread satisfaction disturbing, too.
I think it is wonderful news. If the international community relinquished its
vain attempts to attain the unattainable two-state solution, and replaced them
with intense efforts to improve and maintain the current reality on the ground,
it would be even better. The settlements of Judea and Samaria are not the
problem — they are part of the solution.
Dani Dayan is
the chairman of the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities
in Judea and
Israel’s Settlers Are Here to Stay, NYT, 25.7.2012,
Jordan Worries Turmoil Will Follow
Syria’s Refugees Flood In
July 25,
The New York Times
Jordan — Fearing the fallout and the spread of the uprising in Syria, Jordanian
officials have recently moved more forcefully to restrain opponents of the
Syrian government who have fled to Jordan, activists here say.
A Syrian opposition leader from Dara’a said that intelligence agents tried to
dissuade him from returning after a recent trip outside the country. Jordanian
airline officials demanded he buy a ticket to go on to Damascus before he
boarded the plane. In another case, an artist once imprisoned in Syria said that
since arriving in Jordan in March, he had been interrogated four times by
intelligence agents who warned that he would be sent back to Syria if he engaged
in conspicuous activism against the Syrian government.
The episodes reflected Jordan’s perennially anxious state, battered by cycles of
crises in the region, fearful of stronger neighbors and dependent on others for
financial and military support. In recent weeks, Jordanian officials and
commentators have made dire predictions that refugees could overwhelm the
country as the war worsens, strangling Jordan’s fragile economy and straining
its resources.
But officials are especially concerned that the uprising could unsettle the
country’s already turbulent politics. Small but persistent demonstrations over
the past year have focused on government corruption, and have resulted in
increasingly bold expressions of anger directed at the country’s monarch, King
Abdullah II.
The king has tried to manage the call for change with a limited reform program
that his critics say hardly diminishes his grip on power. The Syrian conflict
could worsen one of Jordan’s deep domestic schisms, between citizens of
Palestinian descent and so-called East Bank Jordanians.
The government seems set on not letting more Palestinians enter.
Jordanian officials strongly deny that they turn back Palestinian refugees. In a
report this month, an Interior Ministry official told Human Rights Watch that
Jordan had not “sent any Palestinians back, period.” Near the border, though,
refugees said they had seen it happen.
A Kurdish woman from Damascus said that when she and her family reached the
border a few days ago, they met a Palestinian man and his two children going the
other way. The father said Jordanian officers patrolling the frontier had told
him he could not enter.
Violence has already crossed the border. Residents near the frontier with Syria
said they had seen at least one clash between Syrian Army troops and Jordanian
border patrol officers who were trying to help refugees cross. On Monday,
Jordanian police officers fired tear gas to break up a fight between Syrian
refugees and local residents outside a refugee camp near the border.
The confluence of fears has led the country’s leaders to watch their words. King
Abdullah, who previously called for Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, to step
down, was more circumspect in an interview last week, mentioning worries that
Qaeda-linked fighters had joined the opposition. “If Bashar leaving the scene
and exiting Syria brings a stop to violence and creates a political transition,
that’s the lesser of evils,” he said on CNN. “But have we gotten past that
stage? That’s a question I can’t answer.”
The Jordanian government has won praise for accepting 140,000 refugees. Many
Syrians who have fled said that Jordanian officers rescued them on the border,
in some cases as the Syrian Army pursued them.
The Kurdish woman said she left after her house collapsed under government
shelling, killing her mother. Though she had no identity papers, the Jordanian
authorities let her and her family enter; now they are searching for a Jordanian
sponsor so they can leave the camp.
But Palestinians who have made it to Jordan cannot leave their camp, not even if
they have family living elsewhere in Jordan.
Signs of Jordan’s uneasy relationship with the exiles are evident. In the border
town of Ramtha, filled with Syrian refugees, there is no sign of the flags that
opponents of Mr. Assad keep as the ever-present totem of their dissent. There
are only portraits of King Abdullah and his eldest son, which hang everywhere.
The government seems just as troubled by the Syrian activists. Last week there
were reports that one of them, Omar al-Hariri, was deported to Syria after
landing here in Amman from Cairo.
Opposition figures in Amman said they were not sure what had happened to Mr.
Hariri, saying it was possible he had voluntarily returned to Syria. A
government spokesman, Sameeh al-Maitah, did not respond directly to a question
about the details of the case, but said in an e-mail that “there are some cases
where concerned authorities see that they should prevent the entry of certain
people into Jordan.”
Wessam Salama, another activist who has lived in Jordan for several years, said
he had been able to provide charitable services to Syrian refugees, with little
harassment from the state.
The government seemed most concerned with anyone trying to provide weapons to
the Syrian rebels, he said. “Anything with guns, anything that creates chaos,
they will have no hesitation in delivering us to Bashar,” he said.
Recently, though the Jordanian authorities deported his sister-in-law after she
returned from a trip to the Persian Gulf, reflecting a pattern that Mr. Salama
said was increasingly common: Syrians who try to come to Jordan legally, through
the airport or a border crossing, seem to face more difficulties than those who
sneak across.
Nizar al-Hrakiy, an opposition activist from Dara’a, said he had received
threats from people he believed represented the Syrian government since he
arrived in Jordan, causing him to twice change where he was staying. At the same
time, he had to contend with warnings from the Jordanian authorities. “They put
pressure. They do not want us to talk to the media, or to work on any military
issue,” he said.
“They are focusing on their security,” he said, adding: “They don’t want the
contagion of the revolution.”
Jordan Worries Turmoil Will Follow as Syria’s Refugees Flood In, NYT, 25.7.2012,
Showdown Looms in Aleppo as Syrian Army Closes In
July 25,
The New York Times
Lebanon — A tense Aleppo braced for the gathering storm on Wednesday as both the
Syrian government and the insurgents sped reinforcements to the city, Syria’s
commercial capital, to battle over half a dozen neighborhoods where the rebel
fighters attempted to assert control.
Sporadic skirmishes erupted throughout the day, with the rebels claiming to have
attacked and burned down several police stations in those quarters. Government
helicopters circled, residents said, peppering the embattled neighborhoods with
machine-gun fire and an occasional rocket while ground troops periodically
lobbed mortar shells.
There were no serious engagements reported. But all signs indicated one was
looming. After withdrawing all visible security forces, for a day, Syrian Army
troops brought in on trucks or buses suddenly deployed around the 13th-century
Thousands more were en route, according to rebel fighters and activists.
“People know there is going to be chaos, fighting, shelling, so people are
frightened,” said one activist reached via Skype. “They have stocked up on
canned goods and are not venturing out.”
There was no public transportation, and hospitals were appealing for blood
donations, he said.
“We fear the government’s retaliation,” said Ahmad, a resident of the
southeastern Salaheddiin neighborhood, where so many insurgents poured in from
the countryside that they sometimes ended up fighting one another for control of
individual streets, residents said.
People streamed out of the neighborhoods where the rebel soldiers claimed
control, figuring they would be pounded by government forces, following the same
pattern in one Syrian city after another during the course of the 17-month-old
uprising. But some men stayed behind to protect their property from looters.
Residents in the outlying districts said refugees from the inner city had taken
over schools and parks to live in. Many of them were fleeing for a second time,
having come to Aleppo from central cities like Homs and Hama where the
government began attacking months ago. In Aleppo, the neighborhoods where the
rebels established toeholds were mostly poor and on the eastern side of the
Tanks and troops normally deployed in nearby Idlib Province began to lumber
eastward toward Aleppo, fighters and activists said.
One column of an estimated 23 armored vehicles carrying soldiers and ammunition
out of Jebel az-Zawiya, a rebel stronghold in southern Idlib, was attacked by
local fighters, a local activist in Turkey said. Roughly a third of the vehicles
were destroyed but the rest moved on toward Aleppo, he said.
Some rebels reached via Skype said they, too, were headed toward Aleppo,
anticipating a major showdown.
The fighters in Idlib said they were preparing to exploit the sudden absence of
government forces to leverage their area into more of an independent zone than
they had been able to achieve in the past.
Nidal Qarra Mohammed, a member of the revolutionary council in Idlib Province,
said the commanders of all the various militant factions intended to meet in a
town near the Turkish border to declare their joint effort to make Idlib a safe
zone free of government control. Mr. Mohammed said that some fighters had left
Idlib for Aleppo after seeing Syrian Army soldiers pull up stakes and head
there. Beyond Aleppo, clashes were reported in several major cities, including
Damascus, and in Rastan, an insurgent enclave near Homs.
At a news conference in Damascus, Hervé Ladsous, the head of United Nations
peacekeeping operations globally, said that half the 300 monitors first deployed
in May had been sent home as the monitoring mission had now changed to a
political one trying to start negotiations between the two sides. Its mandate
expires in 27 days.
At the United Nations, Saudi and Qatari diplomats said they intended to
introduce a resolution calling for a political transition in Syria in the
193-member General Assembly for a vote possibly as early as next week. The
diplomats told reporters they were undertaking the action because of the
Security Council’s failure to pass a Syria resolution last week after vetoes by
Russia and China, which have consistently opposed any outside moves to subvert
the Syrian government’s authority. Although the General Assembly does not have
the enforcement power of the Security Council, approval of such a resolution
would further isolate Syria and embarrass President Bashar al-Assad’s dwindling
roster of friends.
The new fighting in Syria came as Turkey sealed its border to trade with Syria,
a further sign of enmity between the neighbors whose leaders were once close
friends. Turkey’s decision did not affect its policy on accepting Syrian
refugees, thousands of whom have fled the mayhem for sanctuary across the border
since the conflict started in March 2011.
Also on Wednesday, another Syrian ambassador to a Middle Eastern country
announced his defection, the third to do so in the past two weeks. The
resignation by Abdel Latif al-Dabbagh, the Syrian envoy to the United Arab
Emirates, was not totally unexpected. He is married to Lamia al-Hariri, the
Syrian ambassador to Cyprus, who defected a day earlier, said Mohamed Sarmini, a
spokesman for the Syrian National Council, the main opposition group in exile.
Syria’s ambassador to Iraq, Nawaf Fares, announced his defection on July 11.
Dalal Mawad
and Hwaida Saad contributed reporting from Beirut,
and Rick
Gladstone from New York.
Showdown Looms in Aleppo as Syrian Army Closes In, NYT, 25.7.2012,
Ramadan Arrives Amid High Heat
Political Transition in Arab World
July 21,
The New York Times
This year’s Ramadan holy month may prove to be the toughest in decades — and not
just because it falls when the heat is at its highest and the days are
particularly long.
Traditionally, Ramadan, which began Friday in most of the Arab world, is a time
for introspection, for charity toward the poor, for an increased focus on
religion. It is a time when Muslims strive to avoid not only drinking, smoking,
eating and having sex during daylight hours, but also gossiping and swearing —
and even fighting with one another. The holy month is a time for solemn
reflection during the day, and festive meals with family and friends at night.
“Ramadan is a wonderful month, praise God,” said Hatem Shawky, 42, a cabdriver
working in Tahrir Square. He did have one complaint, though: “It is hot.”
This is the second Ramadan to fall during the Arab Spring, and in Syria
especially, violence showed no sign of taking the holy month off, as government
forces clawed back ground from rebels in the capital, Damascus, and thousands of
Iraqi exiles decided their own country was safer, fleeing there over the past
two days. Elsewhere in the region, Ramadan will be marked by the uncertainties
of countries caught in the throes of change. Egypt has a new president with an
Islamist background, Mohamed Morsi, who was inaugurated on June 30 but has begun
Ramadan with his own authority uncertain, and his cabinet still not chosen.
Libya successfully elected a non-Islamist Parliament less than two weeks ago,
but has yet to get its bickering militias under central authority. Tunisia just
dismissed its central bank’s governor, a sacrifice to the harsh reality that the
unemployed youth who helped propel the Arab Spring’s first uprising still remain
just as likely to be unemployed.
Roundups of dissidents continued in Bahrain. Even in Dubai, where relatively
timid activists have asked for more rights to free speech, United Arab Emirates
authorities have responded with the arrests of 14 people since Monday on murky
charges of antigovernment activity. Ramadan begins on Saturday in Iran, Iraq and
many Shiite Muslim areas, unlike Friday for much of the Sunni world. (The two
sects have different manners of calculating the first sighting of the new
crescent moon that begins the month of fasting.)
The government of President Bashar al-Assad, dominated by Alawite sect, which is
closely related to that of the Shiites, has declared Saturday the start of
Ramadan, but many of those battling Mr. Assad in the streets come from the Sunni
majority. Whatever day they begin fasting, the fighting seems likely to
continue. Just after midnight Friday in Damascus, a man known as a Musaharati,
charged with waking up his neighborhood to alert people to eat before sunrise,
was killed, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The daylight fast, in effect from the first light of dawn until after sunset, is
particularly long this year. In Cairo on Friday, for instance, people who got up
for a predawn breakfast needed to finish eating by 3:27 a.m., and then could not
eat or drink again until after 6:56 p.m., 15 and a half hours later.
Each year, Ramadan, based on lunar months, shifts 10 or 11 days, so for the next
three years the fasting day will be even longer than this year — but not nearly
so hot, with daytime highs now peaking over 120 degrees in many parts of the
Arab world. The last time Ramadan began at the height of summer heat was 33
years ago, in 1979. The word “Ramadan” derives from the Arabic for “extreme
heat,” fitting for this year, though the observance is just as likely to occur
in winter.
In the United Arab Emirates, manual laborers have been given religious exemption
to take water when temperatures exceed 122 degrees, but only just enough to keep
them at work.
Ramadan heat is even more of an issue in Baghdad, where daytime temperatures
exceed 120 — but electricity required to run air-conditioners is at best
available 12 to 14 hours a day.
Fasting will be particularly tough on some of the 3,000 Muslim athletes
attending this year’s London Olympics; for the first time since the Moscow
Olympics in 1980, the two and a half weeks of the Games fall during Ramadan.
With London far to the north of traditionally Islamic areas, its daytime fast is
a marathon — 18 and a half hours (from 2:39 a.m. to 9:06 p.m. on Friday).
Some athletes have announced they will observe the fast. Others will opt to
break the fast and pay what some authorities say is the prescribed religious
penance: feeding 60 poor people. While fighting is abjured during Ramadan, Islam
recognizes that it happens all too often, and taking part in war is one of the
exemptions allowed to fasting Muslims, along with exemptions for the ill,
breast-feeding and menstruating women, and travelers.
In Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley near the Syrian border, as many as 20,000 Syrian
refugees had arrived after fleeing Syria, according to a refugee worker, Mukhtar
Mohamed Hamzeh. “We hope this month of Ramadan will be the month of the victory
of the revolution,” he said.
In Cairo, the streets were preternaturally quiet. “Everyone is in their houses
now,” said Mahmoud Hammam, 35, a street vendor. “But they are in their houses
sitting atop a volcano of rage. One thing goes wrong, and they will all come
down to the square.”
In many countries, workday activity — both commercial and especially government
— noticeably slows this month. This apparently prompted Egypt’s new president,
in a speech on the beginning of Ramadan, to call on people to “set an example
for the world in production, stability, security and support for the poor.”
Mr. Morsi also announced that he was using his presidential pardon powers to
free 572 civilians held as prisoners by the military as a result of
participating in protests, although activists have complained that thousands
more are still languishing in military custody.
“Releasing them with a pardon means we still accept the legitimacy of their
sentences,” said Mona Seif, of the No to Military Trials for Civilians campaign
group. “He definitely could do a lot more, but he is trying to find a way of
dealing with this whole issue without coming into confrontation with the Supreme
Council of the Armed Forces.”
The new president joined Egypt’s grand mufti and attended Friday Prayer in his
hometown, Zagazig, in the Nile Delta area. The sermon was delivered, though, by
Abdel Fadeel El Kousy, the minister of Islamic affairs, a holdover from the
previous government. “We drown in seas of politics,” he said. “We need to go
back to morals and principles.” He did, however, acknowledge that Egypt was at a
“crossroads” and needed to “define the path it takes.”
No doubt Ramadan will be a time of such reflections in many countries in the
region. There is often a gap, however, between pious intention and practical
outcome. Many people actually gain weight during the monthlong fast, gorging at
night, or even sleeping through the day — hardly the intention of the
observance. And many people continue the fights they had started before the rise
of the crescent moon.
Reporting was
contributed by Liam Stack and Mai Ayyad from Cairo;
Hwaida Saad
and Dalal Mawad from Beirut, Lebanon;
and Duraid
Adnan from Baghdad.
Ramadan Arrives Amid High Heat and Political Transition in Arab World, NYT,
Fleeing Capital Leave Bodies and Bombs Behind
July 20,
The New York Times
Lebanon — After five days of fierce street battles pitting government forces
against rebel fighters in the central Damascus neighborhood of Midan, one Syrian
family that managed to escape into Lebanon described what was left behind: a
hellish landscape of burning buildings and vehicles and streets barricaded with
rubble, all punctuated by explosions erupting at random.
“Sometimes you feel that the bombs are very close, other times that they are far
away,” said Sarah, 19, crammed into the back seat of a white sedan with her
mother and two sisters at this Lebanese border crossing, where the United
Nations said about 18,000 Syrians fleeing the fighting crossed in the past 48
hours. “You don’t know what is happening. People are so scared that they all
departed; there is no one left in our building.”
The Syrian military struck back hard in Midan and elsewhere across Damascus on
Friday. The fighting created scenes of mayhem unimaginable in the capital even
last week, and prompted a wide exodus as the military tried to retake the upper
hand from an opposition emboldened after a bomb attack on Wednesday killed four
top security officials.
In Syria, the raging battle seemed to be as much about public image as it was
about the realities on the ground. The state remained determined to project an
image that all was well, even while thousands fled. “Our heroic forces have
completely cleansed the Midan area of the terrorist mercenaries and restored
security,” state television reported, using its usual label for the rebel
forces. The gruesome pictures showed corpses lying in blood, some in the streets
with flies buzzing around them.
The retreating rebels claimed they were pulling back to spare civilians the full
wrath of the army. “We are not ‘armed gangs or terrorist groups,’ ” said Abu
Rami, 25, one of the rebel fighters abandoning Midan. “We are a popular armed
force, and ordinary people support us. If we were not hosted by the people, we
could not fight in these districts.”
With the sounds of exploding shells booming across the city at all hours and
clouds of smoke billowing out of various neighborhoods, residents of Damascus
either cowered at home or fled. Live broadcasts on state television meant to
show that downtown Damascus was under control mostly showed its thoroughfares
“For people living in Damascus, seeing families flee the violence is very, very
emotional,” said Sigurd F. Mikkelson, a journalist for the Norwegian
Broadcasting Corporation as he crossed the border to Lebanon in a taxi with
Syrians who were leaving. “They are afraid of the state falling apart,” he said.
Most of the Syrians crossing into Lebanon were scared and confused. They talked
about power cuts in the richest neighborhoods and gasoline stations with no gas.
They talked about civilians in Damascus suddenly trapped by the fighting for the
first time in the 17 months since the conflict broke out.
“You feel the government is losing control, slowly but surely, every day a
little more,” said one 30-year-old construction engineer, declining to give his
name because he might go back. “After the assassinations, the people who were
saying the system will survive started talking about its collapse.”
If the government manages to reassert control in Damascus in the coming days,
then maybe the country will not disintegrate, he said, but he was not
optimistic, especially as the hatred deepened between Alawites and Sunnis.
“I think a civil war is coming; you can see it and feel it,” he said, with
Alawites talking about their fears of surviving while Sunnis burn with the
desire for revenge.
“Eighty percent of the problem is sectarian and maybe 20 percent is about
corruption,” said Mohamed al-Jazaeri, a young engineer, explaining his wish for
a slow, measured political reform process that is nowhere in sight. “They are
going to destroy the country, and they won’t be able to bring it back for
another 20 years.”
Many Syrians were headed to stay with relatives, some to apartments they already
owned and a few to hotels. But many without means staggered to the nearest
village, Majd al-Anjar, where the local mosque set up a charity center where
volunteers said that they had just distributed several hundred thin foam
mattresses and food kits.
The mayor, Anwar Hamzeh, said Thursday night that he was stunned to see Syrian
families parked by the side of the road, uneasy about where to go next. “They
were afraid if they ended up in a Shiite village they would be killed,” he said.
Hezbollah, the main Shiite party in Lebanon, supports the government of Bashar
al-Assad, and many of those fleeing are Sunni Muslims.
So Majd al-Anjar opened its homes and one of its seven schools to the Syrians.
Many more will come, they are sure. “There are seven million people in Damascus;
where will they all go?” said Omar Abdel-Rahman, responsible at the charity
center for distributing aid.
For everyone reaching Lebanon, there were hundreds more fleeing the capital into
the Syrian countryside as the mood in Damascus shifted markedly — not least
because the government warned residents that it would shell rebellious
Many of those arriving were well-to-do young families, the parents saying all
they wanted was to get their children out of harm’s way while they were sure
they still could. Some were obviously coming for the long haul, cars stacked
with extra suitcases and children’s bicycles and kitchen utensils like a
Many regretted the decision to leave even as they relaxed a bit in getting out.
“I would rather die in Damascus; you are a stranger anywhere you go except your
own country,” said Ghada, a 41-year-old housewife fleeing with her husband and
two children. She, like others, did not want her last name used for fear of
being identified.
Some maintained they were just headed to Beirut to relax, and they would take
stock in a week or so. Most said they were not political, just worried, although
there was an occasional whispered political opinion like, “We want freedom.”
On the other end of the scale, a young man riding in the passenger seat of a
glistening, charcoal Porsche Panamera with special government license plates
rolled down his window and denied anything was amiss in Damascus.
“There is nothing,” he said before the car roared off.
Friday was also the first day of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month that combines
fasting and celebration and family reunions. But for Syrians, the holiday spirit
was distinctly lacking.
“We don’t really feel like it’s Ramadan because of this war,” Mr. Jazaeri said.
“It is going to the worst Ramadan in Syrian history, or at least the worst since
the Ottomans invaded.”
That was in the early 16th century, but this is even blacker, he said, because
“then they were fighting foreign invaders; this time they are fighting each
Syrians Fleeing Capital Leave Bodies and Bombs Behind, NYT, 20.7.2012,
U.N. Extends Syria Mission as Violence Rises to New
July 20,
The New York Times
violence reaching new heights in Syria, the United Nations Security Council
unanimously approved a 30-day extension of the monitor mission there on Friday,
throwing what amounted to a thin lifeline to Kofi Annan, the special envoy in
the Syrian conflict, to save his paralyzed peace plan from total irrelevance.
The 15-to-0 vote came only a few hours before the 300-member mission’s
authorization was to expire. A failure to act would have forced the monitors
into a hasty withdrawal from Syria, just as deadly mayhem, rebel advances and
refugee flows from the 17-month-old uprising against the government of President
Bashar al-Assad appeared to be accelerating.
Although the work of the monitors has been suspended for more than a month
because of the violence and the disregard for Mr. Annan’s plan by both Mr.
Assad’s government and his armed opponents, diplomats feared that scrapping the
effort entirely would have sent a message of failure at precisely the wrong
“We believe it is the right thing to do, to give a final chance for the mission
to fulfill its function,” Britain’s United Nations ambassador, Sir Mark Lyall
Grant, told reporters after offering the resolution that was approved.
The Council extended the mission “for a final period of 30 days,” essentially
allowing for an orderly departure. But the resolution left open the possibility
of a further renewal if two conditions were met: a halt to the Syrian military’s
use of heavy weapons, as promised in Mr. Annan’s plan, and a reduction in
violence to a level that would allow the unarmed monitors to resume their work.
The basic purpose of the monitor mission is to oversee the carrying out of Mr.
Annan’s plan.
Sir Mark and other ambassadors declined to speculate on what appeared to be a
rapidly changing picture on the ground in Syria, where activist groups said more
than 300 people died in clashes on Thursday and at least 140 on Friday and the
United Nations refugee agency reported an enormous surge of people fleeing the
Refugee officials in Geneva reported a conspicuous increase in cars departing
Damascus, the capital, which had been relatively insulated from the insurgency
against Mr. Assad until this week, when rebels of the Free Syrian Army took the
fight to neighborhoods in earshot of the presidential palace.
Then, in the most potent strike on the government since the uprising began, a
bomb attack killed three of Mr. Assad’s top security officials on Wednesday at
one of the government’s most secure locations in the capital. A fourth victim,
Lt. Gen. Hisham Ikhtiar, the head of National Security, one of the government’s
intelligence agencies, died of his wounds on Friday, Syria’s state television
The public funeral for the first three victims, including Asef Shawkat,
President Assad’s brother-in-law and a long-feared security chief, was held
Friday in a military ceremony on Qassioun Mountain, overlooking Damascus, state
television said. The two top figures officiating were Farouk al-Sharaa, a vice
president largely kept out of view since he was singled out by outside powers
last year as a possible transitional leader, and Gen. Fahd Jassem al-Freij, who
was named minister of defense on Wednesday, immediately after his predecessor
died in the bombing.
Mr. Assad and his brother, Maher, the commander of the country’s most elite
military forces, did not attend.
The Security Council’s unanimity on extending the monitor mission contrasted
with the acrimonious discord in the Council chambers the day before, when Russia
and China vetoed a Western-backed British resolution that would have threatened
Mr. Assad’s government with economic sanctions under Chapter 7 of the United
Nations Charter if he did not comply with the peace plan.
Russia and China have consistently opposed invoking Chapter 7, which can also
authorize military intervention to enforce the Council’s will, as an unwarranted
intrusion into Syria’s domestic affairs. Western diplomats expressed outrage at
the veto and accused Russia and China of protecting Mr. Assad despite his
government’s record of brutality.
The Russians and Chinese countered that acts of brutality have been committed by
both sides. Russia’s United Nations ambassador, Vitaly I. Churkin, further
accused Western nations of concealing what he called their true motive: deposing
Mr. Assad in order to deprive Iran of its only remaining Middle East ally.
The Council’s unanimity on Friday barely masked Western anger from the veto 24
hours earlier. Susan E. Rice, the American ambassador, said the Council’s
decision to extend the mission for 30 days “was not the resolution the United
States had hoped to adopt in the first instance.”
Rather than emphasizing the monitoring mission’s extension as a final
opportunity for Mr. Annan’s plan, Ms. Rice described it as a way to allow the
monitors “to withdraw safely.” Her description did not sit well with Mr.
“I was somewhat surprised to hear Ambassador Rice’s description,” he told
reporters later. “This is not about withdrawal.”
But there was no sign that the antagonists in Syria were interested in accepting
Mr. Annan’s plan. Iraq was reported to have thrown up blast walls to seal its
main border crossing with Syria, Abu Kamal, after rebel forces took control of
all four crossings into Iraq and one into Turkey a day earlier.
The government’s accounts of fighting Friday focused on what state television
called the valiant rescue of the Midan neighborhood in Damascus from rebel
control after days of combat. “Our heroic forces have completely cleansed the
Midan area of the terrorist mercenaries and restored security,” state television
reported, using the government’s standard label for the rebel forces. It
broadcast pictures of bodies of rebels lying in blood, flies buzzing around
“We are not ‘armed gangs or terrorist groups,’ ” said Abu Rami, 25, one of the
rebel fighters abandoning Midan. “We are a popular armed force and ordinary
people support us. If we were not hosted by the people, we could not fight in
these districts.”
In the western Damascus neighborhood of Mezze, opposition activists reported
helicopters firing heavy machine guns and tanks shelling buildings. In the
northern suburb of Qaboun, Syrian soldiers and shabiha, pro-Assad militiamen,
joined in teams to chase Free Syrian Army groups.
“The soldiers are moving around in tanks and armored vehicles — they cannot walk
because they fear the Free Syrian Army,” said Abu Bassam, a 60-year-old resident
who accused the government forces of looting after most residents had fled. The
electricity had been cut off since Tuesday, he said, and the area bombed
repeatedly from helicopters.
“The F.S.A. controls the land, and the regime’s helicopters own the sky,” he
Reporting was
contributed by Neil MacFarquhar and Dalal Mawad from Masnaa, Lebanon; Hwaida
Saad from Beirut, Lebanon; Alan Cowell from Paris; Nick Cumming-Bruce from
Geneva; Duraid Adnan from Baghdad; and an employee of The New York Times from
Damascus, Syria.
U.N. Extends Syria Mission as Violence Rises to New Heights, NYT, 20.7.2012,
As Chaos Grows in Syria, Worries Grow on the Sidelines
July 19,
The New York Times
Gone is the talk here that last year’s Arab Spring was a gift from God.
Now some in Iran are even starting to worry about how much might be at stake if
President Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria, long a client state of Iran’s,
collapses — which after a fifth day on Thursday of heavy street fighting in
Damascus no longer sounds inconceivable.
The fall of the Assad government would remove Shiite Iran’s last and most valued
foothold in the Arab world, and its opening to the Mediterranean. It would give
Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Arab states their long-sought goal of countering
Iranian influence in the region, finally splitting the alliance between Tehran
and Damascus that has lasted for decades. And it would further erode Iran’s role
as a patron of the Middle East’s revolutionaries, a goal that moderate Arabs and
the United States have long sought.
Already the militant Palestinian group Hamas, long dependent on Syria and Iran,
has thrown its support behind the Syrians in the streets seeking Mr. Assad’s
Worse might follow, from Tehran’s point of view. Iran and Syria’s last
revolutionary ally, the Hezbollah party that dominates Lebanon, would lose one
of its main sources of weapons and financial support. And Lebanon’s fragile
sectarian balance might be torn apart, raising the threat of another civil war
On Wednesday, Hezbollah quickly responded to the government’s worst day so far
to make its strongest declaration that it would not abandon Mr. Assad.
In a televised address on Wednesday night, the Hezbollah leader, Hassan
Nasrallah, offered eloquent condolences for the deaths of the three high-ranking
Syrian officials killed earlier in the day. “These martyr leaders were comrades
in arms in the conflict with the Israeli enemy, and we are confident that the
Arab Syrian Army, which overcame the unbearable, will be able to persist and
crush the hopes of the enemies,” he said.
He credited Mr. Assad and his government with the victory that Hezbollah claimed
against Israel in the 2006 war in Lebanon and with saving Gaza during the 2009
Israeli incursion. “The most valuable weapons we had in our possession were from
Syria,” he said. “The missiles we used in the second Lebanon war were made in
Syria. And it’s not only in Lebanon but in Gaza as well. Where did these
missiles come from? The Saudi regime? The Egyptian regime? These missiles are
from Syria.”
It was a stunning testament, said Fawaz A. Gerges, director of the Middle East
Center at the London School of Economics. “For Hezbollah, it is a point of no
return now,” he said. With the speech, “Hezbollah made it very clear that there
is an umbilical cord between the Syrian regime and Hezbollah, and this umbilical
cord is existential. They are, as he said, comrades in arms.”
Iran, too, has been staunch in its support of Syria, whose ruling Alawite
minority belong to a branch of Shiite Islam, the predominant faith in Iran.
Tehran continues to provide Mr. Assad with economic and public support, and it
might be sending military assistance as well.
But some voices inside Iran are worried about the awkward position imposed on
anyone who supports Mr. Assad against what seems like an increasingly popular
and widespread uprising.
“We are supporting some uprisings and ignoring others,” said Mashallah
Shamsolvaezin, a Middle East analyst based in Tehran. “Arab people do not
believe us anymore. We come across as antagonists, following our political
The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran was once a model for the region, but the
Arab world’s revolutionaries now look to Egypt, he said, with its experiment in
democratizing an Islamic society. “Instead of gaining influence, we are
witnessing the emergence of new powerful countries that in the future could pose
a challenge to us,” Mr. Shamsolvaezin said.
A year ago, Hossein Alaei, a former admiral in the Revolutionary Guards,
predicted on the Web site Irandiplomacy that “ideally” Mr. Assad would survive.
“But this ideal might not be fulfilled,” Mr. Alaei wrote. “We should think of
other ways to protect our national security.”
Iran’s unrelenting support for Syria has cost it other friends in the region, as
the Arab Spring gives aspiring young rebels a model other than the revolution of
Iran’s elderly ayatollahs. Most Arabs are Sunnis rather than Shiites. Beginning
in February, the leadership of Hamas, which had long enjoyed a friendly exile in
Damascus and military support from Iran, began moving to Qatar and other havens
and publicly expressed support for Syria’s revolutionaries. With Iran hampered
and hurt financially by Western sanctions, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have proven to
be more helpful and better-financed allies.
The Nasrallah speech tried to make it seem “as if nothing had happened since
then, as if the Arab Spring did not happen,” said Sami Nader, an analyst and a
professor of international relations at St. Joseph University in Beirut.
“This is the most important transformation in the history of the Arab world,”
Mr. Nader said, “and it is proving that Islam and democracy are compatible.”
The speech was in effect an acknowledgment of how completely Hezbollah depends
on the Assad government’s survival. “He is telling them he is not going to leave
Assad alone,” said Sarkis Naoum, a columnist for An-Nahar in Beirut, “that by
protecting Assad he will be protecting his party, himself and his community, and
also the interests of Syria and Iran.”
Mr. Naoum said he worried about what would happen in Lebanon if the Syrian
government collapsed, or descended further into sectarian conflict. Many
sectarian fault lines in Syria — Alawites and Christians versus Sunnis, for
instance — are mirrored in Lebanon, which has large Christian, Alawite and Sunni
minorities of its own. Already, there have been conflicts between Alawites and
Sunnis in northern Lebanon. Hezbollah has refrained from any action that would
threaten strife, but that may change, Mr. Naoum suggested.
“If it feels threatened by chaos in Syria, or even Assad’s regime collapses, it
will have to take action inside Lebanon, at least to paralyze those who are
working with the rebels, especially in the north,” he said.
“It is a lose-lose situation for Hezbollah,” he said. “Either they stay on what
most Arabs would say is the wrong side of history, or they abandon an ally that
links them with the rest of the Shiite world and find themselves isolated.”
An Assad victory would change that thinking, of course, and Mr. Nasrallah
professed confidence. “We are confident that the Syrian Army, which has had to
cope with the intolerable, has the ability, determination and resolve to endure
and foil the enemies’ hopes,” he said.
That, too, is the prevailing official view in Tehran, which has its own example
of successfully repressing popular dissent, after the 2009 elections. “Have no
doubt, Assad’s regime will survive,” said Hamid Reza Taraghi, an Iranian foreign
policy expert and a politician whose views are close to the Iranian
Mr. Shamsolvaezin was not so sure. “We were popular some years ago, but our
ethical decisions have made a crisis for us,” he said. “We hoped all in the
region would turn away from the U.S. Now, we should be careful they do not turn
their backs on us.”
Erdbrink reported from Tehran, and Rod Nordland from Cairo.
Mai Ayyad
contributed reporting from Cairo.
As Chaos Grows in Syria, Worries Grow on the Sidelines, NYT, 19.7.2012,
Border Posts Fall Into the Hands of Syrian Rebels
July 19,
The New York Times
Lebanon — Rebel fighters in Syria, building on the momentum gained by their
brazen assassination of three top security officials a day earlier, seized all
four border crossings with Iraq and one into Turkey on Thursday, while also
claiming for the first time to have captured a pocket of Damascus after intense
street fighting.
The government fought back hard, with no indication that its far superior
military machine had lost its edge against an opposition still working
predominately with small-caliber weapons. Helicopters blasted the northern
Damascus suburb of Qaboun with rockets, while the armed forces warned residents
of a wide area of the southern part of the capital to evacuate ahead of an
assault. Thousands of people fled to neighboring Lebanon.
“They threatened them and gave them 24 hours to leave their homes or they will
be shelled,” said Ali Salem, an activist reached via Skype. Even residents in
the western Damascus neighborhoods of Mezze and Kafr Souseh, who were not
warned, fled in droves as shells thudded into their neighborhood from military
positions on the Qassioun mountain above Damascus.
But the government tried to project an aura of calm, even as it unleashed its
forces in a manner similar to the devastating assaults on restive cities like
Homs, where neighborhoods were effectively flattened and all the residents
driven out.
President Bashar al-Assad appeared for the first time since the bombing attack
Wednesday that killed three senior security officials. The Syrian leader showed
up on state television to swear in the new defense minister to replace the one
assassinated in a bomb attack.
The ceremony for Gen. Fahd Jassem al-Freij — the broadcast showed the two men
interacting without any sound — seemed to take place in Damascus in one of the
presidential palace’s reception rooms, its wall décor a series of distinctive
antique doors inlaid with mother-of-pearl that used to grace homes in old
Wire service reports said that Mr. Assad had fled to Latakia, the coastal city
where he has a home, just one of the many rumors swirling around the capital in
the wake of the stunning assassinations. One opposition activist said that only
the women and children of the Assad family had flown to the coast — not unusual
for a hot July weekend.
More intense fighting loomed, as the United Nations Security Council deadlocked
as expected over a resolution seeking to punish Syria with economic sanctions
for not putting a cease-fire into effect. Russia and China vetoed a resolution
focused on the Syria crisis for a third time in an acrimonious meeting.
A last-ditch compromise was expected to give a 30-day extension for the 300
observers who suspended their work on June 16 because of the heavy violence. The
departing officer in charge of the United Nations observers, Gen. Robert Mood,
said at a news conference in Damascus that the monitors were “irrelevant”
without the will for peace on both sides.
Little such will was in evidence. If there was an image for the day, it came
from the border crossing, where rebels raised their flag. One video posted
online showed rebel fighters defacing pictures of Mr. Assad and his father and
predecessor as president, Hafez al-Assad, as they overran one border crossing
after another. At the Bab al-Hawa entrance from Turkey, a fighter wielding a
large stick smashed a huge hole in the president’s portrait over the border
In Baghdad, Iraqi government officials confirmed the seizures of the four
crossings and said the frontier was shut and additional Iraqi troops sent there
as a precaution.
One top Iraqi government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because
he was not authorized to discuss the matter, said the border crossings, in Anbar
and Nineveh Provinces, were closed and that Iraqi border forces had witnessed
the executions of several Syrian Army soldiers at the hands of the Free Syrian
Army rebels.
Iraq’s acting minister of the interior, Adnan al-Assadi, was quoted by Agence
France-Presse as saying that Iraqi forces had witnessed the executions of 22
Syrian soldiers. Mr. Assadi could not immediately be reached to confirm that
Many Iraqis who were trying to flee the violence in Syria were now unable to
return to Iraq, a top government official said.
In a statement on state television on Thursday evening, the Iraqi government
said it would send airplanes to Damascus to bring Iraqis, many of whom fled the
war in Iraq and remain in Syria, back home. Earlier Thursday, officials and news
reports said, more than 1,000 Iraqis crossed into Iraq.
There was a similar flight toward Lebanon, except it was mostly Syrians. The
Lebanese minister of social affairs announced that 4,500 cars had crossed into
the country at the border crossing on the highway from Damascus, and local
officials estimated that more than 20,000 people entered.
Since the uprising started in March 2011, Damascus has existed in a kind of
bubble largely cut off from the violence that has run through much of the
country. But that bubble has been burst after five days of intense street
fighting, accented by the assassination of the three officials. They included
Asef Shawkat, who was the president’s brother-in-law and one of the most feared
man in Damascus for his long tenure as the head of various security agencies.
The streets of Damascus remained fairly deserted. Residents said they could hear
the sound of helicopters, gunfire and shelling almost continuously. One man who
tried to walk to a nearby house in the upscale neighborhood of Malki, near the
president’s residence, was ordered home by the men running one of the many
checkpoints that had sprung up.
The Syrian military said Thursday that the bombing had left it more determined
to “clear the homeland of the armed terrorist groups” — the term it uses for the
insurgents seeking Mr. Assad’s ouster. But the Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights based in Britain said a group of rebel fighters claimed to have routed
government soldiers in a section of Midan, taking over a piece of one of the
city’s oldest neighborhoods. The claim, like most of the reports of fighting and
of the toll, could not be independently confirmed.
The clashes left in their wake one of the highest one-day death tolls since the
uprising began, with 155 civilians and 93 government soldiers killed throughout
Syria, including nearly 60 civilians in and around Damascus, according to the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The intensified fighting prompted foreign governments to pay even closer
attention to Syria’s chemical weapons.
In Washington, a senior American official who is tracking Syria closely said
Thursday that American intelligence reports had concluded that Syrian forces
were moving some parts of their chemical weapons arsenal to safeguard it from
falling into rebel hands, not to use it. “They’re moving it to defend it in some
of the most contested areas,” said the official, who spoke on condition of
anonymity because of the classified intelligence reports.
The official said that the upsurge in fighting did not presage an imminent fall
of the government, predicting that Mr. Assad could likely hold out for at least
six months. “This is an episodic erosion in his power, but he’ll recover,” he
MacFarquhar reported from Beirut, and Tim Arango from Baghdad. Reporting was
contributed by Dalal Mawad and Hwaida Saad from Beirut, Yasir Ghazi from
Baghdad, Alan Cowell from London, Rick Gladstone from New York, Eric Schmitt
from Washington, and an employee of The New York Times from Anbar Province,
Border Posts Fall Into the Hands of Syrian Rebels, NYT, 19.7.2012,
Is Forced to Rethink Its Regional Strategies
July 19,
The New York Times
Standing on the Golan Heights, close enough to the Syrian border to hear what he
called “the dull boom of shells” fired on the other side, Israel’s defense
minister, Ehud Barak, observed on Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad’s grip
on power was slipping away.
“The disintegration is not abstract; it is real,” Mr. Barak said after a tour
and debriefing with the local commander. “It is getting closer.”
The devolution in Syria, while welcome, presents a series of intensifying
problems for Israel, its neighbor to the south. Israel’s leaders are growing
concerned about Syria’s stockpiles of chemical weapons falling into the hands of
rogue groups equally opposed to Israel; about the prospect of throngs of
refugees appearing at the border; and about the Golan itself “turning into a
lawless area where terror elements might also operate,” as Mr. Barak put it.
There is concern that the collapse of the Syrian government could lead to a
civil war in Lebanon.
Beyond that, the escalation in Syria, with the killing of several members of Mr.
Assad’s inner circle, coming hours before a suicide attack on an Israeli tour
bus in Bulgaria, only underscored how the Arab uprisings over the past 18 months
have upended Israel’s strategic assessments about a neighborhood that it has
traditionally viewed as hostile but stable.
No longer preoccupied with the Palestinians, Israel has now been confronted with
a series of complex calculations. Should it strike Syria’s chemical weapons
storehouses, as it did a Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007, or would that
strengthen Mr. Assad’s hand by uniting the Arabs? Should it act alone against
the Iranian nuclear program it sees as an existential threat, or let the United
States plow ahead with diplomacy and sanctions? Should it act more aggressively
against the military group Hezbollah in Lebanon? How should it navigate the
shifting landscape in Egypt, where the new president hails from the Muslim
“What you have in Syria is that the Middle East is coming apart; a new form of
chaos is replacing what has existed,” said Dore Gold, a longtime diplomat who
now runs the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. “The fundamentals you’re
working with in the region are changing; you can’t just go back to the old
discussions you might have had.
“Chaos is never an opportunity,” Mr. Gold added.
At the moment, the issue that looms largest may well be Syria’s arsenal of
chemical and biological weapons. Over 40 years, Syria has amassed a stockpile,
United States officials contend, of mustard gas, sarin and cyanide. In recent
days, American and Israeli intelligence officials have said that Mr. Assad has
been moving some of these weapons out of storage, apparently to keep them from
falling into the hands of the rebels.
That has elevated concerns here that the weapons could fall into the hands of
Israel’s enemies, including Islamist radicals who have taken up arms in the
fight against Mr. Assad, or Hezbollah, which is increasingly worried over the
potential fall of its patron.
“Israel will not sit idle,” said Danny Yatom, a former chief of the Mossad
intelligence agency. “If we will have information that chemical agents or
biological agents are about to fall into the hands of the Hezbollah, we will not
spare any effort to stop it.”
But Shlomo Brom, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security
Studies at Tel Aviv University, said that while the prospect of chemical weapons
in the hands of terrorist groups is frightening, the threat may not be as dire
as it seems. In order for the weapons to be used, Mr. Brom said, two substances
must be combined in a certain way, and they must be deployed via aircraft.
“In many cases, the weapons are not really usable,” Mr. Brom said. “You need
knowledge, you need systems, to use it.”
Mr. Assad’s Syria has remained a steadfast enemy of Israel. The two countries
have no formal relations and are technically at war. Mr. Assad has been a
provocateur whose support for Iran and Hezbollah is seen by Jerusalem as
pernicious. But he is, as many said in interviews on Thursday, well known, part
of the old Middle East that began to unravel last year with the fall of
President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. With Mr. Mubarak’s ouster, Israel has had to
contend with rising lawlessness in Sinai and concerns over the fate of the two
nations’ peace treaty.
There is no telling what the ramifications would be if Mr. Assad fell.
“Bashar kept the border quiet, and now it can be like in the case of Sinai, with
chaos and terror,” said Eyal Zisser, chairman of the Middle East and African
history department at Tel Aviv University. “Most Israelis do not care about the
grievances and the aspirations of their neighbors, democracy, justice,
prosperity. They care about their own security. That’s the way of the average
Israeli, and as a result, his government.”
The Golan, a strategic plateau of about 450 square miles, is home to about
39,000 Israelis, and Mr. Barak warned on Thursday that the longer fighting
continued in Syria, “the risk grows that the bloody residue left over between
the sides” could turn it “into a lawless area where terrorists might operate.”
Still, several leading government officials and analysts here said Israel hardly
seemed on a war footing, using the same words to describe its posture: “watching
from the outside.” While the threat of a chaotic Syria — or, for that matter, a
nuclear Iran or a desperate Hezbollah with dangerous weaponry — may seem most
acute here, they said, Israel continues to count on international intervention.
“It’s not only an Israeli issue: if Qaeda or radical members will take control
of nonconventional weapons, it might appear anywhere on the globe,” said Ilan
Mizrahi, a former head of Israel’s National Security Council, and deputy chief
of Mossad. “I do not think that we have to be the whip of God.”
The Bulgaria bombing only complicates the Syria question. “The Iranians would
love to see Israel retaliate against Hezbollah in a limited way,” said Yoram
Schweitzer, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security
Studies. “It can create belligerent acts that could help Syria. The Iranians are
very keen on helping Assad as his situation is getting worse and worse.”
Kershner contributed reporting.
Israel Is Forced to Rethink Its Regional Strategies, NYT, 19.7.2012,
U.N. Monitors Find Vast Devastation in Syrian Village
June 14,
The New York Times
Nations monitors in Syria reported fiery devastation, the smell of death,
vacated homes, looted stores and vestiges of heavy weapons on Thursday during a
visit to what had been a Sunni-populated village besieged for days by Syrian
forces and pro-government militiamen who said they had cleansed it of rebel
In a preliminary report on their visit to the village, Al Heffa in northwestern
Syria, a spokeswoman for the monitors said it appeared to be deserted, except
for “pockets in the town where fighting is still ongoing.” Antigovernment
activists said Wednesday that Al Heffa’s residents had fled in the face of
relentless attacks by the Syrian military.
The siege of Al Heffa became a focal point of the Syrian conflict this week
because of fears expressed by United Nations and Western officials that its
residents were vulnerable to a massacre. Those fears were elevated after mass
killings in other Sunni-populated locales in the past few weeks, suggesting that
the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, which began 16 months ago as a
peaceful political protest, has become a sectarian civil war pitting his
minority Alawite sect against the majority Sunni populace and other groups.
Anti-Assad activists also reported the extensive use of Russian-made helicopter
gunships in the siege of Al Heffa and attacks in the nearby port of Latakia, a
relatively new tactic in Mr. Assad’s campaign to crush the uprising and a
possible reflection of rebel success in damaging his army’s fleet of Russian
tanks. The helicopters also subjected Russia, Mr. Assad’s principal backer, to
renewed Western criticism as an abettor of his repression. Russia has insisted
that it takes no side in the conflict.
The monitors, who are unarmed, were blocked on Tuesday from visiting Al Heffa by
angry civilians, apparently from nearby villages populated by Alawites. The
Syrian Foreign Ministry announced 24 hours later that the monitors were welcome
to visit Al Heffa, which the ministry said had been rescued from armed terrorist
groups — the government term for opponents of Mr. Assad’s governing Baath Party.
“The town appeared deserted,” Sausan Ghosheh, the spokeswoman for the United
Nations monitor mission in Syria, wrote in the preliminary report. “Most
government institutions, including the post office, were set on fire from
inside. Archives were burnt, stores were looted and set on fire, residential
homes appeared rummaged and the doors were open.”
Ms. Ghosheh wrote that the local Baath Party headquarters had been shelled and
“appeared to be the site of heavy fighting.”
“Remnants of heavy weapons and a range of caliber arms were found in the town,”
she wrote. “Cars, both civilian and security, were also set on fire and
She also wrote that a “strong stench of dead bodies was in the air,” but there
was no information on the number of casualties.
In Moscow on Thursday, Syria’s ambassador to Russia, Riad Haddad, said at a news
conference that Russia was supplying his government only with antiaircraft
weapons, not attack helicopters. He was echoing statements made this week by top
Russian officials in response to American accusations that Russia had risked
deepening the Syrian conflict through its military support of Mr. Assad.
Mr. Haddad also rejected descriptions of the conflict as a civil war, made this
week by United Nations and French officials.
“I tell them the civil war exists only in their heads,” he said. “Armed
terrorist groups, which receive regional and global support, want to show that
there is a civil war in Syria. They are doing this to create a pretext for
international interference.”
Diplomacy aimed at halting the Syrian conflict has faltered despite the rising
levels of violence. Kofi Annan, the special envoy of the United Nations and the
Arab League, whose peace plan placing the monitors in Syria is widely considered
near failure, has sought to convene a meeting of influential countries to press
all sides in the conflict to honor a cease-fire.
Reuters, quoting unidentified diplomats, reported that such a meeting might be
held on June 30 in Geneva, but there was no confirmation. The United States has
said publicly that it opposes Mr. Annan’s inclusion of Iran if there is a
In the central Syrian town of Rastan, north of Homs, where rebels have defied
persistent military efforts to rout them, an activist reached through Skype said
the situation had deteriorated in three consecutive days of bombing from land
and air. The activist, who identified himself as Morhaf al-Zoaby, said the
Syrian forces were using tanks, helicopters, cluster bombs and rockets emitting
an unidentified gray-black gas, killing at least four people. It was impossible
to verify his account.
While Syrian defectors and other opponents of Mr. Assad have said before that he
has used gas and other chemical weapons in the conflict, those assertions have
never been corroborated independently.
But outside rights investigators have compiled evidence that Mr. Assad’s forces
and pro-government militias have engaged in reprisal killings, torture,
arbitrary detention and the destruction of homes. In a new report, Donatella
Rovera, an investigator for Amnesty International who spent weeks in northern
Syria, described what she called “systematic violations, including crimes
against humanity and war crimes, being perpetrated as part of state policy to
exact revenge against communities suspected of supporting the opposition and to
intimidate people into submission.”
The Local Coordination Committees, a network of activist groups in Syria,
reported what it said was a knife massacre of dozens of people in the Damascus
suburb of Homouriya and uploaded to YouTube a graphic video of what it said were
victims. Like many other claims in the Syrian conflict made via the Internet,
the images could not be authenticated.
Ellen Barry
contributed reporting from Moscow,
and Hwaida
Saad from Beirut, Lebanon.
U.N. Monitors Find Vast Devastation in Syrian Village, NYT, 14.6.2012,
Syria Crisis and Putin’s Return Chill U.S. Ties With
June 13,
The New York Times
— Sitting beside President Obama this spring, the president of Russia gushed
that “these were perhaps the best three years of relations between Russia and
the United States over the last decade.” Two and a half months later, those
halcyon days of friendship look like a distant memory.
Gone is Dmitri A. Medvedev, the optimistic president who collaborated with Mr.
Obama and celebrated their partnership in March. In his place is Vladimir V.
Putin, the grim former K.G.B. colonel whose return to the Kremlin has ushered in
a frostier relationship freighted by an impasse over Syria and complicated by
fractious domestic politics in both countries.
The back-and-forth this week over Russian support for Syria’s government as it
tries to crush an uprising underscored the limits of Mr. Obama’s ability to
“reset” ties with Moscow. He signed an arms control treaty with Mr. Medvedev,
expanded supply lines to Afghanistan through Russian territory, secured Moscow’s
support for sanctions on Iran and helped bring Russia into the World Trade
Organization. But officials in both capitals noted this week that the two
countries still operated on fundamentally different sets of values and
The souring relations come as Mr. Obama and Mr. Putin are preparing to meet for
the first time as presidents next week on the sidelines of a summit meeting in
Mexico. With Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate, saying
Wednesday that Mr. Obama’s Russia policy “has clearly failed,” and Mr. Putin
stoking anti-American sentiment in response to street protests in Moscow, the
Mexico meeting may be a test of whether the reset has run its course.
“We were already at a place with the Russians where we were about to move to a
new phase,” said Benjamin J. Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to Mr.
Obama. “A lot of this is can we continue to build on the initial steps we’ve
taken with the Russians even as we’ve had differences emerge, most notably on
Others see the situation more pessimistically. “There is a crisis in the
Russian-American relationship,” said Aleksei K. Pushkov, the hawkish head of
Russia’s parliamentary foreign affairs committee. “It is a crisis when the sides
have to balance their interests but they cannot do so because their interests
diverge. It is developing into some kind of long-term mistrust.”
Signs of that divergence seem increasingly pronounced lately, despite private
reassurances from Mr. Putin that he wants to deepen ties. Michael A. McFaul, a
former Russia adviser to Mr. Obama, has been subjected to an unusual campaign of
public harassment since arriving in Moscow as ambassador. A Russian general
threatened pre-emptive strikes against American missile defense sites in Poland
in the event of a crisis. Mr. Putin has cracked down on demonstrations while
blaming Americans for them, and he skipped the Group of 8 summit meeting hosted
by Mr. Obama last month.
“The reset failed to change the underlying suspicion and distrust of America
shared by a majority of Russians as well as Putin himself,” said Masha Lipman,
an analyst at the Carnegie Moscow Center. “America is seen as a threat, an agent
seeking to undermine Russia, to weaken it, to do harm to it. Russia always has
to be on the alert, on the defensive.”
Adding to the tension have been moves in Congress to block visas and freeze
assets of Russians implicated in human rights abuses. The bipartisan
legislation, named for Sergei L. Magnitsky, a lawyer whose corruption
investigation led to his death in prison, passed a House committee last week and
will be taken up by a Senate panel next week.
“I see this as part of an effort to make clear the expected international
conduct as it relates to human rights,” said Senator Benjamin L. Cardin, a
Maryland Democrat sponsoring the legislation. “This is what friends do. We point
out when you need to do better.”
The Obama administration, seeking to avoid a rupture, opposes the bill on the
grounds that the State Department has already banned visas for Russians
implicated in Mr. Magnitsky’s death.
Instead, the administration is highlighting legislation introduced on Tuesday to
repeal decades-old trade restrictions on Russia known as Jackson-Vanik.
On Tuesday, hours after Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton accused Russia
of supplying attack helicopters to Syria, she sent an under secretary of state,
Wendy Sherman, to a Russia Day reception at the Russian Embassy in Washington,
where she pointed to the proposed Jackson-Vanik repeal and talked about “mutual
respect,” with no explicit mention of Syria.
The complication for Mr. Obama is that lawmakers like Mr. Cardin and Senator
John McCain, Republican of Arizona, want to link the Jackson-Vanik repeal to the
Magnitsky legislation, angering Russian officials, who were shocked to learn
that the White House apparently cannot block it. Mr. Putin was already upset at
even the administration’s mild criticism of his domestic crackdown; Mr. Pushkov
said the Kremlin viewed that to “not be very loyal.”
Mr. Obama is focusing on enlisting Russia’s help on issues like stopping Iran
from building nuclear weapons. The next round of talks between Iran and
international powers opens in Moscow next week, and the administration hopes
that Russia’s role as host will prompt it to use its influence with Tehran to
extract more concessions.
One of the biggest successes of the reset, however, has also made the United
States more dependent on Russia. With Pakistan cutting off supply lines to
Afghanistan, the so-called northern distribution network through Russia is the
primary reinforcement route for America’s war on the Taliban.
“We need more from them than they need from us at the moment,” said Angela E.
Stent, director of Russian studies at Georgetown University. The Russians are
less invested than Mr. Obama in the notion of a reset. “They look at that as an
American course correction. But it’s not their policy, it’s an American policy,”
Ms. Stent said.
Publicly, the administration rejects any connection between Syria and the Afghan
supply route. But, privately, officials worry that Russia will try to use the
leverage provided by the supply route.
So far, Russian officials have reassured their American counterparts that they
will not. If anything, Moscow worries that the United States is pulling out of
Afghanistan too soon, fearing a security collapse near Russia’s southern flank.
For Mr. Obama, who considers improved ties with Russia one of his signature
accomplishments, the question is whether the current friction is temporary or is
a sign that the reset has accomplished what it can.
The coming meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico, could prove uncomfortable for Mr.
Obama. The first time the two men met, in July 2009, when Mr. Putin was prime
minister, Mr. Putin delivered an hourlong harangue about the United States.
“The president’s going to be yearning for the days of meetings with Dima,” said
David J. Kramer, an official in the George W. Bush administration, using Mr.
Medvedev’s nickname. “It probably won’t be a pretty meeting. And it shouldn’t be
a pretty meeting.”
Ellen Barry
contributed reporting from Moscow, and Thom Shanker from Washington.
Syria Crisis and Putin’s Return Chill U.S. Ties With Russia, NYT, 13.6.2012,
Facebook Meets Brick-and-Mortar Politics
June 9,
The New York Times
I HAD just finished a panel discussion on Turkey and the Arab Spring at a
regional conference here, and, as I was leaving, a young Egyptian woman
approached me. “Mr. Friedman, could I ask you a question? Who should I vote
I thought: “Why is she asking me about Obama and Romney?” No, no, she explained.
It was her Egyptian election next week that she was asking about. Should she
vote for Mohamed Morsi, the candidate of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, or
Ahmed Shafiq, a retired general who served as Hosni Mubarak’s last prime
minister and was running as a secular law-and-order candidate? My heart went out
to her. As Egyptian democracy activists say: It’s like having to choose between
two diseases. How sad that 18 months after a democratic revolution, Egyptians
have been left with a choice between a candidate anchored in 1952, when Egypt’s
military seized power, and a candidate anchored in 622, when the Prophet
Muhammad gave birth to Islam.
What happened to the “Facebook Revolution”?
Actually, Facebook is having a bad week — in the stock market and the ideas
market. As a liberal Egyptian friend observed, “Facebook really helped people to
communicate, but not to collaborate.” No doubt Facebook helped a certain
educated class of Egyptians to spread the word about the Tahrir Revolution.
Ditto Twitter. But, at the end of the day, politics always comes down to two
very old things: leadership and the ability to get stuff done. And when it came
to those, both the Egyptian Army and the Muslim Brotherhood, two old “brick and
mortar” movements, were much more adept than the Facebook generation of secular
progressives and moderate Islamists — whose candidates together won more votes
than Morsi and Shafik combined in the first round of voting but failed to make
the runoff because they divided their votes among competing candidates who would
not align.
To be sure, Facebook, Twitter and blogging are truly revolutionary tools of
communication and expression that have brought so many new and compelling voices
to light. At their best, they’re changing the nature of political communication
and news. But, at their worst, they can become addictive substitutes for real
action. How often have you heard lately: “Oh, I tweeted about that.” Or “I
posted that on my Facebook page.” Really? In most cases, that’s about as
impactful as firing a mortar into the Milky Way galaxy. Unless you get out of
Facebook and into someone’s face, you really have not acted. And, as Syria’s
vicious regime is also reminding us: “bang-bang” beats “tweet-tweet” every day
of the week.
Commenting on Egypt’s incredibly brave Facebook generation rebels, the political
scientist Frank Fukuyama recently wrote: “They could organize protests and
demonstrations, and act with often reckless courage to challenge the old regime.
But they could not go on to rally around a single candidate, and then engage in
the slow, dull, grinding work of organizing a political party that could contest
an election, district by district. ... Facebook, it seems, produces a sharp,
blinding flash in the pan, but it does not generate enough heat over an extended
period to warm the house.”
Let’s be fair. The Tahrir youths were up against two well-entrenched patronage
networks. They had little time to build grass-roots networks in a country as big
as Egypt. That said, though, they could learn about leadership and the
importance of getting things done by studying Turkey’s Islamist Justice and
Development Party, known as A.K.P. It has been ruling here since 2002, winning
three consecutive elections.
What even the A.K.P.’s biggest critics will acknowledge is that it has
transformed Turkey in a decade into an economic powerhouse with a growth rate
second only to China. And it did so by unlocking its people’s energy — with good
economic management and reformed universal health care, by removing obstacles
and creating incentives for business and foreign investment, and by building new
airports, rail lines, roads, tunnels, bridges, wireless networks and sewers all
across the country. A Turkish journalist who detests the A.K.P. confessed to me
that she wished the party had won her municipal elections, because she knew it
would have improved the neighborhood.
But here’s the problem: The A.K.P.’s impressively effective prime minister,
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has not only been effective at building bridges but also
in eliminating any independent judiciary in Turkey and in intimidating the
Turkish press so that there are no more checks and balances here. With the
economic decline of the European Union, the aborting of Turkey’s efforts to
become an E.U. member and the need for America to have Turkey as an ally in
managing Iraq, Iran and Syria, there are also no external checks on the A.K.P.’s
rising authoritarianism. (Erdogan announced out of the blue last week that he
intended to pass a law severely restricting abortions.)
So many conversations I had with Turks here ended with me being told: “Just
don’t quote me. He can be very vindictive.” It’s like China.
This isn’t good. If Erdogan’s “Sultanization” of Turkey continues unchecked, it
will soil his truly significant record and surely end up damaging Turkish
democracy. It will also be bad for the region because whoever wins the election
in Egypt, when looking for a model to follow, will see the E.U. in shambles, the
Obama team giving Erdogan a free pass and Turkey thriving under a system that
says: Give your people growth and you can gradually curb democratic institutions
and impose more religion as you like.
Facebook Meets Brick-and-Mortar Politics, NYT, 9.6.2012,
Assad’s Response to Syria Unrest
His Own Sect Divided
June 9,
The New York Times
Lebanon — After Jaber Abboud, a baker from Baniyas, Syria, first lashed out
publicly at President Bashar al-Assad for failing to promote real change, his
neighbors ignored it.
But Mr. Abboud and most of his community are Alawites, the same religious sect
as the president. When the popular uprising broke out, many believed that if the
Assad family fell, they were doomed. They closed ranks and turned on Mr. Abboud,
boycotting his pastry shop and ultimately forcing him to leave town.
“The neighborhood is split — half are dejected and subservient, the rest are
beasts,” he said in a telephone interview from nearby Latakia. “It is depressing
to go there, it’s like a town full of ghosts, divided, security everywhere.”
As the Syrian conflict escalates to new levels of sectarian strife, Mr. Assad is
leaning ever more heavily on his religious base for support. The Alawite core of
the elite security forces is still with him, as are many Syrians from minority
But interviews with a dozen Alawites indicated a complex split even within their
ranks. Some Alawites are frustrated that security forces have not yet managed to
crush the opposition, while others say that Mr. Assad is risking the future of
the Alawites by pushing them to the brink of civil war with Sunni Muslims.
Mr. Assad’s ruling Baath Party professes a secular, pan-Arab socialism, but
Sunnis, who make up about 74 percent of the population, have long bridled at
what they see as sectarian rule by the Alawites, who are nominally Shiite
Muslims and make up only 13 percent of the population.
People like Mr. Abboud say they feel stranded in a no man’s land. Blackballed by
their own Alawite community, they find that the Islamists who dominate parts of
the armed opposition regard them with murderous suspicion. A few with opposition
credentials have been killed.
On the other extreme are Alawites who criticize Mr. Assad as being too soft,
saying that his father and predecessor as president, Hafez al-Assad, would have
quashed the threat by now.
With Alawite youths dying by the hundreds to defend the government, voices are
raised at funerals and elsewhere asking questions like, “Why is the government
not doing enough to protect us?” according to the Alawites interviewed.
There were also anti-Assad chants in Alawite neighborhoods like Zahra in Homs,
like: “Bashar became a Sunni!” (Mr. Assad’s wife, Asma al-Akhras, comes from a
prominent family of Sunni Muslims from Homs.)
Alawite-Sunni tensions reached a new peak after a spate of mass killings,
particularly the May 25 Houla massacre of 108 Sunni Muslims, including 49
children. Survivors from Houla and people living near the slaughter last
Wednesday in the farming hamlet of Qubeir said the attackers came from Alawite
villages. The United Nations said suspicions in Houla were focused on
pro-government militiamen known in Arabic as shabiha. Alawites dominate their
“For the first time, we began to hear directly from our Sunni neighbors that we
should leave Damascus and return to our villages,” said Abu Ali, 50, a real
estate agent. He said that once the school year ended he expected a flood of
such departures out of fear of revenge attacks.
Fear of reprisals has prompted dire warnings from some Alawites that their
future is on the line. Afaq Ahmad, a defector from the air force intelligence
branch, posted a 10-minute plea on YouTube saying that Alawites have to stop
committing collective suicide. He has gained prominence partly because Alawite
defectors are rare.
“Does the family of Bashar al-Assad deserve to be the leaders of the Alawites?”
Mr. Ahmad asked. “In the face of crimes like this, we cannot stay silent. We
should stick to our religious and humanitarian principles because otherwise,
history will show no mercy.”
Officials in the Assad government often say that its secular ideology has
preserved the harmony among what it calls the “glorious mosaic” of Syria’s many
overlapping religions, ethnic groups and tribes. But its critics call that a
front for Alawite domination, reversing centuries of fierce discrimination that
is reflected in Syrian geography. Scorned as nonbelievers during about 400 years
of Ottoman rule and forced to pay a special tax, the Alawites sequestered
themselves in impoverished mountain redoubts overlooking the Mediterranean.
The secretive Alawite sect was born in the ninth century and braids together
religious teachings from different faiths. They are not considered particularly
zealous. Unlike more orthodox Muslims, they believe in reincarnation, for
example, and do not consider the Ramadan fast or the pilgrimage to Mecca
mandatory. They worship at home or at the tombs of saints, and they lack a
clerical hierarchy.
France, as the colonial power, created a separate coastal Alawite state that
lasted from 1920 to 1936.
With independence, Alawites were drawn to the military and the secularist Baath
Party. The coup that brought Hafez al-Assad to power in 1970 cemented their
control, shocking the traditional Sunni ruling class. He stocked the secret
police and the military with Alawites, creating such a fear of them that Syrians
talking about the sect in public called them “Germans.”
The late president formed the elite units, now controlled by his son Maher, that
are the main military force of repression. The government showed no forbearance
toward its Alawite critics — they were considered traitors, often jailed for
twice as long as Sunni Muslims for their role in clandestine political
organizations. Now, even watching satellite channels critical of the Syrian
government, like Al Jazeera, is considered treachery in Alawite communities.
The intolerance of dissent means there is no uniquely Alawite opposition
movement. (There is a Facebook page, Alawites in the Syrian Revolution, and the
campaign to resurrect nonviolent protests involves many young, urban Alawites.)
The first Alawite joined the executive committee of the Syrian National Council,
the main opposition group in exile, only in April. Many others had been deterred
by both the Sunni Muslim dominance of the group and concern for family members
back home.
In Baniyas, along Syria’s roughly 100 miles of Mediterranean coast, the fate of
Mr. Abboud, the baker, at the hands of the community helps to explain the
Mr. Abboud, 57, a former soccer coach, said he had been arrested three times and
badly beaten. Two of his three children received death threats, neighbors tried
repeatedly to set fire to his house and friends he had known since childhood
avoided him. Even his three sisters shunned him.
Until the uprising, the worst Sunni-Alawite vendetta came during the skirmishing
between the Muslim Brotherhood and the government about 30 years ago. In the
most notorious attack, Muslim extremists singled out Alawite military cadets in
Aleppo for execution, letting others go free. The Alawites have never forgotten.
In Damascus in the 1980s, new Alawite communities were formed to ring the
capital, which the city’s natives sometimes derisively call “settlements.”
Salam, 28, a businessman, who grew up in one such area, said that early in the
uprising, the government distributed automatic rifles there. “They told us, ‘The
Sunnis are going to kill you,’ ” Salam said in an interview over Skype. “They
scared us. Of course some people in our community are narrow-minded; they
believed them and, unfortunately, many people accepted the weapons.”
Alawite opposition sympathizers in smaller towns tend to stay silent because
they are so few. “The people will kill them,” said Wajdy Mustafa, a longtime
Alawite activist now living in exile in California. Yet they fear seeking haven
among the Sunnis, too, lest they be killed for their sect, he said.
There is much talk that if the government collapses, the Alawites might withdraw
back into the mountains. Others speculate that mass killings by Alawite militias
are aimed at consolidating control in parts of the country that they could
defend in a prolonged conflict with the Sunnis.
Amid the siege mentality, however, come occasional glimmers of a different
Reem, 28, with long, curly black hair, helps organize anti-Assad rallies in
Damascus. At the start of the uprising she could not show her face in her
village above Tartus, she said. Eventually she went, prompting catcalls from
pro-Assad neighbors.
But on her most recent visit a month ago, no one cursed her activism, said Reem,
who gave only one name to avoid recriminations. “They have begun to understand
the real face of the Syrian crisis, that it is a popular revolution against a
dictatorship, not against an Alawite regime,” she said, describing the shock
registered by young people in the village when she described how young Alawites,
Sunnis and Druze stand together in antigovernment protests in Damascus.
“They are amazed to hear that an Alawite woman without a veil and in tight jeans
can demonstrate hand in hand with a Sunni woman covered in black,” she said.
Hwaida Saad
contributed reporting from Beirut,
and an
employee of The New York Times from Damascus, Syria.
Assad’s Response to Syria Unrest Leaves His Own Sect Divided, NYT, 9.6.2012,
Deadly Shelling Strikes Southwest Syrian City,
Activists Say
June 9,
The New York Times
reported new violence in southwest Syria on Saturday, saying shelling by troops
and clashes between soldiers and rebel fighters in the city of Dara’a had
claimed 17 lives, including women and children.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition group based in London,
said the victims from the violence early on Saturday included 10 women, a
10-year-old girl and two teenage boys. Telephone services, including mobile
phone networks, had been cut off, the organization said.
Dara’a, located near the border with Jordan, is where the uprising against
President Bashar al-Assad’s regime began in March last year.
Saturday’s reports of violence came a day after United Nations monitors in Syria
collected evidence of a mass atrocity in the desolate hamlet of Qubeir. The
monitoring team’s journey to Qubeir presented the outside world with the first
visual proof from a neutral official source that a horrific crime had occurred
No corpses were found, and the team’s officials said many of the facts behind
the killings, which occurred Wednesday, had yet to be determined. But it seemed
clear that the perpetrators had hastily sought to conceal what had happened,
reinforcing suspicions that the government, by thwarting the monitors’ efforts
to reach the site on Thursday, had bought time for a cover-up.
Activist groups have accused Mr. Assad of orchestrating the killings in a
campaign to terrorize opponents in the uprising against him, which has grown
more violent and sectarian despite numerous diplomatic entreaties and the
presence of United Nations monitors since April.
Mr. Assad’s government, dominated by his minority Alawite sect, has denied
responsibility for the killings in Qubeir, where the residents were part of the
Sunni majority, and he has called the accusation a propagandist lie. But it
remains unclear why the monitors were not permitted to visit the site much
“Some homes were damaged by rockets from B.M.P.’s, grenades and a range of
caliber weapons,” a spokeswoman for the monitors, Sausan Ghosheh, said in an
e-mailed description of the visit, using the abbreviation for a Russian-made
armored personnel carrier used by the Syrian military. “Inside some of the
houses, the walls and floors were splatted with blood. Fire was still burning
outside houses, and there was a strong stench of burnt flesh in the air.”
Amid the uproar over the Qubeir killings, the fourth massacre in Syria in two
weeks, multiple clashes flared in other Syrian locales on Friday, including
Damascus neighborhoods close to the center of the capital.
International efforts to find a way out of the Syrian crisis intensified in
Washington, where Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, an outspoken
opponent of President Assad, met privately with Kofi Annan, the special envoy of
the United Nations and Arab League. Mr. Annan, whose peace plan that placed the
monitors in Syria is widely considered a failure, has insisted the plan can work
if the big powers put more pressure on Mr. Assad.
Antigovernment activists who first reported the Qubeir killings on Wednesday
night, which they blamed on government troops and plainclothes militiamen known
as shabiha, said that as many as 78 people, half of them women and children,
were slaughtered in the hamlet, a clutch of low-lying farmhouses with a
population of 130 amid cornfields about 20 miles from the city of Hama.
But Ms. Ghosheh, the spokeswoman, who accompanied the monitors, said the number
and names of the victims had not been confirmed, the community was empty, and
“thus the observers were not able to talk to anyone who witnessed Wednesday’s
horrific tragedy.”
She said it would take time to sort out conflicting information from residents
of neighboring villages. “We need to go back, cross-reference what we have heard
and check the names they say were killed, check the names they say are missing,”
she said.
The monitoring team’s Qubeir video shows smoke outside homes, a large hole from
an artillery shell, interior wreckage and bullet scarring, a bloodstained
mattress, a congealed pool of blood and an unidentified man from a neighboring
village holding a sheet with the remains of human flesh. Another unidentified
man is seen pointing to a framed portrait, then breaking down in tears.
A third man is seen saying in Arabic: “Young children, infants, my brother, his
wife and seven children, the eldest only sixth grade, all dead. I will show you
the blood. They burned his house.”
A few foreign journalists who were permitted to travel with the monitoring team
also reported evidence of multiple killings and signs of attempts to hide the
bloodshed. A BBC correspondent, Paul Danahar, said that neighboring villagers
who approached the monitors blamed the shabiha for the killings, and that they
said the militiamen trucked the bodies away. Another villager said sticks had
been used to kill children.
“This has basically been a scorched-earth policy by whoever this was; they’ve
killed the people, they’ve killed the livestock, they’ve left nothing in the
village alive,” Mr. Danahar said in an audio recording posted on the BBC News
Web site. He called it “an appalling scene.”
In one house, he said in his reporting, he saw “pieces of people’s brains on the
“There is a tablecloth covered in blood and flesh,” he continued, “and in the
corner, the blood has been pushed into a pile by someone trying to clean it up
and, frankly, giving up because there’s simply too much of it.”
The official Syrian account of what happened in Qubeir was starkly different. A
report on the Syrian Arab News Agency Web site quoted witnesses as saying that
terrorist groups, the government’s euphemism for the opposition, had attacked
Qubeir with rocket launchers and machine guns, nine people had been killed, and
the military and law enforcement authorities had been called in to protect the
The report criticized unidentified “bloody satellite channels which are
counterfeiting the truth to serve their interests,” an apparent reference to
CNN, Al Jazeera and others carrying opposition accounts of the killings.
The Friday mayhem elsewhere in Syria included clashes between troops and
activists in at least one restive district of Damascus, where explosions could
be heard. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British group with a
network of informants in Syria, reported clashes in at least three Damascus
neighborhoods, while in Homs, a center of antigovernment sentiment, the group
reported “the most violent shelling” it had seen since the anti-Assad uprising
Some experts on Syria have described the Qubeir killings as part of a new stage
in the conflict that has crossed dangerously into sectarian hatreds, fomented by
Mr. Assad’s government, a situation for which efforts like Mr. Annan’s peace
plan are too late.
“We’ve reached the point of no return,” said Salman Shaikh, director of the
Brookings Doha Center in Qatar and a former United Nations official. “Diplomacy
has not kept up with the reality on the ground.”
Mohamed A. Alsiadi, a Syrian émigré who is the coordinator of the Arabic
Language and Cultural Studies Program at Fordham University in New York, said
that he had never had much faith in Mr. Annan’s peace plan, and that the Qubeir
killings proved his skepticism. “Assad is very smart,” Mr. Alsiadi said. “He
knows when to put pressure, ease pressure. They’re playing games with us.”
Mr. Annan, who spoke briefly with reporters in Washington before meeting with
Mrs. Clinton, has fended off criticism that his plan cannot work and that the
Syrian president has never intended to honor it.
“Some say the plan may be dead,” he said. “Is the problem the plan or the
problem is implementation? If it’s implementation, how do we get action on that?
And if it’s the plan, what other options do we have?”
Reporting was
contributed by Alan Cowell in London;
MacFarquhar in Antakya, Turkey; Artin Afkhami in New York;
and Helene
Cooper in Washington.
Deadly Shelling Strikes Southwest Syrian City, Activists Say, NYT, 9.6.2012,
Amid Reports of New Massacre, Nations Press Syria
June 6,
The New York Times
opposition activists reported a mass killing of villagers by pro-government
militiamen and security forces on Wednesday — if verified, the fourth massacre
in less than two weeks — threatening to inject a new surge of angry momentum
into the growing international effort to isolate President Bashar al-Assad and
remove him from power.
The accounts of the mass killing, in the village of Qubeir in central Hama
Province, could not be independently corroborated, and United Nations monitors
in Syria could not immediately gain access to the site. The accounts said that
as many as 78 civilians were killed, half of them women and children, including
35 members of one family. Some were burned and stabbed.
The killings were reported as representatives of more than 55 countries pressing
for Mr. Assad’s resignation threatened to sharply expand their financial
pressure on his government at a meeting in Washington sponsored by the United
States Treasury, and as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to
Turkey, an outspoken critic of Syria, for further talks on how to quickly reach
a solution to the Syria crisis that would depose Mr. Assad.
A senior Western official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that
Mrs. Clinton was sending Fred Hof, a special Middle East envoy from the State
Department, to Moscow on Thursday to assess whether Russia and the United States
could achieve a common vision on a post-Assad political transition in Syria.
Russia, which has been Mr. Assad’s most powerful foreign backer, has repeatedly
opposed outside intervention in the Syrian conflict but has recently suggested
it is not opposed to new leadership in Syria, its most important ally in the
Middle East.
If the Qubeir massacre accounts are confirmed, they are likely to place enormous
new pressure on Kofi Annan, the joint special envoy to Syria from the United
Nations and the Arab League, whose nearly-two-month-old peace plan has not only
failed to halt the bloodshed in the 16-month-old Syrian uprising but, in the
view of some critics, has strengthened Mr. Assad’s resolve.
Mr. Annan was en route to the United Nations to brief the Security Council and
the General Assembly on Thursday, and Western diplomats said he was expected to
bring some new proposals.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British group with a network of
contacts in Syria that was among those reporting the Qubeir killings, called for
an urgent investigation by the 300 United Nations cease-fire monitors who have
been deployed in Syria under Mr. Annan’s plan.
“They should not wait to tomorrow to investigate this new massacre,” the group
said in a statement. “They should not give the excuse that their mission is only
to observe the cease-fire, because many massacres have been committed during
their presence in Syria.”
Members of the United Nations monitoring staff were able to gather some evidence
in the aftermath of a May 25 massacre in Houla — a string of villages in western
Syria, in which 108 people were killed, nearly half of them children — that
pointed to complicity by pro-Assad militia members and soldiers. The Houla
massacre focused new attention on the Syrian uprising and the danger that it
could expand into a sectarian civil war that spills into neighboring countries.
Two other episodes of mass killings of striking workers were reported in the
days after the Houla massacre.
In Washington, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, who hosted the so-called
Friends of the Syrian People International Working Group on Sanctions, said in
opening remarks that intensifying financial sanctions on Mr. Assad’s government
would work if aggressively enforced.
“Strong sanctions make clear to the Syrian business community and other
supporters of the regime that their future is bleak so long as the Assad regime
remains in power,” he said. “And strong sanctions can help hasten the day the
Assad regime relinquishes power.”
Mr. Geithner said he hoped that “all responsible countries will soon join in
taking appropriate economic actions against the Syrian regime.” But his remarks
did not rule out the possibility that military action could also be invoked
because sanctions could include, “if necessary, Chapter 7 action in the U.N.
Security Council. Absent meaningful compliance by the regime with the Annan
plan, that is the direction in which we are soon headed.”
A Chapter 7 resolution could authorize further financial sanctions and the
severance of diplomatic relations with Syria. Should that prove insufficient,
though, it could authorize the use of military force.
The Syrian president, who has described the increasingly bloody political
uprising against him as the work of foreign-backed terrorists, has shown no
indication that he is prepared to relinquish power, in part because of backing
from Russia and China, which have so far objected to any resolution that could
lead to foreign military intervention in Syria.
But Mr. Assad did reorganize his government on Wednesday, appointing the
agriculture minister, Riyad Farid Hijab, as prime minister and ordering him to
form a new administration, according to the official SANA news agency.
What impact, if any, the changes might have in the Syrian conflict were unclear,
although Mr. Assad’s critics quickly denounced them as cosmetic moves meant to
create the impression of political reform.
The president of the General Assembly, Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser of
Qatar, said it was possible that the 193-nation body would pass a new resolution
to put further pressure on the Syrian government after hearing from Mr. Annan
and others, including Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the president of the
Arab League, Nabil el-Araby, on Thursday.
“We are talking about stopping the violence and implementing Mr. Annan’s
six-point plan, which the Syrian government agreed on,” he said. “We don’t see
any positive action. Violence is still going on and that is not acceptable.”
Rick Gladstone
reported from New York, and Annie Lowrey from Washington.
Reporting was
contributed by Hwaida Saad from Beirut, Lebanon;
Alan Cowell
from London; Sebnem Arsu from Istanbul;
and J. David
Goodman from New York.
Amid Reports of New Massacre, Nations Press Syria, NYT, 6.6.2012,
New Turmoil in Egypt Greets Mixed Verdict for Mubarak
June 2,
The New York Times
Egyptian court on Saturday sentenced former President Hosni Mubarak to life in
prison as an accomplice in the killing of unarmed demonstrators during the
protests that ended his nearly 30-year rule.
But a conviction that once promised to deliver a triumph for the rule of law in
Egypt and the Arab world — the first Arab strongman jailed by his own citizens —
instead brought tens of thousands of Egyptians back into the streets. They
denounced the verdict as a sham because the court also acquitted many officials
more directly responsible for the police who killed the demonstrators, and a
broad range of lawyers and political leaders said Mr. Mubarak’s conviction was
doomed to reversal on appeal.
Presiding over a three-judge panel, Judge Ahmed Rafaat said that prosecutors had
presented no evidence that either Mr. Mubarak or his top aides had directly
ordered the killing of protesters. Instead, the judge found that Mr. Mubarak,
84, was an “accessory to murder” because he failed to stop the killing, a
rationale that lawyers said would not meet the usual requirements for a murder
conviction under Egyptian or international law.
The judges also sentenced Mr. Mubarak’s feared former interior minister, Habib
el-Adly, to the same penalty for the same reason. But they dismissed corruption
charges against Mr. Mubarak and his deeply unpopular sons, Alaa and Gamal, on
technical grounds.
By nightfall, demonstrators filled Tahrir Square in a protest that matched the
size and ideological diversity of the early days of the revolt, with Islamists
and liberals once again protesting side by side. Protesters poured into the
streets of Alexandria, Suez and other cities to rail against what they saw as a
miscarriage of justice.
“It is all an act. It is a show,” said Alaa Hamam, 38, a Cairo University
employee joining a protest in Tahrir Square, the symbolic heart of the uprising.
“It is a provocation.”
For many Egyptians, the court’s handling of the case was the latest
disappointment in a 16-month-old transition that has yielded some major
accomplishments, but has not yet delivered the ratification of a constitution,
the election of a president or the hand-over of power by interim military
Against an opaque backdrop of military rule, in which the generals, prosecutors
and judges were all appointed by Mr. Mubarak, the degree of judicial
independence is impossible to know. Demonstrators slammed the decision as a ruse
designed to placate them without holding anyone accountable for the violence or
corruption of the old government.
The ruling immediately became a political battleground in Egypt’s first
competitive presidential race, expected to be decided this month by a runoff
between the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood and Ahmed Shafik, Mr. Mubarak’s
last prime minister. Most analysts called the decision a blow to Mr. Shafik
because of his close ties to Mr. Mubarak, but any further protests could
increase public receptiveness to Mr. Shafik’s law-and-order message.
Mr. Mubarak’s conviction and court appearance — on a hospital gurney in the
metal cage that holds criminal defendants in Egypt — offered the kind of vivid
example of the humiliation of their once-invincible ruler that thrilled
Egyptians with a feeling of liberation.
Mr. Mubarak, in dark glasses and a light-colored track suit, showed no reaction
to the verdict.
Both sons stood in front of their father to try to shield him from the cameras.
Alaa Mubarak appeared to recite verses from the Koran as the verdict was read.
And after the ruling, both sons had tears in their eyes. They remain in jail
while they face charges in an unrelated stock-manipulation case announced last
During the trial, Mr. Mubarak was housed in a military hospital, where he
enjoyed visits from his family and a daily swim, according to news reports.
After the verdict, a helicopter flew him to a Cairo prison.
State news media reported that after complaining of a “medical crisis,” Mr.
Mubarak was treated in the helicopter on the ground, then refused to leave it
and enter the prison for two and a half hours, complaining that he needed the
support of his family.
The court session had opened with unusual promptness at 10 a.m. Judge Rafaat
pronounced that “defendant Mohamed Hosni Mubarak be sentenced to a life term for
the allegations ascribed to him, being an accessory to murder” in the killing of
more than 240 demonstrators during the last six days of January 2011.
He called Mr. Mubarak’s tenure “30 years of intense darkness — black, black,
black, the blackness of a chilly winter night.” And he said officials had
“committed the gravest sins, tyranny and corruption without accountability or
oversight as their consciences died, their feelings became numb and their hearts
in their chests turned blind.”
“The peaceful sons of the homeland came out of every deep ravine with all the
pain they experienced from injustice, heartbreak, humiliation and oppression,”
he added. “Bearing the burden of their suffering on their shoulders, they moved
peacefully toward Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt’s capital, demanding only
justice, freedom and democracy.”
But if Judge Rafaat hoped the people would cheer the verdict, he was soon
disappointed as scuffles and chaos broke out in the courtroom. “The people want
to cleanse the judiciary,” chanted an angry crowd of lawyers for the victims and
other supporters.
The ruling appeared for the first time to bring together a broad spectrum of
both liberal and Islamist political leaders in united opposition to Mr. Shafik.
By Saturday afternoon, protesters were tearing down Mr. Shafik’s billboards and
burning his campaign posters. “Shafik, you disgrace, the revolution continues,”
protesters chanted.
Early Sunday morning, protesters in the town of Fayoum invaded a Shafik campaign
office, Reuters reported.
As Mr. Mubarak’s last prime minister, Mr. Shafik presided over the cabinet when
the police failed to protect unarmed protesters in Tahrir Square from a deadly
assault by a mob of Mubarak supporters known as the “battle of the camels.”
In a statement, Mr. Shafik said the next president should “comprehend the
historic lesson” of the decision. “This means that nobody in Egypt is still
above punishment or accountability,” he added.
The other lesson, he said, was that the police must respect human rights, which
he said that in its new form most of the “security apparatus already wants to
His opponent, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, pledged that if elected,
he would assemble a team of top prosecutors to determine who was responsible for
the killings and press new charges against Mr. Mubarak and his aides. Around 9
p.m., Brotherhood members formed two long rows so Mr. Morsi could safely walk
into the Tahrir Square crowd, and then cheering supporters carried him on their
“The verdict means that the head of the regime and the minister of interior are
the only ones who have fallen, but the rest of the entire regime remains,” the
Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest Islamist group, said in a statement.” It added,
“The Egyptian people have to sense the great danger that threatens their
revolution and their hopes, and wastes the blood of the martyrs and the
sacrifices of their children.”
Ayman Nour, a liberal candidate who had opposed both Mr. Shafik and Mr. Morsi,
announced that “after this flimsy verdict” he was endorsing Mr. Morsi.
In the parking lot outside the makeshift courthouse in a police academy, some
initially celebrated the verdict. “I am so happy — this is the greatest
happiness I have ever felt,” said Rada Mohamed Mabrouk, a 60-year-old retiree.
“The martyrs are all of our children.”
But the elation soon gave way. “They are all innocent? Gamal and Alaa are
innocent?” asked Hanan Mohamed el-Rifai, 28, of Alexandria. She said that during
protests, the police killed her younger brother, Kareem, 15, with a bullet to
the heart. “We will turn the world upside down,” she said.
Other demonstrators brandished nooses to symbolize the sentence they sought.
The credibility of the Mubarak trial was in many ways compromised from the
It took place under the rule of the generals who seized power at Mr. Mubarak’s
ouster rather than under a permanent constitution guaranteeing judicial
independence. Instead of a sweeping examination of the corruption and political
repression of the Mubarak government, the prosecutors rushed the case toward
trial last spring in an apparent attempt to soothe protesters.
Prosecutors charged Mr. Mubarak and Mr. Adly with directing the police to shoot
unarmed protesters during just the first six days of the uprising. Although
Health Ministry officials said that about 840 civilians were killed during the
protests and thousands of others injured, prosecutors narrowed the case to only
about 250 deaths that took place in public squares and under other circumstances
in which it is hard for the police to argue self-defense.
The prosecutors also charged Mr. Mubarak and his two sons with just one instance
of profiting from their positions. The prosecutors charged that Mr. Mubarak and
his sons had received steep discounts on several luxurious vacation homes near
the Red Sea from a crony, Hussein Salem. Mr. Mubarak later allowed companies
controlled by Mr. Salem to make profitable deals to resell Egyptian natural gas
to Israel and buy public land on the Red Sea for development.
The judge dismissed the corruption charges against Mr. Mubarak and his sons on
the grounds that a statute of limitations had expired since the three Mubaraks
were said to have received the vacation homes. Prosecutors had evidently hoped
to date the crime from the subsequent favors Mr. Mubarak did for Mr. Salem. It
was unclear why the judge had not raised the statute of limitations issue
Lawyers said the final legal verdict on Mr. Mubarak would await not only lengthy
appeals but most likely further trials as well.
“The trial is far from over,” Hossam Bahgat, director of the Egyptian Initiative
for Personal Rights, said from outside the courthouse. “We will be in this for
Kareem Fahim,
Mayy El Sheikh and Liam Stack contributed reporting.
New Turmoil in Egypt Greets Mixed Verdict for Mubarak, NYT, 2.6.2012,
U.S.-Pakistan Freeze Chokes Fallback Route in
June 2,
The New York Times
PASS, Afghanistan — Nowhere is the impact of Pakistan’s ban on NATO truck
traffic more visible than here at the top of the Hindu Kush, on one of the only
alternative overland routes for supply convoys to reach Kabul and the rest of
the country.
For 20 miles north and south of the old Soviet-built tunnel at Salang Pass,
thousands of trucks are idled beside the road, waiting for a turn to get through
its perilous, one-and-a-half-mile length.
This is the only passable route for heavy truck traffic bringing NATO supplies
in from the Central Asian republics to the north, as they now must come.
There are other roads, but they are often single-lane dirt tracks through even
higher mountain passes, or they are frequently subject to ambushes by insurgents
and bandits. So a tunnel built to handle 1,000 vehicles a day, and until the
Pakistani boycott against NATO in November handling 2,000, now tries — and often
fails — to let 10,000 vehicles through, alternating northbound and southbound
truck traffic every other day.
“It’s only a matter of time until there’s a catastrophe,” said Lt. Gen. Mohammad
Rajab, the head of maintenance for the Salang Pass. “One hundred percent
certain, there will be a disaster, and when there is, it’s not a disaster for
Afghanistan alone, but for the whole international community that uses this
road.” He said 90 percent of the traffic now was trailer and tanker trucks
carrying NATO supplies.
The tunnel near the top of this 12,000-foot pass is so narrow — no more than 20
feet across at the base, and less toward the top — that the heavily laden trucks
often jam as they try to pass one another, lodging in tightly against the
sloping, rough-hewn walls. The trucks have to be winched apart and dragged out
by heavy equipment.
Other trucks get stuck when their drivers deliberately underestimate their
overhead clearance — the tunnel is 16 feet high, but only in the very center.
“It’s a nightmare,” one tank truck driver said.
The tunnel lighting does not work, nor do closed-circuit television cameras
installed to warn of problems. The tunnel’s roof leaks water, rendering the
savagely potholed road surface a mixture of mud, chopped-up asphalt and broken
concrete. Ventilator fans in most of the tunnel are out of order, leading to
such high levels of carbon monoxide that officials are talking about a system to
pump emergency oxygen in, General Rajab said.
The roadway, with only patches of paving, has ruts so deep that trucks sometimes
just tip over on their sides, as happened last week with a tanker truck carrying
fuel for NATO. It flipped over just south of the main tunnel, cracking the tank
and spawning a small stream flowing down the steep switchbacks, which
enterprising Afghans quickly diverted into makeshift canals and impoundments so
they could carry out the dangerous work of filling containers from the flow.
That was the second day in a row that a truck tipped over near the top of the
pass, blocking all daytime traffic for most of those two days. In between, the
road opened at night, but then a NATO military convoy came along, forcing all
civilian truck traffic to cease for 12 hours, General Rajab said.
With the increased traffic and the deterioration of the roads it has caused, a
journey that used to take a day, from Kabul to Hairatan, a fuel and freight
depot town on the northern border with Uzbekistan, now requires 8 to 10 days for
trucks, according to interviews with many drivers. For cars it takes two days.
“Yesterday I slept over there,” said Sayid Ali, a tractor-trailer driver who was
hauling cement, pointing at the next switchback down, less than a mile away.
“Tonight I’ll probably sleep here.” He had so far spent five days just in a
25-mile-long climb to the tunnel, and was still two miles away, stuck by the
fuel spill.
A tanker driver named Mohammadullah, hauling fuel for a NATO contractor, was
eight days out of Kabul and still climbing. He said the drivers often ran out of
food and were forced to pay exorbitant prices to vendors who drove up with
supplies. He expected the round trip would take him most of a month.
“I’d rather be driving to Kandahar,” he said. Trucks need to have armed guards
because of insurgents on that route, he said, “but I’d rather do that than all
this waiting.”
The much-shorter Pakistani routes, from seaports like Karachi on better roads,
were closed to protest the deaths of 24 Pakistani soldiers in an American
airstrike. But Pakistan has expressed willingness to reopen the frontier: for a
fee of thousands of dollars per truck, compared with $250 previously. “We’re not
about to get gouged in the price,” Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said on
ABC’s “This Week.”
The Salang Pass tunnel, built in 1964 by the Soviets and never completely
finished (it lacks amenities like interior surfacing of the walls and an escape
tunnel), has a tragic history. Nine hundred Russians and Afghans reportedly died
of asphyxiation in the tunnel in 1982 when a military convoy was trapped inside
by an accident or an explosion.
Two years ago, huge avalanches at the southern mouth of the tunnel killed at
least 64 people, buried alive in cars and buses.
General Rajab says he worries that the tunnel could even collapse — no thorough
overhaul has ever been done, he said, because the route is too vital to close
long enough for major repairs.
“It’s crazy to use this road; there are just too many problems,” he said. “They
should open an alternative or we will never solve this.”
A spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, Lt. Col.
Jimmie Cummings, said the military had no comment. “We do not discuss the
particular road routes that we use for movements of logistics,” he said.
The only remotely viable alternative route, General Rajab said, is over the
Shibar Pass, farther west. It involves a three-day detour, which could be an
improvement over Salang these days. However, the military would have to work at
improving security on that route, he said — when he recently detoured trucks
that way, they were looted before reaching the pass.
U.S.-Pakistan Freeze Chokes Fallback Route in Afghanistan, NYT, 2.6.2012,
Mutually Assured Cyberdestruction?
June 2,
The New York Times
IT took years after the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima for
the nation to develop a common national understanding of when and how to use a
weapon of such magnitude. Not until after the Cuban Missile Crisis, 50 years ago
this October, did a consensus emerge that the weapon was too terrible ever to
employ again, save as a deterrent and a weapon of last resort.
Over the past decade, on a far smaller scale, the country’s military and
intelligence leadership have gone through a parallel debate about how to use the
Predator drone. Because it is precisely targeted, often on an individual, it is
used almost every week.
And now we know that President Obama, for the past three years, has been going
through a similar process about how America should use another innovative weapon
— one whose destructive powers are only beginning to be understood. In a secret
program called “Olympic Games,” which dates from the last years of the George W.
Bush administration, the United States has mounted repeated attacks with the
most sophisticated cyberweapons ever developed. Like drones, these weapons cross
national boundaries at will; in the case of Olympic Games they invaded the
computer controllers that run Iran’s nuclear centrifuges, spinning them wildly
out of control.
How effective they have been is open to debate; the United States and its close
partner in the attacks, Israel, used the weapons as an alternative to a
potentially far more deadly, but perhaps less effective, bombing attack from the
air. But precisely because the United States refuses to talk about its new
cyberarsenal, there has never been a real debate in the United States about when
and how to use cyberweapons.
President Obama raised many of the issues in the closed sanctum of the Situation
Room, participants in the conversation say, pressing aides to make sure that the
attacks were narrowly focused so that they did not take out Iranian hospitals or
power plants and were directed only at the country’s nuclear infrastructure. “He
was enormously focused on avoiding collateral damage,” one official said,
comparing the arguments over using cyberwar to the debates about when to use
Does the United States want to legitimize the use of cyberweapons as a covert
tool? Or is it something we want to hold in reserve for extreme cases? Will we
reach the point — as we did with chemical weapons, and the rest of the world did
with land mines — that we want treaties to ban their use? Or is that exactly the
wrong analogy, in a world in which young hackers, maybe working on their own or
maybe hired by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army or the Russian mob, can
launch attacks themselves?
These are all fascinating questions that the Obama administration resolutely
refuses to discuss in public. “They approached the Iran issue very, very
pragmatically,” one official involved in the discussions over Olympic Games told
me. No one, he said, “wanted to engage, at least not yet, in the much deeper,
broader debate about the criteria for when we use these kinds of weapons and
what message it sends to the rest of the world.”
Cyberweapons, of course, have neither the precision of a drone nor the
immediate, horrifying destructive power of the Bomb. Most of the time, cyberwar
seems cool and bloodless, computers attacking computers. Often that is the case.
The Chinese are believed to attack America’s computer systems daily, but mostly
to scoop up corporate and Pentagon secrets. (Mr. Obama, one aide said, got a
quick lesson in the scope of the problem when an attack on his 2008 campaign’s
computers was traced back to China, a foretaste of what happened to Google the
following year.) The United States often does the same: the Iranians reported
last week that they had been hit by another cyberattack, called “Flame,” that
appeared to harvest data from selected laptop computers, presumably those of
Iranian leaders and scientists. Its origins are unclear.
But the cutting edge of cyberwar is in the invasion of computer systems to
manipulate the machinery that keeps the country going — exactly what the United
States was doing to those Iranian centrifuges as it ran Olympic Games. “Somebody
has crossed the Rubicon,” Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the former director of the
C.I.A., said in describing the success of the cyberattacks on Iran. General
Hayden was careful not to say what role the United States played, but he added:
“We’ve got a legion on the other side of the river now. I don’t want to pretend
it’s the same effect, but in one sense at least, it’s August 1945,” the month
that the world first saw the capabilities of a new weapon, dropped over
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
That was deliberate overstatement, of course: the United States crashed a few
hundred centrifuges at Natanz, it did not vaporize the place. But his point that
we are entering a new era in cyberattacks is one the administration itself is
trying to make as it ramps up American defenses. Defense Secretary Leon E.
Panetta — a key player in the Iran attacks — warned last year that the “next
Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyberattack that cripples our
power systems, our grid, our security systems, our financial systems.”
IN March the White House invited all the members of the Senate to a classified
simulation on Capitol Hill demonstrating what might happen if a dedicated hacker
— or an enemy state — decided to turn off the lights in New York City. In the
simulation, a worker for the power company clicked on what he thought was an
e-mail from a friend; that “spear phishing” attack started a cascade of
calamities in which the cyberinvader made his way into the computer systems that
run New York’s electric grid. The city was plunged into darkness; no one could
find the problem, much less fix it. Chaos, and deaths, followed.
The administration ran the demonstration — which was far more watered-down than
the Pentagon’s own cyberwar games — to press Congress to pass a bill that would
allow a degree of federal control over protecting the computer networks that run
America’s most vulnerable infrastructure. The real lesson of the simulation was
never discussed: cyberoffense has outpaced the search for a deterrent, something
roughly equivalent to the cold-war-era concept of mutually assured destruction.
There was something simple to that concept: If you take out New York, I take out
But there is nothing so simple about cyberattacks. Usually it is unclear where
they come from. That makes deterrence extraordinarily difficult. Moreover, a
good deterrence “has to be credible,” said Joseph S. Nye, the Harvard strategist
who has written the deepest analysis yet of what lessons from the atomic age
apply to cyberwar. “If an attack from China gets inside the American
government’s computer systems, we’re not likely to turn off the lights in
Beijing.” Professor Nye calls for creating “a high cost” for an attacker,
perhaps by naming and shaming.
Deterrence may also depend on how America chooses to use its cyberweapons in the
future. Will it be more like the Predator, a tool the president has embraced?
That would send a clear warning that the United States was ready and willing to
act. But as President Obama warned his own aides during the secret debates over
Olympic Games, it also invites retaliatory strikes, with cyberweapons that are
already proliferating. In fact, one country recently announced that it was
creating a new elite “Cybercorps” as part of its military. The announcement came
from Tehran.
The chief
Washington correspondent for The New York Times. This article is adapted from
his new book, “Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars and Surprising Use of
American Power.”
Mutually Assured Cyberdestruction?, NYT, 2.6.2012,
Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran
June 1,
The New York Times
— From his first months in office, President Obama secretly ordered increasingly
sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran’s main nuclear
enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America’s first sustained use of
cyberweapons, according to participants in the program.
Mr. Obama decided to accelerate the attacks — begun in the Bush administration
and code-named Olympic Games — even after an element of the program accidentally
became public in the summer of 2010 because of a programming error that allowed
it to escape Iran’s Natanz plant and sent it around the world on the Internet.
Computer security experts who began studying the worm, which had been developed
by the United States and Israel, gave it a name: Stuxnet.
At a tense meeting in the White House Situation Room within days of the worm’s
“escape,” Mr. Obama, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and the director of the
Central Intelligence Agency at the time, Leon E. Panetta, considered whether
America’s most ambitious attempt to slow the progress of Iran’s nuclear efforts
had been fatally compromised.
“Should we shut this thing down?” Mr. Obama asked, according to members of the
president’s national security team who were in the room.
Told it was unclear how much the Iranians knew about the code, and offered
evidence that it was still causing havoc, Mr. Obama decided that the
cyberattacks should proceed. In the following weeks, the Natanz plant was hit by
a newer version of the computer worm, and then another after that. The last of
that series of attacks, a few weeks after Stuxnet was detected around the world,
temporarily took out nearly 1,000 of the 5,000 centrifuges Iran had spinning at
the time to purify uranium.
This account of the American and Israeli effort to undermine the Iranian nuclear
program is based on interviews over the past 18 months with current and former
American, European and Israeli officials involved in the program, as well as a
range of outside experts. None would allow their names to be used because the
effort remains highly classified, and parts of it continue to this day.
These officials gave differing assessments of how successful the sabotage
program was in slowing Iran’s progress toward developing the ability to build
nuclear weapons. Internal Obama administration estimates say the effort was set
back by 18 months to two years, but some experts inside and outside the
government are more skeptical, noting that Iran’s enrichment levels have
steadily recovered, giving the country enough fuel today for five or more
weapons, with additional enrichment.
Whether Iran is still trying to design and build a weapon is in dispute. The
most recent United States intelligence estimate concludes that Iran suspended
major parts of its weaponization effort after 2003, though there is evidence
that some remnants of it continue.
Iran initially denied that its enrichment facilities had been hit by Stuxnet,
then said it had found the worm and contained it. Last year, the nation
announced that it had begun its own military cyberunit, and Brig. Gen.
Gholamreza Jalali, the head of Iran’s Passive Defense Organization, said that
the Iranian military was prepared “to fight our enemies” in “cyberspace and
Internet warfare.” But there has been scant evidence that it has begun to strike
The United States government only recently acknowledged developing cyberweapons,
and it has never admitted using them. There have been reports of one-time
attacks against personal computers used by members of Al Qaeda, and of
contemplated attacks against the computers that run air defense systems,
including during the NATO-led air attack on Libya last year. But Olympic Games
was of an entirely different type and sophistication.
It appears to be the first time the United States has repeatedly used
cyberweapons to cripple another country’s infrastructure, achieving, with
computer code, what until then could be accomplished only by bombing a country
or sending in agents to plant explosives. The code itself is 50 times as big as
the typical computer worm, Carey Nachenberg, a vice president of Symantec, one
of the many groups that have dissected the code, said at a symposium at Stanford
University in April. Those forensic investigations into the inner workings of
the code, while picking apart how it worked, came to no conclusions about who
was responsible.
A similar process is now under way to figure out the origins of another
cyberweapon called Flame that was recently discovered to have attacked the
computers of Iranian officials, sweeping up information from those machines. But
the computer code appears to be at least five years old, and American officials
say that it was not part of Olympic Games. They have declined to say whether the
United States was responsible for the Flame attack.
Mr. Obama, according to participants in the many Situation Room meetings on
Olympic Games, was acutely aware that with every attack he was pushing the
United States into new territory, much as his predecessors had with the first
use of atomic weapons in the 1940s, of intercontinental missiles in the 1950s
and of drones in the past decade. He repeatedly expressed concerns that any
American acknowledgment that it was using cyberweapons — even under the most
careful and limited circumstances — could enable other countries, terrorists or
hackers to justify their own attacks.
“We discussed the irony, more than once,” one of his aides said. Another said
that the administration was resistant to developing a “grand theory for a weapon
whose possibilities they were still discovering.” Yet Mr. Obama concluded that
when it came to stopping Iran, the United States had no other choice.
If Olympic Games failed, he told aides, there would be no time for sanctions and
diplomacy with Iran to work. Israel could carry out a conventional military
attack, prompting a conflict that could spread throughout the region.
A Bush Initiative
The impetus for Olympic Games dates from 2006, when President George W. Bush saw
few good options in dealing with Iran. At the time, America’s European allies
were divided about the cost that imposing sanctions on Iran would have on their
own economies. Having falsely accused Saddam Hussein of reconstituting his
nuclear program in Iraq, Mr. Bush had little credibility in publicly discussing
another nation’s nuclear ambitions. The Iranians seemed to sense his
vulnerability, and, frustrated by negotiations, they resumed enriching uranium
at an underground site at Natanz, one whose existence had been exposed just
three years before.
Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, took reporters on a tour of the plant and
described grand ambitions to install upward of 50,000 centrifuges. For a country
with only one nuclear power reactor — whose fuel comes from Russia — to say that
it needed fuel for its civilian nuclear program seemed dubious to Bush
administration officials. They feared that the fuel could be used in another way
besides providing power: to create a stockpile that could later be enriched to
bomb-grade material if the Iranians made a political decision to do so.
Hawks in the Bush administration like Vice President Dick Cheney urged Mr. Bush
to consider a military strike against the Iranian nuclear facilities before they
could produce fuel suitable for a weapon. Several times, the administration
reviewed military options and concluded that they would only further inflame a
region already at war, and would have uncertain results.
For years the C.I.A. had introduced faulty parts and designs into Iran’s systems
— even tinkering with imported power supplies so that they would blow up — but
the sabotage had had relatively little effect. General James E. Cartwright, who
had established a small cyberoperation inside the United States Strategic
Command, which is responsible for many of America’s nuclear forces, joined
intelligence officials in presenting a radical new idea to Mr. Bush and his
national security team. It involved a far more sophisticated cyberweapon than
the United States had designed before.
The goal was to gain access to the Natanz plant’s industrial computer controls.
That required leaping the electronic moat that cut the Natanz plant off from the
Internet — called the air gap, because it physically separates the facility from
the outside world. The computer code would invade the specialized computers that
command the centrifuges.
The first stage in the effort was to develop a bit of computer code called a
beacon that could be inserted into the computers, which were made by the German
company Siemens and an Iranian manufacturer, to map their operations. The idea
was to draw the equivalent of an electrical blueprint of the Natanz plant, to
understand how the computers control the giant silvery centrifuges that spin at
tremendous speeds. The connections were complex, and unless every circuit was
understood, efforts to seize control of the centrifuges could fail.
Eventually the beacon would have to “phone home” — literally send a message back
to the headquarters of the National Security Agency that would describe the
structure and daily rhythms of the enrichment plant. Expectations for the plan
were low; one participant said the goal was simply to “throw a little sand in
the gears” and buy some time. Mr. Bush was skeptical, but lacking other options,
he authorized the effort.
Breakthrough, Aided by Israel
It took months for the beacons to do their work and report home, complete with
maps of the electronic directories of the controllers and what amounted to
blueprints of how they were connected to the centrifuges deep underground.
Then the N.S.A. and a secret Israeli unit respected by American intelligence
officials for its cyberskills set to work developing the enormously complex
computer worm that would become the attacker from within.
The unusually tight collaboration with Israel was driven by two imperatives.
Israel’s Unit 8200, a part of its military, had technical expertise that rivaled
the N.S.A.’s, and the Israelis had deep intelligence about operations at Natanz
that would be vital to making the cyberattack a success. But American officials
had another interest, to dissuade the Israelis from carrying out their own
pre-emptive strike against the Iranian nuclear facilities. To do that, the
Israelis would have to be convinced that the new line of attack was working. The
only way to convince them, several officials said in interviews, was to have
them deeply involved in every aspect of the program.
Soon the two countries had developed a complex worm that the Americans called
“the bug.” But the bug needed to be tested. So, under enormous secrecy, the
United States began building replicas of Iran’s P-1 centrifuges, an aging,
unreliable design that Iran purchased from Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani
nuclear chief who had begun selling fuel-making technology on the black market.
Fortunately for the United States, it already owned some P-1s, thanks to the
Libyan dictator, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.
When Colonel Qaddafi gave up his nuclear weapons program in 2003, he turned over
the centrifuges he had bought from the Pakistani nuclear ring, and they were
placed in storage at a weapons laboratory in Tennessee. The military and
intelligence officials overseeing Olympic Games borrowed some for what they
termed “destructive testing,” essentially building a virtual replica of Natanz,
but spreading the test over several of the Energy Department’s national
laboratories to keep even the most trusted nuclear workers from figuring out
what was afoot.
Those first small-scale tests were surprisingly successful: the bug invaded the
computers, lurking for days or weeks, before sending instructions to speed them
up or slow them down so suddenly that their delicate parts, spinning at
supersonic speeds, self-destructed. After several false starts, it worked. One
day, toward the end of Mr. Bush’s term, the rubble of a centrifuge was spread
out on the conference table in the Situation Room, proof of the potential power
of a cyberweapon. The worm was declared ready to test against the real target:
Iran’s underground enrichment plant.
“Previous cyberattacks had effects limited to other computers,” Michael V.
Hayden, the former chief of the C.I.A., said, declining to describe what he knew
of these attacks when he was in office. “This is the first attack of a major
nature in which a cyberattack was used to effect physical destruction,” rather
than just slow another computer, or hack into it to steal data.
“Somebody crossed the Rubicon,” he said.
Getting the worm into Natanz, however, was no easy trick. The United States and
Israel would have to rely on engineers, maintenance workers and others — both
spies and unwitting accomplices — with physical access to the plant. “That was
our holy grail,” one of the architects of the plan said. “It turns out there is
always an idiot around who doesn’t think much about the thumb drive in their
In fact, thumb drives turned out to be critical in spreading the first variants
of the computer worm; later, more sophisticated methods were developed to
deliver the malicious code.
The first attacks were small, and when the centrifuges began spinning out of
control in 2008, the Iranians were mystified about the cause, according to
intercepts that the United States later picked up. “The thinking was that the
Iranians would blame bad parts, or bad engineering, or just incompetence,” one
of the architects of the early attack said.
The Iranians were confused partly because no two attacks were exactly alike.
Moreover, the code would lurk inside the plant for weeks, recording normal
operations; when it attacked, it sent signals to the Natanz control room
indicating that everything downstairs was operating normally. “This may have
been the most brilliant part of the code,” one American official said.
Later, word circulated through the International Atomic Energy Agency, the
Vienna-based nuclear watchdog, that the Iranians had grown so distrustful of
their own instruments that they had assigned people to sit in the plant and
radio back what they saw.
“The intent was that the failures should make them feel they were stupid, which
is what happened,” the participant in the attacks said. When a few centrifuges
failed, the Iranians would close down whole “stands” that linked 164 machines,
looking for signs of sabotage in all of them. “They overreacted,” one official
said. “We soon discovered they fired people.”
Imagery recovered by nuclear inspectors from cameras at Natanz — which the
nuclear agency uses to keep track of what happens between visits — showed the
results. There was some evidence of wreckage, but it was clear that the Iranians
had also carted away centrifuges that had previously appeared to be working
But by the time Mr. Bush left office, no wholesale destruction had been
accomplished. Meeting with Mr. Obama in the White House days before his
inauguration, Mr. Bush urged him to preserve two classified programs, Olympic
Games and the drone program in Pakistan. Mr. Obama took Mr. Bush’s advice.
The Stuxnet Surprise
Mr. Obama came to office with an interest in cyberissues, but he had discussed
them during the campaign mostly in terms of threats to personal privacy and the
risks to infrastructure like the electrical grid and the air traffic control
system. He commissioned a major study on how to improve America’s defenses and
announced it with great fanfare in the East Room.
What he did not say then was that he was also learning the arts of cyberwar. The
architects of Olympic Games would meet him in the Situation Room, often with
what they called the “horse blanket,” a giant foldout schematic diagram of
Iran’s nuclear production facilities. Mr. Obama authorized the attacks to
continue, and every few weeks — certainly after a major attack — he would get
updates and authorize the next step. Sometimes it was a strike riskier and
bolder than what had been tried previously.
“From his first days in office, he was deep into every step in slowing the
Iranian program — the diplomacy, the sanctions, every major decision,” a senior
administration official said. “And it’s safe to say that whatever other activity
might have been under way was no exception to that rule.”
But the good luck did not last. In the summer of 2010, shortly after a new
variant of the worm had been sent into Natanz, it became clear that the worm,
which was never supposed to leave the Natanz machines, had broken free, like a
zoo animal that found the keys to the cage. It fell to Mr. Panetta and two other
crucial players in Olympic Games — General Cartwright, the vice chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Michael J. Morell, the deputy director of the C.I.A.
— to break the news to Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden.
An error in the code, they said, had led it to spread to an engineer’s computer
when it was hooked up to the centrifuges. When the engineer left Natanz and
connected the computer to the Internet, the American- and Israeli-made bug
failed to recognize that its environment had changed. It began replicating
itself all around the world. Suddenly, the code was exposed, though its intent
would not be clear, at least to ordinary computer users.
“We think there was a modification done by the Israelis,” one of the briefers
told the president, “and we don’t know if we were part of that activity.”
Mr. Obama, according to officials in the room, asked a series of questions,
fearful that the code could do damage outside the plant. The answers came back
in hedged terms. Mr. Biden fumed. “It’s got to be the Israelis,” he said. “They
went too far.”
In fact, both the Israelis and the Americans had been aiming for a particular
part of the centrifuge plant, a critical area whose loss, they had concluded,
would set the Iranians back considerably. It is unclear who introduced the
programming error.
The question facing Mr. Obama was whether the rest of Olympic Games was in
jeopardy, now that a variant of the bug was replicating itself “in the wild,”
where computer security experts can dissect it and figure out its purpose.
“I don’t think we have enough information,” Mr. Obama told the group that day,
according to the officials. But in the meantime, he ordered that the
cyberattacks continue. They were his best hope of disrupting the Iranian nuclear
program unless economic sanctions began to bite harder and reduced Iran’s oil
Within a week, another version of the bug brought down just under 1,000
centrifuges. Olympic Games was still on.
A Weapon’s Uncertain Future
American cyberattacks are not limited to Iran, but the focus of attention, as
one administration official put it, “has been overwhelmingly on one country.”
There is no reason to believe that will remain the case for long. Some officials
question why the same techniques have not been used more aggressively against
North Korea. Others see chances to disrupt Chinese military plans, forces in
Syria on the way to suppress the uprising there, and Qaeda operations around the
world. “We’ve considered a lot more attacks than we have gone ahead with,” one
former intelligence official said.
Mr. Obama has repeatedly told his aides that there are risks to using — and
particularly to overusing — the weapon. In fact, no country’s infrastructure is
more dependent on computer systems, and thus more vulnerable to attack, than
that of the United States. It is only a matter of time, most experts believe,
before it becomes the target of the same kind of weapon that the Americans have
used, secretly, against Iran.
This article is adapted from “Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars
and Surprising
Use of American Power,” to be published by Crown on Tuesday.
Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran, NYT, 1.6.2012,