History > 2012 > USA > Federal Justice (I)
to End
Isolation of Inmates With H.I.V.
21, 2012
The New York Times
A federal
judge on Friday ordered Alabama to stop isolating prisoners with H.I.V.
Alabama is one of two states, along with South Carolina, where H.I.V.-positive
inmates are housed in separate prisons, away from other inmates, in an attempt
to reduce medical costs and stop the spread of the virus, which causes AIDS.
Judge Myron H. Thompson of the Middle District of Alabama ruled in favor of a
group of inmates who argued in a class-action lawsuit that they had been
stigmatized and denied equal access to educational programs. The judge called
the state’s policy “an unnecessary tool for preventing the transmission of
H.I.V.” but “an effective one for humiliating and isolating prisoners living
with the disease.”
After the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, many states, including New York,
quarantined H.I.V.-positive prisoners to prevent the virus from spreading
through sexual contact or through blood when inmates tattooed one another. But
most states ended the practice voluntarily as powerful antiretroviral drugs
reduced the risk of transmission.
In Alabama, inmates are tested for H.I.V. when they enter prison. About 250 of
the state’s 26,400 inmates have tested positive. They are housed in special
dormitories at two prisons: one for men and one for women. No inmates have
developed AIDS, the state says.
H.I.V.-positive inmates are treated differently from those with other viruses
like hepatitis B and C, which are far more infectious, according to the World
Health Organization. Inmates with H.I.V. are barred from eating in the
cafeteria, working around food, enrolling in certain educational programs or
transferring to prisons near their families.
Prisoners have been trying to overturn the policy for more than two decades. In
1995, a federal court upheld Alabama’s policy. Inmates filed the latest lawsuit
last year.
“Today’s decision is historic,” said Margaret Winter, the associate director of
the National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union, which
represented the inmates. “It spells an end to a segregation policy that has
inflicted needless misery on Alabama prisoners with H.I.V. and their families.”
Brian Corbett, a spokesman for the Alabama Department of Corrections, said the
state is “not prejudiced against H.I.V.-positive inmates” and has “worked hard
over the years to improve their health care, living conditions and their
“We will continue our review of the court’s opinion and determine our next
course of action in a timely manner,” he wrote.
During a monthlong trial in September, lawyers for the department argued that
the policy improved the treatment of H.I.V.-positive inmates. Fewer doctors are
needed if specialists in H.I.V. focus on 2 of the 29 state’s prisons.
The state spends an average of $22,000 per year on treating individual
H.I.V.-positive inmates. The total is more than the cost of medicine for all
other inmates, said Bill Lunsford, a lawyer for the Corrections Department.
South Carolina has also faced legal scrutiny. In 2010, the Justice Department
notified the state that it was investigating the policy and might sue to
overturn it.
Alabama to End Isolation of Inmates With H.I.V., NYT, 21.12.2012,
Robert H. Bork, Conservative Jurist, Dies at 85
19, 2012
The New York Times
Robert H.
Bork, a former solicitor general, federal judge and conservative legal theorist
whose 1987 nomination to the United States Supreme Court was rejected by the
Senate in a historic political battle whose impact is still being felt, died on
Wednesday in Arlington, Va. He was 85.
His death, of complications of heart disease, was confirmed by his son Robert
Judge Bork, who was senior judicial adviser this year to Mitt Romney’s
presidential campaign, played a small but crucial role in the Watergate crisis
as the solicitor general under President Richard M. Nixon. He carried out orders
to fire a special prosecutor in what became known as “the Saturday Night
Massacre.” He also handed down notable decisions from the federal appeals court
bench. But it was as a symbol of the nation’s culture wars that Judge Bork made
his name.
It is rare for the Senate in its constitutional “advice and consent” role to
turn down a president’s Supreme Court nominee, and rarer still for that
rejection to be based not on qualifications but on judicial philosophy and
temperament. That turned Judge Bork’s defeat into a watershed event and his name
into a verb: getting “borked” is what happens to a nominee rejected for what
supporters consider political motives.
The success of the anti-Bork campaign is widely seen to have shifted the tone
and emphasis of Supreme Court nominations since then, giving them an often
strong political cast and making it hard, many argue, for a nominee with firmly
held views ever to be confirmed.
Until the end of his life, Judge Bork argued that American judges, acting to
please a liberal elite, have hijacked the struggle over national values by
overstepping their role, especially in many of the most important decisions on
civil rights and liberties, personal autonomy and regulation of business.
He advocated a view of judging known as “strict constructionism,” or
“originalism,” which seeks to limit constitutional values to those explicitly
enunciated by the framers and to reject those that evolved in later generations.
He dismissed the view that the courts had rightly come to the aid of those
neglected by the majority. By contrast, he felt that majorities, through
legislatures, should be empowered to make all decisions not specifically
addressed in the Constitution.
He most notably took issue with the Supreme Court’s assertion in the 1960s and
’70s that the Constitution implicitly recognizes a right of privacy that bars
states from outlawing abortion or the use of contraceptives by married couples.
That position, along with his rejection of court-mandated help to minority
groups, led a coalition of liberal groups to push successfully for his Senate
defeat, motivated in no small part by their sense that he cared more about
abstract legal reasoning than the people affected by it. They contended that his
confirmation would produce a radical shift on a closely divided Supreme Court
and “turn back the clock” on civil and individual rights.
Judge Bork, who was 60 at the time, was sitting on the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, often a steppingstone to the
Supreme Court, when President Ronald Reagan announced on July 1, 1987, that he
was nominating him to the high court to replace Lewis Powell, a moderate justice
who was retiring. Within an hour of the announcement, Senator Edward M. Kennedy,
the Massachusetts Democrat, set the tone for the bruising contest to come.
“Robert Bork’s America,” Mr. Kennedy said in a speech, “is a land in which women
would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch
counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids,
schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be
censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be
shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is — and is
often the only — protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our
Judge Bork’s supporters considered every word of that attack a
misrepresentation. But the fear that his confirmation would curtail settled
rights, especially of blacks and women, created a national reaction.
A National Outcry
An array of groups focused on civil and women’s rights, labor, consumer power
and the environment began an extraordinary public campaign against him, arguing
that his long and extensive record exposed a range of agendas and made him unfit
for the job.
They made their case in full-page advertisements, mass mailings and
demonstrations and ceaseless lobbying of their senators. Since there was no
question of his integrity or intelligence, the campaign and subsequent hearings
by the Senate Judiciary Committee, run by Joseph R. Biden Jr., a Democratic
senator from Delaware at the time, focused on whether Judge Bork was “out of the
Two Supreme Court decisions were seen as especially vulnerable to being
overturned by a bench with Judge Bork on it: the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, which
barred states from banning abortion, and the 1978 Bakke case upholding
affirmative action. During five days of testimony, much of it televised, Judge
Bork declined to comment on how he would rule should those issues come up and
argued further that what he had said in his life as a scholar and advocate would
have little bearing on his judgments from the bench.
The White House also sought to portray him as a moderate. That, and his own
assertion that he would look at the law with a fresh eye, gave off the whiff of
hypocrisy, which made it easier for some senators to oppose him.
The American Bar Association’s committee on judicial nominees also split, with
four of the 15 members calling him “not qualified,” because of concerns over his
“compassion, open-mindedness, his sensitivity to the rights of women and
minority persons or groups.”
Judge Bork, a bear of a man with a scraggly red beard and untamed frizz on a
balding pate who had an outsize love of food and drink, handled himself poorly
in front of the committee and failed to give doubters confidence. As Tom Shales,
the television critic for The Washington Post, wrote of his testimony: “He
looked, and talked, like a man who would throw the book at you — maybe like a
man who would throw the book at the whole country.”
The most contentious part of the hearings occurred under questioning from Arlen
Specter, a centrist Republican from Pennsylvania and a former prosecutor. Mr.
Specter, who died in October, quoted Judge Bork as having written that under the
Constitution, executive power had to evolve. Why then, Mr. Specter wanted to
know, shouldn’t other constitutional concepts — like individual liberty — have a
chance to evolve as well? The senator accused Judge Bork of selecting evolving
rights based on his own preferences rather than neutral principles.
It was an accusation that stuck. So did the notion that the nominee was somehow
unfeeling as a judge. This latter was amplified when, asked by a sympathetic
senator, Alan K. Simpson, Republican of Wyoming, why he wanted to serve on the
Supreme Court, Judge Bork replied that it would be “an intellectual feast.”
The committee voted, 9 to 5, to reject his nomination and sent it to the full
Senate, which also turned him down.
After the defeat the White House picked Douglas Ginsburg, of the same federal
appeals court in Washington, as its new nominee. But when it was discovered that
he had smoked marijuana at Harvard, his nomination was withdrawn and replaced
with that of Anthony M. Kennedy, a judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
in California.
In his hearings, Judge Kennedy, a mainstream, clean-cut conservative from
Sacramento, made a point of distinguishing himself from Judge Bork by focusing
on compassion and the need to respect Supreme Court precedents. His nomination
sailed through the Senate. On the Supreme Court, he became an important centrist
swing vote between liberal and conservative blocs and has consistently declined
to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Judge Bork inspired a fervent generation of conservative legal thinkers. As
America turned more conservative and President George W. Bush chose judges with
views similar to his, many of Judge Bork’s acolytes and admirers ended up on the
federal bench.
After his defeat, Judge Bork retired from the Circuit Court and took up
positions at conservative ideological groups and law schools, writing and
speaking against what he saw as the moral decline of the country at the hands of
an elite, a theme he explored in a best-selling book.
In an interview in The American Spectator in 2002, he repeated his view that a
liberal elite had hijacked the nation. “Churchgoers aren’t very powerful, given
their numbers,” he said. “And the intelligentsia is powerful, far beyond their
numbers, because they control the hype of television. They control Hollywood.
They control the newspapers. They control the foundations. They control the
A Change in
Robert Heron Bork was born on March 1, 1927, in Pittsburgh to Harry Bork, a
purchasing agent with a steel company, and the former Elizabeth Kunkle, an
English teacher. He attended the Hotchkiss School in Connecticut and recalled
that he spent most of his early years “reading books and arguing with people.”
After a stint in the Marines guarding supply lines in China at the end of World
War II, he went to the University of Chicago. Renowned conservative scholars
there like Leo Strauss advocated a return to republican principles of “virtue”
and hierarchy. Mr. Bork was a New Deal enthusiast, as was his wife, Claire
Davidson, a fellow undergraduate whom he married in 1952. But by the early
1950s, while he attended the University of Chicago law school and became
impressed with market-oriented conservatism, both had moved permanently to the
Mr. Bork discovered economics and became a libertarian opposed to government
intervention and regulation. He began to evolve a similar theory of law, seeking
what he called “neutral principles.” His major scholarly contribution, a 1978
book called “The Antitrust Paradox,” encouraged mergers and called for less
antitrust regulation for efficiency’s sake. Students called a course he taught
on the topic at Yale “protrust.”
Out of law school, Mr. Bork was hired by the prestigious Chicago firm of
Kirkland & Ellis, where he spent eight years before taking a job teaching
antitrust law at Yale in 1962. The Borks packed up their three children, Robert
Jr., Charles and Ellen, and moved to New Haven, where he pursued his
conservative ideas in a deeply liberal environment, campaigning for the
Republican and archconservative Barry Goldwater’s election to the presidency in
He also wrote a fateful article for The New Republic in 1963 — one that played a
key role in his 1987 defeat — condemning the public accommodation sections of
the proposed 1964 Civil Rights Act aimed at integrating restaurants, hotels and
other businesses. Mr. Bork said he had no objection to racial integration but
feared that government coercion of private behavior threatened freedom.
The New Republic took the rare step of writing a reply, rejecting his reasoning
and pointing out that restaurateurs were not legally permitted to reject service
to well-behaved whites and that the new law intended simply to extend that
principle to blacks. The editors also accused Mr. Bork of taking neutral
principles out the window — an accusation he would hear more than once in his
A decade later, during his confirmation hearings for solicitor general, Mr. Bork
said that he had changed his mind and that his 1963 article had been a kind of
thought experiment. But during the 1987 Supreme Court nomination battle, many
cited the article as evidence that he had always been out of step in a way that
harmed minorities.
The upheavals of the late 1960s drove Mr. Bork from libertarianism to social
conservatism. Freedom — the cry of student activists — no longer stood as his
supreme value. Tradition, order and hierarchy did. In a 1971 article in The
Indiana Law Journal, he argued that the First Amendment’s protection of free
speech had been wildly extrapolated beyond the intent of the Constitution’s
framers. In a starkly narrow interpretation, he said free speech existed to
perpetuate the process of self-government; therefore, he wrote, only explicitly
political speech about governing was protected.
Mr. Bork worked for Nixon’s re-election in 1972. He was rewarded with the
nomination to solicitor general, a post he held for three and a half years and
from which he advanced his beliefs on the constitutionality of the death
penalty, the illegality of busing to achieve racial balance in schools and the
power of the president over Congress.
Mr. Bork’s role in Watergate occurred in 1973, when Nixon wanted to keep a
special prosecutor, Archibald Cox, from gaining access to incriminating White
House recordings and ordered him fired. The attorney general, Elliot L.
Richardson, and his deputy refused and quit. Mr. Bork, as solicitor general, was
next in line to carry out the president’s orders, and he did, firing Mr. Cox and
his entire staff.
When Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, was elected in 1976, Mr. Bork returned to Yale.
But it was a hard time for him. He had grown impatient with academic theorizing,
and his wife, Claire, had developed cancer, which was spreading. She died in
1980, and he returned to Washington, first in private practice. After the
election of President Reagan, he was nominated to the District of Columbia
circuit court.
His five years on the federal bench showed a record of stark conservatism; he
often denied plaintiffs the right to a court hearing, showed strong deference to
the executive branch over Congress and gave wide latitude to business over
government regulation.
A View Made
One of his opinions, in Dronenburg v. Zech in 1984, dealt with the Navy’s power
to fire a veteran for consensual homosexual activity. Judge Bork not only
granted the Navy that power, but he also took the opportunity to make clear that
a right of privacy did not exist in the Constitution. “If the revolution in
sexual mores that appellant proclaims is in fact ever to arrive,” he wrote, “we
think it must arrive through the moral choices of the people and their elected
representatives, not through the ukase of this court.”
In 1982, at an event in which he was speaking, Judge Bork met Mary Ellen Pohl, a
conservative activist and former nun. They married five months later. She and
his three children and two grandchildren survive him.
Judge Bork laid out his objections to much of what is handed down in American
courtrooms in his best-selling book “The Tempting of America: The Political
Seduction of the Law” in 1989, describing a number of rulings as “judicial
legislation” by inappropriately activist judges. He further said that he had
become the symbol that liberals needed to destroy.
In 1996, he published “Slouching Toward Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American
Decline,” also a best seller. This book took aim at egalitarianism,
individualism and other liberal ideas, saying they go against natural law.
“A decline runs across our entire culture,” he wrote, and “the rot is
Charlie Savage
contributed reporting.
Robert H. Bork, Conservative Jurist, Dies at 85, NYT, 19.12.2012,
Judges Needed for Federal Courts
12, 2012
The New York Times
There has
been a severe breakdown in the process for appointing federal judges. At the
start of the Reagan years, it took, on average, a month for candidates for
appellate and trial courts to go from nomination to confirmation. In the first
Obama term, it has taken, on average, more than seven months.
Seventy-seven judgeships, 9 percent of the federal bench (not counting the
Supreme Court), are vacant; 19 more seats are expected to open up soon. The lack
of judges is more acute if one considers the growing caseload. The Judicial
Conference, the courts’ policy-making body, has recommended expanding the bench
by 88 additional judgeships.
President Obama must make fully staffing the federal courts an important part of
his second-term agenda — starting with the immediate Senate confirmation of the
18 nominees approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
A significant reason for the slowdown has been the partisan opposition of
Republicans to appeals court and even to trial court nominations, even though
almost none of the nominees have backgrounds that raise ideological issues. The
Republicans have time and again used the filibuster, the threat of filibuster,
holds on nominations and other tactics to block confirmations.
The Democratic majority, led by Senator Harry Reid, can speed up the process by
limiting use of the filibuster. He can do so by pushing for a simple majority
vote at the start of the January session to alter Senate rules so that every
judicial and executive-branch nominee is assured an up-or-down vote within 90
days. Without that change, many judicial nominations will founder.
Even if that rule change is made, the process of identifying, vetting and
approving judicial candidates will need greater attention. Senators, who by
custom recommend to the president candidates for federal trial judgeships in
their states, should put in place more effective steps for making timely
recommendations (like setting up merit selection committees) and making a choice
within a reasonable period, like within 60 days of an opening.
The White House and the Justice Department, meanwhile, need to commit more
resources to keeping up with those recommendations, to verify and nominate
candidates for confirmation within, say, 60 days of receiving names. And the
administration must be similarly prompt in identifying and nominating
appeals-court candidates.
In a critically important court like the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit, three unfilled vacancies and a fourth expected
this winter, out of 11 judgeships, hobble the court’s ability to make
expeditious rulings in significant cases about regulation of the environment,
financial markets and other social and economic matters. Many statutes channel
review of such cases to the federal courts in the District of Columbia for their
expertise about administrative law and for geographic convenience.
The circuit court is a stark example of the broken appointment process and the
harm caused by the Senate’s inability to do its job.
Mr. Obama and the Senate should also look to broaden the diversity of the judges
they appoint. In his first term, Mr. Obama commendably named a higher share of
women (44 percent) and a higher share of minorities (37 percent) than any
president before him.
Most of the appointees were already judges, prosecutors or private lawyers, with
few public defenders or public-interest lawyers from outside government.
Expanding the breadth of experience would help ensure that federal courts have
jurists who have some real-life understanding of the myriad issues that come
before them.
The Constitution requires the president, with the Senate’s advice and consent,
to fill federal judgeships. That duty has been terribly neglected and needs to
be an absolute priority in the coming year.
Judges Needed for Federal Courts, NYT, 12.12.2012,
Too Big to Indict
11, 2012
The New York Times
It is a
dark day for the rule of law. Federal and state authorities have chosen not to
indict HSBC, the London-based bank, on charges of vast and prolonged money
laundering, for fear that criminal prosecution would topple the bank and, in the
process, endanger the financial system. They also have not charged any top HSBC
banker in the case, though it boggles the mind that a bank could launder money
as HSBC did without anyone in a position of authority making culpable decisions.
Clearly, the government has bought into the notion that too big to fail is too
big to jail. When prosecutors choose not to prosecute to the full extent of the
law in a case as egregious as this, the law itself is diminished. The deterrence
that comes from the threat of criminal prosecution is weakened, if not lost.
In the HSBC case, prosecutors may want the public to focus on the $1.92 billion
settlement, which includes forfeiture of $1.26 billion and other penalties, as
well as requirements to improve its internal controls and submit to the
oversight of an outside monitor for the next five years. But even large
financial settlements are small compared with the size of international major
banks. More important, once criminal sanctions are considered off limits,
penalties and forfeitures become just another cost of doing business, a risk
factor to consider on the road to profits.
There is no doubt that the wrongdoing at HSBC was serious and pervasive. Several
foreign banks have been fined in recent years for flouting United States
sanctions against transferring money through American subsidiaries on behalf of
clients in countries like Iran, Sudan and Cuba. HSBC’s actions were even more
egregious. According to several law enforcement officials with knowledge of the
inquiry, prosecutors found that, for years, HSBC had also moved tainted money
from Mexican drug cartels and Saudi banks with ties to terrorist groups.
Those findings echo those of a Congressional report, issued in July, which said
that between 2001 and 2010, HSBC exposed the American “financial system to money
laundering and terrorist financing risks.” Prosecutors and Congressional
investigators were also alarmed by indications that senior HSBC officials might
have been complicit in the illegal activity and that the bank did not tighten
its lax controls against money laundering even after repeated urgings from
federal officials.
Yet government officials will argue that it is counterproductive to levy
punishment so severe that a bank could be destroyed in the process. That may be
true as far as it goes. But if banks operating at the center of the global
economy cannot be held fully accountable, the solution is to reduce their size
by breaking them up and restricting their activities — not shield them and their
leaders from prosecution for illegal activities.
Too Big to Indict, NYT, 11.12.2012,
Convicted of a Terrorist Plot
to Bomb
Subways Is Sent to Prison for Life
16, 2012
The New York Times
A man who
was convicted of plotting with two friends to carry out a coordinated suicide
attack on New York City subways was sentenced to life in prison on Friday.
Federal authorities deemed the plan one of the most dangerous terrorist plots
against the city.
The man, Adis Medunjanin, 28, who was born in Bosnia and grew up in Queens, was
considered the heart and soul of the plot — though not its mastermind — the one
whose increasingly radical beliefs in Islam inspired him and two high school
friends to participate in jihad. They went to Pakistan with the hope of joining
the Taliban in the fight against American troops and wound up at a training camp
run by Al Qaeda.
During the brief sentencing hearing in Federal District Court in Brooklyn on
Friday, Mr. Medunjanin, wearing a crumpled black suit, and his long hair swept
behind his ears, spent several minutes singing verses from the Koran.
Judge John Gleeson politely interrupted once, telling Mr. Medunjanin that while
the life sentence was mandatory for a conviction for plotting to use an
explosive device, he had the opportunity to argue for leniency on other counts.
But Mr. Medunjanin, who maintained throughout the trial that he was never part
of the subway bombing plot, followed his Koran recitations with a description of
what he considered the darker sides of American foreign policy: abuse of
prisoners at Abu Ghraib, the use of waterboarding and the killing of innocent
civilians during the Iraq war. He closed with an exclamation.
“I had nothing to do with any subway plot or bombing plot whatsoever,” he said.
“I ask Allah to release me from prison.”
Judge Gleeson, who expressed bafflement that a young man from a good family
could take such a violent turn, said he heard Mr. Medunjanin’s claim that he was
not involved with the subway plot — saying the government’s evidence was “least
strong” on those charges — but pushed the defendant for “recognition on his part
on how atrocious these crimes were.” None came.
“You’ve become more of an object, more of an exhibit of the path you chose than
the thinking, feeling, loving brother and son that you used to be,” Judge
Gleeson said. “You’re asking me to sentence you like the committed,
anti-American jihadist you want to be for the rest of your life.”
Judge Gleeson added 95 years to the mandatory life sentence.
Although his two friends, Najibullah Zazi and Zarein Ahmedzay, pleaded guilty to
participating in the plot, Mr. Medunjanin maintained his innocence and went to
trial. He was convicted of conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction and
conspiring to commit murder abroad, as well as of providing material support to
Al Qaeda and receiving military training from Al Qaeda, among other charges.
The split between the three friends made for a riveting trial last spring, with
Mr. Zazi and Mr. Ahmedzay testifying against their old friend and describing in
open court the inner workings of a Qaeda-inspired attack. Mr. Zazi and Mr.
Ahmedzay have not yet been sentenced.
In August 2008, Mr. Medunjanin traveled with Mr. Zazi and Mr. Ahmedzay to
Peshawar, Pakistan, intent on joining the Taliban in their fight against
American solders in Afghanistan. But they were unable to find someone to take
them to the front lines, and were instead recruited by senior Qaeda members, who
convinced them they would be more useful staging an attack in the United States
and taught them how to make bombs with household materials.
The group abandoned the plot days before the attack was to happen, when they
discovered that they were under surveillance by law enforcement officials. Mr.
Zazi, who had taken a leading role and assembled the explosive materials, was
arrested that month, and Mr. Ahmedzay and Mr. Medunjanin several months later,
after an investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, which includes members
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York Police Department.
Mr. Medunjanin’s actions before his arrest were held up as a sign of the
seriousness of the men’s intent. While driving his car, he called 911 and
delivered what prosecutors called a common jihadist motto: “We love death more
than you love life.” Moments later, he deliberately crashed into another vehicle
on the Whitestone Bridge, in what prosecutors called a failed suicide attack.
Man Convicted of a Terrorist Plot to Bomb Subways Is Sent to Prison for Life,
NYT, 16.11.2012,
Money-Market Pioneer and Son Cleared of Fraud
November 12, 2012
The New York Times
Regulators failed on Monday to win a clear victory over the
father-and-son team whose mutual fund collapsed in one of the central blowups of
the 2008 financial crisis. It was the latest setback in efforts by regulators to
go after individuals responsible for risk-taking that nearly brought down the
American economy.
A federal jury in Manhattan rejected the Securities and Exchange Commission’s
claim that Bruce Bent, the man credited with inventing a popular investment
vehicle known as a money market fund, defrauded investors when his flagship fund
failed in September 2008, sowing panic among ordinary investors.
The collapse was a significant turning point because the fund, the Reserve
Primary Fund, was pitched to investors as a nearly risk-free alternative to a
bank account. The S.E.C.’s lawyers accused Mr. Bent and his son, Bruce Bent II,
of falsely assuring investors that the fund could be rescued as it foundered
under the weight of hundreds of millions of dollars of bonds issued by Lehman
Brothers, which went bankrupt on Sept. 15, 2008. The Reserve Primary Fund ceased
operation two days later.
The S.E.C. did convince the jury that the younger Mr. Bent’s statements were
negligent, and that the parent company had made fraudulent statements. But the
decision clearing the Bents of fraud accusations underscored the difficulty
prosecutors and regulators have had in holding financiers accountable for
precipitating the financial crisis.
“There is no other way to read this than as a significant loss for the S.E.C.,”
said Thomas O. Gorman, a partner at Dorsey & Whitney and formerly the senior
counsel for the S.E.C.’s Division of Enforcement.
Regulators are continuing efforts to shore up the money market fund industry
against the problems revealed by the collapse of the Reserve Primary Fund. A
council of top regulators was set to meet on Tuesday to determine how to impose
new rules on the industry after a few S.E.C. commissioners scuttled a previous
push to improve the safety and transparency of the funds.
While the S.E.C. imposed some new rules on the industry soon after the crisis,
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S.
Bernanke, have said that money market funds are still vulnerable to the type of
runs that nearly brought the industry down in 2008.
The elder Mr. Bent is widely hailed as the creator of the world’s first money
market mutual funds, which since the 1970s have been marketed to small investors
as a low-risk investment with an unchanging share value of $1 and the potential
to earn a more attractive yield than a bank savings account.
“He did for money market funds what mutual funds did for small investors,
bringing Wall Street to Main Street by allowing individuals to participate in
what had been the playground of institutions,” said Peter G. Crane, president of
Crane Data, which tracks money market mutual funds.
Before the financial crisis, the flagship fund run by the Reserve Management
Company loaded up on $785 million of debt issued by Lehman Brothers. The debt,
which made up about 1 percent of the fund’s assets, was suddenly worthless after
Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, and led to the fund’s “breaking the buck,”
which is when the value of the assets falls below $1 a share.
During the trial, lawyers for the S.E.C. faulted Mr. Bent for not describing the
true extent of the fund’s perilous state during an emergency meeting called on
the day that Lehman filed for bankruptcy protection.
In closing arguments, a lawyer for the S.E.C. claimed that the Bents tried to
soothe investors’ fears while knowing that they would be unable to avert
disaster for the fund.
Hurricane Sandy delayed the jury’s verdict when the courthouse in Manhattan was
shuttered for a week.
After the jury announced its verdict, a spokesman for the Bents, Mark Arena,
said that the men were “gratified that the jury found” that the men “committed
no fraud.” Mr. Arena said that the Bents planned to appeal the jury’s findings
that the younger Mr. Bent was liable for negligence.
The Bents have spent their time since 2008 winding down the management company
that they privately held. While the funds no longer exist, some assets remain
that the court could seek to pay any damages. Mr. Crane said when he last
visited Mr. Bent in his nearly empty office near Times Square about nine months
ago, he expected him to be withering under the S.E.C.’s case. “But he was
unbowed,” Mr. Crane recalled.
Robert S. Khuzami, the S.E.C.’s director of enforcement, emphasized the points
on which the commission’s case was affirmed.
“Today’s verdict of liability sends the message that fund executives cannot
withhold from investors and trustees key information about their fund’s
vulnerability,” he said. “This case, along with our actions against more than
100 other entities and individuals, demonstrates our continuing commitment to
pursuing cases arising out of the financial crisis.”
Last month, federal prosecutors brought a case against Bank of America, accusing
the bank of scheming, through its Countrywide Financial unit, to defraud the
government by producing loans at a manic pace without instituting adequate
controls. Critics of the S.E.C. have complained that even in a case where
federal prosecutors are charging “brazen” bad acts, no individuals were charged.
Just how difficult it is to prosecute executives was illuminated in August, when
a federal grand jury in New York acquitted a manager at Citigroup who was
accused of selling a complex financial security involving residential mortgages.
The manager, according to the charges, failed to disclose that Citigroup had
made wagers against the investment or to fairly explain to investors how
Citigroup had selected the assets in the portfolio.
Despite the headline-grabbing charges, the jury exonerated the manager and found
that the bank had already provided details of the investment’s risks. In an
unusual move, however, the jury included a message to the S.E.C. with its
verdict urging the agency not to lose steam in pursuing charges against
“This verdict should not deter the S.E.C. from investigating the financial
industry, to review current regulations and modify existing regulations as
necessary,” the jury wrote.
Julie Creswell contributed reporting.
Money-Market Pioneer and Son Cleared of
Fraud, NYT, 12.11.2012,
in Giffords Shooting Sentenced to 7 Life Terms
November 8,
The New York Times
Jared L. Loughner was sentenced Thursday to seven consecutive terms of life in
prison at a court hearing punctuated by raw emotion as former Representative
Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark E. Kelly, for the first time confronted
the man who shot her in the head during a rampage last year that left 6 dead and
12 others wounded.
Ms. Giffords, her right arm in a sling, stared at Mr. Loughner as Mr. Kelly
delivered his defiant remarks before a packed courtroom, from a dais a few feet
from the defendant’s chair.
“By making death and producing tragedy, you sought to extinguish the beauty of
life, to diminish potential, to strain love and to cancel ideas,” Mr. Kelly
said. “You tried to create for all of us a world as dark and evil as your own.
But remember it always: You failed.”
Mr. Loughner’s punishment — in addition to the life terms, he was sentenced to
140 years in prison — came as no surprise. It was a condition of the guilty plea
he entered on Aug. 7, admitting to the shootings and bringing to an end a case
that had prompted much soul-searching about mental health treatment and the
country’s gun laws.
From the bench in Federal District Court, Judge Larry A. Burns said he was not
going to make “political statements,” that he was just “a single federal judge”
who had “no intention to change the law.” Still, he questioned the wisdom of
allowing the unrestricted sale of high-capacity magazines, like the one Mr.
Loughner used to carry out his crimes.
“I don’t understand the social utility of allowing citizens to have magazines
with 30 bullets in them,” Judge Burns said.
For Mr. Kelly, though, who has been Ms. Giffords’s unrelenting companion and her
voice as she has struggled to articulate her words since the shooting, the
politics of gun control is the “elephant in the room.” He denounced politicians
who are “afraid to do something as simple as have a meaningful debate about our
gun laws,” singling out Gov. Jan Brewer, whom he called “feckless,” and the
Legislature, which “thought it appropriate to busy itself naming an official
Arizona state gun just weeks after this tragedy.”
Mr. Kelly went on, “After Columbine, after Virginia Tech, after Tucson and after
Aurora,” the Colorado suburb where a gunman killed 12 and wounded 58 in a movie
theater in July, “we have done nothing.”
A spokesman for the governor said in a statement that “on this solemn occasion,”
Ms. Brewer “isn’t interested in engaging in politics.”
Ms. Giffords did not say anything, only stroking her husband’s back when they
slowly made their way back to their seats.
On Jan. 8, 2011, Mr. Loughner, now 24, arrived at a constituents meeting hosted
by Ms. Giffords, then a member of the House of Representatives, in a shopping
center parking lot. He had a loaded Glock 9-millimeter pistol and carried 60
extra rounds of ammunition. In less than 30 seconds, he fired 31 shots.
Onlookers tackled and restrained him when he paused to reload. One of them was
Pamela Simon, an aide and close friend of Ms. Giffords’s who was shot by Mr.
Loughner and was one of seven victims to speak in court.
Ms. Simon, who taught at the middle school Mr. Loughner had attended, said she
remembered him as “a kid who loved music.” On Thursday, she told him, “You
remind us that too often we either do not notice the signs of mental illness, or
we just choose to look away.”
Mavy Stoddard, whom Mr. Loughner shot three times, told him she cradled her
wounded husband, Dorwan, in her arms and whispered, “Breathe deeply, honey.”
Ten minutes later, he was dead.
Mr. Loughner stared at each of them, virtually motionless. He slurred his only
words, “That’s right,” which he spoke after the judge asked if he had indeed
waived his right to address the court.
He had been given a diagnosis of schizophrenia, but was deemed competent to
agree to the plea deal, which makes him ineligible for parole or to appeal. He
has been held at a federal hospital in Missouri for more than a year, undergoing
psychiatric evaluations and treatment. On Thursday, Judge Burns said he should
stay “in a place where he can get continual medical treatment.”
His mother, Amy Loughner, sniffled loudly at times, convulsing as people
described the horror her son had unleashed. His father, Randy, was also there.
Representative Ron Barber, a close aide of Ms. Giffords’s at the time of the
shooting who was struck by a bullet in the leg, told them, “Please know that I
and my family hold no animosity toward you.”
To Mr. Loughner, he said, “You must pay the price.”
Williams contributed reporting from New York.
This article
has been revised to reflect the following correction:
November 8, 2012
An earlier version of this article and headline misstated the number of life
received by
Jared L. Loughner. It is seven, not six.
The article
also misspelled the given name of a woman shot by Mr. Loughner.
It is Mavy
Stoddard, not Mary.
Gunman in Giffords Shooting Sentenced to 7 Life Terms, NYT, 8.11.2012,
Sentence Is Imposed in Bomb Plot From 1999
October 24,
The New York Times
terrorism case that predated the 9/11 attacks, but then became bound up by
courts wrestling with the altered post-9/11 landscape of threat and deterrence,
was back before a federal judge here on Wednesday. And the judge tried, for a
third time, to impose a prison sentence that would stick.
Ahmed Ressam, known as the millennium bomber, was convicted of plotting to
detonate a bomb at Los Angeles International Airport on New Year’s Eve 1999. He
was sentenced twice before by Judge John C. Coughenour of Federal District Court
in Seattle, to 22 years in prison each time; both sentences were overturned by
federal appeals court panels.
On Wednesday, Judge Coughenour increased Mr. Ressam’s total to 37 years but
refused again to impose the maximum term, life in prison, that federal
prosecutors had asked for. In his questions to the lawyers and in the text of
his sentencing opinion, the judge had harsh words for the government’s shifting
of position over the years — asking for increasingly heavier penalties on Mr.
Ressam despite acknowledging the value of his cooperation in providing
information about international terrorism and Al Qaeda, the group Mr. Ressam
said had trained him in preparing his attack.
Mr. Ressam, 45, an Algerian, was arrested in Washington State in December 1999
with bomb components, which he had transported across the border from Canada
aboard a passenger ferry.
“The threat of terrorism is twofold. It threatens our security, and it
challenges our values,” the judge said. “Paramount among our values is justice
for all persons, no matter how dangerous or reviled.”
The United States attorney for Western Washington, Jenny A. Durkan, declined to
say whether the sentence would be appealed.
At a news conference, she said that perspectives on global terrorism had changed
since 1999. Prosecutors at previous times asked for a 35-year sentence, a
45-year sentence and finally, in Wednesday’s proceeding, life behind bars. “Our
innocence was shattered in September of 2001,” Ms. Durkan said. Mr. Ressam came
through the legal system before that, she added, “at a time when we understood
the devastating nature of his attack, but we perhaps did not appreciate the
potency of Al Qaeda and those that he had sworn allegiance to. That has changed
The public defender who represented Mr. Ressam, Thomas W. Hillier, said he
thought prosecutors would almost certainly not appeal. Mr. Ressam, who has
already served almost 13 years in prison, would be 63 or 64 at release, assuming
a five- or six-year reduction for good behavior, Mr. Hillier said, and would
almost certainly be deported to Algeria at that time.
Prosecutors said that Mr. Ressam had changed during his incarceration. He
stopped working with investigators in 2003 and later recanted his previous
statements. That suggests, they said, that Mr. Ressam would be a threat once
more if released, however old he is.
But Judge Coughenour said in his sentence that he was also taking into account
the harsh conditions of solitary confinement in which Mr. Ressam has spent much
of the past decade. He said he was convinced that the repudiation of past
statements “was not measured obstructionism but a deranged protest.”
If the harsh terms of the punishment changed Mr. Ressam and led to a halt in
cooperation — and the judge said he was convinced that it had — then the court
had an “ethical responsibility” not to inflict additional punishment because of
the consequences of punishment.
“I will not sentence a man to 50 lashes with a whip and then 50 more for getting
blood on the whip,” he said.
New Sentence Is Imposed in Bomb Plot From 1999, NYT, 24.10.2012,
U.S. Marriage Act Is Unfair to Gays, Court Panel Says
October 18,
The New York Times
A federal
appeals court on Thursday ruled that gay Americans are a class of people who
deserve the same kinds of constitutional protections as many other victims of
The 2-to-1 ruling, by the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York,
came as the panel struck down the federal law prohibiting federal recognition of
same-sex marriage. It is the first time that a federal appeals court has applied
this level of constitutional protection — known as heightened scrutiny — to
those unions. The case is now considered by some legal scholars to be the
leading candidate for a Supreme Court review of the same-sex marriage issue.
Thursday’s decision was the second by a federal appeals court striking down the
Defense of Marriage Act. Now the case, Windsor v. United States, could be
considered by the Supreme Court, or the court could choose other cases in its
pipeline concerning same-sex marriage. Those include an earlier decision on the
act by the First Circuit in Boston and one from the Ninth Circuit overturning
California’s ban on same-sex marriage. It could also decide to hear all of them.
“It’s an incredible moment in the struggle for gay rights in this country,” said
James D. Esseks, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s project
dealing with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.
The new case was brought on behalf of Edith Windsor of New York City, who
married her longtime partner, Thea Clara Spyer, in 2007 in Canada. When Ms.
Spyer died in 2009, Ms. Windsor inherited her property. Because the Internal
Revenue Service was not allowed, under the Defense of Marriage Act, to consider
her a surviving spouse, she faced a tax bill of $363,053 that she would not have
had to pay if the marriage had been recognized.
Because the Supreme Court now has disagreement among circuits on a major issue
of law involving the Defense of Marriage act, “this makes it more likely” that
the Supreme Court will take up the cases, said Douglas NeJaime, an associate
professor of law at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. He said the most important
justice in consideration of marriage cases was likely to be Justice Anthony
Kennedy, who has sided with the liberal majority on such cases as Lawrence v.
Texas, in which he wrote the opinion that struck down state sodomy laws.
As Justice Kennedy has proved mindful of federalism issues, Professor NeJaime
said, he might be reluctant to take a case in which federal courts have struck
down a state law like Proposition 8, in California. The Defense of Marriage Act
cases, by contrast, struck down a federal law, and any decision by the Supreme
Court would have an effect only in states that allow same-sex marriage. “This is
the kind of case that would appeal to Justice Kennedy for the court’s first
intervention on same-sex marriage,” he predicted.
It could also be a likelier case for the court to take instead of the First
Circuit case because it could be heard by the full court, Professor NeJaime
said. Justice Elena Kagan might recuse herself from hearing the First Circuit
case because of her former role as solicitor general, leaving the possibility
that the other justices could find themselves in a 4-4 tie.
Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, and in 2010 a federal judge
in Massachusetts struck down the law as unconstitutional, declaring that
restrictions on same-sex marriage had no rational basis and failed even the most
lenient test for constitutional scrutiny. That decision was upheld in May 2012
by the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, which also declared the act
The Obama administration initially defended the marriage act under the
Department of Justice’s traditional role of defending acts of Congress as
presumptively constitutional. In February 2011, however, the Justice Department
declined to defend the act in court, though the government continued to enforce
the law. The House created what it called the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group to
take on the case under the leadership of Paul Clement, a former solicitor
general in the administration of President George W. Bush.
Mr. Clement did not respond to requests for comment.
The majority opinion on Thursday was written by Judge Dennis Jacobs, the chief
judge of the circuit; he was appointed by the first President Bush. The decision
was joined by Christopher F. Droney, who was appointed by President Obama. Judge
Chester J. Straub, appointed by President Bill Clinton, filed a partial dissent
in which he argued that the issue of same-sex marriage “is not for the courts to
decide, but rather an issue for the American people and their elected
representatives to settle through the democratic process.”
The court in the Windsor case parted ways with previous courts by elevating the
standard of review for laws restricting same-sex marriage to what is known as
“heightened scrutiny,” and which is based in large part on whether the people
subject to the law have been discriminated against.
“It is easy to conclude that homosexuals have suffered a history of
discrimination,” the court wrote. Thus they are part of what the law refers to
as a “quasi-suspect” class that deserves any law restricting its rights to be
subjected to such “heightened scrutiny.” Because the law could not pass that
test, Judge Jacobs wrote, it is unconstitutional under the equal protection
clause of the Constitution.
Ultimately, Judge Jacobs wrote, the court’s legal analysis “sidesteps the fair
point that same-sex marriage is unknown to history and tradition,” but those are
questions concerning “holy matrimony,” not the civil status recognized under the
law. “A state may enforce and dissolve a couple’s marriage, but it cannot
sanctify or bless it,” he wrote. “For that, the pair must go next door.”
Ms. Windsor, speaking on Thursday afternoon at a news conference, proclaimed
herself “thrilled” by the decision. Ms. Windsor, who is 83, said that she found
it “so offensive that this woman that I lived with and adored, and had loved me,
that they treated her as if she was a stranger in my life.”
Ms. Spyer, she said, is “here with me in spirit and would have been so proud to
see how far we’ve come.”
Alex Vadukul
contributed reporting.
U.S. Marriage Act Is Unfair to Gays, Court Panel Says, NYT, 18.10.2012,
Citizen Held After 9/11 Wins Right to Be Tried
28, 2012
The New York Times
A federal
judge in Idaho has ruled that the United States, after the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks, wrongly imprisoned an American under a law designed to keep trial
witnesses from fleeing and that since there was evidence that the government may
have willfully misused the law against him, his case should go to trial.
Judge Edward J. Lodge, who was appointed by President George Bush, issued his
rulings late on Thursday in the longstanding case of Abdullah al-Kidd, an
American who was seized at an airport in 2003, imprisoned for 16 days,
repeatedly strip-searched and left naked in his cell. The Justice Department had
sought to have his trial request summarily dismissed and denied having misused
the law in detaining him.
Mr. Kidd’s lawyer, Lee Gelernt of the American Civil Liberties Union, welcomed
the ruling, saying, “It will finally put the government on trial for its
post-Sept. 11 practices.”
A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment. The department could appeal
the decision or seek a settlement with Mr. Kidd.
Mr. Kidd, who was born Lavoni T. Kidd and was a star football player at the
University of Idaho before converting to Islam and changing his name, was
detained under the argument that he was needed as a witness against a former
classmate, Sami Omar al-Hussayen. But Mr. Kidd was never called in that case and
he has accused the government of using it as a pretext to hold and question him
on suspicion of terrorism.
Judge Lodge’s ruling affirms a June decision by United States Magistrate Mikel
Williams that stated: “The circumstantial evidence supports the inference that
al-Kidd may have been detained for reasons in addition to securing his testimony
at trial.”
Magistrate Williams, who granted the Federal Bureau of Investigation the warrant
to arrest Mr. Kidd while he was at Dulles Airport outside Washington on his way
to Saudi Arabia in 2003, also said that the information given to him to justify
the arrest was misleading. He was told that Mr. Kidd had a first-class one-way
ticket and had received more than $20,000 from Mr. Hussayen. In fact, Mr. Kidd
had an economy-class round-trip ticket, and the payment was salary for work he
had done for Mr. Hussayen’s company.
In addition, the F.B.I. agent failed to mention that Mr. Kidd was a citizen,
born and raised here, that his wife and son and many family members were in the
United States and that he had never failed to cooperate with the F.B.I. Mr. Kidd
was on his way to Saudi Arabia to work on his doctorate in Islamic studies, not
to escape trial testimony.
Magistrate Williams wrote in June, “Considering the affidavit as a whole, the
information included about the plane ticket, coupled with the information chosen
to link al-Kidd to al-Hussayen, is misleading and highly suggestive of illicit
involvement with criminal activity, inferring a motive to flee.”
Judge Lodge added that the affidavit “evidences a reckless disregard for the
Last year, the Supreme Court rejected Mr. Kidd’s attempt to hold John D.
Ashcroft, the attorney general at the time, liable for alleged misuse of the
statute, the federal material witness law. The justices said Mr. Ashcroft had
immunity, but four of them raised questions about the actions of the F.B.I.
The case was returned to federal court in Idaho.
Mr. Kidd, who described himself as “anti-Bin Laden, anti-Taliban, antisuicide
bombing, antiterrorism,” said he suffered enormously from his treatment by the
government. He lost his scholarship to Saudi Arabia and his marriage fell apart.
He is currently living in Saudi Arabia, teaching English and coaching a group of
young men in American football, according to Mr. Gelernt, his lawyer.
Citizen Held After 9/11 Wins Right to Be Tried, NYT, 28.9.2012,
Competence Was Linchpin for Both Sides in Tucson Case
August 5, 2012
The New York Times
PHOENIX — From the outset, the case against Jared L. Loughner
carried risks for both the prosecution and the defense.
Legal experts said there was ample evidence to prove that Mr. Loughner was the
man behind last year’s shooting rampage in Tucson, which killed six people and
wounded 13 others, including Gabrielle Giffords, a member of the House of
Representatives who was holding a constituent event in the parking lot of a
But a conviction was far from certain. Even if Mr. Loughner was deemed legally
sane to stand trial, jurors could conclude that he was not when the shootings
occurred, the legal experts said.
His lawyers were hoping to push for an insanity defense, but if convicted, Mr.
Loughner, 23, would most likely face a death sentence. Instead, he is scheduled
to plead guilty on Tuesday, after psychiatric evaluations and notes from his
court-ordered treatment at a federal psychiatric hospital in Springfield, Mo.,
established that he was fit to stand trial, according to two people briefed on
the developments who were granted anonymity to discuss a legal proceeding.
The plea would bring an abrupt resolution to a case that for some time seemed
ensnarled in doubts over Mr. Loughner’s mental health and a seemingly steadfast
resolve among prosecutors to bring him to trial.
“I think everybody concluded it’s a better resolution,” said A. Bates Butler
III, a former federal lawyer in Arizona who has been closely following the case.
A plea deal would carry none of the costs, dangers or emotional toll of a trial,
he said, and would probably spare Mr. Loughner from the death penalty.
“He’s alive,” a favorable outcome for his lawyers, Mr. Butler said, “and from
the government’s point of view, he’ll be off the streets.”
Several of the people who were wounded in the shooting on Jan. 8, 2011, declined
to comment on Sunday, saying they would rather wait to see what might happen in
court on Tuesday. Others, like Patricia Maisch, a constituent of Ms. Giffords’s
who was not wounded and wrested a magazine of bullets from Mr. Loughner as he
tried to reload his pistol, seemed surprised by the developments.
“I have just heard that news from the media,” Ms. Maisch wrote in a text
Representative Ron Barber, a senior aide to Ms. Giffords who was hurt in the
shooting and won a special election in June to fill the remainder of her term
after she retired, did not return telephone messages. Ms. Giffords is
vacationing in Europe with her husband and did not respond to an e-mail on
Three of the shooting’s survivors — Ms. Maisch; Pam Simon, another Giffords
aide; and Bill D. Badger, who helped subdue Mr. Loughner — star in a new
advertisement sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan coalition.
In the ad, which began airing on Sunday, they urge President Obama and Mitt
Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, to reveal their plans
to reduce gun violence.
Mr. Loughner faces 49 criminal charges, including first-degree murder. A
9-year-old girl, Christina-Taylor Green, and a federal judge, John Roll, were
among the people killed.
The guilty plea would require approval by Judge Larry A. Burns, who is presiding
over the case in Federal District Court in Tucson, and would be likely to result
in a life sentence.
Mr. Loughner had pleaded not guilty, but on May 25, 2011, Judge Burns halted the
legal proceedings by ruling him incompetent to stand trial. Psychiatrists who
had interviewed Mr. Loughner said he had random and disorganized thoughts,
offered nonsensical answers to questions and appeared to suffer from
schizophrenia. He delivered a loud and angry rant that day before officers
dragged him out of the courtroom.
Four months later, he sat still and expressionless during a hearing that lasted
seven hours, seemingly under the effects of the psychotropic drugs he had been
forced to take. The psychologist who has been treating him, Christina Pietz,
said at the time that Mr. Loughner was still not fit for trial, but that she
thought he could improve if his treatment proceeded.
The hearing on Tuesday had been scheduled for weeks as just another step toward
a trial. On July 19, though, Judge Burns ordered the defense to turn over the
personal notes kept by Dr. Pietz on Mr. Loughner’s treatment. Defense lawyers
had argued that the notes could “inform the government’s decision whether to
seek the death penalty,” according to Judge Burns’s ruling.
Before a guilty plea is accepted, federal court rules require that Mr. Loughner
answer questions from the judge in open court to make sure he understands his
Reporting was contributed by Steven Lee Myers and Michael S.
from Washington, and Sarah Garrecht Gassen from Tucson.
Competence Was Linchpin for Both Sides in
Tucson Case, NYT, 5.8.2012,
5 Jailed in ’95 Killing of Cabby Didn’t Do It, U.S.
Inquiry Says
August 2,
The New York Times
Amid a rash
of murders of taxi drivers in New York City, the killing of Baithe Diop in 1995
still attracted attention. He was shot in his livery cab, left to die as his car
rolled down a street in the Bronx, not stopping until it struck a trash hauling
Six people were tried; five were ultimately convicted. An article in New York
magazine that focused on the investigation carried the headline, “How to Solve a
But now, 15 years after the criminal trials, federal authorities have concluded
that all five of those now imprisoned for the murder were innocent of the crime.
The United States attorney’s office in Manhattan, which conducted an exhaustive
review of the case, reported its findings in June to the Bronx district
attorney’s office, which had prosecuted the defendants over the course of two
trials and defended their convictions on appeal.
The new findings suggest that there was a colossal breakdown in the criminal
justice system. Robert T. Johnson, the Bronx district attorney since 1989, said
through a spokesman on Thursday that his office had been notified of the new
evidence discovered by federal prosecutors but had not yet been able “to resolve
all of the questions that have been raised by this evidence.”
Paul Casteleiro, a lawyer for one defendant, Cathy Watkins, would not discuss
the new findings but, like other lawyers in the case, said he would soon file
papers asking that his client’s conviction be vacated based on newly discovered
evidence and her actual innocence.
“It’s a mind-boggling case,” Mr. Casteleiro said. “She’s stone cold innocent.”
The murder of Mr. Diop, in January 1995, came at a time when cabdrivers were
being attacked regularly in the city, with nearly 70 drivers killed in 1993 and
1994. Mr. Diop, a 43-year-old Senegalese immigrant, was working for New Harlem
Car Service; on his last fare, he made a pickup at West 141st Street in Harlem
and headed to the Bronx, where he was robbed and killed.
All of those arrested in Mr. Diop’s murder pleaded not guilty, but jurors in two
separate trials returned convictions. In the first trial, four men were tried
for the Diop murder and a second killing, two days earlier, that was said to be
related: the execution-style shooting of Denise Raymond, a Federal Express
executive, in her apartment.
Three men — Devon Ayers, Michael Cosme and Carlos Perez — were convicted of the
Diop murder (a fourth, Israel Vasquez, was acquitted); all four men were
convicted in the Raymond killing. Jurors accepted the theory advanced by
prosecutors and the police that Mr. Diop’s murder was part of an elaborate plot
to distract the police from the intended crime: the theft of $50,000 worth of
cocaine from a passenger in Mr. Diop’s car.
In a second trial that focused only on the Diop murder, two more defendants —
Ms. Watkins and Eric Glisson — were convicted. The defendants all received long
prison sentences.
Then, in late May, federal prosecutors received a letter from Mr. Glisson at
Sing Sing prison in Ossining, N.Y. Mr. Glisson again professed his innocence,
saying he had been wrongfully imprisoned for the murder of a cabdriver in 1995
in the Soundview section of the Bronx.
He added that he had heard that the killing had been carried out by members of a
Bronx narcotics gang called Sex Money and Murder, or S.M.M. He cited the names
of several gang members.
The letter had been addressed to a prosecutor who was no longer in the office,
and was then redirected to John O’Malley, an investigator in the office’s
violent crimes unit who had once been a homicide detective in the Bronx.
Mr. O’Malley immediately recalled that Mr. Glisson’s description of the crime
matched a version of a confession that he had heard in 2003 — from two former
S.M.M. members, Jose Rodriguez and Gilbert Vega, who had agreed at the time to
cooperate with prosecutors against their former gang.
Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Vega had independently told investigators, including Mr.
O’Malley, that they were involved in an armed robbery of a livery driver in the
Bronx in late 1994 or early 1995. They had said they believed they had killed
the driver but had left the scene quickly and were uncertain. They recalled that
they had just come from a woman’s apartment in Harlem and had gotten into a
livery cab with an African driver to return to Soundview.
At some point during the ride, Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Vega said they decided to
rob the driver; when the driver argued and struggled, the men said they both
shot him. Each man separately recalled jumping out of the moving livery car.
Mr. O’Malley went to Bronx homicide detectives in 2003 to try to corroborate the
confession, but no records could be found of a homicide that matched. Because
there was no proof of death and no identified victim, Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Vega
pleaded guilty to serious but lesser charges related to the taxi robbery.
Upon receiving the letter from Mr. Glisson in May, Mr. O’Malley phoned Mr. Vega
and Mr. Rodriguez, and both reaffirmed their accounts of how they shot Mr. Diop.
On June 15, Mr. O’Malley met with Mr. Glisson at Sing Sing.
He eventually prepared a detailed affidavit, which is dated Monday and has not
been made public, presenting his findings in support of a potential motion by
the defendants for a new trial.
“I believe the evidence is overwhelming that Vega and Rodriguez, acting alone,
robbed and shot Baithe Diop on Jan. 19, 1995, causing his death,” he wrote.
The defendants who seem likely to benefit most quickly from the new findings are
Ms. Watkins and Mr. Glisson, who were convicted solely in Mr. Diop’s murder. The
other imprisoned defendants — Mr. Ayers, Mr. Cosme and Mr. Perez — were also
convicted of the murder of Ms. Raymond, on which Mr. O’Malley’s investigation
does not focus.
But the findings by Mr. O’Malley, who worked closely with a senior prosecutor,
Margaret M. Garnett, would seem to raise serious questions about the convictions
in Ms. Raymond’s killing because the Bronx prosecutor’s office relied on the
same key witnesses and said the two murders were related.
“We certainly believe that a serious issue like this must be resolved as soon as
possible,” Mr. Johnson, the Bronx district attorney, said through a spokesman
about Mr. O’Malley’s findings. “Therefore, we are attempting to rapidly gather
further information from our own files and those of the United States attorney.”
The office of United States Attorney Preet Bharara declined to comment on
Claudia Trupp, a lawyer for Mr. Perez, said he “has been consistent throughout
our representation that he’s innocent of these crimes.”
Mr. Vasquez, the defendant acquitted of the Diop killing but convicted in the
Raymond murder, had his conviction overturned by a state appeals court that said
the theory of the case against him was “based on speculation unsupported by any
credible evidence.”
Earl S. Ward and Julia Kuan, lawyers who are representing him in a civil-rights
lawsuit, said in a joint statement, “It was in pursuing Israel Vasquez’s civil
rights claims that it became obvious to us that everyone who was convicted in
both of these crimes was innocent.”
As for Mr. Glisson, the inmate whose letter to federal prosecutors prompted the
new review, he was “overjoyed” when Mr. O’Malley visited him at Sing Sing and
told him of his findings, his lawyer Peter A. Cross said.
Mr. Cross said Mr. Glisson, describing the meeting, said Mr. O’Malley had
“outright apologized,” and said, “We know you’re innocent and we’re going to do
everything we can to get you out of jail.”
Styczynski contributed reporting.
5 Jailed in ’95 Killing of Cabby Didn’t Do It, U.S. Inquiry Says, NYT, 2.8.2012,
Upends 9-Year Fight on Housing Mentally Ill
April 6,
The New York Times
A federal
appeals court, ruling on procedural grounds, struck down on Friday a judge’s
order that New York State transfer thousands of mentally ill adults in New York
City from institutional group homes into their own homes and apartments. In
doing so, the court brought a nine-year legal battle to an abrupt end without
resolving the underlying issues of how the state cares for such patients.
Though the lower court judge had ruled the current system violated federal law
by warehousing people with mental illness in far more restrictive conditions
than necessary, the appellate panel said the nonprofit organization that began
the litigation, Disability Advocates, did not have legal standing to sue.
The panel, comprising three judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit, acknowledged that its decision essentially reset the
long-running battle to its starting point.
“We are not unsympathetic to the concern that our disposition will delay the
resolution of this controversy and impose substantial burdens and transaction
costs on the parties, their counsel and the courts,” the opinion said.
The long-term implications for the mental health system are unclear. But it
immediately removes the pressure on the state to move more than 4,000 people
with mental illness who live in the city’s large group homes into what is known
as supportive housing, in which patients live alone but continue to receive
specialized treatment and services.
Josh Vlasto, a spokesman for Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, said in a written statement
that the administration was reviewing the decision. “The governor’s commitment
to improving the quality of care for vulnerable populations and supporting
opportunities for community living for people with disabling conditions is
clear,” Mr. Vlasto said in the statement.
Cliff Zucker, the executive director of Disability Advocates, who less than two
years ago was celebrating the lower court’s order for immediate changes to the
system, said he would now seek to reach a settlement with state officials. “We
are hopeful that this administration has recognized that this is a problem that
needs to be solved and we’ll be able to solve it without recommencing
litigation,” he said.
Barring such a deal, it is also possible that the Justice Department, which
intervened late in the case on behalf of the plaintiffs, could file a new
lawsuit, Mr. Zucker said.
Disability Advocates brought the lawsuit in 2003 after a series of articles in
The New York Times described a system in which residents were poorly monitored
and barely cared for, left to swelter in the summer and sometimes subjected to
needless medical treatment and operations for Medicaid reimbursement.
After a five-week nonjury trial in 2009, Nicholas G. Garaufis, the Federal
District Court judge overseeing the case, ruled that the practices violated the
Americans With Disabilities Act. In a series of subsequent decisions, he ruled
that the state must immediately begin moving patients out of the group homes and
into supportive housing.
The plan, limited to New York City, would have given nearly all current and
future adult home residents the opportunity to move into supported housing
scattered throughout the boroughs, where they would live independently while
also receiving help like case-management services and visits from psychiatrists
and nurses. The plan was drawn from a proposal presented by advocates for
mentally ill people that was backed by the Justice Department.
The state, which has vigorously defended the current system, argued that the
advocates had overestimated the demand for supported housing and underestimated
the cost, making a quick transition for the bulk of the population in adult
group homes unfeasible. The state appealed the ruling.
The appellate court suspended the order to begin transferring patients
immediately, later lifted the suspension and finally stopped the order again,
leading to the ruling on Friday.
Although Judge Garaufis’s order to transfer thousands of people was not
addressed in the ruling, the appellate court said it did “have concerns about
the scope of the proposed remedy.”
“If this controversy continues, and if the renewed litigation reaches the
remedial phase, the parties and the district court will have another opportunity
to consider an appropriate remedy,” the court said.
But the heart of the ruling was on the procedural matter over whether Disability
Advocates, a private nonprofit organization contracted to provide services for
people with mental illness, had the legal standing to sue state agencies and
officials on their behalf. On this point the appeals court ruled that Judge
Garaufis was wrong.
In a statement celebrating the ruling, Jeffrey Edelman, the president of New
York Coalition for Quality Assisted Living, which represents adult homes,
defended the current system for housing people with mental illness and “the
rights of these adults to live in the homes of their choice, rather than
becoming the targets of others’ dangerous social experiments.”
Court Upends 9-Year Fight on Housing Mentally Ill, NYT, 6.4.2012,
Robert R. Beezer,
Conservative Voice on Liberal Court,
Dies at
April 4,
The New York Times
Robert R. Beezer, who brought a conservative voice to one of the more liberal
federal appeals courts in the United States, the Ninth Circuit, and who wrote
influential opinions on capital punishment, copyright law on the Internet and
Anna Nicole Smith’s claim to a huge inheritance, died on Friday in Seattle. He
was 83.
The cause was lung cancer, his family said.
Judge Beezer heard more than 10,000 cases in his 28 years on the nation’s
largest federal appeals court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit. He was appointed in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan after 28 years in
private law practice. The capital punishment opinion came in 1994, when Judge
Beezer, writing for the majority in a 6-to-5 decision, said that hanging was an
acceptable form of execution.
The ruling was in the case of Charles Rodman Campbell, a death row inmate who
had been convicted of killing two women and a girl and who objected to the
method of execution to which he had been sentenced: by hanging. He contended
that hanging amounted to cruel and unusual punishment. Washington State offered
lethal injection as an alternative form of execution, but only if the condemned
person requested it. Mr. Campbell said his religious convictions would not
permit him to choose between methods.
Judge Beezer ruled that when it hanged people, the state exercised proper
safeguards against slow death by strangling and other possibilities of
unnecessary cruelty. “Campbell is not entitled to a painless execution, but only
to one free of purposeful cruelty,” the judge wrote.
Judge Beezer sometimes departed from conservative orthodoxy. In 1991, in a 2-1
decision in which he wrote the opinion, he revised the standard for determining
sexual harassment involving a woman, saying the test should be what a
“reasonable woman” would construe as offensive behavior. The earlier standard
had been gender-neutral, or what “a reasonable person” would consider
“We believe that a sex-blind reasonable-person standard tends to be
male-biased,” Judge Beezer wrote.
In 2001, Judge Beezer wrote the unanimous opinion for a three-judge panel
largely affirming the ruling of a lower court that Napster, a company whose
business was allowing millions of people to copy music from the Internet free of
charge, violated copyright law. Legal analysts said the decision extended
traditional copyright protection to a medium in which creative works of many
sorts can be traded widely with the click of a mouse. Napster ended up ceasing
operations, eventually becoming a fee-based service under new ownership.
One of Judge Beezer’s most widely reported opinions concerned the case of Ms.
Smith, the Playboy model and television personality who in 1994 married a Texas
multimillionaire; she was 26, and he was 89. After he died 14 months later, she
and his son fought an immensely complicated battle over his fortune. Her
husband, J. Howard Marshall II, had not mentioned Ms. Smith in his will, but she
contended that he had promised her a large inheritance.
The legal tangle began when Ms. Smith, whose legal name was Vickie Lynn
Marshall, filed for bankruptcy in California. The bankruptcy court, a federal
entity, was considering whether the inheritance she claimed was an asset that
should be considered in the case. In 2000, the bankruptcy judge, ruling on
accusations of fraud and malfeasance, awarded her $475 million in damages,
essentially the amount she had sought from the estate.
Days later, however, a Texas probate court ruled that Ms. Smith should get
The case, stretching over years, went to the Ninth Circuit several times, and
Judge Beezer wrote the opinion in two important rulings in the case. In one he
vacated the bankruptcy court’s judgment, saying it was a matter for the state
probate court; in the other, he affirmed that it was the probate court’s proper
role to decide on the merits of fraud and malfeasance accusations. Last June,
the United States Supreme Court upheld the judgment, which legal experts said
refined how legal power is apportioned in bankruptcies.
Both Ms. Smith and Mr. Marshall’s son, E. Pierce Marshall, died before the case
was decided. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. in his majority opinion upholding
Judge Beezer, compared the case to “Bleak House,” Charles Dickens’s novel about
a lawsuit that never ends.
Robert Renaut Beezer was born in Seattle on July 21, 1928, attended the
University of Washington and transferred to the University of Virginia, where he
earned a bachelor’s degree in 1951. He served in the Marine Corps for two years,
and later in the Marine Corps Reserve, retiring with the rank of lieutenant
colonel. He graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1956.
He is survived by his wife of 54 years, the former Hazlehurst Plant Smith; his
sons, Robert and John; his daughter, Allison Beezer; his sister, Allison Tyree;
his brother, Arnold; and two grandsons.
Robert R. Beezer, Conservative Voice on Liberal Court, Dies at 83, NYT,
A Judge
Turns on the Light
April 2,
The New York Times
A federal
judge took an important step toward ending secret donations to big-spending
political groups, striking down regulations that permitted some groups to hide
their donors. Unfortunately, the ruling probably came too late to flush this
corrupting practice from this year’s elections — though there is still time for
Congress to do so.
The secret-donor problem began in 2007 when the Supreme Court, in the Wisconsin
Right to Life case, ended restrictions on corporate and union political spending
by advocacy groups in the weeks prior to an election. A few weeks later, the
Federal Election Commission, naïvely suggesting that some corporate donors to
those groups might not have intended to give for political purposes, said that
only those donations explicitly earmarked for political purposes had to be
disclosed. The loophole was obvious: Just don’t declare any donation to be
political, and they can all be secret.
The rule does not apply to modern “super PACs,” which exist for political
purposes and must disclose their donors. But it allowed groups that accept money
for other purposes, like the United States Chamber of Commerce, to collect
millions of undisclosed dollars to buy ads that criticize candidates who differ
with their pro-business agenda.
During the 2010 Congressional elections, political operatives like Karl Rove
helped set up a variety of purported charities or educational groups to provide
a shield to anonymous political donors. Along with the chamber, these groups
took in more than $138 million in undisclosed money that year, 80 percent of
which was spent supporting Republican candidates. Many of the same secretive
groups have already begun running ads in this year’s campaign, and the flood
will shortly begin in earnest.
A year ago, Representative Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland, filed
suit against the F.E.C., saying its 2007 regulation violated the intention of
Congress when it passed the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform act in 2002.
That law makes it clear that donations greater than $1,000 to advocacy groups
have to be disclosed.
On Friday, District Judge Amy Berman Jackson in Washington agreed. She ruled
that the F.E.C. overstepped its boundaries in requiring disclosure only of
explicit political donations. “Congress spoke plainly” in requiring full
disclosure, she wrote, and even the Citizens United decision called for
disclosure of the unlimited corporate and union donations it permitted.
Judge Jackson’s clearsighted opinion is a win for clean elections. But it will
probably be appealed, which could delay a final decision by months or years. If
it were a functioning body, the F.E.C. would change its regulations to comply
with the court ruling, but its three Republican commissioners have repeatedly
blocked attempts to require disclosure.
Congress could quickly resolve the issue if it were truly interested in cleaning
up campaign finance. Mr. Van Hollen has introduced a new version of the Disclose
Act that would go even further than the court decision in making donations
transparent, requiring the names of top donors to appear in ads, and imposing
stronger reporting requirements for super PACs. Republicans filibustered a
similar bill last year in the Senate, and no Republicans have stepped up to
support this version. In the meantime, the grim tide of secret money keeps
A Judge Turns on the Light, NYT, 2.4.2012,
Rejection of Discrimination
March 12,
The New York Times
When Texas
lawmakers were writing one of the nation’s most restrictive voter-identification
laws last spring, they rejected a proposal to allow voters to use other forms of
ID beyond a narrow list. They rejected another suggestion to help voters without
an ID card apply for one. And when a lawmaker offered an amendment to offer free
access to birth certificates in order to get a card, instead of charging $22,
they rejected that, too.
So it was no surprise on Monday when the Justice Department did the right thing
and forcefully rejected the state’s voter-ID law entirely. The department said
the law clearly disadvantages Hispanic voters, who lack photo ID’s at a much
higher rate than the state’s overall population. The Voting Rights Act requires
that states and counties with a history of racial discrimination prove that new
voting laws don’t discriminate in purpose or effect, and Texas was unable to
meet that test.
The department’s action comes after it also blocked a similar law in South
Carolina in December, a demonstration that it is serious about overturning a
growing body of politically inspired legislation that could make it harder for
people in more than a dozen states to vote. (It has also blocked Florida’s
decision to curtail early voting and third-party registration drives.) These
laws, pushed by Republicans, would erect barriers to minorities, students and
the poor, all of whom tend to vote for Democrats.
In a letter to Texas elections officials, the Justice Department said the state
submitted no evidence that it is suffering from a voter-impersonation problem
that would be solved with an ID requirement. But, at the department’s request,
Texas did submit data showing how the requirement would affect Hispanic voters,
and the numbers were disturbing. Nearly 11 percent of Hispanic registered voters
lack a driver’s license or government-issued card, compared with nearly 5
percent of non-Hispanic voters. (Hispanics were the only minority group analyzed
because it was easier to identify their last names.)
That means that as many as 800,000 Hispanic voters in the state could be
disenfranchised if they cannot get a government ID. And the department notes
that the state did nothing to make that task easier, refusing to open more
driver’s license offices (lacking in 81 out of 254 counties) or even to extend
the hours of the existing ones.
Another blow against discrimination on Monday came from a Wisconsin judge who
ruled that the state’s voter-ID law violated the State Constitution. The judge,
Richard Niess, wrote that the people most affected by the law “would consist of
those struggling souls” who are qualified to vote but the lack the financial or
physical resources to get an ID card. What right does the government have, he
wrote, to “simply cast aside the inherent suffrage rights of any qualified
elector” in the hopes of preventing some unqualified people from voting?
The challenges to these two state laws will now move through the courts, which
will have an opportunity to restore a basic constitutional right to those who
have lost it.
A Rejection of Discrimination, NYT, 12.3.2012,
Stanford Convicted by Jury in $7 Billion Ponzi Scheme
March 6,
The New York Times
federal jury on Tuesday convicted R. Allen Stanford, a Texas financier, on 13
out of 14 counts of fraud in connection with a worldwide scheme that lasted more
than two decades and involved more than $7 billion in investments.
Mr. Stanford listened to the verdict silently, barely tilting his head down
while closing his eyes. His mother and other family members wept, while
investors watching in the gallery also cried while expressing relief. He now
faces a possible life sentence.
The jury decision followed a six-week trial and came three years after Mr.
Stanford was accused of defrauding nearly 30,000 investors in 113 countries in a
Ponzi scheme involving $7 billion in fraudulent high-interest certificates of
deposit at the Stanford International Bank, which was based on the Caribbean
island of Antigua.
Prosecutors argued that Mr. Stanford had lied for more than two decades,
promoting safe investments for money that he channeled into a luxurious
lifestyle, a secret Swiss bank account and business deals that consistently lost
The prosecutors heavily relied on James M. Davis, Mr. Stanford’s former roommate
from Baylor University, who served as his chief financial officer. Mr. Davis
testified that the Stanford business empire was a fraud complete with bribes for
Antiguan regulators and schemes to hide operations from federal investigators.
He described how Mr. Stanford had sent him to London to send a fax to a
prospective client from a bogus insurance company office to reassure him that
his investment would be safe.
The ruling came after jurors on Monday sent the judge a note, one of several
since deliberations began Feb. 29, saying they had been unable to reach a
unanimous verdict on all 14 counts. The judge ordered them to continue
In the end, the jury cleared Mr. Stanford of only one of several counts of wire
fraud, but found him guilty of every other count of conspiracy to commit mail
fraud, launder money and obstruct justice.
“We’re disappointed in the outcome and we expect an appeal — absolutely,” said
Ali Fazel, one of the defense lawyers.
Cassie Wilkinson, an investor who said that she and her retired husband had to
go back to work because of their losses, cried after the verdict was announced.
“I’m just relieved, happy and I’m sad,” she said. “As an investor, you have to
wonder whether you were just stupid or taken advantage of. This removes the
doubt. It is a vindication.”
Mr. Stanford, who wore a charcoal suit and no tie in court on Tuesday, is no
longer the swaggering financier who only three years ago had an estimated
fortune of over $2 billion, a knighthood awarded by Antigua and a collection of
yachts, jets and mansions. He owned his own professional cricket team and
stadium and, according to prosecutors, he treated Antigua like his personal
business haven, with politicians and regulators in tow, through bribes and
political campaign contributions.
“There really is no dispute that Allen Stanford lied,” a federal prosecutor,
William J. Stellmach, told the jurors in his closing argument, “lining his
pockets with billions of dollars of other people’s money.” Another prosecutor,
Gregg Costa, compared Mr. Stanford to Bernard L. Madoff, who is in a federal
penitentiary for orchestrating an even larger Ponzi scheme until his empire
collapsed four years ago.
The defense denied those charges, basing its case on the fact that Mr.
Stanford’s clients had been paid on schedule until the Securities and Exchange
Commission made the first accusations three years ago, destroying the value of
his businesses.
His lawyers repeatedly pointed out that his investment literature said a loss of
principal was possible and that Mr. Stanford’s assets still had value when his
businesses were shut down by the federal government. In their opening arguments,
they suggested that Mr. Stanford would testify in his own defense, but after
days of preparing him, the defense decided to rest its case without putting Mr.
Stanford on the stand.
His lawyers sought to portray Mr. Stanford as detached when it came to financial
details, which he ostensibly left to Mr. Davis, who pleaded guilty to charges of
fraud and conspiracy to obstruct an S.E.C. investigation into the Stanford
Defense lawyers argued that Mr. Davis had often acted without Mr. Stanford’s
knowledge even as they argued that the Stanford bank had been fulfilling its
promises to investors until the government stepped in and shut the firm down.
“The government wants you to believe it was all a fraud,” said Robert A.
Scardino, one of Mr. Stanford’s lawyers. “That’s just not what happened.”
In his testimony, Mr. Davis portrayed his former boss as a charismatic, bullying
manager who had manipulated him to lie and cheat investors. He described how Mr.
Stanford had invited him to drive with him in his new Mercedes-Benz on a highway
outside Houston and floored the accelerator until the car reached 170 miles an
hour. “He instilled intimidation and fear,” Mr. Davis said.
During cross-examination, Mr. Scardino accused Mr. Davis of manipulating
financial statements and requesting that bribes be sent to an Antiguan auditor
without Mr. Stanford’s knowledge. Mr. Davis countered that it was Mr. Stanford
who engineered the fraud for more than two decades. Near the end of his
testimony, he shook his finger at Mr. Stanford and said that anyone who wanted
to know the truth about the Stanford enterprises had only to “follow the money,
just follow the money.”
For the prosecution, the Stanford case was a Ponzi scheme in which he and five
conspirators had given investors false financial statements indicating that the
certificates of deposit were invested in conservative assets when $2 billion was
actually lent to Mr. Stanford. All the while, auditors, along with the head of
Antigua’s Financial Services Regulatory Commission, had received bribes to cover
up the scheme and misinform the S.E.C., prosecutors said.
To Mr. Stanford’s lawyers, the financier has been a victim of an overly
aggressive federal government willing to imprison him before proving his guilt.
While Mr. Madoff was released on $10 million bail before his trial, prosecutors
successfully argued that Mr. Stanford, who also held an Antiguan passport, could
flee before a trial.
It took three years to bring Mr. Stanford to trial because he was severely
beaten in a 2010 brawl with another federal inmate in a prison outside Houston
and then became addicted to prescription antistress drugs. He underwent a year
of therapy before Judge David Hittner of United States District Court ruled that
he was fit to stand trial. The defense said he could not properly defend himself
because he had lost much of his memory.
For Mr. Stanford, the verdict was the end of a remarkable career that began with
a Texas fitness club. After it went bankrupt, he tried offshore banking and
lived a life of glamour. In the end, his case was overshadowed by the Madoff
scandal and he is believed to be virtually penniless.
“I don’t find the verdict surprising,” said Adam Gershowitz, a criminal law
professor at the University of Houston, “given the extensive paper record and
the fact that the record was brought to life by important witnesses like the
chief financial officer.”
This article
has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: March 6, 2012
An earlier version of this article published online misidentified a defense
attorney who said R. Allen Stanford would appeal his fraud conviction. It was
Ali Fazel, not Robert A. Scardino, another defense attorney quoted elsewhere in
the article.
Stanford Convicted by Jury in $7 Billion Ponzi Scheme, NYT, 6.3.2012,