History > 2008 > USA > Politics (IXb)

Gary Markstein
Copley News Service
for Obama: How to Define Terror
30, 2008
The New York Times
— Early last Tuesday morning, a military charter plane left the airstrip at
Guantánamo Bay for Sana, Yemen, carrying Osama bin Laden’s former driver, Salim
Hamdan. Once the Bush administration’s poster boy for the war on terror — the
first defendant in America’s first military tribunals since World War II — Mr.
Hamdan will spend less than a month in a Yemeni prison before returning to his
family in Sana, having been acquitted by a jury of United States military
officers of the most serious charge brought against him, conspiracy to support
The turn of events underscores the central challenge President Obama will face
as he begins to define his own approach to fighting terrorism — and the
imperative for him to adopt a new, hybrid plan, one that blends elements of both
traditional military conflict and criminal justice.
Until now, much of the debate over how best to battle terrorism has centered on
the two prevailing — and conflicting — paradigms: Is it a war or a criminal
action? The Hamdan case highlights the limitations of such binary thinking. As
the verdict in his tribunal this summer made clear, Mr. Hamdan was not a
criminal conspirator in the classic sense. Yet, as an aide to the world’s most
dangerous terrorist, neither was he a conventional prisoner of war who had
simply been captured in the act of defending his nation and was therefore
essentially free of guilt.
So how should Americans think about Mr. Hamdan? More broadly, how should they
think about the fight against terrorism?
The problems with the war paradigm are by now familiar. Because the war on
terror is unlike any other the United States has waged, traditional wartime
policies and mechanisms have made for an awkward fit, in some instances
undermining efforts to defeat terrorism. The traditional approach to dealing
with captured combatants — holding them until the end of hostilities to prevent
them from returning to the battlefield — is untenable in a war that could last
for generations.
If you treat the fight against terrorism as a war, it’s hard to get around the
argument that it’s a war without boundaries; a terrorist could be hiding
anywhere. Yet by asserting the right to scoop up suspected terrorists in other
sovereign nations and indefinitely detain and interrogate them without hearings
or trials, the administration complicated its efforts to build an international
coalition against terrorism.
“The war-against-Al-Qaeda paradigm put us in a position where our legal
authorities to detain and interrogate didn’t match up with those of our allies,
so we ended up building a system that’s often rejected as strategically unsound
and legally suspect by even our closest allies,” says Matthew Waxman, a law
professor at Columbia who worked on detainee issues in the Bush administration.
Perhaps the most problematic consequence of the war paradigm, though, is that it
gave the president enormous powers — as commander in chief — to determine how to
detain and interrogate captured combatants. It was the use, or abuse, of those
powers that produced the Bush administration’s string of historic rebukes at the
Supreme Court, starting in 2004 when the justices ruled in Rasul v. Bush that
the president had to afford the Guantánamo detainees some due process.
Some critics of President Bush are now urging President-elect Obama to abandon
the war paradigm in favor of a pure criminal-justice approach, which is to say,
either subject captured combatants to criminal trials or let them go. This will
almost certainly not happen.
Mr. Obama may be more inclined to prosecute suspected terrorists in the federal
courts than Mr. Bush has been, and he may even avoid referring to the battle
against terrorism as a “war.” But ceding the military paradigm altogether would
severely limit his ability to fight terrorism. On a practical level, it would
prevent him from operating in a zone like the tribal areas of Pakistan, where
American law does not reach.
“If you seriously dialed it back to the criminal-justice apparatus you will
paralyze the executive branch’s ability to go where they believe the bad guys
are,” says Benjamin Wittes, a fellow at the Brookings Institution. “When people
talk about a return to the criminal-justice system, they’re ignoring the
geographical limits of that system.”
In fact, the military approach to fighting terrorism predates the Bush
administration. After Al Qaeda attacked two American embassies in Africa in
1998, President Clinton launched cruise missiles against terrorist camps in
Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan thought to be making chemical
weapons. During the presidential campaign, Mr. Obama said he would not hesitate
to take out terrorist targets in Pakistan — an act of war — if that country’s
government was unwilling to do so itself.
Going forward, the fight against terrorism will have to be something of a
hybrid. This is a novel idea, as the Constitution lays out only two distinct
options: the country is at war, or it is not. Such a strategy may require
building new legal systems and institutions for detaining, interrogating and
trying detainees.
There has already been talk of creating a national security court within the
federal judiciary that would presumably give more flexibility on matters like,
say, the standard of proof for evidence collected on an Afghan battlefield.
Similarly, it may be necessary to set clear legal guidelines for when the
government can detain enemy combatants, and how far C.I.A. agents can go when
interrogating terror suspects.
This won’t be easy. It will require striking a balance between the need to
preserve and promote America’s rule-of-law values, protect its intelligence
gathering and ensure that no one who poses a serious threat is set free.
Such an infrastructure is not likely to survive unchallenged, let alone win
popular support, if the executive branch builds it alone. Its chances would be
far better with input from Congress, acting as the elected representatives of
the people to ensure that any new systems protect both the public and America’s
values. And direct advice from the courts could ensure that they are found to be
Paradoxically, such an approach might ultimately enhance a president’s power.
“We need a strong president to fight this war,” says Jack Goldsmith, a law
professor at Harvard who worked in the Bush Justice Department, “and the way to
ensure that there’s a strong president is to have the other institutions on
board for the actions he feels he needs to take.”
Jonathan Mahler, a contributing writer for The Times Magazine, is the author,
most recently, of “The Challenge: Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and the Fight Over
Presidential Power.”
Ahead for Obama: How to Define Terror, NYT, 30.11.2008,
Obama Unveils Team to Tackle ‘Historic’
Crisis in Economy
November 25, 2008
The New York Times
CHICAGO — With the financial crisis looming as a priority of his term,
President-elect Barack Obama sought to put his imprint on efforts to stem the
turmoil as he introduced his economic team on Monday, nominating Timothy F.
Geithner as Treasury secretary and Lawrence H. Summers to head the White House
Economic Council.
By naming a team deeply experienced in dealing with financial crises — Mr.
Geithner was heavily involved over the weekend in the efforts to stabilize
Citigroup — Mr. Obama underscored his determination to assure Americans and
foreign investors that he would aggressively step into a leadership vacuum in
Washington during the transition.
Moreover, by pledging that his economic team would begin work “today” on
recommendations to help middle-class families as well as the financial markets,
the president-elect sought to convey an impression of continuity and
coordination, so that his administration can “hit the ground running.”
The president-elect also announced that he had chosen Christina D. Romer to head
his Council of Economic Advisers and Melody Barnes as director of his White
House Domestic Policy Council. Ms. Romer is an economics professor at the
University of California, Berkeley, while Ms. Barnes is a longtime aide to
Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts.
The recent economic news, capped by the Citigroup effort, “has made it even more
clear that we are facing an economic crisis of historic proportions,” Mr. Obama
said at a news conference. He listed the drop in new home purchases, the surge
in unemployment claims to an 18-year high and the likelihood of up to a million
further job losses in the coming year.
“While we can’t underestimate the challenges we face,” he said, “we also can’t
underestimate our capacity to overcome them to summon that spirit of
determination and optimism that has always defined us, and move forward in a new
direction to create new jobs, reform our financial system, and fuel long-term
economic growth.”
Responding to questions, Mr. Obama said that the struggling automobile industry
could not be allowed “simply to vanish,” but that the companies should not get
“a blank check” from taxpayers. And he said he was “surprised” that the auto
companies’ chief executives were not better prepared with specific recovery
proposals in their appearances last week on Capitol Hill. And he all but
promised that the tax cuts pushed through Congress by President Bush would be
repealed, or at least not renewed when they are scheduled to expire in 2010.
In an effort to inject confidence into the quavering financial markets, Mr.
Obama made certain that his first formal cabinet announcement dealt with the
economy, not, as is often the case with national security or diplomacy.
In announcing the nominations of Mr. Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve
Bank in New York, and Mr. Summers, a Harvard economist, Mr. Obama sent a signal
that he was set to pursue aggressive, yet centrist policies, in crafting moves
to help jump-start the economy. He was stretching his economic announcement into
a two-day affair, planning another news conference Tuesday to present the rest
of his team.
The televised news conference, which came shortly after President Bush made
brief remarks at the Treasury Department with Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr.,
created a stark image of the transfer of power that is under way in Washington.
Mr. Obama and his new team arrived in a room of dozens of reporters, while Mr.
Bush stood nearly alone on the steps of the Treasury Department.
“This is a tough situation for America,” Mr. Bush said, adding that he had
spoken to Mr. Paulson by phone Sunday while returning from an economic summit
meeting in Peru. He said that he would keep Mr. Obama and his team informed of
any major decisions, and added that Mr. Paulson was working in “close
cooperation” with the Obama team.
Mr. Bush spoke to Mr. Obama on Monday about the rescue plan for Citigroup. Mr.
Obama said he had also spoken Monday to Ben S. Bernanke, the chairman of the
Federal Reserve.
Mr. Geithner worked through the weekend on the plan to stabilize Citigroup.
Earlier, he was deeply involved in the bailout of American International Group.
So he is intimately familiar with the developing crisis — and the controversial
efforts so far to stanch it.
Mr. Obama has said repeatedly that there is “only one president at a time,” but
the markets’ apparent concerns at the specter of a do-nothing transition — with
neither President nor Mr. Obama seeming to be aggressively steer recovery
efforts — has forced him into a more active role.
The Dow Jones industrial average soared Friday by nearly 500 points on word of
the Geithner appointment and markets were up again by more than 200 points at
midday Monday.
David Stout in Washington contributed reporting.
Obama Unveils Team to
Tackle ‘Historic’ Crisis in Economy, NYT, 25.11.2008,
An Old Hometown Mentor,
Still at Obama’s Side
November 24, 2008
The New York Times
CHICAGO — On a dark afternoon last week, the road to Jerusalem and Beijing
momentarily veered through the office of a real estate company here.
Valerie Jarrett, the company’s chief executive, had signed her resignation
letter an hour earlier, and now she was taking phone calls from potential top
diplomatic appointees.
“You don’t need to thank me,” she said soothingly to a booming male voice on her
cellphone. “I just wanted you to have a chance to make your case.”
If someone were to rank the long list of people who helped Barack and Michelle
Obama get where they are today, Ms. Jarrett would be close to the top. Nearly
two decades ago, Ms. Jarrett swept the young lawyers under her wing, introduced
them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own, and eventually
secured contacts and money essential to Mr. Obama’s long-shot Senate victory.
In the crush of his presidential campaign, Ms. Jarrett could have fallen by the
wayside, as old mentors often do. But the opposite happened: Using her intimacy
with the Obamas, two BlackBerrys and a cellphone, Ms. Jarrett, a real estate
executive and civic leader with no national campaign experience, became an
internal mediator and external diplomat who secured the trust of black leaders,
forged peace with Clintonites and helped talk Mr. Obama through major decisions.
She “automatically understands your values and your vision,” Michelle Obama said
in a telephone interview Friday, and is “somebody never afraid to tell you the
truth.” Mrs. Obama added: “She knows the buttons, the soft spots, the history,
the context.”
In January, Ms. Jarrett will go to the White House as a senior adviser to Mr.
Obama, where she will be “one of the four or five people in the room with him
when decisions get made,” as Anita Dunn, a Democratic strategist close to Mr.
Obama, put it. Ms. Jarrett, who is a co-chairwoman of Mr. Obama’s transition
effort, will also serve as the White House contact for local and state officials
across the nation and the point person for Mr. Obama’s effort to build a channel
between his White House and ordinary Americans.
Less formally, she intends to help Mr. Obama preserve his essential self as he
becomes president, even as she becomes the type of person who chats with Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, mingles with Warren Buffett and is now
sometimes greeted by strangers.
Washingtonians who assess the new White House crew sometimes cast Ms. Jarrett in
parochial terms: she is the hometown buddy, they say, or the one who will hear
out the concerns of black leaders. They note that presidential friends do not
always fare well in the capital, that confidants from Arkansas and Texas have
stumbled in the corridors of the West Wing.
Asked what was her biggest worry about the job, which is a major leap from
anything she has undertaken before, Ms. Jarrett said she sometimes feared she
did not know enough. “I will try to do my homework,” she said.
Ms. Jarrett, 52, has often been underestimated: perhaps because she is often the
only black woman at the boardroom tables where she sits, or perhaps because she
can seem girlish, with a pixie haircut, singsong voice and suits that earned her
a recent profile in Vogue.
A protégée of Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago, Ms. Jarrett served as his
planning commissioner, ran a real estate company, the Habitat Company — whose
management of public housing projects has come under scrutiny with Ms. Jarrett’s
rise — and sits on too many boards to count. She is an expert in urban affairs,
particularly housing and transportation, in an administration expected to lavish
more money and attention on cities than its predecessors.
And she has something no other adviser in the Obama White House ever will: ties
to the president-elect and future first lady that go deeper than a political
alliance. Ms. Jarrett is only a few years older than the Obamas, but her
relationship with them can seem almost maternal. “I can count on someone like
Valerie to take my hand and say, You need to think about these three things,”
Mrs. Obama said. “Like a mom, a big sister, I trust her implicitly.”
During big speeches, Ms. Jarrett watched Mr. Obama with a gaze of such intensity
that he and their other friends laugh about it. “Barack always jokes, You can’t
look Valerie in the eye, she’s going to make you cry,” said Martin Nesbitt, the
treasurer of the campaign.
Early Lessons on Race
Ms. Jarrett plans to arrive at the White House with her list of “life lessons,”
21 aphorisms she ticks off in speeches and keeps on her computer hard drive.
(“All leaders are passionate about their beliefs, even the ones you don’t like.”
“Put yourself in the path of lightning.”)
The life lessons started in Shiraz, Iran, where Valerie Bowman Jarrett was born
in 1956. Her parents moved there after her father, a physician, was offered less
pay in Chicago than his white peers. When the Bowmans tried to teach their young
daughter about race, the lessons made no sense to her: Valerie, who has light
skin, would protest that the Iranians around her had darker skin, so why was she
the black one?
When her family returned to Chicago via England, she showed up in public school
speaking Farsi, French and English with a British accent. “It was a rude
awakening,” she said. Decades later, at the dinner that started their
friendship, Ms. Jarrett and Mr. Obama bonded over their far-flung childhoods and
initial confusion about race. “I wasn’t burdened by a personal history of
prejudice,” she said. “It’s part of why I thought Barack could win.”
Ms. Jarrett, a lawyer with degrees from Stanford and the University of Michigan,
first met Mr. Obama during her successful courtship of his fiancée, Michelle
Robinson, for a job at City Hall, and from that night onward, she was someone
with whom the young lawyers could discuss their ambitions. “They could talk
openly about desires, wishes, dreams,” said Desiree Rogers, a friend.
The Obamas were from modest backgrounds, and Ms. Jarrett represented the
sophistication and intellectual polish of Hyde Park, the Chicago neighborhood
they shared. Her mother, Barbara Bowman, is a child psychologist, and through
the generations her family had consistently broken barriers: her
great-grandfather was the first black graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, her father the first black tenured professor in his department at
the University of Chicago.
The Obamas were not her only protégés — Ms. Jarrett kept a database of them, in
case a prospective employer called — but she drew them deep into her world,
taking them to Sunday dinners at her parents’ house, where Hyde Park’s leading
lights gathered over green beans and tomatoes from the garden. Eventually, she
even invited the Obamas to vacation with her in the elite black enclaves of
Martha’s Vineyard, introducing them to others in her high-achieving family,
including a cousin, Ann Jordan, the wife of the Washington lawyer Vernon Jordan,
to whom Ms. Jarrett has frequently turned for advice.
In her years at City Hall, Ms. Jarrett absorbed several Daley leadership
precepts: tough negotiation, pragmatism and block-by-block attention to the
city’s fabric. She developed a specialty in dealing with extremely angry people.
After a flood swept through the basements of downtown offices in 1992, Ms.
Jarrett had the unenviable task of talking to the building owners. A few years
later, as chairwoman of the Chicago Transit Authority, Ms. Jarrett had to defend
service cuts before irate residents.
Her rule became, Never argue back. “She almost refuses to react,” said MarySue
Barrett, a former colleague, adding that Ms. Jarrett often surprises opponents
by agreeing with them and then suggesting concrete measures to help.
Ms. Jarrett, who was briefly married to a physician who died a few years after
their divorce, is a single mother of a daughter, Laura, a Harvard Law student.
She jokes about how hard it is for a successful black woman in her 50s to find a
suitable date. For years, she has thrown herself into work, civic commitments
and supporting Mr. Obama’s career. She held a book party in 1995 for the
publication of his memoir, “Dreams From My Father.” (Twenty people came, her
mother recalled.) From then she never stopped introducing him, eventually
signing on as the finance chairwoman of his Senate campaign.
“Her approach would be, I have somebody I think is really fantastic, and he’s a
dear friend, and would you take the time to meet him?” said Linda Johnson Rice,
the head of the publishing company that owns Ebony and Jet magazines.
A Campaign Ombudsman
In July 2007, Mr. Obama gathered his top campaign advisers around Ms. Jarrett’s
dining table, where the group ticked off their problems. Mrs. Clinton, then the
front-runner in the Democratic primary, had far more extensive relationships
with local officials and ethnic leaders across the country, and David Plouffe,
Mr. Obama’s campaign manager, did not have the time or chatty temperament to
create them. “We had gone though this arid summer in which our national poll
numbers were dropping,” said David Axelrod, the chief strategist.
Soon the Obamas visited Ms. Jarrett on Martha’s Vineyard. “I need all hands on
deck, and that’s you,” Mr. Obama told Ms. Jarrett as the three sat on a deck,
staring at the waves, she recalled.
“She brought a perspective that was slightly removed from the maelstrom,” Mr.
Axelrod said. During the campaign’s many tricky discussions about race and
strategy, Ms. Jarrett was often the only black person at the table. And while
her lack of campaign experience sometimes frustrated political operatives, they
dared not protest, because of her relationship with the Obamas.
Ms. Jarrett took on two roles, one internal and the other external. The Obama
campaign has often been described as so harmonious that, as one blogger joked,
its members e-mailed hug-o-grams to one another all day. In fact, the campaign
had the usual share of conflict, but also the ability to resolve the tensions
before they became public or disabling. Ms. Jarrett served as a kind of
“People who had an issue could raise it with somebody at the highest level in a
safe way,” said Michael Strautmanis, who will be one of Ms. Jarrett’s White
House deputies. “They’re able to move on and do their job.”
To the outside world, Ms. Jarrett became an all-purpose ambassador. Before the
Iowa caucuses, Ms. Jarrett tried to persuade black leaders that Mr. Obama could
prevail; afterwards, she had to deal with their jitters. At one nerve-racking
meeting last summer, Ms. Jarrett met in New York with black leaders, including
the hip-hop moguls Sean Combs and Russell Simmons; Mr. Simmons grew so anxious
that he had to leave the room, Ms. Jarrett said. They were worried that Mr.
Obama was failing to fight back against attempts to stereotype him in racial
“She could have told the room, You’re right, I will talk to Senator Obama,” said
the Rev. Al Sharpton. Instead, Ms. Jarrett was blunt. “There are those who are
going to fight the race gap, but that’s not our role,” she said, telling the
leaders to channel their energy into concrete tasks like voter registration.
“Miss Reality herself,” Mr. Sharpton now calls Ms. Jarrett. “There are
unrealistic expectations of African-Americans about Barack Obama,” he said. “The
one person who I think could come to the White House and say to
African-Americans, Now get real, is Valerie Jarrett.”
Ms. Jarrett also led the Obama campaign’s diplomatic missions to disappointed
supporters of Mrs. Clinton. Like any skillful envoy, she alternated between
speaking for the candidate, giving her audience assurances about how he would
treat Mrs. Clinton, and refusing to speak for him, declining to make specific
promises because she was not the candidate and could make no guarantees.
“What Valerie developed is the art of telling people to go to hell and making
them look forward to the trip,” said Mr. Jordan, who advised his wife’s cousin
throughout the campaign.
A Transition of Her Own
Ms. Jarrett’s life now is a strange amalgam of Chicago and Washington: she is
shutting down business at home, dining with Bush administration officials who
quietly offer advice, and wondering where to live and eat and shop in the
capital. (Her personal shopper at Nordstrom in Chicago, Ms. Jarrett says, “sends
the store” to her.)
In recent weeks, she has been helping Mr. Obama choose his cabinet in long
meetings at his transition office, a process she likens to putting a jigsaw
puzzle together. Some candidates call her before and after they see the
president-elect, seeking a sense of what to expect and, afterward, a clue as to
how the session went.
She has not yet figured out how to accomplish her new role as emissary in the
White House, somehow making sure that state and local officials, interest groups
and individual citizens “have a place to go.” “You can’t just leave it to
meetings and telephone calls, because the base is so broad,” she said.
Already, she trades calls with leaders across the country: Mayor Antonio R.
Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, whom she befriended on the campaign trail; Mr.
Schwarzenegger offered an update on the wildfires and an idea for an energy
“The scale of it will be bracing,” Mr. Axelrod said of the requests and demands
Ms. Jarrett will hear.
The potentially precarious thing about Ms. Jarrett’s role, said some Washington
veterans, is that it is based on a friendship that will be transformed when Mr.
Obama becomes the president and Ms. Jarrett his employee.
“The thing you have to be careful about,” said Steven A. Elmendorf, a Democratic
strategist, “is moving from having a friendship with someone to working for
them, in a structure where there are other people between you and the
And Ms. Jarrett can no longer talk idly, cautioned Kenneth M. Duberstein, chief
of staff to President Ronald Reagan, because no one will interpret her words as
her own.
When hometown friends accompany the president to the White House, they “know the
president, his habits, his likes and dislikes, and when they talk, people hear
the president’s voice,” Mr. Duberstein said.
But Ms. Jarrett seems to have little desire or need to stand apart from Mr.
Obama. During the campaign, Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South
Carolina, spent hours speaking with her but barely heard her mention herself or
her own views. “It was all about Barack and Michelle, Barack and Michelle,” Mr.
Clyburn said.
After the election, speculation that Ms. Jarrett might seek Mr. Obama’s Senate
seat coursed through Chicago. After a career of helping formidable men, she
could finally “be the sun,” as Marilyn Katz, a friend, put it. But the Obamas
saw her place in Washington.
“I told her,” Mrs. Obama said, “that I wanted her there, in that position, that
it would give me a sense of comfort to know that he had somebody like her there
by his side.”
After several long conversations with Mr. Obama, Ms. Jarrett took herself out of
the running for the Senate seat. Or, rather, Mr. Obama did: she let him make the
“He knows the Senate, he knows me, and he knows what he was looking for in the
White House,” she said. “I trusted him to make the decision.”
Kitty Bennett contributed research.
An Old Hometown Mentor,
Still at Obama’s Side, NYT, 24.11.2008,
Obama’s Small Donors Really Weren’t
November 24, 2008
1:34 pm
The New York Times > The Caucus
By Michael Luo
A new analysis of President-elect Barack Obama’s campaign fund-raising
punctures one of the most enduring pieces of conventional wisdom from his
presidential run — that small donors powered his record-breaking money machine.
The study, released today by the Campaign Finance Institute, a non-partisan
group, goes deeper than previous analyses of Mr. Obama’s fund-raising by
calculating how many of his donors who made discrete contributions of $200 or
less actually cumulatively made contributions of much more than that by donating
multiple times.
The institute found that while nearly 50 percent of Mr. Obama’s donations came
in individual contributions of $200 or less, in reality, only 26 percent of the
money he collected through Aug. 31 during the primary and 24 percent of his
money through Oct. 15 came from contributors whose total donations added up to
$200 or less. The data is the most recent available.
Those figures are actually in the same range as the 25 percent President Bush
raised in 2004 from donors whose contributions aggregated to $200 or less, the
20 percent Senator John F. Kerry collected from such donors and Senator John
McCain’s 21 percent from the same group. Meanwhile, Senator Hillary Rodham
Clinton collected just 13 percent from such donors during her run but former
Vermont Gov. Howard Dean brought in 38 percent of his donations from small
donors fitting this description.
“They myth is that money from small donors dominated Barack Obama’s finances,”
said Michael J. Malbin, the institute’s executive director in a statement. “The
reality of Obama’s fund-raising was impressive, but the reality does not match
the myth.”
Nevertheless, when it comes to large donors who gave $1,000 or more in aggregate
to Mr. Obama, they still accounted for a smaller proportion of his total money
haul than others. Contributions from such large donors accounted for 47 percent
of his money through August 31, compared to 56 percent for Mr. Kerry, 60 percent
for President Bush and 59 percent for Senator John McCain.
Other interesting findings by the institute: about 403,000 people out of the
three million donors announced by the Obama campaign gave $200 or more, forcing
the campaign to disclose them in Federal Election Commission records; 212,000
started off by giving $200 or less but only about 13,000 wound up giving $1,000
or more; Mr. Obama received about 80 percent money from large donors, defined as
those who gave $1,000 or more, than from small donors who gave $200 or less.
Study: Obama’s Small
Donors Really Weren’t, NYT, 24.11.2008,
Issues Warning to Automakers
23, 2008
Filed at 9:14 a.m. ET
The New York Times
(AP) -- President-elect Barack Obama's top adviser has a warning for U.S.
automakers: Without a plan to retool and restructure, there is very little
taxpayers can do to help.
Congress last week refused to act on a bailout plan for the Big Three auto
companies. Lawmakers are demanding that company executives first explain how
they would reorganize themselves and make the industry viable.
Obama adviser David Axelrod says Congress is sending the right signal to the
The automakers had asked for at least a $25 billion rescue. Obama has supported
giving the industry a hand, but has said he would not support a ''blank check.''
Obama Adviser Issues Warning to Automakers, NYT,
Price of Our Good Name
23, 2008
The New York Times
have watched in horror as President Bush has trampled on the Bill of Rights and
the balance of power. The list of abuses that President-elect Barack Obama must
address is long: once again require the government to get warrants to eavesdrop
on Americans; undo scores of executive orders and bill-signing statements that
have undermined the powers of Congress; strip out the unnecessary invasions of
privacy embedded in the Patriot Act; block new F.B.I. investigative guidelines
straight out of J. Edgar Hoover’s playbook.
Those are not the only disasters Mr. Obama will inherit. He will have to rescue
a drowning economy, restore regulatory sanity to the financial markets and
extricate the country from an unnecessary war in Iraq so it can focus on a
necessary war in Afghanistan.
Even with all those demands, there is one thing Mr. Obama must do quickly to
begin to repair this nation’s image and restore its self-respect: announce a
plan for closing Mr. Bush’s outlaw prison at Guantánamo Bay.
The prison is the premier example of the disdain shown by Mr. Bush and Vice
President Dick Cheney for the Constitution, federal law and international
treaties. Most sensible governments cannot see past Guantánamo to even recall
America’s long history as a defender of human rights and democratic values.
We are under no illusions. Closing the prison will not be easy, or quick, but it
can be done. It does not mean that the United States will set free heinous
terrorists. But it may mean that these prisoners will have to be tried on other
very serious charges than the ones supposedly for which they were sent to
That is Mr. Bush’s fault. His decision to authorize the torture of detainees has
made it highly unlikely that the evidence collected at Gitmo and the C.I.A.’s
illegal prisons around the world would stand up in a real court.
In closing down Guantánamo, there are some basic requirements: The prisoners
must be dealt with as openly as possible. Those who are charged here must stand
trial in federal courts, not the tribunals created by the disastrous Military
Commissions Act of 2006.
It would compound the disaster if, as some suggest, Congress tried to create a
new system combining military and civilian justice. We have seen what happens
when the government creates special systems to deal with special classes of
Human Rights Watch has offered a good template for closing Guantánamo. It
SET A DATE TO CLOSE THE PRISON That announcement would send a powerful signal
that the new administration has rejected Mr. Bush’s abusive and unlawful
policies. It would make other countries more likely to cooperate. The taint of
Guantánamo is so great that right now even close allies will not consider
resettling prisoners who should be set free because they committed no crimes of
any kind. There may be at least 60 of these detainees at Gitmo. Selected
countries might also be willing to take back their own nationals to stand trial.
BEGIN A TRANSPARENT REVIEW OF DETAINEES There are about 250 detainees at
Guantánamo Bay. Human Rights Watch sensibly proposes creating a task force run
by the Justice Department with input from the Departments of State and Defense
and the director of national intelligence to separate out those who may be truly
guilty of terrorist acts — a minority — from the larger population who either
committed much more minor crimes or no crimes at all.
REPATRIATE DETAINEES WHO ARE NOT TO BE TRIED This must be done carefully. There
are believed to be 30 to 50 detainees from places like Algeria and Libya who
have justified fears of being abused or tortured if they are sent home. The
Obama administration should provide these prisoners with advance notice of plans
to repatriate them and give them a chance to contest those plans.
Prisoners with a credible fear of abuse cannot be sent to that fate. They will
have to be sent to other countries to live. The best way for the United States
to get other governments to cooperate is to accept some detainees for settlement
in this country.
TRY THE REST IN FEDERAL COURTS Americans will hear from former members of the
Bush administration and supporters of its system of injustice that the federal
courts cannot handle these cases because they involve sensitive secrets, or that
terrorism is not appropriately handled as a law-enforcement issue.
Since Sept. 11, 2001, the federal courts have successfully prosecuted about 100
terrorism cases, and the courts deal routinely with national secrets. The real
reason Mr. Bush and his team avoided the federal courts for the Gitmo detainees
was that the evidence in so many of these cases is wafer-thin or unusable
because it was obtained through coercion and torture.
The world saw more proof of that last week, when Col. Stephen Henley, a military
judge at Guantánamo, refused to admit evidence obtained through torture or
coercion at the trial of Mohammed Jawad, an Afghan national who is one of the
few prisoners at Guantánamo who has been charged and put on trial. Evidence that
cannot pass muster in Guantánamo’s kangaroo courts is certainly not going to be
admitted by a civilian judge in a duly constituted court of law.
The Jawad case has become emblematic of everything that is wrong with Guantánamo
Bay: he was captured in Afghanistan at the age of 16 or 17 and thrown into
indefinite detention without hope of eventual release because he allegedly threw
a grenade at two American servicemen and an Afghan interpreter. The prosecutor
resigned in September, saying he could not ethically proceed, and the judge
threw out Mr. Jawad’s confession because it had been tortured out of him by
Afghan interrogators.
Does this mean that truly dangerous men will be set free, to go back to plotting
more attacks against America? No. But it will require smart legal thinking by
the new administration.
Take the case of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. It is obvious that the confession he
made to plotting the 9/11 bombings will not hold up in court. It was obtained
through torture. But this prisoner is a suspect in numerous other terrorist
attacks, including the murder of the journalist Daniel Pearl and the attack on
the U.S.S. Cole. There is an existing 1996 indictment against him for a plot to
blow up 12 United States-bound commercial airliners. The evidence in that case
was obtained, we presume, legally.
It may be that compromises of this kind will have to be made in other cases as
well. It is understandable that some Americans will find that less than
satisfying. But it is important to remember that this is the price of Mr. Bush’s
incompetent and lawless conduct of the war against terrorism. It is a price
worth paying to restore the rule of law and this country’s good name.
The Price of Our Good Name, NYT, 23.11.2008,
If They Can
Is Landing in Old Hands
23, 2008
The New York Times
AS he
sought the presidency for the last two years, Barack Obama liked to say that
“change doesn’t come from Washington — change comes to Washington.”
Nearly three weeks after his election, he is testing voters’ understanding of
that assertion as he assembles a government whose early selections lean heavily
on veterans of the political era he ran to supplant. He showed that in
breathtaking fashion by turning to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, his bitter
primary rival and the wife of the last Democratic president, for the post of
secretary of state.
Mr. Obama will bring pieces of Chicago to the White House in the form of
longtime advisers like Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod. But even after vowing
to turn the page on the polarized politics of the baby boom generation, he’s
made clear that service in the Beltway wars of the last 20 years is not only
acceptable, but in some cases necessary for his purposes.
At the same time, it raises a question: Could the 47-year-old president-elect
ultimately find himself pulled toward the Washington folkways he has vowed to
In Mrs. Clinton’s case, the president-elect was bringing a formidable former
rival into his camp, evidently calculating that her political constituency,
brains and experience in the White House and Senate outweighed the fact that she
had been on what he considered the wrong side in voting to authorize the Iraq
war. In office, he would rely on her toughness to execute his diplomatic
initiatives — some of which, she argued during the Democratic primaries, would
be naïve and ill advised.
The same preference for battle-tested stature was evident in his selection of
Tom Daschle to lead the charge for health care reform as health and human
services secretary. As the second-ranking Senate Democrat, Mr. Daschle had an
up-close look at how President Bill Clinton’s drive for universal coverage fell
apart in the early 1990s.
Mr. Obama’s top candidate for attorney general, Eric Holder, lived through the
turbulence at the Clinton Justice Department; his leading prospect for budget
director, Peter Orszag, now in the Congressional Budget Office, has seen the
partisan budget skirmishes of the Clinton and Bush years. His chief of staff,
Rahm Emanuel, worked in the Clinton White House to achieve passage of the North
American Free Trade Agreement that Mr. Obama, as a candidate, criticized. His
choice for Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, is seen as a new-generation
choice over Larry Summers, Treasury secretary under Mr. Clinton; still, Mr.
Geithner worked at Treasury under three presidents, including Mr. Clinton.
But advisers to Mr. Obama say he is not undercutting his vision of change.
Instead, they say, he has concluded that those experiences can be marshaled to
improve his odds of achieving his own goals.
“He’s not looking for people to give him a vision,” said Mr. Axelrod, who will
be a senior White House adviser. “He’s going to put together an administration
of people who can effectuate his vision.”
That breezy formulation disregards the received wisdom of Pennsylvania Avenue.
For years, Washington insiders have used the phrase “personnel is policy” for
the assumption that the prior loyalties and political tastes of a president’s
cabinet and White House staff heavily influence what those appointees are eager,
or able, to get done.
Because he personally embodies historic change, Mr. Obama has considerable
latitude to eschew symbolic gestures in choosing subordinates. But he also has
little choice but to lean on the Clinton presidency’s infrastructure.
In winning 7 of 10 presidential elections from 1968 to 2004, Republicans
accumulated and continually replenished a cadre of experienced executive branch
officials. Even reform-minded Democrats acknowledge the need for such expertise
in a government that has grown increasingly complex, and especially in managing
America’s role in the global economy of the 21st century. In the last
generation, the only Democratic administration aside from Mr. Clinton’s was that
of Jimmy Carter, whom some still fault for relying on an inexperienced inner
circle from Georgia.
“You have to be either very young or naïve to believe change begins with erasing
the slate,” said William Galston, a top Clinton domestic policy aide who remains
outside Mr. Obama’s circle. “The world doesn’t work that way. The way to ensure
that nothing changes is to place people in positions of authority who are
incapable of effecting change — whatever their good intentions may be.”
Mr. Obama, he added, is “placing an extremely high premium on actually getting
the job done.”
That doesn’t answer the question of what the job actually is. Using the
“personnel is policy” formulation, some Republicans hope that the combination of
Clinton veterans and Mr. Obama’s pledge of bipartisan comity foreshadows
centrist compromise on national problems that have long appeared intractable.
“The next couple of years are going to go to the pragmatists,” said Senator Mel
Martinez of Florida, a former Republican Party chairman. “The problems we are
facing are not amenable to ideological solutions.”
In his health care proposal, to take one notable example, Mr. Obama has opened
the door to a cross-party conversation by omitting a government mandate for
universal coverage. That earned him attacks from Mrs. Clinton and John Edwards
during the Democratic primaries, but avoids one ideological poison pill that
Republicans would otherwise target.
Yet some Obama advisers and allies caution against projecting outcomes from the
president-elect’s style or appointments — which include transition team members
with ties to the lobbying industry that Mr. Obama condemned on the campaign
trail. Just as a new manager can improve the won-loss record of a baseball team
with familiar players, an Obama spokesman, Robert Gibbs, argued, a new chief
executive can produce different results on Pennsylvania Avenue.
In that view, Mr. Obama could adopt Clintonites without Clintonism — at least
the incremental Clintonism that marked the former president’s second term.
“Barack Obama never offered himself as an ideologue — he’s a pragmatist and a
problem solver,” Mr. Axelrod explained. But he added: “We are not living in a
time that allows for incrementalism. His goal is to form bipartisan consensus. I
don’t think that goal is more important than achieving a result.”
That mindset helps explain the distinction between Mr. Obama’s post-election
phase, so far at least, and Mr. Clinton’s after he defeated the first President
Bush in 1992.
In response to federal deficits, President-elect Clinton sidetracked plans for a
middle-class tax cut and disappointed some liberal supporters. As the journalist
John Harris recounts in “The Survivor,” the “bells of hope” that Mr. Clinton’s
team called for across the land on the eve of his inauguration drew a sour
response from the columnist Mary McGrory: “The bell-ringing seemed a little
pretentious to hail great change — when the evidence mounts that there will be
precious little.”
Notwithstanding the economic crisis and the unplanned $700 billion federal
bailout this fall, Mr. Obama has given no indication yet that he’s scaling back
his plans for expanding health coverage, cutting taxes for the middle class and
raising them for investors, or investing in alternative energy and
“We are at a moment that is not familiar to Washington, of learning the
difference between a transactional president and a transformational one,” said
Andy Stern, a labor leader who in recent years helped fracture the A.F.L.-C.I.O.
to create a breakaway “Change to Win” union federation. “What Barack Obama has
created by this campaign was not only the idea that we can do big things — but
we have to do big things.”
To that end, Mr. Obama aims to mobilize his army of donors and volunteers to
sustain political pressure and prevent either the administration or the
Democratic Congress from faltering. Aides acknowledge the potential for
disappointment if backers conclude that Washington’s version of change becomes
“Not so fast” or “No, we can’t.”
“There’s certainly going to be consternation about a lot of decisions that he
makes, and understandably so,” said Mr. Obama’s deputy campaign manager, Steve
Hildebrand, who’s expected to play a role in mobilizing the Obama forces.
“They’re not just going to roll over and do whatever Barack Obama tells them.”
At the same time, allies say, Mr. Obama and his new team don’t plan to roll over
for conventional notions of what’s possible in Washington — whatever they’ve
done in the past.
“It’s not just the left that demands real change — it’s the average middle-class
American,” concluded Senator Charles Schumer of New York, who has led the effort
to swell the ranks of Senate Democrats in the last two elections. “Rahm Emanuel
knows how much change is needed.”
John Harwood is co-author with Gerald F. Seib of “Pennsylvania Avenue: Profiles
in Backroom Power,” published this year by Random House.
Change Is Landing in Old Hands, NYT, 23.11.2008,
Clinton-Obama Détente: From Top Rival to Top Aide
23, 2008
The New York Times
— The thaw in the resentful relationship between the most powerful woman in the
Democratic Party and her younger male rival began at the party’s convention this
summer, when Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton gave such a passionate speech
supporting Senator Barack Obama that his top aides leapt out of their chairs
backstage to give her a standing ovation as she swept past.
Mr. Obama, who was in the first steps of what would become a strategic
courtship, called afterward to thank her. By then, close aides to Mrs. Clinton
said, she had come to respect the campaign Mr. Obama had run against her. At the
least, she knew he understood like no one else the brutal strains of their epic
primary battle.
By this past Thursday, when Mr. Obama reassured Mrs. Clinton that as secretary
of state she would have direct access to him and could select her own staff, the
wooing was complete.
“She feels like she’s been treated very well in the way she’s been asked,” said
a close associate of Mrs. Clinton, who like others interviewed asked for
anonymity because the nomination will not be formally announced until after
Few are predicting that this new relationship born of mutual respect and
self-interest will grow into a tight bond between the new president and the
woman who will be the public face of his foreign policy, though some say it is
not impossible. They argue that a close friendship between the two powerful
officials is useful but not essential, and is not a predictor of the success of
the nation’s chief diplomat.
While James A. Baker III was extraordinarily close to the first President George
Bush and is widely considered one of the most successful recent secretaries of
state, Dean Acheson was not a friend of Harry S. Truman and Henry A. Kissinger
did not particularly like Richard M. Nixon.
“Two of the nation’s greatest secretaries of state in the modern period, Dean
Acheson and Henry Kissinger, were not personally close but were intellectually
bonded to their presidents,” said Walter Isaacson, the author of a biography of
Mr. Kissinger and the co-author, with Evan Thomas, of “The Wise Men,” a book
about America’s postwar foreign policy establishment. “I think that Obama and
Clinton could form a perfect partnership based on respect for each other’s view
of the world.”
Colin L. Powell, who was President Bush’s first-term celebrity secretary of
state, would appear to be a cautionary tale for Mrs. Clinton since his
relationship with the president was strained, and he left office an unhappy man.
But Mr. Bush’s second-term secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, is generally
not viewed as having the success her unusually tight bond with the president
might have engendered.
In the Obama-Clinton relationship, advisers say, the relatively smooth nature of
their talks about the secretary of state job indicate that both, for now, have a
working chemistry. The advisers say that Mr. Obama was clearly interested in
bringing a rival under his wing, and that he also recognized that Mrs. Clinton
had far more discipline and focus than her husband.
At the same time, Mr. Obama’s advisers said, he had the self-confidence to name
a global brand as his emissary to the world. He recognizes, they said, that
after Jan. 20, he will have to build the kind of relationship that ensures that
foreign leaders know that when Mrs. Clinton speaks, she is speaking directly for
“It helps to have a relationship that Bush had with Baker, that’s no doubt
true,” said Martin Indyk, a former American ambassador to Israel, who was a
supporter of Mrs. Clinton in the primary battles. “But if they are seen as
working together effectively, I think that can be easily overcome. I don’t think
he would have decided to appoint her if he didn’t want her to be effective.”
One close adviser to Mr. Obama said the president-elect also saw that Mrs.
Clinton’s political skills would serve her well in the job, as happened with Mr.
Baker and Mr. Kissinger. “They understood that statecraft is politics by another
name,” the adviser said.
Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton first spoke after their primary fight on a flight in
June to Unity, N.H., their first stage-managed appearance after he won the
nomination. As they settled into their seats on his plane, the conversation,
according to people on both sides, was far less awkward than they had feared.
Over the passing weeks, the relationship gradually improved.
“They got past this long before their supporters and the party activists did,”
said one Democrat who is close to both Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton.
After Mrs. Clinton’s speech in support of Mr. Obama at the Democratic
convention, she crisscrossed the country tirelessly to campaign for him — so
much so that he told aides he was impressed by the sheer number of events she
was doing on his behalf.
Mrs. Clinton, it should be said, was herself diligent in advertising how hard
she was working for the man who defeated her. When announcing her appearances,
her press office included tallies of how many events she had held for Mr. Obama,
and in how many states. At some rallies, organizers would distribute “Hillary
Sent Me” buttons, as if Mrs. Clinton was being magnanimous by “sending” her
followers to vote for Mr. Obama.
But Mr. Obama began calling Mrs. Clinton after some of the events — he dialed
directly from his cellphone to hers one day in Michigan and another day in
Florida — to check in and thank her for helping. By then, their intense primary
fights over policy, which both sides now insist was more about heat than
substance, had long receded.
“The reality at the end of the day was, whether it was Iran or health care or
some of these other issues, we were always fighting big battles over small
differences,” said a senior aide to Mr. Obama, adding that “in a campaign,
conflict is what you go to.”
Substantively, the two were at odds over the Iraq war — Mrs. Clinton voted to
authorize it and Mr. Obama said he would have opposed it had he been in the
Senate then — and to a lesser extent over negotiations with Iran. But although
Mrs. Clinton criticized Mr. Obama for being willing to sit down and talk to
dictators, he has said he would have a lower-level envoy do preparatory work for
a meeting with Iran’s leaders first. Mrs. Clinton has said she favors robust
diplomacy with Iran and lower-level contacts as well.
In the weeks just before the election, the relationship between Mr. Obama and
Mrs. Clinton further mellowed, even as she found herself in a startling role
reversal with her younger rival. As a celebrity senator and powerhouse on
Capitol Hill, she had helped Mr. Obama in his Senate race and offered advice
when he first came to Washington; now she was the workhorse for a political
Since the election, Mrs. Clinton has talked to Mr. Obama only a handful of
times, even as two close advisers to Mr. Obama who held top positions in the
Clinton administration — Rahm Emanuel and John D. Podesta — have served as key
negotiators between her and the president-elect on the secretary of state
But Mrs. Clinton has talked several times to Michelle Obama about raising a
family in the White House and private schools in Washington. On Friday, Mrs.
Obama said the two Obama girls, Malia and Sasha, would attend the Sidwell
Friends School, just as Chelsea Clinton did.
Jeff Zeleny contributed reporting from Chicago, and Mark Leibovich from
Clinton-Obama Détente: From Top Rival to Top Aide, NYT,
Vows Swift Action on Vast Economic Stimulus Plan
November 23, 2008
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama signaled on Saturday that he would
pursue a far more ambitious plan of spending and tax cuts than anything he
outlined on the campaign trail, setting the tone for a recovery effort that
could absorb and define much of his term.
In the Democrats’ weekly radio address, Mr. Obama said he would direct his
economic team to craft a two-year stimulus plan with the goal of saving or
creating 2.5 million jobs. He said it would be “a plan big enough to meet the
challenges we face.”
Mr. Obama said he hoped to sign the stimulus package into law soon after taking
office on Jan. 20. He is already coordinating efforts with Democratic leaders in
Congress, who have said they will begin work next month.
Advisers to Mr. Obama say they want to use the economic crisis as an opportunity
to act on many of the issues he emphasized in his campaign, including cutting
taxes for lower- and middle-class workers, addressing neglected public
infrastructure projects like roads and schools, and creating “green jobs”
through business incentives for energy alternatives and environmentally friendly
In light of the downturn, Mr. Obama is also said to be reconsidering a key
campaign pledge: his proposal to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest
Americans. According to several people familiar with the discussions, he might
instead let those tax cuts expire as scheduled in 2011, effectively delaying any
tax increase while he gives his stimulus plan a chance to work.
“The news this week has only reinforced the fact that we are facing an economic
crisis of historic proportions,” Mr. Obama said in his address. “We now risk
falling into a deflationary spiral that could increase our massive debt even
His address, a video of which was made available on YouTube, was part of an
effort to calm financial markets roiled by the failure of an outgoing president
and a lame-duck Congress to come up with a plan to lift the economy and restore
investor confidence.
On Monday, Mr. Obama plans to introduce his economic team, starting with his
Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner. News that Mr. Geithner, the president
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, would get the job helped send the stock
market up by nearly 500 points on Friday after days of sharp losses.
Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers is to be the director of the
National Economic Council in the White House, the president’s principal economic
adviser and policy coordinator, according to an Obama aide.
The economic team will also include Peter R. Orszag, the head of the
Congressional Budget Office, who will be the next White House budget director.
Mr. Summers, who served as a campaign adviser to Mr. Obama, has advocated for a
forceful stimulus plan in recent newspaper columns, saying the federal
government should be doing more, not less, in areas like health care, energy,
education and tax relief. Mr. Obama seemed to echo those thoughts in his radio
“We’ll be working out the details in the weeks ahead,” Mr. Obama said, “but it
will be a two-year, nationwide effort to jumpstart job creation in America and
lay the foundation for a strong and growing economy. We’ll put people back to
work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing schools that are
failing our children, and building wind farms and solar panels, fuel-efficient
cars and the alternative energy technologies that can free us from our
dependence on foreign oil and keep our economy competitive in the years ahead.”
Mr. Obama’s announcement came after market declines and the prospect of a
collapse by automakers and other storied companies had sparked growing criticism
last week that he was sitting on the sidelines.
Although advisers say they have not begun to fill in the details, Mr. Obama’s
proposal would go beyond the $175 billion stimulus plan he proposed in October.
That included a $3,000 tax credit to employers for each new hire above their
current work force and billions in aid to states and cities.
Separately, Democratic leaders in Congress have been calling for a robust
economic recovery initiative of up to $300 billion, including major investments
in infrastructure to create jobs. President Bush has refused to consider a
package so large, but even some conservative economists have said $300 billion
is the minimum needed to spur the economy.
“There are no quick or easy fixes to this crisis, which has been many years in
the making,” Mr. Obama said Saturday. “And it’s likely to get worse before it
gets better.
“But January 20th is our chance to begin anew, with a new direction, new ideas
and new reforms that will create jobs and fuel long-term economic growth.”
Some Republicans might be won over should Mr. Obama decide not to repeal the
Bush tax cuts for those making more than $250,000. By simply letting the cuts
expire after 2010, as the law now provides, Mr. Obama would in effect delay the
tax increase that high-income taxpayers would have faced in the next year or two
under his original plan.
That could have economic and political benefits. Mr. Obama would not be open to
the charge from Republicans and other critics that he is raising taxes in a
recession, which many believe is counterproductive. His Republican presidential
rival, Senator John McCain of Arizona, had raised that argument during the
By letting the tax cuts expire, Mr. Obama would get the benefit of higher
revenues in 2011 and beyond to help finance his promised health care plans
without having to propose raising taxes on the affluent and without the
Democratic majority in Congress having to take a vote on a tax increase.
Also, Mr. Obama is under far less pressure in the short term to raise revenues
to help finance campaign promises because the seriousness of the economic crisis
has brought bipartisan agreement that the government must do whatever it can to
spur economic growth.
Mr. Bush and the Republicans who controlled Congress in 2001 agreed that his tax
cuts would expire after 10 years as a way of minimizing the projected revenue
losses in future years, to comply with Congressional budget rules and to help
pass the legislation. The president repeatedly called for making the tax cuts
permanent, but no action was taken.
The 2.5 million jobs that Mr. Obama promises to save or create over two years is
a gross number. With about 1.2 million jobs lost this year, and more projected
to be lost in 2009, Obama advisers expect that job losses will outnumber new
jobs next year. For 2010, the advisers are projecting the reverse if Mr. Obama’s
plans become law.
Nearly every spending program and tax cut that Mr. Obama proposed during the
campaign could well end up in the stimulus package, advisers indicated. For
example, Mr. Obama’s proposals to invest in energy alternatives and advanced
“green” technologies will most likely be part of the package, rather than
proposed later in his administration.
In effect, the stimulus will be seen by the Obama administration as “a down
payment,” as one adviser put it, on Mr. Obama’s entire domestic platform,
allowing him to try to take maximum advantage of the first year of his
presidency. Traditionally, the first year is the one in which modern presidents
have achieved most of their major victories.
Some economists welcomed Mr. Obama’s plan, though they said it was difficult to
assess without full details. The focus on creating and saving jobs made sense,
they said, given the deterioration of the job market.
“The unemployment rate is soaring,” possibly into the double digits, said
Kenneth S. Rogoff, an economics professor at Harvard.
The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, said in a statement,
“We will soon finally have a leader and partner in the White House who
recognizes the urgency with which we must turn around our economy, and I look
forward to working with him and the new Congress to do so.”
Republicans in the next Congress could still block a big stimulus package in the
Senate, as Mr. Obama seemed to recognize.
“I know that passing this plan won’t be easy,” Mr. Obama said. “I will need and
seek support from Republicans and Democrats, and I’ll be welcome to ideas and
suggestions from both sides of the aisle.
“But what is not negotiable is the need for immediate action.”
Carl Hulse and Mark Landler contributed reporting.
Obama Vows Swift Action
on Vast Economic Stimulus Plan, NYT, 23.11.2008,
Deputy Notes Obama Victory, With Insult
20, 2008
The New York Times
— In a propaganda salvo by Al Qaeda aimed at undercutting the enthusiastic
response of Muslims worldwide to the recent American election, Osama bin Laden’s
top deputy condemned President-elect Barack Obama as a “house Negro” who would
continue a campaign against Islam begun by President Bush.
Appealing to the “weak and oppressed” around the world, the Qaeda deputy, Ayman
al-Zawahri, sought to dampen enthusiasm for Mr. Obama’s election around the
globe by saying that the “new face” of America only masked a “heart full of
The Qaeda leader described the victory by Mr. Obama, who has called for a troop
withdrawal from Iraq, as the American people’s “admission of defeat in Iraq.”
But he warned Mr. Obama that United States risked a reprise of the Soviet
Union’s failures in Afghanistan if the president-elect followed through on
pledges o deploy thousands more troops to that country.
And in a blunt personal attack on the new president, Mr. Zawahri painted Mr.
Obama as a hypocrite and traitor to his race, unfavorably comparing him to
“honorable black Americans” like Malcolm X, the 1960s black Muslim leader.
The Qaeda video drew extensively on archival footage of Malcolm X, and much of
the message juxtaposes a still picture of Mr. Obama wearing a yarmulke during a
visit to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem with a photo of Malcolm X kneeling in
prayer at a mosque.
The video shows Malcolm X speaking about the docile “house Negro,” who he said
“always looked out for his master,” and the “field Negro,” who was abused by
whites and was more rebellious. And the message sharply insults Mr. Obama, along
with two prominent black diplomats, the former and current secretaries of state,
Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.
“And in you and in Colin Powell, Rice and your likes, the worlds of Malcolm X
(may Allah have mercy on him) concerning ‘House Negroes’ are concerned,” the
voiceover says, in a English-language transcript that Site said was provided by
As-Sabbah. In the original Arabic, Site said, the words used are “house slave.”
The video by Mr. Zawahri, an Egyptian physician who has long been Al Qaeda’s
second ranking operative, contains no specific warning of an attack against the
United States. But the Qaeda leader tells his followers that America “continues
to be the same as ever, so we must continue to harm it, in order for it to come
to its senses.”
American officials dismissed the new video as a desperate tactic by a terror
group that suffered a defeat in the global war of ideas when the United States
elected a black president with a Muslin name,
“Al Qaeda’s way of dealing with the change that the election of black American
president represented is to insist that nothing has changed,” said one
counterterrorism official in Washington, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The video bears the logo of As-Sahab, Al Qaeda’s media arm, and American
officials said they believed that the video was authentic.
Lawrence Wright, the author of a book on Al Qaeda, “The Looming Tower,” called
the tape an attempt by Al Qaeda at “spin control” as it struggles to assimilate
an election that challenges its worldview.
Mr. Wright said both radical and mainstream Muslim commentators had predicted
that Senator John McCain would win the presidential election and that little
would change.
“I’m sure Al Qaeda has been struggling over how to react to the Obama election,
and this is the result,” he said.
Mr. Wright said that for more than a year, messages from Qaeda leaders have
included positive messages about Malcolm X in what he described as “a desperate
and ineffective strategy” to appeal to African-American Muslims.
Mr. Wright, who has long followed the career of Mr. Zawahri, an Egyptian, said
that Qaeda leaders closely followed Western news and polling, and that he
believed they might be reacting to a Pew Research Center poll last year showing
that African-American Muslims are the subset of American Muslims least hostile
to Al Qaeda. The poll showed that 63 percent of foreign-born Muslims in this
country had a “very unfavorable” view of Al Qaeda, compared to 36 percent of
African-American Muslims.
The high quality of the English subtitles and the references to Malcolm X in the
tape may reflect the influence of Adam Gadahn, an American-born Qaeda spokesman
who has appeared in past productions of As-Sahab under the name “Azzam the
Ronald Walters, a political scientist at the University of Maryland, said he
wondered whether Al Qaeda was responding to the aggressive tone of Mr. Obama’s
campaign pledges to go after the terrorist network and kill Mr. bin Laden.
Dr. Walters said that if the tape was an attempt to reach black Americans or the
Third World, it was “ham-handed” and futile.
“You’re talking about someone who looks like the rest of the world, and that’s
got to be threatening to them,” he said. “On 9/11, Al Qaeda didn’t make any
racial distinctions in who it killed, and people remember that.”
Qaeda Deputy Notes Obama Victory, With Insult, NYT,
Clinton Chosen, Campaign Debts Would Wait
20, 2008
The New York Times
still owed money from Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign
could be out of luck for years should she become secretary of state.
Mrs. Clinton still had about $7.9 million in outstanding bills from her
presidential campaign at the end of September, according to Federal Election
Commission records.
Philippe Reines, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, said she has since whittled it to
$7.6 million, not including the $13.2 million she loaned her campaign out of her
own pocket, which officials have said she does not expect to be repaid.
“Senator Clinton has said that paying off her campaign vendors is a priority for
her,” Mr. Reines said in a statement, “and she remains committed to that goal.”
But the Hatch Act, which governs the political activities of federal employees,
including cabinet officials, normally prohibits the solicitation and receipt of
political contributions.
Mrs. Clinton’s situation is unusual because she is collecting money not for an
active campaign but an old one, her failed presidential bid.
Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the United States Office of Special Counsel,
which enforces the Hatch Act, cited a 2001 advisory opinion issued by the agency
that stipulated a federal employee seeking to retire campaign debt incurred
before federal employment would be barred from personally soliciting the
donations, though the “campaign organization of a candidate who later becomes a
federal employee may continue to organize and promote fundraising events to
retire campaign debt.”
In other words, Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign committee could technically
continue to raise money towards retiring her debt but with little involvement on
her part — which could severely hamper those fund raising efforts.
The advisory opinion said that the former candidate cannot “assist in promoting
the event and may not otherwise actively participate in such events.”
On the other hand, it said that the former candidate could attend the
fund-raising events, “be recognized and briefly state his appreciation to all
whose efforts contributed to the retirement of his campaign debt” but any
participation beyond “this passive role” would violate the law.
There is the obvious question of appearances, however, which would complicate
any efforts by Mrs. Clinton to continue to raise money.
“The problem might come in potential conflicts of interests,” said Jim Kahl, a
former deputy general counsel of the F.E.C. and a former official in the Office
of Special Counsel.
Campaign finance experts said if she joins the Obama cabinet, Mrs. Clinton would
almost certainly shutter her Senate re-election fund-raising committee for 2012,
as well as her political action committee, HillPac. They predicted her
presidential campaign committee would be largely dormant.
Another outside possibility is that Mrs. Clinton could successfully petition the
election commission to forgive her debts, citing the fund-raising restrictions
facing her as secretary of state. The commission would have to evaluate whether
Mrs. Clinton had exhausted all reasonable means to pay down her debt.
But Mr. Kahl said he believed it was “highly unlikely” that the commission would
grant such a request, considering federal rules would still allow her campaign
committee to continue to raise money, albeit under some constraints.
“These debt settlements can go on for years,” Mr. Kahl said.
Indeed, former Senator John Glenn, Ohio Democrat, struggled for more than two
decades to pay off more than $3 million in debt he had left over from his 1984
presidential run until the F.E.C. finally granted him a reprieve.
Mrs. Clinton may also be able to negotiate down some of her debts, but campaign
finance rules that limit her ability to do so to prevent vendors from being able
to provide gifts to candidates that exceed donation limits.
Campaign finance experts were hard-pressed to recall any cabinet official facing
a similar situation to what Mrs. Clinton would be confronting.
“There have been members of Congress appointed to cabinet positions,” said
Lawrence H. Norton, a former general counsel to the F.E.C. “If they had campaign
debt, it wasn’t as notorious as hers is and probably not as substantial.”
According to Bob Biersack, a commission. spokesman, former Gov. Bruce Babbitt of
Arizona still had a debt of more than $128,000 from a presidential bid in 1988
when he was appointed to President Clinton’s cabinet as interior secretary in
Campaign finance records show he did not raise any money to pay down his
presidential debt while he was in the administration until 2001. Mr. Babbitt’s
presidential campaign was shuttered in 1998, but it is unclear from the records
exactly what became of his debt.
At this point, most of the outstanding debts owed by Mrs. Clinton are to
political consultants, as opposed to small businesses from primary and caucus
states, whom campaign officials said they worked to pay back first.
The largest outstanding bill, according to the most recent campaign finance
records, was $5.3 million owed to her pollster, Mark Penn.
The next biggest remaining debt was $831,414 to MSHC Partners, a direct mail
Kenneth Gross, a campaign finance lawyer with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom, said there could easily be even less palatable scenarios for Mrs.
Clinton’s creditors: “It’d be worse if she were on the Supreme Court.”
If Clinton Chosen, Campaign Debts Would Wait, NYT,
Reaffirms Targets on Climate Change
19, 2008
The New York Times
— President-elect Barack Obama confirmed on Tuesday that he plans to stick to
the aggressive targets he had set earlier for fighting climate change and for
spurring the development of clean-energy technology, saying, “Delay is no longer
an option.”
The remarks were striking for being made in what was billed as a “surprise taped
statement,” before a bipartisan conference on climate change in Los Angeles that
included governors who have battled the Bush administration by trying to pass
stricter pollution standards than federal guidelines require.
Officials from at least 10 other countries were also present, and Mr. Obama
addressed his comments to them when he said, “Solving this problem will require
all of us working together.” He said he had asked lawmakers who will attend a
climate-change conference next month in Poland to report back to him.
Mr. Obama’s remarks were sure to be welcomed by Europeans and others who have
been urging the administration to take tougher measures ever since President
turned his back on the Kyoto Protocol on climate change in 2001.
Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, an
environmental advocacy group, said the call for legislation to cap emissions,
one of the first specific policy statements Mr. Obama has made since his
election, was a particularly important signal that he will, as he promised
during the campaign, make global warming a top priority.
“Now is the time to confront this challenge once and for all,” Mr. Obama said.
“Denial is no longer an acceptable response,” he added. “The stakes are too
high. The consequences, too serious.”
It appeared significant that Mr. Obama, who has stayed largely out of sight at
his offices in Chicago since being elected, chose to use such strong language on
global warming so early in his transition period. Still, it remains unclear that
the current financial crisis and grim economic outlook will allow him to move as
quickly as he might like.
Perhaps with those considerations in mind, Mr. Obama cast his planned
energy-development measures as vital to economic revival, by generating an
estimated five million “green jobs,” as well as critical to national security,
by reducing United States dependence on foreign oil.
Mr. Bush, early in his first term, had insisted that the science of climate
change needed to be confirmed, and he then resisted global measures that would
exempt big developing countries like China and India from making economically
painful sacrifices like those being demanded of rich countries. But he later
acknowledged that human actions were linked to climate change, and was host to
an international conference on the issue.
“Few challenges facing America and the world are more urgent than combating
climate change,” Mr. Obama said. “The science is beyond dispute and the facts
are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking. We’ve seen record
drought, spreading famine, and storms that are growing stronger with each
passing hurricane season.”
He commended by name governors who had been particularly active on global
warming — including those of Kansas, Florida, Illinois, California and Wisconsin
— and said that many businesses were also “doing their part by investing in
clean energy technologies.”
“But too often,” Mr. Obama said, “Washington has failed to show the same kind of
“That will change when I take office,” he continued. “My presidency will mark a
new chapter in America’s leadership on climate change that will strengthen our
security and create millions of new jobs.”
A tougher line on global warming by the United States was virtually ensured in
the new year; Mr. Obama’s Republican rival for the presidency, Senator John
McCain, of Arizona, shared many of his views on the matter.
Both men, unlike President Bush, support a federal cap-and-trade system not
unlike the approach taken by the European Union. In such a system, companies and
industries are assigned emissions limits and must purchase ”carbon permits” to
exceed those limits. Those permits typically come from investments in projects
that reduce pollution, like planting trees.
Mr. Obama promised to set “strong annual targets that set us on a course to
reduce emissions to their 1990 levels by 2020, and reduce them an additional 80
percent by 2050.”
That is a more aggressive target than Mr. McCain had set; he aimed for 60
percent reductions by 2050.
The European Union has said it will reduce its overall carbon dioxide emissions
by at least 20 percent by 2020, and by half by 2050.
Mr. Obama vowed to invest $15 billion a year to support private clean-energy
initiatives in solar and wind power, biofuels, clean coal technologies and
nuclear power.
He also promised to work more closely with the states’ governors in fighting
climate change. When California sought to set its own limits on automobile
emissions of carbon dioxide, the main human-generated greenhouse gas, the Bush
administration turned it down.
Both Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain had said they would grant the state a waiver
allowing it to go ahead.
Mr. Obama concluded his remarks on Tuesday with this: “When I am president, any
governor who’s willing to promote clean energy will have a partner in the White
House. Any company that’s willing to invest in clean energy will have an ally in
Washington. And any nation that’s willing to join the cause of combating climate
change will have an ally in the United States of America.”
Obama Reaffirms Targets on Climate Change, NYT, 19.11.2008,
Meeting With McCain in Chicago
18, 2008
The New York Times
— President-elect Barack Obama was meeting on Monday with another former
adversary, sitting down in Chicago with Senator John McCain to explore areas
where the two might make common legislative cause.
The private meeting with the Republican senator, at the Obama transition offices
in where the president-elect has been rapidly assembling a new team, comes four
days after he met with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, sparking speculation that
he might nominate her for secretary of state.
A day later, Mr. Obama met with another former Democratic rival for the
presidential nomination, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, a former
ambassador to the United Nations who might now be in competition with Mrs.
Clinton for the State Department post.
The meeting on Monday in Chicago, coming just under two weeks after the
election, represented an unusually early effort at reconciliation after a
sometimes bitterly fought campaign.
The president-elect and the Arizona senator hold relatively similar views on
issues like climate change and ethics reform where cooperation might be
fruitful. More urgently, Mr. Obama might be hoping for help in pushing for a new
economic stimulus package that faces stiff Republican resistance.
Also taking part was to be Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a trusted
McCain ally, and Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, who is to be Mr.
Obama’s White House chief of staff.
Advisers to both men have said that they did not expect Mr. McCain to be offered
a job in the new administration.
Mr. Obama said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes” that there
would be at least one Republican in his cabinet; he would not say when he might
announce his first cabinet nominations, except to say “soon.”
While the Obama-McCain meeting came earlier than some past efforts at
reconciliation between newly elected presidents and their vanquished foes, the
president’s father, George H.W. Bush, met on almost exactly the same date — Nov.
18 — with Bill Clinton after losing to him in the 1992 election.
Mr. Clinton later called the meeting “very helpful,” though he found that his
host wanted to talk almost exclusively about foreign affairs while he had hoped
to pick the outgoing president’s brain on domestic affairs.
In 2000, it was not until Dec. 19 that President-elect George W. Bush called on
Vice President Al Gore, though that was just a week after the Supreme Court
resolved the Florida recount debacle; the two spent less than 20 minutes
together at the Naval Observatory, the official vice-presidential residence,
where the elder Bushes had once lived.
(President-elect Bush also called that day on Mr. Clinton at the White House.
This time it was Mr. Clinton who guided the conversation to foreign affairs for
most of a two-hour talk. It was unclear whether anyone brought up Mr. Bush’s
vows, during the campaign, to “restore honor and dignity to the White House.”)
In Chicago, Mr. Obama might be mindful of the fact that former rivals can also
be future foes. In 2005, Senator John Kerry did not wait even a week after the
inauguration of President Bush before launching into barbed attacks on his
health care plan as “window dressing.”
Obama Meeting With McCain in Chicago, NYT, 18.11.2008,
Race and
Place: How the South Voted
17, 2008
The New York Times
To the
Re “For South, a Waning Hold on National Politics” (front page, Nov. 11):
William Faulkner famously wrote: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”
If so, we as a nation can rejoice in the fact that a secessionist
state-of-revolt — politically waged against a strong federal government
committed to the common good — has run its course in most of the country, with
parts of the suburban South now breaking away from the Old Confederacy.
Having lived most of my life in the South, I have often felt like an alien in my
own country. While the Southern political strategy of divide and conquer gained
ground in recent decades by appealing to our fears, not to our hopes, the
country lost its way and now faces spiraling declines.
Yet, with this most historic election, we as a people found the will to build
upon and not to deny the fitful struggles of the past, so that this nation — one
and indivisible — can rise again.
Barbara Allen Kenney
Santa Fe, N.M., Nov. 13, 2008
To the Editor:
I was raised in Lamar County, Ala., and have lived here most of my life. I voted
for Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin. I campaigned for them and prayed
that they might win.
I made my decision not to vote for Senator Barack Obama not because of the color
of his skin but because of the content of his character, the background of his
politics, his ideas and his intentions.
I solemnly cling to God and fervently uphold my Second Amendment right to own a
gun, believing that my faith is best placed first in Someone larger than myself
and second in the ability to stop anyone who would reduce my freedom to naught.
I am opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage, larger and socialist government,
and “open minds” that are closed to common sense.
There are racists here in Lamar County, as in New York and every county in our
nation. Most likely, by asking the same questions, you could have gotten the
same responses you got here from any other location in America.
Ed White
Vernon, Ala., Nov. 11, 2008
To the Editor:
As a lifelong liberal Democrat from the deepest Deep South, I feel very
qualified to comment on your article about the region and the role race played
in its strong support for the McCain-Palin ticket. For years, the “Solid South”
voted a straight Democratic ticket, because Republicans were Yankees,
carpetbaggers and scalawags.
Richard M. Nixon, and later Ronald Reagan, made inroads, but the biggest switch
has come through the extreme right wing of the party, with its links to
fundamentalist churches and a lingering fear of intrusive government that dates
back to Reconstruction.
I venture that if Colin Powell had been the Republican nominee running against a
white Democratic opponent, he would have had numbers as strong as John McCain’s,
because the only “R” factor that really matters here is the one that appears
next to the name on the ballot.
Tara Moore Skelton
Ocean Springs, Miss., Nov. 12, 2008
To the Editor:
Your article from Vernon, Ala., about race and voting patterns begins, “Fear of
the politician with the unusual name and look did not end with last Tuesday’s
vote in this rural red swatch where buck heads and rifles hang on the wall.”
As a resident of Alabama, I am painfully aware of the abounding ignorance and
racial strife here. While this, regrettably, is the view of the majority, I find
it unfair to categorize all white citizens here under the banner of “buck heads
and rifles.”
This is a damaging generalization that undercuts the efforts of those, including
me, who are trying to escape the derogatory image. In future articles describing
the South, I hope viewpoints besides those of the disillusioned majority are
Zachari Swiecki
Tuscaloosa, Ala., Nov. 11, 2008
Race and Place: How the South Voted, NYT, 17.11.2008,
Resigns Senate Seat, Thanks Illinois
16, 2008
Filed at 10:43 a.m. ET
The New York Times
(Reuters) - President-elect Barack Obama resigned his seat in the Senate on
Sunday to focus on his transition to the White House while thanking his home
state of Illinois for launching his political career.
"Today, I am ending one journey to begin another," Obama said in a statement,
describing his job representing Illinois as one of the highest honors of his
"I am stepping down as senator to prepare for the responsibilities I will assume
as our nation's next president," he said. "But I will never forget, and will
forever be grateful to, the men and women of this great state who made my life
in public service possible."
Obama, who will be sworn in as president on January 20, grew up in Hawaii and
spent part of his childhood in Indonesia. He moved to Illinois as an adult to
work as a community organizer.
His resignation as senator means he will not participate in this week's
post-election session on Capitol Hill that could address the ailing economy and
struggling auto industry.
Obama's successor in the Senate will be appointed by Illinois Gov. Rod
Blagojevich, a Democrat.
(Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by Anthony Boadle)
Obama Resigns Senate Seat, Thanks Illinois, NYT,
Night With the President
16, 2008
The New York Times
IN a town abuzz about all things Barack Obama, the policy wonks and government
insiders have been whispering and wondering about who will be who in his
incoming cabinet. But among power parents in the nation’s capital, there is yet
another burning question.
Where will the Obama girls go to school?
Michelle Obama toured at least two of Washington’s most prestigious private
schools last week — Sidwell Friends School and Georgetown Day School — and
touched off a frenzy of dreaming, gossiping and well-mannered jockeying among
the Washington elite. Maret School, another exclusive academy, is also believed
to be on the shortlist for the future first children, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7.
With annual tuitions that can exceed $28,000, these liberal-leaning schools have
long brimmed with the scions of senators, representatives, financiers,
diplomats, scholars, lawyers, journalists and even a few American presidents.
Notable parents currently include several Obama advisers. Eric H. Holder Jr., a
top contender for attorney general, has children at Georgetown Day. Susan E.
Rice, a foreign policy adviser, has a child at Maret. And Senator Joseph R.
Biden Jr., the vice president-elect, has grandchildren at Sidwell.
The school competition has transfixed a city where high-profile personalities
and institutions often place a premium on access to political power. But the
Obamas’ decision is also being closely watched for what it might reveal about
the parental sensibilities of the president-elect and his wife.
Will the Obamas choose the Quaker-run Sidwell, established in 1883 and described
by some as the Harvard of the three schools? (Sidwell has already educated
children of two sitting presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and Bill Clinton.)
Will they pick Georgetown Day, which became Washington’s first integrated school
in 1945 and is known for its informality (students call teachers by their first
names) and its emphasis on diversity and social justice? Or will they select
Maret, a smaller, more intimate academy founded in 1911 that would allow the
first family to keep both children on one enclosed campus?
The Obamas and their aides declined to discuss the family’s inclinations, and no
one knows how their choice may ultimately affect Washington’s social landscape.
City officials say the Obamas have not visited any public schools here, and
their daughters, who attend private school in Chicago, are not expected to
switch course.
But those are only details. All across town, parents are already dreamily
envisioning casual chats with the president and first lady at soccer practices
and PTA meetings, while little girls are swooning over the prospect of White
House sleepovers with the daughters of the nation’s first black president.
“With this particular president, there’s so much excitement,” said Natalie
Wexler, a novelist whose daughter caught a glimpse of Mrs. Obama at Sidwell last
Monday. “Anything or anyone connected to him is going to be exciting.”
History, of course, is not the only consideration.
Michael Kazin, a historian of American politics at Georgetown University, said
some parents and administrators are focused on the prestige the Obamas would
bring to any school and the students and families affiliated with it.
“No matter what the ideology of the president who is elected or what his party
is, the privileged people in Washington always want to get a little more
privileged,” said Mr. Kazin, who has a daughter at Maret.
“It’s clear that many parents who send their kids to these schools would want
the Obamas to go there,” he said. “They want their particular niche of the
community to be enhanced.”
School administrators, trustees and politically-connected parents bristle at the
notion that they have done any hard-core lobbying for the Obama children, though
some say they have offered the family some friendly counsel. Indeed, Mrs. Obama
has already reached out to several prominent people with first-hand experience
with the schools.
She called Senator Hillary Clinton the day after the election to discuss the
joys and challenges of raising children in the White House, Clinton aides said.
And Beth Dozoretz, a prominent Democratic donor, said that Mrs. Obama asked her
about Sidwell a couple of months ago. She said she encouraged Mrs. Obama to
consider the school, but emphasized that the city has several excellent private
institutions, including Georgetown Day.
Mrs. Dozoretz also passed along a note from her 10-year-old daughter, Melanne,
who was thrilled about the prospect of an Obama presidency and the possibility
that the girls might end up at her school. (“I love Sidwell because I learn so
much there,” Melanne wrote in the note addressed to Mrs. Obama.)
“Of course, anybody would be happy to have that family in their school,” Mrs.
Dozoretz said. “This is the first family. But I really feel they will do what’s
right for their family. It’s a very personal decision.”
Aides to Mr. Obama and his wife declined to comment on whether Mr. Biden or any
other Obama advisers linked to the three schools were quietly (or loudly)
rooting for their favorites.
Carl Sferrazza Anthony, a historian who has written about first families, said
that public fascination with the school decision-making process bloomed in the
1970s when President Jimmy Carter made a point of sending his daughter, Amy, to
a public school in Washington. The Clintons drew enormous attention — and some
criticism — when they enrolled Chelsea at Sidwell. (She was in public school
before Mr. Clinton became president.)
“Those decisions are now often weighed with the thought of what kind of message
they will send or what they will symbolize,” Mr. Anthony said. “But the truth of
the matter is that most of the presidents’ families were from the elite ruling
class. So their kids tended to go to private schools.”
The Obama girls attend the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, a
progressive private institution that has about 1,700 students and is larger than
any of the schools under consideration here. Annual tuition runs as high as
That has not deterred Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and his education chancellor,
Michelle Rhee, from lobbying for Washington’s public schools. The officials have
presented several options to the Obama family, a city spokeswoman said.
“Our goal is to have D.C. public schools be as serious an option as any charter
or private schools, not just for the Obamas but for any family making the
decision," Mr. Fenty said last week on MSNBC.
Mr. Fenty, however, sends his children to private school, though not to Sidwell,
Georgetown Day or Maret. (Chancellor Rhee’s children attend public school.)
And while the decision between public and private can sometimes be an agonizing
one for some black professionals, who worry about isolating their children, it
is not known to have been an issue for the Obamas.
Washington is typically a socially segregated city, but the schools the Obamas
are considering appeal to the elite across color lines. (Mr. Holder and Ms.
Rice, the two Obama advisers, are African-American.)
Sidwell administrators say its student body is 13 percent black. Georgetown Day
and Maret officials say their schools are 20 percent African-American.
(Officials at the Laboratory Schools in Chicago say the population there is
about 10 percent black.)
And for many black parents and students, the buzz has been thrilling. Dylan
McAfee, an African-American girl in second grade at Georgetown Day, met Mrs.
Obama last Monday and has been star-struck ever since. “I touched her hand and
she smelled like cherries,” she said.
Malia and Sasha Obama are the talk of the school and the town, said Dylan’s
mother, Anita LaRue-McAfee, who is a lawyer.
It’s the first time, she said, that she has seen Washington’s power people
utterly agog over two black schoolgirls.
“Here are two little girls that everyone is fawning over, and they look like my
kid,” Ms. LaRue-McAfee said. “That’s why I’m excited.”
Caption research was provided by Ashley Parker.
Parents’ Night With the President, NYT, 16.11.2008,
Lose the
BlackBerry? Yes He Can, Maybe
16, 2008
The New York Times
— Sorry, Mr. President. Please surrender your BlackBerry.
Those are seven words President-elect Barack Obama is dreading but expecting to
hear, friends and advisers say, when he takes office in 65 days.
For years, like legions of other professionals, Mr. Obama has been all but
addicted to his BlackBerry. The device has rarely been far from his side — on
most days, it was fastened to his belt — to provide a singular conduit to the
outside world as the bubble around him grew tighter and tighter throughout his
“How about that?” Mr. Obama replied to a friend’s congratulatory e-mail message
on the night of his victory.
But before he arrives at the White House, he will probably be forced to sign
off. In addition to concerns about e-mail security, he faces the Presidential
Records Act, which puts his correspondence in the official record and ultimately
up for public review, and the threat of subpoenas. A decision has not been made
on whether he could become the first e-mailing president, but aides said that
seemed doubtful.
For all the perquisites and power afforded the president, the chief executive of
the United States is essentially deprived by law and by culture of some of the
very tools that other chief executives depend on to survive and to thrive. Mr.
Obama, however, seems intent on pulling the office at least partly into the 21st
century on that score; aides said he hopes to have a laptop computer on his desk
in the Oval Office, making him the first American president to do so.
Mr. Obama has not sent a farewell dispatch from the personal e-mail account he
uses — he has not changed his address in years — but friends say the frequency
of correspondence has diminished. In recent days, though, he has been seen
typing his thoughts on transition matters and other items on his BlackBerry,
bypassing, at least temporarily, the bureaucracy that is quickly encircling him.
A year ago, when many Democratic contributors and other observers were worried
about his prospects against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, they reached out to
him directly. Mr. Obama had changed his cellphone number, so e-mail remained the
most reliable way of communicating directly with him.
“His BlackBerry was constantly crackling with e-mails,” said David Axelrod, the
campaign’s chief strategist. “People were generous with their advice — much of
it conflicting.”
Mr. Obama is the second president to grapple with the idea of this self-imposed
isolation. Three days before his first inauguration, George W. Bush sent a
message to 42 friends and relatives that explained his predicament.
“Since I do not want my private conversations looked at by those out to
embarrass, the only course of action is not to correspond in cyberspace,” Mr.
Bush wrote from his old address, G94B@aol.com. “This saddens me. I have enjoyed
conversing with each of you.”
But in the interceding eight years, as BlackBerrys have become ubiquitous — and
often less intrusive than a telephone, the volume of e-mail has multiplied and
the role of technology has matured. Mr. Obama used e-mail to stay in constant
touch with friends from the lonely confines of the road, often sending messages
like “Sox!” when the Chicago White Sox won a game. He also relied on e-mail to
keep abreast of the rapid whirl of events on a given campaign day.
Mr. Obama’s memorandums and briefing books were seldom printed out and delivered
to his house or hotel room, aides said. They were simply sent to his BlackBerry
for his review. If a document was too long, he would read and respond from his
laptop computer, often putting his editing changes in red type.
His messages to advisers and friends, they say, are generally crisp, properly
spelled and free of symbols or emoticons. The time stamps provided a window into
how much he was sleeping on a given night, with messages often being sent to
staff members at 1 a.m. or as late as 3 a.m. if he was working on an important
He received a scaled-down list of news clippings, with his advisers wanting to
keep him from reading blogs and news updates all day long, yet aides said he
still seemed to hear about nearly everything in real time. A network of friends
— some from college, others from Chicago and various chapters in his life —
promised to keep him plugged in.
Not having such a ready line to that network, staff members who spent countless
hours with him say, is likely to be a challenge.
“Given how important it is for him to get unfiltered information from as many
sources as possible, I can imagine he will miss that freedom,” said Linda
Douglass, a senior adviser who traveled with the campaign.
Mr. Obama has, for at least brief moments, been forced offline. As he sat down
with a small circle of advisers to prepare for debates with Senator John McCain,
one rule was quickly established: No BlackBerrys. Mr. Axelrod ordered everyone
to put their devices in the center of a table during work sessions. Mr. Obama,
who was known to sneak a peek at his, was no exception.
In the closing stages of the campaign, as exhaustion set in and the workload
increased, aides said Mr. Obama spent more time reading than responding to
messages. As his team prepares a final judgment on whether he can keep using
e-mail, perhaps even in a read-only fashion, several authorities in presidential
communication said they believed it was highly unlikely that he would be able to
do so.
Diana Owen, who leads the American Studies program at Georgetown University,
said presidents were not advised to use e-mail because of security risks and
fear that messages could be intercepted.
“They could come up with some bulletproof way of protecting his e-mail and
digital correspondence, but anything can be hacked,” said Ms. Owen, who has
studied how presidents communicate in the Internet era. “The nature of the
president’s job is that others can use e-mail for him.”
She added: “It’s a time burner. It might be easier for him to say, ‘I can’t be
on e-mail.’ ”
Should Mr. Obama want to break ground and become the first president to fire off
e-mail messages from the West Wing and wherever he travels, he could turn to Al
Gore as a model. In the later years of his vice presidency, Democrats said, Mr.
Gore used a government e-mail address and a campaign address in his race against
Mr. Bush.
The president, though, faces far greater public scrutiny. And even if he does
not wear a BlackBerry on his belt or carry a cellphone in his pocket, he almost
certainly will not lack from a variety of new communication.
On Saturday, as Mr. Obama broadcast the weekly Democratic radio address, it came
with a twist. For the first time, it was also videotaped and will be archived on
Lose the BlackBerry? Yes He Can, Maybe, NYT, 16.11.2008,