History > 2008 > USA > Health (V)

Illustration: Loren Capelli
Fast-Track Treatments for Cancer
Bush Aides Rush
to Enact a Safety Rule Obama Opposes
November 30, 2008
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Labor Department is racing to complete a new rule,
strenuously opposed by President-elect Barack Obama, that would make it much
harder for the government to regulate toxic substances and hazardous chemicals
to which workers are exposed on the job.
The rule, which has strong support from business groups, says that in assessing
the risk from a particular substance, federal agencies should gather and analyze
“industry-by-industry evidence” of employees’ exposure to it during their
working lives. The proposal would, in many cases, add a step to the lengthy
process of developing standards to protect workers’ health.
Public health officials and labor unions said the rule would delay needed
protections for workers, resulting in additional deaths and illnesses.
With the economy tumbling and American troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan,
President Bush has promised to cooperate with Mr. Obama to make the transition
“as smooth as possible.” But that has not stopped his administration from
trying, in its final days, to cement in place a diverse array of new
The Labor Department proposal is one of about 20 highly contentious rules the
Bush administration is planning to issue in its final weeks. The rules deal with
issues as diverse as abortion, auto safety and the environment.
One rule would make it easier to build power plants near national parks and
wilderness areas. Another would reduce the role of federal wildlife scientists
in deciding whether dams, highways and other projects pose a threat to
endangered species.
Mr. Obama and his advisers have already signaled their wariness of last-minute
efforts by the Bush administration to embed its policies into the Code of
Federal Regulations, a collection of rules having the force of law. The advisers
have also said that Mr. Obama plans to look at a number of executive orders
issued by Mr. Bush.
A new president can unilaterally reverse executive orders issued by his
predecessors, as Mr. Bush and President Bill Clinton did in selected cases. But
it is much more difficult for a new president to revoke or alter final
regulations put in place by a predecessor. A new administration must solicit
public comment and supply “a reasoned analysis” for such changes, as if it were
issuing a new rule, the Supreme Court has said.
As a senator and a presidential candidate, Mr. Obama sharply criticized the
regulation of workplace hazards by the Bush administration.
In September, Mr. Obama and four other senators introduced a bill that would
prohibit the Labor Department from issuing the rule it is now rushing to
complete. He also signed a letter urging the department to scrap the proposal,
saying it would “create serious obstacles to protecting workers from health
hazards on the job.”
Administration officials said such concerns were based on a misunderstanding of
the proposal.
“This proposal does not affect the substance or methodology of risk assessments,
and it does not weaken any health standard,” said Leon R. Sequeira, the
assistant secretary of labor for policy. The proposal, Mr. Sequeira said, would
allow the department to “cast a wide net for the best available data before
proposing a health standard.”
The Labor Department regulates occupational health hazards posed by a wide
variety of substances like asbestos, benzene, cotton dust, formaldehyde, lead,
vinyl chloride and blood-borne pathogens, including the virus that causes AIDS.
The department is constantly considering whether to take steps to protect
workers against hazardous substances. Currently, it is assessing substances like
silica, beryllium and diacetyl, a chemical that adds the buttery flavor to some
types of microwave popcorn.
The proposal applies to two agencies in the Labor Department, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration and the Mine Safety and Health Administration.
Under the proposal, they would have to publish “advance notice of proposed
rule-making,” soliciting public comment on studies, scientific information and
data to be used in drafting a new rule. In some cases, OSHA has done that, but
it is not required to do so.
The Bush administration and business groups said the rule would codify “best
practices,” ensuring that health standards were based on the best available data
and scientific information.
Randel K. Johnson, a vice president of the United States Chamber of Commerce,
said his group “unequivocally supports” the proposal because it would give the
public a better opportunity to comment on the science and data used by the
After a regulation is drafted and formally proposed, Mr. Johnson said, it is
“all but impossible” to get OSHA to make significant changes.
“Risk assessment drives the entire process of regulation,” he said, and “courts
almost always defer” to the agency’s assessments.
But critics say the additional step does nothing to protect workers.
“This rule is being pushed through by an administration that, for the last seven
and a half years, has failed to set any new OSHA health rules to protect
workers, except for one issued pursuant to a court order,” said Margaret M.
Seminario, director of occupational safety and health for the A.F.L.-C.I.O.
Now, Ms. Seminario said, “the administration is rushing to lock in place
requirements that would make it more difficult for the next administration to
protect workers.”
She said the proposal could add two years to a rule-making process that often
took eight years or more.
Representative George Miller, a California Democrat who is chairman of the House
Committee on Education and Labor, said the proposal would “weaken future
workplace safety regulations and slow their adoption.”
The proposal says that risk assessments should include industry-by-industry data
on exposure to workplace substances. Administration officials acknowledged that
such data did not always exist.
In their letter, Mr. Obama and other lawmakers said the Labor Department,
instead of tinkering with risk-assessment procedures, should issue standards to
protect workers against known hazards like silica and beryllium. The government
has been working on a silica standard since 1997 and has listed it as a priority
since 2002.
The timing of the proposal appears to violate a memorandum issued in early May
by Joshua B. Bolten, the White House chief of staff.
“Except in extraordinary circumstances,” Mr. Bolten wrote, “regulations to be
finalized in this administration should be proposed no later than June 1, 2008,
and final regulations should be issued no later than Nov. 1, 2008.”
The Labor Department has not cited any extraordinary circumstances for its
proposal, which was published in the Federal Register on Aug. 29. Administration
officials confirmed last week that the proposal was still on their regulatory
The Labor Department said the proposal affected “only internal agency
procedures” for developing health standards. It cited one source of authority
for the proposal: a general “housekeeping statute” that allows the head of a
department to prescribe rules for the performance of its business.
The statute is derived from a law passed in 1789 to help George Washington get
the government up and running.
The Labor Department rule is among many that federal agencies are poised to
issue before Mr. Bush turns over the White House to Mr. Obama.
One rule would allow coal companies to dump rock and dirt from mountaintop
mining operations into nearby streams and valleys. Another, issued last week by
the Health and Human Services Department, gives states sweeping authority to
charge higher co-payments for doctor’s visits, hospital care and prescription
drugs provided to low-income people under Medicaid. The department is working on
another rule to protect health care workers who refuse to perform abortions or
other procedures on religious or moral grounds.
Bush Aides Rush to Enact
a Safety Rule Obama Opposes, NYT, 30.11.2008,
World's oldest person, Edna Parker,
dies at 115
November 28, 2008
From Times Online
Hannah Strange
A great-great-grandmother who was the world's oldest person has died at the
age of 115.
Indiana woman Edna Parker, who assumed the mantle more than a year ago, passed
away on Wednesday at a nursing home in Shelbyville. She was 115 years, 220 days
Mrs Parker was born April 20, 1893, in central Indiana and had been recognised
by Guinness as the world’s oldest person since the 2007 death of Japan's Yone
Minagawa, who was four months her senior.
Dr Stephen Coles, the UCLA gerontologist who maintains a list of the world’s
oldest people, said Mrs Parker was the 14th oldest validated super-centenarian
in history. Maria de Jesus of Portugal, who was born September 10, 1893, is now
the world’s oldest living person, according to the Gerontology Research Group.
Mrs Parker became a widow in 1939 - the year Judy Garland starred in The Wizard
of Oz - when her husband, Earl Parker, died of a heart attack. She was 48. She
remained alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into a son’s
home and later to the Shelbyville nursing home.
Though she never drank alcohol or smoked and led an active lifestyle, she didn't
credit this for her advanced years.
A teacher, her only advice to those who gathered to celebrate when she became
the world's oldest person was to get “more education.”
Mrs Parker outlived both her sons, Clifford and Earl Jr. She also had five
grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren.
Don Parker, 60, said his grandmother had a small frame and a mild temperament.
She walked a lot and kept busy even after moving into the nursing home, he said.
“She kept active,” he said yesterday. “We used to go up there, and she would be
pushing other patients in their wheelchairs.”
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who celebrated with Mrs Parker on her 114th
birthday, said it had been a "delight" to know her. She must have been a
remarkable lady at any age, he added.
Mrs Parker graduated from the state's Franklin College in 1911 and went on to
teach in a two-room school for several years.
She married Earl, her childhood sweetheart and neighbour, in 1913.
As was usual at the time, her career came to an end with her marriage and Mrs
Parker became a farmer's wife, spending her days tending the home and preparing
meals for the dozen men who worked on the farm.
Last year, she noted with pride that she and her husband were one of the first
owners of an automobile in their rural area.
Coincidentally, Mrs Parker lived in the same nursing home as Sandy Allen, whom
at 7ft 7¼ was officially the world's tallest woman until her death in August.
World's oldest person,
Edna Parker, dies at 115, Ts, 28.11.2008,
Irwin C. Gunsalus,
Vitamin Biochemist, Dies at 96
November 22, 2008
The New York Times
Irwin C. Gunsalus, who discovered the vitaminlike substance lipoic acid,
which has been used as a successful treatment for chronic liver disease, and one
of the active forms of vitamin B6, essential in metabolism, died Oct. 25 at his
home in Andalusia, Ala. He was 96.
The cause was congestive heart failure, said his daughter C. K. Gunsalus of
Urbana, Ill.
Dr. Gunsalus, a nutritional biochemist who was long associated with the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, also led genetic-engineering
research as an assistant secretary general of the United Nations.
He was granted a patent on lipoic acid in 1962. His work at the University of
Illinois led, in the 1970s, to the use at other medical institutions of lipoic
acid to treat chronic liver disease, and more recently to the experimental
treatment of pancreatic and other cancers.
Lipoic acid is found naturally in a variety of organ meats, including kidney,
heart and liver, and in potatoes, broccoli and spinach. It is proposed as a
dietary supplement to prevent or delay conditions like Parkinson’s and
Alzheimer’s diseases, but its efficacy has yet to be proved conclusively.
Trained as a bacteriologist and searching, in the early 1950s, for essential
growth factors in the digestive system bacterium Enterococcus, Dr. Gunsalus
discovered chemical forms of lipoic acid, including lipoate, which he called
pyruvate oxidation factor, as well as one of the B6 (pyridoxine) vitamins, now
called pyridoxal phosphate.
He later discovered the roles the compounds play in the metabolism of microbes,
plants and mammals.
After retiring in 1982 from the University of Illinois, Dr. Gunsalus was named
the founding director of the United Nations International Center for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology and later led ecological studies of the Gulf of
Mexico for the federal Environmental Protection Agency.
Irwin C. Gunsalus, known as Gunny to friends and colleagues, was born June 29,
1912, at the family’s prairie homestead in Sully County, S.D. His father was a
grain farmer and self-taught mechanic who died in a threshing machine accident
before his son left for college.
Dr. Gunsalus studied first at South Dakota State University, then transferred to
Cornell University, where he earned bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in
From 1940 to 1947, Dr. Gunsalus taught bacteriology at Cornell, while leading
investigations of disease risk and food safety during World War II.
After the war, he moved to Indiana University, serving as a professor of
bacteriology until 1950, when he joined the Illinois faculty as a professor of
In 1955, he changed his scientific specialty to become chairman of the division
of biochemistry, a department he headed at Illinois until 1966.
Together with Roger Y. Stanier, he wrote several volumes of “The Bacteria: A
Treatise on Structure and Function.”
His first marriage, to Merle Lamont Gunsalus, who survives, ended in divorce.
His second wife, Carolyn Foust Gunsalus, his third wife, Dorothy Clark Gunsalus,
and one son, Gene Gunsalus, all died before him.
He is survived by six children, Ann Gunsalus Miguel, C. K. Gunsalus, Glen
Gunsalus, Kristin C. Gunsalus, Richard Gunsalus, and Robert Gunsalus; a sister,
Anna Gunsalus Higgs; and seven grandchildren.
In the 1960s and ’70s, Dr. Gunsalus led biochemical studies of enzymes like
bacterial cytochrome P-450, which helps to metabolize artificial and natural
compounds in humans, animals and plants during stress and environmental
Working in the field of genetics, he developed an explanation for the way
microbes acquire their ability to adapt in different nutritional environments.
He was an adviser in the postdoctoral studies of Al Chakrabarty, who later
bioengineered the first oil-eating microbes, and in the doctoral studies of
James D. Watson, who later shared a Nobel Prize for his co-discovery of the DNA
double helix.
Dr. Gunsalus was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the
American Academy of Microbiology, and the National Academy of Sciences, where he
was chairman of the biochemistry section from 1978 to 1981.
He was the founding editor of the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Irwin C. Gunsalus,
Vitamin Biochemist, Dies at 96, NYT, 21.11.2008,
Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz,
Cardiac Pioneer, Dies at 90
November 19, 2008
The New York Times
Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz, who performed the first human heart transplant in the
United States in 1967 and pioneered the development of mechanical devices to
prolong the life of patients with heart failure, died Friday in Ann Arbor, Mich.
He was 90.
The cause was complications of heart failure, said Jean Kantrowitz, his wife of
nearly 60 years and a longtime colleague in developing the devices.
On Dec. 6, 1967, when he removed the heart of a brain-dead baby and implanted it
into the chest of a baby with a fatal heart defect, Dr. Kantrowitz became the
first doctor to perform a human heart transplant in the United States. The
patient lived for only six and a half hours, but the operation was a milestone
on the way to the routine transplants of today.
Along with Dr. Michael E. DeBakey of Texas and a few others, Dr. Kantrowitz
helped open the new era in care for seemingly terminally ill heart patients,
using both surgery and artificial devices. His work at Maimonides Medical Center
in Brooklyn and Sinai Hospital in Detroit had a lasting impact, starting with
his first headlines in 1959, when he gave a healthy dog a booster heart muscle.
Over six decades of surgical practice, he designed and used more than 20 medical
devices that aided circulation and other vital functions.
Although his 1967 transplant was the first in the United States, it was not the
first in the world, following by three days Dr. Christiaan Barnard’s in Cape
Town. But Dr. Kantrowitz had been methodical in laying the groundwork for the
procedure. He practiced hundreds of heart transplants in puppies over the
previous four years, and had planned a human operation the previous year, but
was prevented at the last minute because the donor infant had not been declared
“Although Dr. Kantrowitz had the dedication and perseverance to accomplish this
remarkable surgical tour de force, it was the notion that, for the first time,
science could view the heart as yet another organ that could be fixed that was a
revolutionary concept,” Dr. Stephen J. Lahey, director of cardiothoracic surgery
at Maimonides Medical Center, said in a statement on the 40th anniversary of Dr.
Kantrowitz’s transplant.
While many doctors have worked to replace failing hearts altogether with
artificial ones, Dr. Kantrowitz concentrated on finding ways to supplement the
work of the natural heart with an impressive array of circulatory devices of his
own invention. The most influential was the “left ventricular assist device,” or
LVAD, which, for the first time in 1972, allowed a patient with severe chronic
heart failure to leave the hospital with a permanent implant.
Another of his inventions was the intra-aortic balloon pump, described in The
New York Times in 1967 as “a long, narrow gas line” inserted through the
patient’s thigh that inflated “a six-inch-long sausage-shaped balloon” in the
aorta. The device deflated when the heart pumped blood and inflated when it
relaxed, thereby reducing strain on the heart, according to Dr. Kantrowitz’s
theory of “counterpulsation.” The device has been used to treat about three
million patients since it went into general use in the 1980s.
He also invented an early implantable pacemaker, designed with General Electric
in 1962, and captured the first film of the mitral valve opening and closing
inside a beating heart in 1951.
His inventiveness extended beyond cardiology. In 1961, inspired by the way the
muscles in the heart were stimulated, he was the first doctor to enable
paraplegic patients to move their limbs by electronically triggering their
Adrian Kantrowitz was born on Oct. 4, 1918, in New York City, to a mother who
designed costumes for the Ziegfeld Follies and a father who ran a clinic in the
Bronx that charged its patients 10 cents a week.
“My mother told me from the age of 3 that I wanted to be a doctor,” he told The
New York Post in 1966.
As a boy he worked with his older brother Arthur to construct an
electrocardiograph from old radio parts. The brothers later collaborated on the
left ventricular assist device.
After graduating from New York University with a degree in mathematics in 1940,
Dr. Kantrowitz enrolled in the Long Island College of Medicine (now a part of
SUNY Downstate Medical Center) and completed an internship at Brooklyn Jewish
Hospital. He earned his medical degree early, in 1943, as part of an accelerated
program to supply doctors for the war effort. After serving two years as a
battalion surgeon in the Army Medical Corps, Dr. Kantrowitz began a career in
cardiac research and became a major figure in the first generation of cardiac
From 1948 to 1955, he practiced surgery at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx.
From 1955 to 1970, he held surgical posts at Maimonides Medical Center in
Brooklyn, where he led a team that devised many influential devices with support
from the National Institutes of Health, including an electronic heart-lung
machine and a radio transmitter that allowed paralyzed patients to empty their
In 1970 Dr. Kantrowitz left Maimonides when “it became apparent that a small
community hospital in Brooklyn was not the proper environment for the
development of innovative cardiac surgical techniques,” according to a recent
profile in the journal Clinical Cardiology. Remarkably, he was able to move his
entire team of 25 surgeons, engineers and nurses — and with them a nearly $3
million research grant — to Detroit, where he taught at Wayne State University
School of Medicine and held surgical posts at Sinai Hospital for the rest of his
Besides his wife, Jean, who helped him start a medical device company, LVAD
Technology, in 1983, his survivors include three children, Dr. Niki Kantrowitz,
a cardiologist in Brooklyn; Dr. Lisa Kantrowitz, a radiologist in Newport Beach,
Calif.; and Dr. Allen Kantrowitz, a neurosurgeon in Williamstown, Mass.; and
nine grandchildren.
Dr. Kantrowitz received a lifetime achievement award from the American Society
for Artificial Internal Organs in 2001. He did not rest on his laurels. This
year the Food and Drug Administration approved a clinical trial of his latest
cardiac assistance device, which promises to allow seriously ill patients to
move around and even exercise.
Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz,
Cardiac Pioneer, Dies at 90, NYT, 19.11.2008,
Use of Antipsychotics in Children
Is Criticized
November 19, 2008
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Powerful antipsychotic medicines are being used
far too cavalierly in children, and federal drug regulators must do more to warn
doctors of their substantial risks, a panel of federal drug experts said
More than 389,000 children and teenagers were treated last year with Risperdal,
one of five popular medicines known as atypical antipsychotics. Of those
patients, 240,000 were 12 or younger, according to data presented to the
committee. In many cases, the drug was prescribed to treat attention deficit
But Risperdal is not approved for attention deficit problems, and its risks —
which include substantial weight gain, metabolic disorders and muscular tics
that can be permanent — are too profound to justify its use in treating such
disorders, panel members said.
“This committee is frustrated,” said Dr. Leon Dure, a pediatric neurologist from
the University of Alabama School of Medicine who was on the panel. “And we need
to find a way to accommodate this concern of ours.”
The meeting on Tuesday was scheduled to be a routine review of the pediatric
safety of Risperdal and Zyprexa, popular antipsychotic medicines made,
respectively, by Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly & Company. Food and Drug
Administration officials proposed that the committee endorse the agency’s
routine monitoring of the safety of the medicines in children and support its
previous efforts to highlight the drugs’ risks.
But committee members unanimously rejected the agency’s proposals, saying that
far more needed to be done to discourage the medicines’ growing use in children,
particularly to treat conditions for which the medicines have not been approved.
“The data show there is a substantial amount of prescribing for attention
deficit disorder, and I wonder if we have given enough weight to the
adverse-event profile of the drug in light of this,” Dr. Daniel Notterman, a
senior health policy analyst at Princeton University and a panel member, said
when speaking about Risperdal.
Drug agency officials responded that they had already placed strongly worded
warnings on the drugs’ labels.
“I’m a little puzzled about the statement that the label is inadequate,” said
Dr. Thomas Laughren, director of the agency’s division of psychiatry products.
“I’m anxious to hear what more we can do in the labeling.”
Kara Russell, a spokeswoman for Johnson & Johnson, said, “Adverse drug reactions
associated with Risperdal use in approved indications are accurately reflected
in the label.”
But panelists said the current warnings were not enough.
While panel members spoke at length about Risperdal, they said their concerns
applied to the other medicines in its class, including Zyprexa, Seroquel,
Abilify and Geodon.
The committee’s concerns are part of a growing chorus of complaints about the
increasing use of antipsychotic medicines in children and teenagers.
Prescription rates for the drugs have increased more than fivefold for children
in the past decade and a half, and doctors now use the drugs to settle outbursts
and aggression in children with a wide variety of diagnoses, even though
children are especially susceptible to their side effects.
A consortium of state Medicaid directors is evaluating the use of the drugs in
children on state Medicaid rolls to ensure that they are being properly
The growing use of the medicines has been driven partly by the sudden popularity
of the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder.
The leading advocate for the bipolar diagnosis is Dr. Joseph Biederman, a child
psychiatrist at Harvard University whose work is under a cloud after a
Congressional investigation revealed that he had failed to report to his
university at least $1.4 million in outside income from the makers of
antipsychotic medicines.
In the past year, Risperdal prescriptions to patients 17 and younger increased
10 percent, while prescriptions among adults declined 5 percent. Most of the
pediatric prescriptions were written by psychiatrists.
From 1993 through the first three months of 2008, 1,207 children given Risperdal
suffered serious problems, including 31 who died. Among the deaths was a
9-year-old with attention deficit problems who suffered a fatal stroke 12 days
after starting therapy with Risperdal.
At least 11 of the deaths were children whose treatment with Risperdal was
unapproved by the F.D.A. Once the agency approves a medicine for a particular
condition, doctors are free to prescribe it for other problems.
Panel members said they had for years been concerned about the effects of
Risperdal and similar medicines, but F.D.A. officials said no studies had been
done to test the drugs’ long-term safety.
Dr. Dure said he was concerned that doctors often failed to recognize the
movement disorders, including tardive dyskinesia and dystonia, that can result
from using these medicines.
“I have a bias that extra-pyramidal side effects are being under-recognized with
these agents,” Dr. Dure said.
Dr. Laughren of the F.D.A. said the agency could do little to fix the problem.
Instead, he said, medical specialty societies must do a better job educating
doctors about the drugs’ side effects.
Use of Antipsychotics
in Children Is Criticized, NYT, 19.11.2008,
In Psychiatry,
Can a Punch Line Be a Lifeline?
November 18, 2008
The New York Times
“Has anything changed since the treatments began?” I ask the patient, as he
lies down on a stretcher in the ECT suite. The anesthesiologist places an IV
line in his arm and checks his vital signs. My attending psychiatrist adjusts
the machine that delivers the electric stimulus. I’m a psychiatry intern, and
this is my electroconvulsive therapy rotation. I’m here to watch and learn.
“My cellphone always has a great charge,” the patient deadpans.
If this were a friend or colleague, I would laugh easily. But this is a patient
I barely know. He has bipolar disorder, a previous suicide attempt and a history
of bizarre, impulsive behavior. In that context, his joke just feels
inappropriate and overly familiar.
I’m taken aback. Is it O.K. to laugh, I wonder? An intern, with years of
experience being inexperienced, I quickly glance around to take stock of the
The nursing assistant laughs and the anesthesiologist grins broadly. The
attending psychiatrist remains stone-faced, and says, “Clearly he’s improving.”
As the anesthesiologist injects a sedative, a telephone rings. Everyone’s hands
are occupied; the ringing continues. Just as the patient starts to drift off, he
looks over at me and says: “Can you get that? It might be the governor calling
to stay my execution.”
A moment later, he’s out. The attending hands me the leads, and I feel slightly
uncomfortable as I bring them to the patient’s head. The nurses are still
laughing as he begins to convulse.
When I was an intern on the medical service, I often joked with my patients.
It’s how I naturally relate, and carefully joking with a frightened patient is a
powerful way to establish rapport.
But when I left the internal medicine floors for psychiatry, the humor stopped.
On the advice of the attending doctors, I tried to be more concrete and matter
of fact with psychotic patients, more empathetic with depressed patients and
more authoritarian while working in a volatile emergency room. Not since
adolescence had I spent so much time worrying about how I come across.
I had a vague sense that prompting a patient to laugh could sometimes be
therapeutic. But when is it safe — let alone useful — to joke with a psychiatric
patient? At least in the hospital, the patients seemed to have enough trouble
relating to me without having to decode the nuance of humor. It seemed too
risky, too ripe for misunderstanding.
Still, there were patients who insisted on joking with me.
Leading a community meeting on the inpatient unit, I asked the patients and
staff members to introduce themselves and say something about who they are. “I’m
a social work intern!” a staff member said brightly, followed by a patient, who
declared, “I’m a chronic bipolar patient.”
This wasn’t what I had in mind; I’d imagined some type of biographical detail,
not a recitation of titles and diagnostic labels. I grew uneasy as the patients
started describing their personal pathology to the group.
Just as I was getting uncomfortable, one of the patients acknowledged the
tension. “I’m a nursing student,” he said, with mock authority. The next
patient, someone who had trouble relating to others and often missed social
cues, said, “I’m the nursing manager.”
The entire group, myself included, erupted with laughter. The moment was a
striking contrast to the unit’s usual sober atmosphere. Not for the first time,
I wondered whether it might ever be appropriate for me to lighten up and
initiate a joke.
At the end of my internship, I got my answer. I was on call at 1 a.m. on a
Thursday, admitting my last patient of the evening. She was a woman in her 60s,
brought in by the police for disruptive behavior in her apartment building.
After being involuntarily admitted, she hid in her room and refused to talk to
the nurses.
When I tried to interview her, she buried her head under a pillow, exclaiming,
“I refuse all psychiatric care!” But beneath her refusal, I noticed something
playful in her tone.
“That’s O.K.,” I said. “We’re good at treating people who refuse psychiatric
That got a little laugh.
“Can you tell me how you got here?” No response.
Maybe I should try something more concrete? Given her age and the story I got
from the senior resident in the E.R., it dawned on me that she might be
cognitively impaired. “Who’s running for president right now?” I asked.
That got a response. Three people, she replied, using an epithet I can’t repeat
What are their names? I shot back, using the same epithet.
“Clinton, Obama and McCain,” she said. She was looking at me now.
“O.K., so what’s a nice lady like you doing in a place like this?” I asked.
Suddenly, I was in. She started telling me about her paranoid delusions about
her landlord and neighbors. I sat down and started writing.
“Tell me more,” I said.
Benjamin Brody is a resident in the Weill Cornell department of psychiatry at
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.
In Psychiatry, Can a
Punch Line Be a Lifeline?, NYT, 18.11.2008,
Florence Wald, Leader in US Hospice, Dies at 91
November 16, 2008
Filed at 11:15 a.m. ET
The New York Times
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Florence Wald, a former Yale nursing dean whose
interest in compassionate care led her to launch the first U.S. hospice program,
has died. She was 91.
Her daughter, Shari Vogler, said Saturday that Wald died Nov. 8 of natural
causes at her Branford home. A hospice volunteer was by her side to the end,
Vogler said.
Wald was dean of the Yale University School of Nursing in the 1960s when she
updated its curriculum to include a stronger focus on comfort for dying patients
and their families.
Wald's passion for hospice was sparked when she heard a lecture by the founder
of St. Christopher's Hospice in London. She later left Yale to study at that
She returned to organize Connecticut Hospice in 1974 in Branford, widely
accepted to be the first U.S. hospice program. Her husband and children also
became deeply involved in the hospice movement, Vogler said.
''It was a family affair,'' said Vogler, a nurse and trained hospice worker.
''My mother was interested in the entire span of life, from birth through death,
and she shared everything she was interested in with us all the way along the
Wald's recent work included efforts to bring more hospice care to U.S. prisons
and train inmates as hospice volunteers.
Wald was born in New York and graduated from Mount Holyoke College in
Massachusetts in 1938 before receiving her master's degree in nursing from Yale
in 1941. She was a nurse, research assistant and teacher before becoming dean of
Yale's College of Nursing in 1959.
The hospice movement, which includes more than 3,200 programs nationwide,
focuses on providing care for terminally ill patients and their families.
Wald has said that before hospice, many physicians were so focused on the
evolving technology of medicine that their attention to patients' needs was
being eroded.
''It was difficult for them to give up the treatment even when they saw the
patient was going down, down, down and suffering more, more, more,'' she told
The Associated Press at her 1998 induction into the National Women's Hall of
''There are times when the symptoms can't be controlled, and the physician and
nurses and others need to meet that patient and let the patient decide for
themselves what they want,'' Wald said.
Hospice gained more use and attention after Congress ordered Medicare in 1982 to
start paying for the service. About 900,000 patients currently receive services
each year from U.S. hospice programs.
''Our mother was passionate that all people should be treated as important,''
said Wald's son, Joel Wald, adding she also was interested in civil rights and
the rights of women, patients and veterans. ''We're very fortunate to have had a
mother who touched so many lives.''
Wald was honored in a memorial service at Yale on Wednesday, Vogler said.
Florence Wald, Leader in
US Hospice, Dies at 91, NYT, 16.11.2008,
Florence S. Wald, American Pioneer in End-of-Life Care, Is
Dead at 91
November 14, 2008
The New York Times
Florence S. Wald, whose vision of bringing the terminally ill peace of mind
and, to whatever extent possible, freedom from pain led to the opening of the
first palliative care hospice in the United States, died on Saturday at her home
in Branford, Conn. She was 91.
Her death was confirmed by her son, Joel.
Mrs. Wald, who was dean of the Yale University School of Nursing from 1959 to
1966, was the prime mover, in 1974, in starting the Connecticut Hospice, the
nation’s first home-care program for the terminally ill. Six years later, a
44-patient hospice — where the dying could be comforted by their loved ones
around the clock and where the staff would do what it could to alleviate
suffering — opened in Branford.
“This hospice became a model for hospice care in the United States and abroad,”
the publication Yale Nursing Matters said this week, adding that Mrs. Wald’s
role “in reshaping nursing education to focus on patients and their families has
changed the perception of care for the dying in this country.”
There are now more than 3,000 hospice programs in the United States, serving
about 900,000 patients a year.
In recent years, Mrs. Wald had concentrated on extending the hospice care model
to dying prison inmates.
“People on the outside don’t understand this world at all,” Mrs. Wald told The
New York Times in 1998. “Most people in prison have had a rough time in life and
haven’t had any kind of education in how to take care of their health.”
And, she added, “There is the shame factor, the feeling that dying in prison is
the ultimate failure.”
Part of Mrs. Wald’s solution was to train inmate volunteers to care for the
dying. Besides comforting the terminally ill, she said, the program would save
taxpayers’ money and “have rehabilitative qualities for these volunteers.”
More than 150 inmate volunteers in Connecticut prisons have since been trained,
and the model is now being molded for residents of veterans’ homes in the state.
Mrs. Wald’s work brought her many honors. In 1998, she was inducted into the
National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, N.Y., along with Madeleine K.
Albright, Maya Angelou and Beverly Sills. She was also named a Living Legend by
the American Academy of Nursing, and received the Founder’s Award of the
American Hospice Association.
Florence Sophie Schorske was born in the Bronx on April 19, 1917, one of two
children of Theodore and Gertrude Goldschmidt Schorske. Her husband, Henry Wald,
died in 2000. In addition to her son, she is survived by a daughter, Shari
Vogler; a brother, Carl Schorske, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian; and five
As a child, Mrs. Wald was often hospitalized because of a chronic respiratory
ailment. The care she received, she said, inspired her to go into nursing. After
graduating from Mount Holyoke College in 1938, she received a master’s degree in
nursing from Yale in 1941. During World War II, while working as a research
technician for the Army Signal Corps, she met a young engineering student — Mr.
Wald. Soon after, she turned down his marriage proposal.
She returned to Yale, earned a master’s degree in mental health nursing, and
became an instructor in the nursing program. In 1958, at 41, she was appointed
dean of the school of nursing.
Mr. Wald, by then a widower, read of her appointment in the newspaper. He got in
touch, they started dating, and a year later, she accepted his new proposal.
Four years later, in 1963, a friend at Yale persuaded Mrs. Wald to attend a
lecture by Dame Cicely Saunders, a British physician who was then planning to
open the world’s first hospice, in Sydenham, south of London. Inspired, Mrs.
Wald soon resigned as dean of the Yale nursing school to work on creating a
similar center in the United States. She was troubled by a medical ethic that
insisted on procedure after procedure.
“In those days, terminally ill patients went through hell, and the family was
never involved,” she said. “No one accepted that life cannot go on ad
Dr. Saunders’s hospice, St. Christopher’s, opened in 1967, and Mrs. Wald went
there to work and learn. After returning, she and several Yale colleagues joined
forces to establish an American hospice. In 1971, Mr. Wald left his engineering
firm and returned to Columbia University to earn a degree in hospital planning.
His master’s thesis became the proposal for the Connecticut Hospice.
When Mrs. Wald received an honorary doctorate from Yale in 1996, she was
introduced as “the mother of the American hospice movement.”
“That’s a completely incorrect description,” she said. “There were many, many
people in those days who were just as inspired and motivated as I was.”
Florence S. Wald,
American Pioneer in End-of-Life Care, Is Dead at 91, NYT, 14.11.2008,
Hospitals See Drop in Paying Patients
November 7, 2008
The New York Times
In another sign of the economy’s toll on the nation’s health
care system, some hospitals say they are seeing fewer paying patients — even as
greater numbers of people are showing up at emergency rooms unable to pay their
While the full effects of the downturn are likely to become more evident in
coming months as more people lose their jobs and their insurance coverage, some
hospitals say they are already experiencing a fall-off in patient admissions.
Some patients with insurance seem to be deferring treatments like knee
replacements, hernia repairs and weight-loss surgeries — the kind of procedures
that are among the most lucrative to hospitals. Just as consumers are hesitant
to make any sort of big financial decision right now, some patients may feel too
financially insecure to take time off work or spend what could be thousands of
dollars in out-of-pocket expenses for elective treatments.
The possibility of putting off an expensive surgery or other major procedure has
now become a frequent topic of conversation with patients, said Dr. Ted Epperly,
a family practice doctor in Boise, Idaho, who also serves as president of the
American Academy of Family Physicians. For some patients, he said, it is a
matter of choosing between such fundamental needs as food and gas and their
medical care. “They wait,” he said.
The loss of money-making procedures comes at a difficult time for hospitals
because these treatments tend to subsidize the charity care and unpaid medical
bills that are increasing as a result of the slow economy.
“The numbers are down in the past month, there’s no question about it,” said Dr.
Richard Friedman, a surgeon at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York, although
he said it said it was too early to call the decline a trend.
But many hospitals are responding quickly to a perceived change in their
circumstances. Shands HealthCare, a nonprofit Florida hospital system, cited the
poor economy and lower patient demand when it announced last month that it would
shutter one of its eight hospitals and move patients and staff to its nearby
The 367-bed hospital that is closing, in Gainesville, lost $12 million last
year, said Timothy Goldfarb, the system’s chief executive. “We cannot carry it
anymore,” he said.
Some other hospitals, while saying they have not yet seen actual declines in
patient admissions, have tried to curb costs by cutting jobs in recent weeks in
anticipation of harder times. That includes prominent institutions like
Massachusetts General in Boston and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
as well as smaller systems like Sunrise Health in Las Vegas.
“It’s safe to say hospitals are no longer recession-proof,” said David A. Rock,
a health care consultant in New York.
A September survey of 112 nonprofit hospitals by a Citi Investment Research
analyst, Gary Taylor, found that overall inpatient admissions were down 2 to 3
percent compared with a year earlier. About 62 percent of the hospitals in the
survey reported flat or declining patient admissions.
Separately, HCA, the Nashville chain that operates about 160 for-profit
hospitals around the country, reported flat admissions for the three months
ended Sept. 30 compared with the period a year earlier, and a slight decline in
inpatient surgeries.
Many people are probably going to the hospital only when they absolutely need
to. “The only way they are going to tap the health care system is through the
emergency room,” Mr. Taylor said.
And now, as the economy has slid more steeply toward recession in recent weeks,
patient admissions seem to have declined even more sharply, some hospital
industry experts say. “What we have not seen through midyear this year is the
dramatic slowdown in volume we’re seeing right now,” said Scot Latimer, a
consultant with Kurt Salmon Associates, which works closely with nonprofit
While the drop-off in patient admissions may still seem relatively slight,
hospital executives and consultants say it is already having a profound impact
on many hospitals’ profitability. As fewer paying customers show up, there has
been a steady increase in the demand for services by patients without insurance
or other financial wherewithal, many of whom show up at hospital emergency rooms
— which are legally obliged to treat them.
“It’s disproportionately affecting the bottom line,” Mr. Latimer said.
In California, for example, the amount of bad debt and charity care among
hospitals has been steadily climbing, to $7.1 billion last year from about $5.8
billion in 2005. Those numbers could approach $8 billion for 2008, according to
an analysis by Kurt Salmon.
The situation is exposing a main vulnerability of the nation’s hospital care
system, which executives say relies heavily on private insurance to subsidize
certain services. When there is a decline in profitable procedures paid for by
private insurance, hospitals have less money to offset the relatively lower fees
they receive from government insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
“What happens in our country is that there’s really a hidden tax built in,” said
Richard L. Gundling, an executive with a trade group for hospital financial
executives, the Healthcare Financial Management Association. “Hospitals have to
balance the mix of patients in order to survive.”
The amount of charity care provided by Shands HealthCare, the operator of the
Gainesville hospital, has doubled in the last four years, to $115 million in
fiscal 2008, Mr. Goldfarb said. He worries that the financial outlook will
become even worse, with the prospect of payment cuts from state governments that
are facing large budget shortfalls.
“If we’re going to survive the next few years,” he said, “we have to circle the
The rapid moves by hospitals to cut costs — by laying off workers, consolidating
facilities and freezing construction and other capital spending — are an abrupt
change for an industry traditionally seen as insulated from economic woes.
Some hospital executives say they are simply being prudent. The University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center, for example, is eliminating 500 jobs. The hospital
system, which includes 20 hospitals and serves a large portion of Medicare and
Medicaid patients, says that so far it has not seen a drop in patient
admissions, but growth is tailing off.
“It’s much, much slower than we’ve seen in years past,” said Robert A.
DeMichiei, Pittsburgh’s chief financial officer.
Mr. DeMichiei said Pittsburgh was mainly trying to reduce administrative jobs as
a way to keep ahead of the worsening economy. Because large hospital groups like
his have become more professionally managed in recent years, he said, they are
no longer slow to reduce expenses.
Hospital executives “are beginning to act more like Corporate America,” said Mr.
DeMichiei, whose own résumé includes various jobs at General Electric.
Another source of financial anxiety, hospitals say, is the continued difficulty
in raising money through the credit markets. The majority of the nation’s
hospitals are nonprofit, and they often raise capital through the municipal bond
market to erect new buildings or make other significant capital investments.
Because many hospitals say they are still unable to borrow easily, they have
reacted by scaling back projects or holding off on major purchases.
“We are being extremely cautious about approving spending in these 60 to 90
days, until the markets stabilize,” said Michael A. Slubowski, the president of
hospital and health networks for Trinity Health, a large Catholic system based
in Novi, Mich., which operates nearly four dozen hospitals, mostly scattered
across the Midwest.
While Trinity says it has not seen an overall reduction in its patient
admissions, Mr. Slubowski says many of his counterparts have. “People are seeing
declines,” he said.
Making matters worse for some hospitals has been a slowdown in bill payments,
particularly by state Medicaid programs. The money hospitals are owed for their
services — their accounts receivable — is growing, said Mr. Rock, the health
care consultant, who works for the investment and consulting firm Carl Marks &
Company in New York. “What we’re finding is one of the key drivers is Medicaid,”
he said.
Many hospital executives also expect outright reductions in payments by Medicaid
and Medicare.
Mr. Rock predicts that many hospitals will soon start to reconsider the services
they provide, with an eye toward scaling back or eliminating some altogether.
Procedures that rely heavily on patients’ making sizable cash outlays, like
bariatric surgery, are particularly vulnerable, he said.
Hospital executives concede that they may not be as directly affected by the
weak economy as retailers and banks, but they also say they are bracing for what
is shaping up to be a severe and prolonged recession.
“There’s a lot of C.F.O. doom and gloom,” said Robert Shapiro, the chief
financial officer at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System. “The sky may
be really falling this time.”
Hospitals See Drop in
Paying Patients, NYT, 7.11.2008,
Scientists Decode Set of Cancer Genes
November 6, 2008
The New York Times
For the first time, researchers have decoded all the genes of a person with
cancer and found a set of mutations that may have caused the disease or aided
its progression.
Using cells donated by a woman in her 50s who died of leukemia, the scientists
sequenced all the DNA from her cancer cells and compared it to the DNA from her
own normal, healthy skin cells. Then, they zeroed in on 10 mutations that
occurred only in the cancer cells, apparently spurring abnormal growth,
preventing the cells from suppressing that growth and enabling them to fight off
Mutations are genetic mistakes, and the ones found in this research were not
inborn, but developed later in life, like most mutations that cause cancer.
(Only 5 to 10 percent of all cancers are thought to be hereditary.)
The new research, by looking at the entire genome — all the DNA — and aiming to
find all the mutations involved in a particular cancer, differs markedly from
earlier studies, which have searched fewer genes for individual mutations. The
project, which took months and cost $1 million, was made possible by recent
advances in technology that have made it easier and cheaper to analyze 100
million DNA samples than it used to be to analyze 100.
The study was done at Washington University in St. Louis and is being published
Thursday in the journal Nature. It is the first report of a “cancer genome,” and
researchers say many more are to come.
The findings will not help patients immediately, but researchers say they could
lead to new therapies and will almost certainly help doctors make better choices
among existing treatments, based on a more detailed genetic picture of each
patient’s cancer. Though the research involved leukemia, the same techniques can
also be used to study the genomes of other cancers, and the researchers expect
to apply them to breast, brain and lung cancers.
“This is the first of many of these whole cancer genomes to be sequenced,” said
Richard K. Wilson, director of Washington University’s Genome Sequencing Center
and the senior author of the study. “They’ll give us a whole bunch of clues
about what’s going on in the DNA when cancer starts to bloom.”
Dr. Wilson said he hoped that in 5 to 20 years, DNA sequencing for cancer
patients would consist of dropping a spot of blood onto a chip that slides into
a desktop computer and getting back a report that suggests which drugs will work
best for each person.
“That’s personalized genomics, personalized medicine in a box,” he said. “It’s
holy grail sort of stuff, but I think it’s not out of the realm of possibility.”
Until now, Dr. Wilson said, most work on cancer mutations has focused on just a
few hundred genes already suspected of being involved in the disease, not the
20,000 or so genes that make up the full human genome.
The earlier research has uncovered many mutations and led to the development of
a few so-called targeted drugs, which treat some cancers by homing in on
specific defects in the cells. Examples include the drug Herceptin, for women
with a certain type of breast cancer, and Gleevec, for a type of leukemia and a
rare gastrointestinal cancer.
So the older approach is useful, Dr. Wilson said. But he added, “if there are
genes mutated that you don’t know about or don’t expect, you’ll miss them.”
Indeed, 8 of the 10 mutations his group found in the leukemia patient had never
been linked to the disease before and would not have been found with the more
traditional, “usual suspects” approach.
But researchers have debated which method is best.
“We had a lot of people who said it was a stupid idea to sequence the whole
cancer genome,” Dr. Wilson said, noting that a private donor had paid for most
of the study and that the National Cancer Institute had chipped in relatively
little, and only after the work was well under way.
A cancer expert not involved with the study, Dr. Steven Nimer, chief of the
hematology service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, called the
research a “tour de force” and the report “a wonderful paper.” He said the
whole-genome approach seemed likely to yield important information about other
types of cancer as well as leukemia.
“It is supporting evidence for the idea that you can’t just go after the things
you know about,” Dr. Nimer said.
He added: “It would be nice to have this kind information on every patient we
Dr. Nimer also predicted that oncologists would quickly want to start looking
for these mutations in their patients or in stored samples from former patients,
to see if they could help in predicting the course of the disease or selecting
Studying cancer genomes has become a major thrust of research. In the past few
years the government has spent $100 million dollars for genome studies in lung
and ovarian cancers and glioblastoma multiforme, a type of brain tumor. But that
project, The Cancer Genome Atlas, has not decoded an entire genome. So far, it
has identified mutations in brain and lung cancers, also reported in Nature in
September and October. One discovery is expected to affect medical practice — a
mutation that can cause some patients with the brain cancer to get worse instead
of better if they are given a common chemotherapy.
The person who gave her cells for the study at Washington University became not
only the first cancer patient, but also the first woman to have her entire
genome decoded. Her information will be available only to scientists and not
posted publicly, to protect her privacy and that of her family. The only other
complete human genomes open to researchers so far have come from men, two
scientists known for ego as well as intellect, who ran decoding projects and
chose to bare their own DNA to the world: James D. Watson and J. Craig Venter.
Their genomes are available for all to inspect.
The woman at Washington University had acute myelogenous leukemia, a
fast-growing cancer that affects about 13,000 people a year in the United States
and kills 8,800. Its cause is not well understood. Like most cancers, it is
thought to begin in a single cell, with a mutation that is not present at birth
but that occurs later for some unknown reason. Generally, one mutation is not
enough to cause cancer; the disease does not develop until other mutations
“Most of them are just these random events in the universe that add up to
something horrible,” said Dr. Timothy J. Ley, a hematologist at Washington
University and the director of the study.
The researchers chose to study this disease because it is severe and the
treatment has not improved in decades.
“It’s one of the nastiest forms of leukemia,” Dr. Wilson said. “It’s very
aggressive. It affects mostly adults, and there’s really no good treatment for
it. A very large fraction of the patients eventually will die from their
Dr. Ley said, “We wanted to start studying a cancer where it would make a
difference to people and their families if we could begin to unravel its genetic
They chose this particular patient because she was a perfect example of one of
the toughest challenges in treating the disease: figuring out early on which
patients have a bad prognosis and immediately need the most aggressive therapy,
like a bone-marrow transplant.
Doctors routinely try to gauge the severity of this leukemia by examining
patients’ chromosomes, the structures that carry genes. The testing does not
examine the DNA itself, but just checks to see if the chromosomes look normal.
Certain abnormalities warn of a bad outlook. But some patients whose chromosomes
look perfectly fine turn out to have a vicious form of the disease anyway. And
that was true of the woman in the study.
Her chromosome test was normal, but she still died just two years after the
disease was diagnosed, despite a barrage of chemotherapy and two bone-marrow
transplants. Had the doctors known her prognosis early in her illness, they
would have treated her even more aggressively from the start, Dr. Ley said.
Before starting treatment, she had donated samples of bone marrow and skin, so
the researchers could compare her normal skin cells to cancer cells from her
bone marrow. After she died, her family gave the scientists permission to
sequence her entire genome. Dr. Wilson said the family knew that her DNA — - and
therefore some of their own as well — had now become part of history. The family
wishes to remain anonymous, Dr. Wilson said. They did not respond to a request
for an interview with The New York Times that was passed on to them by the
Some of the patient’s mutated genes appeared to promote cancer growth. One
probably made the cancer drug-resistant by enabling the tumor cells to pump
chemotherapy drugs right out of the cell before they could do their work. The
other mutated genes seemed to be tumor suppressors, the body’s natural defense
against dangerous genetic mistakes.
“Their job is surveillance,” Dr. Wilson said. “If cells start to do something
out of control, these genes are there to shut it down. When we find three or
four suppressors inactivated, it’s almost like tumor has systematically started
to knock out that surveillance mechanism. That makes it tougher to kill. It gets
a little freaky. This is unscientific, but we say, gee, it looks like the tumor
has a mind of its own, it knows what genes it has to take out to be successful.
It’s amazing.”
It will take more research to determine exactly what the mutations do.
Researchers would also like to know the order in which they occurred, and
whether there was one that finally tipped the balance towards cancer.
“When this patient came to the cancer center and had a bone marrow biopsy, she
already had 10 mutations,” Dr. Wilson said. “You’d love to know, if you had
taken a bone marrow sample a year before, what would you have seen?”
Tests of 187 other patients with acute myelogenous leukemia found that none had
the eight new mutations found in the first patient.
That finding suggests that many genetic detours can lead to the same awful
destination, and that many more genomes must be studied, but it does not mean
that every patient will need his or her own individual drug, Dr. Wilson said.
“Ultimately, one signal tells the cell to grow, grow, grow,” he said. “There has
to be something in common. It’s that commonality we’ll find that will tell us
what treatment will be the most powerful.”
Scientists Decode Set of
Cancer Genes, NYT, 6.11.2008,
Fast-Track Treatments for Cancer
November 3,
The New York Times
To the
“Quickly Vetted,
Treatment Is Offered to Cancer Patients” (“The Evidence Gap” series, front
page, Oct. 27) explores a profound issue in cancer therapy: development of new
treatments versus safety and comfort of the status quo.
The proven method for progress in cancer therapy is the clinical trial.
Unfortunately, less than 5 percent of new cancer patients in the United States
enter clinical trials. If that number were to grow, knowledge regarding the
efficacy and safety of new therapies would result in new treatments’ becoming
available at a much faster pace.
Shalom Kalnicki
Bronx, Oct. 27, 2008
The writer, a medical doctor, is professor and chairman, department of radiation
oncology, Montefiore Medical Center.
To the Editor:
In addition to knowing whether radiotherapies for breast cancer are effective,
women also need to know that they are safe. But in choosing the right treatment,
questions of relative safety are often overlooked, as they are in this article,
which doesn’t address the consequences of radiation exposure associated with
each alternative.
The effects of radiation delivered by external beams are not the same as those
delivered by radioactive seeds. The doses, frequency and duration of exposure
are, in fact, different in each of the cases reviewed here.
Which type of treatment puts women at greater risk for damaging side effects or
long-term consequences? And where are the studies that will give us the answers
to these questions?
Ellen Leopold
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 27, 2008
The writer is the author of a book about radiation and cancer.
To the Editor:
Your article about the MammoSite balloon highlights the urgent need to align
financial incentives with the evidence for new medical technologies.
Compensation should be driven by evidence of effectiveness rather than by
If companies expected that a high level of clinical evidence would be required
for coverage of an innovative technology, the time and expense of such studies
would become an integral part of their business plan.
The MammoSite device possesses great potential to improve the treatment of women
suffering from breast cancer by increasing the number electing breast-conserving
surgeries and dramatically shortening the duration of radiation therapy. But the
published five-year data for MammoSite are sparse, consisting of 43 women, six
years after its approval by the Food and Drug Administration and use in more
than 45,000 Americans.
We must not allow the promise of potential benefit to trump the basic
requirement for solid evidence.
Jeffrey A. Tice
San Francisco, Oct. 27, 2008
The writer, a medical doctor, is an assistant professor of medicine at the
University of California, San Francisco, and a consultant to the California
Technology Assessment Forum.
To the Editor:
Your article highlights a fast-track system whereby the Food and Drug
Administration clears most medical devices simply by declaring them equivalent
to existing devices, rather than by direct proof of their effectiveness. In
fact, the MammoSite system, a Class II device, is not the most egregious example
of this phenomenon.
There are a number of more complex, typically higher-risk Class III devices
(including some heart bypass machines and pacemakers) that have gained F.D.A.
clearance through the same fast-track process detailed in the article.
This practice violates a statutory deadline requiring the F.D.A. to phase out
the fast-track approval process for these highest-risk devices by the end of
1995. In the meantime, the companies producing these products continue to avail
themselves of the fast-track system, at potentially great risk to public health.
Jonas Hines
Eunice Yu
Peter Lurie
Washington, Oct. 28, 2008
The writers are on the staff of Public Citizen.
Fast-Track Treatments for Cancer, NYT, 3.11.2008,
Evidence Gap
Quickly Vetted,
Treatment Is Offered to Patients
October 27,
The New York Times
After a
surgeon removed a cancerous lump from Karen Medlock’s breast in November, he
recommended radiation, a routine next step meant to keep cancer from recurring.
But he did not send her for the kind of radiation most women have received for
Instead, the surgeon referred her to a center in Oakland, Calif., specializing
in a newer form of treatment where radioactive “seeds” are inserted in the tumor
site. It could be completed in only five days instead of the six weeks typically
required for conventional treatment, which irradiates the entire breast using
external beams.
To Ms. Medlock, it seemed an obvious choice. The newer treatment — given through
a system called MammoSite — has been performed on about 45,000 breast cancer
patients in this country since the Food and Drug Administration cleared it for
use in 2002.
Only when Ms. Medlock, 49, sought a second opinion did she learn a startling
truth: MammoSite is still highly experimental.
The MammoSite system is among the thousands of devices the F.D.A. lets onto the
market each year after only cursory review and with no clear evidence that they
help patients. Doctors are free to use those products as they see fit, without
telling patients that the devices are not proved. And because the doctors are
frequently paid more by Medicare as a way to compensate them for the extra time
and expense of adopting new procedures, these unproven products can become
widely adopted.
F.D.A. officials defend the quick-review process as a way to promote innovation.
Because most new products are simply an improvement on an existing device, they
say, there is rarely need for a full review.
Demanding lengthy study of such devices would be “very, very inappropriate and a
waste of resources,” said Dr. Daniel G. Schultz, the director of the F.D.A.’s
Center for Devices and Radiological Health.
The agency let MammoSite on the market on the basis of a study involving only 25
women that did not answer the fundamental question of how effective it is
against breast cancer. Six years later, many cancer specialists say there is
still no conclusive proof that it works as well as conventional radiation. The
F.D.A. says it did require a label warning that the system had not been shown to
be a substitute for conventional radiation.
Dr. Valery Uhl, the radiation oncologist who provided Ms. Medlock’s second
opinion, outlined the evidence behind the available treatments. Ms. Medlock
chose conventional external-beam radiation because of its well-documented record
of success in preventing the return of cancer. To use an unproven therapy like
MammoSite, Dr. Uhl said, “makes me really nervous.”
Critics say the F.D.A.’s process for reviewing medical technology, under which
medical devices have become a $75 billion-a-year industry in this country, is
often too lax. More devices, they say, should get the same scrutiny applied to
new drugs. While that process is not perfect, a new drug is typically studied in
hundreds or even thousands of patients before the F.D.A. will approve it as safe
and effective.
But under the fast-track review for most devices, a product’s effectiveness is
never directly established. Regulators simply determine if the device does what
its maker says it does — in MammoSite’s case, that it delivers radiation — and
whether it poses any undue safety risks.
“Nobody is looking to see whether they help patients,” said Diane C. Robertson,
an executive with the ECRI Institute, a nonprofit group in Plymouth Meeting,
Pa., that evaluates new devices for insurers and hospitals. “We’re never going
to wisely allocate resources in health care unless we start to focus on what’s
best for patients.”
In response to a Congressional request to study the effectiveness of the
F.D.A.’s device-review process, the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office
is expected to release a report next month.
Critics say that when the F.D.A. clears a device, the public may wrongly assume
that the government has proof it is medically effective. F.D.A. approval has
been “widely misinterpreted,” said Dr. Jay R. Harris, the chairman of radiation
oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in
Differing Opinions
Dr. Dennis R. Hill, the doctor who originally saw Ms. Medlock, scoffs at the
notion that MammoSite is in any way experimental. “It is a proven method,” he
said. He said the oncologist who told Ms. Medlock it was experimental was
skeptical because she provides only traditional radiation.
But the oncologist in question, Dr. Uhl, says she has performed many
radioactive-seed treatments but wants to make sure patients are fully informed
about the range of options.
Of the 250,000 women in this country who are found to have breast cancer each
year, around 200,000 are candidates for radiation treatment if they choose to
undergo a lumpectomy or partial removal of a breast. Most still get conventional
MammoSite proponents say that is because most doctors simply recommend the
treatments they know best. “There is a natural bias for radiation oncologists to
do what they have been doing,” said David Harding, an executive at Hologic Inc.,
the company in Bedford, Mass., that markets MammoSite.
Many prominent specialists, though, say the gold standard remains conventional
radiation, for which breast cancer local recurrence rates are 3 percent or less
at five years. Success in preventing cancer recurrence is measured in long
intervals of 5 or 10 years or more, and there has been little long-term study of
Even a radiation oncologist who is a leading proponent of the MammoSite
treatment, Dr. Frank A. Vicini, wants to know how it compares with traditional
radiation. He is directing a national study of MammoSite’s effectiveness, but he
cautions that it could take decades to conclude whether it should be used in
lieu of conventional radiation.
“We have to make sure patients know we don’t have 30-year data,” said Dr.
Vicini, the chief of oncological services for Beaumont Hospitals in Royal Oak,
Mich. “We simply don’t.”
A System From the Past
The nation’s system for regulating medical devices was set up more than three
decades ago, when devices played a much smaller role in medicine. A growing
chorus of doctors, consumer advocates and health insurance executives say it is
overdue for an overhaul.
The process has become “a barrier to evidence development,” said Dr. Winifred S.
Hayes, whose firm, Hayes Inc., evaluates new health care technologies.
Although federal drug regulation dates back more than 100 years, medical devices
did not come under the government’s purview until 1976, after Congress responded
to deaths linked to the Dalkon Shield, an intrauterine contraceptive device.
Because the new law would not apply to devices on the market before 1976,
Congress did not want makers of newer products to be at a competitive
disadvantage. So lawmakers provided the quick review process for any new product
deemed “substantially equivalent” to something already on the market. That
expedited process became known as a 510(k) review under the relevant section of
the law.
But critics say that what Congress intended as a way to let simple devices
quickly enter the market has expanded so much that even critical therapies are
cleared without enough research.
“It is supposed to be for the Band-aids of the world,” said Diana Zuckerman,
president of the National Research Center for Women and Families, a Washington
advocacy group. “The 510(k) process should have been used less and less. It’s
being used more.”
But defenders of the F.D.A. process, including the officials in charge of it,
argue that tighter gatekeeping could deprive patients of promising alternatives.
And they contend that most new medical devices introduced each year involve
minor modifications to mundane items like thermometers.
To be sure, sophisticated devices like a new artificial hip or a novel heart
stent do go through the same evidence-based scrutiny given to new drugs. Of the
41 medical devices that went through that full review last year and in which the
F.D.A. reached a decision, 27 received approval.
But during those same 12 months, the F.D.A. reviewed 3,052 devices under the
more cursory 510(k) process and cleared 2,640 of them. Critics, though, say
MammoSite is significantly different from anything on the market.
On one level, MammoSite was simply the latest version of brachytherapy, a
technique that delivers radiation inside the body through seeds. Brachytherapy
is widely used to treat prostate cancer because it allows high doses of
radiation to be directed to a small area.
MammoSite was developed as a way to deliver brachytherapy for breast cancer, but
more simply. For example, earlier versions of brachytherapy required multiple
With MammoSite, a surgeon inserts a single balloon catheter in the cavity from
which the tumor has been removed. The catheter remains in place during the five
days that radioactive seeds are inserted into the balloon, twice a day, using a
computer-controlled system. After the treatments, the catheter and the balloon
are removed, and there is no remaining radiation.
The main “substantially equivalent” product that MammoSite’s maker cited in its
F.D.A. application was something called GliaSite, which itself reached the
market in 2001 through a 510(k) review. Like MammoSite, it uses a catheter with
a small balloon to deliver radiation.
But critics point out that GliaSite is aimed at a far different disease —
advanced brain cancer — and it is often tried for patients who do not have the
luxury of choosing another treatment. Hologic, which acquired MammoSite and was
not involved in the original application process, declined to comment on the
F.D.A. process.
The F.D.A. says MammoSite was hardly a radically new technology, because
radiation is a standard therapy in treating breast cancer and brachytherapy is
an established technique. F.D.A. officials also cite MammoSite’s label as
evidence they have warned doctors the treatment is unproved.
“At the end of the day, doctors have to read what’s on the label and make a
clinical decision,” Dr. Schultz said.
Still, critics of the 510(k) system point to the sometimes disastrous
consequences of letting a device be widely used without adequate study.
Under a 510(k) review, for example, the F.D.A. in 1996 cleared Protegen, a
synthetic sling implanted under a woman’s bladder to prevent stress
incontinence. No clinical research was required to see how it would work, and
Protegen was recalled in 1999 because of a high rate of complications.
Dr. Schultz, the F.D.A. official, said that even when using the fast-track
review process, the agency always considers potential risks to patients.
Financial Factors
MammoSite’s proponents say its main advantage is that the shorter course of
treatment and reduced exposure to radiation mean more women will consider
radiation. Without some form of radiation, the alternative is complete removal
of the breast through a mastectomy. Many women and doctors are persuaded by this
But critics, say some of MammoSite’s popularity is a result of the relatively
high reimbursements paid by insurers.
Surgeons traditionally do not play a role in a patient’s radiation therapy. But
with MammoSite, they can earn several thousand dollars when they insert the
balloon catheter that the radiologist uses to administer the radioactive seeds.
That money, critics say, encourages some surgeons to recommend the treatment.
What’s more, Medicare initially set the total payments for MammoSite, including
the surgeon’s fee, by one estimate at nearly $20,000 — almost twice the amount
paid for conventional radiation. That was in keeping with Medicare’s practice of
offering more generous payments for new treatments to encourage investment in
equipment and training involved in a new procedure.
In keeping with Medicare’s practice, though, the payments have shrunk in recent
years. Hologic says Medicare is expected to pay around $15,000 for the treatment
next year, compared with $12,000 for conventional radiation. Commercial insurers
typically follow Medicare’s lead on reimbursements.
In at least some cases, it is the patient who pushes for MammoSite. After Ida
Daugherty, 59, was found to have breast cancer last May, a doctor advised her to
consider the MammoSite treatment after her operation. But the specialist she
consulted advised against it, telling her, “I don’t feel the results are in.”
After Ms. Daugherty looked at the available research, though, she chose to get
MammoSite treatments in July at Beaumont, where Dr. Vicini works.
“I really didn’t want to do six weeks,” Ms. Daugherty said. She worried that the
radiation might weaken her bones enough to cause a broken rib — a possible side
Weighing Evidence
The debate now among cancer specialists is whether there is enough evidence to
feel comfortable recommending the treatment to women who are not part of a
clinical study.
In its marketing materials, Hologic refers to five-year data indicating that
women seem to do as well with MammoSite as with conventional therapy. But the
cited study involved only 43 patients enrolled in the first clinical trial of
the device, 25 of whom were included in the evidence provided the F.D.A.
“We all know there is no sufficient evidence to offer it outside a trial because
no one knows whether it is equivalent,” said Dr. Silvia Formenti, the chairwoman
of radiation oncology at New York University Medical Center.
Dr. Formenti is wary of pushing any new treatment too aggressively because she
recalls another formerly popular breast cancer treatment: high-dose chemotherapy
coupled with a bone marrow transplant. In the 1990s, tens of thousands of women
with advanced breast cancer were subjected to the toxic effects of that
treatment before discovering that it was no more effective than conventional
Other doctors see no need for further study of MammoSite, saying the practical
evidence is already compelling.
“I’m a big believer and proponent and practitioner of brachytherapy,” said Dr.
Bradley R. Prestidge, the chief executive of the Texas Cancer Clinic, in San
Antonio, which says it has performed more than 600 MammoSite treatments, the
most in the country.
Of those 600 patients, Dr. Prestidge said, only three women have had a cancer
recurrence, a lower rate than in his patients with conventional radiation.
The clinical trial being led by Dr. Vicini of Beaumont is meant to provide more
than anecdotal evidence. The study will look at different techniques, including
MammoSite, in which radiation is delivered to only part of the breast. He says
the goal is to study 4,300 patients and results are expected in 2015.
“Doing the right thing is collecting the data,” Dr. Vicini said.
Quickly Vetted, Treatment Is Offered to Patients, NYT,
forced to cut health coverage for poor
USA Today
By Julie Appleby
troubles are forcing states to scale back safety-net health-coverage programs —
even as they brace for more residents who will need help paying for care.
Many cuts
affect Medicaid, which pays for health coverage for 50 million low-income adults
and children nationwide, including nearly half of all nursing home care. The
joint federal-state program is a target because it consumes an average 17% of
state budgets — the second-biggest chunk of spending in most states, right
behind education.
programs across the U.S. are going to be severely damaged," says Kenneth Raske,
president of the Greater New York Hospital Association. He expects some
hospitals nationwide may drop services and some hospitals and nursing homes may
lay off employees.
Among the cuts:
• Hawaii this month halted funding for a 7-month-old program aimed at covering
all the state's uninsured children.
• South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford must decide by Thursday whether to sign a
budget that would slash $160 million in health care, including an 8.1% cut to
Medicaid and a 10.8% cut to the Department of Mental Health. Programs to help
autistic children, the elderly who need prescription drugs and low-income
workers may be hit.
• California in July cut payments to hospitals 10% under its Medicaid program,
Medi-Cal. It had planned to restore 5% in March, but Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
has called an emergency legislative session Nov. 5 to deal with
lower-than-expected revenues.
Health care is a likely target, says Jan Emerson of the California Hospital
Association, who expects more hospitals to drop out of Medi-Cal if extra cuts
occur. Less than half the state's hospitals currently contract with Medi-Cal.
They treat Medi-Cal patients in their ERs, but then transfer them to other
• Massachusetts this month cut $293 million from its Medicaid budget, including
$40 million from the Cambridge Health Alliance for care it already provided to
low-income residents. The alliance, which runs three hospitals and dozens of
clinics, says that cut plus other state cuts could total an amount equal to the
cost of 650 full-time employees — or 20% of its workforce. "We can't absorb that
without some serious re-evaluation of what we do," spokesman Doug Bailey says.
"Everything is on the table."
The cuts follow several years of strong budgets and state efforts to bring
health coverage to more low-income adults and children.
"When the economy goes down, states have increased pressure (from more
uninsured), yet have to curtail plans to broaden coverage," says Diane Rowland,
executive vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-partisan think
For every 1% jump in unemployment, about 1 million more people enroll in
Medicaid, the group found in September.
Lawmakers in at least 27 states are facing budget gaps just months after dealing
with some of the largest shortfalls since the recession in 2001, reports the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a Washington think tank. States can only
make Medicaid cuts that affect people covered under optional state programs,
such as children whose families earn slightly more than federal guidelines
"We're expecting budget gaps for the rest of this year and into fiscal 2010 to
be about $100 billion," says Elizabeth McNichol, a senior fellow at the center.
"Health care gets hit hard when states have to cut back."
States forced to cut health coverage for poor, UT,
Candidates’ Health Plans
October 28,
The New York Times
nation’s health care system is desperately in need of reform — as far too many
Americans know from grim, personal experience. In this election, Barack Obama
and John McCain are offering starkly different ideas for how to fix that system.
There is no shortage of problems:
¶ Some 45 million Americans lack health insurance, limiting their ability to get
timely care.
¶ The costs of medical care and health insurance are rising much faster than
household incomes, making it increasingly difficult for people to afford either.
¶ People can’t carry their insurance from one job to another, limiting their
mobility. Outside the workplace, it is hard to find affordable insurance.
¶ Despite the wealth and technological prowess of this country, the quality of
medical care often lags behind that available in other industrialized nations.
Both candidates have largely accepted the prevailing expert wisdom on ways to
improve quality and lower health care costs over the long run, such as relying
more on electronic medical records and better management of the chronically ill.
But they have very different ideas on the best way to make insurance available
and affordable for all Americans.
We believe that Mr. McCain’s plan, which relies on reshaping the tax code, is
far too risky. It is likely to erode employer-provided group health insurance
and push more people into purchasing their own insurance on the dysfunctional
open market, where insurers often reject applicants with pre-existing
Mr. Obama has focused primarily on extending coverage to a big chunk of the 45
million uninsured Americans by expanding existing private and public programs
with the help of federal subsidies and mandates. His boldest innovation would be
a new federally regulated exchange where Americans not covered at work would be
able to choose — as federal employees currently can — among a variety of private
group policies. He would also create a new public program to compete with the
private insurers.
Mr. Obama’s plan is a better start than Mr. McCain’s. But it is still not likely
to help all Americans who need and deserve affordable, high-quality medical
As voters weigh their choice for next Tuesday’s election, we offer this detailed
review of the two candidates’ plans.
THE MCCAIN PROPOSAL Mr. McCain’s main idea is to change the tax code so that
workers would have to pay income taxes on the value of their employer’s
contribution to their health insurance. In return, all Americans, whether
currently insured or not, would receive a tax credit of $2,500 for an individual
or $5,000 for a family to buy health insurance, either through their employer or
on the open market.
Mr. Obama has derided this plan as giving tax credits with one hand and taking
them away with the other. But the tax credits are initially so generous that a
great majority of workers would end up ahead: their tax credit would exceed the
tax they would have to pay on their employer-provided insurance.
They could stay in the same health plan at work and have extra money that could
be applied to other health care costs. Or they could buy policies in the open
market. As good as that sounds, a $5,000 credit would not go very far toward
buying a typical $12,000 family policy but might well suffice for the young and
healthy, who get preferable rates.
Mr. McCain correctly recognizes that there are disadvantages to linking
insurance to jobs — as thousands of laid-off American workers already are
discovering — and that there is an intrinsic inequity in the current tax code
that favors those who have employer plans over those buying individual coverage.
The great danger is that Mr. McCain’s plan will fragment the sharing of risks
and costs — the bedrock of any good insurance plan — by enticing young, healthy
workers to bail out of their employers’ group policies to seek cheaper insurance
on their own. Their older or less healthy colleagues would be left behind, which
would drive up premiums at work. The rising costs could lead many companies to
drop their health coverage entirely.
The proposal also offers little protection for older and sicker people forced to
buy policies in the open market. Mr. McCain says the federal government would
help underwrite high-risk pools like those operated by many states to cover such
patients. But the subsidies his aides have talked about — some $7 billion to $10
billion a year — would fall far short of the amount needed.
Mr. McCain would loosen state regulations on insurers by allowing companies to
sell across state lines. Some states require insurers to accept all applicants
and provide specified standard benefits, and they limit the ability of companies
to base premiums on health status. In the name of promoting competition, Mr.
McCain’s plan would free companies from those terms. Anyone who lost insurance
as a result would have to seek coverage through the high-risk pools.
THE OBAMA PLAN Mr. Obama would do far more than his opponent to address the
nation’s shameful failure to provide health coverage for all citizens. He would
require all parents to get coverage for their children and expand Medicaid and
the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. He would also require large and
midsize companies to offer health insurance to their workers or pay into a kitty
to subsidize coverage elsewhere — a provision that Senator McCain castigates as
a “fine” but that really is their fair share of the burden.
Mr. Obama says the government would provide subsidies to encourage small
employers to offer coverage and to help low-income people buy insurance. This is
not a government-run program — as Mr. McCain claims — but it does give the
government a much bigger role than it now has by expanding public programs and
creating a new national plan.
Mr. Obama would also greatly increase government regulation of the insurance
industry. He would require insurance companies to take every applicant and meet
a minimum standard of benefits, and he would prevent them from charging higher
premiums based on an applicant’s health. Some states have similar requirements
now and insurance companies still sell policies there.
COVERAGE Some experts estimate that the McCain plan would reduce the number of
uninsured only modestly because millions of people would drop or lose employer
coverage, and not many more than that would buy policies outside of work. The
nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that the McCain plan would lower the
number of uninsured by a mere two million in 2018, out of a projected 67 million
uninsured in that year. The Obama plan would cut the number by 34 million, the
center says, but still leave nearly 33 million uninsured.
The McCain campaign makes an optimistic prediction that up to 30 million of the
uninsured might take out policies using their tax credits. If so, those policies
would probably be meager — with high deductibles, large co-payments and limited
benefits — and unlikely to provide much help in a crisis.
COSTS Despite all the Republican warnings about high-spending Democrats,
McCain’s plan could be a lot more expensive than Mr. Obama’s, at least in the
early years, and possibly in the long term. This is because the generous tax
credits would drain federal revenues faster than the tax on employer policies
would replenish them.
The Tax Policy Center estimates that the McCain plan would cost the federal
government $1.3 trillion over 10 years, and the Obama plan $1.6 trillion. Using
different assumptions, the Lewin Group, a consulting firm, estimates that the
McCain plan would increase federal spending by $2.05 trillion over 10 years,
compared with $1.17 trillion for the Obama package.
Neither candidate has persuasively explained how he would pay for his plan. Mr.
Obama says he would apply the money saved by rescinding Bush-era tax cuts for
the wealthy and hoped-for savings from reforming the health care system, but
there is considerable doubt those savings will materialize quickly.
Mr. McCain also counts on cost-containment measures but is mostly relying on
market forces to reduce the cost of health insurance and health care. He expects
that people who buy their own coverage will shop for cheaper policies and make
more careful choices about what medical care they really need. Among the dangers
is that chronically ill people may forgo needed treatments.
Mr. Obama’s plan is the better one because it would cover far more of the
uninsured, spread risks and costs more equitably and result in more
comprehensive coverage for most Americans. We fear Mr. McCain’s plan would
jeopardize employer-based coverage without providing an adequate substitute. At
a time when so many employers are reducing or dropping coverage, that is not a
risk that the country can afford to take.
The Candidates’ Health Plans, NYT, 28.10.2008,
surfing the Internet altering your brain?
Mon Oct 27,
7:17am EDT
By Belinda Goldsmith
(Reuters) - The Internet is not just changing the way people live but altering
the way our brains work with a neuroscientist arguing this is an evolutionary
change which will put the tech-savvy at the top of the new social order.
Gary Small, a neuroscientist at UCLA in California who specializes in brain
function, has found through studies that Internet searching and text messaging
has made brains more adept at filtering information and making snap decisions.
But while technology can accelerate learning and boost creativity it can have
drawbacks as it can create Internet addicts whose only friends are virtual and
has sparked a dramatic rise in Attention Deficit Disorder diagnoses.
Small, however, argues that the people who will come out on top in the next
generation will be those with a mixture of technological and social skills.
"We're seeing an evolutionary change. The people in the next generation who are
really going to have the edge are the ones who master the technological skills
and also face-to-face skills," Small told Reuters in a telephone interview.
"They will know when the best response to an email or Instant Message is to talk
rather than sit and continue to email."
In his newly released fourth book "iBrain: Surviving the Technological
Alteration of the Modern Mind," Small looks at how technology has altered the
way young minds develop, function and interpret information.
Small, the director of the Memory & Aging Research Center at the Semel Institute
for Neuroscience & Human Behavior and the Center on Aging at UCLA, said the
brain was very sensitive to the changes in the environment such as those brought
by technology.
He said a study of 24 adults as they used the Web found that experienced
Internet users showed double the activity in areas of the brain that control
decision-making and complex reasoning as Internet beginners.
"The brain is very specialized in its circuitry and if you repeat mental tasks
over and over it will strengthen certain neural circuits and ignore others,"
said Small.
"We are changing the environment. The average young person now spends nine hours
a day exposing their brain to technology. Evolution is an advancement from
moment to moment and what we are seeing is technology affecting our evolution."
Small said this multi-tasking could cause problems.
He said the tech-savvy generation, whom he calls "digital natives," are always
scanning for the next bit of new information which can create stress and even
damage neural networks.
"There is also the big problem of neglecting human contact skills and losing the
ability to read emotional expressions and body language," he said.
"But you can take steps to address this. It means taking time to cut back on
technology, like having a family dinner, to find a balance. It is important to
understand how technology is affecting our lives and our brains and take control
of it."
(Editing by Paul Casciato)
Is surfing the Internet altering your brain?, R,
On Health Plans, the Numbers Fly
October 22, 2008
The New York Times
Economics, it is said, is the dismal science. Anyone paying close attention
to the campaign debate over the economics of health care might wonder about the
science part.
As Senators Barack Obama and John McCain battle over how best to control
spending and cover the uninsured, they are both filling their speeches,
advertisements and debating points with authoritative-sounding statistics about
the money they would save and the millions of Americans they would cover.
But the figures they cite are invariably the roughest of estimates, often
derived by health economists with ideological leanings or financial conflicts.
Over time, these forecasts have become so disparate and contradictory as to be
almost meaningless.
How many of the country’s 45 million uninsured would gain coverage under Mr.
McCain’s plan to reconfigure the tax treatment of health benefits?
Consultants paid by Mr. McCain concluded that his plan would cover 27.5 million
of the uninsured. But four health economists who looked into the McCain plan at
the urging of David Cutler, a health care adviser to Mr. Obama, reached a far
different conclusion. They estimated in a peer-reviewed article in the journal
Health Affairs that the number of uninsured would grow by 5 million after five
How much would it cost for Mr. Obama to offer subsidized health insurance to
those with low incomes?
Last week, the Lewin Group, a consulting firm, projected the cost to taxpayers
at $1.17 trillion over 10 years. That was about 27 percent lower than the $1.6
trillion estimated by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Urban
Institute and Brookings Institution. And it bore little similarity to a $6
trillion estimate — using a broader measurement — put forth by HSI Network, a
Minnesota consulting group that was paid $50,000 by the McCain campaign to
assess both plans.
The campaigns acknowledge that the numbers are “all over the map,” in the words
of Jay Khosla, a McCain adviser. But that does not keep them from selectively
highlighting the most favorable ones (as when Mr. Obama says his plan will cut
insurance premiums by $2,500 per family, or when Mr. McCain says his tax changes
will leave 95 percent of Americans with more money).
Even the economists behind the forecasts say it makes them uncomfortable to hear
candidates assert their numbers as indisputable fact, as if stating Derek
Jeter’s batting average. What they are modeling, they emphasize, is ultimately
unknowable. And the transformational nature of both candidates’ health care
plans means that they can only guess at the future behavior of consumers,
employers and insurers.
“Every candidate should say that these numbers were produced by my experts and
they’re my best estimates but they’re not exact,” said Roger D. Feldman, a
health economist at the University of Minnesota who directed the HSI studies.
“But the campaign trail is not the time for ‘on the one hand, on the other
hand.’ It’s a system where you paint things in black and white.”
Dr. Feldman and other economists said politics and relationships did not sway
their science. But they said estimates could vary widely because of the
assumptions they must factor into their formulas. Often they are flying blind
because the campaigns, aware that details make the fiercest enemies, do not
provide critical variables. Mr. Obama, for instance, has steadfastly declined to
say how he would penalize employers who do not offer health coverage, an
important component of his plan.
The economists are often left to use small-scale studies to predict how the
candidates’ policies might affect the cost of coverage or the willingness of
employers to provide it.
“The uncertainty surrounding what will happen under these policies is huge,”
said John F. Sheils, senior vice president of the Lewin Group.
Sherry A. Glied, a Columbia economist and a co-author of the Health Affairs
article about the McCain plan, said, “We are estimating what would happen in a
world we’ve never seen.”
The more radical the restructuring, the economists said, the more they must
assume. And the more they must assume, the greater the chance that ideology may
drive methodology.
“It’s garbage in, garbage out,” said Uwe E. Reinhardt, a health economist at
Princeton. “Every econometric study is an effort in persuasion. I have to
persuade the other guy that my assumptions are responsible. Depending on what I
feed into the model, I get totally different answers.”
Katherine Baicker, a health economist at Harvard, said economists’ views about
the mechanics of markets were often shaped by their politics, or vice versa.
“Certainly people who work for the campaigns have a strong motivation to see
things one way or another,” she said, “but even those not involved in campaigns
still come to the table with their own prior beliefs.”
Both candidates are surrounded by advisers with extensive backgrounds in health
economics, many of whom could be in line for administration jobs.
For Mr. McCain, there are Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former Congressional Budget
Office director; Stephen T. Parente of the University of Minnesota; Thomas P.
Miller of the American Enterprise Institute; Gail Wilensky, a health adviser to
the first President Bush; Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute;
and Mr. Khosla, a former Congressional aide.
Mr. Obama receives advice from Mr. Cutler, David Blumenthal and Jeffrey Liebman,
all of Harvard; Stuart Altman of Brandeis; Austan Goolsby of the University of
Chicago; Jeanne M. Lambrew of the University of Texas; three campaign aides,
Heather Higginbottom, Jason Furman and Neera Tanden; and a Senate office staff
member, Dora Hughes. Campaign insiders suspect that if Mr. Obama is elected, a
significant health-related position may go to Tom Daschle, the former Senate
majority leader and an early Obama endorser who recently published a book on the
subject with help from Ms. Lambrew.
The conflicts that devalue economic estimates can be both political and
Mr. Obama, for example, has been claiming in speeches and advertisements that
Mr. McCain would cut $882 billion in Medicare benefits to pay for his health
plan. The number came from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a
Democratic-leaning group with close ties to the Obama campaign (Ms. Lambrew is a
“Consider the source,” Mr. Holtz-Eakin urged reporters last Friday.
A week earlier, Mr. Holtz-Eakin issued a news release trumpeting the HSI Network
analysis of the McCain plan as “an independent assessment.” He did not mention
that the campaign had paid for it (an Aug. 27 payment for $50,000 shows up in
Mr. McCain’s disclosure filings) or that Mr. Parente is one of the firm’s
Dr. Feldman, whose work is highly regarded, described himself as an Obama
supporter and contributor, but he said he preferred Mr. McCain’s health plan.
Though he acknowledged that the McCain campaign’s sponsorship was “certainly a
potential conflict,” he said he hoped the study might advance a worthy proposal.
“I wouldn’t sign off on these things if I didn’t support them,” he said.
A number of economists said voters would be wise to simply tune out all of the
competing numbers and focus instead on the philosophical underpinnings of the
candidates’ plans. Indeed, Dr. Reinhardt offered voters the same instruction he
delivers to his students, that economics as practiced in the political arena is
often “just ideology marketed in the guise of science.”
“I give a lecture on whether you can trust economists, and I tell them no,” Dr.
Reinhardt said. “I tell them that if at the end of the year I tell you the time
of day and you trust me, I have failed.”
On Health Plans, the
Numbers Fly, NYT, 22.10.2008,
Some Cut Back on Prescription Drugs in Sour Economy
October 22,
The New York Times
For the
first time in at least a decade, the nation’s consumers are trying to get by on
fewer prescription drugs.
As people around the country respond to financial and economic hard times by
juggling the cost of necessities like groceries and housing, drugs are sometimes
having to wait.
“People are having to choose between gas, meals and medication,” said Dr. James
King, the chairman of the American Academy of Family Physicians, a national
professional group. He also runs his own family practice in rural Selmer, Tenn.
“I’ve seen patients today who said they stopped taking their Lipitor, their
cholesterol-lowering medicine, because they can’t afford it,” Dr. King said one
recent morning.
“I have patients who have stopped taking their osteoporosis medication.”
On Tuesday, the drug giant Pfizer, which makes Lipitor, the world’s top-selling
prescription medicine, said United States sales of that drug were down 13
percent in the third quarter of this year.
Through August of this year, the number of all prescriptions dispensed in the
United States was lower than in the first eight months of last year, according
to a recent analysis of data from IMS Health, a research firm that tracks
Although other forces are also in play, like safety concerns over some
previously popular drugs and the transition of some prescription medications to
over-the-counter sales, many doctors and other experts say consumer
belt-tightening is a big factor in the prescription downturn.
The trend, if it continues, could have potentially profound implications.
If enough people try to save money by forgoing drugs, controllable conditions
could escalate into major medical problems. That could eventually raise the
nation’s total health care bill and lower the nation’s standard of living.
Martin Schwarzenberger, a 56-year-old accounting manager for the Boys and Girls
Clubs of Greater Kansas City, is stretching out his prescriptions. Mr.
Schwarzenberger, who has Type 1 diabetes, is not cutting his insulin, but has
started scrimping on a variety of other medications he takes, including Lipitor.
“Don’t tell my wife, but if I have 30 days’ worth of pills, I’ll usually stretch
those out to 35 or 40 days,” he said. “You’re trying to keep a house over your
head and use your money to pay all your bills.”
Although the overall decline in prescriptions in the IMS Health data was less
than 1 percent, it was the first downturn after more than a decade of steady
increases in prescriptions, as new drugs came on the market and the population
From 1997 to 2007, the number of prescriptions filled had increased 72 percent,
to 3.8 billion last year. In the same period, the average number of
prescriptions filled by each person in this country increased from 8.9 a year in
1997 to 12.6 in 2007.
Dr. Timothy Anderson, a Sanford C. Bernstein & Company pharmaceutical analyst
who analyzed the IMS data and first reported the prescription downturn last
week, said the declining volume was “most likely tied to a worsening economic
In some cases, the cutbacks might not hurt, according to Gerard F. Anderson, a
health policy expert at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “A lot
of people think there there’s probably over-prescribing in the United States,”
Mr. Anderson said.
But for other patients, he said, “the prescription drug is a lifesaver, and they
really can’t afford to stop it.”
Dr. Thomas J. Weida, a family physician in Hershey, Pa., said one of his
patients ended up in the hospital because he was unable to afford insulin.
Not everyone simply stops taking their drugs.
“They’ll split pills, take their pills every other day, do a lot of things
without conferring with their doctors,” said Jack Hoadley, a health policy
analyst at Georgetown University.
“We’ve had focus groups with various populations,” Mr. Hoadley said. “They’ll
look at four or five prescriptions and say, ‘This is the one I can do without.’
They’re not going to stop their pain medication because they’ll feel bad if they
don’t take that. They’ll stop their statin for cholesterol because they don’t
feel any different whether they take that or not.”
Overall spending in the United States for prescription drugs is still the
highest in the world, an estimated $286.5 billion last year. But that number
makes up only about 10 percent of this country’s total health expenditures of
$2.26 trillion.
Pharmaceutical companies have long been among those arguing that drugs are a
cost-effective way to stave off other, higher medical costs.
The recent prescription cutbacks come even as the drug industry was already
heading toward the “generic cliff,” as it is known — an approaching period when
a number of blockbuster drugs are scheduled to lose patent protection. That will
be 2011 for Lipitor.
Already, a migration to generic drugs means that 60 percent of prescriptions
over all are filled by off-brand versions of drugs. But with money tight, even
cheaper generic drugs may not always be affordable drugs.
Factors other than the economy that may also be at play in the prescription
downturn include adverse publicity about some big-selling medications — like the
cholesterol medications Zetia and Vytorin, marketed jointly by Merck and
Schering-Plough. And sales of Zyrtec, a popular allergy medication, moved out of
the prescription category earlier this year when Johnson & Johnson began selling
it as an over-the-counter medication.
Diane M. Conmy, the director of market insights for IMS Health, said the drop in
prescriptions might also be partly related to the higher out-of-pocket drug
co-payments that insurers are asking consumers to pay.
“Some consumers are making decisions based on the fact that they are bearing
more of the cost of medicines than they have in the past,” Ms. Conmy said.
The average co-payment for drugs on insurers’ “preferred” lists rose to $25 in
2007, from $15 in 2000, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit
health care research organization. And, of course, lots of people have no drug
insurance at all. That includes the estimated 47 million people in the United
States with no form of health coverage, but it is also true for some people who
have medical insurance that does not include drug coverage — a number for which
no good data may exist.
For older Americans, the addition of Medicare drug coverage in 2006 through the
Part D program has meant that 90 percent of Medicare-age people now have drug
insurance. And in the early going, Part D had helped stimulate growth in the
nation’s overall number of prescriptions, as patients who previously had no
coverage flocked to Part D.
But a potential coverage gap in each recipient’s benefit each year — the
so-called Part D doughnut hole — means that many Medicare patients are without
coverage for part of the year.
The recent IMS Health figures reveal that prescription volume declined in June,
in July and again in August, mirroring studies from last year suggesting that
prescription use begins dropping at about the time more Medicare beneficiaries
begin entering the doughnut hole.
Under this year’s rules, the doughnut hole opens when a patient’s total drug
costs have reached $2,510, which counts the portion paid by Medicare as well as
the patient’s own out-of-pocket deductibles and co-payments.
The beneficiary must then absorb 100 percent of the costs for the next $3,216,
until total drug costs for the year have reached $5,726, when Medicare coverage
Gloria Wofford, 76, of Pittsburgh, said she recently stopped taking Provigil,
prescribed for her problem of falling asleep during the day, because she could
no longer afford it after she entered the Medicare doughnut hole.
Her Provigil had been costing $1,695 every three months. “I have no idea who
could do it,” she said. “There’s no way I could handle that.”
Without the medication, Ms. Wofford said, she falls asleep while sitting at her
computer during the day but then cannot sleep during the night. Because she
feels she has no choice, Ms. Wofford is paying out of pocket to continue taking
an expensive diabetes medication that costs more than $500 every three months.
For some other people, the boundaries of when and where to cut back are less
Lori Stewart of Champaign, Ill., is trying to decide whether to discontinue her
mother’s Alzheimer’s medications, which seem to have only marginal benefit.
“The medication is $182 a month,” said Ms. Stewart, who recently wrote about the
dilemma on her personal blog.
“It’s been a very agonizing decision for me. It is literally one-fifth of her
Some Cut Back on Prescription Drugs in Sour Economy, NYT,
Alzheimer’s Risk for Hispanics, Studies Find
October 21,
The New York Times
PHILADELPHIA — Antonio Vasquez was just 60 when Alzheimer’s disease derailed
He lost his job at a Queens bakery because he kept burning chocolate chip
cookies, forgetting he had put them in the oven. Then he got lost going to job
interviews, walking his neighborhood in circles.
Teresa Mojica of Philadelphia was 59 when she got Alzheimer’s, making her so
argumentative and delusional that she sometimes hits her husband. And Ida J.
Lawrence was 57 when she started misplacing things and making mistakes in her
Boston dental school job.
Besides being young Alzheimer’s patients — most Americans who develop it are at
least 65, and it becomes more common among people in their 70s or 80s — the
three are Hispanic, a group that Alzheimer’s doctors are increasingly concerned
about, and not just because it is the country’s largest, fastest-growing
Studies suggest that many Hispanics may have more risk factors for developing
dementia than other groups, and a significant number appear to be getting
Alzheimer’s earlier. And surveys indicate that Latinos, less likely to see
doctors because of financial and language barriers, more often mistake dementia
symptoms for normal aging, delaying diagnosis.
“This is the tip of the iceberg of a huge public health challenge,” said Yanira
L. Cruz, president of the National Hispanic Council on Aging. “We really need to
do more research in this population to really understand why is it that we’re
developing these conditions much earlier.”
It is not that Hispanics are more genetically predisposed to Alzheimer’s, say
experts, who say the diversity of ethnicities that make up Hispanics or Latinos
make a genetic explanation unlikely.
Rather, experts say several factors, many linked to low income or cultural
dislocation, may put Hispanics at greater risk for dementia, including higher
rates of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke and possibly
Less education may make Hispanic immigrants more vulnerable to those medical
conditions and to dementia because scientists say education may increase the
brain’s plasticity or ability to compensate for symptoms. And some researchers
cite as risk factors stress from financial hardship or cultural adjustment.
The Alzheimer’s Association says that about 200,000 Latinos in the United States
have Alzheimer’s, but that, by 2050, based on Census Bureau figures and a study
of Alzheimer’s prevalence, the number could reach 1.3 million. (It predicts that
the general population of Alzheimer’s patients will grow to 16 million by 2050,
from 5 million now.)
“We are concerned that the Latino population may have the highest amount of risk
factors and prevalence, in comparison to the other cultures,” said Maria
Carrillo, the group’s director of medical and scientific relations.
In response, Alzheimer’s and Hispanic organizations have started health fairs
and support groups. Some Alzheimer’s centers have opened clinics in Latino
“There’s some taboos” about Alzheimer’s, said Liany Arroyo, director of the
Institute for Hispanic Health at the National Council of La Raza, which surveyed
Latinos. “Folks did not necessarily understand what it was.”
Antonia Lopez, who immigrated from Panama to Boston, showed symptoms at about
60, but it was 10 years before the family acknowledged it was Alzheimer’s, said
her daughter, Carol Franklin.
“My mom was telling people, in her confusion, that I spanked her,” she said. “My
brother believed that. He said to me at one point, ‘Don’t say that my mom has
Alzheimer’s, because I believe it’s just part of being old.’ ”
Overwhelmingly, Hispanics with Alzheimer’s live with multigenerational families
instead of in nursing homes. That support can be beneficial, experts say, but it
severely stresses families.
When Maria Contreras, a Salvadoran immigrant, began wandering and hallucinating,
her daughter, Teresa Navas, took her into her home in Silver Spring, Md. The
strain on Ms. Navas and her children compelled her to place her mother in a
nursing home, but when she kept getting sick, Ms. Navas took her home again and
quit her job teaching Spanish.
“I have to be with her all the time,” she said. “Sometimes she doesn’t even know
who I am.”
Mr. Vasquez’s daughter, Ana, 39, moved her parents to her Philadelphia home. She
works at a neighborhood grocery and tells her sons, 6 and 11, “Watch out for
your grandfather.”
Once, Mr. Vasquez was found hitchhiking on a major Philadelphia street. On a
visit to the Bronx neighborhood where he had lived, he wandered away, leaving
his family frenetically searching subway stations. “I was desperate, crying,
especially when the night was coming,” said his wife, also named Ana.
Nine hours later, he appeared on their Philadelphia porch, having happened upon
a bus to Philadelphia and given the driver a card with their address.
Scientists are searching for what sets Latinos apart. Dr. Rafael A. Lantigua, a
professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University Medical School, said,
“There’s no gene at this point that we can say this is just for Latinos.” Dr.
Lantigua added that one gene that increased Alzheimer’s risk was less prevalent
in Latinos than non-Hispanic whites.
Kala M. Mehta, an assistant professor in the geriatrics division at the
University of California, San Francisco, analyzed autopsies from 3,000
Alzheimer’s patients, finding “similar neuropathology” among Latinos, whites and
And Mary Sano, director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at the Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, found that different ethnic groups shared the most
common behavioral symptoms, like repeating sentences and uncooperativeness.
But researchers say they have seen disparities in the timing of the illness and
its severity when diagnosed.
Dr. Steven E. Arnold, director of the Penn Memory Center at the University of
Pennsylvania, studied 2,000 white, African-American and Latino Alzheimer’s
Dr. Arnold found that the Latinos, mostly low-income, poorly educated Puerto
Ricans, many with diabetes, “have more depression,” and their scores on tests in
Spanish measuring dementia averaged about 15 percent lower than
African-Americans and about 30 percent lower than non-Hispanic whites. Latinos
were on average about three-and-a-half years younger than non-Hispanic whites
and about five years younger than African-Americans, he said.
Dr. Christopher M. Clark, director of the Center of Excellence for Research on
Neurodegenerative Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania, studied the age at
which 174 Alzheimer’s patients in California, New York and Pennsylvania first
showed symptoms and found Spanish speakers were on average 6.8 years younger
(about 67) than non-Hispanic whites, regardless of whether they were Mexican,
Caribbean or South American. That Latinos are on average younger than other
Americans accounted for a small part of the gap, but not most of it, Dr. Clark
Research is scant on the age of onset in Latinos remaining in their native
homes, but Dr. Clark said patients in two clinics in Mexico and Puerto Rico did
not show symptoms early.
Mary N. Haan, a University of Michigan epidemiologist heading the Sacramento
Area Latino Study on Aging, studied 1,800 Mexican-Americans over 10 years and
found greater likelihood of Alzheimer’s for those more “acculturated” to
American society, based on a number of factors, including diet and social
networks. Dr. Haan attributed that to higher stress from being “relatively
poorer off” and “more socially isolated.”
Dr. Cruz, of the National Hispanic Council on Aging, said, “As you acculturate,
you lose those protective factors linked to nutrition, physical activity, social
support system, that come with you when you first arrive here.”
Dr. Haan found more acculturated people more prone to diabetes, and people with
diabetes or obesity more likely to have Alzheimer’s. Researchers theorize that
high insulin levels and poor cerebral blood flow can cause brain changes that
accompany Alzheimer’s, said Dr. Jose A. Luchsinger, associate professor of
medicine and epidemiology at Columbia University Medical Center.
Dr. Cruz said many Alzheimer’s risk factors “have to do with poor education,”
which aggravates nutrition, financial status and health care.
Mrs. Mojica, from Puerto Rico, with five years of schooling, developed diabetes
and hypertension after a hard life in a rundown row house, where she and her
husband care for their 39-year-old mentally retarded son.
Not all Hispanics have medical or sociological risk factors.
Ida Lawrence, whose Alzheimer’s has made her hide money in socks and shower
obsessively, attended high school in Honduras, learning English. Her husband,
Robert, said he thought her dementia might be inherited, adding, “She’s been
healthy except for the fact that she was coming down with this Alzheimer’s
Mr. Lawrence, who has prostate cancer, struggles to care for his wife, still
only 63. “Everybody says to me, ‘Bob it’s going to get worse,’ ” he said.
Ms. Franklin finally moved her mother, Ms. Lopez, to a nursing home, where she
cries and “doesn’t want nobody to touch her,” she said.
“It hurts me so much to see her like that,” Ms. Franklin said. “It’s like I can
see her on one side of the mountain and say, that’s not my mom.”
More Alzheimer’s Risk for Hispanics, Studies Find, NYT,
an Autistic Teenager
October 19,
The New York Times
On a
typical Monday morning at an atypical high school, teenage boys yanked open the
glass doors to the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Ga. Half-awake, iPod wires
curling from their ears, their backpacks unbuckled and their jeans baggy, the
guys headed for the elevator. Arriving at Morning Meeting in the third-floor
conference room, Stephen, his face hidden under long black bangs, dropped into a
chair, sprawled across the table and went back to sleep. The Community School,
or T.C.S., is a small private school for teenage boys with autism or related
disorders. Sleep disturbances are common in this student body of 10, so a boy’s
staggering need for sleep is respected. Nick Boswell, a tall fellow with thick
sideburns, arrived and began his usual pacing along the windows that overlook
the church parking lot and baseball diamond. Edwick, with spiky brown hair and a
few black whiskers, tumbled backward with a splat into a beanbag chair on the
“O.K., guys, let’s talk about your spring schedules,” said Dave Nelson, the
45-year-old founding director. He wore a green polo shirt, cargo shorts and
sneakers and had a buzz haircut and an open, suntanned face. After his son
Graham, 19, was given a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (A.S.D.) as a
young child, Nelson left the business world and went into teaching and clinical
and counseling work. On that Monday, he was instantly interrupted.
“I had a very bad night!” Edwick yelled from the floor. “Nightmares all night!”
“What was disturbing you, Edwick?” Nelson asked.
“What do you think?” Edwick cried in exasperation. “It’s St. Patrick’s Day!”
“What’s upsetting about that?” Nelson asked.
Edwick dropped his shoulders to relay how tiring it was to have to explain every
little thing. “Leprechauns,” he yelled.
“Oh,” Nelson said. “I thought maybe it was the tornado that hit downtown on
Friday night.”
“No, not the tornado!” Edwick yelled.
Nick stopped pacing to comment: “Edwick’s not scared of tornados; he’s scared of
leprechauns.” I burst out laughing and so did the faculty members, while Nelson
seemed to relish the interruption rather than find it a hindrance to the morning
routine. His hidden agenda was precisely to entertain outbursts like Edwick’s,
while making room for a sardonic intelligence like Nick’s. No matter the stated
purpose of Morning Meeting, the true purposes were always the same:
conversation, debate, negotiation, compromise and the building of relationships.
T.C.S.’s only serious admissions requirements are that a boy should have at
least some functional language and that there’s a good chance he can become part
of the “community” of the school name.
The group turned to registering for spring classes. In addition to biology,
algebra 2/trigonometry, English literature and U.S. history, there were the
electives: Dragon Lore, Comic Books, How to Shop for Bargains and the History of
Snack Food. Past electives included All About Pirates, Spy Technology,
Ping-Pong, Dog Obedience, Breaking World Records, Unusual Foods and Taking
Things Apart. (“I just wish they’d come up with a second-quarter class, Putting
the Things Back Together,” Nelson told me.)
“I knew it!” Edwick complained, mashing about on the beanbag chair. He was
disappointed because no one picked the elective he’d proposed: the History of
What makes the Community School unusual is not its student body — plenty of
schools around the country enroll teenagers with an autism spectrum disorder.
But, like about only two dozen schools in the country, it employs a relatively
new, creative and highly interactive teaching method known as D.I.R./Floortime,
which is producing striking results among T.C.S.’s student body. (D.I.R. stands
for developmental, individual differences, relationship-based approach.) The
method is derived from the work of Stanley Greenspan, a child psychiatrist and
professor of psychiatry, behavioral science and pediatrics at George Washington
University, and his colleague Dr. Serena Wieder. D.I.R./Floortime can be
effective with all kinds of children, whether they have developmental challenges
or not. As applied by T.C.S., it is an approach that encourages students to
develop their strengths and interests by working closely with one another and
with their teachers. The goal for students is neurological progress through
real-world engagement.
With the skyrocketing diagnoses of A.S.D.’s in recent years, parents and school
systems are challenged as never before to find techniques to keep these
teenagers engaged, productive and nondespairing. Boys with A.S.D. (they
outnumber girls four to one) who were difficult to console, to teach, to
restrain at age 4 or 8 can be nearly impossible for parents and teachers to
manage and to steer at 14 and 18. While a 25-pound toddler’s tantrum is
wearying, a 150-pound teenager’s tantrum is dangerous. Puberty and young
adulthood take many of these young people unawares.
How best to serve this population remains a subject of debate, because autism is
a “final common pathway” diagnosis, meaning children arrive here from different
points of origin, are troubled by a wide variety of issues and respond to
different strategies. “You meet one child with autism and, well, you’ve met one
child with autism,” says Linda Brandenburg, the director of school autism
services at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Maryland. Given the wide range of
expression in autism and related disorders, there is no one-size-fits-all
intervention. “We now know that there are several different models that seem to
work — some more behavioral, some more developmental, some more eclectic,” Dr.
Fred R. Volkmar, director of the Yale Child Study Center, told me. “What we
really need to be doing, what the law says, is design programs around the kids
rather than force kids into a program.”
The vast majority of programs for autistic youth in the U.S. use an approach
called Applied Behavior Analysis, in which teachers and therapists use
well-established techniques of reward and punishment to shape a student’s
actions toward goals like toilet training, learning vocabulary or completing a
puzzle. A typical A.B.A. lesson rewards memorized responses, specific behaviors
and compliance to external directives — “Pick up the fork, Jared.” An instructor
may move the child’s arm, hand and fingers to model the desired behavior. The
child is then rewarded — with praise, with hugs, with a treat — when he performs
the act correctly. As the first method to work with profoundly self-absorbed
children and to demonstrate that progress could be made, A.B.A. — which came to
national prominence in the late 1980s — has been a lifesaver for countless
families. Critics worry that the method focuses on modifying the symptoms rather
than addressing the underlying disabilities, and many say they fear that
A.B.A.-trained children often do not “generalize,” that is, take a behavior
learned in one setting and apply it in another. A child may learn to make eye
contact in response to “How are you?” and to reply, “Fine, how are you?” But
such rote memorization does not give the child the intuition to know when a
stranger is to be greeted warmly and when to be avoided, and it does not enable
him to meet his grandmother with greater warmth than the grocer.
“All teachers and therapists use elements of behaviorism,” Nelson told me. “As
an intervention for autism, the A.B.A. movement was one of the first to suggest
how intensive the intervention has to be — maybe 40 hours a week — to see
results. This notion of intensity has been valuable to everyone that followed.”
The Community School — with a teaching staff of 12 and a $25,000 tuition —
employs the intensity but not the methodology of A.B.A. Rather than spend time
on a student’s mastery of a skill preselected for him by an adult, the idea is
to harness a student’s energy and desire to learn. As a student interacts with
peers and teachers, solves problems and expresses his ideas, his behavior should
naturally begin to lose its rough edges. The essence of Floortime is that a
person learns best when self-motivated, when an inner drive sparks the
acquisition of skills and knowledge.
As with A.B.A., achieving D.I.R./Floortime’s far-reaching goals for students
requires intense interaction — a wooing of a child from his or her remove — for
as many hours of the day as parents and teachers can physically sustain. Dr.
Greenspan would like to see an autistic child productively interacting with an
adult for most of his waking time, seven days a week. Those drained parents who
have the means hire therapists and trained baby sitters to help them approximate
that schedule, during either home-schooling days or out-of-school hours.
Because the goal of D.I.R./Floortime is the kindling of a student’s curiosity,
intelligence, playfulness and energy, the lessons can take on a spontaneous,
electric quality. I have seen sessions with young children during which the
child and his or her therapist or parent tumbled across the house, behind the
sofa, into closets or onto the porch, picking up balls, puppets, costumes, books
and snacks along the way. At T.C.S., classes can look like debates between
equals; school days can include board games, sports, plays, science experiments,
music, art, ropes courses or rafting trips in which all students and teachers
playfully compete, contribute and perform. All the boys at the school probably
have average or better intelligence. Onlookers might call a few “high
functioning” (though that adjective has no clinical meaning), and T.C.S. is an
accredited high school and middle school, offering college prep and high-school
courses to students able to complete a conventionally rigorous course of study.
(Other students pursue less-demanding tracks oriented toward getting a G.E.D.,
attaining job skills or developing independent-living skills.) So it’s not all
fun and social time. But rote learning is never the goal; the goal is that the
students should be able to think, to feel, to communicate and to learn. Most of
the kids are making the first friends of their lives here.
T.C.S. does not promise miracles. It does not promise to be a perfect fit for
every teenager with an A.S.D. Dave Nelson does not invest great faith in the
possibility of leaving the autism spectrum behind, no matter how much parents
(like himself) would love to believe it. The breakthroughs at T.C.S. are subtle
rather than headline-grabbing, noticeable at first only to the adults closest to
the kids and to the students themselves. But for these families, any forward
motion can inspire a moment of real hope and happiness, and quite remarkable
progress happens every day.
Stephen, 17, a solidly built boy with a sweet face under a heavy thatch of
bangs, entered T.C.S. in 2005 prone to blowups of alarming power. His parents
adore their son and have been whipped about like sailboats by his furies. His
first year at school, during group construction of an outdoor marble-run, a boy
fumbled and a marble dropped. “I am going to assassinate him,” Stephen exploded.
“I. Will. Behead. Him.” Stephen’s academics are top-notch, but the stance of the
Community School is not to ignore a student’s psychological deficits while
skipping ahead to schoolwork or life skills. It doesn’t matter that Stephen is
at home with algebraic theorems if he is going to react like a toddler when
ambushed by a mad or sad feeling.
Ty Martin, 14, is a cute and curly-haired guy who lives in terror of loud or
strange noises. The faux thunderstorm in the produce aisles at the grocery store
makes it difficult to take him shopping. A classmate’s coughing or a siren in
the distance distracts him from schoolwork. His mother often was obliged to
retreat to a windowless basement room at home, hugging and soothing her son when
the outside world — especially lawn crews next door with leaf-blowers —
overwhelmed him. “He doesn’t like crows,” Judy Martin told me last spring. “If
crows are at a park, he’ll go from happy to berserk in five seconds. If we go to
a restaurant, we’re all on edge, praying the bartender doesn’t turn on the
Sam Gross visited San Francisco with his mother two years ago at age 15. During
a tour of Alcatraz, the handsome olive-skinned boy climbed a nearby fence and
prepared to dive. Had his mother not spotted him and screamed, Sam would have
been injured or killed by falling onto the rocks. But he was not trying to kill
himself. He planned, as he explained in his monotone voice, to turn into a
merman and swim back to the mainland.
Then he began to deteriorate. For two years, he spent every day in a ball under
his blankets, rising only to pound either side of his head with such ferocity
that two bald spots bloomed under his fists, then dangerously swelled. He had to
be sedated to stop the self-battery. By the time Sam reached the Community
School, he was nearly incommunicative. Whenever he began using his head like a
punching bag, the teachers asked him to stop, and he did, but otherwise showed
no sign that he heard them.
Students arrive at T.C.S. trailing long histories of school failure and
humiliation, suspension, expulsion, truncated transcripts, social isolation,
victimization, self-loathing, suicidal ideation or years of home-schooling
patched together by mothers forced to leave their jobs. “On our first visit with
Dave Nelson, Ty started screaming: ‘I hate this place! I want to leave right
now!’ ” Judy Martin says. “Most principals don’t want to work with a kid like
that. But what I saw on Dave Nelson’s face was ‘I can work with a kid like
this.’ ”
Many prospective parents begin to weep during their intake interviews with
Nelson. For them and their children, this place represents something of a last
While there is no direct relationship between Dr. Stanley Greenspan and the
nation’s D.I.R./Floortime schools, other than one of mutual respect, the
theoretical underpinning of these schools relies on his argument that human
intelligence itself is constructed out of the warm back-and-forth signaling
between child and parent, beginning at birth. Jean Piaget located a child’s
investigation of causality in the material world, for example, with experiments
like pulling a string attached to a bell, but Greenspan and his colleague Serena
Wieder see these insights occurring in the emotional realm, when a baby learns
that his or her smile brings the parent’s smile. Brain development is not a solo
pursuit but a rich and complex flowering that occurs only in the hothouse of
human relationships.
What does this have to do with autism? A child born at risk of an A.S.D. has
cognitive and sensitivity issues that inhibit engagement. Pleasures enjoyed by a
typical baby can upset him: a mother’s face seems too close, so the infant
cranes away; the father’s tickles may produce fear reflexes rather than
laughter. Meanwhile the sunlight is burning his eyes, the diaper scrapes his
skin and the baby begins avoiding interaction with people at the cost of normal
brain development.
I begin to picture the brain metaphorically as a tangled ball of Christmas
lights. When you plug it in, there are strands that light up perfectly and there
are dark zones where a single burned-out bulb has caused a line to go out. If
the bulb for Exchanging-Smiles-With-Mother doesn’t light up, then Empathy won’t
be kindled farther along the strand, or Playfulness, or Theory of Mind (the
insight that other people have different thoughts from yours). The electrical
current won’t reach the social-skill set, the communication skills, creativity,
humor or abstract thinking.
According to the D.I.R. perspective, emotion is the power source that lights up
the neural switchboard. D.I.R./Floortime’s goal is to connect autistic students
with other people as a way of fueling their cognitive potential and giving them
access to their own feelings, desires and insights. The latest findings in the
field of neuroplasticity support D.I.R.’s faith in the capacity of the human
brain to recoup and to compensate for injury and illness. “Early intervention is
optimal,” Dr. Greenspan told me, “but it’s never too late. The areas of the
brain that regulate emotions, that sequence ideas and actions and that influence
abstract thinking keep growing into a person’s 50s and 60s.”
T.C.S. students are masters of withdrawal, and for the D.I.R. model to work,
each student must be an active partner in his own education. But how do you
ignite the enthusiasm of an autistic teenager who has long since walled himself
off from the outside world; who uses little language or who screeches in random
yelps or vulgarities; who flips out when pried away from his computer game; who
speaks to you, if at all, in long monologues on arcane subjects with zero
interest in your response? What do you use as a staging ground for a
relationship with an increasingly furious and despairing adolescent?
The Floortime technique might be summed up as: “Follow the child’s lead and
challenge the child.” It is most easily visible on the videotapes documenting
Dr. Greenspan’s 25 years of clinical work with younger children. In each video,
the gangly psychiatrist crouches on the floor of his comfortably shabby home
office in Bethesda, calling instructions to parents about how to catch the
attention of and interact with their remote-seeming children. “I treat
everything the child does as having a reason — to feel calmer, for example, or
to feel excited,” Dr. Greenspan told me. “Often the parents have notions of what
the child should be doing, so they’re trying to control the child rather than
build on the child’s natural interests.”
In my favorite video, a 30-something husband and wife flank their 4-year-old
daughter; the husband, in round horn-rim glasses, sits forward on the sofa; his
wife curls up on the floor nearby. Their daughter, with chopped-off blond hair
and a doughy face, looks to me like Helen Keller, pre-Anne Sullivan. Seeming
almost blind, deaf, mute and mentally retarded, she bounces from sofa to table
to wall. She is without affect, her movements ungainly and her eyes unfocused.
She makes slurping sounds, as if she has reached the bottom of a drink with a
straw. “We’re going to try to get a continuous flow of back-and-forth going
here,” Dr. Greenspan says.
The mother smiles sadly, knowingly. “That would be nice,” she says.
“We’re going to build on what she does,” the doctor says.
The girl is flapping a plastic toy in her hand. “Will she give it to Daddy?” Dr.
Greenspan asks.
“Can I see that?” the father asks as the child roams the room. The child seems
not to hear him. But then the girl, traveling by, indifferently drops the toy
into his outstretched hand. Delighted, the father says: “There’s a star on it!
And there’s a triangle!”
“Here you’re losing her, Daddy,” Dr. Greenspan says, and sure enough, the girl
escapes and heads for a wall. “If you’re trying to educate her with complicated
language that she’s not processing, then you’re going to lose her. You want to
change your orientation from educating her to interacting with her.”
The child picks up a bright plastic flowered eyeglass case off a table and
twiddles it. “See if she’ll give it to you,” the doctor prompts.
“Can you give it to Mommy?” the mother asks, and surprising everyone, the girl
hands it over. “Thank you!” the mother says.
The mother hides the eyeglass case behind her on the floor. The girl treads in
place for a moment, swinging her arms and slurping. She begins to laugh a
strange, heaving laugh. “Huh-huh-huh!” The mother moves a little to show that
she’s sitting on the eyeglass case, and the child dives for it.
“Good, good!” Dr. Greenspan cheers.
“Can I have it back?” the mother asks. The mother hides it inside her own
sweater, half-exposed.
“Let her get it! Let her get it! Let her get it!” Dr. Greenspan says in
excitement. It is of paramount importance to him that the child initiates her
own ideas and motor plans. Every time her parents start to physically turn or
steer her, he stops them, crying: “Let her do it! Let her do it!”
The mother next slips the eyeglass case into the bib of her daughter’s pink
overalls, and the girl stops in her tracks. Dr. Greenspan is prepared to leap
over furniture to block the parents from giving her a clue. Suddenly, slowly,
the girl’s gaze drops. . . . She finds the eyeglass case! In her own pants!
“Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” she says.
“Make it more complicated!” the psychiatrist pleads.
“Can we go give it to Daddy?” the mother asks.
The mother walks over to the father, who hides the eyeglass case in his shirt.
The girl freezes in confusion. The psychiatrist loves a moment like this and
tries to prolong it. He sees momentary frustration as a vitally creative
occasion. He urges parents to be “playfully obstructive.” He’s not after
results; he wants to see a child thinking. “She can do this,” he advises them.
The girl slowly looks down, plucking at her overalls. For a moment it seems they
have lost her. But — no — she’s looking inside the bib, where she last found the
eyeglass case. It’s not there. Again she freezes. She must be thinking, “Mommy
went to Daddy. . . . ” Slowly she turns toward her father.
The expression on the father’s face, when his daughter plucks the eyeglass case
from his shirt, is of heartbreaking gratitude. A moment later, he pitches the
eyeglass case over her head to his wife. The girl turns and beholds her beaming
mother holding the eyeglass case. “Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!” she says. Mom pitches the
case back to Dad, and when the child turns to run to her father, she skips in
her delight, her face radiant, making a hoarse sound of laughter.
Children with autism — especially Asperger’s — are famous for all-consuming
interests in Matchbox cars, bus maps, train schedules, oscillating fans, Civil
War battles, baseball statistics, black holes, dinosaurs, chess or Star Wars.
While most programs try to discourage these obsessions, D.I.R./Floortime argues
that they can offer openings into relationships. Does this work? Parents of
T.C.S. students say that it does. Most speak in glowing terms about the school’s
lifesaving impact on their families. Outside experts are more cautious,
reluctant to give any one approach a gold medal when there are so many
variables, including the profiles of the students admitted to T.C.S. in the
first place. “Stanley Greenspan is an engaged and enthusiastic clinician,” Dr.
Volkmar says. “People are attracted to Floortime because it is respectful of the
child and the child’s wishes. He wants to follow the child’s lead. I would
imagine that more able children do produce leads that are worth following — I’ve
seen kids with Asperger’s do well in Montessori programs too — but what if the
child isn’t doing much that you’d want to follow? I wonder if following the lead
of a child who’s doing nothing but body rocking results in a roomful of people
all body rocking with him.”
Dave Nelson says: “T.C.S. is a school, so I’d argue that our success should be
measured by how well we educate our students. The boys have far better
attendance rates than at their previous schools. They have far better emotional
regulation — many could not attend school before due to their outbursts; while
here, emotional regulation is core curriculum. Many were depressed to the point
of suicidal ideation at their previous schools; that’s not happening here. Some
were victims of bullying, some were aggressors at their previous schools; not
here. All our parents report that their children are functioning better, are
happier and are better communicators, thinkers and learners.”
Judy Martin says: “My son Ty’s progress has been monumental. He doesn’t cry in
dark basements anymore. He isn’t entirely focused on himself; he is learning
real empathy. He never liked school, and now he loves it. Every day this past
summer he asked me when he could be with Dave Nelson. This is a child who never
cared about teachers or friends. Now he tells me he loves them. I chatted with
Stephen the other day by the vending machine as his money got stuck. He was
problem-solving rather than blowing up. We rode the elevator together, chatting
about the problem, while he decided to go find a teacher to help him.”
One morning at school, the fire alarm went off. My first thought — like
everyone’s — was, Oh, my God —Ty! We descended the stairs to the parking lot. Ty
was within a circle of T.C.S. teachers. “It was Elana!” he yelled to everyone
about one of the teachers, who had been trying to prepare a snack for her class.
“Elana burnt the popcorn in the microwave!” Poor Elana Himmelfarb, covering her
face, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, said again and again, “I am just so,
so, so, so sorry, Ty.”
He was trying to forgive her, but he kept asking, “Elana, why did you make the
fire alarm go off?” His face was red, his curls were plastered back with
perspiration and he was rocking a bit, long after the alarm had been silenced.
Back upstairs, when the smoke cleared, Ty huddled in a beanbag chair with
Rebecca Richter, one of the teachers, beside him.
“I hate that noise,” Ty said. “That’s a bad noise. That has a witch’s voice.”
“You really didn’t like that noise,” she agreed.
“This can NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN,” he sobbed, demanding that Rebecca promise him.
“This will never happen again, will it? This can never happen!
“I need you to call my mom,” he said, weeping. “I’m having a very bad day. Will
you call my mom? I need her to come get me.” I imagine a region of Ty’s brain
blinking hard, a fistful of tiny red lights setting one another off: Panic!
“If we can keep Ty engaged with us, it means that he is harnessing and
organizing his energies in order to interact,” Nelson told me later. “By keeping
him connected, we won’t let him be kidnapped by random fragmented thoughts. If
you aren’t engaged with other people, then you are completely at the mercy of
your own regulatory system. Think about a situation where you were overcome with
distress and how being able to tell someone helped you avoid becoming
uncontrollably distraught.”
Gently Richter moved Ty from unreality (“the witch’s voice”) onto solid ground
(“I’m having a bad day”). Given the tools to hang on, Ty survived until the end
of the school day. And the breakthroughs continued. “When Ty came home that day,
we talked through the events, as the school has trained me to lovingly do,” Judy
Martin told me recently, “and Ty said, ‘Mom, I feel bad for Elana, because she
didn’t mean to do it.’
“ ‘Do you think she felt embarrassed?’ I asked him, and he said yes. This moment
was huge: Ty has always struggled with seeing the viewpoint of others, and here
he was able to take a moment that frightened him and look at it from Elana’s
viewpoint. We go to restaurants all the time now, and Ty couldn’t care less
about the blenders. Lawn crews arrive next door, and they don’t faze him.”
When Sam Gross, now 17, arrived at T.C.S., he tripped along down the hall on the
balls of his feet, rolling his head, thrumming on his chest with his fingers,
humming to himself, lost in other worlds. The only points of entry he offered
were during serious flights of fancy. “What this school needs,” he murmured in
his low, resonant voice one day to a teacher, Lucie Canfield, “is a magic
“What would it do, Sam?” Lucie asked, delighted.
After a long pause he said, “Turn Sam into Samantha.” Sam wanted to travel back
in time, he explained, to when he was a little girl; then he changed his mind
and wanted to use it for teleporting.
Sam’s parents and his psychiatrist were initially less than enthusiastic about
the magic cabinet: “Let’s not get started with this stuff here,” they said. But
Lucie had already asked Sam, “What would a magic cabinet look like?”
Sam had replied: “Cow-colored.”
Lucie pushed poster board and colored pencils at Sam and said, “Show me.”
Dave Nelson agreed. This was the clearest opening they’d had from Sam Gross.
Everything Nelson knew about Floortime told him to follow the boy’s lead. “Let’s
see where this goes,” he told Sam’s parents.
Sam finished several quite beautiful drawings of a tall, rectangular closet. It
would have a blue curtain and a bell stand on top, with a chain he would pull
when he was finished transforming or teleporting. Nelson brought in a
refrigerator box, and Lucie and Sam painted it in a nice Holstein pattern of
black on white. “We made a point of always saying to Sam not that we were
building a magic cabinet, but that we would pretend with him,” Lucie tells me.
“I explained that magicians used tricks to make people think they disappeared.”
T.C.S. would facilitate this exploration, with Sam, of the frontier of fantasy,
with the expectation that he would encounter some reality along the way.
The special day arrived, and Sam stepped into the cabinet and drew the curtain.
Dave waved a magic wand and read words Sam had written: “Abracadabra-a-whirl.
Let Sam turn into a girl.”
There was silence inside the box. Then Sam called, “Do it again!” Dave chanted
the words again. Silence. Then: “Let Lucie do it!” The teacher took the wand and
gave it a try.
Sam peeked out, still male. “This is not the right cabinet for turning into a
girl,” he said in consternation. “This is the cabinet that turns you into Paul
McCartney.” He exited. At home that night, Sam looked up magicians in the Yellow
Pages and booked one to come to school the next day. Dave Nelson canceled. It
was time for reality to intervene.
Back at school, Sam spent the week focusing on how to teleport out of the
cabinet to surprise folks in the cafeteria on the ground floor. Then one day he
made an unusual request of Lucie Canfield: he needed help cutting a back door in
the box that would allow him to slip away like a stage magician. It was a
striking and brave acknowledgment of the material world.
Sam never staged his trick, as it was real magic that excited him. And he
muttered, over the next few weeks, seditious thoughts along the lines of, What
kind of school is this that doesn’t provide a real magician? The Magic Cabinet
still stands in the art room, bell-towered and cow-colored. Many of the students
enjoy stepping behind the blue curtain now and then for a moment of quiet remove
from the world or to prepare to burst back upon the room in an assumed role.
“It’s expanded from a product of Sam’s fantastic imagination to something of
real purpose,” Judy Martin told me. “Kids peek out their heads as characters
from books they’ve been reading, changing their voices and facial expressions.”
The Magic Cabinet has come to stand for what the Community School offers these
students: the possibility of transformation.
Melissa Fay Greene is the author of “There Is No Me Without You: One Woman’s
Odyssey to Rescue Her Country’s Children.”
Reaching an Autistic Teenager, NYT, 19.10.2008,
Rights on the Ballot, Again
October 13,
The New York Times
Once again
this year, opponents of women’s reproductive rights have managed to get
initiatives aimed at ending or limiting abortion rights on ballots — in South
Dakota, Colorado and California. These measures, which violate women’s privacy
and threaten their health, have implications far beyond those states. If voters
approve them, they will become a weapon in the right-wing campaign to overturn
Roe v Wade.
The South Dakota initiative is a near twin of the sweeping abortion ban handily
rejected by South Dakota voters just two years ago. To make the ban seem less
harsh, its backers have included language purporting to make exceptions for
incest, rape or the life and health of the mother. But no one should be fooled.
The exceptions were drafted to make it nearly impossible to get an abortion,
even during the first trimester of pregnancy.
The measure is clearly unconstitutional under existing Supreme Court rulings,
and that’s just the point. The underlying agenda is to provide a vehicle for
challenging Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion.
The Colorado ballot proposal attacks Roe v. Wade by a different route. Known as
Amendment 48, this preposterous measure would redefine the term “person” in the
state’s Constitution to include fertilized human eggs — in effect bestowing on
fertilized eggs, prior to implantation in the womb and pregnancy, the same legal
rights and protections that apply to people once they are born.
The amendment, which has split anti-abortion groups, carries broad implications,
ranging from harmful to downright ridiculous. Potentially, it could ban widely
used forms of contraception, curtail medical research involving embryos,
criminalize necessary medical care and shutter fertility clinics. A damaged
fertilized egg might be eligible for monetary damages.
Noting the “legal nightmare” the amendment would create, and its potential to
endanger the health of women, Gov. Bill Ritter, a self-described “pro-life”
Democrat, has joined the opposition to Amendment 48.
In California, meanwhile, abortion opponents have put the issue of parental
notification on the ballot for the third time in four years. The proponents of
Proposition 4 say mandating notification is necessary to safeguard underage
girls. But most 15-year-olds who find themselves pregnant instinctively turn to
a parent for support and guidance. Far from protecting vulnerable teens,
Proposition 4 would make it difficult for young women caught in abusive
situations to obtain an abortion without notifying their parents, even in cases
where the father or stepfather is responsible for the pregnancy.
If approved, Proposition 4 would inevitably drive some to attempt a self-induced
abortion or to seek the procedure later in pregnancy. California voters were
right to reject this damaging approach on the first two attempts. They should do
so again.
Abortion Rights on the Ballot, Again, NYT, 13.10.2008,
Provides More Mental Health Coverage
October 6,
The New York Times
— More than one-third of all Americans will soon receive better insurance
coverage for mental health treatments because of a new law that, for the first
time, requires equal coverage of mental and physical illnesses.
The requirement, included in the economic bailout bill that President Bush
signed on Friday, is the result of 12 years of passionate advocacy by friends
and relatives of people with mental illness and addiction disorders. They
described the new law as a milestone in the quest for civil rights, an effort to
end insurance discrimination and to reduce the stigma of mental illness.
Most employers and group health plans provide less coverage for mental health
care than for the treatment of physical conditions like cancer, heart disease or
broken bones. They will need to adjust their benefits to comply with the new
law, which requires equivalence, or parity, in the coverage.
For decades, insurers have set higher co-payments and deductibles and stricter
limits on treatment for addiction and mental illnesses.
By wiping away such restrictions, doctors said, the new law will make it easier
for people to obtain treatment for a wide range of conditions, including
depression, autism, schizophrenia, eating disorders and alcohol and drug abuse.
Frank B. McArdle, a health policy expert at Hewitt Associates, a benefits
consulting firm, said the law would force sweeping changes in the workplace.
“A large majority of health plans currently have limits on hospital inpatient
days and outpatient visits for mental health treatments, but not for other
treatments,” Mr. McArdle said. “They will have to change their plan design.”
Federal officials said the law would improve coverage for 113 million people,
including 82 million in employer-sponsored plans that are not subject to state
regulation. The effective date, for most health plans, will be Jan. 1, 2010.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the new requirement will increase
premiums by an average of about two-tenths of 1 percent. Businesses with 50 or
fewer employees are exempt.
The goal of mental health parity once seemed politically unrealistic but gained
widespread support for several reasons:
¶Researchers have found biological causes and effective treatments for numerous
mental illnesses.
¶A number of companies now specialize in managing mental health benefits, making
the costs to insurers and employers more affordable. The law allows these
companies to continue managing benefits.
¶Employers have found that productivity tends to increase after workers are
treated for mental illnesses and drug or alcohol dependence. Such treatments can
reduce the number of lost work days.
¶The stigma of mental illness may have faded as people see members of the armed
forces returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with serious mental problems.
¶Parity has proved workable when tried at the state level and in the health
insurance program for federal employees, including members of Congress.
Dr. Steven E. Hyman, a former director of the National Institute of Mental
Health, said it was impossible to justify insurance discrimination when an
overwhelming body of scientific evidence showed that “mental illnesses represent
real diseases of the brain.”
“Genetic mutations and unlucky combinations of normal genes contribute to the
risk of autism and schizophrenia,” Dr. Hyman said. “There is also strong
evidence that people with schizophrenia have thinning of the gray matter in
parts of the brain that permit us to control our thoughts and behavior.”
The drive for mental health parity was led by Senator Pete V. Domenici,
Republican of New Mexico, who has a daughter with schizophrenia, and Senator
Paul Wellstone, the Minnesota Democrat who was killed in a plane crash in 2002.
Mr. Wellstone had a brother with severe mental illness.
Prominent members of both parties, including Betty Ford, Rosalynn Carter and
Tipper Gore, pleaded with Congress to pass the legislation.
Representatives Patrick J. Kennedy, Democrat of Rhode Island, and Jim Ramstad,
Republican of Minnesota, led the fight in the House. Mr. Kennedy has been
treated for depression and, by his own account, became “the public face of
alcoholism and addiction” after a car crash on Capitol Hill in 2006. Mr. Ramstad
traces his zeal to the day in 1981 when he woke up in a jail cell in South
Dakota after an alcoholic blackout.
The Senate passed a mental health parity bill in September 2007. The House
passed a different version in March of this year.
A breakthrough occurred when sponsors of the House bill agreed to drop a
provision that required insurers to cover treatment for any condition listed in
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the
American Psychiatric Association.
Employers objected to such a requirement, saying it would have severely limited
their discretion over what benefits to provide. Among the conditions in the
manual, critics noted, are caffeine intoxication and sleep disorders resulting
from jet lag.
Doctors often complain that insurers, especially managed care companies,
interfere in their treatment decisions. But doctors and mental health advocates
cited the work of such companies in arguing that mental health parity would be
affordable, because the benefits could be managed.
Pamela B. Greenberg, president of the Association for Behavioral Health and
Wellness, a trade group, said providers of mental health care typically drafted
a treatment plan for each person. In complex cases, she said, a case manager or
care coordinator monitors the patient’s progress.
A managed care company can refuse to pay for care, on the grounds that it is not
medically necessary or “clinically appropriate.” But under the new law, insurers
must disclose their criteria for determining medical necessity, as well as the
reason for denying any particular claim for mental health services.
Andrew Sperling, a lobbyist at the National Alliance on Mental Illness, an
advocacy group, said, “Under the new law, we will probably see more aggressive
management of mental health benefits because insurers can no longer impose
arbitrary limits.”
The law will also encourage insurers to integrate coverage for mental health
care with medical and surgical benefits. Under the law, insurers cannot have
separate cost-sharing requirements or treatment limits that apply only to mental
illness and addiction disorders.
The law comes just three months after Congress eliminated discriminatory
co-payments in Medicare, the program for people who are 65 and older or
Medicare beneficiaries pay 20 percent of the government-approved amount for most
doctors’ services but 50 percent for outpatient mental health services. The
co-payment for mental health care will be gradually reduced to 20 percent over
six years.
The mental health parity law was forged in a highly unusual consensus-building
process. For years, mental health advocates had been lobbying on the issue.
Insurers and employers, which had resisted earlier versions of the legislation,
came to the table in 2004 at the request of Mr. Domenici and Senators Edward M.
Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Michael B. Enzi, Republican of Wyoming.
Each side had, in effect, a veto over the language of any bill. Insurers and
employers, seeing broad bipartisan support for the goal in both houses of
Congress, decided to work with mental health advocates. Each side gained the
other’s trust.
“It was an incredible process,” said E. Neil Trautwein, a vice president of the
National Retail Federation, a trade group. “We built the bill piece by piece
from the ground up. It’s a good harbinger for future efforts on health care
Bailout Provides More Mental Health Coverage, NYT,
Psychoanalytic Therapy Wins Backing
October 1,
The New York Times
psychoanalytic therapy, the “talking cure” rooted in the ideas of Freud, has all
but disappeared in the age of drug treatments and managed care.
But now researchers are reporting that the therapy can be effective against some
chronic mental problems, including anxiety and borderline personality disorder.
In a review of 23 studies of such treatment involving 1,053 patients, the
researchers concluded that the therapy, given as often as three times a week, in
many cases for more than a year, relieved symptoms of those problems
significantly more than did some shorter-term therapies.
The authors, writing in Wednesday’s issue of The Journal of the American Medical
Association, strongly urged scientists to undertake more testing of
psychodynamic therapy, as it is known, before it is lost altogether as a
historical curiosity.
The review is the first such evaluation of psychoanalysis to appear in a major
medical journal, and the studies on which the new paper was based are not widely
known among doctors.
The field has resisted scientific scrutiny for years, arguing that the process
of treatment is highly individualized and so does not easily lend itself to such
study. It is based on Freud’s idea that symptoms are rooted in underlying, often
longstanding psychological conflicts that can be discovered in part through
close examination of the patient-therapist relationship.
Experts cautioned that the evidence cited in the new research was still too
meager to claim clear superiority for psychoanalytic therapy over different
treatments, like cognitive behavior therapy, a shorter-term approach. The
studies that the authors reviewed are simply not strong enough, these experts
“But this review certainly does seem to contradict the notion that cognitive or
other short-term therapies are better than any others,” said Bruce E. Wampold,
chairman of the department of counseling psychology at the University of
Wisconsin. “When it’s done well, psychodynamic therapy appears to be just as
effective as any other for some patients, and this strikes me as a turning
point” for such intensive therapy.
The researchers, Falk Leichsenring of the University of Giessen and Sven Rabung
of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, both in Germany, reviewed
only those studies in which the therapy had been frequent — more than once a
week in many cases — and had lasted at least a year or, alternatively, had been
50 sessions long. Further, the studies had to have followed patients closely,
using strict definitions of improvement.
The investigators examined studies that tracked patients with a variety of
mental problems, among them severe depression, anorexia nervosa and borderline
personality disorder, which is characterized by a fear of abandonment and dark
squalls of despair and neediness.
Psychodynamic therapy, Dr. Leichsenring wrote in an e-mail message, “showed
significant, large and stable treatment effects which even significantly
increased between the end of treatment and follow-up assessment.”
The review found no correlation between patients’ improvement and the length of
treatment. But improve they did, and psychiatrists said it was clear that
patients with severe, chronic emotional problems benefited from the steady,
frequent, close attention that psychoanalysts provide.
“If you define borderline personality broadly as an inability to regulate
emotions, it characterizes a lot of people who show up in clinics, whether their
given diagnosis is depression, pediatric bipolar or substance abuse,” said Dr.
Andrew J. Gerber, a psychiatrist at Columbia. For some of those patients, Dr.
Gerber said, “this paper suggests that you’ve got to get into longer-term
therapy to make improvements last.”
Some psychoanalysts were more surprised by where the paper appeared than by its
results: most review papers in major medical journals have hundreds of studies
to draw on, or certainly far more than 23. The new review is encouraging, they
said, but also a reminder of how much more study needs to be done.
Dr. Barbara L. Milrod, a professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical
College, who like Dr. Gerber is a clinical practitioner of psychodynamic
therapy, said further research was crucial as a matter of survival for a
valuable treatment.
“Let’s be real,” Dr. Milrod said. “Major medical centers have been shutting down
psychodynamic training programs because there isn’t an adequate evidence base.”
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: October 3, 2008
An article on Tuesday about a review of studies of psychoanalytic therapy
referred incorrectly to the 23 studies included in the review. In many of the
studies — but not all of them — the therapy had been given more than once a
Psychoanalytic Therapy Wins Backing, NYT, 1.10.2008,
Doctor and
Tyranny of Diagnosis
19, 2008
The New York Times
Not long
ago, while surfing online for one disease, I got sidetracked by another:
cryptogenic cirrhosis.
I have cared for patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis. It is a common cause of
liver-related illness and death in the United States, and symptoms can range
from jaundice, bleeding and confusion to life-threatening hemorrhage, coma and
The cause of the disease, as the name implies (from the Greek “krypt,” or
hidden, and “genesis,” or origin), has long been unknown. Every one of my
patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis has heard the same thing from their doctors,
including myself: “We have no idea why you are so sick.”
For these patients, cryptogenic cirrhosis is not a diagnosis but a
Non-diagnoses like cryptogenic cirrhosis pose particular challenges for doctors.
While I feel comfortable predicting the post-transplant course and clinical
reactions of patients with, for example, hepatitis or liver cancer, I can never
be sure with patients who have cryptogenic cirrhosis.
And patients with non-diagnoses face even greater challenges, challenges that go
beyond knowing what exactly is wrong or getting treatments.
For several years of my childhood, my mother suffered from an illness that could
not be diagnosed. I have memories of her weakness, of days spent whispering so
that she could sleep, and of living with the constant darkness of her bedroom
and of her suffering.
Debilitated, my mother went from doctor to doctor, clinician to clinician.
Despite their rapt attention to the details of her symptoms, she eventually
heard from them what her surgeon-daughter would someday tell others: “We have no
idea why you are so sick.”
As I read up on cyptogenic cirrhosis, I was reminded of those words again. Over
the last few years, medical researchers have made tremendous advances in our
understanding of this illness; it is not quite so cryptogenic anymore, and those
suffering from the disease may soon have specific drugs for treatment.
That’s good news for patients, I thought as I scanned the Web sites. But also
not-so-good news.
As comforting as it may be to have a real diagnosis, those diagnoses also carry
powerful assumptions about our bodies and our place in the world, which can in
turn influence our health care.
Charles Rosenberg, a Harvard historian, writes about the power of diagnoses in
his book “Our Present Complaint: American Medicine, Then and Now” (Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2007). He refers to it as the “tyranny of diagnosis.”
The concept of disease, Professor Rosenberg writes, has historically focused on
the individual — a single person’s experience, story and sense of meaning.
Over the last century and a half, however, medicine has increasingly decoupled
disease from the individual. This decoupling has given rise to the concept of
precise, objective and quantifiable diagnoses, diagnoses so separate from
patients that they seem in many ways to take on a life of their own.
Diagnoses cluster together by specific physiologic mechanisms, signs and
symptoms, pathologic findings. They have insinuated themselves into health care
economics as DRG’s, or Diagnosis-Related Groups, which drive physician
compensation. They have inspired whole subspecialty training programs and huge
advances in how we understand and treat them. Think of heart failure, cancer and
my own specialty, liver transplantation.
This greater understanding and improved treatment are important and good news
for all, no doubt.
Yet along with these great clinical strides, diagnoses have also fomented their
own cultural revolution. Diagnoses have changed the way we approach individuals.
Diagnosing a patient requires placing that single person’s narrative against the
larger predetermined trajectory of a diagnosis. When the individual’s story fits
into the diagnosis’s trajectory, there is some relief for all of us. We know
what is wrong.
But when we know what is wrong, we sometimes stop paying such close attention to
those patient experiences that seem to have little relevance to the diagnosis at
hand. We focus less on the individual and more on the diagnosis.
When the diagnosis trajectory and patient picture don’t match, we are left with
an “atypical,” “complicated,” “idiopathic” or “undiagnosable” case. One of the
risks for these patients, in addition to prolonged physical discomfort or
suffering, is that without a diagnosis, their experience may lose meaning and
relevance in the eyes of others.
My mother has been well for a few decades now, though her doctors still are not
entirely sure of what made her so sick years ago. But the diagnoses they have
considered, and her own search for one, have influenced how others — both
doctors and non-doctors — have treated and listened to her.
When my mother had no diagnosis, her family and friends, clinicians, and others
at first listened intently, sifting her narratives for every possible clue. But
then most of us eventually lost interest, as if her experience could not really
exist if it had no name.
But each time my mother got close to the relief of having a diagnosis, many of
us stopped listening, too, choosing to hear only what seemed important to the
That, I now fear, is the not-so-good news for people with diseases like
cryptogenic cirrhosis. We seem unable to harness the power of diagnoses and give
full weight to the meaning of an individual’s illness experience.
I recently asked Professor Rosenberg about the power that diagnoses have over
how all of us view illness and health care. “Some people would call it progress,
some people would call it reductionism, some people would call it bureaucracy,”
he told me. “But it’s all of those things.”
Are doctors treating the diagnosis or the patient? Join the discussion on the
Well blog.
Pauline W. Chen, a liver transplant surgeon, is the author of “Final Exam: A
Surgeon’s Reflections on Mortality” (Knopf, 2007; Vintage, 2008). Her online
column, “Doctor and Patient,” appears Thursdays on nytimes.com/health.
The Tyranny of Diagnosis, NYT, 19.9.2008,
Pioneering Scientists Win Lasker Medical Prizes
14, 2008
The New York Times
Akira Endo,
a Japanese scientist whose discovery of the first cholesterol-lowering statin
drug helped extend the lives of millions of people, is one of five winners of
this year’s Lasker Awards for medical research, it was announced Saturday.
An American microbiologist, Stanley Falkow of Stanford University, was honored
for greatly expanding knowledge of disease-causing microbes, ranking him as “one
of the greatest microbiologists of all time,” the Albert and Mary Lasker
Foundation said in making the awards.
A third award went to two Americans and a Briton for their pioneering look into
a previously unknown universe of potent molecules, tiny ribonucleic acids known
as micro-RNAs. The Americans are Victor R. Ambros, 54, of the University of
Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester and Gary B. Ruvkun, 56, of
Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The Briton is David C. Baulcombe, 56,
of the University of Cambridge.
RNA is DNA’s close chemical cousin. These scientists found that snippets of RNA
act as genetic regulators governing many activities in animals and plants.
Scientists now have implicated micro-RNAs in viral infections, heart failure,
cancer, other diseases, and normal functions like muscle action and blood cell
Dr. Endo, 74, was chosen for ushering in a new era in preventing and treating
coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and many
other countries, said Dr. Joseph L. Goldstein, chairman of the 24-member
scientific jury that selects the Lasker recipients.
For two years beginning in 1971, Dr. Endo grew more than 6,000 fungi as a
microbiologist working for a Japanese drug company. He was seeking a natural
substance that could block a crucial enzyme involved in the body’s production of
cholesterol, which occurs largely in the liver. Cholesterol is a crucial
component of cells and serves as a raw material for some hormones and nerve
sheaths. But it is also a major contributor to coronary artery disease.
At the time, many scientists were skeptical about the safety of lowering the
amount of cholesterol because it was an essential body chemical. But by 1980,
Dr. Endo’s team found that the statin lowered the LDL, or “bad” cholesterol
level, in the blood by 17 percent.
Dr. Endo went on to identify other statins, and his work led the American
pharmaceutical company Merck to start a program to develop them as drugs.
Merck manufactured lovastatin (Mevacor), the first statin to be licensed, in
1987. Since then, statins have become among the most widely prescribed drugs in
the United States, taken by an estimated 25 million Americans to treat high
levels of LDL cholesterol.
Dr. Falkow, 74, was honored for his discoveries that grew out of an
extraordinary ability to imagine himself as a bacterium so he could view the
world from the microbial perspective.
That talent helped him discover the molecular nature of antibiotic resistance;
forge new laboratory tools that revolutionized the way scientists think about
how microbes cause disease; and train a number of students who have become
scientific leaders in infectious diseases.
Over his 51-year professional career, Dr. Falkow has also developed techniques
to help identify disease-causing bacteria that cannot be grown in the
laboratory; show how bacteria pass certain traits to one another; pave the way
for recombinant DNA technology that has wide use in drug production and in the
laboratory; and help untangle mysteries about how bacteria survive and spread.
Dr. Falkow said his research was conducted at the Walter Reed Army Medical
Center, Georgetown University, the University of Washington and then Stanford.
The three winners in the basic research category were honored for expanding the
versatility of RNA, long regarded as DNA’s poor cousin. Previous scientific
convention held that proteins, not RNAs, governed gene activity in animal cells.
“The notion that small RNAs could control gene expression was unheard of,” said
Dr. Goldstein, the Lasker jury chairman, who works at the University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
The scientists’ discovery of micro-RNAs was an accidental finding in research
conducted for other reasons.
Dr. Ambros and Dr. Ruvkun were studying how a roundworm, C. elegans, develops
from newly hatched larva to adult. The worm serves as a model animal for many
Earlier research on flies showed that certain genes instructed embryos where to
place wings, legs and other body parts. Suspecting that other genes specified
the timing of such developmental events, Dr. Ambros focused on lin-4, a gene
that allows immature worms to advance past a particular development stage.
Animals with a defective version of lin-4 cannot pass that hurdle.
Dr. Ambros discovered that animals with a different gene, lin-14, skip early
steps in development and prematurely acquire characteristics that normally
appear later. The two genes exerted opposite effects in worm cells.
Dr. Ambros and Dr. Ruvkun went on to show how the genes collaborated; at an
appropriate time, lin-4 blocks lin-14 activity, allowing worms to continue
normal development.
In a series of additional steps, the researchers found that they were dealing
with very small strands of RNA. At the time, the smallest RNA known to be of
importance in cells consisted of 75 nucleotide building blocks. The RNA they
found was composed of 22 nucleotides.
Dr. Baulcombe, in a seemingly unrelated line of research in England, expanded
the scope of micro-RNAs’ crucial functions by finding that they silenced genes
in plants. He called them silencing RNAs and showed that earlier experiments
were not intended to find micro-RNAs because their size was much smaller than
scientists had imagined.
Now it seems that micro-RNA provides a sophisticated way of adjusting production
of amounts of proteins that are needed at one stage of life but must be absent
in others.
Recent studies suggest that the human genome contains more than 500 micro-RNAs
and that, collectively, they might control a third of all protein-producing
genes. Researchers are now trying to develop drugs that work by blocking
The winners will received their Lasker Awards at a luncheon on Sept. 26. The
prize in each category is $300,000.
5 Pioneering Scientists Win Lasker Medical Prizes, NYT,
Decline in Uninsured Is Reported for 2007
August 27,
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — After climbing steadily for six years, the number of Americans
without health insurance dropped by more than a million in 2007, to 45.7
million, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday.
The drop was the result of growth in government-sponsored health insurance
programs, officials said, most of them focused on children. At the same time,
the number of people covered by private insurance continued to decline.
Experts cautioned that the report, which also included data on income and
poverty, did not take into account the economic downturn that began late last
year, and therefore it probably presents a rosier picture than the current
economic reality.
According to the report, the nation’s median household income rose by 1.3
percent in 2007, to $50,233, the third consecutive annual increase. The nation’s
poverty rate remained flat at 12.5 percent, the report said.
“The data in this report refer to last year, when everything was different,”
said Jared Bernstein, a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a
liberal policy group in Washington. “This year, we’re losing jobs on a monthly
basis, inflation is running well over 5 percent, and unemployment was last seen
at 5.7 percent and rising.”
Health-care experts and advocates for the poor said the report also presented an
outdated picture regarding health insurance. The rate of people without health
insurance declined to 15.3 percent in 2007, from 15.8 percent a year earlier.
“In 2007, at least 26 states made efforts to expand coverage, but as the economy
has turned downward so have state efforts,” said Diane Rowland, executive vice
president of the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Ms. Rowland added that insurance premiums had risen faster than wages and
inflation, causing more people to seek insurance from public programs.
The census report, she said, highlights the importance of expanding government
health-care plans like the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
In December, President Bush signed legislation that extends federal financing
for the program through the end of March 2009. That action came after he vetoed
two Congressional attempts to expand the program.
David Johnson, chief of the Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
at the Census Bureau, said that the number of people covered by private
insurance declined in 2007, but that the overall number of people who were
uninsured went down because of federal and state programs.
“The fall in private insurance was similar to recent years,” Mr. Johnson said.
“That fall was offset by the rise in government insurance.”
The number of people under 18 without insurance dropped to 11 percent, or 8.1
million, in 2007, from 11.7 percent, or 8.7 million, a year earlier.
Over all, the percentage of people covered by government programs rose to 27.8
percent in 2007 from 27 percent the year before. The percentage and number of
people on Medicaid, the government health insurance program for low-income
people, rose to 13.2 percent, or 39.6 million, in 2007, up from 12.9 percent, or
38.3 million, in 2006.
Private health insurance fell, covering 67.5 percent of Americans in 2007, down
from 67.9 percent in 2006. Employment-based coverage also continued its long
decline in 2007, dropping to 59.3 percent from 59.7 percent.
“States such as Massachusetts have also played an important role in stemming the
rising tide of uninsured, and thanks to their health reform law they now have
one of the lowest uninsured rates,” said Karen Davis, president of the
Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation supporting independent health policy and
health care research. “But 45.7 million uninsured people are far too many, and
we need a national solution to this crisis.”
Changes in economic circumstances varied regionally and by race and age.
Douglas J. Besharov, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a
conservative research group, said one of the most noteworthy statistics in the
report concerned foreign-born residents.
While households led by someone who was native-born had an increase of 1 percent
in median income, the income of households headed by foreign-born persons who
are noncitizens dropped 7.3 percent in 2007, according to the report.
Real median income (adjusted for inflation) for black and non-Hispanic white
households rose between 2006 and 2007, representing the first measured real
increase in annual household income for each group since 1999, according to the
report. Real median household income remained statistically unchanged for Asians
and Hispanics.
Mr. Besharov said an increase in poverty among Hispanics in the construction
trade stemmed largely from the bursting of the housing bubble and the ensuing
mortgage crisis.
“With more current data, we would see that the type of the poverty that we see
among Latinos has actually already spread to the general population,” Mr.
Besharov said.
Mr. Bernstein, from the Economic Policy Institute, agreed and said that while
comparisons to 2006 showed some improvement, in order to understand the
difficulties facing middle- and low-income families, it was important to
consider these results in the context of the economic expansion since 2000.
For the first time on record, real household income is no higher at the end of
an economic expansion than it was when the cycle began, Mr. Bernstein said.
The median income of working-age households — with household heads under age 65
— rose insignificantly in 2007, when adjusted for inflation, and was $2,010
below its 2000 level.
“Working households helped bake a bigger economic pie but ended up with thinner
slices,” Mr. Bernstein said.
The report also found other disparities.
Women earned 78 cents for every $1 earned by men. But that is the highest
percentage ever reported for women, when compared with men.
Texas led the nation with the highest percentage of uninsured residents, 24.4
percent, while Massachusetts and Hawaii, at 8.3 percent, had the lowest.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: August 28, 2008
A map on Wednesday with an article about the percentage of Americans without
health insurance erroneously highlighted a state in some copies. The label for
Massachusetts, the state with the lowest percentage of uninsured people, pointed
to Pennsylvania.
A Decline in Uninsured Is Reported for 2007, NYT,
Massachusetts Way
August 30,
The New York Times
pioneering Massachusetts program to provide health insurance for all citizens
looks more and more successful with each passing month.
The number of uninsured has dropped — Massachusetts now has the lowest rate in
the nation — and so have the number of those who turn to costly emergency rooms
for routine care. And while the state has had to seek additional sources of
revenue — mainly because of the program’s popularity — the gains in the first 21
months suggest that the plan could become a model for universal health coverage
for other states or the nation.
Massachusetts enacted its ambitious health insurance reform two years ago under
bipartisan leadership from then-Gov. Mitt Romney and a Democratic Legislature.
Although Mr. Romney distanced himself from the plan during the Republican
primaries, he was back to extolling its virtues in an opinion piece for The Wall
Street Journal last month.
The plan requires everyone to take out health insurance or suffer a tax penalty
and requires employers to offer coverage or pay a small assessment if they
don’t. Low-income residents can enroll in an expanded state-federal Medicaid
program or receive subsidies to pay all or part of the premiums for private
insurance. Those who earn more than 300 percent of the federal poverty level
(about $63,000 for a family of four) receive no subsidy but can buy private
policies through a new insurance exchange at much lower rates than before.
More than 439,000 people have taken out coverage since the program began in
mid-2006 — two-thirds of the estimated 650,000 who lacked health insurance when
the program began.
More than 40 percent of the newly insured purchased private commercial policies
without any government subsidies, defying dire predictions that employers would
drop their plans and a horde of individuals would drop private policies. What
seems to be happening instead is that workers who previously shunned their
employers’ plans have decided to sign up now that insurance is required.
The big expansion in coverage has yielded a commensurate drop in the number of
“free riders,” those who use hospital emergency rooms and community health
centers for routine care that they don’t pay for. The cost of that uncompensated
care dropped from $166 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2007 to $98
million in the first quarter of 2008.
Far more people have enrolled far more quickly than expected, driving up the
total budget for subsidized care beyond Medicaid to $869 million in the next
fiscal year, about half of which will be absorbed by the state and the other
half by redirected federal funds. The cost per person is actually less than
expected. The program to date is fully financed.
That may still look like a lot of money, but universal coverage is vitally
important to enhance the health of previously uninsured citizens. In the long
run, full coverage should serve as a springboard toward reforming the health
care system to deliver higher quality, more cost-effective care.
The Massachusetts Way, NYT, 30.9.2008,
Is Spreading in New York City at Three Times the National Rate,
a Study Finds
August 28,
The New York Times
The virus
that causes AIDS is spreading in New York City at three times the national rate
— an incidence of 72 new infections for every 100,000 people, compared with 23
per 100,000 nationally — according to a study released on Wednesday by the
city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
The findings, based on a new formula developed by the federal Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, estimated that 4,762 New Yorkers contracted
H.I.V. in 2006, the most precise estimate the city had ever offered.
But the city stressed that because the method of estimating infections was new,
it could not be said definitively whether the number of new infections in the
city had increased or decreased from previous years.
Blacks, and men who have sex with other men, are the groups at greatest risk of
contracting H.I.V., the study found. A summary of the new data:
¶Men accounted for 76 percent of new H.I.V. infections and women for 25 percent.
(The figures exceed 100 percent because of rounding.)
¶Blacks made up 46 percent of the newly infected; Hispanics, 32 percent; and
whites, 21 percent. (Figures for other racial or ethnic groups were not
¶Those under age 20 made up 4 percent of the newly infected; those 20 to 29
years old, 24 percent; those 30 to 39 years old, 29 percent; those 40 to 49
years old, 29 percent; and those 50 and older, 15 percent.
¶Sex between men was the main cause in 50 percent of new infections; high-risk
heterosexual sex in 22 percent; intravenous drug use in 8 percent; and unknown
or uncertain causes in 18 percent.
Manhattan accounted for 35 percent of new infections; Brooklyn, 26 percent; the
Bronx, 19 percent; and Queens, 17 percent.
As the health department has repeatedly noted, gay minority men were
particularly at risk. For example, of new H.I.V. infections among men under age
30 who have sex with men, 77 percent were in black or Hispanic men, as were 59
percent of new H.I.V. infections among men ages 30 to 50 who have sex with men.
Over all, the study found some interesting differences between national and
local rates of new H.I.V. infections.
Nearly two-thirds of the city’s new infections occurred in people 30 to 50 years
old. Nationally, people under 30 accounted for 41 percent of new infections,
compared with 28 percent in New York City.
Also, within New York City, whites were infected at four times the national
rate, Hispanics at three times the national rate, and blacks at almost twice the
national rate.
The health department said in a news release:
“The analytic technique is new, and the estimates may be imprecise, but even a
rough gauge of H.I.V. incidence is a valuable tool for understanding — and
combating — the spread of H.I.V. The health department’s new estimate includes
2006 incidence figures for different age groups, racial groups and both genders.
By repeating the exercise for subsequent years, researchers may be able to
discern increases and decreases over time, and target their prevention efforts
Over the past year, the health department has warned that H.I.V. infections
among young gay men have risen and that unsafe sex remains common.
H.I.V. Is Spreading in New York City at Three Times the
National Rate, a Study Finds, NYT, 27.8.2008,
Study Finds Rate 40% Higher Than Estimated
August 3,
The New York Times
— The United States has significantly underreported the number of new H.I.V.
infections occurring nationally each year, with a study released here on
Saturday showing that the annual infection rate is 40 percent higher than
previously estimated.
The study, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found
that 56,300 people became newly infected with H.I.V in 2006, compared with the
40,000 figure the agency has cited as the recent annual incidence of the
The findings confirm that H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS, has its greatest
effect among gay and bisexual men of all races (53 percent of all new
infections) and among African-American men and women.
The new figures are likely to strongly influence a number of decisions about
efforts to control the epidemic, said the disease centers’ director, Dr. Julie
L. Gerberding, and other AIDS experts. Timely data about trends in H.I.V.
transmission, they said, is essential for planning and evaluating prevention
efforts and the money spent on them.
Dr. Gerberding said the new findings were “unacceptable,” adding that new
efforts must be made to lower the infection rates. “We are not effectively
reaching men who have sex with men and African-Americans to lower their risk,”
she said.
Dr. Kevin A. Fenton, who directs H.I.V. prevention efforts at the agency, said,
“C.D.C.’s new incidence estimates reveal that the H.I.V. epidemic is and has
been worse than previously known.”
A separate historical trend analysis published as part of the study suggests
that the number of new infections was probably never as low as the earlier
estimate of 40,000 and that it has been roughly stable overall since the late
C.D.C. officials said the revised figure did not necessarily represent an
increase in the number of new infections but reflected the ability of a new
testing method to more precisely measure H.I.V. incidence and secure a better
understanding of the epidemic.
Dr. Philip Alcabes, an epidemiologist at Hunter College in Manhattan, raised
questions about the validity of the findings. If they are true, Dr. Alcabes said
in a statement, the agency has undercounted new H.I.V. infections by about
15,000 per year for about 15 years. “Therefore, there are roughly 225,000 more
people living with H.I.V. in the U.S. than previously suspected,” he said. “The
previous estimate was 1 million to 1.1 million.”
A C.D.C. spokeswoman said Dr. Alcabes’s estimates were incorrect because the new
figures could not be used to calculate the total number of people with H.I.V.
The C.D.C. does not know the total number but is expected to determine it later
in the year.
The C.D.C., the federal agency responsible for tracking the AIDS epidemic in the
United States, said its new monitoring system provided more precise estimates
than were previously possible of new infections in specific populations.
Infection rates among blacks were found to be seven times as high as for whites
(83.7 per 100,000 people versus 11.5 per 100,000) and almost three times as high
as for Hispanics (29.3 per 100,000 people), a group that was also
disproportionately affected.
The C.D.C. has known of the new figures since last October, when the authors
completed a manuscript and sent it to the first of three journals. But the
agency refused to release the findings until they were published in a
peer-reviewed medical journal. The first two journals rejected the authors’
request for a fast-track review.
The paper is being published in the Aug. 6 issue of The Journal of the American
Medical Association. The journal and the disease centers had planned to release
it at a news conference on Sunday at the opening of the 17th International AIDS
Conference here. But the paper was released on Saturday because the embargo was
broken. A number of leading health experts have criticized the agency for not
releasing the information earlier. On Nov. 21, C.D.C. officials told AIDS
advocacy groups and reporters that the data would be released soon.
In an editorial on June 21, The Lancet, an internationally prestigious journal
published in London, severely criticized the disease centers for failing to
release the information and said, “U.S. efforts to prevent H.I.V. have failed
Dr. Gerberding, in defending the decision not to release the data earlier, said:
“This paper has been scrutinized by some of the best statisticians in the
country and is much better now than when we started this process. It was so
complicated that even I, who has some expertise in this area, could not stand by
it without making sure we had gone through the review process.”
She added, “This is one of those examples where getting the external review
process to really scrutinize the paper, pick it apart, build it back up, has in
my opinion fundamentally improved it.”
The delay, however, has also fueled criticism that the Bush administration,
which has earned plaudits for spending tens of billions to fight AIDS in a
number of highly affected countries, has not done enough to fight the disease at
Representative Henry A. Waxman, Democrat of California and chairman of the
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, was critical of the
administration. “H.I.V. prevention has been underfunded and too often hindered
by politics and ideology,” Mr. Waxman said in a statement released Saturday.
He said the administration had reduced domestic spending against H.I.V. “Since
fiscal year 2002, when adjusted for inflation, C.D.C.’s prevention budget has
actually shrunk by 19 percent. The president has recently requested decreases in
funding for H.I.V. prevention at C.D.C.”
Mr. Waxman said he would soon hold hearings on why health officials had had
“less and less money to actually get these programs to the communities that need
Dr. Alcabes disagreed with critics who contend that the new numbers point to a
failure of United States policy on AIDS, saying his conclusion was that “it
looks like prevention campaigns make even less difference than anyone thought.”
“H.I.V. incidence did not decline as much from the 1980s to the 1990s as we
believed,” he said, “despite the dramatic increase in condom promotion and
so-called prevention education.”
The C.D.C. said the findings confirmed sharp declines in the number of new
H.I.V. infections each year, from a peak of about 130,000 in the mid-1980s to a
low of roughly 50,000 in the early 1990s. But the findings also indicate that
the number of new infections increased in the late 1990s but has since remained
relatively stable, with estimates of 55,000 to 58,500 in the three most recent
time periods analyzed.
Dr. Gerberding said: “If there is any good news here, it is hard to report it,
but there is a little bit in the sense that while incidence rates are certainly
too high, they are stable. That is important because a stable number of new
infections in a world that has got more and more people with H.I.V. and people
with AIDS living in it suggests that we are keeping up with that pressure for
The revised figures are based on a new laboratory test that can distinguish
between recent and long-standing H.I.V. infection, as well as on statistical
measures and extrapolations.
The test is done in the laboratory on left-over serum from the standard H.I.V.
test after it shows that a person is infected. The Food and Drug Administration
has approved the test, known as BED.
Dr. Gerberding said that an earlier version of the new test was too crude to do
the same kind of study earlier this decade. Despite the improvements in the
test, she said, it is “not perfect yet.”
H.I.V. Study Finds Rate 40% Higher Than Estimated, NYT,
Immigrants Deported, by U.S. Hospitals
August 3,
The New York Times
Guatemala — High in the hills of Guatemala, shut inside the one-room house where
he spends day and night on a twin bed beneath a seriously outdated calendar,
Luis Alberto Jiménez has no idea of the legal battle that swirls around him in
the lowlands of Florida.
Shooing away flies and beaming at the tiny, toothless elderly mother who is his
sole caregiver, Mr. Jiménez, a knit cap pulled tightly on his head, remains
cheerily oblivious that he has come to represent the collision of two deeply
flawed American systems, immigration and health care.
Eight years ago, Mr. Jiménez, 35, an illegal immigrant working as a gardener in
Stuart, Fla., suffered devastating injuries in a car crash with a drunken
Floridian. A community hospital saved his life, twice, and, after failing to
find a rehabilitation center willing to accept an uninsured patient, kept him as
a ward for years at a cost of $1.5 million.
What happened next set the stage for a continuing legal battle with nationwide
repercussions: Mr. Jiménez was deported — not by the federal government but by
the hospital, Martin Memorial. After winning a state court order that would
later be declared invalid, Martin Memorial leased an air ambulance for $30,000
and “forcibly returned him to his home country,” as one hospital administrator
described it.
Since being hoisted in his wheelchair up a steep slope to his remote home, Mr.
Jiménez, who sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, has received no medical
care or medication — just Alka-Seltzer and prayer, his 72-year-old mother said.
Over the last year, his condition has deteriorated with routine violent
seizures, each characterized by a fall, protracted convulsions, a loud gurgling,
the vomiting of blood and, finally, a collapse into unconsciousness.
“Every time, he loses a little more of himself,” his mother, Petrona Gervacio
Gaspar, said in Kanjobal, the Indian dialect that she speaks with an
otherworldly squeak.
Mr. Jiménez’s benchmark case exposes a little-known but apparently widespread
practice. Many American hospitals are taking it upon themselves to repatriate
seriously injured or ill immigrants because they cannot find nursing homes
willing to accept them without insurance. Medicaid does not cover long-term care
for illegal immigrants, or for newly arrived legal immigrants, creating a
quandary for hospitals, which are obligated by federal regulation to arrange
post-hospital care for patients who need it.
American immigration authorities play no role in these private repatriations,
carried out by ambulance, air ambulance and commercial plane. Most hospitals say
that they do not conduct cross-border transfers until patients are medically
stable and that they arrange to deliver them into a physician’s care in their
homeland. But the hospitals are operating in a void, without governmental
assistance or oversight, leaving ample room for legal and ethical transgressions
on both sides of the border.
Indeed, some advocates for immigrants see these repatriations as a kind of
international patient dumping, with ambulances taking patients in the wrong
direction, away from first-world hospitals to less-adequate care, if any.
“Repatriation is pretty much a death sentence in some of these cases,” said Dr.
Steven Larson, an expert on migrant health and an emergency room physician at
the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. “I’ve seen patients bundled onto
the plane and out of the country, and once that person is out of sight, he’s out
of mind.”
Hospital administrators view these cases as costly, burdensome patient transfers
that force them to shoulder responsibility for the dysfunctional immigration and
health-care systems. In many cases, they say, the only alternative to
repatriations is keeping patients indefinitely in acute-care hospitals.
“What that does for us, it puts a strain on our system, where we’re unable to
provide adequate care for our own citizens,” said Alan B. Kelly, vice president
of Scottsdale Healthcare in Arizona. “A full bed is a full bed.”
Medical repatriations are happening with varying frequency, and varying degrees
of patient consent, from state to state and hospital to hospital. No government
agency or advocacy group keeps track of these cases, and it is difficult to
quantify them.
A few hospitals and consulates offered statistics that provide snapshots of the
phenomenon: some 96 immigrants a year repatriated by St. Joseph’s Hospital in
Phoenix; 6 to 8 patients a year flown to their homelands from Broward General
Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; 10 returned to Honduras from Chicago
hospitals since early 2007; some 87 medical cases involving Mexican immigrants —
and 265 involving people injured crossing the border — handled by the Mexican
consulate in San Diego last year, most but not all of which ended in
Over all, there is enough traffic to sustain at least one repatriation company,
founded six years ago to service this niche — MexCare, based in California but
operating nationwide with a “network of 28 hospitals and treatment centers” in
Latin America. It bills itself as “an alternative choice for the care of the
unfunded Latin American nationals,” promising “significant saving to U.S.
hospitals” seeking “to alleviate the financial burden of unpaid services.”
Many hospitals engage in repatriations of seriously injured and ill immigrants
only as a last resort. “We’ve done flights to Lithuania, Poland, Honduras,
Guatemala and Mexico,” said Cara Pacione, director of social work at Mount Sinai
Hospital in Chicago. “But out of about a dozen cases a year, we probably fly
only a couple back.”
Other hospitals are more aggressive, routinely sending uninsured immigrants,
both legal and illegal, back to their homelands. One Tucson hospital even tried
to fly an American citizen, a sick baby whose parents were illegal immigrants,
to Mexico last year; the police, summoned by a lawyer to the airport, blocked
the flight. “It was horrendous,” the mother said.
Sister Margaret McBride, vice president for mission services at St. Joseph’s in
Phoenix, which is part of Catholic Healthcare West, said families were rarely
happy about the hospital’s decision to repatriate their relatives. But, she
added, “We don’t require consent from the family.”
In a case this spring that outraged Phoenix’s Hispanic community, St. Joseph’s
planned to send a comatose, uninsured legal immigrant back to Honduras, until
community leaders got lawyers involved. While they were negotiating with the
hospital, the patient, Sonia del Cid Iscoa, 34, who has been in the United
States for half her life and has seven American-born children, came out of her
coma. She is now back in her Phoenix home.
“I can think of three different scenarios that would have led to a fatal outcome
if they had moved her,” John M. Curtin, her lawyer, said. “The good outcome
today is due to the treatment that the hospital provided — reluctantly, and,
sadly enough, only in response to legal and public pressure.”
Unlike Ms. Iscoa and Mr. Jiménez, most uninsured immigrant patients in
repatriation cases do not have advocates fighting for them, and they are quietly
returned to their home countries. Sometimes, their families accept that fate
because they are told they have no options; sometimes they are grateful to the
hospital for paying their fare home, given that other hospitals leave it to
relatives or consulates to assume responsibility for the patients.
Mr. Jiménez’s case is apparently the first to test the legality of cross-border
patient transfers that are undertaken without the consent of the patients or
their guardians — and the liability of the hospitals who undertake them.
“We’re the rhesus monkey on this issue,” said Scott Samples, a spokesman for
Martin Memorial.
A Life-Changing Accident
Mr. Jiménez’s journey north was propelled by the usual migrant’s dreams. When he
pledged thousands of dollars to pay the smuggler who delivered him to the United
States, he envisioned years of labor on the lawns of affluent America and then a
payoff: the means to buy land of his own, to cultivate his own garden, back in
But fate — in the person of Donald Flewellen, a pipe welder with a drug problem
and a long criminal record — intervened. At lunchtime on Feb. 28, 2000, Mr.
Flewellen was loitering in the parking lot of a Publix supermarket in Palm Beach
Gardens, Fla., when the employees of an irrigation company ran inside, leaving
the keys in their van. Seizing the moment, Mr. Flewellen, a thorn in the side of
local prosecutors with at least 14 arrests, jumped into the van and drove off.
In the next few hours, Mr. Flewellen consumed enough alcohol to produce a
blood-alcohol level four times higher than the legal limit. But drive he did,
along the back roads that connect the affluent Treasure Coast to the
agricultural interior where Guatemalan Mayan immigrants have settled in a place,
coincidentally, called Indiantown.
About 4 p.m., Mr. Flewellen was heading east on a rural road just as Mr. Jiménez
and three compatriots were returning home from a day of landscaping. His stolen
van and their 1988 Chevrolet Beretta crashed head-on, instantly killing two of
the Guatemalans and severely injuring the driver and Mr. Jiménez, a back-seat
Identified first as John Doe, Mr. Jiménez arrived by ambulance at Martin
Memorial, a not-for-profit hospital on the banks of the St. Lucie River in
Stuart. He was unconscious and in shock from extensive bleeding, with two broken
thigh bones, a broken arm, multiple internal injuries, a terribly lacerated face
and a severe head injury. A doctor noted his prognosis as “poor.”
But Mr. Jiménez, after intensive surgical and medical intervention, survived.
“He was no longer Luis; he was another person,” Montejo Gaspar Montejo, his
cousin by marriage, said, describing a previously husky and industrious laborer
who was also a soccer enthusiast. “He didn’t talk. He didn’t understand
anything. He stayed curled up in a ball. But he was alive.”
During that time, Martin Memorial asked Michael R. Banks, a local lawyer who
specializes in estate planning, to set up a guardianship for Mr. Jiménez. “I
said, ‘Sure, what can come of such a case?’ ” Mr. Banks said. “Then it took on a
life of its own. They probably regret they ever called me.”
Mr. Jiménez, whose common-law wife and two children remained in Guatemala, had
been living for just under a year with Mr. Gaspar’s family. Mr. Gaspar, who
works in golf-course maintenance, agreed to serve as guardian.
At first, things were amicable. In the summer of 2000, Mr. Jiménez was
transferred to a nursing home in Stuart, which may have accepted him because an
insurance payout was possible.
Mr. Flewellen, who eventually pleaded guilty to D.U.I. manslaughter, D.U.I.
injury and grand theft auto, was not insured. But the Guatemalan families sought
to hold the irrigation company liable since its employees left the keys in the
car. Their lawsuit ultimately failed.
In the nursing home, Mr. Jiménez began wasting away. His relatives grew anxious.
Then, Robert L. Lord Jr., Martin Memorial’s vice president of legal services,
said, “Mr. Jiménez was put back on our doorstep.”
He arrived by ambulance, this time emaciated and suffering from ulcerous bed
sores so deep that the tendons behind his knees were exposed. With infection
raging, “the question to be answered is if the patient’s condition is terminal,”
a doctor wrote in his file.
Again, Martin Memorial’s doctors provided life-saving care. Hospitals are
mandated to treat and stabilize anyone suffering from an emergency medical
condition, and the federal government does provide emergency Medicaid coverage
for illegal and new immigrants.
But hospitals say that emergency Medicaid covers only a small fraction of those
expenses: $80,000 in Mr. Jiménez’s case, according to court papers.
Mr. Jiménez remained in a vegetative state, coiled in a fetal position, for “one
year, two months and 15 days,” Mr. Gaspar said with precision.
Stunning his relatives and medical officials, though, Mr. Jiménez gradually woke
up and started interacting with the world. “One day,” Mr. Gaspar said in
Spanish, “we arrived for a visit, and he said to me, ‘You are Montejo.’ ”
Not long afterward, the battle began between Martin Memorial and Mr. Gaspar, a
reserved man whose Indiantown living room is decorated with a “We Love America”
clock, a beach towel from the ancient city of Tikal and a hammered metal image
of the Virgin Mary.
A Hospital’s Dilemma
The average stay at Martin Memorial, a relatively tranquil hospital which
features a palm frond design in its gleaming lobby floor and white-coiffed
volunteers in its gift shop, is 4.1 days and costs $8,188. Patients rarely
Those like Mr. Jiménez who outstay their welcome are an oddity but not an
anomaly. Mr. Jiménez had a roommate from Jamaica, a diabetic who lost both legs.
Martin Memorial eventually flew him back to his native country, too.
In addition to trauma patients, there are uninsured immigrants with serious
health problems. “In our emergency room, we don’t turn anyone away,” said Carol
Plato Nicosia, the director of corporate business services. “The real problem is
if we find an underlying problem, and now we have six of them — six patients who
showed up in renal failure and that we are now seeing three times a week for
One of the six, she said, voluntarily returned to Guatemala after receiving a
poor prognosis. But she showed up at Martin Memorial again after her relatives
insisted that she undertake the trek over the borders a second time because she
could not get treatment in Guatemala, Ms. Plato Nicosia said.
“I don’t want to sound heartless,” Ms. Plato Nicosia said. “A community hospital
is going to give care. But is it the right thing? We have a lot of American
citizens who need our help. We only make about 3 percent over our bottom line if
we’re lucky. We need to make capital improvements and do things for our
Martin Memorial reported a total margin of 3.6 percent over its bottom line last
year and 6 percent in 2006. According to the most recent statewide data, the
nonprofit medical center also reported assets of $270.6 million in 2006, with
its senior executives earning more than $4 million in salaries and benefits.
Tax-exempt hospitals are expected to dedicate an unspecified part of their
services to charity cases, and Martin Memorial devoted $23.9 million in 2006,
about 3 percent, which was average for Florida, according to state data.
Mr. Jiménez was a very expensive charity case. In cases like his, where patients
need long-term care, hospitals are not allowed to discharge them to the streets.
Federal regulations require them — if they receive Medicare payments, and most
hospitals do — to transfer or refer patients to “appropriate” post-hospital
But in most states, the government does not finance post-hospital care for
illegal immigrants, for temporary legal immigrants or for legal residents with
less than five years in the United States. (California and New York City are
notable exceptions; Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program, spends $20 million a
year on long-term care for illegal immigrants, as does the Health and Hospitals
Corporation of New York City.)
Martin Memorial’s lawyer, Mr. Lord, said hospitals should not be forced to
assume financial and legal responsibility for these cases. “It should be a
governmental burden,” he said, “or the government should step in and otherwise
exercise its authority for deportation or whatever it wants to do.”
In Mr. Jiménez’s case, the hospital’s doctors determined that appropriate
post-hospital care meant traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Much to the
surprise of the hospital staff, Mr. Jiménez had regained cognitive function to
about the level of a fourth-grade child.
Hospital discharge planners searched to no avail for a rehabilitation program or
nursing home. “Unable to take patient” was the response to many queries, as
noted in Mr. Jiménez’s files, which also state: “At this time, patient remains a
disposition problem.”
Representing Mr. Jiménez’s guardian, Mr. Banks took the position that the
hospital had a responsibility to provide Mr. Jiménez with the rehabilitation he
needed — even if it meant paying a rehabilitation center to provide it. That, he
noted, could have benefited both the hospital and the patient.
“It would have been more cost-effective for them,” Mr. Banks said, given that
daily patient costs in long-term care are far lower than in acute-care
hospitals. “And if the rehab worked, then Luis might have become a functional
person and nobody’s charge.”
But the hospital declined, as Mr. Lord put it, “to take out our checkbook” and
subsidize his care at another institution.
“Once you take that step, for how long are you going to do that — a year, 10
years, 50 years?” Mr. Lord, the lawyer, asked.
At that point, the hospital intensified its efforts to involve the Guatemalan
government in the case. In a memorandum obtained by The New York Times, a
consular official wrote that the hospital “informed us of how expensive it was
becoming to care for Luis given that there was no insurance and that he is
illegal and that the state won’t assume responsibility for his charges.”
Eventually, the Guatemalan health minister wrote a letter assuring Martin
Memorial that his country was prepared to care for Mr. Jiménez. Gabriel
Orellana, who was foreign minister at the time but did not have direct knowledge
of the case, said the Guatemalan government was disposed to assist an American
institution. “If a hospital in Florida asks if we can take care of a Guatemalan
patient, the tendency is to say yes,” Mr. Orellana said.
Mr. Gaspar was dubious, believing the public health care system in his homeland
to be grossly inadequate.
So the guardian and the hospital reached an impasse, and Martin Memorial finally
took the matter to court, asking a state judge to compel Mr. Gaspar to cooperate
with its repatriation plan. In June 2003, a hearing was held before Circuit
Judge John E. Fennelly.
The Journey Home
In the courthouse in Stuart, a low-key, upscale town that boasts world-class
fishing, George F. Bovie III, a lawyer for Martin Memorial, addressed the judge:
“This case is not simply a case, as some would try and paint it, of money. This
is a case about care for a man in this country illegally who has reached maximum
medical improvement at our hospital and is ready to be discharged and whose home
government” is prepared to receive and treat him.
Mr. Banks responded: “Your honor, this is a case about a hospital that has
failed to do its job properly,” adding that the hospital sought to “have this
court legitimize its patient dumping.”
By the time of the hearing, Mr. Jiménez was essentially a boarder at the
hospital, wheeling around the hallways and hanging out at the nursing stations.
Diana Gregory, a nurse who supervises case management and discharge planning,
said in a recent interview that Mr. Jiménez — “I will affectionately call him
Louie” — became “like family” to hospital staff members, who bought him birthday
cakes, knitted him blankets and gave him toys.
According to hospital records, however, it was not all pastries and presents.
Mr. Jiménez grew depressed as he gradually became more cognizant of his
situation. He showed signs of regression, too. Emotional and behavioral
volatility often follow serious head injuries, and Ms. Gregory said that Mr.
Jiménez had developed some disturbing habits, including spitting, yelling out,
kicking and defecating on the floor.
In court, his doctor, Walter Gil, testified that Mr. Jiménez would benefit from
returning to the intimacy of his family. In his case file, the doctor had noted
that Mr. Jiménez had told him, “Estoy triste,” meaning, “I’m sad.”
Dr. Gil said he asked Mr. Jiménez, “Why are you sad when you have basically
everything that could be offered to you?” And, he said, Mr. Jiménez replied, “I
miss my family and my wife.”
Mr. Banks’s witnesses challenged what they described as Guatemala’s vague offer
to care for Mr. Jiménez.
Dr. Miguel Garcés, a prominent Guatemalan physician and public health advocate,
said in a deposition that serious rehabilitation “is almost nonexistent” in
Guatemala outside private facilities. He predicted that Mr. Jiménez would be
taken in and then released from the country’s one public rehabilitation hospital
within a matter of weeks.
“I don’t want him to go home and die,” Dr. Garcés said.
“Nobody wants him to go home and die,” the hospital’s lawyer responded.
A few weeks later, Judge Fennelly ruled. “This Court,” he wrote, “sails on
uncharted seas.” He acknowledged that his decision might provoke dissent but
opined, “As Aquinas once stated, ‘The good is not the enemy of the perfect,’ ”
inverting and misattributing Voltaire’s famous quote, “The perfect is the enemy
of the good.”
And then he granted the hospital’s petition, ordering that Mr. Gaspar stop
“frustrating” the hospital’s plan to “relocate the ward” back to Guatemala.
Mr. Banks was stunned. He filed a notice of appeal and asked for a stay of the
court’s order while the appeal was pending. The judge asked the hospital to file
a response by 10 a.m. on July 10 before he ruled on the stay.
Four and a half hours before that response was due, shortly before daybreak on
July 10, 2003, an ambulance picked up Mr. Jiménez at the hospital and drove him
to the St. Lucie County airport, where an air ambulance waited to transport him
back to Guatemala. Mr. Gaspar was not apprised.
“We went to see him at the hospital, and his bed was empty,” he said.
The hospital’s lawyer declined to comment on why the hospital did not wait for
the judge to rule on the stay.
Diana Gregory, the nurse, traveled to Guatemala with Mr. Jiménez, bringing a
wheelchair, a week’s worth of medications, “lunch/snacks/juices/treats,” and an
emergency passport signed with a fingerprint, according to discharge records.
Mr. Jiménez wore a Florida Marlins cap and carried a toy cellphone.
During the flight, the records said, Mr. Jiménez dozed, paged through picture
books, pushed the window shade up and down and pointed outside, saying, “Look,
look!” When he arrived in Guatemala, an ambulance took him to the National
Hospital for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, which occupies the converted
stables of an old villa in the historic center of the capital city.
Ms. Gregory accompanied him there, turned over his records and toured the
hospital. In a recent interview, Ms. Gregory said she was impressed by the place
and especially by the staff’s pride in it, despite equipment that looked “like
it could have been donated to the Smithsonian.” She added, “That facility could
have taken care of me any day.”
While Ms. Gregory was taking her tour, Mr. Jiménez was holding court, according
to her notes in his file, “telling everyone that he was from Miami, Florida, and
showing them his toy cat.” At her request, a physician told Mr. Jiménez in
Spanish “that he would be staying with his new friends in Guatemala and that I
was leaving.” His response, according to her notes: “O.K., O.K., adiós.”
Glad that she had helped reunite Mr. Jiménez with his homeland, she said, “I
left Guatemala quiet in my heart.”
Care in Guatemala
Immaculately clean but dilapidated, Guatemala’s National Hospital for
Orthopedics and Rehabilitation operates on a shoestring budget of approximately
$400,000 a year, according to Dr. Harold Von Ahn, who was director when Mr.
Jiménez arrived.
Half the hospital is devoted to orthopedic care and the other half serves as an
“asylum” for profoundly disabled Guatemalans. Although it is the only public
rehabilitation hospital in the country, it dedicates just 32 beds to
rehabilitation and does not offer the specialized brain injury treatment that
Mr. Jiménez needed.
The Guatemalan foreign ministry said that it knew of 53 repatriations by
American hospitals in the last five years. During a visit by The Times to the
National Hospital in June, the most recent arrival was an 18-year-old, Diana
Paola Miguel, transported there by the University Medical Center in Tucson nine
days after a van accident crushed her pelvis, which the Arizona hospital
repaired. Supine on a gurney, she Ms. Paola was too tremblingly upset to talk.
Dr. Von Ahn said he believed that American hospitals were dumping patients that
should be their responsibility. “It’s the same as the classic fall on the
stairs, right?” he said. “You go to my home, you fall on my stairs and then you
sue me. I am responsible.”
Shortly after Mr. Jiménez arrived, the Guatemalan hospital contacted his
common-law wife, Fabiana Domingo Laureano, who lived in the city of Antigua with
their two young sons, and asked her to come get him. Ms. Domingo, who was 27 at
the time, was shocked to learn that her husband was back and terrified by the
request. Then as now, she was eking out a living, selling traditional woven
clothing in a marketplace while sharing a spare, concrete room with her sons in
her parents’ humble home.
“I was already living from hand to mouth,” she said in an interview in Antigua,
where her sons now supplement her income by selling cigarettes after school.
“How could I possibly have given him what he needs?”
The couple met as teenagers in the highland village of Soloma. In the mid-1990s,
Mr. Jiménez migrated with his wife’s family to Antigua, a volcano-ringed
colonial city where tourism sustains the local economy. While she sold clothing,
Mr. Jiménez worked as a bus driver’s assistant. Together, they earned about $6 a
day, which was not enough to support their family, so Mr. Jiménez, with his
wife’s brother, Francisco Gaspar, decided to follow a well-traveled path to the
north. That is when he changed his name from Gervacio Gaspar to Luis Jiménez,
which is how he is now known, even by his family.
After pledging to pay a coyote, or smuggler, about $2,000 each to ferry them
into the United States, they crossed into California under cover of darkness and
made their way to Encinitas, where Mr. Jiménez’s older brother lived, Mr. Gaspar
After the two men failed to find regular work, Mr. Gaspar began suffering panic
attacks and returned to Guatemala; Mr. Jiménez decided to try his luck in
“Lamentably,” Mr. Gaspar said, “luck eluded him.”
After the hospital contacted Ms. Domingo, Telemundo, the Spanish-language
network, called Ms. Domingo and offered to take her to Guatemala City. Shortly
thereafter, the network showed her reunion with her husband.
“You are Maria by chance?” Mr. Jiménez said to his wife as the television
cameras rolled.
“Fabiana,” she replied. Their two sons stood by her side, wide-eyed.
A few weeks later, Dr. Von Ahn said, the hospital discharged Mr. Jiménez
“because we needed the bed,” transferring him to another public hospital, San
Juan de Dios. That is where Mr. Jiménez’s brother, Enrique Lucas Gervacio, found
him when he made his way down from the mountains by bus.
“He was lying in the hallway on a stretcher, covered in his own excrement,” Mr.
Lucas said. “So we cleaned him up and we brought him home.”
In Favor of Jiménez
In May, 2004, a Florida appeals court overruled Judge Fennelly.
The Fourth District Court of Appeal found that the Florida state judge had
overstepped his bounds because deportation is the prerogative of the federal
government. The court also declared that no evidence supported the hospital’s
assertion that Mr. Jiménez would receive appropriate care in Guatemala; the
discharge plan, the ruling said, was not detailed enough to satisfy federal
requirements or the hospital’s own rules.
The appeals court voided the judge’s order although, given that Mr. Jiménez was
already back in Guatemala, that action came too late for him.
It might affect others, though. The decision has become what is known legally as
a case of first impression on the issue of hospital repatriations.
John DeLeon, a lawyer who advises the consulates of Mexico, Honduras and
Guatemala in Miami, said he now referred to it when he received calls from
hospitals looking to discharge seriously injured or ill immigrants.
“I now write I call my Montejo Gaspar letter,” he said. “It’s a letter that
says, ‘Listen, don’t take action to dump this individual because you’ll be
risking legal action. The law is now that hospitals can’t dump immigrant
patients without securing appropriate after-care. If somebody has a serious
illness and needs continuing care, a hospital can’t simply discharge them onto
the street, much less put them on a plane.’ ”
Mr. DeLeon said that he was “bombarded by such cases,” adding that he was
investigating another medical repatriation by Martin Memorial, which took place
two weeks ago “behind the back of the Mexican government.”
Martin Memorial confirmed that on July 16 they flew Neptali Díaz, a severely
brain-injured patient to Mexico. A court order authorized Mr. Diaz’s transfer to
an unspecified Mexican hospital, ending the man’s 859-day, $2 million stay at
Martin Memorial.
After the ruling in Mr. Jiménez’s favor, Martin Memorial did not appeal. But the
case did not go away. The appeals court ruling set the stage for a personal
injury lawsuit, taken on by Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley in West
Palm Beach.
With that established firm behind him, Mr. Gaspar initiated a false imprisonment
action claiming that his cousin was essentially kidnapped by the hospital and
smuggled out of the country in a kind of medical rendition. Since then, appeals
judges have again ruled in Mr. Jiménez’s favor, stating the hospital can be sued
for punitive damages as well as for the cost of his medical care.
This infuriates Ms. Plato Nicosia, the hospital administrator, who said it was
Mr. Jiménez’s family who owes the hospital money and not vice versa. “Should
they win, we would like them to take those damages and pay his hospital bill,”
she said.
Jack Scarola, representing Mr. Jiménez’s guardian, said that he empathized with
the hospital’s “significant economic burden” but said that it was the “quid pro
quo” of accepting Medicare and Medicaid funds to help finance the hospital’s
services. (About 45 percent of Martin Memorial’s net operating revenues came
from Medicare and Medicaid last year, based on state data.)
“Also,” he continued, “they chose the wrong way to deal with it. The right way
would have been through the Legislature. There is no program in place to
appropriately distribute care to undocumented persons who are catastrophically
injured, and there should be. But you don’t stick a brain-injured immigrant on a
private plane and spirit him out of the country in the predawn hours.”
Weighing Quality of Life
The journey to Jolomcú is an arduous one, as Mr. Jiménez’s new legal team
discovered when several members — a lawyer, a paralegal, a priest and a
bioethicist — first traveled there to meet him.
After a five-hour drive north from Guatemala City to Huehuetenango and then a
winding trip, filled with hairpin turns on cliff-hugging roads up and over the
Cuchumatán Mountains, they arrived at the provincial city of Soloma.
From there, the road to Mr. Jiménez’s hamlet only goes so far, and the trip must
be completed on foot, up and down a rutted dirt path through goat-strewn
meadows. The Americans arrived at the top panting. There, awaiting them, in an
idyllically situated one-room brick house, was Mr. Jiménez, a broad grin
lighting up his face.
“The first striking thing was his disposition: He was very, very happy,” said
the Rev. Frank O’Loughlin, who pastored migrant workers in South Florida for
decades. “Then, the second thing, he was well cared for. What I did was I got
down over him and hugged him but also smelled. And there were no bedsores.
Nothing was malodorous.”
As they drove back to Huehuetenango, Marnie R. Poncy, a nurse-lawyer who runs a
bioethics law project in Palm Beach County, offered her view: “I said, ‘His
quality of life is better than it would be in an American nursing home.’ ”
“But I hazarded a guess that his longevity of existence was probably severely
curtailed,” she said.
Still, the team reached a conclusion that surprised them: “There was no real
compelling reason to think of bringing him back to Florida,” Father O’Loughlin
said. “We needed to focus on getting help to him or him to help in Guatemala.”
Help has been slow in arriving.
When The Times took the trek to visit him in late June, Mr. Jiménez had not
budged from his hilltop home since returning there and no medical professional
had visited him, either. With his mother too frail to move him into his
wheelchair, his life had shrunken to the confines of his bed, across from his
During the visit, Mr. Jiménez, wearing a nubby Adidas hat and a ski jacket, sat
wrapped in a Guatemalan blanket; his mother, who wore a traditional woven skirt,
with a floral scarf braided through her long gray hair, stood by his side. She
patted his head; he reached out to pick lint from her sweater.
A few days prior, he had suffered a particularly violent seizure.
“He was almost dead,” his mother, Mrs. Gervacio, said in Kanjobal, which was
translated into Spanish by a school principal serving as interpreter. “For many
years, I am caring for him like he is a baby, changing his diaper, washing him.
But this is worse. I am worried to leave him alone at all.”
She is right to worry, said physicians consulted for this article. Patients
suffering seizure disorders run the risk of injuring themselves — and of
increasing their brain damage.
Still, Mrs. Gervacio does leave from time to time, she said, to go to Mass,
shutting the door behind her and hoping for the best.
“It scares me a lot when you leave, Mama!” Mr. Jiménez blurted out, revealing
that he was intently following the conversation that at first took place as if
he were not there.
Given that Mr. Jiménez’s mother’s health is failing, the family worries about
the future, too. And Mr. Jiménez shares their concern. “The day my mother is no
longer, what’s going to happen to me?” he said. “This is what I have on my
Mr. Jiménez, whose memory is patchy, said he remembered nothing about his time
in the United States — not Indiantown, not his job as a gardener, not the
accident and not the hospital.
He does, remember the dreams that propelled his migration, and he expressed them
eloquently: “I headed north like a peasant with a heavy bundle on his back, bent
over, determined to better himself,” he said. “Other people had things so I
thought, ‘Why not me?’ But now I regret it. Maybe God was punishing me for my
“No, Luis,” the interpreter interjected, “it was just chance, an accident, a car
In Guatemala City, Dr. Garcés, the public health advocate, said that he was not
surprised that, as he had predicted, Mr. Jiménez never received further medical
care. “That’s the usual story of patients that are released from the National
Orthopedic Hospital,” he said.
Dr. Garcés called Mr. Jiménez’s repatriation “inhumane.”
“In cases like that, if you cut the medical care, you’re hurting that person,”
Dr. Garcés said. “You’re doing just the opposite of what the medical system
should do. That goes against every international convention of human rights and
health. To send him to Guatemala was to send him to very poor living and health
conditions and probably he will die because of that, and that’s not fair.”
Without evaluation, doctors cannot know what potential for rehabilitation — or
survival — Mr. Jiménez possesses.
If Mr. Jiménez’s guardian were to prevail in the lawsuit, “it would be possible
to set up a good health care arrangement for him because in private practice we
have all types of specialties that he needs,” Dr. Garcés said. “And
transportation could be arranged.” But the case could drag on for years.
On the day of The Times’s visit, before Mr. Jiménez ate a lunch of eggs,
tortillas and sugar water, Mr. Banks, the lawyer, gave him a present from his
cousins in Florida — a plastic bag bulging with tube socks, undershirts and
oversize sweatpants. Mr. Jiménez fingered the clothing with little interest but
when a reporter began to read him the accompanying letter in Spanish, he
snatched it excitedly from her hands.
Much to the surprise of his visitors, Mr. Jiménez, despite his brain injury,
could read. He smoothed out the yellow legal paper from Mr. Gaspar and began: “I
am sending you some little things. Luis, I hope that you like them.”
At first, Mr. Jiménez read haltingly, then more fluidly. Later, when all his
visitors had gone outside, he read the ending aloud again to himself.
“I want to tell you,” he read, “that we miss you and love you a lot. May God
continue to bless you.”
Mr. Jiménez smiled, and repeated, softly, “May God continue to bless you.”
Pilar Conci contributed reporting.
Immigrants Deported, by U.S. Hospitals, NYT, 3.8.2008,