History > 2008 > UK > Economy (IV)

Dave Brown
The Independent
28 October 2008
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
Barclays turns to Middle East
in £7bn fundraising
Friday October 31 2008 10.15 GMT
Graeme Wearden and Jill Treanor
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk
on Friday October 31 2008.
It was last updated at 10.20 on October 31 2008.
Barclays is raising up to £7.3bn, mainly from Middle East
investors who could end up owning nearly a third of the UK's second largest
bank. The move announced today allows the bank to strengthen its balance sheet
to ride out the financial crisis without getting help from the taxpayer.
Most of the cash injection is coming from the royal families of Abu Dhabi and
Qatar, who have both agreed to pump billions into Barclays to bolster its
capital ratios. The Qataris, who already own a significant shareholding in
Barclays through two different investment funds, are providing up to £2.3bn.
Once the deal goes through they will own up to 15.5% of the bank.
Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family, will
provide up to £3.5bn and will become Barclays' largest shareholder with a 16.3%
stake. A further £1.5bn is being raised from institutional investors.
The deal means that Barclays has avoided selling a stake to the UK government -
the partial nationalisation option taken by Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB
and HBOS.
This means it will avoid restrictions on executive pay, bonuses and shareholder
The two Middle Eastern royal families appear to be getting generous terms in
return for injecting capital into Barclays.
A large chunk of the £5.8bn investment will buy "reserve capital instruments",
similar to the preference shares which the UK government is taking in RBS and
Lloyds TSB-HBOS. They will pay a dividend of 14% a year, compared with the UK
government's 12% a year. The new shareholders will also own warrants allowing
them to buy shares in Barclays at 197.775p, any time in the next five years.
Shares in Barclays jumped by 10% this morning in early trading, but had soon
fallen by almost 10% to 185.5p as the City digested the deal.
Chairman Marcus Agius brushed aside the suggestion that Barclays was now too
reliant on overseas investors. "This is a forward-looking and progressive
approach to managing the share register," said Aguis, insisting that these deals
create new commercial opportunities around the globe.
"When these strategic investors increase the exposure they have to Barclays they
naturally leads to new business," Aguis added. Last year Barclays sold stakes to
the goverments of China and Singapore, and in June this year it raised £4.5bn
from new and existing shareholders - including Qatar.
Keith Bowman, equity analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown stockbrokers, said Barclays
had "proved the doubters wrong again".
"Barclays continues to underline management's strength in outflanking its
rivals. RBS has been sunk through its desire to win Dutch Bank ABN from the
hands of Barclays, whilst the group's knowledge of the wholesale markets and
experience of the property downturn of the early 1990s has left it better
positioned than the likes of HBOS," said Bowman.
Satisfying the government
Barclays has been forced to raise more capital as part of the bail-out scheme
which seven banks and one building society have signed up to in the government's
attempt to shore up confidence in the banking system.
The chief executive, John Varley, said the deal would enables Barclays to meet
the capital issuance plan agreed with the UK authorities earlier this month,
following the decision by the Financial Services Authority to increase the
capital ratio requirements for all UK banks.
"Today's capital raising provides certainty and speed of execution, and combined
with the strong third-quarter performance in a volatile operating environment
enables us to continue to implement our strategy and build our business by
serving clients and customers around the world," said Varley.
When the UK banking bail-out was being agreed with the Treasury earlier this
month, Varley had convinced government officials and the Financial Services
Authority, that it had one backer prepared to stump up £1bn. Roger Jenkins, a
colleague of Barclays executive Bob Diamond, is believed to have led the
negotiations to find backers prepared to put more cash into the bank.
The government is due to announce later today that it has approved the takeover
of HBOS by Lloyds TSB. Based on today's share prices, Barclays will still be the
UK's second largest bank by market capitalisation, worth almost £19bn, behind
HSBC which is today worth some £89bn. Lloyds TSB and HBOS are today worth
slightly over £17bn.
Barclays turns to
Middle East in £7bn fundraising, G, 31.10.2008,
Chancellor demands cheaper petrol
as Shell posts record
Trace the rise and fall in crude prices in the last decade
Thursday October 30 2008
12.15 GMT
Graeme Wearden
Alistair Darling today called on oil companies to pass on
lower costs to consumers by cutting petrol prices as Royal Dutch Shell posted a
71% rise in profits.
The chancellor said that he wanted the recent drop in the oil price, which has
halved in recent months, to be passed on to the pumps as soon as possible.
"People are entitled to see the benefit of that falling price reflected in what
they actually pay when they fill up the car," Darling told GMTV.
Shell defied the economic gloom this morning and smashed analyst forecasts when
it reported a profit of $10.9bn (£6.6bn) for the third quarter of 2008, up from
$6.4bn the previous year, thanks to the earlier surge in the price of oil.
The company benefited from the record oil price, which hit $147 a barrel in July
before falling sharply in recent weeks. This more than made up for a 6.5% drop
in the amount of oil and gas it produced, due to hurricane damage in the Gulf of
Its chief executive, Jeroen van der Veer, called the results "satisfactory" and
insisted that Shell was "robust across a wide range of oil prices".
"We are watching the world economic situation closely," he added.
The figures come just two days after rival BP sparked a row by posting a 148%
jump in profits. Unions and MPs called for a windfall tax on the oil giants, who
they said had profited from speculation on the oil price.
Oil was trading at around $70 a barrel today, less than half its price in July,
and motoring groups have complained that this is not yet reflected in the cost
of petrol. Last weekend the average price of a litre of petrol dropped back
through the £1 a litre mark, down from a high of 119.7p a litre in July,
following price cutting by supermarkets.
But as around 70% of the cost of a litre of petrol goes to the government as
duty and VAT, the drop in crude oil prices can only have a limited effect on the
cost of filling up at the pump.
The AA said it was important to keep pressure on suppliers and retailers, but
warned that further price falls may be unlikely.
"We think the supermarkets have pared their costs to the bone and are now
engaged in cut-throat competition over petrol. We can't necessarily expect the
rest of the industry to move as dramatically, but it will catch up," said an AA
"I do wonder if we've reached a bit of a trough for the moment, unless the
supermarkets fight for Christmas trade by cutting petrol prices to try and fill
the aisles."
The fall in the value of sterling, which has dropped by around 25% against the
dollar since July, is also undermining the benefit of lower oil prices as both
crude oil and petrol are traded in dollars.
Darling himself is under pressure to help motorists by scrapping the planned
rise of 2p a litre in fuel duty, which has been postponed until March 2009, but
the AA does not believe this is likely to happen.
"The government needs all revenue it can get, so they have no option but to
bring in the 2p rise next year," the AA spokesman predicted.
Shell itself struck an upbeat tone today. Van der Veer said world markets were
experiencing "unprecedented volatility", adding: "We are steering the Shell ship
through rough waters and so far, OK."
"Yes, we are generating large profits. Yes, we have the largest investment
programme in Shell's history to create value for shareholders and to play our
part in providing safe and cost competitive energy for consumers," he added.
The high oil price has also proved profitable for Exxon Mobil, the world's
biggest oil company. It posted record quarterly profits today of $14.8bn (£9bn),
up 58% on last year, beating analyst expectations.
Chancellor demands
cheaper petrol as Shell posts record profits, G, 30.10.2008,
Cost of crash: $2,800,000,000,000
• Bank of England calls for reform
• Markets jittery after Asian losses
• Brown defends borrowing
Tuesday October 28 2008
The Guardian
Larry Elliott, Phillip Inman and Nicholas Watt
This article appeared in the Guardian
on Tuesday October 28 2008 on p1 of the
Top stories section.
It was last updated at 08.17 on October 28 2008.
A worker walks past a screen displaying stock market movements
at a window of the London Stock Exchange in the City of London, October 27,
2008. Photograph: Alessia Pierdomenico/Reuters
Autumn's market mayhem has left the world's financial institutions nursing
losses of $2.8tn, the Bank of England said today, as it called for fundamental
reform of the global banking system to prevent a repeat of turmoil "arguably"
unprecedented since the outbreak of the first world war.
In its half-yearly health check of the City, the Bank said tougher regulation
and constraints on lending would be needed as policymakers sought to learn
lessons from the mistakes that have led to a systemic crisis unfolding over the
past 15 months.
The Bank's Financial Stability Report, which will be sent to every bank director
in Britain, more than doubled the previous estimate of the potential losses
faced by all financial institutions since the spring, but said that given time
the actual losses could be pared by between a third and a half.
The £50bn pledged by the government had helped underpin the system, the Bank
said, and would provide a breathing space for UK banks so that they did not have
to sell assets at cut-price values immediately. The report also expressed
cautious optimism about the effectiveness of the recent global bail-out plan.
The Bank's estimate exceeds that made by the International Monetary Fund
recently. The IMF concentrated on US institutions and did not include losses
from the turmoil of recent weeks. Estimated paper losses from UK banks on
mortgage-backed securities and corporate bonds are currently £122.6bn, the Bank
report said.
Gordon Brown insisted yesterday that it was right for the government to increase
borrowing in order to fund investment to help the economy through tough times.
But he moved to reassure markets that he would not preside over a reckless
increase in borrowing during the recession and said he would reduce it as a
proportion of GDP once the economy picks up.
Paving the way for an expected abandonment of the tight fiscal rules he
established as chancellor, Brown said: "The responsible course of government is
to invest at this time to speed up the economic activity. As economic activity
rises, as tax revenues recover, then you would want borrowing to be a lower
share of your national income. But the responsible course at the moment is to
use the investments that are necessary, and to continue them, and to help people
through very difficult times.
"I think that's a very fundamental part of what we are doing."
In another turbulent day yesterday on global markets, there were hefty falls in
Asian stockmarkets and a fresh fall in the pound. Japan's Nikkei index closed
down more than 6% at a 26-year-low of 7162.9. London's FTSE 100 recovered from
an early fall of more than 200 points to close 30 points lower at 3852.6, while
the Dow Jones closed down 2.42% at 8,175.77.
Brown and Peter Mandelson, the business secretary, served notice that Britain
should brace itself for a downturn when they both warned about rising
unemployment. Brown said: "I can't promise people that we will keep them in
their last job if it becomes economically redundant. But we can promise people
that we will help them into their next job."
Mandelson was more blunt as he warned of the impact of the recession. "We are
facing an unparalleled financial crisis," he said during a visit to Moscow. "I
don't think yet people have realised what the impact is going to be on our real
The Tories intensified their attacks on the government by depicting Brown as not
a man with a plan but a man with an overdraft.
Responding to Brown's remarks, George Osborne, shadow chancellor, said: "What
they are talking about is borrowing out of necessity, not out of virtue. Gordon
Brown is a man with an overdraft, not a man with a plan. He is being forced into
this borrowing. He presents it as a strategy but it is actually a consequence of
his great failure that borrowing is already out of control before we even get
into the worst of the economic circumstances that we are in."
Brown was speaking as the Treasury finalised plans to rewrite the fiscal rules
which have governed his approach to the economy over the past decade. Alistair
Darling will use his pre-budget report next month to say that it is time for a
more flexible approach in the new economic cycle, which started in 2006-07.
The previous FSR in April envisaged a gradual recovery in global markets and the
Bank was careful today not to sound the all-clear despite the coordinated action
in Britain, the US and the eurozone this month to recapitalise banks and provide
extra liquidity to markets. "In recent weeks, the global banking system has
arguably undergone its biggest episode of instability since the start of the
first world war," it said.
Sir John Gieve, the Bank's deputy governor for financial stability, added: "With
a global economic downturn under way, the financial system remains under strain.
But it is better placed as a result of the exceptional package of capital,
guaranteed funding and liquidity support. That is helping to underpin the
banking system both directly and by demonstrating the authorities' determination
to do whatever is needed to restore confidence.
"Looking further ahead, we need a fundamental rethink of how to manage systemic
risk internationally. We need to establish stronger restraints on the build-up
of risks in the financial system over the cycle with the dangers they bring to
the wider economy.
"That means not just increasing capital and liquidity requirements for
individual institutions but relating them to the cyclical growth of risk in the
system more broadly. Counter-cyclical policy of that sort should complement
regulation of companies and broader macroeconomic policy."
The Bank believes that the capital injection from the taxpayer will also prevent
banks from slashing their lending too aggressively over the coming months,
relieving the recessionary pressure on the economy.
Figures released yesterday, however, from financial data provider Moneyfacts
showed banks were failing to pass on interest rate cuts to mortgage borrowers
despite making severe cuts in savings rates. It said most institutions had
already passed on the last half-point base rate cut to savers while holding back
on cuts in home loan interest rates.
"Some providers are using the base rate cut as a way of increasing their margin
for risk, by not passing on the full cut to mortgage customers but passing the
cut on in full to savings customers," it said.
A separate study last week marked a new low in the number of mortgage products
Concerns at widespread job losses across the finance sector prompted unions to
demand a "social contract" to protect jobs. Derek Simpson, Unite's joint general
secretary, said: "Workers in the financial services are facing insecurity as the
world is gripped by economic turmoil. The Unite 'social contract' sets out the
principles which employees expect the government and finance companies to now
sign up to.
"Unite is calling for the protection of jobs, pensions, the end to short-term
remuneration policies and an overhaul of the regulatory structures in the
financial services sector. There must be a recognition of the importance of
employment in the financial services sector, as many communities now depend on
the sector since being decimated by the collapse of the manufacturing industry.
"Workers in the financial services industry are not the culprits of the credit
crunch and we are not prepared to allow them to become the victims. The taxpayer
must now get firm assurances that the financial lifeline extended to these large
organisations will be used to protect jobs and the public. It is not acceptable
for the government to socialise the risk without allowing the wider society to
capitalise on the rewards in the finance industry."
How much is that?
The Bank of England may have put the paper cost of the global
crisis at a staggering $2.8 trillion, but how does one come to grips with such a
sum? Think of it like this: it could pay for 46 bail-outs of the kind the
Treasury handed to the banks RBS, HBOS group and Lloyds TSB; or pay off the last
quarter's public debt 45 times. It is more than three times the sum of UK annual
public spending, and also equivalent to the wealth of 100 Oleg Deripaskas -
before the credit crunch anyway. It's equal to 138m bottles of 1947 Petrus
Pomerol, the bankers' favourite vintage; or, if it's your turn in the coffee
round, 773bn lattes - nearly 13,000 each for every UK citizen.
Cost of crash:
$2,800,000,000,000, G, 28.10.2008,
BP smashes forecasts
as profits soar 148%
Tuesday October 28 2008
09.52 GMT
Julia Kollewe
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk
on Tuesday October 28 2008.
It was last updated at 11.30 on October 28 2008.
Oil giant BP has reaped the benefits of this summer's record
oil prices, smashing all forecasts with a 148% rise in third-quarter profits.
The figures are likely to spark fresh protests from motorists and businesses
that have been hit hard by higher petrol prices.
The shares rose 19.5p to 457.5p this morning, a gain of 4.5%. BP said it would
pay a dividend of 14 cents a share in December, up some 30% in dollar terms from
a year ago and 60% higher in sterling terms.
"Although it has since fallen away sharply, the high oil price of the third
quarter obviously helped our absolute result," said BP's chief executive, Tony
Oil surged to a record high of $147 a barrel in July, but the price has since
more than halved amid mounting fears of a global recession. Today the price of
crude rose to $64 a barrel.
BP, Europe's second-biggest oil producer behind Royal Dutch Shell, posted
replacement cost profits of $10bn (£6bn) for the quarter from July to September,
up from $4bn a year earlier. Replacement cost profit is a measure often used by
oil companies and is calculated using the cost of replacing supplies at current
prices, rather than the prices at which they were bought.
Revenues climbed 45% from $71bn to $103bn over the quarter.
"We are well-placed to weather the prevailing financial storm and to benefit
from the business opportunities that may well arise from a downturn," Hayward
said. "Our balance sheet is strong and we have committed less of our portfolio
to high-cost options like tar sands and gas conversion than some of our peers."
Analysts were worried about the impact of the recent fall in oil prices on BP,
but noted that the company had made good progress on restructuring its
crude-processing division, which has underperformed rivals in recent years.
"In refining and marketing they have a restructuring plan under way and that
looks as if it has helped the results there," said oil analyst Tony Shepard at
brokerage Charles Stanley.
The oil firm, which expects to spend up to $22bn on capital investment this
year, counts pension funds among its major shareholders.
BP smashes forecasts
as profits soar 148%, G, 28.10.2008,
Home repossessions and arrears rise
as borrowers struggle
Tuesday October 28 2008
10.53 GMT
Hilary Osborne
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk
on Tuesday October 28 2008.
It was last updated at 11.31 on October 28 2008.
The number of properties repossessed by lenders in the second
quarter of this year was up 71% on the same period last year, figures showed
Rising household bills and increasing mortgage costs resulted in 11,054 new
possessions cases in the three months between April and June this year, compared
with just 6,476 in the same quarter of 2007.
The figures, from the Financial Services Authority, also showed an increase in
the number of homeowners who had fallen behind on mortgage repayments.
The City watchdog said while the number of new arrears cases had stayed
constant, at around 54,000 each quarter since early 2007, consumers were
increasingly struggling to clear their arrears. Consequently the total number of
accounts in arrears was rising.
At the end of June there were 312,000 loan accounts in arrears, an increase of
3% on the first three months of this year and 16% up on a year earlier.
Over the past year borrowers have been hit by a double whammy of rising mortgage
costs and inflation.
Borrowers coming to the end of cheap fixed-rate deals have seen repayments jump,
with the credit crunch forcing lenders to reprice deals upwards.
Some have stopped lending to borrowers with big mortgages, leaving those who
took out large loans with lenders like Northern Rock unable to move away from
high standard variable rate (SVR) mortgages.
The figures still represent a small fraction of the mortgage market, with just
over 2% of outstanding mortgages in arrears or possession. However the rising
number of people unable to catch up with repayments they have missed suggests
repossession rates will continue to rise.
Last year, the Council of Mortgage Lenders predicted the number of homes
repossessed this year would rise by 50%, to 45,000, and the FSA's figures for
the first half of the year are broadly in line with that, showing just over
20,000 properties were repossessed.
However recent economic news has been more gloomy than anticipated, and rising
job losses could push many more homeowners than expected into difficulties.
Home repossessions
and arrears rise as borrowers struggle, G, 28.10.2008,
Commodities slide
amid demand fears
Published: October 27 2008 10:35
Last updated: October 27 2008 10:35
The Financial Times
By Javier Blas in London
Commodities prices continued to fall sharply on Monday, with oil prices falling
to a fresh 17-month low just above $60 a barrel, on growing concern that a
potential global recession was unavoidable, raising further fears for raw
materials demand.
The fall in oil prices came in spite of last week’s Opec oil cartel agreement to
cut its production official limit by 1.5m barrels a day in an effort to put a
floor on dropping oil prices. Opec officials said they were monitoring the fall
in prices.
Iran said Opec was ready to cut further its production if last week’s reduction
does not stop the slide, the country’s Opec governor was quoted as saying in the
local media.
“In case the reduction in production does not stabilise the oil market, Opec
will again reduce its production ceiling,” Mohammad Ali Khatibi Khatibi was
quoted as saying by Farhang-e Ashti newspaper.
In London morning trading, Nymex December West Texas Intermediate fell by a
further $1.45 a barrel to $62.82 a barrel having earlier hit a fresh 17-month
low of $61.30 a barrel. Heating oil and gasoline in New York also fall sharply.
In London, ICE December Brent crude futures lost $3 to hit an intraday low of
$59.05 a barrel, its lowest level since February 2007.
Opec’s decision to cut production sparked criticism from the US and UK
governments but the continuing fall for oil prices led to talk that the cartel
would try to reduce output further before the end of the year.
Robert Laughlin at MF Global in London said whilst many will not shed a tear for
oil producers at present it should be noted that several countries may well be
running into a ” nil-margin ” production scenario with oil prices sub $ 60 a
The key signal for prices in the medium term will be Opec’s adherence to its
agreement. Many traders doubt that it will fully implement the cuts, noting that
historically the group has managed about a 60 per cent adherence rate.
But Chakib Khelil, Algeria’s energy minister and Opec’s president, insisted that
the group had “no other choice” and it was having trouble selling its oil as
buyers stayed away or were unable to secure letters of credit.
Other commodity prices also fell sharply on Monday as investors continued to
unwind positions in what now is seen as a risky asset class.
Oliver Jakob, of Swiss-based Petromatrix consutants, said that financial flows
were overall dominated by the closing of bets of raising prices in commodity
“With volatility indices at levels of systemic breakdowns it should be expected
that more risk is still to be taken off the table, meaning that the waves of
indiscriminate selling across asset classes are not yet necessarily over and
will dominate in the near term over fundamental considerations,” he said in a
note to clients.
Gold prices also came under pressure, as the strengthening dollar reduced the
metal’s appeal as a currency hedge. Spot gold slipped nearly 3 per cent to
$717.80 a troy ounce, having hit a low of $712 an ounce.
Base metals were also hampered by the spectre of a global recession and its
likely implications for demand. Copper continued its fall under the $4,000 mark,
losing almost 5 per cent to $3,645 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange.
Agriculture commodities were also down, with CBOT December corn falling 7 cents
to $3.65 ¾ a bushel, its lowest in 11 months.
Commodities slide
amid demand fears, FT, 27.10.2008,
Economy shrinks
as Britain enters recession
October 25, 2008
From The Times
Gary Duncan, Economics Editor
Britain’s economy is shrinking for the first time in 16 years,
official figures showed yesterday, confirming that the country is in recession.
The toll from the credit crisis and housing crash has ended Britain’s longest
unbroken run of growth since quarterly records began in 1955. City analysts gave
a warning that the economy could shrink at an even faster pace in coming months.
Figures for gross domestic product revealed a worse-than-expected fall of 0.5
per cent over the past three months. A recession is defined as two consecutive
quarters of negative growth, but a further contraction is inevitable.
The response on the financial markets was swift and brutal. The pound plummeted
against the dollar and nearly £49 billion was wiped off the value of Britain’s
leading companies. Alistair Darling, the Chancellor, sought to shore up
confidence among fearful families and businesses. “It’s obvious now that our
economy, other economies across the world, are moving into recession,” he said.
“Yes, it’s going to be difficult, yes it’s going to be tough, but we can get
through it.”
Charlie Bean, the deputy governor of the Bank of England, said
that Britain was only “in the early days” of the fallout from unprecedented
global financial convulsions. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime crisis, and possibly
the largest crisis of its kind in human history,” Professor Bean said.
Shares in London slumped in response. The FTSE 100 closed down a further 204.5
points, or 5 per cent.The pound suffered one of its worst batterings since it
was floated in 1971. At one point it was down by 8 cents against the dollar,
before closing a little over 3.5 cents down on the day at $1.5837. In Europe,
leading shares also fell by 5 per cent, while US blue-chips fell almost 4 per
cent in a day of wild swings in financial markets.
Currencies and commodity prices also suffered. Oil prices continued to fall
despite a decision by Opec to cut production by 1.5 million barrels a day.
Benchmark Brent crude fell $3.94 to $61.98 per barrel – from a high of $146 in
Even gold, the traditional safe haven in times of panic, fell sharply, although
it later rcovered. Pressure is growing on the Bank to deliver drastic cuts in
interest rates. Its rate-setting committee is expected to order a half-point cut
at the start of next month.
Economy shrinks as
Britain enters recession, Ts, 25.10.2008,
Is this the future of shopping?
He's built a global empire of malls.
Now, in London, Frank Lowy
is about to unveil his boldest project yet
– just as
recession hits.
Does he know something we don't?
Rob Sharp reports on a £1.7bn gamble
Thursday, 23 October 2008
The Independent
On a building site in west London, 8,000 contractors are
crawling across a gargantuan, soon-to-be-finished shopping centre. Lifts raise
builders in hi-vis jackets as they finish painting restaurant exteriors. Droves
of stone masons hurriedly shift huge granite slabs into their final resting
places. Sparks from welding torches cascade to the floor. Rivers of polythene
wrapping snake as far as the eye can see.
When Boris Johnson opens its doors on Thursday next week, Westfield London will
be Britain's largest urban shopping centre. Sprawling across 43 acres just north
of Shepherd's Bush Green, it will house 265 shops, with Tiffany & Co, Louis
Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and De Beers offering glitz alongside Waitrose, Russell &
Bromley, Marks & Spencer and other familiar high-street names. There will be
dozens of restaurants, a library, and two new London Underground stations to
bring in the masses. Those who drive will have the option of employing the
services of a 70-strong team of valets. Needless to say, this is no ordinary
shopping centre. Its makers are marketing it as the cutting edge of "retail
Costing £1.7bn, it is also the biggest venture – in monetary terms – that the
development company, Westfield, has ever undertaken. Back in 2004, when
Westfield bought the site, it must have seemed an irresistible way to ride the
consumer boom. Given the current economic climate, it feels like an even more
audacious move than the company may have intended. Household budgets are under
pressure; consumer confidence is far from buoyant. Earlier this week, The Ernst
& Young Item Club, an influential forecasting agency, predicted that consumer
expenditure on everything from food, clothes, holidays, household bills, home
improvements and entertainment will fall by 1.2 per cent in 2009. This compares
with an average annual growth of 3.5 per cent over the past decade.
One would think such statistics would send a shiver down the spine of even the
most hardened of businessmen. But Westfield's chairman Frank Lowy, who turned 78
yesterday, is no ordinary corporate suit. According to Australian media reports,
he boasts a fortune of £2.4bn, making him the richest man in Australia. Born in
Slovakia, he arrived in Australia in 1953 after spending a period shortly after
the Second World War in a refugee camp in Cyprus. After founding Westfield in
1959 with business partner John Saunders (who died in 1997 aged 75), Lowy has
grown his company into the biggest publically listed retail property group in
the world. It is valued at more than £26bn, and leases 10 million square metres
of retail space to 23,000 retailers in 119 centres around the world. In the
company's homeland, as many people speak of "going to Westfield" as they do of
"going shopping".
But pulling off this audacious development is more than just a question of
battling economic forces. Local residents are far from pleased about the effects
of bus routes imposed by Hammersmith and Fulham council to serve the new centre.
Writing in the London Evening Standard this week, the novelist Sebastian Faulks
slammed the new routes planned for areas close to the development for running
through some of the capital's historic conservation areas. He also described how
the council's consultation over the new routes was radically under-resourced,
and how new buses will add unnecessary pollution and congestion to already busy
and dirty streets. In addition, the scheme – located just three miles from
London's West End – will draw customers away from already cash-strapped Oxford
Street shops. For years, Westfield London has been spoken of as the nail in the
coffin of Oxford Street.
Meanwhile, tax authorities in Australia are investigating Lowy amid claims by
the US Senate that he hid £42m from the Australian Taxation Office. But this is
all in a day's work for a man who obtained a shrapnel scar on his forehead when
fighting for the Israeli army. Westfield London, experts say, will still manage
to bring a smile to his lips.
Lowy was born into a Jewish family in 1930 in Fil'akovo, a rural town in what
was then Czechoslovakia. According to the official biography on the Westfield
website, at an early age he helped his mother to run the family grocery shop.
When the Second World War broke out, his family sold their shop and fled to
Budapest. Here, Lowy helped his older brother, John, run a metalware business,
but the family was soon hit by tragedy. When the Nazis invaded Hungary in March
1944, Lowy's father was captured and sent to Auschwitz, where he eventually
died. Without the family's main breadwinner, Lowy supported his mother by
foraging for food.
When the war ended, Lowy left Europe for Israel. On his way, he was picked up by
the British Army and spent several months in a refugee camp in Cyprus. After his
release, he reached Israel, aged 17, to join the nation's Golani Brigade, an
army unit fighting in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
When the war finished the same year, Lowy spent a brief time working in a bank,
and studying to become an accountant at night school. Eventually, he decided to
go to Australia, to where many members of his family had already moved. He
arrived there on 26 January 1952, carrying a small suitcase, and possessing only
a basic knowledge of English. "All those events shaped my life," Lowy said in an
interview earlier this month. "It's a requirement to have some sort of paranoia.
You have to think of what can go wrong even when times are good. So you can
never enjoy your success fully."
In Sydney, the man who would become a property magnate managed to scrape
together enough cash to buy a van. He began work as a deliveryman, and it was
then that he met Saunders, another Holocaust survivor, who had set up a small
shop in the outskirts of Sydney. The pair's first business venture together was
running a delicatessen. They soon realised that along with salami and rye bread,
newcomers from Europe needed a wider array of goods. They borrowed from a local
bank manager and used profits from the deli to buy farmland out of town. The
pair read about the popularity of American shopping malls, and in 1959 built
their first shopping centre on that land. Westfield Investments was listed on
the Australian stock exchange in 1960. Over the next two decades, the pair built
up their company to become one of the best-known shopping centre providers in
Australia, where Lowy now owns 44 malls.
In 1977, the company bought its first US shopping centre, in Connecticut, but it
was not until 2000 that the company gained its first foothold in the UK market.
In March of that year it bought the Broadmarsh centre in Nottingham, in
partnership with the investment house Hermes. The same year it also acquired
shopping centres in Tunbridge Wells, Guildford, Derby and Northern Ireland.
Now, Lowy runs his worldwide empire – across Australia, New Zealand, the United
States and Britain – with his two sons, group managing directors Steven and
Peter. Frank Lowy is based on the top floor of the 24-storey Westfield Towers in
Sydney, which his company built in 1974. The company founder's own floor has
uninterrupted views of Sydney's Opera House and Harbour Bridge, near to which
Lowy's 74-metre yacht, named Ilona IV after his mother, is berthed. It was here
that the Australian executive worked on his plan to enter the UK market – a plan
that took his three decades to perfect.
The company developed its first UK shopping centre, after demolishing an
existing mall in Derby. The £340m Westfield Derby project opened in October of
last year. It was the biggest shopping centre to open in Britain that year. Now,
Westfield hopes its west London development – located in an area known as White
City – will move shopping centre development in the UK to the "next level".
"All our projects are about evolution," says Westfield UK and Europe managing
director Michael Gutman. "In the White City project we are trying to bring
together all the knowledge we have gathered from our 118 centres in four
countries around the world. This will be our 119th. It is a unique trading area
and demographic in terms of the power and disposable income of the people who
live nearby. It is unparalleled in terms of connectivity. It contains some
phenomenal public spaces both inside and out."
The story of how Westfield created Westfield London goes back four years. It
involves a complicated series of acquisitions and joint ventures, but
essentially involved Westfield taking control of an existing scheme being
developed by fellow property firm Chelsfield in 2004.
Westfield bought out its partners in that acquisition, the Reuben brothers,
billionaire private investors, and Multiplex, the Australian construction firm.
In 2006 Westfield also took control of the project's construction from the
Australian construction firm Multiplex, which at the time was dealing with
negative press surrounding the late delivery of Wembley Stadium, which it was
also contracted to build. Westfield currently owns a half stake in Westfield
London, with the other half being owned by the property arm of the German
financier Commerzbank.
Before Westfield's acquisition of the development, the acclaimed British
architect Ian Ritchie had designed a concept for the shopping centre. He had
suggested a number of features, which included the interior of the centre being
covered by a fabric roof. When Westfield took control, it decided not to
continue its relationship with Ritchie and brought its own in-house designers on
board, who collaborated with out-of-house architects on specific elements of the
scheme. These external designers included a young firm of London architects,
Softroom, who designed a futuristic-looking café court called "The Balcony".
Acclaimed New York designer Michael Gabellini took charge of blueprints for "The
Village" – the separate area of the centre where the luxury brands such as
Tiffany & Co are housed.
Westfield's own architects scrapped the fabric roof in favour of a glass version
that would allow more light to enter the centre's interior. They also introduced
a street of bars and restaurants that will be open around the clock – the
"Southern Terrace" – at the centre's south-east corner, at the suggestion of
superstar architect Richard Rogers, who at that point was acting as an adviser
to former London mayor Ken Livingstone. Rogers felt the street would improve the
area's public space.
"Normally we design all of our own buildings. But when we acquired the property,
its design had already won planning permission from the council and it was under
construction," says Gutman. "On a major retail development, the planning and
circulation requires knowledge and experience. So we needed to bring on board
some specialists, which we got through Softroom and Michael Gabellini."
On a private tour with the developer late last week, two weeks before the
completion of construction, things appeared to be in impressive shape.
Approaching Westfield London from the south-east, where a new bus terminal and
specially designed, sleek-looking Shepherd's Bush Tube station sit, shoppers
ascend the shallow granite ramp or "shopping street" of "Southern Terrace". This
street is already lined with finished restaurants, outside which diners will sit
on terraces overlooking the thoroughfare. The façades of the restaurant are of
various sizes and designs to give each its own character. Overhead, various
canopies, each again of unique size and material, offer protection from the
elements. The red Westfield logo is affixed at key points to the street's
Entering through a huge glass entrance, customers encounter a massive central
space. Above this, one gets a look at the distinctive, undulating glass roof,
through which daylight streams to cast triangular patterns on perfectly white
This central space contains a large central "well" surrounded by the centre's
three floors. On the uppermost of these, a 14-screen cinema, due to open next
autumn, will allow film-goers to take a beer, wine or cocktail to the newest
film releases as well as to reserve special "VIP" areas.
On the floor beneath this, the clothing store Timberland has turned the front of
its shop into what appears to be a large wooden box, in line with the company's
"rugged and outdoor" branding. A short distance away, Apple has finished its
unit with typical white minimalism. To one side, Softroom's "Balcony" stretches
for some 50 metres. Its futuristic, capsule-like appearance is contained within
a façade that appears to be divided into a series of wooden slats. Here, an
array of dedicated restaurants such Crocque Gascon – who will serve modern
French cuisine like "duck burger classique" – and Vietnamese street food
restaurant Pho, will serve to customers who will then sit at a shared seating
On the lowest floor, DKNY and Russell & Bromley have leased units. Gabellini's
"Village" lies to the north-east of this central space. Here, the ceiling is
shaped into soft ovals of plastic from which chandeliers hang.
Such features seem to have gone down well with retailers. At the time of
opening, Westfield says the centre will be more than 96 per cent leased. Around
90 per cent of the tenants locked into 10 to 15-year contracts before the full
extent of the current economic crisis was known. Unless the shops go out of
business, Westfield will get their money.
It may sound worrying for the retailers concerned, but signing on Lowy's dotted
line may well prove to suit them as much as Westfield. It's impossible to know
the details of each deal, but industry experts believe that they may not have to
part with any cash for the first year or two. So they can take their places in
this glittering cathedral to the future of shopping, and pay for it when (they
hope) the economy, and consumer confidence, is in an altogether better place.
And many believe that Lowy will prosper despite the current economic gloom.
"Rather than being troubled by the financial crisis, Westfield has almost landed
on its feet," says Retail Week editor Tim Danaher. "In fact, far from being
unenthusiastic about the development, retailers don't want to be left out. While
the details of the deals they have struck are mired in secrecy, Westfield, like
all developers of new shopping centres, will have made concessions – such as
rent-free periods and contributions to the shops' fit-outs, which have helped to
persuade people to come on board. While some of the smaller retailers might go
bust, the big guys won't come unstuck. Westfield has got the stomach to cope."
It has not all been plain sailing for Lowy and his empire, however. The business
news agency Bloomberg reports that the billionaire is embroiled in a bout with
tax authorities. The Australian Taxation Office is investigating claims that he
hid £42m from tax officials. A US Senate panel had alleged in July that the Lowy
family and LGT Group, a bank owned by Liechtenstein's royal family, had used a
foundation and companies registered in Delaware and the British Virgin Islands
to conceal the fact that the Lowys owned the money in question. This is
something Frank Lowy has vehemently denied.
On a more local level, the White City scheme has encountered a degree of
opposition. Nigel Kersey, director of the London branch of the Campaign to
Protect Rural England, tried unsuccessfully to take the local council to court
in 2000 for failing to ask for an environmental damage assessment over the
initial Chelsfield scheme. "Had the planning authority played by the rules, it
would have shown that the impact would be substantial," he said at the time.
Since then, Westfield says it has conducted broad consultations and that local
groups now welcome the project. Indeed, the company is so confident that it is
pressing on with plans to build a £1.45bn, 175,000sq m centre in Stratford, east
London, to be completed in time for the 2012 Olympics. "The current slowdown is
only likely to be relatively short-term compared with the planning process and
the active life of a shopping centre," says Richard Dodd, a spokesperson for the
British Retail Consortium, which represents British shopping centres. "Now, when
retailers are competing more fiercely for customers' every pound, investing in
your premises can be a good thing to do. Shopping centres offer great access and
investment in retail."
Certainly, Michael Gutman feels the company has done enough to make sure that it
is not hit by any forthcoming economic crash. "Most definitely we are in this
for the long haul," he concludes. "We have a history of being long-term owners.
We are beginning our relationship with Londoners and we hope to be embraced as a
new icon on the landscape, like Covent Garden or the O2.
"We have opened projects in recessions before and in booms before. These
buildings are built for long-term and they take several years to settle. The
retailers who have taken stores are our customers and we are in a partnership
with them to maximise their performance. The ability to effectively come in the
morning to do grocery shopping and have a coffee and maybe go to the gym and go
back home as well as doing fashion shopping surpasses anything you currently see
in the high street."
In an interview last month, Frank Lowy, Gutman's ultimate boss, divulged that a
few times a month, he plays poker. The billionaire says he gambles for stakes
high enough to be painful if he doesn't win. "It has to hurt you a little bit
when you lose," he said, declining to say how much someone with his finances
might actually bet. "And I don't like to lose, period."
This time, with the ante at £1.7bn, you can bet that losing would cause Lowy
considerable pain.
Mega-mall: Is this
the future of shopping?, I, 23.10.2008,
Financial crisis
Pound falls to five-year low
as Bank head admits recession
is here
• Sterling drops 4% against the US dollar
• King says banking turmoil 'almost unimaginable'
• FTSE 100 drops 2% in early trading
Wednesday October 22 2008
10.15 BST
Graeme Wearden and Ashley Seager
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk
on Wednesday October 22 2008.
It was last updated at 10.18 on October 22 2008.
Sterling was hammered down to a five-year low against the
dollar this morning after Mervyn King admitted for the first time that the UK is
entering a recession.
The pound began tumbling last night as the Bank of England governor told
business leaders in Leeds that the economy is shrinking and hinted at fresh
interest rate cuts.
By this morning it had fallen by seven cents to $1.6209, a drop of more than 4%.
Traders reported frantic selling as investors rushed to cut their losses by
selling the UK currency.
Sterling also fell against the euro, losing around 2% to a low of €1.2636 this
morning. The euro itself fell sharply against other currencies, hitting a
four-and-a-half-year low against the yen, and its lowest value against the
dollar since November 2006.
Shares fell sharply in London this morning, with the FTSE 100 shedding over 100
points, or 2.3%, in early trading to 4127.29.
The pound had already been hit yesterday by unexpectedly gloomy manufacturing
data showing that confidence has collapsed, and King's comments appear to have
added to concern over quite how weak the British economy now is.
Describing the banking system turmoil of recent weeks as "extraordinary, almost
unimaginable," he said the financial system had come closer to collapse two
weeks ago than at any time in the past 90 years.
"The combination of a squeeze on real take-home pay and a decline in the
availability of credit poses the risk of a sharp and prolonged slowdown in
domestic demand. Indeed, it now seems likely that the UK economy is entering a
recession," King said.
"It is surely probable that the drama of the banking crisis, which is
unprecedented in the lifetime of almost all of us, will damage business and
consumer confidence more generally."
His fears were confirmed yesterday as the CBI reported that confidence among
British manufacturers had tumbled to its lowest since July 1980, with output and
orders also collapsing.
The thinktank the National Institute for Economic and Social Research said today
that Britain entered a recession in the third quarter of the year and warns the
slump will probably last for a year or more, making it every bit as painful as
the recessions of the early 1990s or early 1980s.
City commentator David Buik said that King's speech has "put sterling to the
sword for the time being".
The Bank of England cut the cost of borrowing by half a point to 4.5% earlier
this month, as part of coordinated global action, and King hinted that rates may
come down again soon.
"During the past month, the balance of risks to inflation in the medium-term
shifted decisively to the downside," he said.
CMC Markets analyst James Hughes said that the possibility of interest rate cuts
across Europe have made the greenback more attractive - after months in which
traders bet against the dollar.
"Investors continue to flock to the dollar as speculation mounts that central
banks elsewhere will continue with aggressive rate cuts in an attempt to
stimulate growth in the near term," said Hughes.
Official data out on Friday will almost certainly show that the economy
contracted in the July to September period, having not grown at all in the
second quarter. A "technical" recession is defined as two consecutive quarters
of contraction, which experts say is the least Britain can expect this time
Pound falls to
five-year low as Bank head admits recession is here, G, 22.10.2008,
Public finances slump to record deficit
Analysts described the figures
as 'dreadful' and predict worse
to come
as the economy deteriorates
Monday October 20 2008
10.36 BST
Ashley Seager, economics correspondent
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk
on Monday October 20 2008.
It was last updated at 11.03 on October 20 2008.
The public finances lurched to a record deficit last month
driven by a weakening economy and overspending by the government, and analysts
say much worse is yet to come as the economy tips into recession.
The Office for National Statistics said that public sector net borrowing came in
higher than expected at £8.1bn, a record for a September and way above the
£4.8bn shortfall seen in September last year.
That left the cumulative PSNB for the first half of the 2008/09 fiscal year at
£37.6bn versus £21.5bn in the same period a year ago and the highest since
records began in 1946.
"The September public finances were dreadful, deteriorating even more than
expected. This highlight the extremely poor state of the public finances as they
are hit by past largesse, the marked economic slowdown, markedly weak housing
market activity and prices, rising unemployment and government policy
concessions since the March budget," said Howard Archer, economist at
consultancy Global Insight.
The cash-based measure known as the public sector net cash requirement also hit
a record high for the month of September, of £12.6bn compared with a deficit of
£8.7bn in the same month last year.
"It confirms what we pretty much all know now, that borrowing is set to surge
and rise dramatically in the current financial year," said Paul Dales, an
economist at Capital Economics.
In his budget in March, the chancellor, Alistair Darling, forecast a shortfall
for the full 2008/09 year to next March of £43bn. But today's figures show that
figure has nearly been reached at the half-way stage of the year, meaning he
will have to revise that figure sharply higher in next month's pre-budget
Darling said over the weekend that the government would bring forward some
infrastructure projects intended for future years to give a boost to the economy
during the downturn. Treasury officials denied that this meant extra spending
would result, however.
The Ernst & Young Item Club thinktank today became the latest in a line of
forecasters to predict a savage widening of the deficit over the next couple of
years as recession crimps tax receipts and boosts government spending on welfare
Item's chief economist Peter Spencer has pencilled in a deficit of £60bn this
year - a record - and £92bn in 2009/10 - equivalent to 6% of gross domestic
Separately, the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) today reported that gross
mortgage lending fell by a further 10.0% to just £17.7bn in September from
£19.7bn in August and £24.7bn in July. Gross lending was down 41.7% year on year
from £30.4bn in September 2007.
Economics: Public
finances slump to record deficit, G, 20.10.2008,
Still confused by the credit crisis?
Then, read on ...
Bemused by the banking crisis
and the stock market madness of recent weeks?
Business Editor Margareta Pagano
answers the key questions
Sunday, 19 October 2008
The Independent
Is the worst of the worldwide crisis in banking now over?
Governments have committed a total of $2 trillion to be injected into the
banking system. Here in the UK, for example, the Government is pumping £39bn
into three of the our biggest banks – Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB and
HBOS – by buying shares in them to provide new capital.
The aim is to strengthen the banks' balance sheets so that they can start
lending to each other again, and to their customers. But the most important
objective is restoring confidence in the financial markets. It's too early to
tell whether this has been achieved. But the way the world's leaders took such
committed action last weekend to put together this co-ordinated action appears
to have gone far to prevent a systemic collapse. Don't take too much notice of
the volatile reaction of the stock markets last week after the news was
announced. The markets are now looking forward to the next crises – the
unwinding of the derivatives market and recession.
Who is to blame?
We all are, to some extent. Over the past decade the US and UK governments
allowed people and companies to borrow too much and too cheaply. In the US,
mortgage companies were offering "teaser" mortgages at only 1 per cent, so when
interest rates were raised, many could not afford to meet the new mortgage
payments – leading to the so-called sub-prime market. In the UK, banks were
lending money to people to buy mortgages at 100 per cent. They were also
encouraged to take on more credit. With house prices rising, everyone felt
wealthy and so they replaced equity in their house for debt to fund the next
holiday. Savings ratios crashed. But then last year Northern Rock collapsed,
sending shivers through the financial system because it could not raise enough
money to meet the demands of its depositors. So you could say governments were
to blame for allowing the debt mountain to grow, the financial regulators for
not keeping a tighter control over the banks who lent beyond their means too,
and the public for indulging in their debt addiction.
Why won't the banks lend to each other?
They have been too scared. They have been nervous about lending because none of
them had confidence in each other. This was because none of them knew exactly
what sort of exposures they had to the US sub-prime market and other securitised
Who controls the half-nationalised banks? Their shareholders or taxpayers?
Details of the UK bailout are still being worked on. At the moment it looks as
though the Government may end up owning some 60 per cent of the shares in Royal
Bank of Scotland because it is investing about £20bn in the bank. The Government
will put directors on the board and will take part in the bank's everyday
decision-making; just as it is doing with Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingley.
But in reality this means the taxpayer indirectly owns those shares because the
Government is raising the money going into the banks by raising new gilt-edged
bonds – in other words, the public debt which we all own as citizens. The case
of Lloyds and HBOS, which are merging, is different because the Government will
be a minority shareholder. But it will still put a representative on the board.
The rest of the shares in the banks are owned by the City's big investors, the
pension funds, and insurance companies. They are angry at the Treasury's
decision not to pay out dividends for at least a year until the Government's
preference shares are paid. But the Government's plan is to return the banks to
the private sector as soon as it can.
What is moving the markets up and down at the moment?
Stock markets move with events, but they also try to take account and predict
the future. So the equity markets are volatile and fragile at the moment because
now that they have been assured that the banking system is not going to
collapse, they are looking ahead to what will happen to companies' profits as we
head into recession. That's why the UK FTSE 100 index and the US Dow Jones index
saw hairy trading last week: the big institutional investors, the hedge funds
and retail investors were busy selling shares in companies which they think will
suffer from the economic downturn. On the commodity markets investors were also
selling natural resources such as metals and oil, because if the world goes into
recession there will be less demand for these products. Only gold shot up again
last week because it is seen as the safest commodity of all.
If the markets are going down, what has that got to do with me?
Everything. The markets work together like a great big machine and we are all
connected. If you have a pension, then this is invested in the companies that
are listed on the market and your pension comes from the dividends earned by
those companies. For example, the big pension funds and insurance companies such
as the Prudential or Standard Life are some of the biggest investors in the UK
stock market as well as in those overseas. They also own government bonds. So if
those prices fall, the value of your pension falls along with them. Those people
who are retiring this year or next will have been severely hit by this bear
Why are some people predicting the FTSE will be at record levels in 18 months ?
Some economists reckon that's when we will be coming out of recession. It's
based on forecasts that the world's big economies – the US, China, India, Russia
and the growing markets of the Middle East – will by then be recovering and
trade gets going again. That means British companies, particularly those with
big overseas exposure, will do well and so will their share prices.
How will we know when the worst of this banking crisis is over?
If only we knew. If the banks can recapitalise smoothly and start lending again,
then this will be an enormous boost of confidence to the "real economy". It
means they will start lending money for mortgages again and to the corporate
sector. When we hear that companies are having no problems in raising money for
new investment, that will be a good sign.
How bad is the global economy looking ?
Touch and go. China, the powerhouse of the world, is slowing down, but it's
economy is still expect to grow at 9 per cent next year. But it won't prevent us
from tipping into recession. Other trouble spots in the world are Ukraine,
Hungary, the Baltic states and Turkey – even Switzerland had to save its banks
last week. Then, of course, there are fears over the $513bn ticking time bomb of
the derivatives market, which may go off at any time.
How much worse is it going to get?
Next year will be tough. Economists reckon we have now officially hit recession
in the UK. Unemployment will exceed two million by the end of this year; house
repossessions are rising, and investment in business is falling. Retailers are
getting ready for the worst Christmas since the late 1980s. But interest rates
will be slashed and inflation will come down as oil and food prices drop. And
the recession will last only a year.
The downturn in numbers
Annual sales fall announced by the John Lewis Group last week
Projected unemployment figure for December. About 1.79 million out of work now
Average number of sales per estate agent last quarter – a 30-year low
Extra public borrowing per citizen required compared to March forecast
Still confused by the
credit crisis? Then, read on ..., I, 19.10.2008,

Financial crisis
FTSE 100 hits five-year low
as world stockmarkets slump
• US manufacturing spark selling
• Oil price slips
• Japan's Nikkei down 11%
in worst performance since 1987
Thursday October 16 2008
17.15 BST
Graeme Wearden and Dan Milmo
The FTSE hit its lowest point in more than five years today as
fears of a global recession sent world stockmarkets falling across Asia, Europe
and the US.
Shares in the UK's leading companies closed down 5.35% at 3861, the FTSE 100's
lowest point since April 2003, following another wave of selling by investors.
A batch of poor manufacturing figures from the US saw the Dow Jones index fall
2% this evening, as the Federal Reserve reported US industrial production in
September suffered its biggest drop since 1974.
The Dow Jones had fallen by 172 points to 8405 by 5pm BST, giving up modest
early gains.
An influential regional factory output survey, from the Philadelphia Federal
Reserve Bank, compounded the gloom by reporting an 18-year low in factory
"The Philly Fed data provides the first reliable lead into the October numbers
and confirms that the meltdown in financial markets is being closely followed by
a dramatic slide in real economic activity," said Alan Ruskin, the chief
international strategist at RBS Global Banking.
Earlier today, the panic selling that began on Wall Street yesterday evening
spread around the globe as investors lost faith that Europe and America's bank
rescue packages would stave off an economic downturn.
In London, the FTSE 100 fell by almost 6% in the first few minutes of trading to
just 3840.6, its lowest level during the recent crisis. Although it later
bounced back, attempts at a more solid rally faltered after the Dow Jones
maintained its downward trajectory this afternoon.
The FTSE's performance followed an 11% plunge on Japan's Nikkei, its worst daily
fall since 1987.
There was little sign of optimism in the City this morning.
Antonio Borges, a former vice-president of Goldman Sachs, warned that investors
are panicking, selling shares in favour of cash. "The markets are very, very
volatile because we do have a crisis of confidence, so the slightest piece of
bad news throws the markets into disarray," he said.
One analyst warned that shares may have much further to fall. "Unless something
remarkable happens, it looks like the FTSE 100 will test the low of 3287 that it
hit in March 2003," warned David Buik of BGC Partners.
"Regarding a recession – we are in it."
Earlier today, Jaguar Land Rover cut almost 200 jobs, and Corus slashed steel
production for the rest of the year by 20%.
This follows a raft of evidence on Wednesday that the wider economy has been
damaged by the financial crisis.
In the UK, the jobless total hit 1.79 million, and is expected to break through
2 million by Christmas.
Across the Atlantic, yesterday's 733 point plunge on the Dow Jones index was
prompted by a shock drop in retail sales and a grim warning from Ben Bernanke.
The Federal Reserve chairman said that the frozen credit markets posed a big
risk to the wider economy.
"By restricting flows of credit to households, businesses, and state and local
governments, the turmoil in financial markets and the funding pressures on
financial firms pose a significant threat to economic growth," Bernanke told the
Economic Club of New York.
The price of oil slipped again today, with a barrel of US crude oil falling
another $3 to $71.73 on expectations of lower demand.
Markets had rallied on Monday as the world's governments began taking action to
pump capital into their struggling banks.
But in Japan, where the Nikkei fell 11.4% to 8458, the prime minister, Taro Aso,
said America's $250bn (£145bn) injection into the banks did not go far enough.
"It was insufficient, and so the market is falling rapidly again," Aso said.
Borges agreed that the optimism over the bail-out may have been misplaced.
"After the government guarantees, it is fair to expect that the banking sector
will go back to a more normal state. The problem is, however, that this may have
come a bit too late and, meanwhile, the consequences of the credit crunch are
beginning to be felt across the economy," Borges told BBC Radio 4's Today
Hong Kong's Hang Seng index fell by 8.5%, with China's Shanghai Composite down
almost 4% in late trading.
FTSE 100 hits
five-year low as world stockmarkets slump again, G, 17.10.2008,
Sharp rise in unemployment
as financial crisis hits jobs
• ILO measure posts largest increase since 1991
• Claimant count up too - but less than City expected
• PM says government will do all it can to help people
Wednesday October 15 2008
12.30 BST
Julia Kollewe and Ashley Seager
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk on Wednesday October 15 2008.
It was last updated at 12.50 on October 15 2008.
British unemployment today posted its biggest rise since the
country's last recession 17 years ago as the financial crisis filtered through
to the jobs market.
Official figures showed unemployment measured by International Labour
Organisation (ILO) standards rose by 164,000 in the three months to August from
the previous quarter to stand at 1.79million. The rise took the jobless rate up
half a percentage point to 5.7%, also the biggest jump since July 1991.
"These numbers are truly horrendous and much worse than I had feared," said
David Blanchflower, a labour market expert and member of the Bank of England's
monetary policy committee.
He told the Guardian his earlier prediction that unemployment would rise to two
million by Christmas now looked conservative. "Unemployment will be above two
million by Christmas. I am particularly worried at the 56,000 rise in the number
of young unemployed people. These are school leavers who are unable to get a job
or claim benefits, which is why the claimant count has not risen even faster
than it has," he said.
The number of Britons out of work and claiming jobless benefits rose by 31,800
last month to 939,000, the eighth monthly increase in a row, and August's rise
was revised higher to 35,700. The City had expected a 35,000 increase for
This so-called claimant count measure is always lower than the broader,
internationally recognised ILO measure which includes people not claiming
benefits, because some unemployed people are not entitled to claim benefits, or
choose not to do so.
The rise took the claimant count jobless rate up to 2.9%, its highest level
since January 2007.
The prime minister, Gordon Brown, responded to the figures this morning by
pledging the government would do everything it could to create jobs in the UK
economy, which is teetering on the brink of recession.
The government also announced today it was making an extra £100m available to
retrain workers who lose their jobs.
The employment minister, Tony McNulty, said the jobs data painted a "bad
picture" of the UK economy: "But the job is to look forward and see how we can
deal with any dip in employment rather than talking about the causes."
The number of employed people dropped 122,000 to 29.4million over the
three-month period.
The FTSE 100 fell more than 3% this morning, wiping out all of yesterday's
gains. The mood darkened after the unemployment figures, and the index of
leading shares fell more than 150 points to 4235.6.
The Liberal Democrats' work and pensions spokeswoman, Jenny Willott, urged the
government to turn its attention to unemployment and inflation, now the banking
rescue package had beeen agreed.
"Real families across Britain are suffering, not just those working in the
Square Mile. As the number of vacancies shrink, it will be harder and harder to
get people back into work. It will not simply be a case of retraining the
unemployed if there are no jobs for them to return to," she said.
The number of job vacancies dropped by 62,000 from a year ago to 608,000 in the
three months to September. And 147,000 people faced redundancy in the three
months to August, up by 28,000.
For many people, a bleak Christmas lies ahead as the fallout from stockmarket
turmoil spreads to the rest of the economy.
Brendan Barber, the general secretary of the TUC, said: "We are now seeing the
effect of the credit crunch on the rest of the economy. I fear that the whole
economy will soon feel the impact of the problems in the banking sector."
He urged the Bank of England to cut interest rates again to avoid a severe
Derek Simpson, the joint general secretary of the Unite union, said: "Government
intervention should not just stop with the banks. Action across the wider
economy is necessary to protect jobs and the economy in a recession."
Alan Clarke, UK economist at BNP Paribas, said: "If you look at the claimant
count number, it wasn't as bad as expected, but if you look at the ILO, it was
simply awful. These numbers are falling off a cliff."
In a sign that consumer price inflation - now at a 16-year high of 5.2% - is not
feeding into wages, annual average earnings growth slowed to 3.4% in the three
months to August, its weakest in five years.
"As for pay pressures, the average earnings numbers remain very subdued," said
Philip Shaw, the chief economist at Investec. "The labour market appears yet
again not to be an inflationary threat to the economy which helps to justify the
cut in interest rates last week."
Economists believe it is going to get worse. Thousands of jobs are being lost in
the City, where banks have merged or collapsed, and on the high street, where
growing numbers of retailers are going bust.
Manufacturers laid off 46,000 workers in the three months to August, taking the
total number of manufacturing jobs to 2.87million, today's figures from the
Office for National Statistics showed.
Job losses are spread across the economy, with Cadbury announcing 580 job cuts
this week and ITV cutting about 1,000 jobs. The Centre for Economics and
Business Research estimates 62,000 financial jobs will be lost by the end of
next year.
Nigel Meager, the director of the Institute for Employment Studies, said: "No
part of the country is spared. Much attention has focused on high-end jobs in
the City. In an economic downturn, however, the real human cost is likely to hit
lower-skilled workers who find it harder to move into another job and have less
of a financial cushion to see them through difficult times.
"As vacancies continue to evaporate, competition for any job available will
become fierce and the existing long-term unemployed, as well as young people
entering the labour market will be particularly disadvantaged."
Sharp rise in
unemployment as financial crisis hits jobs market, G, 15.10.2008,


Markets surge
on £1,350bn European bank bail-out
Published: October 13 2008
Last updated: October 13 2008
The Financial Times
By John Willman, Business Editor
Germany, France and other European countries have unveiled
bail-out plans to recapitalise their banks and reopen credit markets, following
the British announcement of measures to nationalise parts of the UK banking
The world’s stock markets soared as details emerged of the co-ordinated European
campaign to spend more than £1,350bn (€1,680bn) on bailing out the continent’s
troubled banks.
London’s FTSE 100 closed up 8.3 per cent, its second biggest one-day gain on
record, after the British government announced its plans to inject £37bn into
three of the country’s biggest banks.
Other European stock markets followed suit as Germany, France and the
Netherlands announced their plans, Italy’s cabinet passed a new decree offering
more support to the financial sector, and the Spanish government approved a
guarantee for issues of new bank debt. Frankfurt’s Xetra Dax closed up 11.4 per
cent, while the CAC 40 in Paris rose 11.2 per cent.
Europe’s central banks promised unlimited dollar funding in co-ordinated action
with the US Federal Reserve. The European Central Bank, Bank of England and
Swiss National Bank said they were ready to inject as much as needed into the
markets for dollar funding covering periods of seven days, a month and 84 days.
Confidence in the money markets showed signs of returning as the interbank cost
of borrowing in sterling, euros and dollars fell. Three-month euro Libor posted
its biggest decline this year and three-month dollar Libor had its steepest fall
since March.
US stocks rallied when Wall Street opened, as details began to emerge of the
plan to recapitalise US banks and other financial institutions. Neel Kashkari,
the Treasury assistant secretary appointed by Hank Paulson, Treasury secretary,
to run the US government’s $700bn bail-out fund, said the scheme would be
“voluntary” in his first public statements since his appointment.
“The equity purchase programme will be voluntary and designed with attractive
terms to encourage participation from healthy institutions.”
Mr Kashkari said Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve chairman, would lead the
oversight board for the troubled asset relief programme. That panel, which met
for the first time last week, also includes Mr Paulson and the heads of the
Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
In other moves, Australia and New Zealand announced guarantees for all bank
deposits, as did the United Arab Emirates, while Saudi Arabia cut its interest
The Swedish government said on Monday it would unveil steps to safeguard their
financial sector in the next few days, but did not plan to inject capital into
the Nordic country’s banks. Norway announced at the weekend it would offer its
commercial banks up to $55.4bn in government bonds in exchange for mortgage debt
and Portugal said it would make as much as €20bn available in guarantees for its
banks’ financing.
Gordon Brown, the UK prime minister, defended his government’s “unprecedented
but essential” £37bn injection that could leave it owning a majority stake in
Royal Bank of Scotland, one of the world’s biggest banks, and more than 40 per
cent of the combined Lloyds TSB and HBOS, which is set to be the country’s
largest mortgage lender.
The German government endorsed measures closely modelled on the British rescue
plan unveiled last week, will initially empower the finance ministry provide as
much as €500bn in loan guarantees and capital to bolster the banking system.
The French government pledged €360bn to the country’s banks, including €320bn of
loan guarantees and €40bn to buy stakes in French banks. The guarantees will run
through to the end of 2009.
Dutch banks will be able to draw on €200bn of government guarantees for their
loans to each other.
Markets surge on
£1,350bn European bank bail-out, FT, 13.10.2008,
Financial crisis
British government unveils
£37bn banking bail-out plan
• Government to take controlling stake in RBS
• Bank's chief Sir Fred Goodwin stepping down
• Barclays could yet ask for £6.5bn cash
Monday October 13 2008
11.20 BST
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk
on Monday October 13 2008.
It was last updated
at 12.36 on October 13 2008.
The government's £37bn bail-out of the banking sector will act
as a "rock of stability" that other governments will soon copy, Gordon Brown
said today.
The prime minister said the dramatic action would help the UK banking industry
to survive the turbulence sweeping the world's financial system, and also
pledged to end the era of "rewards for failure" for top executives.
"Today's plan is unprecedented but essential for all of us," Brown said at a
Downing Street press conference.
The UK government confirmed this morning that it will pump up to £37bn into
Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB and HBOS in an attempt to prevent the UK's
banking sector from melting down.
After a weekend of negotiations which continued through Sunday night, the
Treasury announced a wide-ranging rescue plan under which bank bosses face a
crackdown on pay and bonuses, and shareholder dividends will be axed.
The government will take a controlling stake of up to 60% in RBS, in return for
up to £20bn from the taxpayer. The bank admitted this morning that trading has
deteriorated in recent weeks. The chief executive, Sir Fred Goodwin, known as
"Fred the Shred" for his cost-cutting reputation, and chairman Sir Tom McKillop
are stepping down.
The chancellor, Alistair Darling, said that Goodwin and McKillop have waived
their contractual entitlements to payoffs, as have the chief executive and
chairman of HBOS who also announced their resignations today.
Lloyds, which renegotiated its takeover of HBOS over the weekend, will receive
up to £17bn once the merger goes through. This will leave the government owning
up to 43.5% of the enlarged group, with Lloyds shareholders owning 36.5% and
HBOS's investors just 20%.
The government could also yet face a £6.5bn cash call from Barclays.
In return for providing fresh liquidity, the government has secured a series of
concessions. RBS and Lloyds have both agreed not to pay a dividend this year -
and possibly for several more - and to help people who are struggling to pay
their mortgages. They will not pay any cash bonuses this year, and have agreed
to let the government appoint several board members.
Darling said it was appropriate for the government to take seats on the boards
of both companies, but insisted that they would continue to operate commercially
at arms length from the government.
"Ministers aren't going to get involved in the day-to-day running," he said.
The government has also insisted that bank directors will no longer walk away
with large payoffs. Gordon Brown told a press conference that the government
would no longer tolerate "rewards for failure".
Both RBS and Lloyds said today that directors who are dismissed will receive "a
severance package which is reasonable and perceived as fair".
The Financial Services Authority added its weight behind the clampdown on
executive pay. It wrote to the heads of the UK banks today, warning that "bad"
remuneration policies were not acceptable in the current climate and urging them
to review their pay policies.
Darling said today's action was necessary in the "extraordinary circumstances"
affecting markets worldwide.
"I'm determined to do everything we can to stabilise our banking system and make
it stronger," the chancellor said. "And in return for it, of course, there will
be restrictions on what happens in boardroom pay and we're also getting
guarantees in relation to increased lending to businesses, as well as to
mortgages too."
Key points
The bail-out will mean significant changes for the banks who are turning to the
taxpayer for funds.
• RBS (£17bn): Chief executive Sir Fred Goodwin is replaced by Stephen Hester;
chairman Sir Tom McKillop will leave next year; the government will own around
60% of the business; no executive bonuses this year; no dividend until the
government's £5bn of preference shares are repaid; the government will appoint
three directors; RBS will maintain mortgage lending at 2007 levels.
• Lloyds TSB (£5.5bn): Takeover of HBOS renegotiated downwards; the government
will own up to 43.5% of the combined group, with Lloyds investors holding 36.5%;
it will maintain an HQ in Scotland; directors will be asked to receive this
year's bonus in shares; no dividend until preference shares are repaid;
government will appoint two directors; Lloyds will maintain mortgage lending at
2007 levels for next three years.
• HBOS (£11bn): The chief executive Andy Hornby and chairman Dennis Stevenson
will both leave when Lloyds takeover goes through; shareholders will own 20% of
the combined Lloyds-TSB/HBOS.
Shares in HBOS and RBS both fell by almost 30% this morning, while Lloyds TSB
slipped by 15%.
Barclays goes it alone
The Treasury has also been expected to take a smaller stake in Barclays.
However, it hopes to raise up to £9.5bn in fresh capital through other measures.
Barclays today announced that it hopes to raise £6.5bn through a series of new
share issues, underwritten by the government.
The bank said that an "existing shareholder" is interested in taking up around
£1bn of shares, but if the rest of the issue is not taken up then the burden is
likely to fall on the taxpayer.
In a blow to shareholders, Barclays is axing its annual dividend, saving £2bn.
It will also save another £1.5bn through "balance sheet management" and
"operational efficiencies".
Fears over jobs
With the UK economy facing a protracted slowdown, the Unite union urged the
government to avoid any compulsory job losses as part of the rescue.
"The government has shown strong leadership and decisiveness in a time of great
uncertainty. The measures announced today must be bound to undertakings by the
banks of no job losses, no repossessions and an end to the bonus culture," said
the joint general secretary of Unite, Derek Simpson.
"Thatcher buried Keynesian economics and the current crisis shows just how wrong
she was. Government intervention is not only necessary in the financial services
but intervention on a wider scale is necessary to protect jobs and the economy
in a recession," he added.
British government
unveils £37bn banking bail-out plan, G, 13.10.2008,

We must lead
the world to financial stability
Strong banks, unfrozen markets,
greater transparency and
international supervision
are the four keys to recovery
October 10, 2008
From The Times
Gordon Brown
The banking system is fundamental to everything we do. Every
family and every business in Britain depends upon it. That is why, when
threatened by the global financial turmoil that started in America and has now
spread across the world, we in Britain took action to secure our banks and
financial system.
The stability and restructuring programme for Britain that we announced this
week is the first to address at one and the same time the three essential
components of a modern banking system - sufficient liquidity, funding and
So the Bank of England has pledged to double the amount of liquidity it provides
to the banks; we have guaranteed new lending between the banks so that we can
get the banks lending to each other again; and at least £50 billion will be made
available to recapitalise our banks.
We will take stakes in banks in exchange for a return and will guarantee
interbank lending on commercial terms. And at the heart of these reforms are
clear principles of transparency, integrity, responsibility, good housekeeping
and co-operation across borders.
But because this is a global problem, it requires a global solution. Indeed this
now moves to a global stage with a range of international meetings starting this
week with the G7 and the IMF and, we propose, culminating in a leaders meeting
in which we must lay down the principles and the new policies for restructuring
our banking and financial system all around the globe.
When I became Prime Minister I did not expect to make the decision, along with
Alistair Darling, for the Government to offer to take stakes in our high street
banks, just as nobody could have anticipated the action taken in America. But
these new times require new ideas. The old solutions of yesterday will not serve
us well for the challenges of today and tomorrow.
So we must leave behind outworn dogmas and embrace new solutions.
Of course, the policies each country pursues will need to be suited to its
particular circumstances. But based on the British approach, I believe through
wider European co-operation and also co-ordination among the leading economies,
there are four broad steps we must now all take to restore our international
financial system.
First, every bank in every country must meet capital requirements that ensure
confidence. Just as in the UK we have made at least £50 billion of new capital
available, so other countries where banks have insufficient capital will need to
take measures to address this. Only strong and solid banks will be able to serve
the global economy.
Secondly, short-term liquidity is simply a means of keeping the system going.
What really matters for the future is to open the money markets that have been
closed for medium-term funding from the private sector. Until only a few weeks
ago few, if any, appreciated the real significance of the money markets within
the wider global financial crisis and the importance of trust in these markets.
But the freezing of the market for medium-term funding reflects a total loss of
trust between banks.
The potential economic consequences cannot be understated. The role of banks is
to circulate the savings from deposits, our pensions and from companies to those
that need to spend or invest them. The cost at which banks can borrow this money
directly affects the costs of mortgages for homeowners and of lending for
business. This paralysis of lending from loss of confidence jeopardises the flow
of money to every family and every business in the country.
Our guarantee to restart wholesale money markets in exchange for a fee has, I
believe, broken new ground in restarting our financial system.
Thirdly, we must have stronger international rules for transparency, disclosure
and the highest standards of conduct. Successful market economies need trust,
which can only be built through shared values. So as we reform our financial
system we should encourage hard work, effort, enterprise and responsible
risk-taking - qualities that markets need to ensure, so that the rewards that
flow are seen to be fair. But when risk-taking crosses the line between the
responsible entrepreneurship, which we want to celebrate, and irresponsible
risk-taking, then we have to take action to see that markets work in the public
interest to reflect our shared values.
And fourthly, national systems of supervision are simply inadequate to cope with
the huge cross-continental flows of capital in this new, ever more
interdependent world. I know that the largest financial institutions will
welcome the proposed colleges of cross-border supervisors that should be
introduced immediately. The Financial Stability Forum and a reformed
International Monetary Fund should play their part not just in crisis resolution
but also in crisis prevention.
And action for financial stability should be accompanied by the wider
international economic co-operation such as that which began on Wednesday with
co-ordinated action on interest rates.
I have said all along that we will do whatever it takes to secure the stability
of the financial system. And we have not flinched from taking the bold and
far-reaching decisions needed to support British families and businesses through
these extraordinary times.
We must now act for the long term with co-ordinated national actions.
The resolve and purposefulness of governments and people across the world is
being put to the test. But across the old frontiers we must now redouble our
efforts internationally. For it is only through the boldest of co-ordinated
actions across the globe that we will adequately support families and businesses
in this global age.
We must lead the
world to financial stability, Ts, 10.10.2008,
Staring into the abyss
• Brown risks £500bn of public money in bank rescue package
• Unprecedented coordinated global action to cut interest
Thursday October 9 2008
The Guardian
Ashley Seager, Jill Treanor and Patrick Wintour
This article appeared in the Guardian
on Thursday October 09 2008 on p1 of the
Top stories section.
It was last updated at 00:37 on October 09 2008.
The most concerted effort yet by global authorities to bring
an end to the 14-month credit crunch, using every weapon in their arsenal,
failed to restore battered confidence last night. Stockmarkets tumbled despite a
£500bn bank rescue package from the British government and unprecedented
interest rate cuts from the world's key central banks.
The prime minister, Gordon Brown, put his government's credibility on the line
as he risked potentially vast sums of public money to save the UK's banking
system. "This is not a time for outdated thinking or conventional dogma.
Extraordinary times call for bold and far-reaching solutions," he said,
promising that the plan would "show that we have led the world in changing the
terms and conditions on which we can help to renew the flow of money in the
The plan was generally welcomed by the City, but investors were concerned about
the lack of detail, which reflected the speed with which it had been drawn up.
Investors fear that if the plan does not work, they are staring into the abyss
of a possible collapse of the banking system.
Yesterday's dramatic actions included:
· Britain pledging £50bn to buy stakes in its major banks;
· A further £450bn allocated to underpin banks' finances;
· Unprecedented coordinated rate cuts made by central banks;
· The IMF warning of global recession.
In London, £57bn was wiped off the value of shares after the Bank of England cut
its key interest rate by half a point to 4.5%, a move matched by seven other
central banks, including the US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank.
The chancellor, Alistair Darling, was last night preparing to fly to Washington
for crisis talks with top financial officials from the Group of Seven leading
economies, including the US treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, and the Federal
Reserve chief, Ben Bernanke, about global efforts to address the credit crunch.
The British government was forced to rush out its bank rescue plan yesterday
morning after precipitous share price falls in leading banks on Tuesday. Bank
bosses and Darling hammered out the basics of a package overnight, but the
details are not yet fully worked out.
The plan was bolder and broader than expected, extending to seven major banks as
well as Nationwide building society. In return for taxpayers' money, executives
will have to curb bonuses, hold back share dividends and pledge to continue
lending to homeowners and small businesses.
Robert Talbut, chief investment officer of Royal London Asset Management, said
the announcement was short on detail. "I was hoping there would be more
certainty over the capital-raising by the banks. The suspicion is that the
authorities got bumped into this announcement."
Stockmarkets, initially buoyed by the authorities' action, later sold off
heavily as investors remained worried that the rot had still not been removed
from the US banking system, where the toxic sub-prime mortgage crisis
The FTSE 100 dropped 5.2% to finish at 4,366, its lowest close since August 2004
and lower than it stood when Labour came to power in May 1997. It was the 10th
biggest percentage fall ever. The Dow Jones industrial average in the US lost
another 2%, falling by 189.01 to close at 9258.10.
"The coordinated interest rate cuts got the 'thumbs down' from equity markets,
suggesting we have not yet turned the corner in this crisis," said Roger Bootle,
a veteran analyst at Capital Economics.
The shadow chancellor, George Osborne, demanded that the government extract
promises that City bonuses would be reined in as a condition of the deal. "There
should not be rewards for failure - no bonuses for those who took their banks to
the edge of bankruptcy," he told a packed House of Commons.
The IMF warned yesterday that Britain would next year suffer its first full year
of recession since 1991, as the global economy enters a "major downturn"
triggered by the most dangerous financial shock since the 1930s. In a gloomy
half-yearly report, the IMF slashed its growth forecasts for the UK for 2009
from 1.7% to -0.1% - a sharper reduction than for any other major economy.
"The major advanced economies are already in, or close to recession, and
although a recovery is projected in 2009, the pickup is likely to be unusually
gradual," the IMF said.
Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbrück, wrote to his G7 counterparts saying
that the recent market turbulence "underscores the fact that we are not even
close to being out of the woods yet".
France's President, Nicolas Sarkozy, who holds the rotating EU presidency,
called for more joint European action to quell the turmoil.
There was some relief for homeowners as most commercial banks announced they
would cut their base rates by the full half -point from November 1.
Treasury officials said the risk to the taxpayer of the rescue package was
minimal and it could even turn a profit. But Robert Chote, head of the Institute
for Fiscal Studies, said there could be a "nightmare scenario" for the public
finances if several big banks were to collapse.
While most of the participating banks encouraged the government to produce its
plan, Michael Geoghegan, chief executive of the UK's biggest bank, HSBC, warned
that it set a dangerous precedent. "I don't think it is right that the British
taxpayer should need to bail out banks ... It sets a bad precedent, but the
government had no alternative," he said.
Staring into the
abyss, G, 9.10.2008,




The Guardian Online
edition 7.10.2008
Darling unveils bank rescue
Published: October 7 2008 18:25
Last updated: October 8 2008 10:38
The Financial Times
By FT Reporters
Britain’s largest banks are to be part-nationalised after the government took
the momentous decision to pump tens of billions of pounds of public money into
the sector to avert a banking collapse.
The scheme failed to stabilise shares in the UK’s biggest banks and the FTSE 100
fell another 200 points or 4.4 per cent to 4,404.32.
The government is to put up to £250bn into the banking system in an effort to
keep banks lending. It will also offer a guarantee to banks issuing medium term
debt, which could mean backing a further £250bn of bank borrowings. But it is
likely to demand dividend cuts and the end of big bonuses at the banks in
Under the plan, announced by the Treasury on Wednesday, seven leading banks and
the Nationwide Building Society will initially apply for £25bn in permanent
capital to raise their Tier One capital ratios, with a further £25bn available
as a stand-by and for other eligible institutions. The banks have agreed to
conclude their recapitalisation by the end of the year.
The banks involved are Abbey, now part of Santander of Spain, Barclays, HBOS,
HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Royal Bank of Scotland and Standard Chartered as well as
Nationwide. Other UK banks and building societies are invited to apply for the
scheme as well.
HBOS, which is being taken over by Lloyds TSB in a government brokered deal and
had seen its shares dive earlier in the week, rebounded 50 per cent to 139p.
The Royal Bank of Scotland, which plunged on Tuesday, rose nearly 10 per cent on
Wednesday to 98.8p.
But Lloyds TSB slumped 6 per cent to 212p and Barclays lost 8.3 per cent to 261
½p. HSBC and Standard Chartered, which are also part of the government’s scheme
shed nearly 4 per cent at 866¾p and Standard Chartered slumped almost 12 per
cent to £11.57.
Referring to “extraordinary market conditions”, the Treasury said the Bank of
England would provide at least £200bn under its special liquidity scheme – under
which banks can swap illiquid loans for risk-free government securities – “until
markets stabilise”.
”The Bank of England will take all actions necessary to ensure that the banking
system has access to sufficient liquidity,” the Bank said. ”In its provision of
short-term liquidity the Bank will extend and widen its facilities in whatever
way is necessary to ensure the stability of the system.”
The Bank added that until markets stabilise, it would continue to conduct
auctions to lend sterling for three months and also to lend US dollars for
one-week periods against a wider range of collateral. It it will review the size
and frequency of those auctions as necessary.
The government will also, for a fee, guarantee new short and medium term debt
issues by the banks to help them refinance wholesale funding obligations as they
fall due. It said it expected the take up of this guarantee to be of the order
of £250bn.
In return for the new permanent capital the banks will be required to provide
“full commitment to support lending to small businesses and home buyers”, the
Treasury said.
In talks with the banks, the government insisted that the terms and conditions
of the new funding would “appropriately reflect the financial commitment being
made by the taxpayer.” The government will also take into account “dividend
policies and executive compensation schemes”.
The extra capital will probably come in the form of preference shares or other
permanent interest bearing shares. However, the Treasury said it would also
assist in the raising of ordinary capital if requested to do so.
The government said the measures were designed to “ensure the stability of the
financial system” as well as protecting savers, borrowers and businesses.
The massive public bail-out comes after a day of turmoil on the London stock
exchange on Tuesday, where shares in RBS fell 39 per cent to add to a 20 per
cent tumble the day before. HBOS fell 41 per cent.
Faced with an intensifying banking crisis, prime minister Gordon Brown
sanctioned moves for the taxpayer to recapitalise Britain’s leading banks in an
effort to restore confidence in the system and to allow them to start lending
The rescue is being presented as part of a wider attempt to reform markets and
is expected to include a call to the banks to show responsibility over
remuneration for bosses, now that the taxpayer has a direct stake.
Alistair Darling, chancellor of the exchequer, said the rescue package was the
start of a solution to the logjam in the bank lending system, and did not rule
out further action.
”We will do whatever it takes,” he told Sky television on Wednesday. ”I think it
is very important that governments across the world do that. It’s a crucial part
of what we need to do here. It’s not the only thing, but it’s a crucial step
Mr Darling, who will make a Commons statement later on Wednesday, wanted more
time to form a full package but was forced to act by the market chaos and by
circulated reports that banks wanted an injection of public money.
Officials apparently worked through the night to finalise the scheme so that an
announcement could be made before the London stock market opened on Wednesday
morning. Even so, many of the details have yet to be thrashed out, and banks
will have to engage in negotiations with the government to agree how much
capital they require.
At £50bn – roughly equal to £2,000 per taxpayer – the recapitalisation of the
banks would more than double Britain’s planned public borrowing this year,
pushing public sector net borrowing close to £100bn and more than 6 per cent of
national income, worse than any year since 1994-95.
The recapitalisation will deliver a huge boost to the banks’ core Tier One
capital – the preferred measure of balance-sheet strength. This is expected to
give the market greater confidence about the banks’ ability to absorb future
However, the government’s move has a broader significance because it will also
send a strong signal to the banks’ creditors that they are, in effect, protected
from future losses.
Concerns about losses among creditors, triggered by the collapse of Lehman
Brothers, the Wall Street bank, are the main reason why banks have recently
struggled to access the funding markets.
The government said it had informed the European Commission of the plan, and was
in talks with the governments of other countries about extending the proposals
Although HSBC is included in the list of eligible institutions, this refers to
its UK subsidiary, not its holding company. HSBC said its UK unit would observe
the requirements on Tier 1 capital but would do so from its own resources and
had “no current plans” to participate in the scheme.
HBOS, the UK's largest mortgage lender which is currently being taken over by
Lloyds, said: “The government’s announcement represents a very real and serious
intention on the part of the authorities, following consultation with the
banking industry, to bring stability and certainty to the UK banking system.
HBOS believes that this initiative is very much in the interests of its
shareholders and customers.”
Summary of Treasury plan
• Abbey, Barclays, HBOS, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Royal Bank of Scotland and Standard
Chartered and Nationwide Building Society apply for government funding
• Injection of £25bn preferrence shares to improve capital ratios
• Further £25bn of capital available to UK registered banks
• Bank of England to double size of special liquidity scheme to £200bn
• Government to offer a £250bn guarantee to banks issuing medium term debt
Reporting by Chris Giles, George Parker, Peter Thal Larsen, Maggie Urry, Norma
Cohen and Michael Hunter in London
Darling unveils bank
rescue, FT, 8.10.2008,
Britain Announces
Bank Bailout
Worth Hundreds of Billions
October 9, 2008
The New York Times
LONDON — As European leaders continued to clash over measures to ease the
financial crisis, Britain announced a three-part multibillion-dollar bailout for
its beleaguered banks, and Spain moved to mount a separate rescue of its own
banking sector.
A statement from the British Treasury said at least $350 billion “will be made
available to banks under the special liquidity scheme,” doubling the size of a
credit line from the Bank of England established as the financial crisis began
and designed to unlock frozen lending between banks.
Additionally, the British government pledged $87 billion in direct support for
eight major banks.
The move amounted to a partial nationalization of some of those institutions.
Minutes after the announcement, the British stock market opened 93.5 points down
at 4511.7 and continued to fall by up to 5 percent.
At a news conference, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said there would be “strings
attached and conditions to be met” by the banks. “We expect to be rewarded for
the support we provide,” he said.
“Our stability and restructuring program is comprehensive, specific and breaks
new ground,” Mr. Brown said. “This is not the American plan. Our plan is to buy
shares in the banks themselves and therefore we will have a stake in the banks.”
“We are not simply giving money,” he said. He depicted the British measures as
far more radical than had been forecast. “We have led the world today.”
Alastair Darling, the chancellor of the Exchequer said the government would
continue to do “whatever is necessary” to combat the financial crisis. “The
reason we are doing this now is because it is necessary to stabilize the banking
The Treasury announcement promised support for the banks in two overall tranches
of $43.5 billion to be drawn as preference share capital. The banks were named
as Abbey, Barclays, HBOS, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Nationwide Building Society, Royal
Bank of Scotland and Standard Chartered.
It said the amount to be issued to each of the eight banks remained to be
finalized but would take into account issues such as the executive compensation
packages offered by British banks and would require “a full commitment to
support lending to small businesses and home buyers.”
The statement also promised a “ government guarantee of new short- and
medium-term debt issuance to assist in refinancing maturing, wholesale funding
obligations as they fall due.”
The guarantee _ separate from the independent Bank of England’s credit line _
would be offered for an interim period and on “appropriate commercial terms,”
the statement said. “The government expects the take-up of the guarantee to be
of the order of” $435 billion, the Treasury said.
The initiative came as signs of European economic weakness deepened, and as
Iceland, whose troubles are mounting from the global credit crisis, warned that
it was working to avoid tumbling into all-out bankruptcy.
Earlier this week, the chief executives of Barclays, Lloyds and Royal Bank of
Scotland met with Mr. Darling and pressed him to move quickly to announce a
program. Investors also increasingly expect the Bank of England to cut interest
rates when it meets on Thursday in a bid to support the ailing economy.
“There is no such thing as a safe bank now,” said Willem H. Buiter, a political
economist at the London School of Economics. “They are only as safe as the
authorities make them.”
Shares in the Royal Bank of Scotland slumped 39 percent Tuesday and Barclays
fell 9 percent, reflecting the fear that a government capital injection would
dilute existing shareholders. Traders were also alarmed after Standard & Poor’s
ratings service downgraded Royal Bank of Scotland, heightening fears that the
bank would have trouble securing funds. Since Friday, the shares of R.B.S. have
fallen 51 percent and Barclays 22 percent.
The idea behind the British plan is to increase the underlying capital the banks
rely upon as a cushion against losses, which most analysts and investors say is
no longer sufficient given the combination of a recession-bound economy and the
drying up of most forms of short-term liquidity. A poll released Tuesday by the
Federation of Small Businesses showed that most now face higher operating and
borrowing costs.
In Spain, where a shakeout in the housing market has hit the banking industry
hard, Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero announced he would create a 30
billion euro fund to buy assets from the nation’s banks to try to grease the
wheels of lending. The fund could be raised to 50 billion euros and will buy
only healthy, not impaired, assets, he said, raising questions about how useful
it would be for banks laden with subprime-tainted loans.
At a news conference to reassure the public, he also pledged to raise deposit
insurance to 100,000 euros per account.
With the credit crisis deepening by the day across Europe, and the shares of
major banks continuing to fall on concerns over their solvency, finance
ministers gathered in Luxembourg on Tuesday agreed to temporarily relax
accounting rules to help banks avoid fire sales. That move will put European
banks and insurers on a level playing field with their American counterparts.
It asks the European Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, to tweak
accounting rules that many blame for exaggerating losses on mortgage-linked
securities. The rules force banks to book heavy losses immediately because
buyers for them are in short supply, even though the expectation is that they
will eventually recover much of their value. The Securities and Exchange
Commission in the United States made similar changes in September.
The goal, officials said, is to allow European banks and insurers to reflect the
change in their third-quarter earnings. “It’s important that European companies
don’t suffer competitive disadvantages,” Jörg Asmussen, the deputy German
finance minister, said. The change would not be “a suspension of fair value
accounting” but a “modification,” he added.
The finance ministers also endorsed a set of principles for recapitalizing
hard-hit banks. The principles call for rescue packages to penalize shareholders
and management while avoiding aid that would distort competition within Europe,
and provide for taxpayers to share in the eventual upside of any bailout.
Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and France separately adopted similar
guidelines in the last week.
In a theme that ran through the meeting, European ministers promised to avoid a
bankruptcy like that of Lehman Brothers, which elevated the crisis on Sept. 15.
“We’re not going to tolerate a Lehman Brothers scenario,” said Christine
Lagarde, France’s finance minister.
But that was where the efforts at unity appeared to stop.
After debate, ministers rolled back an effort to increase Europe-wide deposit
insurance to 100,000 euros after smaller countries, fearing liabilities,
successfully lobbied to cap it at 50,000 euros for one year.
That guarantee, however, differed from others of up to 100,000 euros, or even
unlimited insurance, already promised by Ireland, Spain and other countries
within recent days, as Europe plunged headlong into crisis. Austria also
increased its insurance minimum to 100,000 euros Tuesday.
Europe’s piecemeal approach to protecting banks drew a sobering assessment from
the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. Speaking in the Bundestag, she singled out
what she called “the Irish way — stretching a shield over one’s own financial
institutions, not including other international institutions that also have long
paid taxes in Ireland, and so producing competitive distortions that, from my
point of view are not acceptable” in what is meant to be a common European
Mrs. Merkel also reiterated her opposition to paying into a joint Europe fund to
rescue banks, a measure favored by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy.
The Europeans have been criticized for showing a limited capacity to unite
during the crisis. But on Tuesday, some analysts were giving the nations credit
for working around soft spots in its institutional setup.
“The swiftness of the reactions, as illustrated by this weekend’s summit of
heads of state, has so far confounded claims that a crisis management response
in the European Union would be found lacking,” Pierre Cailleteau, a managing
director at Moody’s Investor Service.
Still, the three-month London interbank offered rate, a benchmark borrowing
gauge, surged to its highest level ever Tuesday. That reflects worries that
political efforts, be they the $700 billion American rescue package or the
European plan, might not be enough to repair badly damaged credit markets.
Carter Dougherty reported from Luxembourg and Judy Dempsey from Berlin. Alan
Cowell contributed from Paris.
Britain Announces Bank
Bailout Worth Hundreds of Billions, NYT, 9.10.2008,
FTSE 100
in biggest fall
since Black Monday
October 6 2008 08:35
Last updated: October 6 2008 19:54
The Financial Times
By Neil Hume and Bryce Elder
The London market was routed on Monday with the FTSE 100 suffering its biggest
one day percentage fall since Black Monday in 1987, and biggest points fall
The blue-chip index dropped 391.1 points, or 7.9 per cent, to finish at a four
year low of 4,589.2 as investors threw in the towel amid fears that a deep
global economic slow down was taking hold in spite of measures to bail out the
banking system.
This was reflected by the performance of the mining sector, which led the FTSE
100 lower. Kazakhmys slumped 26.6 per cent to 417¾p, while ENRC, which listed at
540p in December, lost 23.4 per cent to 425p, Fresnillo shed 19.9 per cent to
225p and Xstrata ended 19.2 per cent lower at £13.57.
UBS said it now expected global GDP growth of just 2.2 per cent in 2009, down
from 2.8 per cent previously. “This suggests a global recession,” the bank said.
“As a result we have cut UK mining sector earnings forecasts for 2009/10 by 38
per cent and 41 per cent,” it continued.
On top of that, traders noted that four Chinese steel companies were considering
reducing output by 20 per cent, or 20m tonnes, and benchmark ferrochrome prices
for the fourth quarter had been set 10 per cent below the previous quarter.
However, Ferrexpo, the Ukrainian producer of iron ore pellets, managed to
outperform, falling just 2.1 per cent to 115p after Czech coal producer New
World Resources, down 23.1 per cent to 500p, picked up a 20 per cent stake at
just 86p a share from Ferrexpo founder Kostyantin Zhevago.
The Ukrainian billionaire, who retains a 51 per cent holding in Ferrexpo, was
forced to sell to meet a margin call on a loan, for which the shares were held
as collateral.
Banking stocks also slumped. With money markets still gummed up, HBOS dropped
19.8 per cent to 160.8p while Lloyds TSB fell 10.8 per cent to 259p. Based on
last night’s closing price, HBOS is trading at a 25 per cent discount to the
implied value of Lloyds’ all stock offer. On Friday, the discount was 17 per
Sandy Chen, banks analyst at Panmure Gordon, advised clients to sell Barclays,
off 14.7 per cent to 314p, and Royal Bank of Scotland, down 20.5 per cent at
148.1p, citing their potential exposure to defaults on credit default swaps.
“We broadly estimate there could be $50bn of payouts related to Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac CDS, and $400bn of payouts related to Lehman CDS. We think it highly
likely that many counterparties, particularly hedge funds, will not be able to
raise the cash to meet their ends of these bargains,” Mr Chen warned.
Land Securities fared rather better, closing just 5.1 per cent lower at £12.25 –
after John Whittaker’s Peel Holdings announced a raised holding of 5.5 per cent.
Taylor Wimpey was among the biggest fallers in the FTSE 250, which closed 520.8
points, or 6.5 per cent, lower at 7,474.8. Its shares fell 20.1 per cent to 27¾p
as investors reacted to Friday’s late news that Fitch had downgraded its rating
on the housebuilder’s senior unsecured debt rating to B from BB-. The move
followed Friday’s announcement that Taylor Wimpey’s eurobond creditors would be
part of its covenant renegotiation process, in addition to bank and US private
placement creditors “This process is progressively moving towards a work-out
scenario,” Fitch warned.
Rentokil Initial dipped 3.7 per cent to 65¼p on concerns the support services
group might need to raise capital from shareholders to pay back a £250m bond
which matures next month.
“If it [Rentokil] is unable to refinance at rates it deems acceptable or it is
unwilling to draw down further on its banking facilities it could look to raise
cash in the equity markets,” Goldman Sachs warned in a recent note.
In the pub sector, JD Wetherspoon fell 10.3 per cent to 225¾p while Mitchells &
Butlers, in which financier Robert Tchenguiz has a 26 per cent stake, slipped
11.1 per cent to 187p.
Traders said pub stocks had been hit by investors being forced to close
positions after an Icelandic investment bank increased margin requirements on
derivative contracts. This was also a factor in the poor performance of J
Sainsbury, down 5 per cent at 313p.
FTSE 100 in biggest fall since Black Monday, FT,