History > 2008 > USA > Economy (XIIb)

Pat Bagley
Salt Lake Tribune, Utah
18 December 2008
Home Prices Fell
at Sharper Pace in October
December 31, 2008
The New York Times
Home values in America’s 20 largest metropolitan areas dropped at a record
pace in October as the fallout from the financial collapse reverberated through
the housing market, according to data released Tuesday.
The price of single-family homes fell 18 percent in October from a year earlier,
according to the closely watched Standard & Poor’s/Case Shiller Housing Index.
All 20 cities reported annual price declines in October; prices in 14 of the 20
metropolitan areas surveyed fell at a record rate as the financial crisis
reached a critical point.
“October was clearly the free-fall month,” said David M. Blitzer, chairman of
the index committee at Standard & Poor’s. “Everything was going against us in
October, without exception.”
After increasing steadily through the first part of the decade, home prices have
fallen every month since January 2007, their slide accelerating as troubles in
the housing market infected the broader economy and brought down financial
Prices are falling at their fastest pace on record, a sign that the housing
market is a long way from recovery.
“It is unlikely that we are anywhere near a bottom in nationwide home prices,”
Joshua Shapiro, chief United States economist at MFR, wrote in a note.
The 10-city index dropped 19.1 percent in October, its largest decline in its
21-year history, and the new numbers show that the cities that played host to
the greatest excesses of the housing boom are suffering the deepest drops.
Prices in Las Vegas and Phoenix, where developers built subdivisions stretching
into the desert, fell by nearly a third in October from 2008. Home prices fell
31 percent in San Francisco and 29 percent in Miami. Prices in New York declined
7.5 percent in October over the same month a year ago.
Fourteen of the 20 cities in the Case-Shiller survey posted double-digit
declines for the year. The relative winner was Dallas, which had the smallest
yearly decline, of 3 percent. The value of a single-family house in Detroit,
which has been pummeled by closing plants and the implosion of the auto
industry, was less in October than it was in October 1998.
The Case-Shiller numbers were the latest round of bleak news for the housing
sector, which is at the center of the country’s broader economic troubles.
Foreclosures, bad loans and collapsing housing prices contributed to the
financial crisis earlier this year, and now, the widening recession is dragging
housing down even more.
Last week, the National Association of Realtors reported that sales of
previously owned homes, which dominate the market, fell to the lowest pace in
years. Home values tumbled 13 percent in November from a year earlier, the
sharpest drop in more than 40 years, the industry group reported.
A glut of unsold houses is weighing down the market, and housing is likely to
deteriorate further in 2009 as the jobs picture continues to weaken.
Unemployment is now at 6.7 percent, its highest point in a decade, and
economists predict it will rise to 8 or 10 percent next year.
“People who think they’re going to lose their job don’t buy a home,” Steven
Ricchiuto, chief economist at Mizuho Securities, said.
Home Prices Fell at
Sharper Pace in October, NYT, 31.12.2008,
Breaking Up Is Harder to Do
After Housing Fall
December 30, 2008
The New York Times
When Marci Needle and her husband began to contemplate divorce in June, they
thought they had enough money to go their separate ways. They owned a
million-dollar home near Atlanta and another in Jacksonville, Fla., as well as
investment properties.
Now the market for both houses has crashed, and the couple are left arguing
about whether the homes are worth what they owe on them, and whether there are
any assets left to divide, Ms. Needle said.
“We’re really trying very hard to be amicable, but it puts a strain on us,” said
Ms. Needle, the friction audible in her voice. “I want him to buy me out. It’s
in everybody’s interest to settle quickly. That would be my only income. It’s
been incredibly stressful.”
Chalk up another victim for the crashing real estate market: the easy divorce.
With nearly one in six homes worth less than the mortgage owed on it, according
to Moody’s Economy.com, divorce lawyers and financial advisers around the
country say the logistics of divorce have been turned around. “We used to fight
about who gets to keep the house,” said Gary Nickelson, president of the
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. “Now we fight about who gets stuck with
the dead cow.”
As a result, divorce has become more complicated and often more expensive, with
lower prospects for money on the other side. Some divorce lawyers say that
business has slowed or that clients are deciding to stay together because there
are no assets left to help them start over.
“There’s an old joke,” said Randall M. Kessler, Ms. Needle’s lawyer. “Why is a
divorce so expensive? Because it’s worth it. Now it better really be worth it.”
In a normal economy, couples typically build equity in their homes, then divide
that equity in a divorce, either after selling the house or with one partner
buying out the other’s share. But after the recent boom-and-bust cycle, more
couples own houses that neither spouse can afford to maintain, and that they
cannot sell for what they owe. For couples already under stress, the family home
has become a toxic asset.
“It’s much harder to move on with their lives,” said Alton L. Abramowitz, a
partner in the New York firm Mayerson Stutman Abramowitz Royer.
Mr. Abramowitz said he was in the middle of several cases where the value of the
real estate could not be determined. “All of a sudden,” he said, “prices are all
over the place, people aren’t closing, and it becomes virtually impossible to
judge how far the market has fallen, because nothing is selling.”
For John and Laurel Goerke, in Santa Barbara, Calif., the housing market crashed
in the middle of what Mr. Goerke said had been an orderly legal proceeding. At
the height of the market, Mr. Goerke said, they had their house appraised at
$2.3 million, which would have given them about $1 million to divide after
paying off the mortgage. But by the time they sold last year, the value had
fallen by $600,000, cutting their equity by more than half.
“That changed everything,” said Mr. Goerke, who is now nearly two years into the
divorce process, with legal and other fees of several hundred thousand dollars.
“The prospect of us both being able to buy modest homes was eliminated. The
money’s not there.”
Now, with both spouses living in rental properties, their lawyers still cannot
agree on what their remaining assets are worth. Their wealth is ticking away at
$350 an hour, times two.
“It’s got to end,” Mr. Goerke said, “because at some point there’s nothing left
to argue about.”
For other couples it does not have to end. Lisa Decker, a certified divorce
financial analyst in Atlanta, said she was seeing couples who were determined to
stay together even after divorce because they could not sell their home, a
phenomenon rarely seen before outside Manhattan.
“We’re finding the husband on one floor, the wife on the other,” Ms. Decker
said. “Now one is coming home with a new boyfriend or girlfriend, and it’s
creating a layer to relationships that we haven’t seen before. Unfortunately,
we’re seeing ‘The War of the Roses’ for real, not just in a Hollywood movie.”
In California, James Hennenhoefer, a divorce lawyer, said couples were taking
advantage of the housing crisis to save money by stopping their mortgage
payments but continuing to live together for as long as they can.
“Most of the lenders around here are in complete disarray,” Mr. Hennenhoefer
said. “They’re not as aggressive about evictions. Everyone’s hanging around in
properties hoping the government will buy all that bad paper and then they’ll
negotiate a new deal with the government. They just live in different parts of
the house and say, ‘We’ll stay here for as long as we can, and save our money,
so we have the ability to move when and if the sheriff comes to toss us out.’ ”
Mr. Hennenhoefer said this tactic worked only with first mortgages; on second
and third mortgages, the lenders pursue repayment even after the homeowners have
lost the home.
Dee Dee Tomasko, a nursing student and mother in suburban Cleveland, expected to
leave her marriage with about $200,000 in starter money, primarily from the
marital home, which was appraised at about $1 million in 2006. By the time of
her divorce last year, however, the house was appraised at $800,000; her share
of the equity came to about $105,000.
Though she is relieved to be out of the marriage, if she had known how little
money she would get “I might have stuck with it a little more; I don’t know,”
Ms. Tomasko said, adding, “Maybe it would’ve made me think a little harder.”
For divorcing spouses with resources, though, there can be opportunities in the
falling housing market.
Josh Kaufman and his wife bought a new 6,500-square-foot house outside Cleveland
on five and a half acres, with four bedrooms and two three-car garages, that was
worth $1.5 million at the height of the market. When they divorced in June, Mr.
Kaufman knew his wife could not afford to carry the home. The longer the divorce
process continued, the more the house depreciated; by the time he assumed the
house, its appraised value was half what the couple had put into it; he did not
pay her anything for her share.
“From a negotiating standpoint we knew that she couldn’t afford to stay in it,”
Mr. Kaufman said. “It appeared as an opportunity to turn the negative situation
around. There was no emotion involved. It was a business decision on what made
most financial sense. It wasn’t an attempt to take advantage of someone.”
Still, his lawyer, Andrew A. Zashin, said, “He bought this house at a bargain
basement price.”
For Nancy R., who spoke on condition of anonymity because her colleagues do not
know her marital status, the impediments to divorce are visible every time she
opens her door.
“There’s three other houses for sale on our same road,” she said. “There’s no
way our house would sell.”
For now the couple are separated, waiting for real estate prices to recover. But
for Ms. R., that means remaining financially dependent on her husband. He moved
out; she remains in the house.
“I still feel kept in certain ways, and I don’t want to rock the boat,” she
said. “And it’s draining. So suddenly, when there’s an economic crunch, we’re
paying for two places. And we’re both eating out more, because it’s no fun to
eat alone.”
The same dynamics that marked their marriage now hang over their separation, she
said: “He has the ultimate control.”
“We can’t sell the house,” she said, “and whatever settlement I get depends on a
good relationship with him, based on his good will. The lines get blurry and
confused quickly, which makes emotions fly easily” — especially if she were to
start dating.
“Any icing on the cake is going to come from his good will,” she said, “and that
means being the peacemaker. I’m the underdog in this situation. We’re basically
forced to remain in a relationship after we’ve decided to end it.”
Breaking Up Is Harder to
Do After Housing Fall, NYT, 30.12.2008,
In Season of Recession,
New Ways to Celebrate
December 26, 2008
The New York Times
No lamb this year; ham, at 89 cents a pound, was a better deal. There were
gifts, yes, but fewer than usual, and only for the children. Maybe clothes this
time around instead of a bag of toys. Somehow, the Long Island chill would have
to be made as alluring a holiday destination as the isles of the Caribbean.
It is unsurprising, perhaps, that this is the Christmas of cutbacks, what with
neighbors facing foreclosures, relatives being laid off and the endless chatter
of a recession like no other. Nearly everyone in New York City, it seemed — from
shoppers in central Brooklyn to churchgoers in the Bronx, people eating (and
volunteering) at a Harlem soup kitchen and those heading out of town from Penn
Station — had something they were doing without.
“It doesn’t feel like Christmas,” said Christine Enniss, who planned to pare her
holiday spread to the essentials: green salad, roast chicken and, maybe, potato
But as each family tried to make merry amid the misery, what stayed and went was
revealing. Sharon Parker, whose husband recently lost his job as a mechanic,
held Christmas dinner for her immediate family of five, rather than playing host
to the more than a dozen cousins and friends she usually has over. Susan
Strande, an art teacher who lives in the East Village, did her own baking rather
than buying fancy tarts and pies. O’Neil Hutchinson, an engineering consultant,
visited family in England several weeks ago to avoid the more expensive holiday
Many tried to avoid sacrificing quantity by scaling back on quality. At
Sherry-Lehmann Wine and Spirits on Park Avenue near 59th Street, sales of
Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Champagne, at $27.95 a bottle, more than doubled, to 160
cases this month, from last December. But “all the higher-end stuff is more
likely to stay on the shelves,” said Chris Adams, a partner in the store.
Mr. Adams, for his part, went to Saks Fifth Avenue on Christmas Eve to shop for
a last-minute gift for his wife, as he always does. But he stayed away from the
pricey perfumes, veering instead to the makeup counter to buy creams she might
need and would normally pick up for herself.
Of course, this cutback Christmas can also be seen as the season of the sales.
Some took advantage of bargain trips to Las Vegas resorts; others filled
shopping bags with merchandise at half price. “Everything was really cheap,”
said one woman, a bit defensively, as she boarded a train to see family in New
Jersey, laden with Bloomingdale’s bags that were teeming with red-wrapped gifts.
For the Lombardo family, Christmas Eve has always been about the Feast of the
Seven Fishes, a traditional Italian banquet.
But with business at the family’s pizzeria in Harrison, N.Y., pinched, the
Lombardos scaled back. Each of the 18 adults and seven grandchildren was served
the seven courses, but the grownups survived on one lobster tail instead of two.
The crowd shared a few dozen clams on the half shell instead of 10 dozen or
more, the shrimp cocktails were more modest, the linguini had fewer blue crabs,
and there was a bit less scungilli. There were fewer Alaskan king crab legs,
“We’re not getting a lot of businessmen taking their clients to lunch,” Sofia
Lombardo, a daughter of one of the founders, said of her family’s restaurant,
Sofia’s Pizzeria. “They just have slices instead of chicken parmesan.”
The tug of tough times also led the Lombardos to trim their gift-giving. Last
year, the adults traded “secret Santa” gifts worth about $75 each. This year,
they decided to limit each gift to $30.
Ms. Lombardo’s parents and one of her brothers did away with swapping gifts
entirely. “My family always went to the nines,” she said. “Is it weird not
opening gifts on Christmas Day? Yes. But the catering business is not where it’s
been in the last few years.”
Even with less, there were countless attempts to make Christmas as happy as it
has always been. Parents, in particular, took pains to give their children an
abundance of gifts, even while watching the price tag.
Last year, Veronica Tyms bought 30 presents for cousins, in-laws, friends and
their children. This year, she chopped her list in half and fully expected the
would-be recipients to do the same. “We didn’t have to talk about it,” said Ms.
Tyms’s friend Margaret Gregory, who joined her this week on a bargain-hunting
trip to the Target store in the Atlantic Terminal Mall in Brooklyn. “People just
Both women, however, still showered their children with presents. Ms. Gregory
ticked off the list for her 18-year-old daughter: “clothes, movies, perfume,
makeup.” Ms. Tyms bought gifts for her 8-year-old son and more than a dozen
other children of friends and relatives.
“My son still believes in Santa Claus,” she said. “I’m not ready to change that
Ed Chin of Greenwich, Conn., who landed at job at China Merchants Bank in
September after being out of work for six months, skipped the usual trip to
North Carolina to visit his in-laws and to golf, and he canceled his family’s
traditional Champagne brunch. Rather than expensive gifts for each of their four
children, ages 9 to 14, Mr. Chin and his wife, Julie, bought an Xbox video game
console for them to share.
“Even people in Greenwich have to tighten up,” Ms. Chin said of her wealthy
hometown. “This is not the time to spend money on this kind of stuff.”
Dominic Giangrasso, who runs the computer systems at ConEdison Solutions, hooked
up a Web camera to his flat-panel television so that his pregnant daughter, who
lives in Massachusetts, could watch Christmas dinner at his home in Westchester
County rather than spend money on traveling there.
The Rev. Jos Kandathikudy, the priest at St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Church
in the Bronx, said that last year he walked from the rectory through the
neighborhood to admire the fanciful decorations. This year, he said, the streets
were mostly dark.
“Businesses and residences both; I think people just want to and need to save
money — everything is reduced,” he said. “But this is not the meaning of
Christmas. It is not about lights and presents.”
Father Kandathikudy was one of many ministers to preach about how the tough
economic times could help people focus on the religious meaning of Christmas.
One parishioner at the Church of the Ascension on West 107th Street simply
handed over $500 to the Rev. John Duffell last week, saying only that someone
needed it more than he did.
And at the Church of Saint Raymond on Castle Hill Avenue in the Bronx, one altar
girl had trimmed her wish list.
“My daughter understood that things were difficult this year,” said Maria
Gonzalez, 40, as she walked into the noon Mass at the church, beaming as her
daughter, Jessica Garcia, led the processional. “She loves music and has worked
so hard to practice, so all she wanted was a keyboard. She wants to play music
to serve God, and I want to help her in that.”
Ralph Blumenthal and Kareem Fahim contributed reporting.
In Season of Recession,
New Ways to Celebrate, NYT, 26.12.2008,
In Madoff Scandal,
Jews Feel an Acute Betrayal
December 24, 2008
The New York Times
There is a teaching in the Talmud that says an individual who comes before
God after death will be asked a series of questions, the first one of which is,
“Were you honest in your business dealings?” But it is the Ten Commandments that
have weighed most heavily on the mind of Rabbi David Wolpe of Sinai Temple in
Los Angeles in light of the sins for which Bernard L. Madoff stands accused.
“You shouldn’t steal,” Rabbi Wolpe said. “And this is theft on a global scale.”
The full scope of the misdeeds to which Mr. Madoff has confessed in swindling
individuals and charitable groups has yet to be calculated, and he is far from
being convicted. But Jews all over the country are already sending up something
of a communal cry over a cost they say goes beyond the financial to the
theological and the personal.
Here is a Jew accused of cheating Jewish organizations trying to help other
Jews, they say, and of betraying the trust of Jews and violating the basic
tenets of Jewish law. A Jew, they say, who seemed to exemplify the worst
anti-Semitic stereotypes of the thieving Jewish banker.
So in synagogues and community centers, on blogs and in countless conversations,
many Jews are beating their chests — not out of contrition, as they do on Yom
Kippur, the Day of Atonement, but because they say Mr. Madoff has brought shame
on their people in addition to financial ruin and shaken the bonds of trust that
bind Jewish communities.
“Jews have these familial ties,” Rabbi Wolpe said. “It’s not solely a shared
belief; it’s a sense of close communal bonds, and in the same way that your
family can embarrass you as no one else can, when a Jew does this, Jews feel
ashamed by proxy. I’d like to believe someone raised in our community, imbued
with Jewish values, would be better than this.”
Among the apparent victims of Mr. Madoff were many Jewish educational
institutions and charitable causes that lost fortunes in his investments; they
include Yeshiva University, Hadassah, the Jewish Community Centers Association
of North America and the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. The Chais Family
Foundation, which worked on educational projects in Israel, was recently forced
to shut down because of losses in Madoff investments. Many of Mr. Madoff’s
individual investors were Jewish and supported Jewish causes, apparently drawn
to him precisely because of his own communal involvement and because he radiated
the comfortable sense of being one of them.
“The Jewish world is not going to be the same for a while,” said Rabbi Jeremy
Kalmanofsky of Congregation Ansche Chesed in New York.
Jews are also grappling with the implications of Mr. Madoff’s deeds for their
public image, what one rabbi referred to as the “shanda factor,” using the
Yiddish term for an embarrassing shame or disgrace. As Bradley Burston, a
columnist for haaretz.com, the English-language Web site of the Israeli
newspaper Haaretz, wrote on Dec. 17: “The anti-Semite’s new Santa is Bernard
Madoff. The answer to every Jew-hater’s wish list. The Aryan Nation at its most
delusional couldn’t have come up with anything to rival this.”
The Anti-Defamation League said in a statement that Mr. Madoff’s arrest had
prompted an outpouring of anti-Semitic comments on Web sites around the world,
most repeating familiar tropes about Jews and money. Abraham H. Foxman, the
group’s national director, said that canard went back hundreds of years, but he
noted that anti-Semites did not need facts to be anti-Semitic.
“We’re not immune from having thieves and people who engage in fraud,” Mr.
Foxman said in an interview, disputing any notion that Mr. Madoff should be seen
as emblematic. “Why, because he happens to be Jewish, he should have a
He added that Mr. Madoff’s victims extended well beyond the Jewish community.
In addition to theft, the Torah discusses another kind of stealing, geneivat
da’at, the Hebrew term for deception or stealing someone’s mind. “In the
rabbinic mind-set, he’s guilty of two sins: one is theft, and the other is
deception,” said Burton L. Visotzky, a professor at the Jewish Theological
“The fact that he stole from Jewish charities puts him in a special circle of
hell,” Rabbi Visotzky added. “He really undermined the fabric of the Jewish
community, because it’s built on trust. There is a wonderful rabbinic saying —
often misapplied — that all Jews are sureties for one another, which means, for
instance, that if a Jew takes a loan out, in some ways the whole Jewish
community guarantees it.”
Several rabbis said they were reminded of Esau, a figure of mistrust in the
Bible. According to a rabbinic interpretation, Esau, upon embracing his brother
Jacob after 20 years apart, was actually frisking him to see what he could
steal. “The saying goes that, when Esau kisses you,” Rabbi Visotzky said, “check
to make sure your teeth are still there.”
Rabbi Kalmanofsky said he was struck by reports that Mr. Madoff had tried to
give bonus payments to his employees just before he was arrested, that he was
moved to do something right even as he was about to be charged with doing so
much wrong. “The small-scale thought for people who work for him amidst this
large-scale fraud — what is the dissonance between that sense of responsibility
and the gross sense of irresponsibility?” he said.
In a recent sermon, Rabbi Kalmanofsky described Mr. Madoff as the antithesis of
true piety.
“I said, what it means to be a religious person is to be terrified of the
possibility that you’re going to harm someone else,” he said.
Rabbi Kalmanofsky said Judaism had highly developed mechanisms for not letting
people control money without ample checks and balances. When tzedakah, or
charity, is collected, it must be done so in pairs. “These things are supposed
to be done in the public eye,” Rabbi Kalmanofsky said, “so there is a high
degree of confidence that people are behaving in honorable ways.”
While the Madoff affair has resonated powerfully among Jews, some say it
actually stands for a broader dysfunction in the business world. “The Bernie
Madoff story has become a Jewish story,” said Rabbi Jennifer Krause, the author
of “The Answer: Making Sense of Life, One Question at a Time,” “but I do see it
in the much greater context of a human drama that is playing out in
sensationally terrible ways in America right now.”
“The Talmud teaches that a person who only looks out for himself and his own
interests will eventually be brought to poverty,” Rabbi Krause added.
“Unfortunately, this is the metadrama of what’s happening in our country right
now. When you have too many people who are only looking out for themselves and
they forget the other piece, which is to look out for others, we’re brought to
According to Jewish tradition, the last question people are asked when they meet
God after dying is, “Did you hope for redemption?”
Rabbi Wolpe said he did not believe Mr. Madoff could ever make amends.
“It is not possible for him to atone for all the damage he did,” the rabbi said,
“and I don’t even think that there is a punishment that is commensurate with the
crime, for the wreckage of lives that he’s left behind. The only thing he could
do, for the rest of his life, is work for redemption that he would never
In Madoff Scandal, Jews
Feel an Acute Betrayal, NYT, 24.12.2008,
As Economy Dips,
Arrests for Shoplifting Soar
December 23, 2008
The New York Times
Richard R. Johnson is the first to admit it was a bad idea.
Recently laid off from a job building trailers in Elkhart, Ind., Mr. Johnson
came up a dollar short at Martin’s Supermarket last month when he went to buy a
$4.99 bottle of sleep medication. So, “for some stupid reason,” he tried to
shoplift it and was immediately arrested.
“I was desperate, I guess,” said Mr. Johnson, 25, who said he had never been
arrested before. As the economy has weakened, shoplifting has increased, and
retail security experts say the problem has grown worse this holiday season.
Shoplifters are taking everything from compact discs and baby formula to gift
cards and designer clothing.
Police departments across the country say that shoplifting arrests are 10
percent to 20 percent higher this year than last. The problem is probably even
greater than arrest records indicate since shoplifters are often banned from
stores rather than arrested.
Much of the increase has come from first-time offenders like Mr. Johnson making
rash decisions in a pinch, the authorities say. But the ease with which stolen
goods can be sold on the Internet has meant a bigger role for organized crime
rings, which also engage in receipt fraud, fake price tagging and gift card
schemes, the police and security experts say.
And as temptation has grown for potential thieves, so too has stores’
“More people are desperate economically, retailers are operating with leaner
staffs and police forces are cutting back or being told to deprioritize
shoplifting calls,” said Paul Jones, the vice president of asset protection for
the Retail Industry Leaders Association.
The problem, he said, could be particularly acute this December, “the month of
the year when shoplifting always goes way up.”
Two of the largest retail associations say that more than 80 percent of their
members are reporting sharp increases in shoplifting, according to surveys
conducted in the last two months.
Compounding the problem, stores are more reluctant to stop suspicious customers
because they fear scaring away much-needed business. And retailers are
increasingly trying to save money by hiring seasonal workers who, security
experts say, are themselves more likely to commit fraud or theft and are less
practiced at catching shoplifters than full-time employees are.
More than $35 million in merchandise is stolen each day nationwide, and about
one in 11 people in America have shoplifted, according to the nonprofit National
Association for Shoplifting Prevention.
“We used to see more repeat offenders doing it because of drug addiction,” said
Samyah Jubran, an assistant district attorney in Knoxville who for 13 years has
handled the bulk of the shoplifting cases there. “But many of these new
offenders may be doing it because of the economic situation. Maybe they’re
hurting at home, and they’re taking a risk they may not take otherwise.”
Much of the stolen merchandise is sold online.
Dave Finley, the president of Leadsonline.com, which offers software that helps
store owners track stolen goods being sold online and at pawn shops, said his
company had seen a 50 percent increase over the last year in the number of
shoplifting investigations handled by the company.
Security experts say retail theft is also being facilitated by Web sites that
sell fake receipts that thieves can use to obtain cash refunds for stolen
Andreas Carthy, the creator of one such site, denied that he was assisting with
“We provide a no-questions-asked service,” he said in an e-mail message, adding
that his site was intended for people looking for prank gifts or students
seeking to inflate spending to get more generous allowances from their parents.
At about $40 each, the Web site — which insists they are “for novelty use only”
— sells about 80 fake receipts a month, Mr. Carthy said.
Local law enforcement and retailers have been trying new tactics to battle
shoplifting and other forms of retail crime.
In Savannah, Ga., a local convenience store chain has linked its video
surveillance to a police station so officers can help monitor the store for
shoplifting and other crimes. In Louisiana, the police have been requiring
shoplifters, even first-time offenders, to post $1,000 bail or stay in jail
until their court date. On Staten Island, malls have started posting the mug
shots of repeat shoplifters on video screens.
“There are more of them, and they seem more desperate,” said a store manager
about shoplifters at the nation’s largest shopping center, the Mall of America
in Bloomington, Minn., which has seen a 19 percent increase in shoplifting this
year over last.
The manager, who asked not to be identified because she was not permitted to
speak to reporters, said stealing gift cards was especially popular during the
Shoplifters also seem to be getting bolder, according to industry surveys.
Thieves often put stolen items in bags lined with aluminum foil to avoid
detection by the storefront alarms. Others work in teams, with a decoy who tries
to look suspicious to draw out undercover security agents and attract the
attention of security cameras, the police said.
“We’re definitely seeing more sprinters,” said an undercover security guard at
Macy’s in Oakland, Calif., referring to shoplifters who make a run for the door.
The guard said that most large department stores instructed guards not to chase
shoplifters more than 100 feet outside the store, because research showed that
confrontations tended to become more serious beyond that point.
The holidays are a particularly popular time for pilfering.
About 20 percent of annual retail sales occur in November and December, and even
with precautions, the increased customer traffic makes it tougher to track
thieves. Moreover, cashiers are rushed by long lines, making them less vigilant
about checking for stolen credit cards.
Mr. Johnson, who was arrested last month, said that after being laid off from
his $20-an-hour job at a trailer factory a year ago, he took a job for $6.55 an
hour at McDonald’s. Six months later, he was laid off and has not been able to
find a job since.
He and his two small children rely on his wife’s minimum-wage job at Wal-Mart,
groceries from a food bank and help from his mother, he said.
“I just know things are going to get a lot rougher,” said Mr. Johnson, who is
awaiting trial. He added that no matter how tough it became, he had no intention
of shoplifting again.
Mr. Martin said he was shocked that the store had decided to prosecute him for
stealing such a small amount. A manager at Martin’s Supermarket said the store
had a policy of prosecuting all shoplifting.
Retail security experts, however, say that people like Mr. Johnson do not pose
the biggest threat to stores. People like Tommy Joe Tidwell do.
Mr. Tidwell, 35, pleaded guilty last month to running a shoplifting ring out of
Dayton, Ohio, that netted more than $1 million, according to court papers.
After Mr. Tidwell would print fraudulent UPC bar code labels on his home
computer, he and several conspirators would place them on items at Wal-Mart and
other stores, then buy the merchandise for a fraction of the real price. They
would resell the goods on the Internet, according to court papers.
Joe LaRocca, vice president of loss prevention for the National Retail
Federation, said that as the holidays approached, retail security workers were
keeping a close eye on receipt fraud.
But to entice shoppers, three times as many stores as last year have loosened
their return policies, extending the return period and being more lenient with
shoppers who lack receipts, according to the federation.
“Retailers are trying to find a balance,” Mr. LaRocca said. “They want to
provide good customer service at a time when it’s crucial for customers to be
able to shop comfortably or to return unwanted or duplicate gifts.
“But they also want to prevent criminals from taking advantage of them.”
Bob Driehaus contributed reporting.
As Economy Dips, Arrests
for Shoplifting Soar, NYT, 23.12.2008,
As Outlook Dims,
Obama Expands Recovery Plans
December 21, 2008
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Faced with worsening forecasts for the economy, President-elect
Barack Obama is expanding his economic recovery plan and will seek to create or
save 3 million jobs in the next two years, up from a goal of 2.5 million jobs
set just last month, several advisers to Mr. Obama said Saturday.
Even Mr. Obama’s more ambitious goal would not fully offset as many as 4 million
jobs that some economists are projecting might be lost in the coming year,
according to the information he received from advisers in the past week. That
job loss would be double the total this year and could push the nation’s
unemployment rate past 9 percent if nothing is done.
The new job target was set after a meeting last Tuesday in which Christina D.
Romer, who is Mr. Obama’s choice to lead his Council of Economic Advisers,
presented information about previous recessions to establish that the current
downturn was likely to be “more severe than anything we’ve experienced in the
past half-century,” according to an Obama official familiar with the meeting.
Officials said they were working on a plan big enough to stimulate the economy
but not so big to provoke major opposition in Congress.
Mr. Obama’s advisers have projected that the multifaceted economic plan would
cost $675 billion to $775 billion. It would be the largest stimulus package in
memory and would most likely grow as it made its way through Congress, although
Mr. Obama has secured Democratic leaders’ agreement to ban spending on
pork-barrel projects.
The message from Mr. Obama was that “there was not going to be any spending
money for the sake of spending money,” said Lawrence H. Summers, who will be the
senior economic adviser in the White House.
Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Economy.com, who was an adviser to
Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign, said, “My advice is, err on the
side of too big a package rather than too little.” In an interview, Mr. Zandi,
who lately has advised Democratic leaders in Congress, also said he would
probably soon raise his own recommendation of a $600 billion stimulus.
Besides new spending, the Obama plan would provide tax relief for low-wage and
middle-income workers of roughly $150 billion, Democrats familiar with the
proposal said. The government would probably reduce the withholding of income or
payroll taxes so that most workers received larger paychecks as soon as possible
in 2009, an Obama adviser said.
The sorts of jobs Mr. Obama would propose to create involve construction work on
roads, mass transit projects, weatherization of government buildings and
installation of information technology in medical facilities, among others.
The outlines for Mr. Obama’s emerging plan, which he is developing in
consultation with Congress, including some Republicans, were mostly settled last
Tuesday when he met for four hours with economic and policy advisers. Mr. Obama
and his family left Saturday for a two-week vacation in Hawaii, his native
state, but the advisers will take his guidance — including instructions to be
“bolder,” according to one — and complete a draft in time for his return on Jan.
The new Congress convenes on Jan. 6. The House and Senate, with larger
Democratic majorities, will work to pass a bill for Mr. Obama to sign shortly
after his inauguration, on Jan. 20.
The Obama blueprint covers five main areas of spending and tax breaks: health,
education, infrastructure, energy, and support for the poor and the unemployed.
Mr. Summers said the president-elect set short- and long-term themes in choosing
the plan’s components: “Creating jobs for people who need them, and doing things
that need to be done to lay the foundation for an economy that works for
middle-class families.”
At the meeting on Tuesday, Ms. Romer also laid out recommendations from private
sector analysts and liberal to conservative economists for a government stimulus
that ranged from $800 billion to $1.3 trillion over two years. Those consulted
included Martin Feldstein, a conservative economist and longtime Republican
presidential adviser, who is at the low end, and Lawrence B. Lindsey, a Federal
Reserve governor and Bush administration economist, who has recommended up to $1
Even before the election, Mr. Feldstein was publicly arguing that whoever was
elected should immediately begin working with Congress on a big spending
package. Since then, Mr. Feldstein has also been revising his assessment upward
as the economy weakened further. “Without action,” he wrote in an e-mail
exchange, “the economy will continue to decline rapidly.”
Many decisions about the details have not been made, or are tentative pending
consultations with Congress. Several hundred billion dollars could go to states
and cities to finance public works and subsidize their health and education
programs so that local governments do not have to raise taxes and cut essential
programs, steps that would be counterproductive economically.
The Obama team has a list of $136 billion in infrastructure projects from the
National Governors Association that consists mostly of transit construction but
also includes port expansions and renewable energy programs. For education,
besides money to build and renovate schools, Mr. Obama will call for money to
train more teachers, expand early childhood education and provide more college
tuition aid.
Federal money to local governments would come with a “use it or lose it” clause
under Mr. Obama’s plans, advisers say. The president-elect will also propose to
direct some money to public and private partnerships for major projects like a
national energy grid intended to harness alternative energy sources such as wind
For those “most vulnerable” because of the recession, as the Obama team
describes the needy and jobless population, the president-elect will propose
expanding the length of unemployment compensation, as well as food aid and
additional support.
With millions more Americans losing their health care coverage, either through
job losses or because they can no longer afford to pay for insurance, Mr. Obama
will propose major new spending to subsidize states’ share of Medicaid and their
children’s health programs, and to expand health care coverage for those who
lose insurance from their employers.
Mr. Obama plans a down payment on his campaign promise to help pay for hospitals
and other medical providers to computerize their health records to save billions
in paperwork and administrative costs. He might also propose subsidies to train
more nurses, both to create jobs now and address a looming shortage in the
health professions.
Mr. Obama has spoken in recent days with the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid,
and the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Last week, Mr. Reid’s office sent an e-mail
message to senators saying that in conversations with the Obama transition team,
“we have communicated our willingness to work within these parameters as closely
as possible and urge all offices to do the same.”
As Outlook Dims, Obama
Expands Recovery Plans, NYT, 21.12.2008,
The Reckoning
White House Philosophy
Stoked Mortgage Bonfire
December 21, 2008
The New York Times
“We can put light where there’s darkness, and hope where there’s despondency
in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage
folks to own their own home.” — President Bush, Oct. 15, 2002
WASHINGTON — The global financial system was teetering on the edge of collapse
when President Bush and his economics team huddled in the Roosevelt Room of the
White House for a briefing that, in the words of one participant, “scared the
hell out of everybody.”
It was Sept. 18. Lehman Brothers had just gone belly-up, overwhelmed by toxic
mortgages. Bank of America had swallowed Merrill Lynch in a hastily arranged
sale. Two days earlier, Mr. Bush had agreed to pump $85 billion into the failing
insurance giant American International Group.
The president listened as Ben S. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, laid
out the latest terrifying news: The credit markets, gripped by panic, had frozen
overnight, and banks were refusing to lend money.
Then his Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., told him that to stave off
disaster, he would have to sign off on the biggest government bailout in
Mr. Bush, according to several people in the room, paused for a single, stunned
moment to take it all in.
“How,” he wondered aloud, “did we get here?”
Eight years after arriving in Washington vowing to spread the dream of
homeownership, Mr. Bush is leaving office, as he himself said recently, “faced
with the prospect of a global meltdown” with roots in the housing sector he so
ardently championed.
There are plenty of culprits, like lenders who peddled easy credit, consumers
who took on mortgages they could not afford and Wall Street chieftains who
loaded up on mortgage-backed securities without regard to the risk.
But the story of how we got here is partly one of Mr. Bush’s own making,
according to a review of his tenure that included interviews with dozens of
current and former administration officials.
From his earliest days in office, Mr. Bush paired his belief that Americans do
best when they own their own home with his conviction that markets do best when
let alone.
He pushed hard to expand homeownership, especially among minorities, an
initiative that dovetailed with his ambition to expand the Republican tent — and
with the business interests of some of his biggest donors. But his housing
policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged lax lending standards.
Mr. Bush did foresee the danger posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the
government-sponsored mortgage finance giants. The president spent years pushing
a recalcitrant Congress to toughen regulation of the companies, but was
unwilling to compromise when his former Treasury secretary wanted to cut a deal.
And the regulator Mr. Bush chose to oversee them — an old prep school buddy —
pronounced the companies sound even as they headed toward insolvency.
As early as 2006, top advisers to Mr. Bush dismissed warnings from people inside
and outside the White House that housing prices were inflated and that a
foreclosure crisis was looming. And when the economy deteriorated, Mr. Bush and
his team misdiagnosed the reasons and scope of the downturn; as recently as
February, for example, Mr. Bush was still calling it a “rough patch.”
The result was a series of piecemeal policy prescriptions that lagged behind the
escalating crisis.
“There is no question we did not recognize the severity of the problems,” said
Al Hubbard, Mr. Bush’s former chief economics adviser, who left the White House
in December 2007. “Had we, we would have attacked them.”
Looking back, Keith B. Hennessey, Mr. Bush’s current chief economics adviser,
says he and his colleagues did the best they could “with the information we had
at the time.” But Mr. Hennessey did say he regretted that the administration did
not pay more heed to the dangers of easy lending practices. And both Mr. Paulson
and his predecessor, John W. Snow, say the housing push went too far.
“The Bush administration took a lot of pride that homeownership had reached
historic highs,” Mr. Snow said in an interview. “But what we forgot in the
process was that it has to be done in the context of people being able to afford
their house. We now realize there was a high cost.”
For much of the Bush presidency, the White House was preoccupied by terrorism
and war; on the economic front, its pressing concerns were cutting taxes and
privatizing Social Security. The housing market was a bright spot: ever-rising
home values kept the economy humming, as owners drew down on their equity to buy
consumer goods and pack their children off to college.
Lawrence B. Lindsay, Mr. Bush’s first chief economics adviser, said there was
little impetus to raise alarms about the proliferation of easy credit that was
helping Mr. Bush meet housing goals.
“No one wanted to stop that bubble,” Mr. Lindsay said. “It would have conflicted
with the president’s own policies.”
Today, millions of Americans are facing foreclosure, homeownership rates are
virtually no higher than when Mr. Bush took office, Fannie and Freddie are in a
government conservatorship, and the bailout cost to taxpayers could run in the
As the economy has shed jobs — 533,000 last month alone — and his party has been
punished by irate voters, the weakened president has granted his Treasury
secretary extraordinary leeway in managing the crisis.
Never once, Mr. Paulson said in a recent interview, has Mr. Bush overruled him.
“I’ve got a boss,” he explained, who “understands that when you’re dealing with
something as unprecedented and fast-moving as this we need to have a different
operating style.”
Mr. Paulson and other senior advisers to Mr. Bush say the administration has
responded well to the turmoil, demonstrating flexibility under difficult
circumstances. “There is not any playbook,” Mr. Paulson said.
The president declined to be interviewed for this article. But in recent weeks
Mr. Bush has shared his views of how the nation came to the brink of economic
disaster. He cites corporate greed and market excesses fueled by a flood of
foreign cash — “Wall Street got drunk,” he has said — and the policies of past
administrations. He blames Congress for failing to reform Fannie and Freddie.
Last week, Fox News asked Mr. Bush if he was worried about being the Herbert
Hoover of the 21st century.
“No,” Mr. Bush replied. “I will be known as somebody who saw a problem and put
the chips on the table to prevent the economy from collapsing.”
But in private moments, aides say, the president is looking inward. During a
recent ride aboard Marine One, the presidential helicopter, Mr. Bush sounded a
reflective note.
“We absolutely wanted to increase homeownership,” Tony Fratto, his deputy press
secretary, recalled him saying. “But we never wanted lenders to make bad
A Policy Gone Awry
Darrin West could not believe it. The president of the United States was
standing in his living room.
It was June 17, 2002, a day Mr. West recalls as “the highlight of my life.” Mr.
Bush, in Atlanta to unveil a plan to increase the number of minority homeowners
by 5.5 million, was touring Park Place South, a development of starter homes in
a neighborhood once marked by blight and crime.
Mr. West had patrolled there as a police officer, and now he was the proud owner
of a $130,000 town house, bought with an adjustable-rate mortgage and a $20,000
government loan as his down payment — just the sort of creative public-private
financing Mr. Bush was promoting.
“Part of economic security,” Mr. Bush declared that day, “is owning your own
A lot has changed since then. Mr. West, beset by personal problems, left
Atlanta. Unable to sell his home for what he owed, he said, he gave it back to
the bank last year. Like other communities across America, Park Place South has
been hit with a foreclosure crisis affecting at least 10 percent of its 232
homes, according to Masharn Wilson, a developer who led Mr. Bush’s tour.
“I just don’t think what he envisioned was actually carried out,” she said.
Park Place South is, in microcosm, the story of a well-intentioned policy gone
awry. Advocating homeownership is hardly novel; the Clinton administration did
it, too. For Mr. Bush, it was part of his vision of an “ownership society,” in
which Americans would rely less on the government for health care, retirement
and shelter. It was also good politics, a way to court black and Hispanic
But for much of Mr. Bush’s tenure, government statistics show, incomes for most
families remained relatively stagnant while housing prices skyrocketed. That put
homeownership increasingly out of reach for first-time buyers like Mr. West.
So Mr. Bush had to, in his words, “use the mighty muscle of the federal
government” to meet his goal. He proposed affordable housing tax incentives. He
insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meet ambitious new goals for low-income
Concerned that down payments were a barrier, Mr. Bush persuaded Congress to
spend up to $200 million a year to help first-time buyers with down payments and
closing costs.
And he pushed to allow first-time buyers to qualify for federally insured
mortgages with no money down. Republican Congressional leaders and some housing
advocates balked, arguing that homeowners with no stake in their investments
would be more prone to walk away, as Mr. West did. Many economic experts,
including some in the White House, now share that view.
The president also leaned on mortgage brokers and lenders to devise their own
innovations. “Corporate America,” he said, “has a responsibility to work to make
America a compassionate place.”
And corporate America, eyeing a lucrative market, delivered in ways Mr. Bush
might not have expected, with a proliferation of too-good-to-be-true teaser
rates and interest-only loans that were sold to investors in a loosely regulated
“This administration made decisions that allowed the free market to operate as a
barroom brawl instead of a prize fight,” said L. William Seidman, who advised
Republican presidents and led the savings and loan bailout in the 1990s. “To
make the market work well, you have to have a lot of rules.”
But Mr. Bush populated the financial system’s alphabet soup of oversight
agencies with people who, like him, wanted fewer rules, not more.
Like Minds on Laissez-Faire
The president’s first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
promised a “kinder, gentler” agency. The second was pushed out amid industry
complaints that he was too aggressive. Under its current leader, the agency
failed to police the catastrophic decisions that toppled the investment bank
Bear Stearns and contributed to the current crisis, according to a recent
inspector general’s report.
As for Mr. Bush’s banking regulators, they once brandished a chain saw over a
9,000-page pile of regulations as they promised to ease burdens on the industry.
When states tried to use consumer protection laws to crack down on predatory
lending, the comptroller of the currency blocked the effort, asserting that
states had no authority over national banks.
The administration won that fight at the Supreme Court. But Roy Cooper, North
Carolina’s attorney general, said, “They took 50 sheriffs off the beat at a time
when lending was becoming the Wild West.”
The president did push rules aimed at forcing lenders to more clearly explain
loan terms. But the White House shelved them in 2004, after industry-friendly
members of Congress threatened to block confirmation of his new housing
In the 2004 election cycle, mortgage bankers and brokers poured nearly $847,000
into Mr. Bush’s re-election campaign, more than triple their contributions in
2000, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. The
administration did not finalize the new rules until last month.
Among the Republican Party’s top 10 donors in 2004 was Roland Arnall. He founded
Ameriquest, then the nation’s largest lender in the subprime market, which
focuses on less creditworthy borrowers. In July 2005, the company agreed to set
aside $325 million to settle allegations in 30 states that it had preyed on
borrowers with hidden fees and ballooning payments. It was an early signal that
deceptive lending practices, which would later set off a wave of foreclosures,
were widespread.
Andrew H. Card Jr., Mr. Bush’s former chief of staff, said White House aides
discussed Ameriquest’s troubles, though not what they might portend for the
economy. Mr. Bush had just nominated Mr. Arnall as his ambassador to the
Netherlands, and the White House was primarily concerned with making sure he
would be confirmed.
“Maybe I was asleep at the switch,” Mr. Card said in an interview.
Brian Montgomery, the Federal Housing Administration commissioner, understood
the significance. His agency insures home loans, traditionally for the same
low-income minority borrowers Mr. Bush wanted to help. When he arrived in June
2005, he was shocked to find those customers had been lured away by the “fool’s
gold” of subprime loans. The Ameriquest settlement, he said, reinforced his
concern that the industry was exploiting borrowers.
In December 2005, Mr. Montgomery drafted a memo and brought it to the White
House. “I don’t think this is what the president had in mind here,” he recalled
telling Ryan Streeter, then the president’s chief housing policy analyst.
It was an opportunity to address the risky subprime lending practices head on.
But that was never seriously discussed. More senior aides, like Karl Rove, Mr.
Bush’s chief political strategist, were wary of overly regulating an industry
that, Mr. Rove said in an interview, provided “a valuable service to people who
could not otherwise get credit.” While he had some concerns about the industry’s
practices, he said, “it did provide an opportunity for people, a lot of whom are
still in their houses today.”
The White House pursued a narrower plan offered by Mr. Montgomery that would
have allowed the F.H.A. to loosen standards so it could lure back subprime
borrowers by insuring similar, but safer, loans. It passed the House but died in
the Senate, where Republican senators feared that the agency would merely be
mimicking the private sector’s risky practices — a view Mr. Rove said he shared.
Looking back at the episode, Mr. Montgomery broke down in tears. While he
acknowledged that the bill did not get to the root of the problem, he said he
would “go to my grave believing” that at least some homeowners might have been
spared foreclosure.
Today, administration officials say it is fair to ask whether Mr. Bush’s
ownership push backfired. Mr. Paulson said the administration, like others
before it, “over-incented housing.” Mr. Hennessey put it this way: “I would not
say too much emphasis on expanding homeownership. I would say not enough early
focus on easy lending practices.”
‘We Told You So’
Armando Falcon Jr. was preparing to take on a couple of giants.
A soft-spoken Texan, Mr. Falcon ran the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight, a tiny government agency that oversaw Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two
pillars of the American housing industry. In February 2003, he was finishing a
blockbuster report that warned the pillars could crumble.
Created by Congress, Fannie and Freddie — called G.S.E.’s, for
government-sponsored entities — bought trillions of dollars’ worth of mortgages
to hold or sell to investors as guaranteed securities. The companies were also
Washington powerhouses, stuffing lawmakers’ campaign coffers and hiring
bare-knuckled lobbyists.
Mr. Falcon’s report outlined a worst-case situation in which Fannie and Freddie
could default on debt, setting off “contagious illiquidity in the market” — in
other words, a financial meltdown. He also raised red flags about the companies’
soaring use of derivatives, the complex financial instruments that economic
experts now blame for spreading the housing collapse.
Today, the White House cites that report — and its subsequent effort to better
regulate Fannie and Freddie — as evidence that it foresaw the crisis and tried
to avert it. Bush officials recently wrote up a talking points memo headlined
“G.S.E.’s — We Told You So.”
But the back story is more complicated. To begin with, on the day Mr. Falcon
issued his report, the White House tried to fire him.
At the time, Fannie and Freddie were allies in the president’s quest to drive up
homeownership rates; Franklin D. Raines, then Fannie’s chief executive, has fond
memories of visiting Mr. Bush in the Oval Office and flying aboard Air Force One
to a housing event. “They loved us,” he said.
So when Mr. Falcon refused to deep-six his report, Mr. Raines took his
complaints to top Treasury officials and the White House. “I’m going to do what
I need to do to defend my company and my position,” Mr. Raines told Mr. Falcon.
Days later, as Mr. Falcon was in New York preparing to deliver a speech about
his findings, his cellphone rang. It was the White House personnel office, he
said, telling him he was about to be unemployed.
His warnings were buried in the next day’s news coverage, trumped by the White
House announcement that Mr. Bush would replace Mr. Falcon, a Democrat appointed
by Bill Clinton, with Mark C. Brickell, a leader in the derivatives industry
that Mr. Falcon’s report had flagged.
It was not until 2003, when Freddie became embroiled in an accounting scandal,
that the White House took on the companies in earnest. Mr. Bush decided to quit
the long-standing practice of rewarding supporters with high-paying appointments
to the companies’ boards — “political plums,” in Mr. Rove’s words. He also
withdrew Mr. Brickell’s nomination and threw his support behind Mr. Falcon,
beginning an intense effort to give his little regulatory agency more power.
Mr. Falcon lacked explicit authority to limit the size of the companies’ mammoth
investment portfolios, or tell them how much capital they needed to guard
against losses. White House officials wanted that to change. They also wanted
the power to put the companies into receivership, hoping that would end what Mr.
Card, the former chief of staff, called “the myth of government backing,” which
gave the companies a competitive edge because investors assumed the government
would not let them fail.
By the spring of 2005 a deal with Congress seemed within reach, Mr. Snow, the
former Treasury secretary, said in an interview.
Michael G. Oxley, an Ohio Republican and then-chairman of the House Financial
Services Committee, had produced what Mr. Snow viewed as “a pretty darned good
bill,” a watered-down version of what the president sought. But at the urging of
Mr. Card and the White House economics team, the president decided to hold out
for a tougher bill in the Senate.
Mr. Card said he feared that Mr. Snow was “more interested in the deal than the
result.” When the bill passed the House, the president issued a statement
opposing it, effectively killing any chance of compromise. Mr. Oxley was
“The problem with those guys at the White House, they had all the answers and
they didn’t think they had to listen to anyone, including the Treasury
secretary,” Mr. Oxley said in a recent interview. “They were driving the
ideological train. He was in the caboose, and they were in the engine room.”
Mr. Card and Mr. Hennessey said they had no regrets. They are convinced, Mr.
Hennessey said, that the Oxley bill would have produced “the worst of all
possible outcomes,” the illusion of reform without the substance.
Still, some former White House and Treasury officials continue to debate whether
Mr. Bush’s all-or-nothing approach scuttled a measure that, while imperfect,
might have given an aggressive regulator enough power to keep the companies from
Mr. Snow, for one, calls Mr. Oxley “a hero,” adding, “He saw the need to move.
It didn’t get done. And it’s too bad, because I think if it had, I think we
could well have avoided a big contributor to the current crisis.”
Unheeded Warnings
Jason Thomas had a nagging feeling.
The New Century Financial Corporation, a huge subprime lender whose mortgages
were bundled into securities sold around the world, was headed for bankruptcy in
March 2007. Mr. Thomas, an economic analyst for President Bush, was responsible
for determining whether it was a hint of things to come.
At 29, Mr. Thomas had followed a fast-track career path that took him from a
Buffalo meatpacking plant, where he worked as a statistician, to the White
House. He was seen as a whiz kid, “a brilliant guy,” his former boss, Mr.
Hubbard, says.
As Mr. Thomas began digging into New Century’s failure that spring, he became
fixated on a particular statistic, the rent-to-own ratio.
Typically, as home prices increase, rental costs rise proportionally. But Mr.
Thomas sent charts to top White House and Treasury officials showing that the
monthly cost of owning far outpaced the cost to rent. To Mr. Thomas, it was a
sign that housing prices were wildly inflated and bound to plunge, a condition
that could set off a foreclosure crisis as conventional and subprime borrowers
with little equity found they owed more than their houses were worth.
It was not the Bush team’s first warning. The previous year, Mr. Lindsay, the
former chief economics adviser, returned to the White House to tell his old
colleagues that housing prices were headed for a crash. But housing values are
hard to evaluate, and Mr. Lindsay had a reputation as a market pessimist, said
Mr. Hubbard, adding, “I thought, ‘He’s always a bear.’ ”
In retrospect, Mr. Hubbard said, Mr. Lindsay was “absolutely right,” and Mr.
Thomas’s charts “should have been a signal.”
Instead, the prevailing view at the White House was that the problems in the
housing market were limited to subprime borrowers unable to make their payments
as their adjustable mortgages reset to higher rates. That belief was shared by
Mr. Bush’s new Treasury secretary, Mr. Paulson.
Mr. Paulson, a former chairman of the Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs, had been
given unusual power; he had accepted the job only after the president guaranteed
him that Treasury, not the White House, would have the dominant role in shaping
economic policy. That shift merely continued an imbalance of power that stifled
robust policy debate, several former Bush aides say.
Throughout the spring of 2007, Mr. Paulson declared that “the housing market is
at or near the bottom,” with the problem “largely contained.” That position
underscored nearly every action the Bush administration took in the ensuing
months as it offered one limited response after another.
By that August, the problems had spread beyond New Century. Credit was
tightening, amid questions about how heavily banks were invested in securities
linked to mortgages. Still, Mr. Bush predicted that the turmoil would resolve
itself with a “soft landing.”
The plan Mr. Bush announced on Aug. 31 reflected that belief. Called “F.H.A.
Secure,” it aimed to help about 80,000 homeowners refinance their loans. Mr.
Montgomery, the housing commissioner, said that he knew the modest program was
not enough — the White House later expanded the agency’s rescue role — and that
he would be “flying the plane and fixing it at the same time.”
That fall, Representative Rahm Emanuel, a leading Democrat, former investment
banker and now the incoming chief of staff to President-elect Barack Obama,
warned the White House it was not doing enough. He said he told Joshua B.
Bolten, Mr. Bush’s chief of staff, and Mr. Paulson in a series of phone calls
that the credit crisis would get “deep and serious” and that the only answer was
big, internationally coordinated government intervention.
“You got to strangle this thing and suffocate it,” he recalled saying.
Instead, Mr. Bush developed Hope Now, a voluntary public-private partnership to
help struggling homeowners refinance loans. And he worked with Congress to pass
a stimulus package that sent taxpayers $150 billion in tax rebates.
In a speech to the Economic Club of New York in March 2008, he cautioned against
Washington’s temptation “to say that anything short of a massive government
intervention in the housing market amounts to inaction,” adding that government
action could make it harder for the markets to recover.
Dominoes Start to Fall
Within days, Bear Sterns collapsed, prompting the Federal Reserve to engineer a
hasty sale. Some economic experts, including Timothy F. Geithner, the president
of the New York Federal Reserve Bank (and Mr. Obama’s choice for Treasury
secretary) feared that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could be the next to fall.
Mr. Bush was still leaning on Congress to revamp the tiny agency that oversaw
the two companies, and had acceded to Mr. Paulson’s request for the negotiating
room that he had denied Mr. Snow. Still, there was no deal.
Over the previous two years, the White House had effectively set the agency
adrift. Mr. Falcon left in 2005 and was replaced by a temporary director, who
was in turn replaced by James B. Lockhart, a friend of Mr. Bush from their days
at Andover, and a former deputy commissioner of the Social Security
Administration who had once run a software company.
On Mr. Lockhart’s watch, both Freddie and Fannie had plunged into the riskiest
part of the market, gobbling up more than $400 billion in subprime and other
alternative mortgages. With the companies on precarious footing, Mr. Geithner
had been advocating that the administration seize them or take other steps to
reassure the market that the government would back their debt, according to two
people with direct knowledge of his views.
In an Oval Office meeting on March 17, however, Mr. Paulson barely mentioned the
idea, according to several people present. He wanted to use the troubled
companies to unlock the frozen credit market by allowing Fannie and Freddie to
buy more mortgage-backed securities from overburdened banks. To that end, Mr.
Lockhart’s office planned to lift restraints on the companies’ huge portfolios —
a decision derided by former White House and Treasury officials who had worked
so hard to limit them.
But Mr. Paulson told Mr. Bush the companies would shore themselves up later by
raising more capital.
“Can they?” Mr. Bush asked.
“We’re hoping so,” the Treasury secretary replied.
That turned out to be incorrect, and did not surprise Mr. Thomas, the Bush
economic adviser. Throughout that spring and summer, he warned the White House
and Treasury that, in the stark words of one e-mail message, “Freddie Mac is in
trouble.” And Mr. Lockhart, he charged, was allowing the company to cover up its
insolvency with dubious accounting maneuvers.
But Mr. Lockhart continued to offer reassurances. In a July appearance on CNBC,
he declared that the companies were well managed and “worsts were not coming to
worst.” An infuriated Mr. Thomas sent a fresh round of e-mail messages accusing
Mr. Lockhart of “pimping for the stock prices of the undercapitalized firms he
Mr. Lockhart defended himself, insisting in an interview that he was aware of
the companies’ vulnerabilities, but did not want to rattle markets.
“A regulator,” he said, “does not air dirty laundry in public.”
Soon afterward, the companies’ stocks lost half their value in a single day,
prompting Congress to quickly give Mr. Paulson the power to spend $200 billion
to prop them up and to finally pass Mr. Bush’s long-sought reform bill, but it
was too late. In September, the government seized control of Freddie Mac and
Fannie Mae.
In an interview, Mr. Paulson said the administration had no justification to
take over the companies any sooner. But Mr. Falcon disagreed: “They absolutely
could have if they had thought there was a real danger.”
By Sept. 18, when Mr. Bush and his team had their fateful meeting in the
Roosevelt Room after the failure of Lehman Brothers and the emergency rescue of
A.I.G., Mr. Paulson was warning of an economic calamity greater than the Great
Depression. Suddenly, historic government intervention seemed the only option.
When Mr. Paulson spelled out what would become a $700 billion plan to rescue the
nation’s banking system, the president did not hesitate.
“Is that enough?” Mr. Bush asked.
“It’s a lot,” the Treasury secretary recalled replying. “It will make a
difference.” And in any event, he told Mr. Bush, “I don’t think we can get
As the meeting wrapped up, a handful of aides retreated to the White House
Situation Room to call Vice President Dick Cheney in Florida, where he was
attending a fund-raiser. Mr. Cheney had long played a leading role in economic
policy, though housing was not a primary interest, and like Mr. Bush he had a
deep aversion to government intervention in the market. Nonetheless, he backed
the bailout, convinced that too many Americans would suffer if Washington did
Mr. Bush typically darts out of such meetings quickly. But this time, he
lingered, patting people on the back and trying to soothe his downcast staff.
“During times of adversity, he bucks everybody up,” Mr. Paulson said.
It was not the end of the failures or government interventions; the
administration has since stepped in to rescue Citigroup and, just last week, the
Detroit automakers. With 31 days left in office, Mr. Bush says he will leave it
to historians to analyze “what went right and what went wrong,” as he put it in
a speech last week to the American Enterprise Institute.
Mr. Bush said he was too focused on the present to do much looking back.
“It turns out,” he said, “this isn’t one of the presidencies where you ride off
into the sunset, you know, kind of waving goodbye.”
Kitty Bennett contributed reporting.
White House Philosophy
Stoked Mortgage Bonfire, NYT, 21.12.2008,
Extended Benefits
Are a Lifeline for Many Unemployed
December 21, 2008
The New York Times
HUDSON, Fla. — Rick E. Rockwell plopped his large frame down in front of his
laptop on Thursday morning, next to a foot-wide sheaf of unpaid bills still in
their envelopes, lined up like an accordion on his desk. He logged into his bank
account to see if his unemployment check had been deposited yet.
His balance, however, remained stuck at $57.17.
“That’s amazing to me,” Mr. Rockwell said. “It still hasn’t posted yet.”
So Mr. Rockwell began another day as a man of the middle class who is now living
on an economic precipice.
Mr. Rockwell, 56, who estimates he has sent out more than 400 job applications
over the last year and gone to just four interviews, is one of the more than 5.4
million people across the country receiving unemployment benefits. And Mr.
Rockwell is part of arguably the hardest-luck group of all — those who have been
out of work for so long that they are depending on a second emergency extension
of unemployment insurance that Congress passed and President Bush signed last
In the 21 states and the District of Columbia currently with three-month average
unemployment rates above 6 percent that means 20 more weeks of what has become
an economic lifeline for many in the midst of one of the deepest recessions in
the past century. Florida’s rate for November was 7.3 percent. (The other states
get seven additional weeks.)
For Mr. Rockwell, who lost his job in January as a sales manager at a computer
store that he and his brother owned, the weekly checks of $275 — the maximum
allowed him under Florida law and a little less than half his former take-home
pay — have become like a crucial piece in the game Jenga, in which players
construct a tower of blocks by removing one at a time from the bottom and moving
it to the top. Mr. Rockwell is playing a balancing act so he can keep the
edifice of his former life from crumbling, paying off certain bills and letting
others lapse, so he can stay just ahead of his creditors.
Mr. Rockwell has been without benefits for more than a month after he exhausted
the first federal extension, which lasted 13 weeks, on top of the 26 weeks he
had received from the State of Florida, back in October.
After supporters were unable to get the legislation through Congress before the
election, Mr. Bush signed the second extension in late November. Florida, like
other states, has been rushing to get checks to so-called gap people like Mr.
Rockwell whose benefits had expired. Advocates estimate there are about 800,000
of them nationwide.
“States are really overwhelmed in terms of responding to claims,” said Andrew
Stettner of the National Employment Law Project. “They were pushed beyond the
brink in terms of doing the second extension.”
Florida added 50 staff members to its unemployment insurance division in recent
weeks, bringing its total to around 870. It also recently added 345 lines to its
phone system for a total of just over 1,000, and has extended its call-in hours.
There are, of course, people who are much worse off than Mr. Rockwell; but there
are also many who have had much more of a financial cushion to get through this
Last year, he was making $31,200 a year as sales manager of a small computer
store that he had started 15 years ago with his brother, Rodney.
But the rise of big-box stores like Best Buy, along with the recession, combined
to drive their store, Comp-U-Save, into the ground.
“All of a sudden, the floor came out from underneath it,” said Rodney Rockwell,
who closed his old store in October and re-opened under a new name.
The brothers agreed that Rick would leave in January because the store, by that
point, was depending mostly on its repair business, which was Rodney’s
specialty. They also figured that because Rick was younger and had some
background managing restaurants, he would be able to find a job relatively
He had a little over $5,000 in his bank account, mostly what was left over from
a $40,000 second mortgage he took out on his home four years ago for home
repairs that never materialized.
But Mr. Rockwell has been succumbing to a slow economic death, which accelerated
significantly in the last month as his unemployment benefits lapsed.
His mortgage lender has begun foreclosure proceedings on his modest two-bedroom
home, which he bought in 1998 and still owes $117,000 on. He has begun packing
to move into his 84-year-old mother’s two-bedroom condominium nearby.
He is in danger of losing his red 2005 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder convertible, a
prized possession that he keeps gleaming in his garage, because he is behind in
his payments. He has listed for sale both that car and a 1996 Toyota RAV4, which
he owns outright and keeps in the driveway, but he is hoping to keep the Spyder.
The only reason he can still drive it at all is because his mother, who is
mostly living just on Social Security, paid his car insurance for this month.
He is two months behind on his electric bill. A partial payment by a local
church that he went to recently for help helped him stave off losing his power.
His water bill is in arrears as well.
Mr. Rockwell was settling into his love seat two weeks ago to watch the teenage
drama “One Tree Hill” — an afternoon pleasure he developed while sitting around
out of work — when he found his cable had been cut off.
Last Wednesday, after returning home from dinner with a reporter, Mr. Rockwell
found a note on his door from his neighbor that someone had been looking for
It turned out to be a collection agency for one of his credit cards. Mr.
Rockwell has racked up about $15,000 in bills on various cards, reaching his
limit on all but one.
In a final indignity, Mr. Rockwell wakes up most mornings flat on his back on
the ground because the air mattress he now sleeps on, after his waterbed sprang
a leak earlier this year, has a hole in it.
Mr. Rockwell now spends most of his days hunched in front of his laptop. He
spends several hours going through new job postings in the morning and then
devotes himself to several Internet marketing schemes promising riches that he
has stumbled upon.
Keeping in mind the criticism of those who say expanded unemployment benefits
keep people from working, Mr. Rockwell conceded he might appear to be too picky
in the jobs he would accept. He has mostly ruled out commuting to Tampa, a much
larger city an hour away, because of the distance. He has also tried to confine
himself to looking for management-level restaurant jobs.
“I’m not going to clean grills, take out the garbage,” Mr. Rockwell said. “I’ve
done that before, but I feel I’m beyond that.”
His home is overflowing with sports memorabilia — autographed posters, baseballs
and cards of every sort that he has collected. He has sold off some but is
reluctant to part with others at fire-sale prices.
On Thursday, Mr. Rockwell spent several hours plowing through job listings and
wound up applying — or re-applying, actually — to just two, one for a restaurant
manager at an Arby’s in nearby New Port Richey and one for a shift supervisor
job at a Wendy’s in Tampa.
He logged into his bank account again the next day and found to his surprise
that his unemployment check had finally been deposited. It is a small reprieve
for now.
Extended Benefits Are a
Lifeline for Many Unemployed, NYT, 21.12.2008,
In Need of Cash, More Companies Cut 401(k) Match
December 21, 2008
The New York Times
Companies eager to conserve cash are trimming their contributions to their
workers’ 401(k) retirement plans, putting a new strain on America’s tattered
safety net at the very moment when many workers are watching their accounts
plummet along with the stock market.
When the FedEx Corporation slimmed down its pension plan last year, it softened
the blow by offering workers enriched 401(k) contributions to make up for the
pension benefits some would lose. But last week, with Americans sending fewer
parcels and FedEx’s revenue growth at a standstill, the company said it would
suspend all of its contributions for at least a year.
“We will have to work more years and retire with less money,” said Lee Higham, a
44-year-old senior aircraft mechanic at FedEx, who has worked there for 20
years. “That’s what we are up against now.”
FedEx is not the only one. Eastman Kodak, Motorola, General Motors and Resorts
International are among the companies that have cut matching contributions to
their plans since September, when the credit markets froze and companies began
looking urgently for cash. More companies are expected to suspend their matching
contributions in 2009, according to Watson Wyatt, a benefits consulting firm.
For workers, the loss of a matching contribution heightens the pain of a
retirement account balance shriveling away because of the plunging stocks
“We are taking a beating,” said another FedEx mechanic, Rafael Garcia. “In a
year, I lost $60,000 of my 401(k). You can’t make that up.”
To many retirement policy specialists, the lost contributions are one more sign
of America’s failure as a society to face up to the graying of the population
and the profound economic forces it will unleash.
Traditional pensions are disappearing, and Washington has yet to ensure that
Social Security will remain solvent as baby boomers retire and more workers are
needed to support each retiree.
The company cutbacks may mean that some employees put less money into their
retirement accounts. Even if they do not, the cuts, while temporary, will have a
permanent effect by costing many workers years of future compounding on the
missed contributions. No one knows how long credit will remain scarce for
companies, or whether companies will start making their matching contributions
again when credit loosens and business improves.
“We have had a 30-year experiment with requiring workers to be more responsible
for saving and investing for their retirement,” said Teresa Ghilarducci, a
professor of economics at the New School. “It has been a grand experiment, and
it has failed.”
In the typical 401(k) plan, the employer’s matching contribution is more than
just money for retirement. It also motivates employees to set aside more of
their own money for old age. The more that workers save in a 401(k) plan,
generally, the more “free money” they can get from their employers under the
matching provisions.
Retirement policy specialists said they did not expect employees to react
immediately to the loss of this incentive by stopping their own contributions.
Study after study has shown that employees procrastinate when it comes to
retirement-plan chores, and in this case the inertia may work, unwittingly, in
their favor.
Americans, however, are facing extreme household financial pressure.
President-elect Obama has said that he would support allowing withdrawals from
retirement plans without penalties, which would provide short-term relief but
would further undercut American’s long-term savings.
Benefits specialists said that if matching contributions continued to dwindle,
fewer newly hired workers could be expected to join 401(k) plans. And employees
might eventually slow or stop their contributions if the recession drags on and
their own cash runs short.
“The problem is, we are heading into this serious recession, and we don’t know
how long it will go on for,” said Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for
Retirement Research at Boston College. “The bottom line is, people will have
less money in their 401(k) plans, not just because the financial crisis has
decimated their assets, but also because they will not have the employer match
for some time.”
Currently, most companies that offer 401(k) plans do provide some sort of
matching contributions, according to David Wray, president of the Profit
Sharing/401(k) Council of America, an association of employers that provide such
The most typical arrangement is for employers to match 50 cents of every dollar
their employees set aside in their retirement accounts, up to 6 percent of pay.
Sometimes the match is more, sometimes less, and some employers vary it
depending on profitability. Over all, the employer’s cost usually works out to
about 3 percent of payroll.
The latest 401(k) cutbacks underscore workers’ vulnerability in an age when
companies have been replacing defined-benefit pension plans with the newer
401(k) design. Modern 401(k) plans give workers the power to opt in and out and
require them to invest their own money, bearing market risk on their own. That
may be appealing when the markets are rising, but it can be terrifying when they
fall, as they have recently.
An employer’s contributions to a traditional pension plan cannot be switched on
and off at will. Federal rules set a firm contribution schedule, with deadlines
and penalties for companies that fall behind. Employers also get significant tax
and accounting benefits from operating a traditional pension plan, so they tend
to think long and hard before freezing such a plan to save money when the
economy cools.
In a 401(k) plan, by contrast, the employer has much greater freedom to stop
making matching contributions when times are tough. The contributions are
normally measured as a percentage of payroll, and the savings from any cuts are
realized immediately. That greatly simplifies planning and making changes.
“Every percent you cut is a percent of payroll,” Ms. Munnell said. “It comes
down to the choice of laying people off, or cutting back on some fringe
Many of the latest 401(k) cutbacks are turning up in industries with obvious
financial problems, like the auto industry, health care and newspaper
publishing. Industries that depend on free-spending consumers, like resorts and
casinos, are also seeing cuts. Often when one company in an industry cuts its
benefits others will follow, to keep their labor costs competitive.
General Motors and Ford Motor have both suspended their matching contributions
to their salaried employees’ 401(k) accounts, although their pension plans for
unionized workers are unchanged.
Motorola, struggling to stay competitive, stopped contributions to its 401(k)
plan this month and froze its pension plan as well.
Other recent cuts have occurred at Resorts International Holdings, Vail Resorts
and Station Casinos.
In addition to stopping their 401(k) matching contributions, companies have been
freezing salaries this fall, shifting more of the cost of health care to their
workers, and laying people off.
“These are really hard times and people are losing their jobs, and in some ways,
a suspension of a 401(k) match, while bad, is probably one of the lesser evils
out there,” Ms. Munnell said.
In announcing the suspension of the contributions last week, FedEx made clear
that its workers in the sorting centers would not be the only ones feeling the
pinch. Pay to senior executives is to be cut by 7.5 percent to 10 percent, and
the chief executive, Frederick W. Smith, said he would take a 20 percent pay
cut. The cutbacks are projected to save $200 million in the remainder of the
2009 fiscal year and $600 million in the 2010 fiscal year.
In Need of Cash, More
Companies Cut 401(k) Match, NYT, 21.12.2008,
Madoff Scheme Kept Rippling Outward, Across Borders
December 20, 2008
The New York Times
By the end, the world itself was too small to support the vast Ponzi scheme
constructed by Bernard L. Madoff.
Initially, he tapped local money pulled in from country clubs and charity
dinners, where investors sought him out to casually plead with him to manage
their savings so they could start reaping the steady, solid returns their envied
friends were getting.
Then, he and his promoters set sights on Europe, again framing the investments
as memberships in a select club. A Swiss hedge fund manager, Michel Dominicé,
still remembers the pitch he got a few years ago from a salesman in Geneva. “He
told me the fund was closed, that it was something I couldn’t buy,” Mr. Dominicé
said. “But he told me he might have a way to get me in. It was weird.”
Mr. Madoff’s agents next cut a cash-gathering swath through the Persian Gulf,
then Southeast Asia. Finally, they were hurtling with undignified speed toward
China, with invitations to invest that were more desperate, less exclusive. One
Beijing businessman who was approached said it seemed the Madoff funds were
being pitched “to anyone who would listen.”
The juggernaut began to sputter this fall as investors, rattled by the financial
crisis and reaching for cash, started taking money out faster than Mr. Madoff
could bring fresh cash in the door. He was arrested on Dec. 11 at his Manhattan
apartment and charged with securities fraud, turned in the night before by his
sons after he told them his entire business was “a giant Ponzi scheme.”
The case is still viewed more with mystery than clarity, and Mr. Madoff’s
version of events can only be drawn from statements attributed to him by federal
prosecutors and regulators as he has not commented publicly on the case.
But whatever else Mr. Madoff’s game was, it was certainly this: The first
worldwide Ponzi scheme — a fraud that lasted longer, reached wider and cut
deeper than any similar scheme in history, entirely eclipsing the puny regional
ambitions of Charles Ponzi, the Boston swindler who gave his name to the scheme
nearly a century ago.
“Absolutely — there has been nothing like this, nothing that we could call truly
global,” said Mitchell Zuckoff, the author of “Ponzi’s Scheme: The True Story of
a Financial Legend” and a professor at Boston University. These classic schemes
typically prey on local trust, he added. “So this says what we increasingly know
to be true about the world: The barriers have come down; money knows no borders,
no limits.”
While many of the known victims of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities are
prominent Jewish executives and organizations — Jeffrey Katzenberg, the
Spitzers, Yeshiva University, the Elie Wiesel Foundation and charities set up by
the publisher Mortimer B. Zuckerman and the Hollywood director Steven Spielberg
— it now appears that anyone with money was a potential target. Indeed, at one
point, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, a large sovereign wealth fund in the
Middle East, had entrusted some $400 million to Mr. Madoff’s firm.
Regulators say Mr. Madoff himself estimated that $50 billion in personal and
institutional wealth from around the world was gone. It vanished from the
estates of the North Shore of Long Island, from the beachfront suites of Palm
Beach, from the exclusive enclaves of Europe. Before it evaporated, it helped
finance Mr. Madoff’s coddled lifestyle, with a Manhattan apartment, a beachfront
mansion in the Hamptons, a small villa overlooking Cap d’Antibes on the French
Riviera, a Mayfair office in London and yachts in New York, Florida and the
Just as the scheme transcended national borders, it left local regulators far
behind. Its lies were translated into a half-dozen languages. Its larceny was
denominated in a half-dozen currencies. Its warning signals were missed by
enforcement agencies around the globe. And its victims are now scattered from
Hollywood to Zurich to Abu Dhabi.
Indeed, while the most visible pain may be local — an important charity forced
to close, an esteemed university embarrassed, a fabric of community trust
shredded — the clearest lesson is universal: When money goes global, fraud does
Bernie Who?
In 1960, as Wall Street was just shaking off its postwar lethargy and starting
to buzz again, Bernie Madoff (pronounced MAY-doff) set up his small trading
firm. His plan was to make a business out of trading lesser-known
over-the-counter stocks on the fringes of the traditional stock market. He was
just 22, a graduate of Hofstra University on Long Island.
By 1989, Mr. Madoff ‘s firm was handling more than 5 percent of the trading
volume on the august New York Stock Exchange, and Financial World magazine
ranked him among the highest-paid people on Wall Street — along with two far
more famous financiers, the junk bond king Michael Milken and George Soros, the
international investor.
And in 1990, he became the nonexecutive chairman of the Nasdaq market, which at
the time was operated as a committee of the National Association of Securities
His rise on Wall Street was built on his belief in a visionary notion that
seemed bizarre to many at the time: That stocks could be traded by people who
never saw each other but were connected only by electronics.
In the mid-1970s, he had spent over $250,000 to upgrade the computer equipment
at the Cincinnati Stock Exchange, where he began offering to buy and sell stocks
that were listed on the Big Board. The exchange, in effect, was transformed into
the first all-electronic computerized stock exchange.
“He was one of the early innovators,” said Michael Ocrant, a journalist who has
been a longtime skeptic about Mr. Madoff’s investing success. “He was known to
promote the idea that trading would be going electronic — and that turned out to
be true.”
He also invested in new electronic trading technology for his firm, making it
cheaper for brokerage firms to fill their stock orders. He eventually gained a
large amount of business from big firms like A. G. Edwards & Sons, Charles
Schwab & Company, Quick & Reilly and Fidelity Brokerage Services. “He was really
a low-key guy. No one knew him outside of the sphere of market makers and people
in the trading and brokerage business,” said Richard B. Niehoff, who was
president of the Cincinnati exchange in the mid-1980s.
Mr. Madoff’s push to modernize trading did not make him popular with the
traditional traders on the floor of the New York Exchange, as more of its orders
were sent to his firm — partly because he was faster and cheaper, but also
because he paid for those orders.
Mr. Madoff pioneered a controversial practice called “payment for order flow.”
He would pay big players like Fidelity and Schwab to send their customer orders
to his firm instead of to the New York Exchange or other regional exchanges.
The floor traders at those traditional exchanges claimed he was, in essence,
paying bribes and that brokers steering business to him were not really getting
the best prices for their customers.
Those complaints led to Congressional hearings, but Mr. Madoff made no
apologies. He insisted the order-flow payments were necessary to inject greater
competition into the marketplace and reduce the near monopoly of the Big Board.
As the debate received more attention, Mr. Madoff became increasingly better
known in the financial world. By the end of the technology bubble in 2000, his
firm was the largest market maker on the Nasdaq electronic market, and he was a
member of the Securities Industry Association, now known as the Securities
Industry and Financial Markets Association, Wall Street’s principal lobbying
Still, one Wall Street heavyweight who knew him in those days said he remained
“a self-effacing kind of guy,” more likely to spend time on the Riviera than at
parties with other traders.
Local Hero
Unlike some prominent Wall Street figures who built their fortunes during the
heady 1980s and ’90s, Mr. Madoff never became a household name among American
investors. But in the clubby world of Jewish philanthropy in the New York area,
his increasing wealth and growing reputation among market insiders added polish
to his personal prestige.
He became a generous donor, then a courted board member and, finally, the money
manager of choice for many prominent regional charities.
A spokeswoman for the New York Community Trust, Ani Hurwitz, recalled a Long
Island couple who asked the trust in 1994 to invest their proposed $20 million
fund with Mr. Madoff. “We have an investment committee that oversees all
investments, and they couldn’t get anything out of him, no information,
nothing,” Ms. Hurwitz said. “So we told the donors we wouldn’t do it.”
But many charities did entrust their money to Mr. Madoff, to their eventual
grief. The North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, for instance, reported
that it had lost $5.7 million on an investment with Mr. Madoff that was made at
the donor’s behest. (That donor has pledged to cover the loss for the hospital
system, its spokesman said.)
Other groups saw the handsome returns on those initial investments and put more
of their money into Mr. Madoff’s firm, their leaders said. “Look, for years we
made money,” one said.
Most successful business executives intertwine their personal and professional
lives. But those two strands of Mr. Madoff’s life were practically inseparable.
He sometimes used his 55-foot fishing boat, Bull, as a floating entertainment
center for clients. He used his support of organizations like the Public Theater
in Manhattan and the Special Olympics to build a network of trust that began to
stretch wider and deeper into the Jewish community.
Through friends, the Madoff network reached well beyond New York. At Oak Ridge
Country Club, in suburban Hopkins, Minn., known for a prosperous Jewish
membership, many who belonged were introduced to the Madoff firm by one of his
friends, Mike Engler.
The quiet message became familiar in similar pockets of Jewish wealth and trust:
“I know Bernie. I can get you in.” Mr. Engler died in 1994, but many Oak Ridge
members remained clients of Mr. Madoff. One elderly member, who said he was too
embarrassed to be named, said he had lost tens of millions of dollars, and had
friends who had been “completely wiped out.”
Dozens of now-outraged Madoff investors recall that special lure — the sense
that they were being allowed into an inner circle, one that was not available to
just anyone. A lawyer would call a client, saying: “I’m setting up a fund for
Bernie Madoff. Do you want in?” Or an accountant at a golf club might tell his
partner for the day: “I can make an introduction. Let me know.” Deals were
struck in steakhouses and at charity events, sometimes by Mr. Madoff himself,
but with increasing frequency by friends acting on his behalf.
“In a social setting — that’s where it always happened,” said Jerry Reisman, a
lawyer from Garden City, N.Y., who knew Mr. Madoff socially. “Country clubs,
golf courses, locker rooms. Recommendations, word of mouth. That’s how it was
At exclusive retreats like the Palm steakhouse in East Hampton, Mr. Madoff would
work the tables or receive friends at his own, building a following that came to
include lawyers, doctors, real estate developers and accountants. Tomas Romano,
a manager at the Palm, recalled that “people always came to talk with him” at
the restaurant. “He was very well known.”
At his golf clubs — the Atlantic in Bridgehampton and the Palm Beach Country
Club in Florida, for example — he frequently shot in the 80s, but often seemed
far more interested in his fellow members, many of whom became investors, than
in the game itself.
With his wife, Ruth, a nutritionist and cookbook editor, they were considered
affable and charming people. “They stood out,” Mr. Reisman said. “Success,
philanthropy, esteem — and, if you were lucky enough to be with him as an
investor, money.”
He added: “That was the most important thing; he was looked on as someone who
could make you money. Really make you money.”
The Go-Betweens
By the mid-1990s, as Mr. Madoff’s wealth and social standing grew, he had moved
far beyond the days when golf-club buddies were setting up side deals to invest
with him through their lawyers and accountants. Some of the most prominent
Jewish figures in high finance and industry began to court Bernie Madoff — and,
through them, he reached a new orbit of wealth.
He could not have had a more effective recruiter than Jacob Ezra Merkin, a lion
of Wall Street who would be president of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue. Mr.
Merkin’s father, Hermann, was the founding president of the synagogue and Herman
Wouk, the author, wrote its constitution.
As a direct descendant of the founder of modern Orthodox Judaism and a graduate
of Columbia’s English department and Harvard’s law school, Mr. Merkin easily
held his own in a congregation that included such luminaries as the author Elie
Wiesel, the deal maker Ronald O. Perelman and Ira Rennert, a wealthy financier
perhaps best known for building one of the biggest houses and compounds in the
Mr. Merkin was fluent in Jewish and secular studies, as comfortable quoting
Psalms as William James. In 1985, after a few years of practicing law at a
top-tier firm, now known as Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, he started the
investment firm that would become Gabriel Capital Group. He contributed to a
popular textbook on investing, lived in an art-filled Park Avenue apartment and
continued his family’s legacy of generosity.
Philanthropies embraced him. He headed the investment committee for the
UJA-Federation of New York for 10 years and was on the boards of Yeshiva
University, Carnegie Hall and other nonprofit organizations. He became the
chairman of GMAC.
Installed in these lofty positions of trust, Ezra Merkin seemed to be a Wall
Street wise man who could be trusted completely to manage other people’s money.
One vehicle through which he did that was a fund called Ascot Partners.
It was one of an unknown number of deals that prominent financial figures set up
in recent years and marketed to investors, who thought they were tapping into
the acumen of some Wall Street titan, like Mr. Merkin.
As it turned out, their money wound up in the same place — in Bernie Madoff’s
These conduits began to steer billions of dollars into the Madoff operation.
They operated below the financial radar until Mr. Madoff’s scheme collapsed,
when investors suddenly got letters from the sponsoring titan disclosing that
all or most of their money was probably gone.
Ascot itself attracted $1.8 billion in investments, almost all of which was
entrusted to Mr. Madoff. New York Law School put $3 million into Ascot two years
ago, and has now initiated a lawsuit in federal court that accuses Mr. Merkin of
abdicating his duties to the partnership.
Mortimer Zuckerman, the billionaire owner of The Daily News, rebuked Ascot in a
televised interview, saying he had been misled about what Mr. Merkin had done
with some $30 million from Mr. Zuckerman’s charitable foundation.
Behind a wall of lawyers, Mr. Merkin did not take calls this week. In the “Dear
Limited Partner” letter he sent on Dec. 11, he noted that he, too, was one of
Mr. Madoff’s victims and suffered big losses alongside his investors. He has
taken steps to wind down his Ascot, Gabriel and Ariel funds.
Still, some of his clients are stunned, and angry, to learn what Mr. Merkin did
with their millions, while collecting an annual management fee of 1.5 percent of
the assets for his services.
But before the losses and the outraged cries of betrayal, this was a heady way
to steer money into an operation that has now been branded, by its own
architect, as a Ponzi scheme. And nothing illustrates what a quantum leap it was
for Mr. Madoff than the connections that led Tufts University to entrust him
with $20 million in 2005.
Tufts did not actually send a check to Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities.
Rather, it invested in Ascot Partners, Mr. Merkin’s partnership. Mr. Merkin had
been a major investor in a company whose board included James A. Stern, the
chairman of the Tufts investment committee and a principal in a major private
investment firm in New York called the Cypress Group.
Behind these veils of paperwork and partnerships, Mr. Madoff’s reach now
extended into the top tiers of Jewish finance and philanthropy, where he rubbed
shoulders with corporate directors and prominent hedge fund managers. But there
were wider worlds to conquer.
The Circle Grows
Walter M. Noel was the courtly public face of the Fairfield Greenwich Group, the
investment firm he started in 1983. A native of Tennessee, Mr. Noel had spent
time at larger firms, notably at Chemical Bank, where he headed its
international private banking practice, before setting out on his own.
From the beginning, the Noel family was built on access to prestigious social
circles. Mr. Noel’s wife, Monica, was part of the prominent Haegler family of
Rio de Janeiro and Zurich, and their daughters would marry into international
families that provided additional connections for the firm.
In 1989, Mr. Noel merged his business with a small brokerage firm whose general
partner was Jeffrey Tucker, a longtime New Yorker who had a law degree from
Brooklyn Law School and a résumé that included eight years with the enforcement
division of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Again and again, this pedigreed experience was emphasized by Fairfield as it
built itself into a fund of funds, investing in other hedge funds. It boasted to
its prospects that its investigation of investment options was “deeper and
broader” than those of most firms because of Mr. Tucker’s experience in the
regulatory ranks.
Though he is not nearly as prominent as the Noels, who move in the forefront of
Connecticut society, Mr. Tucker benefited just as much from Fairfield’s success.
Indeed, last year he led a coalition of thoroughbred racing interests that
sought to bid for New York State’s horse-racing franchise.
But it was Mr. Tucker who introduced Fairfield to Mr. Madoff. In the early
1990s, Fairfield began placing money with him, according to George L. Ball, the
former president of E. F. Hutton and Prudential-Bache chief executive who knows
Mr. Noel socially.
That began a long partnership that helped the Fairfield firm earn enviably
steady returns, even in down markets — and that lifted Mr. Madoff into a global
orbit, one that soon extended his reach into some of the most fabled banking
centers of Europe.
If the wealthy Jewish world he occupied was his launch pad, the wealthy
promoters he cultivated at Fairfield Greenwich were his booster rocket.
The Fairfield Sentry fund was one of several so-called feeder funds that became
portals through which money from wealthy foreign investors would could
capitalize on Mr. Madoff’s investment prowess — collecting those exclusive,
steady returns that had made him the toast of Palm Beach and the North Shore so
many years ago.
The Sentry fund quickly became Fairfield’s signature product, and it boasted of
stellar returns. In marketing materials, Fairfield trumpeted Sentry’s 11 percent
annual return over the last 15 years, with only 13 losing months. It was a track
record that grew increasingly attractive as markets grew more volatile in recent
Though Fairfield Greenwich has its headquarters in New York City and its
founder, Mr. Noel, operated from his hometown, Greenwich, Conn., a recent report
showed that foreign investors provided 95 percent of its managed assets — with
68 percent in Europe, 6 percent in Asia, and 4 percent in the Middle East.
Friends and associates say that Mr. Noel’s sons-in-law spent much of their time
marketing the firm’s funds in either their home countries or regions where they
had their own family connections.
One of his most visible representatives was Andrés Piedrahita, a Colombian who
had married Mr. Noel’s eldest daughter, Corina, and was eventually named a
Fairfield founding partner. Based in Madrid and London, Mr. Piedrahita became
one of the firm’s most visible representatives in the world of European banking
and investment. But his brothers-in-law also had international roots. Yanko
Della Schiava, who married Lisina Noel, was the son of the editor of
Cosmopolitan in Italy and of the editor of Harper’s Bazaar in Italy and France.
Philip J. Toub, who married Alix Noel, is the son of a director of the Saronic
Shipping Company, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Matthew Brown, who married Marisa Noel, is the son of a former mayor of San
Marino, Calif. All three joined Fairfield, eventually becoming partners in
Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Piedrahita, Mr. Della Schiava and others, Fairfield
reaped many millions of dollars in investor capital from Europe. The firm set up
feeder programs with institutions like Banco Santander, Swedish Bank Nordea and
Banque Benedict Hentsch. All became conduits that carried fresh money to Mr.
Among his new investors were the Mugrabis, extremely wealthy art collectors from
Colombia who have lived in New York for more 20 years. It was their longtime
friendship with Mr. Piedrahita that led them to invest in the Sentry fund.
“We had very little money with the fund — just under a million dollars — so I am
not that upset personally,” said Alberto Mugrabi, a son of the family patriarch.
“It was a very informal thing. We know Andrés since forever, from Bogotá, he’s a
great guy, and he says to us, ‘This is the Madoff thing, he’s the master.’”
He added: “I trusted Andrés. I still trust him.”
The World
Mr. Madoff’s higher profile in the highly competitive world of hedge fund
management intensified the skepticism about his remarkably consistent returns.
Rival money managers complained that when they sought to replicate his trading
strategy based on the statements the Madoff firm sent its clients, they found it
wasn’t possible.
There was a scattering of inconclusive regulatory investigations — efforts so
unavailing that the chairman of the S.E.C. in Washington has ordered an internal
investigation to determine how the agency could have missed so many red flags
and ignored so many credible complaints over the years.
But foreign regulators were not any quicker to notice Mr. Madoff’s oddities — or
the rapidly expanding pool of money entrusted to the various feeder funds he
There was the small Austrian merchant bank, Bank Medici, which had $2.1 billion
invested in funds that ultimately wound up under Mr. Madoff’s control. It
collected those investments through two main funds, the Herald USA Fund and the
smaller Herald Luxemburg Fund, sold to banks, insurance companies and pension
funds since 2004.
The funds, which were closed for private investors, were incredibly popular
among investors and no questions were ever asked about its constant returns of
about 7 percent, said a former employee at the bank who declined to be
identified because he is not authorized to talk to the news media.
Bank Medici sold the funds to investors around the world from its offices in New
York, Vienna, Gibraltar, Zurich and Milan. About 93 percent of the funds’
investors are outside Austria. Just last month, the Herald USA fund won
Germany’s annual Hedge Fund Awards for “proving consistency in turbulent times.“
Peter Scheithauer, chief executive of Bank Medici since September, accepted the
award, saying Bank Medici’s products “should represent mainly one thing:
security and returns in good as well as bad times.“
But as he prepared to brief his management board on potential losses connected
to the Madoff investments on Friday, he sounded downbeat. “It’s a real tragedy,”
Mr. Scheithauer said. “It’s not just us, it’s so many other people as well. If
only we knew, but he was paying out fine until just recently.”
Bank Austria, which is now owned by UniCredit of Italy, owns a stake in Bank
Medici and also wound up investing with Mr. Madoff through a range of different
funds offered under the name Primeo by its hedge fund unit, Pioneer Alternative
Mr. Madoff was not a well-known presence on the social circuit in Switzerland.
Instead, Swiss money managers would go to him, visiting his offices in the
Lipstick Building in Midtown Manhattan. Seeing Mr. Madoff there was a bit like
visiting the Wizard of Oz: despite his unerring success in generating smooth
returns, he seemed quite ordinary, lacking the flamboyance of other well-heeled
money managers.
“He did not look like a huge spender; seemed like a family man,” said one
veteran Geneva banker, whose firm had money with Mr. Madoff but insisted on
anonymity because of the likelihood of lawsuits from angry clients. “He talked
about the markets.”
The only thing that struck the Swiss banker as odd was the bull memorabilia
strewn about his office. “It seemed strange for a guy to have all these bulls,
little sculptures, paintings of bulls,” he recalled. “I’ve seen offices with
bears. This was bulls.”
But the aura of exclusivity was the constant, he said. “This was the usual
spiel: ‘It’s impossible to get in, but we can get you some if you’re nice.’ He
made it look difficult to get into.”
New Frontiers
What began as a quietly coveted investment opportunity for the lucky few in the
Jewish country clubs on Long Island became, in its final burst of growth, a
thoroughly global financial product whose roots were obscured behind legions of
well-dressed, multilingual sales representatives in the financial capitals of
Indeed, often with the assistance of feeder funds, Mr. Madoff was now in a
position to seek and procure money from Arab investors, too. The Abu Dhabi
Investment Authority, one of the largest of the world’s sovereign wealth funds,
with assets estimated earlier this year to be approaching $700 billion, wound up
in the same boat as Jewish charities in New York: caught in the collapse of
Bernie Madoff.
In early 2005, the investment authority had invested approximately $400 million
with Mr. Madoff, by way of the Fairfield Sentry Fund, according to a profile of
the firm that it prepared for a prospective buyer in 2007. Fairfield Sentry had
more than $7 billion invested with Mr. Madoff and was his largest investor; now,
it says, it is his largest victim.
The investment authority, in turn, was one of Fairfield Sentry’s largest
investors. Even after the investment authority took two significant redemptions
from the fund, in April 2005 and 2006, its stake the following year of $132
million made up 2 percent of the fund’s assets under management.
The 2007 report lists Philip Jamchid Toub, one of Mr. Noel’s sons-in-law, as the
firm’s “agent” with the Abu Dhabi investors, presumably meaning the person who
manages the relationship with the particular clients. Mr. Toub, a Fairfield
Greenwich partner, is married to Alix Noel and is the son of Said Toub, a
wealthy shipping executive from Switzerland.
Other investors for whom Mr. Toub is listed as the agent include the Safra
National Bank of New York and the National Bank of Kuwait.
And Fairfield was finding new fields for Mr. Madoff to cultivate. In 2004, the
firm turned its eyes to Asia, forming a partnership with Lion Capital of
Singapore, now Lion Global Investors, to create Lion Fairfield Capital
Management, a joint venture meant to introduce Asian investors to the firm.
“Many investors believe that Asia holds the best global opportunities for hedge
funds over the next two to five years, as compared to the U.S. and Europe,”
Richard Landsberger, a Fairfield partner and director of Lion Fairfield, told
HedgeWorld in 2006.
Yet it appears that Sentry remained Fairfield’s chief focus in this new
vineyard. Among the institutions that had invested in the fund are Korea Life
Insurance, which has about $30 million to $50 million in the fund; a Taiwanese
insurer, Cathay Life, with about $12 million; and Samsung Investment and
Securities, with about $6.3 million.
As Fairfield moved into Asia, another feeder fund, Stellar US Absolute Return,
was incorporated in Singapore in 2006 to funnel investors’ capital into Sentry.
According to data from Bloomberg News, Stellar borrowed $3 for every dollar of
investor money it received, in an effort to extract higher returns.
Last year, Jeffrey Tucker went to Asia to educate potential investors in Beijing
and Thailand about hedge funds, seeking to allay their concerns about previous
blow-ups in the industry like Long-Term Capital Management, a Connecticut hedge
fund that had been rescued under the supervision of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York when its exotic derivative investments brought it to the brink of a
costly collapse.
“China is moving slowly as the reformers become familiar with what we do,” Mr.
Tucker told HedgeWorld in November 2007. “It’s the same thing in Thailand. There
are misunderstandings about hedge funds.”
The Scheme Collapses
But even with all the money pouring in, it was not enough, not in a year in
which financial markets were plunging.
Suddenly, people wanted cash — even the people who had trusted their cash for so
long to Mr. Madoff. Time was running out for history’s first worldwide Ponzi
But he maintained a brave face at the family firm that he had founded before his
sons Mark and Andrew were born, and where they now worked, the firm where his
brother Peter had labored at his side for decades, the firm that remained a
stock-trading powerhouse on Wall Street.
But that trading business lived on the 18th and 19th floors of the Third Avenue
tower, called the Lipstick Building, that was home to Bernard L. Madoff
Investment Securities. Mr. Madoff operated his vast but largely unseen “asset
management” business from the 17th floor, aided by a small staff that had been
with him for years and a computer system separate from the trading business.
His family knew Mr. Madoff had an investment management business, but Mr. Madoff
had always kept it separate. Moreover, he explained that he placed his trades
through “European counterparties” rather than use the trading desks his sons
But Mark and Andrew felt their father had been under increasing tension as the
markets grew increasingly difficult this fall.
In early December he remarked to one of them that he was struggling to raise $7
billion to cover redemptions. He seemed tired and drawn, but so was just about
everyone else during the turbulent weeks of late November and early December.
Then, early on Dec. 10, he shocked his sons by suggesting that the firm pay out
several million dollars in bonuses two months ahead of schedule. When pressed by
his sons for a reason, he grew agitated and insisted that they all leave the
office and continue the conversation at his apartment on East 64th Street.
It was there, at midmorning, that he told his sons that his business was “a big
lie” and, “basically, a giant Ponzi scheme.” There was nothing left, he told
them — and he fully expected to go to jail.
The questions have piled up since then: Could Mr. Madoff have sustained this
worldwide fraud for so long by himself? Why didn’t regulators, in Washington and
abroad, catch him sooner? And will anything be recovered for investors, some of
whom have lost every penny?
But when the news of his arrest began to spread on Dec. 11, the first thought
that struck an old friend who had known him as a pioneer on Wall Street, was,
“There must be an error. It must be another Bernie Madoff.” Then he added, “But
then, there is no other Bernie Madoff.”
This article was reported by Diana B. Henriques, Alex Berenson, Alison Leigh
Cowan, Alan Feuer, Zachery Kouwe, Eric Konigsberg, Nelson D. Schwartz, Michael
J. de la Merced, Stephanie Strom, Julia Werdigier and Dirk Johnson.
Madoff Scheme Kept
Rippling Outward, Across Borders, NYT, 20.12.2008,
Stocks Jump, Then Slide Back, After Auto Bailout
December 20, 2008
The New York Times
A bailout for Detroit translated into a bounce for Wall Street.
Stocks rose in early trading on Friday, minutes after President Bush announced
plans to shore up the auto industry with an infusion of government money for
General Motors and Chrysler, the two most troubled carmakers.
Shortly after 11 a.m., the Dow Jones industrial average was up by 115 points or
about 1.3 percent while the broader Standard & Poor’s index was 1.6 percent
General Motors stock jumped 16 percent on the news while shares of the Ford
Motor Company were 5 percent higher. Chrysler is not publicly traded. Shares of
other carmakers like Toyota and Honda and auto-parts manufacturers were also
higher Friday morning.
In a statement before the markets opened, Mr. Bush said the government would be
providing $13.4 billion in emergency loans to G.M. and Chrysler, with the
possibility of another $4 billion in February. Ford has said it does not need
immediate aid.
Mr. Bush said an “orderly bankruptcy” — an idea floated by the White House on
Thursday — was not possible, but said the automakers needed to undergo major
restructuring to become viable.
“The only way to avoid a collapse of the U.S. auto industry is for the executive
branch to step in,” Mr. Bush said. “The American people want the auto companies
to succeed, and so do I. So today, I’m announcing that the federal government
will grant loans to auto companies under conditions similar to those Congress
considered last week.”
Stock in America’s publicly traded automakers — Chrysler is owned by the private
equity giant Cerberus — has plummeted more than two-thirds this year alone, as
sales screeched to a halt and huge operating costs and legacy obligations burned
up their cash.
This fall, chief executives of Ford, Chrysler and G.M. made two trips to
Congress to plead for a government rescue using money from the $700 billion
bailout for financial companies. After the Senate refused to act on a plan, the
White House stepped in.
While the government loan will probably keep the lights on at Chrysler and G.M.
and prevent an imminent bankruptcy, analysts said it was too soon to say whether
the companies would be able to become self-sustaining, or whether they would
need to petition the Obama administration for more assistance as the economy
languishes in a deep recession throughout 2009.
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it turned out to be enough,” said Dana Johnson,
chief economist at Comerica Bank, who follows the auto industry. “But you have
to think that that’s not the likeliest scenario. It seems pretty likely they’ll
be revising these issues with the next administration and the next Congress.”
Crude oil prices fell for another day amid signs that stockpiles are piling up
while global consumption slips as people drive less and construction projects
halt as the economic slowdown spreads.
Oil futures slid $1.47 to $34.95 a barrel in New York, and are down 75 percent
from their peak of $145 a barrel in July.
Standard & Poor’s cut its credit ratings on 11 American and European financial
institutions on Friday, reflecting concerns about their balance sheets and their
future prospects amid stormy credit markets. Despite the downgrade, shares of
the companies, which include J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and
Wells Fargo, were mostly higher on Friday.
A two-month rally in the price of ultra-safe government debt abated slightly on
Friday as credit markets continued to show signs of healing. Yields on the
benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which have dropped to record lows as investors
have run for cover, rose to 2.13 percent on Friday.
The three-month Libor, a closely watched measure of how much banks charge one
another to borrow money, fell to 1.50 percent on Friday, down from 2.17 percent
a month ago.
Stocks Jump, Then Slide
Back, After Auto Bailout, NYT, 20.12.2008,
Bush Approves $17.4 Billion Auto Bailout
December 20, 2008
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Bush announced $13.4 billion in emergency loans on
Friday to prevent the collapse of General Motors and Chrysler, and another $4
billion available for the hobbled automakers in February with the entire bailout
conditioned on the companies undertaking sweeping reorganizations to show that
they can return to profitability.
The loans, as G.M. and Chrysler teeter on the brink of insolvency, essentially
throw the companies a lifeline from the taxpayers that will keep them afloat
until March 31. At that point, the Obama administration will determine if the
automakers are meeting the conditions of the loans and will continue to receive
government aid or must repay the loans and face bankruptcy.
The money to aid the automakers will come from the Treasury’s $700 billion
financial stabilization fund and shortly after Mr. Bush’s announcement, the
Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., who will oversee the aid to the auto
industry, said Congress would need to release the second $350 billion for that
program in short order.
By law, once Mr. Paulson makes a formal request, Congress has 15 days to reject
it and deny the additional money. It was unclear when that request would be sent
or if lawmakers who have left Washington for the holidays, would return to
debate it. The administration’s handling of the program has come under sharp
criticism and several lawmakers in both parties have suggested they would oppose
the release of more money.
Mr. Bush made his announcement a week after Senate Republicans blocked
legislation to aid the automakers that had been negotiated by the White House
and Congressional Democrats, and the loan package announced by the president
includes roughly identical requirements in that bill, which had been approved by
the House.
Mr. Bush, in a televised speech before the opening of the markets, said that
under other circumstances he would have let the companies fail, a consequence of
their bad business decisions. But given the recession, he said the government
had no choice but to step in.
“These are not ordinary circumstances,” Mr. Bush said. “In the midst of a
financial crisis and a recession, allowing the U.S. auto industry to collapse is
not a responsible course of action.”
He said that bankruptcy was not a workable alternative. “Chapter 11 is unlikely
to work for the American automakers at this time,” Mr. Bush said.
The loan deal requires the companies to quickly reduce their debt by two-thirds,
mostly through debt-for-equity swaps, and to reach an agreement with the United
Auto Workers union to cut wages and benefits so they are competitive with those
of employees of foreign-based automakers in the United States.
The debt reduction and the cuts in wages were central components of proposal by
Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee, who tried to broker a last-minute
deal. Those talks had deadlocked on a demand by Republicans that the wage cuts
take effect by a set date in 2009, while the union had pressed for a deadline in
The plan announced on Friday offered a compromise between the positions, by
making the requirements non-binding and allowing the automakers to reach
different arrangements with the union, provided that they explain how those
alternative plans will keep them on a path toward financial viability.
To gain access to the loans, G.M. and Chrysler must agree to a range of
concessions, including limits on executive pay and the elimination of private
corporate jets.
Under the plan, Mr. Bush essentially handed off to President-elect Barack Obama
what will become one of the first, most difficult calls of his presidency: a
political and economic judgment about whether G.M. and Chrysler are financially
viable. Ford is not seeking immediate government help.
If, by March 31, Chrysler and G.M. cannot meet that standard — and clearly they
could not meet it today — the $13.5 billion in Treasury loans would be “called”
for immediate repayment, with the government placed in priority, ahead of all
other creditors.
In effect, the White House has required the auto companies to cut the equivalent
of $13.5 billion in costs within three months, in order to repay the federal
money and receive another infusion of capital that will keep them operating for
the rest of the year outside of bankruptcy protection, or else providing
financing while they reorganize in bankruptcy.
That is an enormous amount of savings to find in such a short period, industry
analysts said, especially given the bleak conditions under which the companies
are operating. Auto sales are the worst since the early 1980s, and there has
been no sign that banks or the car companies’ financing arms would loosen tight
restrictions on loans.
However, the car companies have already retained bankruptcy and restructuring
advisers, who have been providing regular updates to board members on the steps
the automakers would be required to take under a number of possibilities.
To avoid that fate, the companies will need to complete negotiations with the
unions, the creditors, the suppliers and the dealers by March 31. Any judgment
on the accords they reach with those groups will inevitably be both economic and
President-elect Barack Obama, in a statement, praised Mr. Bush’s action and
warned the automakers not to blow their chance at achieving financial stability.
“Today’s actions are a necessary step to help avoid a collapse in our auto
industry that would have devastating consequences for our economy and our
workers,” Mr. Obama said. “The auto companies must not squander this chance to
reform bad management practices and begin the long-term restructuring that is
absolutely required to save this critical industry and the millions of American
jobs that depend on it.”
Mr. Obama and his economic team will have to make a convincing, public case that
the wage cuts, plant closings and creditor agreements so change the landscape of
the industry that the carmakers can turn profitable in short order.
But Mr. Obama will be under tremendous political pressure as well. If his new
team concludes that the automakers have not struck the right deals, it would
mean a move to bankruptcy court, and probably widespread layoffs that would
ripple far beyond the companies themselves.
Mr. Obama was elected partly with the support of the unions, who liked his talk
of protecting jobs by renegotiating trade agreements. Now, in his first months,
he will be asking them to give back gains they have negotiated over decades.
Because the bailout legislation failed in Congress, administration officials
said that the loan package would essentially take the form of a contract between
the government and the automakers. Officials said they expected the agreements
would be signed by the end of the day.
In recent days, G.M. and Chrysler have found themselves in an increasingly
precarious financial position, with some industry experts predicting that they
could not survive through the month without government aid.
Both companies have announced drastic cutbacks, including an extension of the
normal holiday-season idling of factories, with some operations to be suspended
for a month or more. Other automakers, including Honda and Ford, have announced
cutbacks in production as the entire industry deals with the economic downturn
and a plunging demand for cars among consumers.
Ford, which is in better financial condition that G.M. and Chrysler, has said
that it does not intend to tap the emergency government aid.
Ford, in a statement, applauded the move by the White House.
“All of us at Ford appreciate the prudent step the administration has taken.”
Ford’s chief executive, Alan Mulally said in a statement. “The U.S. auto
industry is highly interdependent and a failure of one of our competitors would
have a ripple effect that could jeopardize millions of jobs and further damage
the already weakened U.S. economy.”
And while the legislation that was rejected by Congress would have created a new
position within the executive branch to oversee the automakers, a so-called “car
czar” Mr. Bush said on Friday that while he remains in office, the emergency
loan program will be supervised by Mr. Paulson.
In a statement, G.M. reacted with a mixture of gratitude and relief.
“We appreciate the president extending a financial bridge at this most critical
time for the U.S. auto industry and our nation’s economy,” Greg Martin, a
company spokesman, said. “This action helps to preserve many jobs, and supports
the continued operation of G.M. and the many suppliers, dealers and small
businesses across the country that depend on us.”
In a statement to employees, Robert Nardelli, the chief executive of Chrysler,
said the company would hold up its end of the bargain.
“The receipt of this loan means Chrysler can continue to pursue its vision to
build the fuel-efficient, high-quality cars and trucks people want to buy, will
enjoy driving and will want to buy again,” Mr. Nardelli said.
G.M. and Ford shares rose sharply after the opening and Mr. Bush’s announcement
helped send the broader markets higher as well. Chrysler is not publicly traded.
The relief of the auto companies was matched by quick criticism from angry
lawmakers who said that Mr. Bush was making a mistake.
Senator Judd Gregg, Republican of New Hampshire, who was a lead negotiator in
devising the $700 billion financial bailout legislation back in the fall, warned
that Mr. Bush had set a dangerous precedent by extending aid to a particular
“These funds were not authorized by Congress for non-financial companies in
distress, but were to be used to restore liquidity and stability in the overall
financial system of the country and to help prevent fundamental systemic risks
in the global marketplace,” Mr. Gregg said in a statement.
Others warned that the money will just be wasted on companies which are
suffering not because of the recent economic downturn but because of decades of
failed business decisions.
Mr. Bush chided Congress for failing to approve the auto rescue legislation, but
he did not note that it was his fellow Republicans in the Senate who were
responsible for scuttling the bill in what amounted to a sharp rebuke to the
White House in the waning days of his administration.
The decision to use the stabilization fund was also a major turnabout for Mr.
Bush, who for weeks had insisted that the Treasury program should not be used to
help the automakers.
In the end, it was clear, however, that Mr. Bush did not want G.M. or Chrysler,
both American icons, to go down on his watch.
Bill Vlasic and Micheline Maynard contributed reporting from Detroit.
Bush Approves $17.4
Billion Auto Bailout, NYT, 20.12.2008,
You Mean That Bernie Madoff?
December 19, 2008
The New York Times
Warren Buffett once noted that “you only find out who is swimming naked when
the tide goes out.” The collapse of what prosecutors say was the biggest Ponzi
scheme in history, orchestrated by the New York money manager Bernard Madoff,
has left a large number of powerful and smart people shivering on that beach.
Mr. Madoff’s suspected multibillion-dollar fraud, discovered as falling markets
exposed the fiction of its 10 percent annual profits, provided a stark reminder
of how greed impairs judgment, duping some of the world’s supposedly savviest
investors for decades. It raises once more a fundamental question of these
times: Where were the regulators when all of this was happening?
Christopher Cox, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission,
acknowledged this week that the agency had received “credible and specific”
allegations about the scheme at least a decade ago. He promised an internal
inquiry to figure out why the agency did not thoroughly investigate. Two years
ago, the commission’s enforcement arm in New York opened an investigation into
whether Mr. Madoff’s business was a Ponzi scheme but closed it after finding
only mild violations that “were not so serious as to warrant an enforcement
The S.E.C.’s failings go much further than missing this one outrageous scheme.
The agency urgently needs new leadership, more resources and high-level
political backing to recover its role as Wall Street’s top cop.
Though many details remain unknown, Mr. Madoff’s activities should have set off
plenty of alarms. His firm posted improbably constant returns, regardless of
market volatility. It claimed to employ strategies that at such a large scale
should have produced highly visible movements in options markets, yet passed
undetected. Its auditor was a tiny, unknown outfit.
While it is particularly embarrassing to have overlooked what appears to be a
low-tech fraud invented 100 years ago, the S.E.C.’s failure to pursue the case
aggressively exemplifies its lackadaisical approach to enforcing the law on Wall
Street. That has gotten much worse during the Bush administration.
Like other agencies, the S.E.C. has suffered from this administration’s fierce
aversion to government regulation. Under Mr. Cox, the enforcement division has
been hampered by budget cuts and rule changes that have made it more difficult
to impose penalties on companies found guilty of wrongdoing.
In a series of recent reports, the office of the S.E.C.’s inspector general, H.
David Kotz, detailed the commission’s repeated failure to pursue investigations.
It criticized the agency for not exercising any oversight over Bear Stearns in
the months preceding its collapse, among other criticisms.
The S.E.C.’s inability, or unwillingness, to catch Mr. Madoff is extremely
troubling. Mary Schapiro, the head of the Financial Services Regulatory
Authority and President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to be chairwoman of the
commission, has a reputation for diligence. The S.E.C. will need that, as well
as financing and strong political backing. All of us, not just Mr. Madoff’s
clients, are paying the price for the regulators’ failure to do their job.
You Mean That Bernie
Madoff?, NYT, 19.12.2008,
Wall Street Lower a Day After Rate Cut
December 18, 2008
The New York Times
Wall Street pared some gains Wednesday morning after soaring a day earlier in
response to the Federal Reserve’s decision to cut interest rates to historic
lows of zero to 0.25 percent.
And the plummeting yield the benchmark 10-year Treasury note hit lows of 2.11
percent as investors bet that interest rates would remain “exceptionally low,”
as the Fed put it on Tuesday, for the foreseeable future. Long-term Treasury
debt continued its rally on Wednesday morning as investors searched for a safe
place to put their money on the longer end of the yield curve.
After 11 a.m., the Dow Jones industrial average was down 90 points and the
broader Standard & Poor’s index of 500 stocks was down 0.9 percent as investors
cashed their profits from Tuesday’s 5 percent rally.
Financial stocks, the leaders on Tuesday, tugged stock markets down on Wednesday
morning after Morgan Stanley posted a $2.36 billion loss for the fourth quarter,
reminding investors that banking and investment institutions were still hurting
from the country’s financial and credit crises. Shares of Morgan Stanley were
down 2 percent while rival Goldman Sachs was 1.8 perent higher.
Crude oil prices fell even as the OPEC cartel planned to announce that it would
cut oil production by 2 million barrels a day beginning Jan. 1. Oil futures in
New York fell 24 cents, to $43.36 a barrel, and are down by more than two-thirds
from a July high above $145 a barrel.
In Europe, stocks were mixed, though mostly unchanged, in afternoon trading
after modest gains in Asia and the dollar fell sharply against other major
currencies. The Fed on Tuesday reduced its benchmark interest rate virtually to
zero and said that it would pour money into the economy through an array of new
lending programs.
Economists had expected the Fed to cut the federal funds rate to 0.5 percent
from 1 percent but the central bank cut the target for overnight loans between
banks to a range of zero to 0.25 percent.
On Wednesday, the dollar fell to its lowest against the yen since August 1995.
In European morning trading, the dollar was at 88.43 yen, down from 89.06 late
Tuesday in New York. The euro rose to $1.4112 from $1.4007 late Tuesday in New
York, while the British pound rose to $1.5599 from $1.5579. The dollar fell to
$1.1155 Swiss francs from 1.1236.
“The Fed cut more than most people expected,” Tohru Sasaki, chief foreign
exchange strategist at JPMorgan Chase in Tokyo, said. “But the dollar was
already weakening because of the large U.S. current-account deficit, the fiscal
deficit and the low investment yields”
The dollar had risen over the last few months as the credit crisis led investors
to repatriate funds held overseas, Mr. Sasaki said. But the fed funds rate has
now fallen below the Bank of Japan’s overnight rate — the first time that has
happened since January 1993. It has also dropped further below the European
Central Bank’s benchmark rate of 2.5 percent and the Bank of England’s 2
That leaves little incentive for money managers to buy short-term government
assets, especially considering the currency risk that accompanies such
purchases, Mr. Sasaki said. He predicted the dollar would hit record lows by the
end of March.
In early afternoon trading, shares in the major European exchanges were slightly
lower. The Tokyo benchmark Nikkei 225 stock average rose 0.5 percent, while the
S&P/ASX 200 in Sydney gained 0.4 percent. The Hang Seng index in Hong Kong added
2.2 percent, while the Shanghai Stock Exchange composite index rose 0.1 percent.
David Jolly contributed reporting.
Wall Street Lower a Day
After Rate Cut, NYT, 18.12.2008,
Fed Cuts Key Rate to a Record Low
December 17, 2008
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve entered a new era on Tuesday, lowering its
benchmark interest rate virtually to zero and declaring that it would now fight
the recession by pumping out vast amounts of money to businesses and consumers
through an expanding array of new lending programs.
Going further than expected, the central bank cut its target for the overnight
federal funds rate to a range of zero to 0.25 percent and brought the United
States to the zero-rate policies that Japan used for years in its own fight
against deflation.
Though important as a historic milestone, the move to an interest rate of zero
from 1 percent is largely symbolic. The funds rate, which affects what banks
charge for lending their reserves to each other, had already fallen to nearly
zero in recent days because banks have been so reluctant to do business.
Of much greater practical importance, the Fed bluntly announced that it would
print as much money as necessary to revive the frozen credit markets and fight
what is shaping up as the nation’s worst economic downturn since World War II.
In effect, the Fed is stepping in as a substitute for banks and other lenders
and acting more like a bank itself. “The Federal Reserve will employ all
available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth,” it
said. Those tools include buying “large quantities” of mortgage-related bonds,
longer-term Treasury bonds, corporate debt and even consumer loans.
The move came as President-elect Barack Obama summoned his economic team to a
four-hour meeting in Chicago to map out plans for an enormous economic stimulus
measure that could cost anywhere from $600 billion to $1 trillion over the next
two years.
The two huge economic stimulus programs, one from the Fed and one from the White
House and Congress, set the stage for a powerful but potentially risky
partnership between Mr. Obama and the Fed’s Republican chairman, Ben S.
“We are running out of the traditional ammunition that’s used in a recession,
which is to lower interest rates,” Mr. Obama said at a news conference Tuesday.
“It is critical that the other branches of government step up, and that’s why
the economic recovery plan is so essential.”
Financial markets were electrified by the Fed action. The Dow Jones industrial
average jumped 4.2 percent, or 359.61 points, to close at 8,924.14.
Investors rushed to buy long-term Treasury bonds. Yields on 10-year Treasuries,
which have traditionally served as a guide for mortgage rates, plunged
immediately after the announcement to 2.26 percent, their lowest level in
decades, from 2.51 percent earlier in the day.
Yields on investment-grade corporate bonds edged down to 7.215 percent on
Tuesday, from 7.355 on Monday. Yields on riskier high-yielding corporate bonds
remained in the stratosphere at 22.493 percent, almost unchanged from 22.732 on
By contrast, the dollar dropped sharply against the euro and other major
currencies for the second consecutive day — a sign that currency markets were
nervous about a flood of newly printed dollars. Some analysts predict that the
Treasury will have to sell $2 trillion worth of new securities over the next
year to finance its existing budget deficit, a new stimulus program and to
refinance about $600 billion worth of maturing government debt.
For the moment, Mr. Obama and Mr. Bernanke appear to be on the same page, though
that could abruptly change if the economy starts to revive. Fed officials have
already assumed that Congress will pass a major spending program to stimulate
the economy, and they are counting on it to contribute to economic growth next
In more normal times, the Fed might easily start raising interest rates in
reaction to a huge new spending program, out of concern about rising inflation.
But data on Tuesday provided new evidence that the biggest threat to prices
right now was not inflation but deflation.
The federal government reported on Tuesday that the Consumer Price Index fell
1.7 percent in November, the steepest monthly drop since the government began
tracking prices in 1947. The decline was largely driven by the recent plunge in
energy prices, but even the so-called core inflation rate, which excludes the
volatile food and energy sectors, was essentially zero.
Mr. Obama’s goal is to have a package ready when the new Congress convenes on
Jan. 6. His hope is that the House and Senate, with their bigger Democratic
majorities, can agree quickly on a plan for Mr. Obama to sign into law soon
after he is sworn into office two weeks later.
The Fed, in a statement accompanying its rate decision, acknowledged that the
recession was more severe than officials had thought at their last meeting in
“Over all, the outlook for economic activity has weakened further,” the central
bank said.
“Labor market conditions have deteriorated, and the available data indicate that
consumer spending, business investment and industrial production have declined.”
The central bank added: “The committee anticipates that weak economic conditions
are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for
some time.”
With fewer than 10 days until Christmas, retailers from Saks Fifth Avenue to
Wal-Mart have been slashing prices to draw in consumers, who have sharply
reduced their spending over the last six months. On Tuesday, Banana Republic
offered customers $50 off on any purchases that total $125. The clothing
retailer DKNY offered customers $50 off any purchase totaling $250.
Ian Shepherdson, an analyst at High Frequency Economics, said falling energy
prices were likely to bring the year-over-year rate of inflation to below zero
in January.
The Fed has already announced or outlined a range of unorthodox new tools that
it can use to keep stimulating the economy once the federal funds rate
effectively reaches zero. On Tuesday, Fed officials said they stood ready to
expand them or create new ones to relieve bottlenecks in the credit markets.
All of the tools involve borrowing by the Fed, which amounts to printing money
in vast new quantities, a process the Fed has already started. Since September,
the Fed’s balance sheet has ballooned from about $900 billion to more than $2
trillion as it has created money and lent it out. As soon as the Fed completes
its plans to buy mortgage-backed debt and consumer debt, the balance sheet will
be up to about $3 trillion.
“At some point, and without knowing the timing, the Fed is going to have to
destroy all that money it is creating,” said Alan Blinder, a professor of
economics at Princeton and a former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve.
“Right now, the crisis is created by the huge demand by banks for hoarding cash.
The Fed is providing cash, and the banks want to hoard it. When things start
returning to normal, the banks will want to start lending it out. If that much
money is left in the monetary base, it would be extremely inflationary.”
Vikas Bajaj contributed reporting from New York.
Fed Cuts Key Rate to a
Record Low, NYT, 17.12.2008,
Retail Prices Fell at Record Rate in November
December 17, 2008
The New York Times
Consumer prices fell at their fastest rate on record in November while home
construction plunged nearly 20 percent in a single month, skidding to its lowest
levels in 50 years, according to new government data that shows further weakness
in the ailing economy.
The reports on Tuesday morning heightened investors’ expectations that the
Federal Reserve would cut its target overnight interest rate from 1 percent to
0.5 percent later in the day. Financial markets in New York opened higher as
investors awaited a 2:15 p.m. announcement from the Fed’s Open Market Committee.
The Labor Department reported Tuesday morning that consumer prices fell for the
second straight month, and at the fast rate since the government began keeping
track in 1947.
Prices at cash registers and gas pumps across the country were a seasonally
adjusted 1.7 percent lower in November from the month before, led downward by
tumbling energy prices, which fell 17 percent over one month as the demand for
gasoline and oil eclipsed.
The core rate of inflation, excluding volatile food and energy prices, was flat
for the month.
The price of gasoline plunged 29.5 percent while the cost of fuel oil fell 13.6
percent. Food and beverage prices crept up 0.2 percent in November, their
slowest rate of growth all year, while clothing prices were up 0.3 percent.
The unadjusted year-over-year inflation rate was 1.1 percent, the government
In just six months, economists who had fretted about out-of-control inflation as
oil peaked near $150 a barrel are now warning of deflation as prices drop as the
economy grinds into a lower gear.
“I’ve never seen the economy slam on the brakes as much as it has in the last
three months,” said Bill Hampel, chief economist at the Credit Union National
Association. “And as the tires are squeaking on the pavement, that’s pulling
prices down too.”Meanwhile, new data showed the nation’s housing market
continuing to lag. The Commerce Department reported that housing starts fell to
a seasonally adjusted 625,000 in November, far below Wall Street’s expectations.
The housing starts in November represented a 18.9 percent drop from the prior
month and were 47 percent lower than November 2007. New-home construction in
October was revised downward to 771,000 units from an earlier estimate of
“This is mind-bogglingly awful,” Ian Shepherdson, United States economist at
High Frequency Economics, wrote in a note. “The only consolation here is that
unless sales drop much further from their already fantastically-depressed level,
the pace of new construction is so low that inventory will fall quickly. Right
now, though, housing is still a disaster area.”
Building permits, a measure of future construction, also fell sharply in
November, dropping by 15.6 percent to a seasonally adjusted 616,000.
The fall in consumer prices and housing starts follows reports of a continuing
slide on the wholesale side of the economy. Last week, the Labor Department
reported that the price of finished goods fell 2.2 percent in November, its
fourth straight month of declines.
Energy prices led the dip in producer prices, with the cost of home-heating oil,
natural gas and gasoline dropping by double digits. But excluding volatile food
and energy prices, core producer prices grew at 0.1 percent, their slowest rate
all year.
Retail Prices Fell at
Record Rate in November, NYT, 17.12.2008,
Morgan Stanley Posts $2.36 Billion Loss in Quarter
December 18, 2008
The New York Times
Morgan Stanley reported a fourth-quarter loss of $2.36 billion — or $2.34 a
share — on Wednesday, as the bank remained battered by old investments.
The quarter was Morgan’s first loss this year, though it did not outweigh the
profit earned earlier this year. Morgan reported a full-year profit of $1.59
billion, or $1.54 a share.
Revenues in every corner of the bank fell, even when compared with last quarter,
showing a deteriorating environment that cut across businesses. Analysts polled
by Thomson Reuters had forecast a loss of 34 cents a share. The loss from
continuing operations for the quarter, which does not include Discover, the
credit card unit that was spun off, was $2.20 billion, or $2.24 a share.
“I was very disappointed with what Morgan Stanley had to report,” Ada Lee, an
analyst with Sterne Agee, said. “I just don’t know how this organization got to
this point.”
Ms. Lee said she was wrong to have issued a positive report on Morgan’s
prospects last month. She said she did not appreciate the bank’s continued
exposure to toxic assets at the time. The bank’s expenses are bloated, she said,
and a turnaround could be years away.
In a statement, the bank’s chief executive, John J. Mack, pointed to the
financial crisis but said Morgan Stanley was aggressively repositioning itself.
“These exceptional market conditions profoundly impacted our performance this
year, especially in the fourth quarter,” Mr. Mack said. “The environment will
continue to be challenging. But we have successfully evolved and adapted our
business across numerous cycles and the current market dislocation gives us
In response to the earnings release, Moody’s downgraded Morgan’s long-term
senior debt rating from A1 to A2 because of the deterioration of its businesses.
Morgan shares were down 2 percent, to $15.81, in late morning trading,
The bank is attempting to chart a new course as a deposit-taking institution,
which will provide new types of earnings as well as a steady base of financing
for some of the bank’s operations. But the makeover includes a retrenchment from
areas that once provided handsome profits like proprietary trading, principal
investing and prime brokerage, the business that services hedge funds.
Morgan — and its closest rival, Goldman Sachs — have yet to prove they can find
new ways to churn out high profits again in the new environment. Goldman
reported a quarterly loss of $2.1 billion on Tuesday, its first loss ever.
Investors pushed Goldman’s stock upwards on the news, because the loss was not
as bad as some had feared.
Much of Morgan’s woes continue to relate to investments it made before the
credit crisis began. The bank continued to take losses on those all year, but in
the past three quarters, revenues outweighed those losses. In the fourth
quarter, the worst losses came from mortgage investments, private equity and
real estate.
The bank’s loss this quarter was less than its fourth-quarter loss last year of
$3.6 billion or $3.61 a share, when Morgan took the bulk of its mortgage
write-downs. But profit this year was down overall 49 percent — to $1.59 billion
— from last year, when it was $3.14 billion.
Morgan’s pain was most concentrated in the bank’s asset management unit, where
revenues were negative $386 million, down 160 percent from the third quarter.
The unit was stung by a $187 million loss related to structure investment
vehicles on its balance sheet and write-downs on real estate and private equity
in its merchant bank. It also took a $243 million impairment charge on its
Crescent real estate subsidiary. And customers also pulled out $76.5 billion of
assets from the unit, leaving Morgan with a much lower fee revenue.
The institutional securities group also suffered from write-downs, recording
revenue of $844 million, down 86 percent from the third quarter. The tally of
losses included: $1.2 billion on mortgage assets, $1.1 billion of write-downs on
loans related to buyout commitments and $1.8 billion in loses in real estate and
other investment funds. And revenues in businesses like underwriting, equity
sales and credit products remained lower than a year ago.
The global wealth management unit showed the least decline with $1.422 billion
in revenue, down 9 percent from the third-quarter. This unit includes Morgan’s
brokerage network, which the bank has been trying to grow. The unit took $364
million in charges related to auction rate securities that the bank agreed to
repurchase from customers earlier this year.
And, reversing a three quarter trend of growth, the broker’s unit had net client
outflows of $3.9 billion. Through the third quarter, the unit had attracted $38
billion in new client assets at a time customers were pulling money from
elsewhere, and the outflow in the fourth-quarter raises questions over whether
the growth will continue next year. Morgan appointed two executives from
Wachovia last month to oversee its deposit-base, which it hopes to grow in part
through its brokerage network. The bank is also hoping to purchase small banks
around the country.
Morgan is also planning joint strategies with its most recent investor,
Mitsubishi UFJ, a large bank in Japan. But details of the partnership have not
been released yet.
Morgan Stanley Posts
$2.36 Billion Loss in Quarter, NYT, 17.12.2008,
Related >
Goldman Sachs Reports $2.1 Billion Quarterly Loss
December 17, 2008
The New York Times
Goldman Sachs’s long run of profitable quarters came to an end Tuesday as the
bank announced a fourth-quarter loss of $2.12 billion, driven by big markdowns
on its large portfolio of proprietary investments in everything from Japanese
golf courses to Chinese banks.
It was the first losing quarter since Goldman went public in 1999 and
demonstrates that even some of Wall Street’s most skilled operators have not
been able to overcome historically tough markets and sagging economies across
the globe.
Goldman sidestepped earlier losses by staying out of the high-risk subprime
mortgage market and taking an early bet against the United States housing
industry. But it has been unable to avoid taking big markdowns following nearly
30 percent declines across global equity markets in its fiscal fourth quarter,
which ended in November.
Goldman’s quarterly loss, which amounted to $4.97 a share, kicks off a run of
what are expected to be poor banking results. Morgan Stanley will report its
earnings on Wednesday, and is expected to announce a loss of around $400
Revenue in Goldman’s big trading and principal investment business was negative
$4.36 billion compared with $6.93 billion in the fourth quarter of last year.
Goldman slashed compensation and expenses and benefits by 46 percent in 2008 to
$10.93 billion, reflecting lower payments because of poor performance. None of
Goldman’s top seven executives will take a bonus for this year. Morgan Stanley
has made a similar decision.
Employment at the firm, which had been 32,569 at the end of the third quarter,
decreased 8 percent. Goldman has said it will reduce head count by a total of 10
percent, but some analysts believe it will need to make deeper cuts to reflect
declining revenue and a slowing global economy.
After the announcement, Moody’s, the debt rating agency, downgraded the
long-term senior debt ratings of Goldman Sachs to A1 from Aa3. Other ratings
were affirmed but the outlook on them remains negative. Goldman shares, down 70
percent this year amid the financial crisis, rose nearly 8 percent, to $71.68 in
early trading.
David Viniar, Goldman’s chief financial officer, said it an interview that about
$1 billion in losses came in real estate investments while $600 million came in
its stake in the shares of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
“Over time, a lot of those are great investments,” he said, reiterating the
belief within Goldman that these were largely unavoidable losses that will be
reversed as market conditions improve. The same cannot be said for banks with
huge holdings in subprime mortgages and related securities that may never
recover much of their value, according to Goldman executives.
Mr. Viniar said it was too soon to say when markets might recover but that huge
efforts by governments in the United States and around the world should begin
having positive effects.
“Economies around the world are quite slow but governments around the world are
throwing in enormous resources,” he said. “You don’t know when they will kick
in. They may already have kicked in, or they may kick in in a year.”
Mr. Viniar reiterated the view privately expressed by Goldman officials that he
does not believe the bank needs to make a major acquisition to help its balance
sheet. He noted that the bank reduced its balance sheet to about $885 billion at
the end of the quarter from $1 trillion last quarter. He added that $111 billion
of that is free cash that does not need to be funded.
Both Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have transformed themselves into
deposit-taking bank holding companies that have direct access to borrowing from
the Federal Reserve but must also take less risk by law.
Speculation has centered on Goldman’s buying a retail bank or a trust bank that
manages money for large institutions and wealthy individuals.
Goldman executives have looked at many possible acquisitions but found none that
were both cheap and strategically useful.
Goldman Sachs Reports
$2.1 Billion Quarterly Loss, NYT, 17.12.2008,
A Crisis of Confidence for Masters of the Universe
December 16, 2008
The New York Times
Meltdown. Collapse. Depression. Panic. The words would seem to
apply equally to the global financial crisis and the effect of that crisis on
the human psyche.
Of course, it is too soon to gauge the true psychiatric consequences of the
economic debacle; it will be some time before epidemiologists can tell us for
certain whether depression and suicide are on the rise. But there’s no question
that the crisis is leaving its mark on individuals, especially men.
One patient, a hedge fund analyst, came to me recently in a state of great
anxiety. “It’s bad, but it might get a lot worse,” I recall him saying. The
anxiety was expected and appropriate: he had lost a great deal of his (and
others’) assets, and like the rest of us he had no idea where the bottom was. I
would have been worried if he hadn’t been anxious.
Over the course of several weeks, with the help of some anti-anxiety medication,
his panic subsided as he realized that he would most likely survive
But then something else emerged. He came in one day looking subdued and plopped
down in the chair. “I’m over the anxiety, but now I feel like a loser.” This
from a supremely self-confident guy who was viewed by his colleagues as an
unstoppable optimist.
He was not clinically depressed: his sleep, appetite, sex drive and ability to
enjoy himself outside of work were unchanged. This was different.
The problem was that his sense of success and accomplishment was intimately tied
to his financial status; he did not know how to feel competent or good about
himself without this external measure of his value.
He wasn’t the only one. Over the last few months, I have seen a group of
patients, all men, who experienced a near collapse in their self-esteem, though
none of them were clinically depressed.
Another patient summed it up: “I used to be a master-of-the-universe kind of
guy, but this cut me down to size.”
I have plenty of female patients who work in finance at high levels, but none of
them has had this kind of psychological reaction. I can’t pretend this is a
scientific survey, but I wonder if men are more likely than women to respond
this way. At the risk of trading in gender stereotypes, do men rely
disproportionately more on their work for their self-esteem than women do? Or
are they just more vulnerable to the inevitable narcissistic injury that comes
with performing poorly or losing one’s job?
A different patient was puzzled not by his anxiety about the market, but by his
total lack of self-confidence. He had always had an easy intuitive feel for
finance. But in the wake of the market collapse, he seriously questioned his
knowledge and skill.
Each of these patients experienced a sudden loss of the sense of mastery in the
face of the financial meltdown and could not gauge their success or failure
without the only benchmark they knew: a financial profit.
The challenge of maintaining one’s self-esteem without recognition or reward is
daunting. Chances are that if you are impervious to self-doubt and go on feeling
good about yourself in the face of failure, you have either won the
temperamental sweepstakes or you have a real problem tolerating bad news.
Of course, the relationship between self-esteem and achievement can be circular.
Some argue that that the best way to build self-esteem is to tell people at
every turn how nice, smart and talented they are.
That is probably a bad idea if you think that self-esteem and recognition should
be the result of accomplishment; you feel good about yourself, in part, because
you have done something well. On the other hand, it is hard to imagine people
taking the first step without first having some basic notion of self-confidence.
On Wall Street, though, a rising tide lifts many boats and vice versa, which
means that there are many people who succeed — or fail — through no merit or
fault of their own.
This observation might ease a sense of personal responsibility for the economic
crisis, but it was of little comfort to my patients. I think this is because for
many of them, the previously expanding market gave them a sense of power along
with something as strong as a drug: thrill.
The human brain is acutely attuned to rewards like money, sex and drugs. It
turns out that the way a reward is delivered has an enormous impact on its
strength. Unpredictable rewards produce much larger signals in the brain’s
reward circuit than anticipated ones. Your reaction to situations that are
either better or worse than expected is generally stronger to those you can
In a sense, the stock market is like a vast gambling casino where the reward can
be spectacular, but always unpredictable. For many, the lure of investing is the
thrill of uncertain reward. Now that thrill is gone, replaced by anxiety and
My patients lost more than money in the market. Beyond the rush and excitement,
they lost their sense of competence and success. At least temporarily: I have no
doubt that, like the economy, they will recover. But it’s a reminder of just how
fragile our self-confidence can be.
Richard A. Friedman is a professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical
A Crisis of
Confidence for Masters of the Universe, NYT, 16.12.2008,