History > 2008 > USA > Terrorism (I)

Henning Wagenbreth
Sensor Deprivation
Op-Ed Contributors
Sensor Deprivation
January 30,
The New York Times
AT the
suggestion of the federal Department of Homeland Security, New York City Council
members have drafted legislation requiring anyone who has or uses a detector
that measures chemical, biological or radioactive agents to get a license from
the Police Department.
The purpose of the bill is to reduce unwarranted anxiety and damage from false
alarms of terrorist attacks. Proponents say police officers need to know where
detectors are and make sure they’re reliable. But the bill, which appears to be
the first of its kind in the country and a model for other cities, could stifle
the collection of environmental information vital to the public good.
The problem is that the bill as written would cover all “environmental sensors,”
and in the extreme interpretation even laboratory analyses, used by students,
teachers, researchers, activists, unions and many other groups. Their work has
far more to do with ecology, education, public health and worker safety than
with terrorism. These sensors allow them to measure things like greenhouse gases
in order to document air pollution.
There are many examples of nongovernmental groups collecting important
environmental data based on laboratory analyses. Indeed, the original
identification of PCB contamination of the Hudson River did not come from the
government but from a study by Sports Illustrated magazine that included data on
striped bass collected from the river by a private citizen, Robert H. Boyle.
When a steam pipe exploded in Midtown Manhattan last year, scientists were able
to quickly allay fears that asbestos was in the air. In the wake of 9/11,
private groups using both hand-held particle sensors and samples that were
analyzed in laboratories enabled us to better understand the health risks of the
disaster. Future environmental and public health research will rely increasingly
on sensors that immediately measure contaminant levels.
The hassle of getting a license that the police could deny or delay on any
grounds — or simply not have time to process — could hamper or stop the flow of
environmental data. It certainly wouldn’t be a wise use of our tax dollars to
have them spent on issuing permits for monitors that have nothing to do with
identifying terrorist activities.
Reducing false alarms may be a worthy purpose, but pushing through this
legislation without clearly defining standards and policies doesn’t make sense.
For example, the bill defines a biological agent as any microorganism or product
of a microorganism that can cause “death, disease or other biological
malfunction in a living organism, deterioration or poisoning of food or water,
or deleterious alteration of the environment.” Such biological agents flood into
local waters when rain storms make sewers overflow. So, conceivably, a high
school class wanting to measure the presence of fecal matter in river water
would need a license. These definitions are simply too broad to be useful.
This bill relies upon judicious enforcement to counterbalance the
all-encompassing language. Even though we believe that the current city
administration would use the law rationally, once such a vaguely worded statute
is passed, it opens the door for abuse. If it passes here, Homeland Security
will probably use it as a model for other cities.
Since Sept. 11, 2001, the nation has looked to New York City on security issues.
We must set the example. Restriction of environmental information is rarely in
the public’s interest. The ability of scientists and citizens to gather data
quickly and efficiently should be fostered, not suppressed.
The City Council should seek more public input and take its time in refining
this legislation. It should expand the definition of detectors into different
classes and make it clear that the legislation is applicable only to the class
of real-time detectors that measure biological, chemical and radiological agents
that would pose a danger to the public from terrorist activities or weapons of
mass destruction. All other types of detectors should be exempted.
Indeed, one could consider not having any permits at all, even for those
designed to detect terrorist attacks. And instead the legislation should focus
on reporting procedures that would keep false alarms from snowballing into
panic. That, after all, is what proponents say the purpose is.
Steven Chillrud, Greg O’Mullan and Wade McGillis are research scientists at the
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia.
Sensor Deprivation, NYT, 30.1.2008,
Offers View on Waterboarding
January 30,
The New York Times
— Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey said Tuesday that the harsh C.I.A.
interrogation technique known as waterboarding was not clearly illegal, and
suggested that it could be used against terrorism suspects once again if
requested by the White House.
Mr. Mukasey’s statement came in a letter delivered Tuesday night to the Senate
Judiciary Committee, which has scheduled for Wednesday its first oversight
hearing for the new attorney general. The conclusions of the letter are likely
to be a focus of severe questioning by Senate Democrats who have described
waterboarding, which creates the sensation of drowning, as torture.
“If this were an easy question, I would not be reluctant to offer my views,” Mr.
Mukasey wrote to Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who heads the
“But with respect, I believe it is not an easy question,” he said. “There are
some circumstances where current law would appear clearly to prohibit the use of
waterboarding. Other circumstances would present a far closer question.”
The letter did not define any of the circumstances.
Mr. Leahy said in a statement late Tuesday night that the letter “echoes what
other administration officials have said about the use of waterboarding” but
that it did not “answer the critical questions we have been asking about its
legality.” He said that Mr. Mukasey “knows that this will not end the matter”
and that he can expect “to be asked serious questions at the hearing tomorrow.”
The Bush administration has confirmed that the Central Intelligence Agency used
waterboarding against a small number of Qaeda figures captured after the terror
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The administration has said waterboarding was stopped
several years ago in the wake of protests over the practice, in which suspects
are placed on a flat surface, cloth or cellophane is put over their faces, and
water is then poured over them.
The question of whether waterboarding amounts to torture nearly derailed Mr.
Mukasey’s nomination for attorney general. At his Senate confirmation hearings
in October, he refused to say whether he considered the technique to be torture
or to be otherwise illegal. He said he needed to withhold judgment until he had
received classified briefings on the subject if confirmed.
Several Democratic senators said then that his refusal to define waterboarding
as torture had led them to oppose confirmation. He was confirmed on a vote of 53
to 40, and the 13-vote margin was the narrowest for a nominee to the post in
more than 50 years.
Mr. Leahy and the nine other Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee wrote
to Mr. Mukasey last week to insist again that he answer the question of whether
waterboarding was torture. The attorney general suggested in comments to
reporters at a news conference last Friday that he might never feel compelled to
answer the question, no matter how often it was asked by lawmakers and the
In his letter Tuesday to Mr. Leahy, Mr. Mukasey said that since arriving at the
Justice Department in early November, he had “conducted a thorough and careful
review of the department’s legal analysis concerning the techniques that are
currently authorized for use in the Central Intelligence Agency’s program for
interrogating high-level Al Qaeda terrorists.”
He said that only “a limited set of methods is currently authorized for use in
that program,” and added: “I have been authorized to disclose publicly that
waterboarding is not among those methods. Accordingly, waterboarding is not, and
may not, be used in the current program.”
“I understand that you and some other members of the committee may feel that I
should go further in my review and answer questions concerning the legality of
waterboarding under current law,” he said. “But I do not think it would be
responsible for me, as attorney general, to provide an answer.” He added, “I do
not believe that it is advisable to address difficult legal questions, about
which reasonable minds can and do differ, in the absence of concrete facts and
He suggested that waterboarding might be reintroduced under the “defined process
by which any new method is proposed for authorization” in the C.I.A.’s
interrogation program.
“That process would begin with the C.I.A. director’s determination that the
addition of the technique was required for the program,” he continued. “Then the
attorney general would have to determine that the use of the technique is lawful
under the particular conditions and circumstances proposed. Finally the
president would have to approve of the use of the technique.”
Mr. Mukasey’s letter appeared to be an effort to deflect some of the harsher
questions he may be asked on Wednesday, in his first public testimony on Capitol
Hill since his confirmation battle last fall.
“I will answer those questions to the best of my ability, within the limits that
I have described,” he said. “I recognize that those limits may make my task
today more difficult for me personally. My job as attorney general is to do what
I believe the law requires and what is best for the country, not what makes my
life easier.”
Mukasey Offers View on Waterboarding, NYT, 30.1.2008,
US Shift
Seen to Pakistan, Afghanistan
January 27,
Filed at 1:10 p.m. ET
The New York Times
(AP) -- In a shift with profound implications, the Bush administration is
attempting to re-energize its terrorism-fighting war efforts in Afghanistan, the
original target of a post-Sept. 11 offensive. The U.S. also is refocusing on
Pakistan, where a regenerating al-Qaida is posing fresh threats.
There is growing recognition that the United States risks further setbacks, if
not deepening conflict or even defeat, in Afghanistan, and that success in that
country hinges on stopping Pakistan from descending into disorder.
Privately, some senior U.S. military commanders say Pakistan's tribal areas are
at the center of the fight against Islamic extremism; more so than Iraq, or even
Afghanistan. These areas border on eastern Afghanistan and provide haven for
al-Qaida and Taliban fighters to regroup, rearm and reorganize.
This view may explain, at least in part, the administration's increasingly
public expressions of concern.
At a Pentagon news conference last week, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said
that while the U.S. respects the Pakistani government's right to decide what
actions are needed to defeat extremists on its soil, there are reasons to worry
that al-Qaida poses more than an internal threat to Pakistan.
''I think we are all concerned about the re-establishment of al-Qaida safe
havens in the border area,'' Gates said. ''I think it would be unrealistic to
assume that all of the planning that they're doing is focused strictly on
Pakistan. So I think that that is a continuing threat to Europe as well as to
The Pentagon says it has fewer than 100 troops in Pakistan, including personnel
who are training Pakistan's paramilitary Frontier Corps in the western tribal
region along the Afghanistan border.
The U.S. military has used other means, including aerial surveillance by drones,
to hunt Osama bin Laden and other senior al-Qaida leaders believed to be hiding
near the Afghan border. Ground troops on the Afghan side sometimes fire
artillery across the border at known Taliban or al-Qaida targets, and U.S.
officials have said special operations forces are poised to strike across the
border under certain circumstances.
In recent days, administration officials have said they would send more U.S.
forces, including small numbers of combat troops, if the Pakistani government
decided it wanted to collaborate more closely.
It is far from certain that U.S. combat troops will set foot in Pakistan in any
substantial numbers. On Friday, Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, said his
country opposes any foreign forces on its soil. ''The man in the street will not
allow this -- he will come out and agitate,'' he said. Musharraf said the U.S.
instead should bolster its combat forces in Afghanistan.
The top two U.S. intelligence officials made a secret visit to Pakistan in early
January to seek Musharraf's permission for greater involvement of American
forces in trying to ferret out al-Qaida and other militant groups active in the
tribal regions, a senior U.S. official said Saturday. Musharraf was said to have
rebuffed an expansion of an American presence in Pakistan at the meeting, either
through overt CIA. missions or by joint operations with Pakistani security
The number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan has grown over the past two years from
about 20,000 to the current total of 28,000. That is the highest number of the
war, which began in October 2001. The total is to jump by 3,200 this spring with
a new influx of Marine reinforcements, including 2,200 combat troops who will
bolster a NATO-led counterinsurgency force in the south.
''There is strong pressure now from the international community to find some
solution to Afghanistan because of the fear that this could quickly go south,''
said Ashley J. Tellis, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. In 2006-07, he was an adviser to Nicholas Burns, the
undersecretary of state for political affairs.
''We haven't lost the war yet, but we could be on our way to doing so,'' Tellis
said in a telephone interview Friday. He strongly recommends strengthening the
U.S. military presence in southern Afghanistan.
The vast majority of deployed U.S. troops are still in Iraq, although the force
of nearly 160,000 is set on a downward trend. In recent weeks U.S. officials
have spoken of Iraq as moving toward stability, with al-Qaida-affiliated
fighters weakened and possibly forced to make a last stand.
So there is no wholesale shift of U.S. military firepower from Iraq to
Afghanistan. Gates recently rejected a Marine Corps proposal to move the
20,000-plus Marine contingent in Iraq to Afghanistan, reflecting a worry that
Iraq's progress is still fragile.
Just last month Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told
Congress that the war in Afghanistan is a secondary priority. ''In Afghanistan
we do what we can. In Iraq we do what we must,'' he said.
Yet it is apparent that as security conditions in Iraq improve, the
administration is looking closer at what needs to be done in Afghanistan to
counter recent gains by the Taliban. The Taliban ruled the country in the late
1990s and provided haven and support for bin Laden as his global terrorist
network laid the groundwork from Afghanistan for the Sept. 11 attacks.
Gates is leading a NATO effort to produce a statement of goals for Afghanistan
that spells out clearly what is at stake. The purpose is to bolster NATO
governments' efforts to convince their publics that fighting and dying in
Afghanistan is an investment worth making. The statement is supposed to be ready
for adoption by President Bush and other NATO leaders at a summit meeting in
Also, the administration is showing more interest in deepening its involvement
in Pakistan.
Teresita C. Schaffer, director for South Asia at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, said Friday that an important indicator of that approach
was the recent visit to Pakistan by Adm. William J. Fallon, the commander of
American forces in that region. Fallon met with senior officials, including the
new chief of the Pakistani army, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani.
''Why is that happening now?'' Schaffer asked. ''It suggests to me that the
administration is taking this much more seriously than it was.'' That has meant
more attentiveness to the needs of U.S. commanders in Afghanistan, including
officers' concerns about countering the threat inside Pakistan.
''The sense I get is that at least in military terms they are getting a response
from Washington which they weren't getting all along,'' said Schaffer, a career
foreign service officer who was deputy assistant secretary of state for South
Asia in the administration of former President Bush.
US Shift Seen to Pakistan, Afghanistan, NYT, 27.1.2008,
says threat against airlines remains high
Fri Jan 25,
12:16pm EST
By Dominic Evans
Switzerland (Reuters) - The United States is likely to keep a high threat
designation for the airline industry because militants still see air travel as a
target, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said.
Chertoff said the orange, or high, threat level assigned to the airline sector
-- one level higher than the overall alert level for the United States -- was
based on a general assessment rather than a specific threat.
"We've seen again and again interest in this sector," he said, pointing to an
alleged British-based plot to blow up transatlantic flights using liquid
explosives in 2006 and an attempted car bomb attack on Glasgow airport last year.
"So people think of aviation not only in terms of the aircraft but the whole
infrastructure including the airports," Chertoff told Reuters at the World
Economic Forum in Switzerland.
The Department of Homeland Security was itself created in response to the
attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, when al Qaeda hijackers
commandeered four planes, slamming two into New York's World Trade Centre and
one into the Pentagon outside Washington, and crashing the fourth in a field in
More than six years after the attacks which killed nearly 3,000 people, "there
continues to be a focus on air travel as a target," he said, adding the threat
level was unlikely to be changed in the near future.
Chertoff, who warned last week that one of the biggest threats to U.S. security
could come from Europe, said European counter-terrorism authorities acknowledge
their countries "are both a target and a platform" for militants.
But over the last year he and his European counterparts had broadly agreed on
what measures needed to be put in place including exchange of information about
potential attackers and greater border security.
In an effort to stem militant recruitment, they had sought to understand the
process of radicalization which could lead towards militancy, Chertoff said.
Highlighting one perceived difference between the United States and Europe,
Chertoff said Muslims in the United States were well integrated into society. "I
don't think there is a perception that they are marginalized and we want to make
sure they don't feel marginalized," he said.
But he said U.S. authorities were paying particular attention to the potential
for militant recruiting inside jails.
"Prisons are always a fertile area for recruitment of all extreme groups,
whatever the ideology," Chertoff said.
U.S. says threat against airlines remains high, R,
to More Than 17 Years in Prison
January 22,
The New York Times
Jose Padilla, a Brooklyn-born convert to Islam who became one of the first
Americans designated “an enemy combatant,” was sentenced to 17 years and four
months in prison by a federal judge in Miami on Tuesday for his conviction on
charges that he conspired to help Islamic terrorists around the world.
The judge also sentenced Adham Amin Hassoun, one of Mr. Padilla’s two
co-defendants, to 15 years and eight months. The second co-defendant, Kifah Wael
Jayyousi, received 12 years and eight months. All three men were convicted last
August of conspiracy to murder and kidnap people in a foreign country, and of
two lesser counts of material support.
The sentences, imposed by Judge Marcia G. Cooke of Federal District Court in
Miami, fell far short of government prosecutor’s requests that each defendant be
sentenced to life in prison. “There is no evidence that these defendants
personally, killed maimed or kidnapped” anyone, said Judge Cooke before
announcing her sentencing decision.The sentences followed a three-month trial
and a seven-day sentencing hearing, and brought to a close the latest chapter in
Mr. Padilla’s extraordinary legal journey, which began with his arrest in May
2002 at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago.
John Ashcroft, who was then the attorney general, announced Mr. Padilla’s
capture a month later, saying that Mr. Padilla was part of an “unfolding
terrorist plot to attack the United States by exploding a radioactive dirty
bomb” intended to cause “mass death and injury.”
Mr. Padilla was held in isolation in a military brig in South Carolina for three
and a half years, and subjected to intensive interrogations, before being
transferred to civilian custody in Miami in 2006 and added to the conspiracy
case against Mr. Hassoun and Mr. Jayyousi.
The three were charged with belonging to a North American terrorism support cell
that provided money, recruits and supplies to Islamic extremists around the
Mr. Padilla’s detention became the centerpiece of a heated debate about the Bush
administration’s approach to prosecuting terrorism.
Administration officials had long maintained that some terrorism suspects could
be properly handled only with military detention and trials by military
commissions, not in the civilian justice system. But the verdict against Mr.
Padilla seemed to undercut the administration’s insistence and, in the eyes of
critics of the administration’s approach, proved that the criminal justice
system should have handled the case in the first place.
The three-month trial included dozens of witnesses and transcripts of wiretapped
phone calls between the defendants.
Prosecutors contended that Mr. Hassoun, 45, a computer programmer of Palestinian
descent, recruited Mr. Padilla, 37, at a mosque in Broward County. The
government argued that both Mr. Hassoun and Mr. Jayyousi, 46, an engineer and
school administrator originally from Jordan, provided supplies, recruits and
money to radical Islamic jihadists abroad
Defense lawyers contended that the men were involved in humanitarian missions to
help persecuted Muslims in places like Bosnia, Chechnya, Lebanon and Somalia.
On Friday, during the final day of the sentencing hearing, Mr. Hassoun and Mr.
Jayyousi told the court that their intentions were never malevolent. “We didn’t
want to kill anybody,” Mr. Hassoun said. “I spent my life helping people. And I
will never end it hurting people.”
In a separate statement, Mr. Jayyousi said, “I promised no support to kill,
kidnap or maim anyone.”
The government’s main evidence against Mr. Padilla, a former Chicago gang member
with a lengthy criminal record, was an application form that prosecutors said he
had filled out to attend an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan in 2000.
Defense lawyers argued that Mr. Padilla had traveled to the Middle East to study
Islam and Arabic, not to participate in a violent Islamic jihad.
At the hearing on Friday, Brian Frazier, an assistant United States attorney,
said, “It’s a wide-ranging conspiracy that enveloped many locations and many
groups and took on many forms.” He pointed to Mr. Padilla’s long criminal record
prior to his conversion to Islam and called him “a terrorist diamond in the
Following the defendants’ convictions last Aug. 16, some legal experts said the
success of the Justice Department’s strategy cemented a new prosecutorial model
in terrorism cases by relying on a little-used conspiracy law that required very
little in the way of concrete evidence showing Mr. Padilla’s intent or ability
to carry out the crimes.
During the sentencing hearings, which began two weeks ago and included seven
days of arguments and witness testimony, defense lawyers argued for lesser
sentences, saying that there was little evidence linking the three defendants to
actual terrorism attacks or groups.
But Judge Cooke rejected these arguments and found that enhanced terrorism
penalties could be applied, making all three eligible for life sentences. She
said the evidence showed that Mr. Padilla intended to participate in violent
“He was an instrument of the scheme itself,” Judge Cooke said last week,
according to The Associated Press. “He responded to the all to go overseas.”
The terrorism enhancement label is a provision of federal law that imposes
stricter penalties for proof of a terrorism crime that seeks to change
governments into radical Islamic states.
Padilla Sentenced to More Than 17 Years in Prison, NYT,
Court Rules Against Ex - Detainees
January 11,
Filed at 12:18 p.m. ET
The New York Times
(AP) -- A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against four British men who
allege they were systematically tortured throughout their two-year detention at
Guantanamo Bay.
In a lawsuit against individual U.S. military officials, the four British men
''do not allege that the defendants acted as rogue officials or employees who
implemented a policy of torture for reasons unrelated to the gathering of
intelligence,'' the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
said in a 3-0 decision.
The defendants in the case include retired Gen. Richard Myers, former chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The four who sued are Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal,
Rhuhel Ahmed and Jamal Al-Harith, all British citizens and residents. They were
released from the Guantanamo Bay facility and returned to Great Britain in 2004.
The appeals court ruling comes at a time when the Supreme Court is considering
whether other prisoners still detained at Guantanamo Bay have a right to
challenge their confinement in U.S. courts.
The case is Rasul v. Myers, 06-5209.
On the Net:
Court of appeals ruling:
Appeals Court Rules Against Ex - Detainees, NYT, 11.1.2008,