History > 2006 > UK > Community
relations / Racism (III)
Critics of Israel
'fuelling hatred of
British Jews'
MPs demand action
against rising abuse,
harassment and even violence
Sunday September 3, 2006
The Observer
Ned Temko, chief political correspondent
A group of prominent MPs, alarmed at the rise
of anti-semitism in Britain, will accuse some left-wing activists and Muslim
extremists this week of using criticism of Israel as 'a pretext' for spreading
hatred against British Jews.
The charge is made in a hard-hitting report -
by MPs from all three major political parties - which will be unveiled at a
Downing Street meeting with Tony Blair on Thursday.
The report is published in the wake of an alarming increase in verbal
harassment, abusive emails and letters, and even violent assaults on British
Jews. The number of incidents that took place in July, which came in the middle
of escalating violence in the Middle East, was the third highest on record.
The 10-month inquiry into anti-semitism in Britain was chaired by the former
Europe Minister Denis MacShane and included the former Tory leader Iain Duncan
Smith and the Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Chris Huhne.
Details of the report are being kept confidential until its formal release.
However, a draft of the document - seen by The Observer - reveals that incidents
of verbal abuse, harassment and violence against Jewish community members and
their institutions is reaching worrying levels.
It urges more consistent action by police, prosecutors and the government. All
have failed to tackle antisemitism with the same determination as other forms of
racism, the report suggests.
The report voices particular concern over 'a minority of Islamic extremists who
are inciting hatred towards Jews', and it criticises recent moves by left-wing
academics to boycott links with Israel. Though emphasising the right of people
to criticise or protest against Israeli government actions, it says 'rage' over
Israeli policies has sometimes 'provided a pretext' for anti-semitism.
'Calls to boycott contacts with intellectuals and academics working in Israel
are an assault on academic freedom and intellectual exchange,' the report says,
adding that the response of university vice-chancellors to such campaigns has
been patchy.
Pro-boycott activists have angrily rejected allegations of anti-semitism and
accused their critics of using the charge to ward off political criticism of
MacShane, speaking last week on a BBC radio programme devoted to Jewish
community issues, said British Jews were right to 'shudder' at the 'aggressive'
comparison of Israeli policies with the Holocaust. He also spoke of a 'witch's
brew' of anti-semitism including the far left and 'ultra-Islamist' extremists
who reject Israel's right to exist.
Among the report's dozens of recommendations is a call for the government to
adopt the broad-ranging European Union definition of anti-semitism - including
activities targeting 'the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity'
with 'symbols and images associated with classical anti-semitism'.
It also recommends greater security support for the community, which spends
millions of pounds on fencing, CCTV cameras and other measures to safeguard
synagogues, schools and other communal institutions. 'It is not right for any
group of British citizens to dig into their own pocket because they feel there
is not adequate protection for their right to express themselves religiously or
culturally,' MacShane said.
What they say
Jonathan Sachs, Chief Rabbi
Anti-semitism used to be a product of national
cultures. Today's is global, communicated by satellite television, email and the
internet. It is not broadcast but narrowcast, targeted at specific audiences,
sometimes in Arabic. Its breeding ground is in radical Islamist circles, and its
targets - synagogues, Jewish schools and community centres, Jews in the street -
often have nothing to do with Israel.
Anthony Lerman, executive director, the
Institute for Jewish Policy Research
Anti-semitism today is a serious problem for
Jews and for society as a whole. But what of the vexed question of whether
anti-Zionism or singling out Israel for extreme criticism is anti-semitic? While
very many Jews feel a deep attachment to Israel, it is the opposite of clear
thinking to assume that all expressions of anti-Zionism are simply a cloak for,
or a form of, anti-semitism. It drains the word of any useful value, confusing a
strongly held political view with prejudice against a whole people.
Mitch Simmons, campaigns director, Union of
Jewish Students
When a Jewish student waves their family
goodbye, their parents have an additional concern: will they be a victim of
anti-semitism? University campuses, perhaps more than anywhere else, have been
the laboratory for the changing vocabulary of contemporary anti-semitism. If a
Jewish student feels it necessary to wear a baseball cap on campus to hide his
skullcap for fear of physical or verbal assault, then that campus can no longer
be considered a safe space for all students.
Critics of Israel 'fuelling hatred of British Jews', O, 3.9.2006,
Attacks on Jews soar since Lebanon
Synagogues and citizens have been targeted
September 02, 2006
The Times
By Joanna Bale and Anthony Browne
BRITISH Jews are facing a wave of anti-Semitic
attacks prompted by Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Synagogues have
been daubed with graffiti, Jewish leaders have had hate-mail and ordinary people
have been subjected to insults and vandalism.
On Thursday an all-party parliamentary inquiry will state that anti-Semitic
violence has become endemic in Britain, both on the streets and university
campuses. The report will call for urgent action from the Government, the police
and educational establishments.
Mark Gardner, of the Community Security Trust, said: “In July, when the conflict
in Lebanon began, we received reports of 92 incidents, which was the third-worst
month since records began in 1984.” In 2000 the monthly average was between 10
and 30 incidents.
The former minister Denis MacShane, who chaired the parliamentary inquiry, said:
“These figures confirm the evidence given to us that anti-Semitic attacks are a
very real problem.”
The Board of Deputies of British Jews submitted evidence to the inquiry that
anti-Semitism in Britain was at its worst level.
The July incidents “were more dispersed than usual”, Mr Gardner said. “It is
usually a small number responsible for a large number of attacks, but these were
very widespread across the country and included graffiti attacks on synagogues
in Edinburgh and Glasgow.”
The attackers, when visible, are from across society, he said. “When it’s verbal
abuse, it’s just ordinary people in the street, from middle-class women to
working-class men. All colours and backgrounds. We hardly ever see incidents
involving the classic neo-Nazi skinhead. Muslims are over-represented.”
In hate-mail to senior Jewish figures, ordinary Jewish people were being blamed
for the deaths of Lebanese civilians. “There are also references to the
Holocaust, saying that Hitler should have wiped out the Jews.”
Mr Gardner said that the rise in attacks reflected increased hostility to Israel
and Jews in the media and across society: “The number of anti-Semitic attacks
reflects the mood music around Jews and Israel.”
There have been several attacks in Golders Green and Hampstead Garden Suburb in
North London, where there is a large Jewish population. La Maison du Café in
Golders Green Road was targeted two weeks ago by two young men who threw chairs
at the restaurant, punched workers and threatened to kill the owner, Ruth Cohen,
with a knife.
Ms Cohen, 34, said: “They asked if it was a Jewish restaurant. They said they
were going to kill me and called me a ‘dirty Jew’, a ‘stinking Jew’. One of them
had a knife. A colleague came out. They started punching him and throwing
In Hampstead Garden Suburb, swastikas and the words “Kill all Jews” and “Allah”
were daubed on the house and car of Justin Stebbing. Dr Stebbing, who works at a
hospital, said: “I felt violated. It’s horrible.”
Jon Benjamin, of the Board of Deputies, said: “The problem is the spin that
Israel is an irredeemably evil regime, and we are concerned that it may become
common currency to connect British Jews with this.”
The Association of Chief Police Officers said: “Our National Community Tension
Team are alert to recent incidents. We are working with the CST. We are strongly
encouraging reporting of incidents.”
Attacks on Jews soar since Lebanon,
Ts, 2.9.2006,