History > 2006 > USA > Free Speech
Librarians Win
as U.S. Relents on Secrecy Law
April 13, 2006
The New York Times
After fighting ferociously for months, federal prosecutors
relented yesterday and agreed to allow a Connecticut library group to identify
itself as the recipient of a secret F.B.I. demand for records in a
counterterrorism investigation.
The decision ended a dispute over whether the broad provisions for secrecy in
the USA Patriot Act, the antiterror law, trumped the free speech rights of
library officials. The librarians had gone to federal court to gain permission
to identify themselves as the recipients of the secret subpoena, known as a
national security letter, ordering them to turn over patron records and e-mail
It was unclear what impact the government's decision would have on the
approximately 30,000 other such letters that are issued each year. Changes in
the Patriot Act now allow the government discretion over whether to enforce or
relax what had been a blanket secrecy requirement concerning the letters.
Lawyers for the group, the Library Connection of Windsor, Conn., argued that
their client was eager to participate freely in the debate last year over the
reauthorization of the Patriot Act. But federal prosecutors asserted that the
Patriot Act required that the group's identity remain secret and that the
government would suffer irreparable harm if any information about its
investigations became known.
The decision by the Justice Department to drop the case was applauded by the
American Civil Liberties Union, which brought the lawsuit on behalf of the
librarians. The civil liberties group said it would identify its clients at a
news conference once court proceedings in the case are completed in a few weeks.
"We are obviously very much looking forward to the day where they can explain
how it felt to be under threat of criminal prosecution for merely identifying
themselves," said Ann Beeson, the civil liberties union's associate legal
director. "The clients are happy that the fight over this gag is nearing its
Kevin J. O'Connor, the United States attorney in Connecticut, said yesterday
that the government decided drop its case largely because the Patriot Act's
secrecy provisions concerning national security subpoenas were changed to give
the Federal Bureau of Investigation discretion in allowing recipients to
identify themselves.
The government was also under pressure to drop its fight after mistakenly
disclosing in court records the very information it was fighting to keep secret.
Government lawyers failed to redact all of their references to the Library
Connection in court filings, leading to the disclosure of the group's identity
in The New York Times and other newspapers.
"Certainly that was a factor," Mr. O'Connor said. But he said "the legal basis"
for the decision was the change in the Patriot Act giving the government the
authority to allow recipients of the subpoenas to identify themselves.
"For both practical and legal reasons, we have determined that continuing to
pursue this appeal does not make sense," he said.
Mr. O'Connor was in the process of appealing a decision by a federal district
judge last September to allow the library to identify itself, saying the
nondisclosure provision in the national security letter violated the library's
First Amendment rights.
That appeal is pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit in New York.
Mr. O'Connor said that in light of the changes to the Patriot Act, the Justice
Department would re-examine whether the secrecy requirements that apply to
recipients of past national security letters should continue to be enforced.
He said the government would also make a determination when sending future
letters whether the recipient would be prohibited from saying he had received
George Christian, the executive director of Library Connection, a cooperative of
26 libraries that share an automated system, has answered "no comment" when
asked about the case by reporters. He did not respond to several messages
seeking comment last night.
According to court records, the federal government's national security letter to
Library Connection last year asked Mr. Christian to "personally" hand over
records that might be of use in a counterterrorism investigation and that he not
disclose the matter "to any person."
But the group challenged the request in federal court, arguing through its
lawyers that it wanted the ban lifted immediately. The group said that time was
of the essence in lifting the ban because the Patriot Act was set to be
reauthorized by Dec. 31 and, as a party with an interest in the matter, it
wanted the right to speak out against the act.
United States District Judge Janet C. Hall agreed with the group, ruling last
year that the order of silence should be lifted. But the federal government
appealed the decision, ultimately preventing the group from weighing in on how
the Patriot Act should be rewritten before the Dec. 31 deadline.
Ms. Beeson said yesterday that she believed the government's decision to drop
the appeal was politically timed.
"The issue over whether the government was using its Patriot Act powers to
demand library records was one of the hot-button issues in this debate," she
said. "And our clients could have been extremely powerful spokespeople in
opposing the reauthorization of the act, because they had actually received one
of those national security letters."
Now that the debate in Congress is over, she said, "There's no longer any reason
to keep our clients quiet."
Mr. O'Connor dismissed that argument and said that the language in the Patriot
Act was such that the federal government had no choice but to insist that
Library Connection refrain from speaking out.
"I know it's being perceived as a flip-flop, but that is simply not the case,"
he said.
Librarians Win as
U.S. Relents on Secrecy Law, NYT, 13.4.2006,
Mayor Suspends Top Jail Chaplain
While Defending Free
March 15, 2006
The New York Times
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg suspended the Correction
Department's top chaplain for two weeks yesterday in connection with remarks he
made about the White House being occupied by terrorists. The mayor acknowledged
that the words were "inappropriate and offensive," but he also offered a
vigorous defense of the right to free speech, which he said was under increasing
Expounding on that theme, the mayor alluded to a Danish newspaper's publication
of a cartoon ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad and the controversy that engulfed
Harvard's president, Lawrence H. Summers, after he suggested that women lacked
men's innate abilities in science and math.
"Looking across America, it seems that free speech is being attacked by the
right under the guise of patriotism and by the left through academic intolerance
that stifles necessary debate," he said.
He later added: "As Americans, we should never pander to xenophobia,
anti-intellectualism or convention. We must never be afraid of free speech or
multiculturalism — the genesis of America's founding. And we must never use the
war on terror, or political correctness, as the pretext for stifling political
The mayor made his remarks in discussing how he handled the case of the
chaplain, an imam who, in a speech to Muslim students in Tucson last April,
asserted that "the greatest terrorists in the world occupy the White House" and
made a comment about what he called "the Zionists of the media." The chaplain,
Umar Abdul-Jalil, was placed on paid leave last Thursday. Yesterday, the mayor
announced the imam's two-week suspension without pay for bringing discredit to
the department by failing to make clear that he was speaking only for himself.
The mayor said the content of the speech was not the cause of the suspension.
"I know that this decision will not satisfy extremists on either side of the
political spectrum," the mayor said. "Some will demand he be fired and others
would prefer no penalty at all."
The mayor's remarks came as he increasingly wades into searing national debates
in his second term, taking potshots at both the right and the left. Just last
week he faulted politicians critical of the Bush administration's deal with a
Dubai company to take over operations of American ports, suggesting they were
political opportunists. And he has repeatedly gone after the National Rifle
Association and the tobacco industry.
For his part, Mr. Abdul-Jalil said he was "very disappointed" at the suspension
and was considering an appeal. "It was never my intention to be disrespectful or
to hurt anyone," he said. "I preach love and respect for all people of all
faiths. I am sorry if my words were taken out of context and caused offense to
The correction commissioner, Martin F. Horn, concluded that Mr. Abdul-Jalil
violated two departmental rules. He failed to tell his audience that he was
speaking as a private citizen and not as a city official, the mayor said, and by
not doing so, broke another rule prohibiting "conduct of a nature to bring
discredit upon the department."
Mr. Abdul-Jalil did follow departmental policy by informing his supervisors and
obtaining approval before giving the two speeches, but his failure to
distinguish his personal and official roles was "a significant violation" that
"has brought criticism upon himself and the Correction Department," the mayor
The mayor, who had promised to make the decision himself because it involved
matters of principle, consulted extensively with city lawyers, including the
corporation counsel, Michael A. Cardozo. In 1996 and 1997, federal judges struck
down policies that required New York City employees to obtain permission before
talking to the press or making a speech.
Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Cardozo said that the decision to suspend Mr. Abdul-Jalil
was consistent with previous cases. It was not clear, however, if the mayor's
decision would withstand a legal challenge. The departmental rule — in effect
since June 24, 2004 — requiring employees to make clear that their public
statements reflect "solely the employee's opinions" appears to apply only to
speech "regarding department policies or operations." In his remarks, Mr.
Abdul-Jalil referred repeatedly to his work at the Correction Department and
criticized the high incarceration rate in the country, but he did not claim to
be speaking for the department.
Even so, city officials appear to have treated Mr. Abdul-Jalil leniently. As
executive director of ministerial services, officials said, he serves at the
pleasure of the commissioner without civil service protections, and could be
dismissed at will.
Mr. Bloomberg, who was joined by 11 clerics, including several chaplains who
work with Mr. Abdul-Jalil at the Correction Department, said that an
investigation had shown the chaplain to be "a conscientious and dedicated
employee" who "is genuinely liked, trusted and well regarded" and "teaches a
message of tolerance, forbearance, peace and respect to the law to all faiths,
Three of the six Jewish chaplains at the Correction Department — Leib Glanz,
Baruch Leibowitz and Herbert D. Richtman — appeared at the news conference to
support Mr. Abdul-Jalil. "The man has no, not even a fraction of, anti-Semitism
in his bones," Rabbi Glanz said. He added that the other Jewish chaplains were
busy with a Purim service but supported Mr. Abdul-Jalil as well.
Mayor Suspends Top
Jail Chaplain While Defending Free Speech, NYT, 15.3.2006,