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Arts > Photo > USA > Cornell Capa   1918-2008




Clint Hartung - Baseball Player

Date taken: February 1947


Photographer: Cornell Capa


Life Images
















Cornell Capa    1918-2008


Cornell Capa

(born Cornel Friedmann

on April 10, 1918,

in Budapest Hungary)


[ . . . ]



the International

Center of Photography

in New York

after a long

and distinguished career

as a photojournalist,

first on the staff

of Life magazine

and then as a member

of Magnum Photos


[ . . . ]


In Mr. Capa’s

nearly 30 years

as a photojournalist,

the professional code

to which

he steadfastly adhered

is best summed up

by the title of his 1968 book

“The Concerned Photographer.”


He used the phrase often

to describe any photographer

who was passionately dedicated

to doing work that contributed

to the understanding

and well-being of humanity

and who produced

“images in which genuine

human feeling predominates

over commercial cynicism

or disinterested formalism.”














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