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Arts > Photo > 20th, 21st century > UK > David Hurn




Six Bells. The last chapel walk.

The congregation from various chapels

join the walk as the singers pass their chapel.

This was the last one I heard of in Wales.



Photograph: David Hurn

Magnum Photos


David Hurn is one of the UK’s most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales

are full of wit, energy and love

He also founded a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.

Land of my fathers: Wales at work, rest and play – in pictures


Wednesday 1 June 2016    07.00 BST




















Sarah enjoys the realities of never ending fantasies.



Photograph: David Hurn

Magnum Photos


David Hurn is one of the UK’s most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales

are full of wit, energy and love

He also founded a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.

Land of my fathers: Wales at work, rest and play – in pictures


Wednesday 1 June 2016    07.00 BST


















Cwm. Seniors dance in the local social club.



Photograph: David Hurn

Magnum Photos


David Hurn is one of the UK’s most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales

are full of wit, energy and love

He also founded a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.

Land of my fathers: Wales at work, rest and play – in pictures


Wednesday 1 June 2016    07.00 BST


















 Six Bells. Children’s fun on site of old colliery.



Photograph: David Hurn

Magnum Photos


David Hurn is one of the UK’s most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales

are full of wit, energy and love

He also founded a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.

Land of my fathers: Wales at work, rest and play – in pictures


Wednesday 1 June 2016    07.00 BST


















Cwm. The women’s choir.



Photograph: David Hurn

Magnum Photos


David Hurn is one of the UK’s most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales

are full of wit, energy and love

He also founded a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.

Land of my fathers: Wales at work, rest and play – in pictures


Wednesday 1 June 2016    07.00 BST



















Abertillery. Children’s party.



Photograph: David Hurn

Magnum Photos


David Hurn is one of the UK’s most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales

are full of wit, energy and love

He also founded a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.

Land of my fathers: Wales at work, rest and play – in pictures


Wednesday 1 June 2016    07.00 BST


















Cwm. Easter Chapel walk

and the placing of the cross on the top of the local mountain.



Photograph: David Hurn

Magnum Photos


David Hurn is one of the UK’s most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales

are full of wit, energy and love

He also founded a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.

Land of my fathers:

Wales at work, rest and play – in pictures


Wednesday 1 June 2016    07.00 BST



















Queen Charlotte’s Ball (London, 1967)


The highlight of what was called

‘the debutante season’ and ‘coming out’.


It had its roots in the 18th century when, around 1780,

the king, George III, held a ball for his wife’s birthday.


It was proposed that the well bred and prettiest girls

should be presented at court to the Queen,

in order that they could meet a suitable marriage partner,

known as the ‘debs’ delights’


Photograph: David Hurn


Dolly Partons and debutantes:

a Welshman’s view of Arizona – in pictures

Photograph: David Hurn/Magnum Photos


David Hurn moved from wet,

socialist Wales to a scorching, rightwing state in the US

– but his eye for life’s eccentricities remained unchanged


Tue 23 May 2023    07.00 BST
















David Hurn


one of the UK’s

most celebrated reportage photographers

– and his images of his native Wales are full of wit,

energy and love.


Hurn was born in Surrey

but grew up and still lives in Wales.


He is dyslexic.


He joined the army,

but eventually ended up

working for the Reflex photo agency.


He began his career in the 1950s,

covering current affairs

such as the Hungarian revolution,

but moved away from news journalism.


His breakthrough moment

was, as he told Vice,

‘a photo in a copy of Picture Post.


In the army we were led to believe

that all Russians ate their children,

but I saw this photo of a Russian army officer

buying his wife a hat in a department store.


And I started to cry ...


Suddenly I realised

that I believed much more in the photo

than I did in any propaganda.


I realised that photography

really can move people,

just by being accurate’.


He had various glamorous assignments,

including photographing James Bond posters

and Jane Fonda filming Barbarella,

and hiding Ringo Starr from paparazzi.


But he also celebrated

the less starry world of ordinary people in Wales.


‘I decided that if I went around Wales,

and maybe made some books

– one on the places people live,

one on the way people live,

one on the landscape they live in and so on

– then maybe I could eventually come to understand

what that culture is,’ he said.


‘And that’s basically what I do.

I enjoy photographing the mundane’


He also founded

a respected documentary photography course,

which he taught for 15 years in Newport.


In the joy and warmth he depicts,

he seems to take his own advice

in his influential book On Being a Photographer:


‘Individual pictures can be very important

even when rationally, intellectually made,

but the bodies of work,

the lifetime achievements of a photographer,

which impress me most

are those based in love as well as knowledge’


‘In a real sense,

photography has fulfilled the Greek ideal of art;


it should not only improve the photographer,

but also improve the world’,

he claims








in-pictures - Guardian picture gallery




in-pictures - Guardian picture gallery



















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