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Arts > Photo > USA > Grey Villet   1927-2000




Richard Loving kisses his wife Mildred

as he arrives home from work,


King and Queen County, Virginia,

April 1965.


© Estate of Grey Villet
















Grey Villet    1927-2000


In the spring of 1965,

my husband, Grey Villet,

was given

a Life Magazine assignment

to photograph the Lovings,

an interracial married couple

then embroiled in legal tangles

after their arrest

for miscegenation in Virginia.


Grey did not

concern himself

with those entanglements.


He chose, as he did

in every essay

we ever worked on together,

to seek out

the literal heart of the matter:

a love story.


Emotional content

always mattered

most to Grey in his work

and pursuit of images

“as real as real could get.”


It’s what gives his take

on the Loving family

its intimacy and strength.


Grey was a purist

in his approach

to every essay he shot.


Quiet as a cat,

he seemed almost

to disappear as he worked.


Unlike many other

celebrated photographers,

he avoided posing his subjects,

refused to manipulate the action

and simply waited patiently

for telling moments to emerge,

in the belief that reality

would supply more truth

than any imposition

of his own ego.








































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